#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#ifdef RLDOS
#include "dosdefs.h"
#include "windefs.h"
#include "restok.h"
#include "resread.h"
#include "toklist.h"
#include "commbase.h"
#define MAXLINE 1024
#define MAXTERM 512
extern UCHAR szDHW[]; extern PROJDATA gProj; extern MSTRDATA gMstr;
#ifdef WIN32
extern HINSTANCE hInst; // Instance of the main window
extern HWND hInst; // Instance of the main window
static fUnicodeGlossary = FALSE;
static long GetGlossaryIndex( FILE *, TCHAR, long []); static void ParseGlossEntry( TCHAR *, TCHAR *, TCHAR[], TCHAR *, TCHAR[]); static void ParseTextHotKeyToBuf( TCHAR *, TCHAR, TCHAR *); static void ParseBufToTextHotKey( TCHAR *, TCHAR[], TCHAR *); static WORD NormalizeIndex( TCHAR); static int MyPutGlossStr( TCHAR *, FILE *); static TCHAR *MyGetGlossStr( TCHAR *, int, FILE *); static void BuildGlossEntry( TCHAR *, TCHAR *, TCHAR, TCHAR *, TCHAR); static BOOL NotAMember( TRANSLIST *, TCHAR *);
FILE * OpenGlossary( CHAR *szGlossFile, CHAR chAccessType) { CHAR * szRW[4] = {"rb", "rt", "wb", "wt"}; int nRW = 0; // assume access type is 'r' (read)
if ( chAccessType == 'w' ) // is access type 'w' (write)?
{ nRW = fUnicodeGlossary ? 2 : 3; // yes (Unicode file or not?)
} fpRC = fopen( szGlossFile, szRW[ nRW]);
if ( fpRC && chAccessType == 'r' ) { USHORT usMark = GetWord( fpRC, NULL);
if ( usMark == 0xfeff ) { fUnicodeGlossary = TRUE; // it's a Unicode text file
} else if ( usMark == 0xfffe ) { QuitA( IDS_WRONGENDIAN, szGlossFile, NULL); } else { fclose( fpRC); fpRC = fopen( szGlossFile, szRW[ ++nRW]); // it's an ANSI text file
} } return( fpRC); }
* * * Function: * * * Arguments: * * Returns: * * Errors Codes: * * History: * * **/
int MakeGlossIndex( LONG * lFilePointer) { TCHAR szGlossEntry[MAXLINE] = TEXT(""); WORD iCurrent = 0; LONG lFPointer = -1; FILE *pFile = NULL;
pFile = OpenGlossary( gProj.szGlo, 'r');
if ( pFile == NULL ) { return( 1); }
// Glossaries some times have this bogus header at the begining.
// which we want to skip if it exists
if ( ! MyGetGlossStr( szGlossEntry, MAXLINE, pFile) ) { // Error during first read from the glossary.
fclose( pFile); return( 1); } lFPointer = ftell( pFile);
// check for glossary header
if ( lstrlen( szGlossEntry) >= 7 ) { // lstrcpy( (TCHAR *)szDHW, szGlossEntry);
// szDHW[ MEMSIZE( 7)] = szDHW[ MEMSIZE( 7) + 1] = '\0';
// CharLower( (TCHAR *)szDHW);
// if ( lstrcmp( (TCHAR *)szDHW, TEXT("english")) == 0 )
if ( CompareStringW( MAKELCID( gMstr.wLanguageID, SORT_DEFAULT), SORT_STRINGSORT | NORM_IGNORECASE, szGlossEntry, 7, TEXT("ENGLISH"), 7) == 2 ) { lFPointer = ftell (pFile);
if ( ! MyGetGlossStr( szGlossEntry, MAXLINE, pFile) ) { fclose( pFile); return (1); } } }
// now assume we are at the correct location in glossary
// file to begin generating the index, we want to save
// this location
lFilePointer[0] = lFPointer;
// glossary file is sorted so, any non letter items
// in the glossary would be first. Index into this location
// using the 1st position
// 1st lets make sure we have non letters items in
// the glossary
// now skip ( if any ) the non letter entries in the glossary
while( (WORD) szGlossEntry[0] < (WORD) TEXT('A' ) ) { if ( ! MyGetGlossStr( szGlossEntry, MAXLINE, pFile) ) { fclose( pFile); return( 1); } }
// now position at alpha characters
iCurrent = NormalizeIndex( szGlossEntry[0] );
// now we read through the remaining glossary entries
// and save the offsets for each index as we go
do { if ( NormalizeIndex( szGlossEntry[0] ) > iCurrent ) { // we passed the region for our current index
// so save the location, and move to the next index.
// note we may be skiping indexs,
lFilePointer[ iCurrent] = lFPointer; iCurrent = NormalizeIndex( szGlossEntry[0] ); }
lFPointer = ftell( pFile ); // otherwise the current index is valied for this
// section of the glossary indexes, so just continue
} while ( MyGetGlossStr( szGlossEntry, MAXLINE, pFile) );
fclose( pFile); return( 0); }
* * * Function: TransString * Builds a circular linked list containing all translations of a string. * The first entry in the list is the untranslated string. * * Arguments: * fpGlossFile, handle to open glossary file * szKeyText, string with the text to build translation table * szCurrentText, text currently in the box. * ppTransList, pointer to a pointer to a node in a circular linked list * lFilePointer, pointer to index table for glossary file * * Returns: * number of nodes in list * * Errors Codes: * * History: * Recoded by SteveBl, 3/92 * **/
/* Translate the string, if possible. */
int TransString(
TCHAR *szKeyText, TCHAR *szCurrentText, TRANSLIST **ppTransList, LONG *lFilePointer) { int n = 0; long lFileIndex; TRANSLIST **ppCurrentPointer; static TCHAR szGlossEntry[MAXLINE]; static TCHAR szEngText[260]; static TCHAR szIntlText[260]; TCHAR *szCurText = NULL; TCHAR cEngHotKey = TEXT('\0'); TCHAR cIntlHotKey = TEXT('\0'); TCHAR cCurHotKey = TEXT('\0'); FILE *fpGlossFile = NULL;
// *Is* there a glossary file?
if ( (fpGlossFile = OpenGlossary( gProj.szGlo, 'r')) == NULL ) { return( 0); }
// FIRST let's erase the list
if ( *ppTransList ) { (*ppTransList)->pPrev->pNext = NULL; // so we can find the end of the list
while ( *ppTransList ) { TRANSLIST *pTemp;
pTemp = *ppTransList; *ppTransList = pTemp->pNext; RLFREE( pTemp->sz); RLFREE( pTemp); } ppCurrentPointer = ppTransList;
// DONE removing the list
// Now make the first node (which is the untranslated string)
{ TCHAR * psz; psz = (TCHAR *)FALLOC( MEMSIZE( lstrlen( szCurrentText) + 1));
lstrcpy( psz,szCurrentText); *ppTransList = ( TRANSLIST *)FALLOC( sizeof( TRANSLIST)); (*ppTransList)->pPrev = (*ppTransList)->pNext = *ppTransList; (*ppTransList)->sz = psz; ppCurrentPointer = ppTransList; n++; } szCurText = (TCHAR *)FALLOC( MEMSIZE( lstrlen( szKeyText) + 1) );
ParseBufToTextHotKey( szCurText, &cCurHotKey, szKeyText);
lFileIndex = GetGlossaryIndex( fpGlossFile, szCurText[0], lFilePointer);
fseek (fpGlossFile, lFileIndex, SEEK_SET);
while ( TRUE) { if ( ! MyGetGlossStr( szGlossEntry, MAXLINE, fpGlossFile) ) { // Reached end of glossary file
RLFREE( szCurText); fclose( fpGlossFile); return n; } ParseGlossEntry( szGlossEntry, szEngText, &cEngHotKey, szIntlText, &cIntlHotKey);
// make comparision, using text, and hot keys
// if ( ( ! lstrcmp( szCurText, szEngText )) && cCurHotKey == cEngHotKey )
if ( CompareStringW( MAKELCID( gMstr.wLanguageID, SORT_DEFAULT), SORT_STRINGSORT, szCurText, -1, szEngText, -1) == 2 && cCurHotKey == cEngHotKey ) { TCHAR * psz; static TCHAR szTemp[ MAXINPUTBUFFER];
// we have a match, put translated text into token
if ( cIntlHotKey ) { ParseTextHotKeyToBuf( szIntlText, cIntlHotKey, szTemp); } else { lstrcpy( szTemp, szIntlText); }
if ( NotAMember( *ppTransList, szTemp) ) { // add matched glossary text to circular list of matches
psz = (TCHAR *) FALLOC( MEMSIZE( lstrlen( szTemp) + 1));
lstrcpy( psz,szTemp);
(*ppCurrentPointer)->pNext = (TRANSLIST *) FALLOC( sizeof( TRANSLIST));
((*ppCurrentPointer)->pNext)->pPrev = *ppCurrentPointer; ppCurrentPointer = (TRANSLIST **)&((*ppCurrentPointer)->pNext); (*ppCurrentPointer)->pPrev->pNext = *ppCurrentPointer; (*ppCurrentPointer)->pNext = *ppTransList; (*ppTransList)->pPrev = *ppCurrentPointer; (*ppCurrentPointer)->sz = psz; ++n; } } else { // can we terminate search?
// if( lstrcmpi( szEngText, szCurText ) > 0 )
if ( CompareStringW( MAKELCID( gMstr.wLanguageID, SORT_DEFAULT), SORT_STRINGSORT, szEngText, -1, szCurText, -1) == 3 ) { // went past index section
RLFREE( szCurText); fclose( fpGlossFile); return( n); } } } RLFREE( szCurText); fclose( fpGlossFile);
return( n); } // TransString
* * * Function: NormalizeIndex * * * Arguments: * * Returns: * * Errors Codes: * * History: * * **/
static WORD NormalizeIndex( TCHAR chIndex ) { TCHAR chTmp = chIndex;
CharLowerBuff( &chTmp, 1);
return( (chTmp != TEXT('"') && chTmp >= TEXT('a') && chTmp <= TEXT('z')) ? chTmp - TEXT('a') + 1 : 0); }
* Function:NotAMember * * Arguments: * pList, pointer to a TRANSLIST node * sz, string to find * * Returns: * TRUE if not found in the list else FALSE * * History: * 3/92, implemented SteveBl **/
static BOOL NotAMember( TRANSLIST *pList, TCHAR *sz) { TRANSLIST *pCurrent = pList;
if ( ! pList ) { return( TRUE); // empty list
do { // if ( lstrcmp( sz, pCurrent->sz) == 0 )
if ( CompareStringW( MAKELCID( gMstr.wLanguageID, SORT_DEFAULT), SORT_STRINGSORT, sz, -1, pCurrent->sz, -1) == 2 ) { return( FALSE); // found in list
} pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext;
}while ( pList != pCurrent );
return( TRUE); // not found
* * * Function: * * * Arguments: * * Returns: * * Errors Codes: * * History: * * **/
static void ParseGlossEntry(
TCHAR szGlossEntry[], TCHAR szEngText[], TCHAR cEngHotKey[1], TCHAR szIntlText[], TCHAR cIntlHotKey[1]) {
WORD wIndex, wIndex2;
// format is:
// <eng text><tab><eng hot key><tab><loc text><tab><loc hot key>
// Any field could be null and if there aren't the right amount of
// tabs we'll just assume that the remaining fields are empty.
// first get the english text
while ( szGlossEntry[wIndex2] != TEXT('\t') && szGlossEntry[wIndex2] != TEXT('\0') ) { szEngText[ wIndex++] = szGlossEntry[ wIndex2++]; } szEngText[wIndex]=TEXT('\0');
if ( szGlossEntry[ wIndex2] == TEXT('\t') ) { ++wIndex2; // skip the tab
} // now get the eng hot key
if ( szGlossEntry[wIndex2] != TEXT('\t') && szGlossEntry[wIndex2] != TEXT('\0') ) { *cEngHotKey = szGlossEntry[wIndex2++]; } else { *cEngHotKey = TEXT('\0'); }
while ( szGlossEntry[ wIndex2] != TEXT('\t') && szGlossEntry[ wIndex2] != TEXT('\0') ) { ++wIndex2; // make sure the hot key field doesn't hold more than one char
if ( szGlossEntry[ wIndex2] == TEXT('\t') ) { ++wIndex2; // skip the tab
} wIndex = 0;
// now get the intl text
while ( szGlossEntry[ wIndex2] != TEXT('\t') && szGlossEntry[ wIndex2] != TEXT('\0') ) { szIntlText[wIndex++]=szGlossEntry[wIndex2++]; } szIntlText[wIndex]='\0';
if ( szGlossEntry[ wIndex2] == TEXT('\t') ) { ++wIndex2; // skip the tab
// now get the intl hot key
if ( szGlossEntry[ wIndex2] != TEXT('\t') && szGlossEntry[ wIndex2] != TEXT('\0') ) { *cIntlHotKey = szGlossEntry[ wIndex2++]; } else { *cIntlHotKey = TEXT('\0'); } }
* * * Function: * * * Arguments: * * Returns: * * Errors Codes: * * History: * * **/
static void ParseBufToTextHotKey(
TCHAR *szText, TCHAR cHotKey[1], TCHAR *szBuf) {
WORD wIndexBuf = 0; WORD wIndexText = 0;
*cHotKey = TEXT('\0');
while( szBuf[ wIndexBuf] ) { if ( szBuf[ wIndexBuf ] == TEXT('&') ) { *cHotKey = szBuf[ ++wIndexBuf]; } else { szText[ wIndexText++] = szBuf[ wIndexBuf++]; } } szText[ wIndexText] = TEXT('\0'); }
* * * Function: * * * Arguments: * * Returns: * * Errors Codes: * * History: * * **/
static void ParseTextHotKeyToBuf(
TCHAR *szText, TCHAR cHotKey, TCHAR *szBuf ) { WORD wIndexBuf = 0; WORD wIndexText = 0; // TCHAR cTmp;
while ( szText[ wIndexText] ) { // cTmp = szText[ wIndexText];
// CharUpperBuff( &cTmp, 1);
// if ( cTmp == cHotKey )
if ( szText[ wIndexText] == cHotKey ) { szBuf[ wIndexBuf++] = TEXT('&'); szBuf[ wIndexBuf++] = szText[ wIndexText++]; break; } else { szBuf[ wIndexBuf++] = szText[ wIndexText++]; } }
// copy remaining string
while( szText[ wIndexText] ) { szBuf[ wIndexBuf++] = szText[ wIndexText++]; } szBuf[ wIndexBuf] = TEXT('\0'); }
static long GetGlossaryIndex(
FILE *fpGlossFile, TCHAR c, long *lGlossaryIndex ) { int i = 0; TCHAR cTmp = c;
CharLowerBuff( &cTmp, 1);
if ( cTmp >= TEXT('a') && cTmp <= TEXT('z') ) { i = NormalizeIndex( c ); return( lGlossaryIndex[ i > 0 ? i - 1 : 0]); } else { return( 0); } }
* PROCEDURE: BuildGlossEntry * Builds a glossary entry line. * * Parameters: * sz, line buffer * sz1, untranslated text * c1, untranslated hot key (or 0 if no hot key) * sz2, translated text * c2, translated hot key (or 0 if no hot key) * * Returns: * nothing. sz contains the line. (assumes there is room in the buffer) * * History: * 3/93 - initial implementation - SteveBl *******************************************************************************/
static void BuildGlossEntry(
TCHAR *sz, TCHAR *sz1, TCHAR c1, TCHAR *sz2, TCHAR c2) { *sz = TEXT('\0'); wsprintf( sz, TEXT("%s\t%c\t%s\t%c"), sz1, c1, sz2, c2); }
* PROCEDURE: AddTranslation * Adds a translation to a glossary file. * * PARAMETERS: * szGlossFile, path to the glossary * szKey, untranslated text * szTranslation, translated text * lFilePointer, pointer to index hash table for glossary * * RETURNS: * nothing. Key is added to glossary if no errors are encountered else * file is left unchanged. * * COMMENTS: * rebuilds the global pointer list lFilePointer * * HISTORY: * * 3/92 - initial implementation - SteveBl ******************************************************************************/
void AddTranslation(
TCHAR *szKey, TCHAR *szTranslation, LONG *lFilePointer) {
// DBCS begin
TCHAR szCurText [520]; TCHAR szTransText [520]; // DBCS end
TCHAR cTransHot = TEXT('\0'); TCHAR cCurHotKey = TEXT('\0'); CHAR szTempFileName [255]; FILE *fTemp = NULL; FILE *fpGlossFile = NULL; TCHAR szTempText [MAXLINE]; // DBCS begin
TCHAR szNewText [MAXLINE * 2]; // DBCS end
TCHAR *r = NULL; TCHAR chTmp = TEXT('\0');
MyGetTempFileName( 0, "", 0, szTempFileName);
if ( (fTemp = OpenGlossary( szTempFileName, 'w')) != NULL ) { if ( fUnicodeGlossary ) { fprintf( fTemp, "%hu", 0xfeff); // Mark new one as Unicode
ParseBufToTextHotKey( szCurText, &cCurHotKey, szKey); ParseBufToTextHotKey( szTransText, &cTransHot, szTranslation);
BuildGlossEntry( szNewText, szCurText, cCurHotKey, szTransText, cTransHot);
// If the glossary file exists, get its first
// line. If it doesn't exist, we'll create it
// (via CopyFile) at the end of this function.
if ( (fpGlossFile = OpenGlossary( gProj.szGlo, 'r')) != NULL ) { if ( (r = MyGetGlossStr( szTempText, TCHARSIN( sizeof( szTempText)), fpGlossFile)) ) { // lstrcpy( (TCHAR *)szDHW, szTempText);
// szDHW[ MEMSIZE( 7)] = szDHW[ MEMSIZE( 7) + 1] = '\0';
// CharLower( (TCHAR *)szDHW);
// if ( lstrcmpi( (TCHAR *)szDHW, TEXT("ENGLISH")) == 0 )
if ( CompareStringW( MAKELCID( gMstr.wLanguageID, SORT_DEFAULT), SORT_STRINGSORT | NORM_IGNORECASE, szTempText, 7, TEXT("ENGLISH"), 7) == 2 ) { // skip first line
MyPutGlossStr( szTempText, fTemp); r = MyGetGlossStr( szTempText, TCHARSIN( sizeof( szTempText)), fpGlossFile); } } } else { r = NULL; }
// if ( r )
// {
// chTmp = szTempText[0];
// CharLowerBuff( &chTmp, 1);
// }
// else
// {
// chTmp = szTempText[0] = TEXT('\0');
// }
// // Does the new text begin with a letter?
// if ( chTmp >= TEXT('a') )
// {
// // begins with a letter, we need to find where to put it
// while ( r && chTmp < TEXT('a') )
while ( r && CompareStringW( MAKELCID( gMstr.wLanguageID, SORT_DEFAULT), SORT_STRINGSORT, szTempText, -1, szNewText, -1) == 1 ) { // skip the non letter section
MyPutGlossStr( szTempText, fTemp);
r = MyGetGlossStr( szTempText, TCHARSIN( sizeof( szTempText)), fpGlossFile); // if ( (r = MyGetGlossStr( szTempText,
// TCHARSIN( sizeof( szTempText)),
// fpGlossFile)) )
// {
// chTmp = szTempText[0];
// CharLowerBuff( &chTmp, 1);
// }
// while ( r && _tcsicmp( szTempText, szNewText) < 0 )
// {
// // skip anything smaller than me
// MyPutGlossStr( szTempText, fTemp);
// r = MyGetGlossStr( szTempText, TCHARSIN( sizeof( szTempText)), fpGlossFile);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// // doesn't begin with a letter, we need to insert it before
// // the letter sections begin but it still must be sorted
// while ( r
// && chTmp < TEXT('a')
// && _tcsicmp( szTempText, szNewText) < 0 )
// {
// MyPutGlossStr( szTempText, fTemp);
// if ( (r = MyGetGlossStr( szTempText,
// TCHARSIN( sizeof( szTempText)),
// fpGlossFile)) )
// {
// chTmp = szTempText[0];
// CharLowerBuff( &chTmp, 1);
// }
// }
// }
MyPutGlossStr( szNewText, fTemp);
while ( r ) { MyPutGlossStr( szTempText,fTemp); r = MyGetGlossStr( szTempText, TCHARSIN( sizeof( szTempText)), fpGlossFile); } fclose( fTemp);
if ( fpGlossFile ) { fclose( fpGlossFile); } // This call will create the glossary file
// if it didn't already exist.
if ( ! CopyFileA( szTempFileName, gProj.szGlo, FALSE) ) { QuitA( IDS_COPYFILE_FAILED, szTempFileName, gProj.szGlo); } remove( szTempFileName);
MakeGlossIndex( lFilePointer); } else { QuitA( IDS_NO_TMP_GLOSS, szTempFileName, NULL); } }
* * * Function: MyGetGlossStr * Replaces C runtime fgets function. * * History: * 5/92, Implemented. TerryRu. * * **/
static TCHAR *MyGetGlossStr( TCHAR * ptszStr, int nCount, FILE * fIn) { int i = 0;
#ifdef RLRES32
// It this a Unicode glossary file?
TCHAR tCh = TEXT('\0');
if ( fUnicodeGlossary ) { do // Yes
{ tCh = ptszStr[ i++] = (TCHAR)GetWord( fIn, NULL);
} while ( i < nCount && tCh != TEXT('\n') );
if ( tCh == TEXT('\0') || feof( fIn) ) { return( NULL); } ptszStr[i] = TEXT('\0');
StripNewLineW( ptszStr); } else // No, it's an ANSI glossary file
{ if ( fgets( szDHW, DHWSIZE, fIn) != NULL ) { StripNewLineA( szDHW); _MBSTOWCS( ptszStr, szDHW, nCount, (UINT)-1); } else { return( NULL); } } return( ptszStr);
#else //RLRES32
if ( fgets( ptszStr, nCount, fIn) ) { StripNewLineA( ptszStr); } else { return( NULL); }
#endif //RLRES32
* * * Function: MyPutGlossStr * Replaces C runtime fputs function.
* History: * 6/92, Implemented. TerryRu. * * **/ static int MyPutGlossStr( TCHAR * ptszStr, FILE * fOut) {
#ifdef RLRES32
int i = 0;
// It this a Unicode glossary file?
if ( fUnicodeGlossary ) { do // Yes
{ PutWord( fOut, ptszStr[i], NULL);
} while ( ptszStr[ i++] );
PutWord( fOut, TEXT('\r'), NULL); PutWord( fOut, TEXT('\n'), NULL); i += 2; } else // No, it's an ANSI glossary file
{ _WCSTOMBS( szDHW, ptszStr, DHWSIZE, lstrlen( ptszStr) + 1); i = fputs( szDHW, fOut); fputs( "\n", fOut); }
#else //RLRES32
i = fputs( ptszStr, fOut); fputs( "\n", fOut);
#endif //RLRES32
return(i); }