<%@Language=Javascript%> <% /* Took this out, cuz do we really need it? Since all the cookies are grabbed? var rLang = "en" var rTemplate = 0 var rContact = 0 var rProduct = 0 var rSolutionType = 0 var rDeliveryType = 0 var rSP = 0 var rModule = 0 var rBug = "" var rDescription = "" var rKB = "" var rSolutionID = 0 */
var STATE_NEWSOLUTION = 0 var UNDEF = "undefined"
var DebugBuild
var rState = new String( Request.QueryString("State") ) var rMode = new String( Request.Cookies("rMode") ) var Alias = GetShortUserAlias() //Alias = new String(Alias ) //if ( Alias.toString() != "sandywe" || Alias.toString() != "solson" ) if ( (Alias != "solson") && (Alias != "sandywe") && (Alias != "andreva" ) && ( Alias != "jeffreyb" ) ) { Response.Write("You do not have access to this site, please contact [email protected] if this is in error. " + Alias) Response.End() } //First check to see if we get the solutionID on the QueryString, if so, that means someone //wants to lookup this solution via the drop down list. So get it. var rSolutionID = Request.QueryString( "Val" ) //val is sent to this page by this page. . . strange isn't it. //If the solutionID is not a number, then it doesn't exist on the querystring, so check the cookie if ( isNaN( rSolutionID ) || rSolutionID == null ) { rSolutionID = Request.Cookies( "rSolutionID" )
//if it doesn't exist in the cookie, then they must be on a new solution. if ( isNaN( rSolutionID ) || rSolutionID == "" ) rSolutionID= STATE_NEWSOLUTION; }
try { if ( rSolutionID != STATE_NEWSOLUTION ) { var g_DBConn = GetDBConnection( Application("SOLUTIONS3") ) { //Get the data, and set the variables var rsSolution = g_DBConn.Execute( "SEP_GetSolutionBySolutionID " + rSolutionID ) var rTemplate = new String( rsSolution("TemplateID" ) ) var rLang="en" var rContact = new String( rsSolution("ContactID" ) ) var rProduct = new String( rsSolution("ProductID" ) ) var rSolutionType = new String( rsSolution("SolutionType" ) ) var rDeliveryType = new String( rsSolution("DeliveryType" ) ) var rSP = new String( rsSolution("SP" ) ) var rModule = new String( rsSolution("ModuleID" ) ) var rKB = new String( rsSolution("Description") ) } } else { var rTemplate = new String( Request.Cookies("rTemplate") ) var rLang ="en" var rContact = new String( Request.Cookies("rContact") ) var rProduct = new String( Request.Cookies("rProduct") ) var rSolutionType = new String( Request.Cookies("rSolutionType") ) var rDeliveryType = new String( Request.Cookies("rDeliveryType") ) var rSP = new String( Request.Cookies("rSP") ) var rModule = new String( Request.Cookies("rModule") ) var rKB = new String( Request.Cookies("rKB") ) } } catch( err ) { Response.Write("SolutionID:" + rSolutionID + "<BR>") Response.Write("err: " + err.description ) } //This is kinda a fallback, in case these things didn't get set . . . //Sometimes the values are null in the DB, so set them so nothing breaks in the RDS control if ( rSolutionType == "" ) { rSolutionType = 0; rDeliveryType = 0; }
//Response.Write("rSolutionID " + rSolutionID) %>
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<tr> <td colspan=2 align='right' style='padding-right:15px'> <input class='clsButton' type='button' value='Edit/Create Solution' OnClick='javascript:fnSaveMode();fnClearState();window.location="http://<%=g_ServerName%>/SEP_LeftNav.asp?Val=" + document.all.SolutionID.value + "&State=1"'> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 align='right' style='padding-right:15px'> <input id='btnLinkBuckets' class='clsButton' type='button' value='Link Buckets' OnClick="window.parent.frames('sepBody').window.location='sep_LinkBucketsToSolution.asp?SolutionID=' + SolutionID.value"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 align='right' style='padding-right:15px'> <input class='clsButton' type='button' value='Response Queue' OnClick="fnClearState();window.parent.frames('sepBody').window.location='sep_SolutionQueue.asp?Mode=' + Mode.value"> <hr> </td> </tr> </table>
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<tr> <td class='flyoutLink'> <img alt='' src='/include/images/endnode.gif' border='0' WIDTH='11' HEIGHT='11'> Preview Language </td> <td colspan=3> <SELECT class='clsSEPSelect' NAME='Lang' OnChange='fnUpdate();fnSaveState()'> <OPTION VALUE='en' <%if (rLang == "en") Response.Write( "SELECTED" )%>>en <OPTION VALUE='de' <%if (rLang == "de") Response.Write( "SELECTED" )%>>de <OPTION VALUE='ja' <%if (rLang == "ja") Response.Write( "SELECTED" )%>>ja <OPTION VALUE='fr' <%if (rLang == "fr") Response.Write( "SELECTED" )%>>fr </select> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td class='flyoutLinkRed'> <img alt='' src='/include/images/offsite.gif' border='0' WIDTH='18' HEIGHT='11'> <a name='aTemplate' href="http://<%=g_ServerName%>" target='sepBody' OnClick='javascript:fnSaveState();this.href="http://<%=g_ServerName%>/SEP_EditTemplate.asp?Lang=en&Val=" + document.all.TemplateID.value' >Template</a> </td> <td> <select class='clsSEPSelect' name='TemplateID' OnChange='fnUpdate();fnSaveState()'> <OPTION VALUE='-1'>New template <% DropDown ( "SEP_GetTemplates", rTemplate ) %> </select> </td> </tr>
<tr> <td class='flyoutLink'> <img alt='' src='/include/images/offsite.gif' border='0' WIDTH='18' HEIGHT='11'> <a name='aContact' href='http://<%=g_ServerName%>"' target='sepBody' OnClick='javascript:fnSaveState();this.href="http://<%=g_ServerName%>/SEP_Contact.asp?Val=" + document.all.ContactID.value'>Contact</a> </td> <td> <select class='clsSEPSelect' name='ContactID' OnChange='fnUpdate();fnSaveState()'> <option value='-1'>New Contact <% DropDown( "SEP_GetContacts",rContact ) %> </select> </td> </tr>
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</td> </tr> <tr> <td class='flyoutLink'> <img alt='' src='/include/images/offsite.gif' border='0' width='18' height='11'> <a name='aModule' href='http://<%=g_ServerName%>"' target='sepBody' OnClick='javascript:this.href="http://<%=g_ServerName%>/SEP_EditModule.asp?Val=" + document.all.ModuleID.value'>Module</a> </td> <td> <select class='clsSEPSelect' name='ModuleID' OnChange='fnUpdate();fnSaveState()'> <option value='-1'>New Module <% DropDown( "SEP_GetModules",rModule )%> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='flyoutLink Red'> <img alt='' src='/include/images/endnode.gif' border='0' width='11' height='11'> Solution Type </td> <td> <!-- <select class='clsSEPSelect' name=SolutionType OnChange="CheckSolutionType();fnSaveState()" > --> <select class='clsSEPSelect' name=SolutionType > <option value='NULL'>None</OPTION> <% DropDown( "SEP_GetSolutionTypes", rSolutionType ) %> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='flyoutLink Red'> <img alt='' src='/include/images/endnode.gif' border='0' width='11' height='11'> Delivery Type </td> <td> <select class='clsSEPSelect' name='DeliveryType'> <option value='NULL'>None</OPTION> <% DropDown( "SEP_GetDeliveryTypeBySolutionType " + rSolutionType, rDeliveryType ) %> </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='flyoutLink'> <img alt='' src='/include/images/endnode.gif' border='0' width='11' height='11'> Service Pack </td> <td> <select class='clsSEPSelect' name='SP' onchange='fnSaveState()'> <option value='None'>None <option value='1'>SP1 <option value='2'>SP2 <option value='3'>SP3 </select> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class='flyoutLink'> <img alt='' src='/include/images/endnode.gif' border='0' width='11' height='11'> <a name='aKB' href="http://<%=g_ServerName%>" target='sepBody' OnClick='javascript:this.href="http://<%=g_ServerName%>/SEP_KBArticle.asp?Lang=en&Val="' >KB Articles</a> </td> <td> <input type='hidden' name='kbArticles' ID='kbArticles' size='8' maxlength='8' value='<%=rKB%>'> <% if( rKB != "" ) Response.Write("<p>Yes</p>") else Response.Write("<p>None</p>" ) %> </td> </tr>
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