#include <windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "windefs.h"
#include "toklist.h"
#include "restok.h"
#include "resread.h"
#include "showerrs.h"
#define MAXLINE 1024
#ifdef WIN32
extern HINSTANCE hInst; // Instance of the main window
extern HWND hInst; // Instance of the main window
extern HWND hListWnd; extern HWND hMainWnd; extern HCURSOR hHourGlass; extern int nUpdateMode; extern HWND hStatusWnd; extern UCHAR szDHW[];
* * * Function: * * Returns: * * History: * 01/92, Implemented. TerryRu. * * **/
int MatchToken(TOKEN tToken, TCHAR * szFindType, TCHAR *szFindText, WORD wStatus, WORD wStatusMask) { TCHAR szResIDStr[20];
if (tToken.wType <= 16) { LoadString( hInst, IDS_RESOURCENAMES + tToken.wType, szResIDStr, TCHARSIN( sizeof(szResIDStr))); } else { #ifndef UNICODE
_itoa(tToken.wType,szResIDStr, 10); #else
CHAR szTemp[32]; _itoa(tToken.wType, szTemp, 10); _MBSTOWCS( szResIDStr, szTemp, WCHARSIN( sizeof( szResIDStr)), ACHARSIN( lstrlenA(szTemp) + 1)); #endif
} // need to both check because checking szFindType[0]
// when string is null cause exception
if (szFindType && szFindType[0]) { if (_tcsicmp((TCHAR *)szFindType, (TCHAR *)szResIDStr)) { return FALSE; } }
// this has case problems.
// how do I work around this and work with extened characters?
if ( szFindText && szFindText[0] ) { if (!_tcsstr( (TCHAR *)tToken.szText, (TCHAR *)szFindText)) { return FALSE; } }
// if we made it to here,
// all search criteria exept the status bits have matched.
return (wStatus == (WORD) (wStatusMask & tToken.wReserved)); }
* * * Function: DoTokenSearch * BiDirection token search utility to find tokens. * Search is based on, the status field, token type, and token text. * * Paramaters: * *szFindType, type of token to search for. * *szFindText, token text to search for. * wStatus, status values to search for * wStatusMask, status mask to search with * fDirection, direction to search through tokens 0 = down, 1 = up * * Returns: * TRUE, token located and selected. * FALSE token not found. * * History: * 01/92, Implemented. TerryRu. * 02/92, mask parameter added SteveBl * 01/93 Added support for var length token text strings. MHotchin * **/
int DoTokenSearch (TCHAR *szFindType, TCHAR *szFindText, WORD wStatus, WORD wStatusMask, BOOL fDirection, BOOL fSkipFirst) {
UINT wLbCount; // number of tokens in list box
LPTSTR lpstrToken; int wCurSelection; // current selected token.
UINT wSaveSelection; // location in token list where the search began
TOKEN tToken; // info of current token
BOOL fWrapped = FALSE; // flag to indicate whether we wrapped during the search
TCHAR *szBuffer;
// get the number of tokens in the list
wLbCount = (UINT)SendMessage( hListWnd, LB_GETCOUNT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);
// save the current in the token list
wCurSelection = (UINT)SendMessage( hListWnd, LB_GETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); wSaveSelection = wCurSelection;
// check for case where there is no current selection.
if (wCurSelection == (UINT) -1) { wSaveSelection = wCurSelection = 0; }
while (TRUE) { // get current token info in the tToken sturcture
HGLOBAL hMem = (HGLOBAL)SendMessage( hListWnd, LB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)wCurSelection, (LPARAM)0); lpstrToken = (LPTSTR)GlobalLock( hMem);
if ( lpstrToken ) { szBuffer = (TCHAR *) FALLOC( MEMSIZE( lstrlen( lpstrToken)+1)); lstrcpy( szBuffer, lpstrToken); GlobalUnlock( hMem);
ParseBufToTok(szBuffer, &tToken); RLFREE( szBuffer);
// is it a match?
if ( MatchToken( tToken, szFindType, szFindText, wStatus, wStatusMask) && ! fSkipFirst) { // yes, select and return TRUE
RLFREE( tToken.szText); SendMessage( hListWnd, LB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)wCurSelection, (LPARAM)0); return (TRUE); } RLFREE( tToken.szText); } fSkipFirst = FALSE;
// no, continue search
if (fDirection) { // going upward during the search
if (--wCurSelection < 0) { LPSTR pszFind = NULL; DWORD dwMsgLen = 0;
// reached beginning of the tokens, do we want to wrap
B_FormatMessage( (FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK & 78) | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, NULL, IDS_FINDTOKENS, pszFind, DHWSIZE - dwMsgLen - 2, NULL); if ( nUpdateMode == 0 && wSaveSelection != wLbCount && !fWrapped && (MessageBoxA( hMainWnd, szDHW, pszFind, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO) == IDYES) ) { // yes, so wrap and reset counters
fWrapped = TRUE; wCurSelection = wLbCount-1; wLbCount = wSaveSelection; } // no, so return FALSE
else { break; } } } else { // going downward during the search
if (++wCurSelection >= (int) wLbCount) { LPSTR pszFind = NULL; DWORD dwMsgLen = 0;
// reached end of the tokens, do we want to wrap
B_FormatMessage( (FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK & 78) | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, NULL, IDS_FINDTOKENS, pszFind, DHWSIZE - dwMsgLen - 2, NULL); if ( nUpdateMode == 0 && wSaveSelection != wLbCount && !fWrapped && (MessageBoxA( hMainWnd, szDHW, pszFind, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO) == IDYES) ) { // yes, so wrap and reset counters
fWrapped = TRUE; wCurSelection = 0; wLbCount = wSaveSelection; } // no, so return FALSE
else { break; } } } } return FALSE; }
int DoTokenSearchForRledit (TCHAR *szFindType, TCHAR *szFindText, WORD wStatus, WORD wStatusMask, BOOL fDirection, BOOL fSkipFirst) {
UINT wLbCount; // number of tokens in list box
LPTSTR lpstrToken; int wCurSelection; // current selected token.
UINT wSaveSelection; // location in token list where the search began
TOKEN tToken; // info of current token
BOOL fWrapped = FALSE; // flag to indicate whether we wrapped during the search
TCHAR *szBuffer;
// get the number of tokens in the list
wLbCount = (UINT)SendMessage( hListWnd, LB_GETCOUNT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);
// save the current in the token list
wCurSelection = (UINT)SendMessage( hListWnd, LB_GETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); wSaveSelection = wCurSelection;
// check for case where there is no current selection.
if (wCurSelection == (UINT) -1) { wSaveSelection = wCurSelection = 0; }
while (TRUE) { // get current token info in the tToken sturcture
HGLOBAL hMem = (HGLOBAL)SendMessage( hListWnd, LB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)wCurSelection, (LPARAM)0); //RLedit has different format data.
lpTokData = (LPTOKDATA)GlobalLock( hMem ); lpstrToken = (LPTSTR)GlobalLock( lpTokData->hToken );
if ( lpstrToken ) { szBuffer = (TCHAR *) FALLOC( MEMSIZE( lstrlen( lpstrToken)+1)); lstrcpy( szBuffer, lpstrToken);
GlobalUnlock( lpTokData->hToken ); GlobalUnlock( hMem);
ParseBufToTok(szBuffer, &tToken); RLFREE( szBuffer);
// is it a match?
if ( MatchToken( tToken, szFindType, szFindText, wStatus, wStatusMask) && ! fSkipFirst) { // yes, select and return TRUE
RLFREE( tToken.szText); SendMessage( hListWnd, LB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)wCurSelection, (LPARAM)0); return (TRUE); } RLFREE( tToken.szText); } fSkipFirst = FALSE;
// no, continue search
if (fDirection) { // going upward during the search
if (--wCurSelection < 0) { LPSTR pszFind = NULL; DWORD dwMsgLen = 0;
// reached beginning of the tokens, do we want to wrap
B_FormatMessage( (FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK & 78) | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, NULL, IDS_FINDTOKENS, pszFind, DHWSIZE - dwMsgLen - 2, NULL); if ( nUpdateMode == 0 && wSaveSelection != wLbCount && !fWrapped && (MessageBoxA( hMainWnd, szDHW, pszFind, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO) == IDYES) ) { // yes, so wrap and reset counters
fWrapped = TRUE; wCurSelection = wLbCount-1; wLbCount = wSaveSelection; } // no, so return FALSE
else { break; } } } else { // going downward during the search
if (++wCurSelection >= (int) wLbCount) { LPSTR pszFind = NULL; DWORD dwMsgLen = 0;
// reached end of the tokens, do we want to wrap
B_FormatMessage( (FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK & 78) | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, NULL, IDS_FINDTOKENS, pszFind, DHWSIZE - dwMsgLen - 2, NULL); if ( nUpdateMode == 0 && wSaveSelection != wLbCount && !fWrapped && (MessageBoxA( hMainWnd, szDHW, pszFind, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO) == IDYES) ) { // yes, so wrap and reset counters
fWrapped = TRUE; wCurSelection = 0; wLbCount = wSaveSelection; } // no, so return FALSE
else { break; } } } } return FALSE; }
* * * Function: * * * Arguments: * * Returns: * * Errors Codes: * * History: * * **/
#ifdef NO
void FindAllDirtyTokens(void) { int wSaveSelection; extern int wIndex; LONG lListParam = 0L;
// set listbox selection to begining of the token list
wSaveSelection = SendMessage( hListWnd, LB_GETCURSEL, 0 , 0L);
wIndex = 0; SendMessage(hListWnd, LB_SETCURSEL, wIndex, 0L);
while (DoTokenSearch (NULL, NULL, ST_TRANSLATED | ST_DIRTY , NULL)) { // go into edit mode
wIndex = (UINT) SendMessage(hListWnd, LB_GETCURSEL, 0 , 0L);
lListParam = MAKELONG(NULL, LBN_DBLCLK); SendMessage(hMainWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDC_LIST, lListParam);
// move selection to next token
wIndex++; SendMessage(hListWnd, LB_SETCURSEL, wIndex, 0L); } wIndex = wSaveSelection; SendMessage(hListWnd, LB_SETCURSEL, wIndex, 0L); }
* * * Function: * * * Arguments: * * Returns: * * Errors Codes: * * History: * * **/ TCHAR FAR *FindDeltaToken(TOKEN tToken, TOKENDELTAINFO FAR *pTokenDeltaInfo, UINT wStatus) { TOKENDELTAINFO FAR *ptTokenDeltaInfo; int found; ptTokenDeltaInfo = pTokenDeltaInfo;
while (ptTokenDeltaInfo) { found = ((tToken.wType == ptTokenDeltaInfo->DeltaToken.wType) && (tToken.wName == ptTokenDeltaInfo->DeltaToken.wName) && (tToken.wID == ptTokenDeltaInfo->DeltaToken.wID) && (tToken.wFlag == ptTokenDeltaInfo->DeltaToken.wFlag) && (wStatus == (UINT)ptTokenDeltaInfo->DeltaToken.wReserved) #ifdef UNICODE
&& !_tcscmp((TCHAR FAR *)tToken.szName, (TCHAR *)ptTokenDeltaInfo->DeltaToken.szName) #else
// !lstrcmp((TCHAR FAR *)tToken.szName,
// (TCHAR *)ptTokenDeltaInfo->DeltaToken.szName)
&& CompareStringW( MAKELCID( gMstr.wLanguageID, SORT_DEFAULT), SORT_STRINGSORT, tToken.szName, -1, ptTokenDeltaInfo->DeltaToken.szName, -1) == 2 #endif
if (found) { return ((TCHAR FAR *)ptTokenDeltaInfo->DeltaToken.szText); } ptTokenDeltaInfo = ptTokenDeltaInfo->pNextTokenDelta; }
// token not found in token delta info
return NULL; }
* * * Function: * * * Arguments: * * Returns: * * Errors Codes: * * History: * * **/ TOKENDELTAINFO FAR *UpdateTokenDeltaInfo(TOKEN *pDeltaToken) { TOKENDELTAINFO FAR *pTokenDeltaInfo = NULL; int cTextLen;
if ( pDeltaToken ) { pTokenDeltaInfo = (TOKENDELTAINFO FAR *)FALLOC( sizeof( TOKENDELTAINFO));
if ( pTokenDeltaInfo ) { memcpy( (void *)&(pTokenDeltaInfo->DeltaToken), (void *)pDeltaToken, sizeof( TOKEN));
cTextLen = lstrlen( pDeltaToken->szText) + 1; pTokenDeltaInfo->DeltaToken.szText = (TCHAR *)FALLOC( MEMSIZE( cTextLen)); memcpy( (void *)pTokenDeltaInfo->DeltaToken.szText, (void *)pDeltaToken->szText, MEMSIZE( cTextLen)); pTokenDeltaInfo->pNextTokenDelta = NULL; } } return(pTokenDeltaInfo); }
* * * Function: * * * Arguments: * * Returns: * * Errors Codes: * * History: * 02/93 - changed to use GetToken, rather that reading directly * from the file. This provides support for long token * text. MHotchin. * **/
TOKENDELTAINFO FAR *InsertTokMtkList(FILE * fpTokFile, FILE *fpMtkFile ) { int rcFileCode; TOKENDELTAINFO FAR * ptTokenDeltaInfo, FAR * pTokenDeltaInfo = NULL; TOKEN tToken; UINT wcChars = 0; HANDLE hTokData; LPTSTR lpstrToken; LPSTR lpstrDmy=0; LPTOKDATA lpstrTokData=0;
rewind( fpMtkFile );
//only make Dmy buffer
while ((rcFileCode = GetToken(fpTokFile, &tToken)) >= 0) { if (rcFileCode == 0) {
//For fast moving, save Mtk position
//Create Data
hTokData = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE, sizeof(TOKDATA) ); if( !hTokData ){ RLFREE(tToken.szText); RLFREE( lpstrDmy ); QuitA( IDS_ENGERR_16, (LPSTR)IDS_ENGERR_11, NULL); } lpstrTokData = (LPTOKDATA)GlobalLock( hTokData );
//MtkFilePointer get
if( (lpstrTokData->lMtkPointer=ftell(fpMtkFile)) >= 0 ){ TOKEN cToken, ccToken; BOOL fFound; if( !GetToken(fpMtkFile,&cToken) ) { RLFREE(cToken.szText);
if( cToken.wReserved & ST_CHANGED ){ if( !GetToken(fpMtkFile,&ccToken) ) { RLFREE(ccToken.szText); fFound = ((cToken.wType ==ccToken.wType) && (cToken.wName == ccToken.wName) && (cToken.wID == ccToken.wID) && (cToken.wFlag == ccToken.wFlag) && (_tcscmp((TCHAR *)cToken.szName, (TCHAR *)ccToken.szName) == 0)); fseek( fpMtkFile, lpstrTokData->lMtkPointer, SEEK_SET); fgets( lpstrDmy, MAXLINE, fpMtkFile ); if( fFound ) fgets( lpstrDmy, MAXLINE, fpMtkFile ); } } } }
if(tToken.wReserved & ST_TRANSLATED) { TCHAR *szTokBuf;
szTokBuf = (TCHAR *) FALLOC(MEMSIZE(TokenToTextSize(&tToken))); ParseTokToBuf(szTokBuf, &tToken);
// only add tokens with the translated status bit set to the token list
lpstrTokData->hToken = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, MEMSIZE(lstrlen((TCHAR *)szTokBuf)+1));
if (!lpstrTokData->hToken){ RLFREE(tToken.szText); // MHotchin
RLFREE(szTokBuf); RLFREE( lpstrDmy ); QuitA(IDS_ENGERR_16, (LPSTR)IDS_ENGERR_11, NULL); }
lpstrToken = (LPTSTR) GlobalLock( lpstrTokData->hToken ); lstrcpy (lpstrToken, szTokBuf); GlobalUnlock( lpstrTokData->hToken ); GlobalUnlock( hTokData ); RLFREE(szTokBuf);
if( SendMessage(hListWnd,LB_ADDSTRING,0,(LONG_PTR)hTokData) < 0){ RLFREE(tToken.szText); // MHotchin
RLFREE( lpstrDmy ); QuitA (IDS_ENGERR_16, (LPSTR)IDS_ENGERR_11, NULL); } } else { // the current token is delta info so save in delta list.
if (!pTokenDeltaInfo){ ptTokenDeltaInfo = pTokenDeltaInfo = UpdateTokenDeltaInfo(&tToken); } else{ ptTokenDeltaInfo->pNextTokenDelta = UpdateTokenDeltaInfo(&tToken); ptTokenDeltaInfo = ptTokenDeltaInfo->pNextTokenDelta; } //don't use TokData
GlobalUnlock( hTokData ); GlobalFree( hTokData ); }
RLFREE(tToken.szText); // MHotchin
} }
RLFREE( lpstrDmy ); return(pTokenDeltaInfo);
* * * Function: * * * Arguments: * * Returns: * * Errors Codes: * * History: * * **/ void GenStatusLine( TOKEN *pTok) { TCHAR szName[32]; TCHAR szStatus[20]; #ifdef UNICODE
CHAR szTmpBuf[32]; #endif //UNICODE
TCHAR szResIDStr[20]; static BOOL fFirstCall = TRUE;
if (fFirstCall) { SendMessage( hStatusWnd, WM_FMTSTATLINE, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)TEXT("15s7s4i5s4i")); fFirstCall = FALSE; }
if (pTok->szName[0]) { lstrcpy( szName, pTok->szName); } else { #ifdef UNICODE
_itoa(pTok->wName, szTmpBuf, 10); _MBSTOWCS( szName, szTmpBuf, WCHARSIN( sizeof( szTmpBuf)), ACHARSIN( lstrlenA( szTmpBuf) + 1)); #else
_itoa(pTok->wName, szName, 10); #endif
if (pTok->wReserved & ST_READONLY) { LoadString( hInst, IDS_READONLY, szStatus, TCHARSIN( sizeof( szStatus))); } else if (pTok->wReserved & ST_DIRTY) { LoadString( hInst, IDS_DIRTY, szStatus, TCHARSIN( sizeof( szStatus))); } else { LoadString( hInst, IDS_CLEAN, szStatus, TCHARSIN( sizeof( szStatus))); }
SendMessage( hStatusWnd, WM_UPDSTATLINE, (WPARAM)3, (LPARAM)szStatus);
if (pTok->wType <= 16) { LoadString( hInst, IDS_RESOURCENAMES+pTok->wType, szResIDStr, TCHARSIN( sizeof( szResIDStr))); } else {
#ifdef UNICODE
_itoa(pTok->wType, szTmpBuf, 10); _MBSTOWCS( szResIDStr, szTmpBuf, WCHARSIN( sizeof( szTmpBuf)), ACHARSIN( lstrlenA( szTmpBuf) + 1)); #else
_itoa(pTok->wType, szResIDStr, 10); #endif
} SendMessage( hStatusWnd, WM_UPDSTATLINE, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)szName); SendMessage( hStatusWnd, WM_UPDSTATLINE, (WPARAM)1, (LPARAM)szResIDStr); SendMessage( hStatusWnd, WM_UPDSTATLINE, (WPARAM)2, (LPARAM)pTok->wID); SendMessage( hStatusWnd, WM_UPDSTATLINE, (WPARAM)4, (LPARAM)lstrlen( pTok->szText)); }