// Copyright (c) 2001, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
// Module Name:
// infparser.cpp
// Abstract:
// This file contains the entry point of the infparser.exe utility.
// Revision History:
// 2001-06-20 lguindon Created.
// Includes Files.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "infparser.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "ctype.h"
// Global Definitions
#define PRO_SKU_CONDITION "<Condition><![CDATA[NOT MsiNTSuitePersonal AND MsiNTProductType=1]]></Condition>"
#define SRV_SKU_CONDITION "<Condition><![CDATA[MsiNTProductType<>1 AND NOT MsiNTSuiteDataCenter AND NOT MsiNTSuiteEnterprise AND NOT MsiNTSuiteWebServer AND NOT MsiNTSuiteSmallBusiness and NOT MsiNTSuiteSmallBusinessRestricted]]></Condition>"
#define ADV_SKU_CONDITION "<Condition>MsiNTSuiteEnterprise</Condition>"
#define SBS_SKU_CONDITION "<Condition>MsiNTSuiteSmallBusinessRestricted OR MsiNTSuiteSmallBusiness</Condition>"
#define DTC_SKU_CONDITION "<Condition>MsiNTSuiteDataCenter</Condition>"
#define BLA_SKU_CONDITION "<Condition>MsiNTSuiteWebServer</Condition>"
#define PRO_SKU_INF "layout.inf"
#define PER_SKU_INF "perinf\\layout.inf"
#define SRV_SKU_INF "srvinf\\layout.inf"
#define ADV_SKU_INF "entinf\\layout.inf"
#define DTC_SKU_INF "dtcinf\\layout.inf"
#define SBS_SKU_INF "sbsinf\\layout.inf"
#define BLA_SKU_INF "blainf\\layout.inf"
#define NO_SKUS 7
#define PRO_SKU_INDEX 0
#define PER_SKU_INDEX 1
#define SRV_SKU_INDEX 2
#define ADV_SKU_INDEX 3
#define DTC_SKU_INDEX 4
#define SBS_SKU_INDEX 5
#define BLA_SKU_INDEX 6
// Global variable.
BOOL bSilence = TRUE; DWORD gBinType = BIN_UNDEFINED; DWORD dwComponentCounter = 0; DWORD dwDirectoryCounter = 1; WORD gBuildNumber = 0; TCHAR TempDirName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; LPSTR sLDirName = NULL; LPSTR sLocBinDir = NULL; CHAR InvalidChars[NO_INVALIDCHARS] = { '`', '~', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '-', '=', '+', '[', '{', ']', '}', '\\', '|', ';', ':', '\'', '\"', ',', '<', '>', '/', '?', ' ' }; CHAR strArchSections[3][30] = {"SourceDisksFiles", "SourceDisksFiles.x86", "SourceDisksFiles.ia64"}; LAYOUTINF SkuInfs[NO_SKUS];
// Prototypes.
BOOL DirectoryExist(LPSTR dirPath); BOOL ValidateLanguage(LPSTR dirPath, LPSTR langName, DWORD binType); WORD ConvertLanguage(LPSTR dirPath, LPSTR langName); int ListContents(LPSTR filename, LPSTR dirPath, LPSTR lang, DWORD flavor, DWORD binType); int ListComponents(FileList *dirList, LPSTR dirPath, LPSTR lang, DWORD flavor, DWORD binType); int ListMuiFiles(FileList *dirList, LPSTR dirPath, LPSTR lang, DWORD flavor, DWORD binType); void PrintFileList(FileList* list, HANDLE hFile, BOOL compressed, BOOL bWinDir, BOOL bPermanent, BOOL bX86OnIA64, DWORD flavor, DWORD binType); BOOL PrintLine(HANDLE hFile, LPCSTR lpLine); HANDLE CreateOutputFile(LPSTR filename); VOID removeSpace(LPSTR src, LPSTR dest); DWORD TransNum(LPTSTR lpsz); void Usage(); BOOL GetTempDirName(LPSTR sLangName) ; BOOL GetFileShortName(const CHAR * pcIn, CHAR * pcOut, BOOL bInFileExists); void ReplaceInvalidChars(CHAR *pcInName); BOOL IsInvalidChar(CHAR cCheck); BOOL GetFileNameFromFullPath(const CHAR * pcInFullPath, CHAR * pcOutFileName); void RenameMuiExtension(CHAR * dstFileName); BOOL ContainSKUDirs(CHAR *pszSKUSearchPath); BOOL GetSKUConditionString(CHAR *pszBuffer, DWORD dwFlavour); BOOL IsFileForSKU(LPSTR strFileName, DWORD dwSKU, DWORD dwArch, FileLayoutExceptionList * exceptionList); BOOL IsFileInInf(CHAR * strFileName, UINT iSkuIndex, DWORD dwArch); BOOL ReadInLayoutInfFiles();
// Main entry point.
int __cdecl main(int argc, char* argv[]) { LPSTR sLangName = NULL; LPSTR sDirPath = NULL; DWORD dwFlavor = FLV_UNDEFINED; DWORD dwBinType = BIN_UNDEFINED; DWORD dwArg = ARG_UNDEFINED; WORD wLangID = 0; HANDLE hFile; int argIndex = 1; LPSTR lpFileName = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; INT iResult = 0; INT i = 0; //
// Check if we have the minimal number of arguments.
if (argc < 6) { printf("Not all required parameters were found when executing infparser.exe.\n"); Usage(); return (-1); }
// Parse the command line.
while (argIndex < argc) { if (*argv[argIndex] == '/') { switch(*(argv[argIndex]+1)) { case('p'): case('P'): //
// switch for locating directory to external components this should be same as lang except for psu builds
sLDirName = (argv[argIndex]+3); dwArg |= ARG_CDLAYOUT; break; case('b'): case('B'): //
// Binairy i386 or ia64
if ((*(argv[argIndex]+3) == '3') && (*(argv[argIndex]+4) == '2')) { dwBinType = BIN_32; } else if ((*(argv[argIndex]+3) == '6') && (*(argv[argIndex]+4) == '4')) { dwBinType = BIN_64; } else { return (argIndex); }
dwArg |= ARG_BINARY; break; case('l'): case('L'): //
// Language
sLangName = (argv[argIndex]+3); dwArg |= ARG_LANG; break; case('i'): case('I'): //
// Inf root location (where localized binaries are located, same as _NTPOSTBLD env variable)
sLocBinDir = (argv[argIndex]+3); dwArg |= ARG_LOCBIN; break; case('f'): case('F'): //
// Flavor requested
switch(*(argv[argIndex]+3)) { case('c'): case('C'): dwFlavor = FLV_CORE; break; case('p'): case('P'): dwFlavor = FLV_PROFESSIONAL; break; case('s'): case('S'): dwFlavor = FLV_SERVER; break; case('a'): case('A'): dwFlavor = FLV_ADVSERVER; break; case('d'): case('D'): dwFlavor = FLV_DATACENTER; break; case('b'): case('B'): dwFlavor = FLV_WEBBLADE; break; case('l'): case('L'): dwFlavor = FLV_SMALLBUSINESS; break; default: return (argIndex); }
dwArg |= ARG_FLAVOR; break; case('s'): case('S'): //
// Binairy location
sDirPath = (argv[argIndex]+3); dwArg |= ARG_DIR; break; case('o'): case('O'): //
// Output filename
if ((hFile = CreateOutputFile(argv[argIndex]+3)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return (argIndex); } */
lpFileName = argv[argIndex]+3;
dwArg |= ARG_OUT; break; case('v'): case('V'): //
// Verbose mode
bSilence = FALSE; dwArg |= ARG_SILENT; break; default: printf("Invalid parameters found on the command line!\n"); Usage(); return (argIndex); } } else { printf("Invalid parameters found on the command line!\n"); Usage(); return (-1); }
// Next argument
argIndex++; }
// Validate arguments passed. Should have all five basic argument in order
// to continue.
if ((dwArg == ARG_UNDEFINED) || !((dwArg & ARG_BINARY) && (dwArg & ARG_LANG) && (dwArg & ARG_DIR) && (dwArg & ARG_OUT) && (dwArg & ARG_LOCBIN) && (dwArg & ARG_CDLAYOUT) && (dwArg & ARG_FLAVOR))) { Usage(); return (-1); }
// Validate Source directory
if (!DirectoryExist(sDirPath)) { return (-2); } if (!DirectoryExist(sLocBinDir)) { return (-2); }
// Validate Language
if (!ValidateLanguage(sDirPath, sLangName, dwBinType)) { return (-3); }
// Get LANGID from the language
if ( (gBuildNumber = ConvertLanguage(sDirPath, sLangName)) == 0x0000) { return (-4); }
// update the temp directory global variable
if (!GetTempDirName(sLangName)) { return (-5); }
gBinType = dwBinType;
// Generate the layout.inf paths for every sku
hr = StringCchPrintfA(SkuInfs[PRO_SKU_INDEX].strLayoutInfPaths, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s", sLocBinDir, PRO_SKU_INF); // Professional
if (FAILED(hr)) { return (-6); } hr = StringCchPrintfA(SkuInfs[PER_SKU_INDEX].strLayoutInfPaths, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s", sLocBinDir, PER_SKU_INF); // Personal
if (FAILED(hr)) { return (-6); } hr = StringCchPrintfA(SkuInfs[SRV_SKU_INDEX].strLayoutInfPaths, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s", sLocBinDir, SRV_SKU_INF); // standard server
if (FAILED(hr)) { return (-6); } hr = StringCchPrintfA(SkuInfs[ADV_SKU_INDEX].strLayoutInfPaths, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s", sLocBinDir, ADV_SKU_INF); // advanced server
if (FAILED(hr)) { return (-6); } hr = StringCchPrintfA(SkuInfs[DTC_SKU_INDEX].strLayoutInfPaths, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s", sLocBinDir, DTC_SKU_INF); // datacenter server
if (FAILED(hr)) { return (-6); } hr = StringCchPrintfA(SkuInfs[SBS_SKU_INDEX].strLayoutInfPaths, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s", sLocBinDir, SBS_SKU_INF); // small business server
if (FAILED(hr)) { return (-6); } hr = StringCchPrintfA(SkuInfs[BLA_SKU_INDEX].strLayoutInfPaths, MAX_PATH, "%s\\%s", sLocBinDir, BLA_SKU_INF); // web server
if (FAILED(hr)) { return (-6); }
hr = StringCchCopyA(SkuInfs[PRO_SKU_INDEX].strSkuName, 4, TEXT("Pro")); // Professional
if (FAILED(hr)) { return (-6); } hr = StringCchCopyA(SkuInfs[PER_SKU_INDEX].strSkuName, 4, TEXT("Per")); // Personal
if (FAILED(hr)) { return (-6); } hr = StringCchCopyA(SkuInfs[SRV_SKU_INDEX].strSkuName, 4, TEXT("Srv")); // Standard Server
if (FAILED(hr)) { return (-6); } hr = StringCchCopyA(SkuInfs[ADV_SKU_INDEX].strSkuName, 4, TEXT("Adv")); // Advanced Server
if (FAILED(hr)) { return (-6); } hr = StringCchCopyA(SkuInfs[DTC_SKU_INDEX].strSkuName, 4, TEXT("Dtc")); // Datacenter
if (FAILED(hr)) { return (-6); } hr = StringCchCopyA(SkuInfs[SBS_SKU_INDEX].strSkuName, 4, TEXT("Sbs")); // Small Business Server
if (FAILED(hr)) { return (-6); } hr = StringCchCopyA(SkuInfs[BLA_SKU_INDEX].strSkuName, 4, TEXT("Bla")); // Blade server
if (FAILED(hr)) { return (-6); }
if (FALSE == ReadInLayoutInfFiles()) { if (!bSilence) { printf("Failed to populate layout.inf file lists.\n"); } return (-7); }
// Generate the file list
if ((dwArg & ARG_OUT) && lpFileName) { iResult = ListContents(lpFileName, sDirPath, sLangName, dwFlavor, dwBinType); }
return iResult; }
// ListContents()
// Generate the file list contents.
int ListContents(LPSTR filename, LPSTR dirPath, LPSTR lang, DWORD flavor, DWORD binType) { int iRet = 0; Uuid* uuid; CHAR schemaPath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; CHAR outputString[4096] = {0}; FileList fileList, rootfileList; HANDLE outputFile = CreateOutputFile(filename); HRESULT hr;
if (outputFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { iRet = -1; goto ListContents_EXIT; }
// Create a UUID for this module and the schema path
uuid = new Uuid(); hr = StringCchPrintfA(schemaPath, ARRAYLEN(schemaPath), "%s\\msi\\MmSchema.xml", dirPath); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { iRet = -1; goto ListContents_EXIT; }
// Print module header.
PrintLine(outputFile, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>"); hr = StringCchPrintfA(outputString, ARRAYLEN(outputString), "<Module Name=\"MUIContent\" Id=\"%s\" Language=\"0\" Version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"%s\">", uuid->getString(), schemaPath); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { iRet = -1; goto ListContents_EXIT; } PrintLine(outputFile, outputString);
hr = StringCchPrintfA(outputString, ARRAYLEN(outputString), " <Package Id=\"%s\"", uuid->getString()); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { iRet = -1; goto ListContents_EXIT; }
PrintLine(outputFile, outputString); delete uuid; PrintLine(outputFile, " Description=\"Content module\""); if (BIN_32 == binType) PrintLine(outputFile, " Platforms=\"Intel\""); else PrintLine(outputFile," Platforms=\"Intel64\""); PrintLine(outputFile, " Languages=\"0\""); PrintLine(outputFile, " InstallerVersion=\"200\""); PrintLine(outputFile, " Manufacturer=\"Microsoft Corporation\""); PrintLine(outputFile, " Keywords=\"MergeModule, MSI, Database\""); PrintLine(outputFile, " Comments=\"This merge module contains all the MUI file content\""); PrintLine(outputFile, " ShortNames=\"yes\" Compressed=\"yes\""); PrintLine(outputFile, "/>");
// Generate components file list
if ( (iRet = ListComponents(&fileList, dirPath, lang, flavor, binType)) != 0) { goto ListContents_EXIT; }
// Generate Mui file list
if ((iRet =ListMuiFiles(&fileList, dirPath, lang, flavor, binType)) != 0) { goto ListContents_EXIT; }
// Add Specific MuiSetup files to a separate file list for output. Do this only in the core flavour
// these files will be printed out as permanent
if (flavor == FLV_CORE) { File* file; file = new File( TEXT("muisetup.exe"), TEXT("MUI"), TEXT("muisetup.exe"), dirPath, TEXT("muisetup.exe"), 10); rootfileList.add(file); file = new File( TEXT("muisetup.hlp"), TEXT("MUI"), TEXT("muisetup.hlp"), dirPath, TEXT("muisetup.hlp"), 10); rootfileList.add(file); file = new File( TEXT("eula.txt"), TEXT("MUI"), TEXT("eula.txt"), dirPath, TEXT("eula.txt"), 10); rootfileList.add(file); file = new File( TEXT("relnotes.htm"), TEXT("MUI"), TEXT("relnotes.htm"), dirPath, TEXT("relnotes.htm"), 10); rootfileList.add(file); file = new File( TEXT("readme.txt"), TEXT("MUI"), TEXT("readme.txt"), dirPath, TEXT("readme.txt"), 10); rootfileList.add(file); file = new File( TEXT("mui.inf"), TEXT("MUI"), TEXT("mui.inf"), dirPath, TEXT("mui.inf"), 10); rootfileList.add(file); }
// Print compressed directory structure.
PrintLine(outputFile, "<Directory Name=\"SOURCEDIR\">TARGETDIR"); if (fileList.isDirId(TRUE)) { PrintLine(outputFile, " <Directory Name=\"Windows\" LongName=\"Windows\">WindowsFolder"); PrintFileList(&rootfileList, outputFile, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, flavor, binType); PrintFileList(&fileList, outputFile, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, flavor, binType); PrintLine(outputFile, " </Directory>"); } if (fileList.isDirId(FALSE)) { if (binType == BIN_32) { PrintLine(outputFile, " <Directory Name=\"Progra~1\" LongName=\"ProgramFilesFolder\">ProgramFilesFolder"); PrintFileList(&fileList, outputFile, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, flavor, binType); PrintLine(outputFile, " </Directory>"); } else if (binType == BIN_64) { // First print out all the files for the programfiles64 folder - these corresponds to all the files which are designated for the "Program Files" folder in IA64 environement
PrintLine(outputFile, " <Directory Name=\"Progra~1\" LongName=\"ProgramFilesFolder64\">ProgramFilesFolder64"); PrintFileList(&fileList, outputFile, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, flavor, binType); PrintLine(outputFile, " </Directory>");
// Now print out all the files for the programfiles folder - these corresponds to all the files which are designated for the "Program Files (X86)" folder in IA64 environement
PrintLine(outputFile, " <Directory Name=\"Progra~2\" LongName=\"ProgramFilesFolder\">ProgramFilesFolder"); PrintFileList(&fileList, outputFile, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, flavor, binType); PrintLine(outputFile, " </Directory>"); } } PrintLine(outputFile, "</Directory>");
// Print module footer.
PrintLine(outputFile, "</Module>"); ListContents_EXIT: if (outputFile) CloseHandle(outputFile);
return (iRet); }
// ListComponents()
// Generate the file list of each components.
// Note that the external components are now temporarily copied to
// MUI\Fallback\LCID\External directory, and then their infs are executed from those
// places during the installation.
// The uninstallation happens as before, by executing copies of it from
// MUI\Fallback\LCID - this means that there are now two copies of external components
// on the target drive, but we will have to live with this for now and fix for setup in the
// next release.
// Another change to this function is that it is now SKU aware, when building for different
// SKUs, it will check for the SKU directory (see below for example) under the root directory where
// the external components are located in. For CORE, it will check under the root external
// component directory for it and use those if they exist. If it does not exist there will be no
// external component files for that SKU.
// Here is a list of SKU directories that the function searches under for:
// 1. CORE: \External
// 2. Professional: \External\ // 3. StandardServer: \External\srvinf
// 4. Advanced/EnterpriseServer: \External\entinf
// 5. DatacenterServer: \External\datinf
// 6. BladeServer: \External\blainf
// 7. SmallBusinessServer: \External\sbsinf
// The components will be parsed/scanned by looking for the component directory in the
// mui.inf file, and each unique component directory will be copied as is to the destination dir.
int ListComponents(FileList *dirList, LPSTR dirPath, LPSTR lang, DWORD flavor, DWORD binType) { HINF hFile; CHAR muiFilePath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR muiExtCompRoot[MAX_PATH]; DWORD lineCount, lineNum; INFCONTEXT context; ComponentList componentList; Component* component; CHAR muiSKUDir[20]; HRESULT hr; //
// check the flavour and assign the appropriate SKU subdirectory
switch (flavor) { case FLV_PROFESSIONAL: hr = StringCchCopyA(muiSKUDir, sizeof (muiSKUDir) / sizeof (CHAR), ""); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } break; case FLV_SERVER: hr = StringCchCopyA(muiSKUDir, sizeof (muiSKUDir) / sizeof (CHAR), "\\srvinf\0"); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } break; case FLV_ADVSERVER: hr = StringCchCopyA(muiSKUDir, sizeof (muiSKUDir) / sizeof (CHAR), "\\entinf\0"); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } break; case FLV_DATACENTER: hr = StringCchCopyA(muiSKUDir, sizeof (muiSKUDir) / sizeof (CHAR), "\\dtcinf\0"); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } break; case FLV_WEBBLADE: hr = StringCchCopyA(muiSKUDir, sizeof (muiSKUDir) / sizeof (CHAR), "\\blainf\0"); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } break; case FLV_SMALLBUSINESS: hr = StringCchCopyA(muiSKUDir, sizeof (muiSKUDir) / sizeof (CHAR), "\\sbsinf\0"); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } break; case FLV_CORE: hr = StringCchCopyA(muiSKUDir, sizeof (muiSKUDir) / sizeof (CHAR), ""); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } break; default: return(0); // invalid sku specified, just exit
break; }
// Create the path to open the mui.inf file
hr = StringCchPrintfA(muiFilePath, ARRAYLEN(muiFilePath), "%s\\mui.inf", dirPath); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; }
// Open the MUI.INF file.
hFile = SetupOpenInfFile(muiFilePath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return (-1); }
// Get the number of component.
lineCount = (UINT)SetupGetLineCount(hFile, TEXT("Components")); if (lineCount > 0) { //
// Go through all component of the list.
CHAR componentName[MAX_PATH]; CHAR componentFolder[MAX_PATH]; CHAR componentInf[MAX_PATH]; CHAR componentInst[MAX_PATH]; for (lineNum = 0; lineNum < lineCount; lineNum++) { if (SetupGetLineByIndex(hFile, TEXT("Components"), lineNum, &context) && SetupGetStringField(&context, 0, componentName, MAX_PATH, NULL) && SetupGetStringField(&context, 1, componentFolder, MAX_PATH, NULL) && SetupGetStringField(&context, 2, componentInf, MAX_PATH, NULL) && SetupGetStringField(&context, 3, componentInst, MAX_PATH, NULL)) { //
// Create the components and add to the list, but only if the componentFolder is unique, since we will be copying
// all the files in the same component dirs we shouldn't miss anything
BOOL bUnique = TRUE; Component *pCIndex = NULL; pCIndex = componentList.getFirst();
while (pCIndex) { if (_strnicmp(pCIndex->getFolderName(), componentFolder, strlen(componentFolder)) == 0) { bUnique = FALSE; break; } pCIndex = pCIndex->getNext(); } if (bUnique) { if( (component = new Component( componentName, componentFolder, componentInf, componentInst)) != NULL) { componentList.add(component); } } } } }
// Close inf handle
// Output component information
component = componentList.getFirst(); while (component != NULL) { CHAR componentInfPath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR componentPath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR SKUSearchPath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR searchPath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR srcFileName[MAX_PATH]; CHAR dstFileName[MAX_PATH]; CHAR shortFileName[MAX_PATH]; CHAR tempShortPath[MAX_PATH]; File* file; HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfdFindData; BOOL bFinished = FALSE;
// Compute the component inf path, we need to get it from the compressed version from old build
// e.g. C:\nt.relbins.x86fre\psu\mui\release\x86\Temp\psu\ro.mui\i386
if (binType == BIN_32) {
hr = StringCchPrintfA(componentInfPath, ARRAYLEN(componentInfPath), "%s\\release\\x86\\Temp\\%s\\%s.mui\\i386\\%s%s\\%s", dirPath, sLDirName, lang, component->getFolderName(), muiSKUDir, component->getInfName()); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; }
hr = StringCchPrintfA(componentPath, ARRAYLEN(componentPath), "%s\\release\\x86\\Temp\\%s\\%s.mui\\i386\\%s%s", dirPath, sLDirName, lang, component->getFolderName(), muiSKUDir); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; }
hr = StringCchPrintfA(SKUSearchPath, ARRAYLEN(SKUSearchPath), "%s\\release\\x86\\Temp\\%s\\%s.mui\\i386\\%s", dirPath, sLDirName, lang, component->getFolderName()); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else {
hr = StringCchPrintfA(componentInfPath, ARRAYLEN(componentInfPath), "%s\\release\\ia64\\Temp\\%s\\%s.mui\\ia64\\%s%s\\%s", dirPath, sLDirName, lang, component->getFolderName(), muiSKUDir, component->getInfName()); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; }
hr = StringCchPrintfA(componentPath, ARRAYLEN(componentPath), "%s\\release\\ia64\\Temp\\%s\\%s.mui\\ia64\\%s%s", dirPath, sLDirName, lang, component->getFolderName(), muiSKUDir); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; }
hr = StringCchPrintfA(SKUSearchPath, ARRAYLEN(SKUSearchPath), "%s\\release\\ia64\\Temp\\%s\\%s.mui\\ia64\\%s", dirPath, sLDirName, lang, component->getFolderName()); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } }
// if there are any other subdirectory under this component path, then the root directory files are actually
// for the PRO SKU, and we should not add this component to CORE
if ((FLV_CORE == flavor) && ContainSKUDirs(SKUSearchPath)) { component = component->getNext(); if (!bSilence) { printf("\n*** SKU subdirectory detected for this component and flavour is CORE, skipping component. %s\n", componentInfPath); } continue; }
// if there are no other subdirectory under this component path, then the root directory files are actually
// for the CORE SKU, and we should not add this component to PRO
// this is one compromise we have to make right now since the NT SKU subdirs does not give us the ability to distinguish
// between PRO SKU and something that is for every platform
if ((FLV_PROFESSIONAL == flavor) && !ContainSKUDirs(SKUSearchPath)) { component = component->getNext(); if (!bSilence) { printf("\n*** SKU subdirectory not detected for this component and flavour is PRO, skipping component. %s\n", componentInfPath); } continue; }
// form the temp component path on the target
hr = StringCchPrintfA(muiExtCompRoot, ARRAYLEN(muiExtCompRoot), "MUI\\FALLBACK\\%04x\\External\\%s", gBuildNumber, component->getFolderName()); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } hr = StringCchPrintfA(searchPath, ARRAYLEN(searchPath), "%s\\*.*", componentPath); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } if (!bSilence) { printf("\n*** Source component inf path is %s\n", componentInfPath); printf("\n*** Source component folder path is %s\n", componentPath); printf("\n*** Destination directory for this component is %s\n", muiExtCompRoot); }
// Get a list of all the files in the component folder
hFind = FindFirstFile(searchPath, &wfdFindData);
if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (!bSilence) { printf("\n*** No files found in the component directory %s\n", muiExtCompRoot); } component = component->getNext(); continue; // skip this component
} else { bFinished = FALSE; while (!bFinished) { // only process files, not directories
if ((wfdFindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { if (!bSilence) { printf("\n*** Filename is %s\n", wfdFindData.cFileName); printf("\n*** Alternate Filename is %s\n", wfdFindData.cAlternateFileName); } hr = StringCchCopyA(srcFileName, ARRAYLEN(srcFileName), wfdFindData.cFileName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; }
if (!(wfdFindData.cAlternateFileName) || (strlen(wfdFindData.cAlternateFileName) == 0)) { hr = StringCchCopyA(shortFileName, ARRAYLEN(shortFileName), wfdFindData.cFileName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else { hr = StringCchCopyA(shortFileName, ARRAYLEN(shortFileName), wfdFindData.cAlternateFileName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } }
// here, we also need to rename all the files that ends with a .mui extension to .mu_ - since the infs are
// expecting this.
// RenameMuiExtension(shortFileName);
hr = StringCchCopyA(dstFileName, ARRAYLEN(dstFileName), srcFileName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } // RenameMuiExtension(dstFileName);
if ((file = new File(shortFileName, muiExtCompRoot, dstFileName, componentPath, srcFileName, 10)) != NULL) { dirList->add(file); } } else { if (!bSilence) { printf("\n*** Found a directory in the component dir %s\n", wfdFindData.cFileName); } } if (!FindNextFile(hFind, &wfdFindData)) { bFinished = TRUE; } } }
// Next Component
component = component->getNext();
return 0; exit: printf("Error in ListComponents\n"); return 1; }
// ListMuiFiles()
// Generate the file list for MUI.
int ListMuiFiles(FileList *dirList, LPSTR dirPath, LPSTR lang, DWORD flavor, DWORD binType) { HINF hFile; CHAR muiFilePath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR muiFileSearchPath[MAX_PATH]; int lineCount, lineNum, fieldCount; INFCONTEXT context; FileLayoutExceptionList exceptionList; WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; HANDLE fileHandle; File* file; HRESULT hr;
// Create the path to open the mui.inf file
hr = StringCchPrintfA(muiFilePath, ARRAYLEN(muiFilePath), "%s\\mui.inf", dirPath); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; }
// Open the MUI.INF file.
hFile = SetupOpenInfFile(muiFilePath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return (-1); }
// Get the number of file exception.
lineCount = (UINT)SetupGetLineCount(hFile, TEXT("File_Layout")); if (lineCount > 0) { //
// Go through all file exception of the list.
CHAR originFilename[MAX_PATH]; CHAR destFilename[MAX_PATH]; CHAR fileFlavor[30]; DWORD dwFlavor; for (lineNum = 0; lineNum < lineCount; lineNum++) { if (SetupGetLineByIndex(hFile, TEXT("File_Layout"), lineNum, &context) && (fieldCount = SetupGetFieldCount(&context))) { if (SetupGetStringField(&context, 0, originFilename, MAX_PATH, NULL) && SetupGetStringField(&context, 1, destFilename, MAX_PATH, NULL)) { FileLayout* fileException;
dwFlavor = 0; for(int fieldId = 2; fieldId <= fieldCount; fieldId++) { if(SetupGetStringField(&context, fieldId, fileFlavor, MAX_PATH, NULL)) { switch(*fileFlavor) { case('p'): case('P'): dwFlavor |= FLV_PROFESSIONAL; break; case('s'): case('S'): dwFlavor |= FLV_SERVER; break; case('d'): case('D'): dwFlavor |= FLV_DATACENTER; break; case('a'): case('A'): dwFlavor |= FLV_ADVSERVER; break; case('b'): case('B'): dwFlavor |= FLV_WEBBLADE; break; case('l'): case('L'): dwFlavor |= FLV_SMALLBUSINESS; break; }
} }
// Add only information needed for this specific flavor.
fileException = new FileLayout(originFilename, destFilename, dwFlavor); exceptionList.insert(fileException); } } } }
// Close inf handle
// Compute the binary source path.
if (binType == BIN_32) { hr = StringCchPrintfA(muiFileSearchPath, ARRAYLEN(muiFileSearchPath), "%s\\%s\\i386.uncomp", dirPath, lang); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } hr = StringCchPrintfA(muiFilePath, ARRAYLEN(muiFilePath), "%s\\%s\\i386.uncomp\\*.*", dirPath, lang); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else { hr = StringCchPrintfA(muiFileSearchPath, ARRAYLEN(muiFileSearchPath), "%s\\%s\\ia64.uncomp", dirPath, lang); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } hr = StringCchPrintfA(muiFilePath, ARRAYLEN(muiFilePath), "%s\\%s\\ia64.uncomp\\*.*", dirPath, lang); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } }
// Scan uncomp source directory for file information
if ((fileHandle = FindFirstFile(muiFilePath, &findData)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// Look for files
do { LPSTR extensionPtr; INT dirIdentifier = 0; CHAR destDirectory[MAX_PATH] = {0}; CHAR destName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; FileLayout* fileException = NULL;
// Scan only files at this level.
if (findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { continue; }
// Search the extension to determine the destination location and possibly
// exclude file destined for Personal.
if ((extensionPtr = strrchr(findData.cFileName, '.')) != NULL) { if( (_tcsicmp(extensionPtr, TEXT(".chm")) == 0) || (_tcsicmp(extensionPtr, TEXT(".chq")) == 0) || (_tcsicmp(extensionPtr, TEXT(".cnt")) == 0) || (_tcsicmp(extensionPtr, TEXT(".hlp")) == 0)) { dirIdentifier = 18; hr = StringCchPrintfA(destDirectory, ARRAYLEN(destDirectory), "MUI\\%04x", gBuildNumber); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else if (_tcsicmp(extensionPtr, TEXT(".mfl")) == 0) { dirIdentifier = 11; hr = StringCchPrintfA(destDirectory, ARRAYLEN(destDirectory), "wbem\\MUI\\%04x", gBuildNumber); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else if (_tcsicmp(findData.cFileName, TEXT("hhctrlui.dll")) == 0) { dirIdentifier = 11; hr = StringCchPrintfA(destDirectory, ARRAYLEN(destDirectory), "MUI\\%04x", gBuildNumber); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else { dirIdentifier = 10; hr = StringCchPrintfA(destDirectory, ARRAYLEN(destDirectory), "MUI\\FALLBACK\\%04x", gBuildNumber); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } }
// We need to remove the .MUI extension before passing the filename to search in the
// mui.inf file rename section
CHAR strTemp[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bBinaryFile = FALSE; hr = StringCchCopyA(strTemp, ARRAYLEN(strTemp), findData.cFileName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)){ goto exit; }
// remove the extension .mui if it is there
if ((extensionPtr = strrchr(strTemp, '.')) != NULL) { if (_tcsicmp(extensionPtr, TEXT(".mui")) == 0) { *extensionPtr = NULL; bBinaryFile = TRUE; } }
// Search for different destination name in the exception list.
if ((fileException = exceptionList.search(strTemp)) != NULL ) { if (!bSilence) { printf("Source file %s exists in mui.inf.\n", findData.cFileName); } //
// Verify it's the needed flavor
// also check that it's not in every flavour if we are not
// building CORE merge modules
if ((fileException->isFlavor(flavor)) && !((flavor != FLV_CORE) && (fileException->isFlavor(FLV_ADVSERVER)) && (fileException->isFlavor(FLV_SERVER)) && (fileException->isFlavor(FLV_DATACENTER)) && (fileException->isFlavor(FLV_WEBBLADE)) && (fileException->isFlavor(FLV_SMALLBUSINESS)))) { if (!bSilence) { printf("Flavor is not CORE, Source file %s is for the specified SKU.\n", findData.cFileName); } if (bBinaryFile) { hr = StringCchPrintfA(destName, ARRAYLEN(destName), "%s.mui", fileException->getDestFileName()); } else { hr = StringCchPrintfA(destName, ARRAYLEN(destName), "%s", fileException->getDestFileName()); }
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else if ((flavor == FLV_CORE) && (fileException->isFlavor(FLV_ADVSERVER)) && (fileException->isFlavor(FLV_SERVER)) && (fileException->isFlavor(FLV_DATACENTER)) && (fileException->isFlavor(FLV_WEBBLADE)) && (fileException->isFlavor(FLV_SMALLBUSINESS))) { if (!bSilence) { printf("Flavor is CORE, Source file %s is in every SKU.\n", findData.cFileName); } if (bBinaryFile) { hr = StringCchPrintfA(destName, ARRAYLEN(destName), "%s.mui", fileException->getDestFileName()); } else { hr = StringCchPrintfA(destName, ARRAYLEN(destName), "%s", fileException->getDestFileName()); }
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else { if (!bSilence) { printf("Source file %s (destination name %s) is not in this SKU.\n", findData.cFileName, fileException->getDestFileName() ? fileException->getDestFileName() : findData.cFileName); } //
// Skip the file. Not need in this flavor.
continue; } } else { CHAR strOrigName[MAX_PATH]; hr = StringCchCopyA(strOrigName, ARRAYLEN(strOrigName), findData.cFileName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)){ goto exit; }
// remove the extension .mui if it is there
if ((extensionPtr = strrchr(strOrigName, '.')) != NULL) { if (_tcsicmp(extensionPtr, TEXT(".mui")) == 0) { *extensionPtr = NULL; if (!bSilence) { printf("Filename is %s, original filename is %s.\n", findData.cFileName, strOrigName); } } } if (IsFileForSKU(strOrigName, flavor, binType, &exceptionList)) { hr = StringCchCopyA(destName, ARRAYLEN(destName), findData.cFileName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)){ goto exit; } } else { continue; } }
// Create a file
CHAR sfilename[MAX_PATH]; GetFileShortName(destName, sfilename, FALSE); if (file = new File(sfilename, destDirectory, destName, muiFileSearchPath, findData.cFileName, dirIdentifier)) { dirList->add(file); } } while (FindNextFile(fileHandle, &findData));
FindClose(fileHandle); }
return 0; exit: printf("Error in ListMuiFiles\n"); return 1; }
// ValidateLanguage()
// Verify if the language given is valid and checks is the files are
// available.
BOOL ValidateLanguage(LPSTR dirPath, LPSTR langName, DWORD binType) { CHAR langPath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; HRESULT hr;
// Check if the binary type in order to determine the right path.
if (binType == BIN_32) { hr = StringCchPrintfA(langPath, ARRAYLEN(langPath), "%s\\%s\\i386.uncomp", dirPath, langName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else { hr = StringCchPrintfA(langPath, ARRAYLEN(langPath), "%s\\%s\\ia64.uncomp", dirPath, langName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } }
return (DirectoryExist(langPath)); exit: printf("Error in ValidateLanguage \n"); return FALSE; }
// DirectoryExist()
// Verify if the given directory exists and contains files.
BOOL DirectoryExist(LPSTR dirPath) { WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; HANDLE FindHandle;
// Sanity check.
if (dirPath == NULL) { return FALSE; }
// See if the language group directory exists.
FindHandle = FindFirstFile(dirPath, &FindData); if (FindHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(FindHandle); if (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { //
// Return success.
return (TRUE); } }
// Return failure.
if (!bSilence) { printf("ERR[%s]: No files found in the directory.\n", dirPath); }
return (FALSE); }
// ConvertLanguage()
// Look into mui.inf file for the corresponding language identifier.
WORD ConvertLanguage(LPSTR dirPath, LPSTR langName) { HINF hFile; CHAR muiFilePath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR muiLang[30]; UINT lineCount, lineNum; INFCONTEXT context; DWORD langId = 0x00000000; HRESULT hr;
// Create the path to open the mui.inf file
hr = StringCchPrintfA(muiFilePath, ARRAYLEN(muiFilePath), "%s\\mui.inf", dirPath); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } hr = StringCchPrintfA(muiLang, ARRAYLEN(muiLang), "%s.MUI", langName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; }
// Open the MUI.INF file.
hFile = SetupOpenInfFile(muiFilePath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return (0x0000); }
// Get the number of Language.
lineCount = (UINT)SetupGetLineCount(hFile, TEXT("Languages")); if (lineCount > 0) { //
// Go through all language of the list to find a .
CHAR langID[MAX_PATH]; CHAR name[MAX_PATH]; for (lineNum = 0; lineNum < lineCount; lineNum++) { if (SetupGetLineByIndex(hFile, TEXT("Languages"), lineNum, &context) && SetupGetStringField(&context, 0, langID, MAX_PATH, NULL) && SetupGetStringField(&context, 1, name, MAX_PATH, NULL)) { if ( _tcsicmp(name, muiLang) == 0) { langId = TransNum(langID); SetupCloseInfFile(hFile); return (WORD)(langId); } } } }
// Close inf handle
SetupCloseInfFile(hFile); exit: printf("Error in CovnertLanguage \n"); return (0x0000);
// PrintFileList
// Print a file list in XML format.
void PrintFileList(FileList* list, HANDLE hFile, BOOL compressed, BOOL bWinDir, BOOL bPermanent, BOOL bX86OnIA64, DWORD flavor, DWORD binType) { CHAR szSKUCondition[4096]; CHAR szIsWin64[4]; BOOL bPrintCondition = GetSKUConditionString(szSKUCondition, flavor); HRESULT hr;
if (binType == BIN_32) { hr = StringCchCopyA(szIsWin64, ARRAYLEN(szIsWin64),"no"); } else { hr = StringCchCopyA(szIsWin64, ARRAYLEN(szIsWin64),"yes"); } if (compressed) { File* item; CHAR itemDescription[4096]; CHAR spaces[30]; int j; item = list->getFirst(); while (item != NULL) { LPSTR refDirPtr = NULL; LPSTR dirPtr = NULL; CHAR dirName[MAX_PATH]; CHAR dirName2[MAX_PATH]; CHAR dirObjectName[MAX_PATH+1]; LPSTR dirPtr2 = NULL; LPSTR dirLvlPtr = NULL; INT dirLvlCnt = 0; BOOL componentInit = FALSE; BOOL directoryInit = FALSE; Uuid* uuid; File* toBeRemoved; CHAR fileObjectName[MAX_PATH+1]; UINT matchCount;
// Check destination directory.
if (item->isWindowsDir() != bWinDir) { item = item->getNext(); continue; }
// Check if the destination directory is base dir
if (*(item->getDirectoryDestination()) == '\0') { //
// Component
uuid = new Uuid(); for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt+1; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} if (FALSE == bPermanent) { hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<Component Id='%s' Win64='%s'>Content%x.%i", spaces, uuid->getString(), szIsWin64, flavor, dwComponentCounter); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else { hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<Component Id='%s' Permanent='yes' Win64='%s'>Content%x.%i", spaces, uuid->getString(), szIsWin64, flavor, dwComponentCounter); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } delete uuid; PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription);
// print a condition line for this component, if needed
if (TRUE == bPrintCondition) { PrintLine(hFile, szSKUCondition); }
// File
for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt+2; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} removeSpace(item->getName(), fileObjectName); ReplaceInvalidChars(fileObjectName); hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<File Name=\"%s\" LongName=\"%s\" src=\"%s\\%s\">_%s.%x.%i</File>", spaces, item->getShortName(), item->getName(), item->getSrcDir(), item->getSrcName(), fileObjectName, flavor, dwComponentCounter); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription);
// </Component>
for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt+1; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s</Component>", spaces); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); dwComponentCounter++;
toBeRemoved = item; item = item->getNext(); list->remove(toBeRemoved); continue; }
// Print directory
hr = StringCchCopyA(dirName, ARRAYLEN(dirName), item->getDirectoryDestination()); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; }
dirPtr = dirName; refDirPtr = dirPtr;
CHAR sdirname[MAX_PATH]; while (dirPtr != NULL) { dirLvlPtr = strchr(dirPtr, '\\'); if (dirLvlPtr != NULL) { *dirLvlPtr = '\0'; for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} hr = StringCchCopyA(dirObjectName, ARRAYLEN(dirObjectName),dirPtr); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } ReplaceInvalidChars(dirObjectName); GetFileShortName(dirPtr, sdirname, FALSE);
hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<Directory Name=\"%s\" LongName=\"%s\">_%s%i", spaces, sdirname, dirPtr, dirObjectName, dwDirectoryCounter); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } dwDirectoryCounter++; PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); dirPtr = dirLvlPtr + 1; dirLvlCnt++;
// Print all file under this specific directory
hr = StringCchCopyA(dirName2, ARRAYLEN(dirName2), item->getDirectoryDestination()); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } dirName2[dirLvlPtr-refDirPtr] = '\0'; File* sameLvlItem = NULL; matchCount = 0; while((sameLvlItem = list->search(item, dirName2)) != NULL) { //
// Component
if (!componentInit) { uuid = new Uuid(); for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt+1; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} if (FALSE == bPermanent) {
hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<Component Id='%s' Win64='%s'>Content%x.%i", spaces, uuid->getString(), szIsWin64, flavor, dwComponentCounter); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else{ hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<Component Id='%s' Permanent='yes' Win64='%s'>Content%x.%i", spaces, uuid->getString(), szIsWin64, flavor, dwComponentCounter); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } delete uuid; PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); dwComponentCounter++; componentInit = TRUE;
// print a condition line for this component, if needed
if (TRUE == bPrintCondition) { PrintLine(hFile, szSKUCondition); }
// File
matchCount++; for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt+2; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} removeSpace(sameLvlItem->getName(), fileObjectName); ReplaceInvalidChars(fileObjectName);
hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<File Name=\"%s\" LongName=\"%s\" src=\"%s\\%s\">_%s.%x.%i</File>", spaces, sameLvlItem->getShortName(), sameLvlItem->getName(), sameLvlItem->getSrcDir(), sameLvlItem->getSrcName(), fileObjectName, flavor, dwComponentCounter);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; }
PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription);
list->remove(sameLvlItem); }
// kenhsu -this is incorrect, the file we are looking at may be deeper in the directory structure, we shouldn't print it out here
// until we have finished recursing its destination directory.
/* if (matchCount)
{ //
// File
for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt+2; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} removeSpace(item->getName(), fileObjectName); ReplaceInvalidChars(fileObjectName); sprintf( itemDescription, "%s<File Name=\"%s\" LongName=\"%s\" src=\"%s\\%s\">%s.%i</File>", spaces, item->getShortName(), item->getName(), item->getSrcDir(), item->getSrcName(), fileObjectName, dwComponentCounter); PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); dirPtr = NULL; } */ //
// Close component
if (componentInit) { for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt+1; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s</Component>", spaces); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); componentInit = FALSE; }
// Close directory
if (directoryInit) { dirLvlCnt--; for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s</Directory>", spaces); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); directoryInit = FALSE; } } else { if (!directoryInit) { for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} hr = StringCchCopyA(dirObjectName, ARRAYLEN(dirObjectName), dirPtr); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } ReplaceInvalidChars(dirObjectName); GetFileShortName(dirPtr, sdirname, FALSE); hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<Directory Name=\"%s\" LongName=\"%s\">_%s%i", spaces, sdirname, dirPtr, dirObjectName, dwDirectoryCounter); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } dwDirectoryCounter++; PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); dirLvlCnt++; directoryInit = TRUE; }
// Component
if (!componentInit) { uuid = new Uuid(); for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt+1; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} if (FALSE == bPermanent) { hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<Component Id='%s' Win64='%s'>Content%x.%i", spaces, uuid->getString(), szIsWin64, flavor, dwComponentCounter); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else { hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<Component Id='%s' Permanent='yes' Win64='%s'>Content%x.%i", spaces, uuid->getString(), szIsWin64, flavor, dwComponentCounter); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } delete uuid; PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); componentInit = TRUE;
// print a condition line for this component, if needed
if (TRUE == bPrintCondition) { PrintLine(hFile, szSKUCondition); } }
// Print all file under this specific directory
File* sameLvlItem; while((sameLvlItem = list->search(item, item->getDirectoryDestination())) != NULL) { //
// File
for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt+2; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} removeSpace(sameLvlItem->getName(), fileObjectName); ReplaceInvalidChars(fileObjectName);
hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<File Name=\"%s\" LongName=\"%s\" src=\"%s\\%s\">_%s.%x.%i</File>", spaces, sameLvlItem->getShortName(), sameLvlItem->getName(), sameLvlItem->getSrcDir(), sameLvlItem->getSrcName(), fileObjectName, flavor, dwComponentCounter); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription);
list->remove(sameLvlItem); }
// File
for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt+2; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} removeSpace(item->getName(), fileObjectName); ReplaceInvalidChars(fileObjectName); hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<File Name=\"%s\" LongName=\"%s\" src=\"%s\\%s\">_%s.%x.%i</File>", spaces, item->getShortName(), item->getName(), item->getSrcDir(), item->getSrcName(), fileObjectName, flavor, dwComponentCounter); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); dwComponentCounter++; dirPtr = NULL;
// Close component
if (componentInit) { for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt+1; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s</Component>", spaces); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); componentInit = FALSE; }
// Close directory
if (directoryInit) { dirLvlCnt--; for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s</Directory>", spaces); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); directoryInit = FALSE; } } }
for (int i = dirLvlCnt; i > 0; i--) { spaces[i] = '\0'; hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s</Directory>", spaces); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); }
if (list->getFileNumber() > 1) { if (item->getNext() != NULL) { item = item->getNext(); list->remove(item->getPrevious()); } else { list->remove(item); item = NULL; } } else { list->remove(item); item = NULL; } } } else { File* item; CHAR itemDescription[4096]; CHAR dirObjectName[MAX_PATH+1]; CHAR sdirname[MAX_PATH]; CHAR spaces[30]; int j; item = list->getFirst(); while (item != NULL) { LPSTR dirPtr = NULL; LPSTR dirLvlPtr = NULL; INT dirLvlCnt = 0;
// Print directory
dirPtr = item->getDirectoryDestination(); while (dirPtr != NULL) { dirLvlPtr = strchr(dirPtr, '\\'); if (dirLvlPtr != NULL) { *dirLvlPtr = '\0'; for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} hr = StringCchCopyA(dirObjectName, ARRAYLEN(dirObjectName), dirPtr); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } ReplaceInvalidChars(dirObjectName); GetFileShortName(dirPtr, sdirname, FALSE); hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<Directory Name=\"%s\" LongName=\"%s\">_%s%i", spaces, sdirname, dirPtr, dirObjectName, dwDirectoryCounter); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } dwDirectoryCounter++; PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); dirPtr = dirLvlPtr + 1; dirLvlCnt++; } else { Uuid* uuid = new Uuid();
for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} hr = StringCchCopyA(dirObjectName, ARRAYLEN(dirObjectName), dirPtr); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } ReplaceInvalidChars(dirObjectName); GetFileShortName(dirPtr, sdirname, FALSE); hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<Directory Name=\"%s\" LongName=\"%s\">_%s%i", spaces, sdirname, dirPtr, dirObjectName, dwDirectoryCounter); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } dwDirectoryCounter++; PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); dirLvlCnt++;
// Component
for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt+1; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} if (FALSE == bPermanent) { hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<Component Id='%s' Win64='%s'>Content%x.%i", spaces, uuid->getString(), szIsWin64, flavor, dwComponentCounter); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else { hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<Component Id='%s' Permanent='yes' Win64='%s'>Content%x.%i", spaces, uuid->getString(), szIsWin64, flavor, dwComponentCounter); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } delete uuid; PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription);
// print a condition line for this component, if needed
if (TRUE == bPrintCondition) { PrintLine(hFile, szSKUCondition); }
// File
for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt+2; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} CHAR fileObjectName[MAX_PATH+1]; removeSpace(item->getName(), fileObjectName); ReplaceInvalidChars(fileObjectName);
hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s<File Name=\"%s\" LongName=\"%s\" src=\"%s\\%s\">_%s.%x.%i</File>", spaces, item->getShortName(), item->getName(), item->getSrcDir(), item->getSrcName(), fileObjectName, flavor, dwComponentCounter); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); dwComponentCounter++; dirPtr = NULL; } }
for (j = -1; j < dirLvlCnt+1; j++) {spaces[j+1] = ' '; spaces[j+2] = '\0';} hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s</Component>", spaces); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); for (int i = dirLvlCnt; i > 0; i--) { spaces[i] = '\0'; hr = StringCchPrintfA(itemDescription, ARRAYLEN(itemDescription), "%s</Directory>", spaces); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); }
item = item->getNext(); } } return; /****************** DEBUG ******************
File* item; CHAR itemDescription[4096];
item = list->getFirst(); while (item != NULL) { //
// Item description
sprintf(itemDescription, " Source: %s\\%s", item->getSrcDir(), item->getSrcName()); PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); sprintf(itemDescription, " Destination: %s\\%s", item->getDirectoryDestination(), item->getName()); PrintLine(hFile, itemDescription); PrintLine(hFile, "");
item = item->getNext(); } ****************** DEBUG ******************/ exit: printf("Error in PrintFileList\n"); return;
// PrintLine
// Add a line at the end of the file.
BOOL PrintLine(HANDLE hFile, LPCSTR lpLine) { DWORD dwBytesWritten;
SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END);
WriteFile( hFile, lpLine, _tcslen(lpLine) * sizeof(TCHAR), &dwBytesWritten, NULL );
SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END);
WriteFile( hFile, TEXT("\r\n"), _tcslen(TEXT("\r\n")) * sizeof(TCHAR), &dwBytesWritten, NULL );
return (TRUE); }
// CreateOutputFile()
// Create the file that would received the package file contents.
HANDLE CreateOutputFile(LPSTR filename) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecurityAttributes;
// Sanity check.
if (filename == NULL) { return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
// Create a security descriptor the output file.
SecurityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SecurityAttributes); SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
// Create the file.
return CreateFile( filename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, &SecurityAttributes, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); }
// removeSpace
// Remove all space from a string.
VOID removeSpace(LPSTR src, LPSTR dest) { LPSTR strSrcPtr = src; LPSTR strDestPtr = dest;
while (*strSrcPtr != '\0') { if (*strSrcPtr != ' ') { *strDestPtr = *strSrcPtr; strDestPtr++; } strSrcPtr++; } *strDestPtr = '\0'; }
// TransNum
// Converts a number string to a dword value (in hex).
DWORD TransNum(LPTSTR lpsz) { DWORD dw = 0L; TCHAR c;
while (*lpsz) { c = *lpsz++;
if (c >= TEXT('A') && c <= TEXT('F')) { c -= TEXT('A') - 0xa; } else if (c >= TEXT('0') && c <= TEXT('9')) { c -= TEXT('0'); } else if (c >= TEXT('a') && c <= TEXT('f')) { c -= TEXT('a') - 0xa; } else { break; } dw *= 0x10; dw += c; } return (dw); }
// Usage
// Print the fonction usage.
void Usage() { printf("Create Merge module MUI WXM files for different OS SKUs\n"); printf("Usage: infparser /p:[cdlaout] /b:[32|64] /l:<lang> /f:[p|s|a|d] /s:<dir> /o:<file> /v\n"); printf(" where\n"); printf(" /p means the pseudo cd layout directory.\n"); printf(" <cdlayout>: is cd layout directory in mui release share, e.g. cd1 (for jpn), or psu (for psu)\n"); printf(" /b means the binary.\n"); printf(" 32: i386\n"); printf(" 64: ia64\n"); printf(" /l means the language flag.\n"); printf(" <lang>: is the target language\n"); printf(" /f means the flavor.\n"); printf(" p: Professional\n"); printf(" s: Server\n"); printf(" a: Advanced Server\n"); printf(" d: Data Center\n"); printf(" l: Server for Small Business Server\n"); printf(" w: Web Blade\n"); printf(" /i means the location of the localized binairy files.\n"); printf(" <dir>: Fully qualified path\n"); printf(" /s means the location of the binairy data.\n"); printf(" <dir>: Fully qualified path\n"); printf(" /o means the xml file contents of specific flavor.\n"); printf(" <file>: Fully qualified path\n"); printf(" /v means the verbose mode [optional].\n"); }
// GetTempDirName
// Return the MUI temporary directory name, create it if not found
BOOL GetTempDirName(LPSTR sLangName) { CHAR *pcBaseDirPtr = NULL; BOOL bFoundDir = FALSE; HRESULT hr;
pcBaseDirPtr = getenv(TEXT("_NTPOSTBLD")); if (NULL != pcBaseDirPtr) { // sprintf(TempDirName, "%s\\%s\\%s\\%s\\%s", pcBaseDirPtr, sLangName, "mui", sLangName, "tmp\\infparser");
// sprintf(TempDirName, "%s\\%s\\%s\\%s", pcBaseDirPtr, "mui", sLangName, "tmp\\infparser");
hr = StringCchPrintfA(TempDirName, ARRAYLEN(TempDirName), "%s\\%s\\%s\\%s", pcBaseDirPtr, "mui", sLangName, "tmp\\infparser"); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; }
// we will create this directory if it does not exist - although it should be by this stage
if (FALSE == DirectoryExist(TempDirName)) { if (TRUE == CreateDirectory(TempDirName, NULL)) { bFoundDir = TRUE; if (!bSilence) printf("Infparser::GetTempDirName() - created MUI temp directory %s \n", TempDirName); } else { if (!bSilence) printf("Infparser::GetTempDirName() - failed to create MUI temp directory %s - The error returned is %d\n", TempDirName, GetLastError()); } } else bFoundDir = TRUE; }
// if we cannot find the MUI temp directory and directory creation failed, use the default one instead
if (FALSE == bFoundDir) { DWORD dwBufferLength = 0; dwBufferLength = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, TempDirName); // tempdir returned contains an ending slash
if (dwBufferLength > 0) { if (TRUE == DirectoryExist(TempDirName)) { bFoundDir = TRUE; } } }
if (!bSilence) { if (FALSE == bFoundDir) printf("GetTempDirName: Cannot find/create temporary directory!\n"); else printf("GetTempDirName: temporary directory used is %s\n", TempDirName); } return bFoundDir; exit: printf("Error in GetTempDirName \n"); return FALSE; }
BOOL GetFileShortName(const CHAR * pcInLongName, CHAR * pcOutShortName, BOOL bInFileExists) { CHAR LongFullPath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR ShortFullPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwBufferSize = 0; // size of the returned shortname
HANDLE tmpHandle; CHAR * pcIndex = NULL; // pointer index into src path of the file name
HRESULT hr; if (NULL == pcInLongName || NULL == pcOutShortName) return FALSE;
if (!bInFileExists) { hr = StringCchPrintfA(LongFullPath, ARRAYLEN(LongFullPath), "%s\\%s", TempDirName, pcInLongName); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; }
if (!bSilence) printf("GetFileShortName: LongFullPath is %s.\n", LongFullPath); // create a temp file so that GetShortPathName will work
tmpHandle = CreateFile(LongFullPath, GENERIC_ALL, FILE_SHARE_DELETE | FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (tmpHandle) CloseHandle(tmpHandle); } else { hr = StringCchCopyA(LongFullPath, ARRAYLEN(LongFullPath), pcInLongName); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } }
dwBufferSize = GetShortPathName(LongFullPath, ShortFullPath, MAX_PATH); if (0 == dwBufferSize) { DWORD dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); if (!bSilence) { printf("GetFileShortName failed! GetShortPathName returned an error code of %d. Using longname as shortpath name. ", dwErrorCode); printf("fullpath is %s\n", LongFullPath); } hr = StringCchCopyA(pcOutShortName, MAX_PATH, pcInLongName); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else { // find the filename from the path, if cannot find it, then use the source name
GetFileNameFromFullPath(ShortFullPath, pcOutShortName);
if (!pcOutShortName) { if (!bSilence) printf("GetShortPathName returned an empty string, using source name %s\n", pcInLongName); hr = StringCchCopyA(pcOutShortName, MAX_PATH, pcInLongName); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } } return TRUE;
exit: printf("Error in GetFileShortName\n"); return FALSE; }
BOOL IsInvalidChar(CHAR cCheck) { int i; BOOL bResult = FALSE;
for (i=0; i < NO_INVALIDCHARS; i++) { if (cCheck == InvalidChars[i]) { bResult = TRUE; break; } } return bResult; }
void ReplaceInvalidChars(CHAR *pcInName) { // if first char is not a alphabet or underscore, add an underscore to the name
HRESULT hr; if ((!isalpha(*pcInName) && (*pcInName != '_') )) { CHAR tempBuffer[MAX_PATH+1]; hr = StringCchCopyA(tempBuffer, ARRAYLEN(tempBuffer), pcInName); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } hr = StringCchCopyA(pcInName, MAX_PATH, tempBuffer); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; }
} while (*pcInName) { if (IsInvalidChar(*pcInName)) *pcInName = '_'; // replace all invalid chars with underscores
pcInName++; }
return; exit: printf("Error in ReplaceInvalidChars \n"); return; }
BOOL GetFileNameFromFullPath(const CHAR * pcInFullPath, CHAR * pcOutFileName) { CHAR * pcIndex = NULL; HRESULT hr;
if (!pcInFullPath) { return FALSE; } if (!pcOutFileName) { return FALSE; } // find the filename from the path, if cannot find it, then use the fullpath as the outputfilename
pcIndex = strrchr(pcInFullPath, '\\'); if (NULL != pcIndex) { pcIndex++; if (!bSilence) printf("Shortpath used is %s\n", pcIndex); hr = StringCchCopyA(pcOutFileName, MAX_PATH, pcIndex); // pcOutFileName size is MAX_PATH
if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; }
} else if (0 < strlen(pcInFullPath)) // we just have the filename, use it as is.
{ if (!bSilence) printf("GetFileNameFromFullPath returned a path without a \\ in the path. ShortFileName is %s.\n", pcInFullPath); hr = StringCchCopyA(pcOutFileName, MAX_PATH, pcInFullPath); // pcOutFileName size is MAX_PATH
if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } } else // didn't find the filename, use the passed in parameter instead
{ if (!bSilence) printf("GetFileNameFromFullPath returned an empty string, using source name %s\n", pcInFullPath); hr = StringCchCopyA(pcOutFileName, MAX_PATH, pcInFullPath); // pcOutFileName size is MAX_PATH
if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } }
return TRUE; exit: printf("Error in GetFileNameFromFullPath\n"); return TRUE; }
void RenameMuiExtension(CHAR * dstFileName) { int iNameLen = 0; if (NULL == dstFileName) return;
iNameLen = strlen(dstFileName); if (0 == iNameLen) return; // if the last char is a '/' or '\', remove it
if ((dstFileName[iNameLen-1] == '\\') || (dstFileName[iNameLen-1] == '/')) { dstFileName[iNameLen-1] = '\0'; iNameLen --; } // if the last 4 chars are '.mui', replace the 'i' with '_'
if (iNameLen >= 4) { if (_stricmp(dstFileName+(iNameLen-4), ".mui") == 0) { dstFileName[iNameLen-1] = '_'; } } return; }
// This function checks to see if there are any SKU specific external component INF directories under the supplied component path.
// Note that the SKU subdirectories are as generated by the NT build environment. And also that the personal edition SKU directory
// "perinf" is not included in the search. i.e. if perinf dir exists the function still returns false.
BOOL ContainSKUDirs(CHAR *pszDirPath) { WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; HANDLE FindHandle = NULL; FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS fInfoLevelId; INT i; CHAR szSKURootPath[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bResult = FALSE; HRESULT hr;
CHAR *szSKUDirs[5] = { "blainf\0", "dtcinf\0", "entinf\0", "sbsinf\0", "srvinf\0" }; if (NULL == pszDirPath) return FALSE;
if (0 == strlen(pszDirPath)) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // replace PathCombine(szSKURootPath, pszDirPath, szSKUDirs[i])
// with normal string operation.
// szSKURootPath = pszDirPath + "\\" + szSKUDirs[i];
hr = StringCchPrintfA(szSKURootPath, ARRAYLEN(szSKURootPath), "%s\\%s",pszDirPath,szSKUDirs[i]); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { return FALSE; }
FindHandle = FindFirstFileEx(szSKURootPath, FindExInfoStandard, &FindData, FindExSearchLimitToDirectories, NULL, 0); if (FindHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(FindHandle); if (FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { bResult = TRUE; break; } } } return (bResult); }
BOOL GetSKUConditionString(CHAR *pszBuffer, DWORD dwFlavour) { BOOL bReturn = TRUE; HRESULT hr; if (NULL == pszBuffer) { bReturn = FALSE; // strcpy(pszBuffer, "");
goto Exit; }
switch (dwFlavour) { case FLV_PROFESSIONAL: hr = StringCchCopyA(pszBuffer, 4096, PRO_SKU_CONDITION); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } break; case FLV_SERVER: hr = StringCchCopyA(pszBuffer, 4096, SRV_SKU_CONDITION); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } break; case FLV_ADVSERVER: hr = StringCchCopyA(pszBuffer, 4096, ADV_SKU_CONDITION); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } break; case FLV_DATACENTER: hr = StringCchCopyA(pszBuffer, 4096, DTC_SKU_CONDITION); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } break; case FLV_WEBBLADE: hr = StringCchCopyA(pszBuffer, 4096, BLA_SKU_CONDITION); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } break; case FLV_SMALLBUSINESS: hr = StringCchCopyA(pszBuffer, 4096, SBS_SKU_CONDITION); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } break; case FLV_PERSONAL: case FLV_UNDEFINED: case FLV_CORE: default: hr = StringCchCopyA(pszBuffer, 4096, ""); if(!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto exit; } bReturn = FALSE; break; }
if (!bSilence) { printf("\nSKU Condition String is: %s\n", pszBuffer); }
Exit: return bReturn;
exit: printf("Error GetSKUConditionString \n"); return FALSE; }
// IsFileForSKU:
// This function takes a file name, the SKU flavour, and the processor architecture as an
// argument. Then it checks to see if it exists as a source file in the SKU specified.
// the checking part is done by looking in the built layout.inf file for that sku to make sure
// the file appears for that SKU only, the layout.inf file for the skus are located at:
// PER sku: _NTPOSTBLD\perinf
// SRV sku: _NTPOSTBLD\srvinf
// ADS sku: _NTPOSTBLD\entinf
// DTC sku: _NTPOSTBLD\dtcinf
// SBS sku: _NTPOSTBLD\sbsinf
// BLA sku: _NTPOSTBLD\blainf
// for all skus, check all the inf files for every sku and make sure it doesn't appear in every inf
// but appears at least in the inf file designated for the sku we are searching for.
// For Core sku, it must appear in every infs (the reverse for the above)
// ignore and return false if personal or other undefined skus are specified
// check first in [SourceDisksFiles] (common file section)
// if not in there, we check based on arch, [SourceDiskFiles.x86] and [SourceDiskFiles.ia64]
// note that here, the source and destination file names are the same, since they are not in the exception list
// strFileName: source filename to be checked (not the destination name)
// dwSKU: SKU to check for (see infparser.h for the list of values)
// dwArch: Architecture type to check for (see infparser.h for list of values)
// NOTE: this function needs to be reworked if we want to incorporate PER/PRO skus back into
// the checking. Currently it only works for server skus.
BOOL IsFileForSKU(CHAR * strFileName, DWORD dwSKU, DWORD dwArch, FileLayoutExceptionList * exceptionList) { BOOL bFound = TRUE; BOOL bCoreFound = TRUE; BOOL bSkuFound = FALSE; BOOL bProPerFound = FALSE; BOOL bSrvSkusFound = FALSE; UINT i = 0; // index variable
UINT iDesignated = 0; // the sku we are searching for.
// validating parameters
if (NULL == strFileName) { if (!bSilence) { printf("IsFileForSKU: Passed in filename is empty.\n"); } return FALSE; }
// determines the inf files that we need to search
switch (dwSKU) { case FLV_PROFESSIONAL: iDesignated = PRO_SKU_INDEX; break; case FLV_PERSONAL: iDesignated = PER_SKU_INDEX; break; case FLV_SERVER: iDesignated = SRV_SKU_INDEX; break; case FLV_ADVSERVER: iDesignated = ADV_SKU_INDEX; break; case FLV_DATACENTER: iDesignated = DTC_SKU_INDEX; break; case FLV_WEBBLADE: iDesignated = BLA_SKU_INDEX; break; case FLV_SMALLBUSINESS: iDesignated = SBS_SKU_INDEX; break; case FLV_CORE: iDesignated = NO_SKUS; break; default: return FALSE; break; }
if (!bSilence) { printf("File %s\n", strFileName); } // search for the infs
// NOTE: we search also in personal and professional skus, this is to make sure files we pick up
// which are in \bin that aren't in the server layout.infs are not also in layout.infs for pro/per
for (i = PRO_SKU_INDEX; i < NO_SKUS; i++) { bFound = IsFileInInf(strFileName, i, dwArch);
if (!bSilence) { printf("SKU %s: %s ", SkuInfs[i].strSkuName, bFound ? "yes" : "no"); } if (iDesignated == i) { bSkuFound = bFound; }
if ((i == PRO_SKU_INDEX) || (i == PER_SKU_INDEX)) { bProPerFound = (bProPerFound || bFound); } else { bCoreFound = (bFound && bCoreFound); bSkuFound = bFound || bSkuFound; } } if (dwSKU == FLV_CORE) { bFound = bCoreFound;
// for CORE sku, if the file is not found in Pro/Per SKU, we will include it anyways
// as long as it is not a destination file for any SKU, otherwise we will have
// a MSI build error
if ((!bFound) && (!bProPerFound) && (!bSkuFound)) { if (!exceptionList->searchDestName(strFileName)) bFound = TRUE; else bFound = FALSE; } } else { bFound = (!bCoreFound && bSkuFound); }
if (!bSilence) { printf("\n"); if (bFound) { printf("The file %s is found in this sku.\n", strFileName); } else { printf("The file %s is not found in this sku.\n", strFileName); } }
return bFound; }
BOOL IsFileInInf(CHAR * strFileName, UINT iSkuIndex, DWORD dwArch) { UINT iLineCount = 0; UINT iLineNum = 0; FileLayoutExceptionList *flArch = NULL; CHAR * archSection = NULL; INFCONTEXT context; // validating parameters
if (NULL == strFileName) { if (!bSilence) { printf("IsFileInInf: Passed in filename is empty.\n"); } return FALSE; } switch (dwArch) { case BIN_32: flArch = &(SkuInfs[iSkuIndex].flLayoutX86); break; case BIN_64: flArch = &(SkuInfs[iSkuIndex].flLayoutIA64); break; default: if (!bSilence) { printf("Invalid architecture specified.\n"); } return FALSE; break; } if (iSkuIndex > BLA_SKU_INDEX) { if (!bSilence) { printf("IsFileInInf: invalid SKU index passed in as parameter: %d.\n", iSkuIndex); } return FALSE; }
if (SkuInfs[iSkuIndex].flLayoutCore.search(strFileName) != NULL) { return TRUE; } else if (flArch->search(strFileName) != NULL) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
// This function reads in the layout.inf files for all the skus and stores the file information
// in the filelist structure for later accessing. We are doing this so that we can gain
// some performance instead of repeatedly using setup apis to read from the inf files itself
// when we have to repeatedly search through these inf files to build the final file list
BOOL ReadInLayoutInfFiles() { UINT i = 0; UINT j = 0; UINT iLineCount = 0; UINT iLineNum = 0; INFCONTEXT context; FileLayout *file; HINF hInfFile = NULL; FileLayoutExceptionList *flist = NULL; // populate the layout.inf filelists
for (i = 0; i < NO_SKUS; i++) { if (!bSilence) { printf("ReadInLayoutInfFiles: Reading files from %s for %s SKU.\n", SkuInfs[i].strLayoutInfPaths, SkuInfs[i].strSkuName); } hInfFile = SetupOpenInfFile(SkuInfs[i].strLayoutInfPaths, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hInfFile) { if (!bSilence) { printf("ReadInLayoutInfFiles: Failure opening %s file\n", SkuInfs[i].strLayoutInfPaths); } return FALSE; }
// read in SourceDisksFiles section
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { switch(j) { case (0): flist = &(SkuInfs[i].flLayoutCore); break; case (1): flist = &(SkuInfs[i].flLayoutX86); break; case (2): flist = &(SkuInfs[i].flLayoutIA64); break; default: // shouldn't happen
return FALSE; }
iLineCount = (UINT)SetupGetLineCount(hInfFile, strArchSections[j]); if (iLineCount > 0) { //
// try to find the file in sourcedisksfiles.
CHAR name[MAX_PATH]; for (iLineNum = 0; iLineNum < iLineCount; iLineNum++) { if (SetupGetLineByIndex(hInfFile, strArchSections[j], iLineNum, &context) && SetupGetStringField(&context, 0, name, MAX_PATH, NULL)) { // add the file to the filelist, we are only interested in the source name, pass in bogus stuff for
// the other members, we don't care what the sku is, just insert 0 for now.
if (file = new FileLayout(name, name, 0)) { flist->insert(file); } } } } } SetupCloseInfFile(hInfFile); } return TRUE; }