Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Token Generator for Cross Language Migration Tool
Rerkboon Suwanasuk 01-May-2002 Created
Revision History:
<alias> <date> <comments>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <Shlwapi.h>
#include "common.h"
// Function: TokenizeMultiSzString
// Synopsis: Extract array of strings in buffer. Each pointer in array of
// pointers will point to each string in buffer.
// Strings in buffer are separated by a single '\0'
// End of strings array is indicated by two consecutive "\0\0"
// Returns: Number of strings in the buffer
// 0 if no strings in the buffer
// -1 if error occurs
// History: 02/07/2002 Rerkboos Created
// Notes: none.
LONG TokenizeMultiSzString( LPCWSTR lpBuffer, // MultiSZ string buffer
DWORD cchBuffer, // Size of buffer (in WCHAR)
LPCWSTR lpToken[], // Array of pointer that will point to each SZ
DWORD dwArrSize // Maximum array size
) { DWORD dwTokenIndex; DWORD i;
if (lpBuffer == NULL || lpToken == NULL) { // Invalid parameters
return -1; }
if (*lpBuffer == TEXT('\0') && *(lpBuffer + 1) == TEXT('\0')) { // No SZ in buffer
return 0; }
dwTokenIndex = 0; lpToken[dwTokenIndex] = lpBuffer;
for (i = 0 ; i < cchBuffer ; i++) { if (*(lpBuffer + i) == TEXT('\0')) { // Reach the end of current string, check the next character in buffer
i++; if (*(lpBuffer + i) == TEXT('\0')) { // Two consecutive '\0', it is the end of MultiSz string
// return the number of SZ string in buffer
return (dwTokenIndex + 1); } else { // Beginning of next string, assign the pointer to next string
if (dwTokenIndex < dwArrSize) { // Enough pointer in array to use
lpToken[dwTokenIndex] = lpBuffer + i; } else { // Array of pointer is too small to extract strings from buffer
return -1; } } } }
// Buffer is not null terminated correctly if we reach here
return -1; }
// Function: ExtractTokenString
// Synopsis: Tokenize the string using caller-supplied separators.
// Each pointer in pointer array will point to the token in source
// string, each token is null terminated.
// Returns: Number of token after tokenized
// -1 if error occurs
// History: 02/07/2002 Rerkboos Created
// Notes: Source string will be modified, caller need to make sure
// that original source string is backed up.
LONG ExtractTokenString( LPWSTR lpString, // Source string to be tokenized
LPWSTR lpToken[], // Array of pointers to token
LPCWSTR lpSep, // List of separator characters
DWORD nArrSize // Size of token array
) { DWORD nTokIndex = 0; LPWSTR lpTmpToken;
if (NULL == lpString || NULL == lpToken || NULL == lpSep) { // Invalid parameters
return -1; }
// Get first token
lpTmpToken = wcstok(lpString, lpSep);
// Loop until no more token left in the string
while (NULL != lpTmpToken) { if (nTokIndex < nArrSize) { // Enough pointer in array to use, so get next token
lpToken[nTokIndex] = lpTmpToken; nTokIndex++;
lpTmpToken = wcstok(NULL, lpSep); } else { // Array size is too small to handle all the tokens
return -1; } } // nTokIndex hold the number of token at this point
return nTokIndex; }
// Function: ConcatFilePath
// Synopsis:
// Returns:
// History: 02/07/2002 Rerkboos Created
// Notes:
HRESULT ConcatFilePath( LPCWSTR lpPath, LPCWSTR lpFile, LPWSTR lpFilePath, DWORD cchFilePath ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DWORD dwPathBackSlashIndex; LPCWSTR lpFormat;
const WCHAR wszWithSlash[] = TEXT("%s\\%s"); const WCHAR wszWithoutSlash[] = TEXT("%s%s");
if (lpFilePath == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
dwPathBackSlashIndex = lstrlen(lpPath) - 1;
if (*(lpPath + dwPathBackSlashIndex) == TEXT('\\')) { // Path is already ended with a '\'
lpFormat = wszWithoutSlash; } else { // Path is not ended with a '\', need a '\'
lpFormat = wszWithSlash; }
hr = StringCchPrintf(lpFilePath, cchFilePath, lpFormat, lpPath, lpFile);
return hr; }
// Function:
// Synopsis:
// Returns:
// History: 02/07/2002 Rerkboos Created
// Notes:
HRESULT CopyCompressedFile( LPCWSTR lpCabPath, LPCWSTR lpCabFile, // Absolute path with CAB file name
LPCWSTR lpFileInCab, // File name in CAB file
LPWSTR lpUncompressedFile, DWORD cchUncompressedFile ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; BOOL bRet; DWORD dwRet; WCHAR wszAppName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszArg[MAX_PATH * 3]; WCHAR wszFullCabFilePath[MAX_PATH]; hr = ConcatFilePath(lpCabPath, lpCabFile, wszFullCabFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(wszFullCabFilePath)); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
if (lpFileInCab == NULL || *lpFileInCab == TEXT('\0')) { DWORD dwEnd = lstrlen(lpCabFile);
if (lpCabFile[dwEnd - 1] == TEXT('_')) { // Stand alone compressed file
dwRet = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(TEXT("%SystemRoot%\\system32\\Extrac32.exe"), wszAppName, ARRAYSIZE(wszAppName)); if (dwRet > 0) { hr = ConcatFilePath(g_wszTempFolder, lpCabFile, lpUncompressedFile, cchUncompressedFile); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = StringCchPrintf(wszArg, ARRAYSIZE(wszArg), TEXT("Extrac32.exe /Y \"%s\" \"%s\""), wszFullCabFilePath, lpUncompressedFile); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = LaunchProgram(wszAppName, wszArg); } } } } else { // Stand alone uncompressed file
hr = ConcatFilePath(g_wszTempFolder, lpCabFile, lpUncompressedFile, cchUncompressedFile); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { bRet = CopyFile(wszFullCabFilePath, lpUncompressedFile, FALSE); if (bRet) { SetFileAttributes(lpUncompressedFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); hr = S_OK; } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } } } } else { // CAB file
dwRet = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(TEXT("%SystemRoot%\\system32\\Expand.exe"), wszAppName, ARRAYSIZE(wszAppName)); if (dwRet > 0) { hr = ConcatFilePath(g_wszTempFolder, lpFileInCab, lpUncompressedFile, cchUncompressedFile); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = StringCchPrintf(wszArg, ARRAYSIZE(wszArg), TEXT("Expand.exe \"%s\" -F:%s \"%s\""), wszFullCabFilePath, lpFileInCab, g_wszTempFolder); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = LaunchProgram(wszAppName, wszArg); } } } }
// Double check if the file is uncompressed/copied correctly
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD dwAttr; dwAttr = GetFileAttributes(lpUncompressedFile); if (dwAttr == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } }
return hr; }
// Function:
// Synopsis:
// Returns:
// History: 02/07/2002 Rerkboos Created
// Notes:
// Construct absolute path to Winnt32.exe
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOWMINIMIZED;
// CreateProcess call conforms to security guideline
bRet = CreateProcess(lpAppName, lpCmdLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); if (bRet) { // Wait until Expand.exe finished
hr = S_OK; WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
return hr; }
// Function:
// Synopsis:
// Returns:
// History: 02/07/2002 Rerkboos Created
// Notes:
HRESULT GetPathFromSourcePathName( LPCWSTR lpSrcPathName, LPWSTR lpPathBuffer, DWORD cchPathBuffer ) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; DWORD i;
if (lpSrcPathName == NULL || lpPathBuffer == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
for (i = 0 ; i < g_dwSrcCount ; i++) { if (lstrcmpi(lpSrcPathName, g_SrcPath[i].wszSrcName) == LSTR_EQUAL) { hr = StringCchCopy(lpPathBuffer, cchPathBuffer, g_SrcPath[i].wszPath); } }
return S_OK; }
// Function:
// Synopsis:
// Returns:
// History: 02/07/2002 Rerkboos Created
// Notes:
HRESULT GetCabFileName( LPCWSTR lpFileToken, // File name token from template file
LPWSTR lpCab, DWORD cchCab, LPWSTR lpFileInCab, DWORD cchFileInCab ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; LPWSTR lpBuffer; LPWSTR lpStart; DWORD cbBuffer;
if (lpCab == NULL || lpFileInCab == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
cbBuffer = (lstrlen(lpFileToken) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); lpBuffer = (LPWSTR) MEMALLOC(cbBuffer); if (lpBuffer) { hr = StringCbCopy(lpBuffer, cbBuffer, lpFileToken); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { lpStart = wcstok(lpBuffer, TEXT("\\")); if (lpStart) { hr = StringCchCopy(lpCab, cchCab, lpStart); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { lpStart = wcstok(NULL, TEXT("\\")); if (lpStart) { hr = StringCchCopy(lpFileInCab, cchFileInCab, lpStart); } else { hr = StringCchCopy(lpFileInCab, cchFileInCab, TEXT("")); } } } }
MEMFREE(lpBuffer); }
return hr; }
// Function:
// Synopsis:
// Returns:
// History: 02/07/2002 Rerkboos Created
// Notes:
HRESULT GetCabTempDirectory( LPCWSTR lpCab ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
return hr; }
// Function:
// Synopsis:
// Returns:
// History: 02/07/2002 Rerkboos Created
// Notes:
HRESULT CreateTempDirectory( LPWSTR lpName, // Buffer to store temp path
DWORD cchName // Size of buffer (in WCHAR)
) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; WCHAR wszTempPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cchCopied;
if (lpName == NULL) { return FALSE; }
cchCopied = GetTempPath(cchName, lpName); if (cchCopied > 0) { hr = StringCchCat(lpName, cchName, TEXT_TOKGEN_TEMP_PATH_NAME); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (GetFileAttributes(lpName) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { if (!CreateDirectory(lpName, NULL)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } } else { hr = S_OK; } } }
return hr; }
// Function: LTrim
// Synopsis: Trim the leading spaces in the string.
// Returns: none
// History: 02/07/2002 Rerkboos Created
// Notes: none
void LTrim( LPWSTR lpBuffer ) { int nIndex = 0; int nDest = 0;
if (NULL == lpBuffer || TEXT('\0') == *lpBuffer) return;
while (TEXT(' ') == lpBuffer[nIndex] && TEXT('\0') != lpBuffer[nIndex]) nIndex++;
while (TEXT('\0') != lpBuffer[nIndex]) { lpBuffer[nDest] = lpBuffer[nIndex]; nDest++; nIndex++; } lpBuffer[nDest] = TEXT('\0'); }
// Function: RTrim
// Synopsis: Trim the trailing spaces in the string.
// Returns: none
// History: 02/07/2002 Rerkboos Created
// Notes: none
void RTrim( LPWSTR lpBuffer ) { int nIndex = 0; int nDest = 0;
if (NULL == lpBuffer || TEXT('\0') == *lpBuffer) return;
nIndex = lstrlen(lpBuffer) - 1;
while (nIndex >= 0) { if (lpBuffer[nIndex] != TEXT(' ')) break;
nIndex--; }
lpBuffer[nIndex + 1] = TEXT('\0'); }
// Function: Str2KeyPath
// Synopsis: Convert string value of root key to HKEY value
// Returns: HKEY value
// History: 02/07/2002 Rerkboos Created
// Notes: none
BOOL Str2KeyPath( LPCWSTR lpHKeyStr, PHKEY pHKey, LPCWSTR* pSubKeyPath ) { int i; LPCWSTR lpStart;
PSTRING_TO_DATA Table = InfRegSpecTohKey;
if (NULL == lpHKeyStr) { return FALSE; }
for(i = 0 ; Table[i].String[0] != TEXT('\0') ; i++) { lpStart = wcsstr(lpHKeyStr, Table[i].String); if (lpStart == lpHKeyStr) { *pHKey = Table[i].Data;
if (NULL != pSubKeyPath) { lpStart += lstrlen(Table[i].String); if (*lpStart == TEXT('\0')) { *pSubKeyPath = lpStart; } else { *pSubKeyPath = lpStart + 1; } }
return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
HRESULT StringSubstitute( LPWSTR lpString, // New string buffer
DWORD cchString, // Size of buffer in WCHAR
LPCWSTR lpOldString, // Old string
LPCWSTR lpOldSubStr, // Old sub string to be substituted
LPCWSTR lpNewSubStr // New sub string
) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; LPWSTR lpSubStrBegin;
lpSubStrBegin = StrStrI(lpOldString, lpOldSubStr); if (lpSubStrBegin) { // Sub string found in source string
DWORD cchNewString;
cchNewString = lstrlen(lpOldString) - lstrlen(lpOldSubStr) + lstrlen(lpNewSubStr); if (cchNewString < cchString) { DWORD dwStartIndex; DWORD dwEndIndex; DWORD i, j;
dwStartIndex = (DWORD) (lpSubStrBegin - lpOldString); dwEndIndex = dwStartIndex + lstrlen(lpOldSubStr);
for (i = 0 ; i < dwStartIndex ; i++) { lpString[i] = lpOldString[i]; }
for (j = 0 ; j < (DWORD) lstrlen(lpNewSubStr) ; i++, j++) { lpString[i] = lpNewSubStr[j]; }
for (j = dwEndIndex ; lpOldString[j] != TEXT('\0') ; i++, j++) { lpString[i] = lpOldString[j]; }
lpString[i] = TEXT('\0'); hr = S_OK; } else { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } } else { // sub string not found
hr = S_FALSE; }
if (hr == E_FAIL) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); }
return hr; }
HRESULT ExtractSubString( LPWSTR lpString, // New string buffer
DWORD cchString, // Size of buffer in WCHAR
LPCWSTR lpOldString, // Old string
LPCWSTR lpLeft, // Left delimitor
LPCWSTR lpRight // Right delimitor
) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; LPWSTR lpSubStrBegin, lpSubStrEnd;
lpSubStrBegin = StrStrI(lpOldString, lpLeft); if (lpSubStrBegin) { lpSubStrBegin += lstrlen(lpLeft); lpSubStrEnd = StrStrI(lpSubStrBegin, lpRight); if (lpSubStrEnd && (DWORD)(lpSubStrEnd-lpSubStrBegin) < cchString) { while (lpSubStrBegin < lpSubStrEnd) { *lpString = *lpSubStrBegin; lpString++; lpSubStrBegin++; } *lpString = (WCHAR)'\0'; hr = S_OK; } }
return hr; }
// Function: CompareENGString
// Synopsis: Wrapper of CompareString API, to compare English strings.
// Returns: Same as CompareString() API
// History: 05/06/2002 Rerkboos Created
// Notes: none
int CompareEngString( LPCTSTR lpString1, LPCTSTR lpString2 ) { return CompareString(MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), SORT_DEFAULT), NORM_IGNORECASE, lpString1, -1, lpString2, -1); }