<TITLE>Remote Test Page</TITLE>
BLOCKQUOTE { margin-top:0; padding-top:0; }
var aMachines = [ "edsel01", "edsel02", "edsel03", "edsel04", "edsel05", "edsel06", "edsel7", "edsel8", "edsel9", "edsel10", "edsel11", "edsel12", "windshield", "EXHAUST", "headlight", "antenna", "studebaker", "hound-1", "hound-2", "upholstry", "handbrake", "headerpipe", "glasspack", "jackspc2", "jackspc" ];
function ErrorCheck(fn) { try { eval(fn); } catch(ex) { var i; var str = ''; for (i in ex) { if (typeof(ex[i]) == 'number') { var value = ex[i];
if (value < 0) { value = value + 0x100000000; }
str += '\t' + i + ': ' + ex[i] + ' (' + value.toString(16) + ')\n'; } else { str += '\t' + i + ': ' + ex[i] + '\n'; } } window.alert("an error occurred while executing '" + fn + "'\n" + str); } }
function Connect() { window.alert("Try 1"); var g_RemoteObj1 = new ActiveXObject('MTScript.Proxy', "JPORKKA1"); window.alert("Try 2"); var g_RemoteObj2 = new ActiveXObject('MTScript.Remote', "JPORKKA1"); window.alert("Try 3");
var str = ''; RemoteObj.Connect(machname.value); str = 'Connected to machine ' + RemoteObj.Name + '.<BR>'; str += ' Platform = ' + RemoteObj.Platform + '<BR>'; str += ' OS = ' + RemoteObj.OS + '<BR>'; str += ' MajorVer = ' + RemoteObj.MajorVer + '<BR>'; str += ' MinorVer = ' + RemoteObj.MinorVer + '<BR>'; str += ' BuildNum = ' + RemoteObj.BuildNum + '<BR>'; str += ' PlatformIsNT = ' + RemoteObj.PlatformIsNT + '<BR>'; str += ' ServicePack = ' + RemoteObj.ServicePack + '<BR> ';
Output.innerHTML = str;
function Disconnect() { RemoteObj.Disconnect();
Output.innerText = ''; Pub.innerText = ''; }
function SetMode(modename) { cmd.value = 'setmode'; args.value = modename; SendExec(); DumpData(); }
function Init() { cmd.value = 'setconfig'; // args.value = 'file://%ScriptPath%\\..\\docs\\config_template.xml'; args.value = 'file://%ScriptPath%\\config_template.xml'; SendExec();
cmd.value = 'setenv'; // args.value = 'file://%ScriptPath%\\..\\docs\\env_template.xml'; args.value = 'file://%ScriptPath%\\env_template.xml'; SendExec();
DumpData(); }
function SendExec() { var vRet = RemoteObj.Exec(cmd.value, args.value);
try { Output.insertAdjacentText('beforeEnd', 'Exec sent. Return value = "' + vRet + '"');
Output.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', '<BR> '); } catch(ex) { // Ignore errors } }
var g_strDump;
function DumpDataPrivate() { g_strDump = '';
try { var str = RemoteObj.Exec('getpublic', 'PrivateData'); var pd = eval(str); DumpObject(pd, 77); } catch(ex) { debugger; throw ex; }
Pub.innerHTML = g_strDump; }
function DumpData() { g_strDump = '';
try { var str = RemoteObj.Exec('getpublic', 'root'); var pd = eval(str); DumpObject(pd, 77); } catch(ex) { debugger; throw ex; }
Pub.innerHTML = g_strDump; }
function OutputDebugString(str) { Output.insertAdjacentText('beforeEnd', str); Output.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', '<BR> '); }
function ExitAllProc() { var m; var vRet; for( m in aMachines) { try { RemoteObj.Connect(aMachines[m]); str = 'Connected to machine ' + RemoteObj.Name; vRet = RemoteObj.Exec("exitprocess", 0); OutputDebugString("Exit proc on " + aMachines[m] + " returned " + vRet); RemoteObj.Disconnect(); } catch(ex) { } } }
function ConnectAllProc() { var m; for( m in aMachines) { try { RemoteObj.Connect(aMachines[m]); var str = RemoteObj.Exec('getpublic', 'nDataVersion'); str = RemoteObj.Name + " OK"; OutputDebugString(str); RemoteObj.Disconnect(); } catch(ex) { OutputDebugString(aMachines[m] + " " + ex.description); } } }
function Browse() { var opt; var strRootTag; var strFilePattern = '*PublicData*.log'; var strTempDir;
FSObj = new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject'); strTempDir = FSObj.GetSpecialFolder(2).Path; // Temp Folder
comdlg.FileName = strFilePattern; comdlg.DialogTitle = 'Select Log File'; comdlg.Flags = 524288 + // Use explorer format 4 + // Hide read-only checkbox 2048 + // Path must exist 4096; // File must exist
comdlg.Filter = 'LOG Files (*.log)|*PublicData*.log'; comdlg.InitDir = strTempDir; comdlg.ShowOpen();
if (comdlg.FileName == strFilePattern) return;
return comdlg.FileName; }
function ViewPDLog() { try { var strFileName = Browse(); if (!strFileName) return;
var FSObj = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var logfile = FSObj.OpenTextFile(strFileName, 1, false); var strData = logfile.ReadAll(); logfile.Close();
var obj = eval(strData); DumpObject(obj, 99); Pub.innerHTML = g_strDump; } catch(ex) { Pub.innerHTML = ''; } }
function DumpObject(obj, maxdepth) { var TreeResult = DumpObjectWorker(obj, maxdepth); var str = UndumpTree(TreeResult); g_strDump = str; }
function UndumpTree(tree) { var str = ''; for(var index = 0; index < tree.length; ++index) { if (typeof(tree[index]) == 'object') { str += UndumpTree(tree[index]); } else str += tree[index]; } return str; }
function DumpObjectWorker(obj, maxdepth) { var fHasChildren; var j; var i; var result;
var tree = new Array(); var index = 0;
if (maxdepth == 0) { tree[index] = '<I>Maximum Depth reached</I><BR>'; return tree; }
for (i in obj) { if (typeof(obj[i]) == 'object') { fHasChildren = false;
for (j in obj[i]) { if (j != 'length') { fHasChildren = true; break; } }
if (!fHasChildren) { tree[index++] = '<STRONG>' + i + '</STRONG> (empty)<BR>'; } else { tree[index++] = '<SPAN> <B onclick="toggle(this)">' + i + '</B><BR><DIV id=quote style="display:none;margin-left:3em">';
result = DumpObjectWorker(obj[i], maxdepth-1); tree[index++] = result;
tree[index++] = '</DIV></SPAN>'; } } else if (typeof(obj[i]) == 'string') { tree[index++] = '' + i + ' = "' + obj[i] + '"<BR>'; } else { tree[index++] = '' + i + ' = ' + obj[i] + '<BR>'; } } return tree; } function toggle(obj) { with (obj.parentElement.children("quote").style) { if (display=="none") display=""; else display="none"; }} //====================================================================================================== /* function DumpObject(obj, maxdepth) { var TreeResult = DumpObjectWorker(obj, maxdepth); g_strDump = UndumpTree(TreeResult); }
function UndumpTree(tree) { var str = ''; for(var index = 0; index < tree.length; ++index) { if (typeof(tree[index]) == 'object') { str += UndumpTree(tree[index]); } else str += tree[index]; } return str; }
function DumpObjectWorker(obj, maxdepth) { var fHasChildren; var j; var i; var result;
var tree = new Array(); var index = 0;
if (maxdepth == 0) { tree[index] = '<I>Maximum Depth reached</I><BR>'; return tree; }
for (i in obj) { if (typeof(obj[i]) == 'object') { fHasChildren = false;
for (j in obj[i]) { if (j == 'length') { fHasChildren = true; break; } }
if (!fHasChildren) { tree[index++] = '<STRONG>' + i + '</STRONG> (empty)<BR>'; } else { tree[index++] = '<SPAN> <B onclick="toggle(this)">' + i + '</B><BR><DIV id=quote style="display:none;margin-left:3em">';
result = DumpObjectWorker(obj[i], maxdepth-1); tree[index++] = result;
tree[index++] = '</DIV></SPAN>'; } } else if (typeof(obj[i]) == 'string') { tree[index++] = '' + i + ' = "' + obj[i] + '"<BR>'; } else { tree[index++] = '' + i + ' = ' + obj[i] + '<BR>'; } } return tree; }*/ /*function DumpObject(obj, maxdepth) { if (maxdepth == 0) return;
for (i in obj) { if (typeof(obj[i]) == 'object') { g_strDump += '<B>' + i + '</B><BLOCKQUOTE>';
DumpObject(obj[i], maxdepth-1);
g_strDump += '</BLOCKQUOTE>'; } else { g_strDump += i + ' = "' + obj[i] + '"<BR>'; } } } */
<SCRIPT for=RemoteObj event="OnScriptNotify(arg1, arg2)" language=JavaScript> try { Notify.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', '<B>Notify(' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + ')</B><BR>'); if (arg1 == 'UpdatePublicData') { DumpData(); } } catch(ex) { // Ignore errors } </SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT for=RemoteObjWorker event="OnScriptNotify(arg1, arg2)" language=JavaScript> try { } catch(ex) { // Ignore errors } </SCRIPT>
Machine (leave blank for local machine): <INPUT type=text id=machname> <INPUT type=button value="Connect" onclick="ErrorCheck('Connect()')"> <INPUT type=button value="Disconnect" onclick="ErrorCheck('Disconnect()')"> <INPUT type=button value="Init" onclick="ErrorCheck('Init()')" style="width:5em"> <TABLE> <TR> <INPUT type=button value="SetMode master" onclick="ErrorCheck('SetMode(\'master\')')" style="width:8em"> <INPUT type=button value="SetMode slave" onclick="ErrorCheck('SetMode(\'slave\')')" style="width:8em"> <INPUT type=button value="SetMode test" onclick="ErrorCheck('SetMode(\'test\')')" style="width:8em"> <INPUT type=button value="SetMode idle" onclick="ErrorCheck('SetMode(\'idle\')')" style="width:8em"> </TABLE>
<P> Command: <INPUT type=text id=cmd> Args: <INPUT type=text id=args> <INPUT type=button value="Send" onclick="ErrorCheck('SendExec()')">
<hr> <TABLE width=100%> <TR> <TD valign=top ROWSPAN=2> <INPUT type=button value="Clear Output" onclick="Output.innerHTML='';Notify.innerHTML='';"> <P> <SPAN id=Output></SPAN> </TD> <TD valign=top> <SPAN id=Notify></SPAN> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD valign=top> <INPUT type=button value="Exit All Edsel" onclick="ErrorCheck('ExitAllProc()')"> <INPUT type=button value="Connect All Edsel" onclick="ErrorCheck('ConnectAllProc()')"> <INPUT type=button value="View PD Log" onclick="ErrorCheck('ViewPDLog()')"> <INPUT type=button value="Dump PublicData" onclick="ErrorCheck('DumpData()')"> <INPUT type=button value="Dump PrivateData" onclick="ErrorCheck('DumpDataPrivate()')"> <P> <DIV id=Pub></DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>
<OBJECT id=RemoteObj CLASSID="clsid:854c3182-c854-4a77-b189-606859e4391b"> </OBJECT>
<OBJECT id=RemoteObjWorker CLASSID="clsid:854c3182-c854-4a77-b189-606859e4391b"> </OBJECT>
<!-- License object which allows us to us the common dialog OCX --> <object CLASSID="clsid:5220cb21-c88d-11cf-b347-00aa00a28331" VIEWASTEXT> <param NAME="LPKPath" VALUE="comdlg.lpk"> </object>
<!-- The common dialog OCX --> <object classid="clsid:F9043C85-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB" codeBase="controls/comdlg32.ocx#version=6,0,84,18" id="comdlg" style="LEFT: 0px; TOP: 0px" VIEWASTEXT> <param NAME="_ExtentX" VALUE="847"> <param NAME="_ExtentY" VALUE="847"> <param NAME="_Version" VALUE="393216"> <param NAME="CancelError" VALUE="0"> <param NAME="Color" VALUE="0"> <param NAME="Copies" VALUE="1"> <param NAME="DefaultExt" VALUE> <param NAME="DialogTitle" VALUE> <param NAME="FileName" VALUE> <param NAME="Filter" VALUE> <param NAME="FilterIndex" VALUE="0"> <param NAME="Flags" VALUE="0"> <param NAME="FontBold" VALUE="0"> <param NAME="FontItalic" VALUE="0"> <param NAME="FontName" VALUE> <param NAME="FontSize" VALUE="8"> <param NAME="FontStrikeThru" VALUE="0"> <param NAME="FontUnderLine" VALUE="0"> <param NAME="FromPage" VALUE="0"> <param NAME="HelpCommand" VALUE="0"> <param NAME="HelpContext" VALUE="0"> <param NAME="HelpFile" VALUE> <param NAME="HelpKey" VALUE> <param NAME="InitDir" VALUE> <param NAME="Max" VALUE="0"> <param NAME="Min" VALUE="0"> <param NAME="MaxFileSize" VALUE="260"> <param NAME="PrinterDefault" VALUE="1"> <param NAME="ToPage" VALUE="0"> <param NAME="Orientation" VALUE="1"></object>