#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <md5.h>
#include <strsafe.h> // safe string
#include "muibld.h"
typedef struct { BOOL bContainResource; MD5_CTX ChecksumContext; pCommandLineInfo pInfo; } CHECKSUM_ENUM_DATA;
void ExitFromOutOfMemory(); void ExitFromSafeStringError();
void DumpResourceDirectory ( PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY resDir, DWORD resourceBase, DWORD level, DWORD resourceType );
int g_bVerbose = FALSE; // Global flag to contorl verbose output.
WORD wChecksumLangId;
// The predefined resource types
char *SzResourceTypes[] = { "???_0", "CURSOR", "BITMAP", "ICON", "MENU", "DIALOG", "STRING", "FONTDIR", "FONT", "ACCELERATORS", "RCDATA", "MESSAGETABLE", "GROUP_CURSOR", "???_13", "GROUP_ICON", "???_15", "VERSION" };
(LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL )) { printf("GetLastError():\n %s", lpMsgBuf); LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); } return; }
// ChecksumEnumNamesFunc
// The callback funciton for enumerating the resource names in the specified module and
// type.
// The side effect is that MD5 checksum context (contained in CHECKSUM_ENUM_DATA
// pointed by lParam) will be updated.
// Return:
// Always return TRUE so that we can finish all resource enumeration.
BOOL CALLBACK ChecksumEnumNamesFunc(HMODULE hModule, LPCTSTR lpType, LPTSTR lpName, LONG_PTR lParam){
HRSRC hRsrc; HGLOBAL hRes; const unsigned char* pv; LONG ResSize=0L; WORD IdFlag=0xFFFF;
DWORD dwHeaderSize=0L; CHECKSUM_ENUM_DATA* pChecksumEnumData = (CHECKSUM_ENUM_DATA*)lParam;
if(!(hRsrc=FindResourceEx(hModule, lpType, lpName, wChecksumLangId ? wChecksumLangId : 0x409))) { //
// If US English resource is not found for the specified type and name, we
// will continue the resource enumeration.
return (TRUE); } pChecksumEnumData->bContainResource = TRUE;
if (!(ResSize=SizeofResource(hModule, hRsrc))) { printf("WARNING: Can not get resource size when generating resource checksum.\n"); return (TRUE); }
if (!(hRes=LoadResource(hModule, hRsrc))) { printf("WARNING: Can not load resource when generating resource checksum.\n"); return (TRUE); } pv=(unsigned char*)LockResource(hRes);
// Update MD5 context using the binary data of this particular resource.
MD5Update(&(pChecksumEnumData->ChecksumContext), pv, ResSize); return TRUE; }
// ChecksumEnumTypesFunc
// The callback function for enumerating the resource types in the specified module.
// This function will call EnumResourceNames() to enumerate all resource names of
// the specified resource type.
// Return:
// TRUE if EnumResourceName() succeeds. Otherwise FALSE.
BOOL CALLBACK ChecksumEnumTypesFunc(HMODULE hModule, LPSTR lpType, LONG_PTR lParam) { CHECKSUM_ENUM_DATA* pChecksumEnumData = (CHECKSUM_ENUM_DATA*)lParam;
// Skip the version resource type, so that version is not included in the resource checksum.
if (lpType == RT_VERSION) { return (TRUE); } //
// If muibld include -i arg. but the lpType is not in the -i arg. values, it does not
// use lpType for checksum calculation.
if(pChecksumEnumData->pInfo->bIncludeFlag && !bTypeIncluded((char *)lpType, pChecksumEnumData->pInfo->pszIncResType)) { return TRUE;
if(!EnumResourceNames(hModule, (LPCSTR)lpType, ChecksumEnumNamesFunc, (LONG_PTR)lParam)) { return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); }
// GenerateResourceChecksum
// Generate the resource checksum for the US English resource in the specified file.
// Parameters:
// pszSourceFileName The file used to generate resource checksum.
// pResourceChecksum Pointer to a 16 bytes (128 bits) buffer for storing
// the calcuated MD5 checksum.
// pInfo pCommandLineInfo structure.the routine refer to
// pszChecksumFile, pResourceChecksum, pszIncResType.
// Return:
// TURE if resource checksum is generated from the given file. Otherwise FALSE.
// The following situation may return FALSE:
// * The specified file does not contain resource.
// * If the specified file contains resource, but the resource is not US English.
// * The specified file only contains US English version resource.
// Note.
// muibld calculate the checksum only based of included resource types by -i arg.
BOOL GenerateResourceChecksum(pCommandLineInfo pInfo) // LPCSTR pszSourceFileName, unsigned char* pResourceChecksum)
{ ULONG i; HMODULE hModule = NULL;
DWORD dwResultLen; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
// The stucture to be passed into the resource enumeration functions.
CHECKSUM_ENUM_DATA checksumEnumData;
checksumEnumData.bContainResource = FALSE; checksumEnumData.pInfo = pInfo;
// Start MD5 checksum calculation by initializing MD5 context.
MD5Init(&(checksumEnumData.ChecksumContext)); // Info.pszChecksumFile, Info.pResourceChecksum
if (g_bVerbose) { printf("Generate resource checksum for [%s]\n", pInfo->pszChecksumFile); } if(!(hModule = LoadLibraryEx(pInfo->pszChecksumFile, NULL, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES|LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE))) { if (g_bVerbose) { printf("\nERROR: Error in opening resource checksum module [%s]\n", pInfo->pszChecksumFile); } PrintError(); goto GR_EXIT; }
if (g_bVerbose) { printf("\nLoad checksum file: %s\n", pInfo->pszChecksumFile); }
// we check language id of Version resource if it has wChecksumLangId when wChecksumLangId has value
if (wChecksumLangId && wChecksumLangId != 0x409) { if(!FindResourceEx(hModule, MAKEINTRESOURCE(16), MAKEINTRESOURCE(1), wChecksumLangId)) { //
// It does not has specifed language id in version resource, we supposed that this binary does not
// have any language id specified at all, so we set it as 0 in order to use English instead.
wChecksumLangId = 0; } }
// Enumerate all resources in the specified module.
// During the enumeration, the MD5 context will be updated.
if (!EnumResourceTypes(hModule, ChecksumEnumTypesFunc, (LONG_PTR)&checksumEnumData)) { if (g_bVerbose) { printf("\nWARNING: Unable to generate resource checksum from resource checksum module [%s]\n", pInfo->pszChecksumFile); } goto GR_EXIT; }
if (checksumEnumData.bContainResource) { //
// If the enumeration succeeds, and the specified file contains US English
// resource, get the MD5 checksum from the accumulated MD5 context.
MD5Final(&checksumEnumData.ChecksumContext); memcpy(checksumEnumData.pInfo->pResourceChecksum, checksumEnumData.ChecksumContext.digest, 16);
if (g_bVerbose) { printf("Generated checksum: ["); for (i = 0; i < MD5_CHECKSUM_SIZE; i++) { printf("%02x ", pInfo->pResourceChecksum[i]); } printf("]\n"); } bRet = TRUE; }
GR_EXIT: if (hModule) { FreeLibrary(hModule); }
return (bRet); }
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]){
struct CommandLineInfo Info; HMODULE hModule=0; char pszBuffer[400]; DWORD dwError; DWORD dwOffset; BOOL bEnumTypesReturn;
if(argc==1){ Usage(); return 0; }
g_bVerbose=FALSE; wChecksumLangId=0; Info.pszIncResType=0; Info.wLanguage=0; Info.hFile=0; Info.pszSource=0; Info.pszTarget=0; Info.bContainsOnlyVersion=TRUE; Info.bContainsResources=FALSE; Info.bLanguageFound=FALSE; Info.bIncDependent=FALSE; Info.bIncludeFlag=FALSE;
Info.pszChecksumFile=NULL; Info.bIsResChecksumGenerated = FALSE;
if(ParseCommandLine(argc, argv, &Info)==FALSE){
//...If help was the only command line argument, exit
if(strcmp(argv[1], "-h")==0 && argc==2) return 0;
dwError=ERROR_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS; dwOffset=0; goto Error_Exit; }
//...Open resource module
if(Info.pszSource){ if(!(hModule = LoadLibraryEx (Info.pszSource, NULL, DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES|LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE))) { PrintError(); if (g_bVerbose) { printf("\nERROR: Error in opening source module [%s]\n", Info.pszSource); } dwError=GetLastError(); dwOffset=ERROR_OFFSET; goto Error_Exit; } } else { Usage(); dwError=ERROR_NO_SOURCE; dwOffset=0; goto Error_Exit; }
if (Info.pszChecksumFile) { if (GenerateResourceChecksum(&Info)) // c))
{ Info.bIsResChecksumGenerated = TRUE; } } //...Create target file
if(Info.pszTarget){ if((Info.hFile=CreateFile(Info.pszTarget, GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (g_bVerbose) { printf("\nERROR: Error in creating target module [%s]\n", Info.pszSource); } dwError=GetLastError(); dwOffset=ERROR_OFFSET; goto Error_Exit; } } else{ if (g_bVerbose) { printf("\nERROR: There is no target file name."); } Usage(); dwError=ERROR_NO_TARGET; dwOffset=0; goto Error_Exit; }
if(Info.wLanguage==0){ if (g_bVerbose) { printf("\nERROR: Can not find specified language name in the source module."); } Usage(); dwError=ERROR_NO_LANGUAGE_SPECIFIED; dwOffset=0; goto Error_Exit; }
bEnumTypesReturn=EnumResourceTypes(hModule, EnumTypesFunc, (LONG_PTR)&Info);
//...Check for muibld errors
if(!Info.bContainsResources){ if (g_bVerbose) { printf("\nERROR: There is no resource in the source module."); } dwError=ERROR_NO_RESOURCES; dwOffset=0; goto Error_Exit; }
if(!Info.bLanguageFound){ if (g_bVerbose) { printf("\nERROR: Resource in the specified language is not found in the source module."); } dwError=ERROR_LANGUAGE_NOT_IN_SOURCE; dwOffset=0; goto Error_Exit; }
if(Info.bContainsOnlyVersion){ if (g_bVerbose) { printf("\nERROR: The source module only contains version information."); } dwError=ERROR_ONLY_VERSION_STAMP; dwOffset=0; goto Error_Exit; }
//...Check for system errors in EnumResourceTypes
if(bEnumTypesReturn); else{ dwError=GetLastError(); dwOffset=ERROR_OFFSET; goto Error_Exit; }
//...Check to see if extra resources were included
if(Info.bIncDependent){ CleanUp(&Info, hModule, FALSE); return DEPENDENT_RESOURCE_REMOVED; } CleanUp(&Info, hModule, FALSE);
if (g_bVerbose) { printf("Resource file [%s] has been generated successfully.\n", Info.pszTarget); } return 0;
Error_Exit: CleanUp(&Info, hModule, TRUE); if(dwOffset==ERROR_OFFSET){ FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwError, 0, (LPTSTR)pszBuffer, 399, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "\n%s\n", pszBuffer ); }
return dwError+dwOffset; }
BOOL ParseCommandLine(int argc, char **argv, pCommandLineInfo pInfo){ int iCount=1, chOpt=0, iLast=argc; int i; int iNumInc; BOOL bInc1=FALSE, bInc3=FALSE, bInc12=FALSE, bInc14=FALSE;
HRESULT hr; HANDLE hFile; iLast=argc;
//...Must have at least: muibld -l langid source
//...Determine the target and source files.
hFile = CreateFile(argv[argc-2], 0, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(hFile !=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ CloseHandle(hFile);
pInfo->pszSource=LocalAlloc(0, (strlen(argv[argc-2])+1) * sizeof(char)); if (pInfo->pszSource == NULL) { ExitFromOutOfMemory(); } // strcpy(pInfo->pszSource, argv[argc-2]);
hr = StringCchCopyA(pInfo->pszSource, (strlen(argv[argc-2])+1) * sizeof(char),argv[argc-2]); if ( ! SUCCEEDED(hr)){ ExitFromSafeStringError(); } pInfo->pszTarget=LocalAlloc(0, (strlen(argv[argc-1])+1) * sizeof(char)); if (pInfo->pszTarget == NULL) { ExitFromOutOfMemory(); } // strcpy(pInfo->pszTarget, argv[argc-1]);
hr = StringCchCopyA(pInfo->pszTarget, (strlen(argv[argc-1])+1) * sizeof(char), argv[argc-1]); if ( ! SUCCEEDED(hr)){ ExitFromSafeStringError(); } iLast=argc-2; }
else { pInfo->pszSource=LocalAlloc(0, (strlen(argv[argc-1])+1) * sizeof(char)); if (pInfo->pszSource == NULL) { ExitFromOutOfMemory(); } //strcpy(pInfo->pszSource, argv[argc-1]);
hr = StringCchCopyA(pInfo->pszSource, (strlen(argv[argc-1])+1) * sizeof(char), argv[argc-1]); if ( ! SUCCEEDED(hr)){ ExitFromSafeStringError(); }
pInfo->pszTarget=LocalAlloc(0, (strlen(argv[argc-1]) + strlen(ADDED_EXT) + 1) * sizeof(char)); if (pInfo->pszTarget == NULL) { ExitFromOutOfMemory(); } //strcpy(pInfo->pszTarget, strcat(argv[argc-1], ADDED_EXT));
hr = StringCchCatA(argv[argc-1], strlen(argv[argc-1]) + sizeof ADDED_EXT + 1, ADDED_EXT);
hr = StringCchCopyA(pInfo->pszTarget, (strlen(argv[argc-1]) + strlen(ADDED_EXT) + 1) * sizeof(char), argv[argc-1]); if ( ! SUCCEEDED(hr)){ ExitFromSafeStringError(); } iLast=argc-1; } }
//...Read in flags and arguments
while ( (iCount < iLast) && (*argv[iCount] == '-' || *argv[iCount] == '/')){
switch( ( chOpt = *CharLowerA( &argv[iCount][1]))) {
case '?': case 'h':
printf("\n\n"); printf("MUIBLD [-h|?] [-v] [-c checksum_file] -l langid [-i resource_type] source_filename\n"); printf(" [target_filename]\n\n"); printf("-h(elp) or -?: Show help screen.\n\n");
printf("-i(nclude) Use to include certain resource types,\n"); printf("resource_type: e.g. -i 2 to include bitmaps.\n"); printf(" Multiple inclusion is possible. If this\n"); printf(" flag is not used, all types are included\n"); printf(" Standard resource types must be specified\n"); printf(" by number. See below for list.\n"); printf(" Types 1 and 12 are always included in pairs,\n"); printf(" even if only one is specified. Types 3 and 14\n"); printf(" are always included in pairs, too.\n\n");
printf("-v(erbose): Display source filename and target filename.\n\n");
printf("-l(anguage) langid: Extract only resource in this language.\n"); printf(" The language resource must be specified. The value is in decimal.\n\n");
printf("source_filename: The localized source file (no wildcard support)\n\n");
printf("target_filename: Optional. If no target_filename is specified,\n"); printf(" a second extension.RES is added to the\n"); printf(" source_filename.\n\n");
printf("Standard Resource Types: CURSOR(1) BITMAP(2) ICON(3) MENU(4) DIALOG(5)\n"); printf("STRING(6) FONTDIR(7) FONT(8) ACCELERATORS(9) RCDATA(10) MESSAGETABLE(11)\n"); printf("GROUP_CURSOR(12) GROUP_ICON(14) VERSION(16)\n");
iCount++; break;
case 'v': g_bVerbose=TRUE; iCount++; break;
case 'c': iCount++; pInfo->pszChecksumFile=LocalAlloc(0, (strlen(argv[iCount])+1) * sizeof(char)); if (pInfo->pszChecksumFile == NULL) { ExitFromOutOfMemory(); } //strcpy(pInfo->pszChecksumFile, argv[iCount]);
hr = StringCchCopyA(pInfo->pszChecksumFile, (strlen(argv[iCount])+1) * sizeof(char), argv[iCount]); if ( ! SUCCEEDED(hr)){ ExitFromSafeStringError(); }
iCount++; break;
case 'b':
iCount++; wChecksumLangId = (WORD)strtoul(argv[iCount], NULL, 0); iCount++; break;
case 'i':
if(argc<4) return FALSE;
pInfo->bIncludeFlag=TRUE; iNumInc=++iCount;
//...Allocate memory for and copy included types
while (argv[iNumInc][0]!='-' && iNumInc<iLast){ iNumInc++; }
//... Allocate enough memory for specified included resources
// and unspecified resources dependent on them
pInfo->pszIncResType=LocalAlloc(0 ,(iNumInc+3)*sizeof(char *)); if (pInfo->pszIncResType == NULL) { ExitFromOutOfMemory(); }
i=0; while(i<iNumInc){ pInfo->pszIncResType[i]=LocalAlloc(0, (strlen(argv[iCount])+1) * sizeof(char)); if (pInfo->pszIncResType[i] == NULL) { ExitFromOutOfMemory(); } //strcpy(pInfo->pszIncResType[i], argv[iCount]);
hr = StringCchCopyA(pInfo->pszIncResType[i], (strlen(argv[iCount])+1) * sizeof(char), argv[iCount]); if ( ! SUCCEEDED(hr)){ ExitFromSafeStringError(); }
case 1: bInc1=TRUE; break;
case 3: bInc3=TRUE; break;
case 12: bInc12=TRUE; break;
case 14: bInc14=TRUE; break;
default: break; }
i++; iCount++; }
//...If 1 or 12 is included, make sure both are included
if(bInc1 ^ bInc12){
if(bInc1){ pInfo->pszIncResType[i]=LocalAlloc(0, 3 * sizeof(char)); if (pInfo->pszIncResType[i] == NULL) { ExitFromOutOfMemory(); } // strcpy(pInfo->pszIncResType[i], "12");
hr = StringCchCopyA(pInfo->pszIncResType[i], 3 * sizeof(char),"12"); if ( ! SUCCEEDED(hr)){ ExitFromSafeStringError(); } i++; }
else{ pInfo->pszIncResType[i]=LocalAlloc(0, 2 * sizeof(char)); if (pInfo->pszIncResType[i] == NULL) { ExitFromOutOfMemory(); } // strcpy(pInfo->pszIncResType[i], "1");
hr = StringCchCopyA(pInfo->pszIncResType[i],2 * sizeof(char),"1"); if ( ! SUCCEEDED(hr)){ ExitFromSafeStringError(); } i++; } }
//..If 3 or 14 is included, make sure both are included
if(bInc3 ^ bInc14){
if(bInc3){ pInfo->pszIncResType[i]=LocalAlloc(0, 3 * sizeof(char)); if (pInfo->pszIncResType[i] == NULL) { ExitFromOutOfMemory(); } // strcpy(pInfo->pszIncResType[i], "14");
hr = StringCchCopyA(pInfo->pszIncResType[i],3 * sizeof(char),"14"); if ( ! SUCCEEDED(hr)){ ExitFromSafeStringError(); } i++; }
else{ pInfo->pszIncResType[i]=LocalAlloc(0, 2 * sizeof(char)); if (pInfo->pszIncResType[i] == NULL) { ExitFromOutOfMemory(); } // strcpy(pInfo->pszIncResType[i], "3");
hr = StringCchCopyA(pInfo->pszIncResType[i],2 * sizeof(char),"3"); if ( ! SUCCEEDED(hr)){ ExitFromSafeStringError(); } i++; } }
while(i<iNumInc + 3){ pInfo->pszIncResType[i++]=NULL; }
case 'l':
if(argc<4) return FALSE;
iCount++; pInfo->wLanguage=(WORD)strtol(argv[iCount], NULL, 0); iCount++; break;
} }
if(argc<4) return FALSE;
else return TRUE;
BOOL CALLBACK EnumTypesFunc(HMODULE hModule, LPTSTR lpType, LONG_PTR lParam){
pCommandLineInfo pInfo;
if(!pInfo->bIncludeFlag || bTypeIncluded((char *)lpType, pInfo->pszIncResType)) {
//...If the type is a string or a number other than 16...
if( (PtrToUlong(lpType) & 0xFFFF0000) || ((WORD)PtrToUlong(lpType)!=16) ){ pInfo->bContainsOnlyVersion=FALSE; }
if(EnumResourceNames(hModule, (LPCTSTR)lpType, EnumNamesFunc, (LONG_PTR)pInfo)); else { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
// This is a Var struct within VarFileInfo for storing checksum for the source file.
// The current size for this structure is 56 bytes.
typedef struct VAR_SRC_CHECKSUM { WORD wLength; WORD wValueLength; WORD wType; WCHAR szResourceChecksum[17]; // For storing "ResourceChecksum" null-terminated string in Unicode.
DWORD dwChecksum[4]; // 128 bit checksum = 16 bytes = 4 DWORD.
} VarResourceChecksum;
// This is a Var struct within VarFileInfo for stroing the resource types used in this file.
struct VarResourceTypes { WORD wLength; WORD wValueLength; WORD wType; WCHAR szResourceType[13]; //BYTE padding[0]; // WORD * 3 + UnicodeChar*13 = 32 bytes. So we need 0 bytes padding for DWORD alignment.
DWORD* dwTypes; // 128 bit checksum = 16 bytes = 4 DWORD.
BOOL WriteResHeader( HANDLE hFile, LONG ResSize, LPCSTR lpType, LPCSTR lpName, WORD wLanguage, DWORD* pdwBytesWritten, DWORD* pdwHeaderSize) { DWORD iPadding; WORD IdFlag=0xFFFF; unsigned i; LONG dwOffset; //...write the resource's size.
PutDWord(hFile, ResSize, pdwBytesWritten, pdwHeaderSize);
//...Put in bogus header size
PutDWord(hFile, 0, pdwBytesWritten, pdwHeaderSize);
//...Write Resource Type
if(PtrToUlong(lpType) & 0xFFFF0000) { PutString(hFile, lpType, pdwBytesWritten, pdwHeaderSize); } else { PutWord(hFile, IdFlag, pdwBytesWritten, pdwHeaderSize); PutWord(hFile, (USHORT)lpType, pdwBytesWritten, pdwHeaderSize); }
//...Write Resource Name
if(PtrToUlong(lpName) & 0xFFFF0000){ PutString(hFile, lpName, pdwBytesWritten, pdwHeaderSize); }
else{ PutWord(hFile, IdFlag, pdwBytesWritten, pdwHeaderSize); PutWord(hFile, (USHORT)lpName, pdwBytesWritten, pdwHeaderSize); }
//...Make sure Type and Name are DWORD-aligned
if(iPadding){ for(i=0; i<(sizeof(DWORD)-iPadding); i++){ PutByte (hFile, 0, pdwBytesWritten, pdwHeaderSize); } }
//...More Win32 header stuff
PutDWord(hFile, 0, pdwBytesWritten, pdwHeaderSize); PutWord(hFile, 0x1030, pdwBytesWritten, pdwHeaderSize);
//...Write Language
PutWord(hFile, wLanguage, pdwBytesWritten, pdwHeaderSize);
//...More Win32 header stuff
PutDWord(hFile, 0, pdwBytesWritten, pdwHeaderSize); //... Version
PutDWord(hFile, 0, pdwBytesWritten, pdwHeaderSize); //... Characteristics
//...Set file pointer to where the header size is
if(SetFilePointer(hFile, -dwOffset, NULL, FILE_CURRENT)); else{ return FALSE; }
PutDWord(hFile, (*pdwHeaderSize), pdwBytesWritten, NULL);
//...Set file pointer back to the end of the header
if(SetFilePointer(hFile, dwOffset-4, NULL, FILE_CURRENT)); else { return FALSE; }
return (TRUE); }
BOOL WriteResource(HANDLE hFile, HMODULE hModule, WORD wLanguage, LPCSTR lpName, LPCSTR lpType, HRSRC hRsrc) { HGLOBAL hRes; PVOID pv; LONG ResSize=0L;
DWORD iPadding; unsigned i;
DWORD dwBytesWritten; DWORD dwHeaderSize=0L;
// Handle other types other than VS_VERSION_INFO
//...write the resource header
if(!(ResSize=SizeofResource(hModule, hRsrc))) { return FALSE; }
// Generate an item in the RES format (*.res) file.
// First, we generated header for this resource.
if (!WriteResHeader(hFile, ResSize, lpType, lpName, wLanguage, &dwBytesWritten, &dwHeaderSize)) { return (FALSE); }
//Second, we copy resource data to the .res file
if (!(hRes=LoadResource(hModule, hRsrc))) { return FALSE; } if(!(pv=LockResource(hRes))) { return FALSE; }
if (!WriteFile(hFile, pv, ResSize, &dwBytesWritten, NULL)) { return FALSE; }
//...Make sure resource is DWORD aligned
if(iPadding){ for(i=0; i<(sizeof(DWORD)-iPadding); i++){ PutByte (hFile, 0, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); } } return TRUE; }
LPBYTE UpdateAddr(LPBYTE pAddr, WORD size, WORD* len) { *len += size; return (pAddr + size); }
LPBYTE AddPadding(LPBYTE pAddr, WORD* padding, WORD* len) { if ((*padding = *len % 4) != 0) { *padding = (4 - *padding); *len += *padding; return (pAddr + *padding); } return (pAddr); }
BOOL WriteVersionResource( HANDLE hFile, HMODULE hModule, WORD wLanguage, LPCSTR lpName, LPCSTR lpType, HRSRC hRsrc, unsigned char* pbChecksum) { LONG ResSize=0L, OldResSize=0L; DWORD dwBytesWritten; DWORD dwHeaderSize=0L; WORD IdFlag=0xFFFF; BYTE* newVersionData; BYTE* pAddr; VarResourceChecksum varResourceChecksum; PVOID pv = NULL; HGLOBAL hRes; WORD len = 0;
WORD wLength; WORD wValueLength; WORD wType; LPWSTR szKey; WORD wPadding1Count; LPBYTE pValue; WORD wPadding2Count; int wTotalLen; BOOL isVS_VERSIONINFO = TRUE; BOOL isVarFileInfo = FALSE; BOOL isStringFileInfo = FALSE;
// Copy resource data from the .res file
if (hRes=LoadResource(hModule, hRsrc)) { pv=LockResource(hRes); }
if (pv) { //
// The first WORD is the size of the VERSIONINFO resource.
OldResSize = *((WORD*)pv); ResSize = OldResSize + sizeof(VarResourceChecksum); //
// Generate an item in the RES format (*.res) file.
// First, we generated header for this resource in the RES file.
if (WriteResHeader(hFile, ResSize, lpType, lpName, wLanguage, &dwBytesWritten, &dwHeaderSize) && (newVersionData = (BYTE*)LocalAlloc(0, ResSize))) { bRet = TRUE;
memcpy(newVersionData, pv, OldResSize);
// Add the length of new VarResourceChecksum structure to VS_VERSIONINFO.wLength.
pAddr = newVersionData;
wTotalLen = *((WORD*)pAddr);
while (wTotalLen > 0) { len = 0; wPadding1Count = 0; wPadding2Count = 0;
// wLength
wLength = *((WORD*)pAddr); pAddr = UpdateAddr(pAddr, sizeof(WORD), &len);
// wValueLength
wValueLength = *((WORD*)pAddr); pAddr = UpdateAddr(pAddr, sizeof(WORD), &len);
// wType
wType = *((WORD*)pAddr); pAddr = UpdateAddr(pAddr, sizeof(WORD), &len);
// szKey
szKey = (LPWSTR)pAddr; pAddr = UpdateAddr(pAddr, (WORD)((wcslen((WCHAR*)pAddr) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)), &len);
// Padding 1
pAddr = AddPadding(pAddr, &wPadding1Count, &len);
// Value
pValue = pAddr;
if (wValueLength > 0) { if (wType==1) { // In the case of String, the wValueLength is in WORD (not in BYTE).
pAddr = UpdateAddr(pAddr, (WORD)(wValueLength * sizeof(WCHAR)), &len);
// Padding 2
pAddr = AddPadding(pAddr, &wPadding2Count, &len); } else { pAddr = UpdateAddr(pAddr, wValueLength, &len); if (isStringFileInfo) { //
// Generally, padding is not necessary in binary data.
// However, in some rare cases, people use binary data in the StringFileInfo (
// which is not really appropriate),
// So we need to add proper padding here to get around this.
// Padding 2
pAddr = AddPadding(pAddr, &wPadding2Count, &len); } } }
if (isVS_VERSIONINFO) { //
// VS_VERSIONINFO can have padding 2.
isVS_VERSIONINFO = FALSE; // Padding 2
pAddr = AddPadding(pAddr, &wPadding2Count, &len);
// Add the new VarResourceChecksum structure.
wLength += sizeof(VarResourceChecksum); }
if (wcscmp(szKey, L"StringFileInfo") == 0) { isStringFileInfo = TRUE; }
if (wcscmp(szKey, L"VarFileInfo") == 0) { isStringFileInfo = FALSE; isVarFileInfo = TRUE; wLength += sizeof(VarResourceChecksum); }
PutWord(hFile, wLength, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutWord(hFile, wValueLength, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutWord(hFile, wType, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutStringW(hFile, szKey, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutPadding(hFile, wPadding1Count, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); WriteFile(hFile, pValue, wValueLength * (wType == 0 ? sizeof(BYTE) : sizeof(WCHAR)), &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutPadding(hFile, wPadding2Count, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
if (isVarFileInfo && wcscmp(szKey, L"Translation") == 0) { isVarFileInfo = FALSE; varResourceChecksum.wLength = sizeof(VarResourceChecksum); varResourceChecksum.wValueLength = 16; // 128 bits checksum = 16 bytes
varResourceChecksum.wType = 0; // wcscpy(varResourceChecksum.szResourceChecksum, RESOURCE_CHECK_SUM);
hr = StringCchCopyW(varResourceChecksum.szResourceChecksum, sizeof (varResourceChecksum.szResourceChecksum)/ sizeof (WCHAR), RESOURCE_CHECK_SUM); if ( ! SUCCEEDED(hr)){ ExitFromSafeStringError(); }
memcpy(varResourceChecksum.dwChecksum, pbChecksum, 16);
if (!WriteFile(hFile, &varResourceChecksum, sizeof(VarResourceChecksum), &dwBytesWritten, NULL)) { bRet = FALSE; break; } }
wTotalLen -= len; }
LocalFree(newVersionData); } }
return (bRet); }
BOOL CALLBACK EnumLangsFunc( HANDLE hModule, // module handle
LPCTSTR lpType, // address of resource type
LPCTSTR lpName, // address of resource name
WORD wLang, // resource language
LONG_PTR lParam) // extra parameter, could be
// used for error checking
{ HANDLE hResInfo; char szBuffer[80]; int cbString = 0; pCommandLineInfo pInfo; if (lParam == 0) { printf("EnumLangsFunc: lParam is invalid!\n"); return FALSE; }
pInfo = (pCommandLineInfo) lParam; //
// only write out the resource if the language id matches, otherwise just skip it and return true
// the call back will return whatever Write(Version)Resource function(s) return
// Multi lingual binary has more than two language ID, in this case
// we don't want to extract english version resource. (this is a fix of side effect; forcing english version
// saved as localized one)
if ((WORD)PtrToUlong(lpType) == 16 && wLang == 0x409 && pInfo->wLanguage != 0x409) { hResInfo = FindResourceEx(hModule, lpType, lpName, pInfo->wLanguage); if (hResInfo) { // This is multi lingual DLL. we don't want to extract English Version resource.
return TRUE; } }
// Some files does not localize VERSIOIN so we force VERSION should be added into MUI file as localized one.
// if resource in the binary has more than two types, and type 16 is smallest resource number, then
// it does not work in this routine.
if (pInfo->wLanguage == wLang || ( (WORD)PtrToUlong(lpType) == 16 && wLang == 0x409 && pInfo->bLanguageFound ) ) { pInfo->bLanguageFound=TRUE; // set this to true now that we have found at least one resource
hResInfo=FindResourceEx(hModule, lpType, lpName, pInfo->wLanguage); if (hResInfo) { if (lpType == MAKEINTRESOURCE(RT_VERSION) && pInfo->bIsResChecksumGenerated) { //
// If this is a version resource and resource checksum is generated, call
// the following function to embed the resource checksum into the version
// resource.
return (WriteVersionResource(pInfo->hFile, hModule, pInfo->wLanguage, lpName, lpType, hResInfo, pInfo->pResourceChecksum)); } return (WriteResource(pInfo->hFile, hModule, pInfo->wLanguage, lpName, lpType, hResInfo)); } } return TRUE; }
BOOL CALLBACK EnumNamesFunc(HMODULE hModule, LPCTSTR lpType, LPTSTR lpName, LONG_PTR lParam) {
HRSRC hRsrc; pCommandLineInfo pInfo;
if(lParam == 0) { printf( "MUIBLD: EnumNamesFunc lParam value incorrect (%d)\n", lParam ); return FALSE; }
return EnumResourceLanguages(hModule, lpType, lpName, (ENUMRESLANGPROC)EnumLangsFunc, lParam); }
BOOL bTypeIncluded(LPCSTR lpType, char **pszIncResType){ char *pszBuf; char **p; HRESULT hr;
if (PtrToUlong(lpType) & 0xFFFF0000) { pszBuf=LocalAlloc(0, strlen(lpType) +1); if (pszBuf == NULL) { ExitFromOutOfMemory(); }
//sprintf(pszBuf, "%s", lpType);
hr = StringCbPrintfA(pszBuf, strlen(lpType) +1, "%s", lpType); if ( ! SUCCEEDED(hr)){ ExitFromSafeStringError(); } }
else { WORD wType = (WORD) lpType; pszBuf=LocalAlloc(0, sizeof(lpType) + 1); if (pszBuf == NULL) { ExitFromOutOfMemory(); } // sprintf(pszBuf, "%u", wType);
hr = StringCbPrintfA(pszBuf, sizeof(lpType) +1, "%u", wType); if ( ! SUCCEEDED(hr)){ ExitFromSafeStringError(); } }
while(p && *p){ if(strcmp(pszBuf, *p)==0) return TRUE; p++; } LocalFree(pszBuf);
return FALSE; }
BOOL bInsertHeader(HANDLE hFile){ DWORD dwBytesWritten;
PutByte (hFile, 0x00, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutByte (hFile, 0x00, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutByte (hFile, 0x00, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutByte (hFile, 0x00, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutByte (hFile, 0x20, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutByte (hFile, 0x00, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutByte (hFile, 0x00, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutByte (hFile, 0x00, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
PutWord (hFile, 0xffff, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutWord (hFile, 0x00, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutWord (hFile, 0xffff, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutWord (hFile, 0x00, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
PutDWord (hFile, 0L, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutDWord (hFile, 0L, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutDWord (hFile, 0L, &dwBytesWritten, NULL); PutDWord (hFile, 0L, &dwBytesWritten, NULL);
return TRUE; }
void PutByte(HANDLE OutFile, TCHAR b, LONG *plSize1, LONG *plSize2){ BYTE temp=b;
if (plSize2){ (*plSize2)++; }
WriteFile(OutFile, &b, 1, plSize1, NULL); }
void PutWord(HANDLE OutFile, WORD w, LONG *plSize1, LONG *plSize2){ PutByte(OutFile, (BYTE) LOBYTE(w), plSize1, plSize2); PutByte(OutFile, (BYTE) HIBYTE(w), plSize1, plSize2); }
void PutDWord(HANDLE OutFile, DWORD l, LONG *plSize1, LONG *plSize2){ PutWord(OutFile, LOWORD(l), plSize1, plSize2); PutWord(OutFile, HIWORD(l), plSize1, plSize2); }
void PutString(HANDLE OutFile, LPCSTR szStr , LONG *plSize1, LONG *plSize2){ WORD i = 0;
do { PutWord( OutFile , szStr[ i ], plSize1, plSize2); } while ( szStr[ i++ ] != TEXT('\0') ); }
void PutStringW(HANDLE OutFile, LPCWSTR szStr , LONG *plSize1, LONG *plSize2){ WORD i = 0;
do { PutWord( OutFile , szStr[ i ], plSize1, plSize2); } while ( szStr[ i++ ] != L'\0' ); }
void PutPadding(HANDLE OutFile, int paddingCount, LONG *plSize1, LONG *plSize2) { int i; for (i = 0; i < paddingCount; i++) { PutByte(OutFile, 0x00, plSize1, plSize2); } }
void Usage(){ printf("MUIBLD [-h|?] [-c checksum_filename] [-v] -l langid [-i resource_type] source_filename\n"); printf(" [target_filename]\n\n"); }
void CleanUp(pCommandLineInfo pInfo, HANDLE hModule, BOOL bDeleteFile){ if(hModule) FreeLibrary(hModule);
if(pInfo->hFile) CloseHandle(pInfo->hFile);
if(bDeleteFile && pInfo->pszTarget) DeleteFile(pInfo->pszTarget);
void FreeAll(pCommandLineInfo pInfo){ char **p;
LocalFree(pInfo->pszSource); LocalFree(pInfo->pszTarget);
if(pInfo->pszIncResType){ p=pInfo->pszIncResType; while(p && *p){ LocalFree(*p); p++; } LocalFree(pInfo->pszIncResType); } }
void ExitFromOutOfMemory() { printf("Out of memory. Can not continue. GetLastError() = 0x%x.", GetLastError()); exit(1); }
void ExitFromSafeStringError() { printf("Safe string return error. Can not continue.\n"); exit(1); }