// util.cpp: Utility functions
#include <windows.h>
#include <winbase.h> // for GetCommandLine
#include "util.h"
#include <debug.h>
#include "resource.h"
// LoadStringExW and LoadStringAuto are stolen from shell\ext\mlang\util.cpp
// Extend LoadString() to to _LoadStringExW() to take LangId parameter
int LoadStringExW( HMODULE hModule, UINT wID, LPWSTR lpBuffer, // Unicode buffer
int cchBufferMax, // cch in Unicode buffer
WORD wLangId) { HRSRC hResInfo; HANDLE hStringSeg; LPWSTR lpsz; int cch;
// Make sure the parms are valid.
if (lpBuffer == NULL || cchBufferMax == 0) { return 0; }
cch = 0; // String Tables are broken up into 16 string segments. Find the segment
// containing the string we are interested in.
if (hResInfo = FindResourceExW(hModule, (LPCWSTR)RT_STRING, (LPWSTR)IntToPtr(((USHORT)wID >> 4) + 1), wLangId)) { // Load that segment.
hStringSeg = LoadResource(hModule, hResInfo); // Lock the resource.
if (lpsz = (LPWSTR)LockResource(hStringSeg)) { // Move past the other strings in this segment.
// (16 strings in a segment -> & 0x0F)
wID &= 0x0F; while (TRUE) { cch = *((WORD *)lpsz++); // PASCAL like string count
// first UTCHAR is count if TCHARs
if (wID-- == 0) break; lpsz += cch; // Step to start if next string
} // Account for the NULL
cchBufferMax--; // Don't copy more than the max allowed.
if (cch > cchBufferMax) cch = cchBufferMax-1; // Copy the string into the buffer.
CopyMemory(lpBuffer, lpsz, cch*sizeof(WCHAR));
// Attach Null terminator.
lpBuffer[cch] = 0; } }
return cch; }
#define LCID_ENGLISH 0x409
#define REGSTR_RESOURCELOCALE TEXT("Control Panel\\Desktop\\ResourceLocale")
void _GetUILanguageWin9X(LANGID* plangid) { HKEY hkey; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REGSTR_RESOURCELOCALE, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { TCHAR szBuffer[9]; DWORD cbData = sizeof(szBuffer); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szBuffer, &cbData)) { *plangid = (LANGID)strtol(szBuffer, NULL, 16); } RegCloseKey(hkey); } }
void _GetUILanguageWinNT(LANGID* plangid) { HMODULE hmodule = GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"); if (hmodule) { GETUI_ROUTINE NT5API = (GETUI_ROUTINE)GetProcAddress(hmodule, "GetSystemDefaultLangID"); if (NT5API) { *plangid = NT5API(); } } }
LANGID GetUILanguage() { LANGID langid = LCID_ENGLISH; OSVERSIONINFO osv = {0}; osv.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osv); if (GetVersionEx(&osv)) { if (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS == osv.dwPlatformId) // Win9X
{ _GetUILanguageWin9X(&langid); } else if ((VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == osv.dwPlatformId) && (osv.dwMajorVersion >= 4)) // WinNT, only support NT4 and higher
{ _GetUILanguageWinNT(&langid); } } return langid; }
BOOL _GetBackupLangid(LANGID langidUI, LANGID* plangidBackup) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; switch (PRIMARYLANGID(langidUI)) { case LANG_SPANISH: *plangidBackup = MAKELANGID(LANG_SPANISH, SUBLANG_SPANISH_MODERN); break; case LANG_CHINESE: // chinese and portuguese have multiple locales, there is no good default for them.
case LANG_PORTUGUESE: fSuccess = FALSE; break; default: *plangidBackup = MAKELANGID(PRIMARYLANGID(langidUI), SUBLANG_DEFAULT); break; } return fSuccess; }
// LoadString from the correct resource
// try to load in the system default language
// fall back to english if fail
int LoadStringAuto( HMODULE hModule, UINT wID, LPSTR lpBuffer, int cchBufferMax) { int iRet = 0;
LPWSTR lpwStr = (LPWSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, cchBufferMax*sizeof(WCHAR));
if (lpwStr) { iRet = LoadStringExW(hModule, wID, lpwStr, cchBufferMax, GetUILanguage()); if (!iRet) { LANGID backupLangid; if (_GetBackupLangid(GetUILanguage(), &backupLangid)) { iRet = LoadStringExW(hModule, wID, lpwStr, cchBufferMax, backupLangid); } if (!iRet) { iRet = LoadStringExW(hModule, wID, lpwStr, cchBufferMax, LCID_ENGLISH); } }
if (iRet) iRet = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpwStr, iRet, lpBuffer, cchBufferMax, NULL, NULL);
if(iRet >= cchBufferMax) iRet = cchBufferMax-1;
lpBuffer[iRet] = 0;
LocalFree(lpwStr); }
return iRet; }
#define WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL 0x00400000L // Right to left mirroring
BOOL Mirror_IsWindowMirroredRTL(HWND hWnd) { return (GetWindowLongA( hWnd , GWL_EXSTYLE ) & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL ); }
// stolen from shell\shlwapi\path.c (b/c we ship downlevel)
BOOL LocalPathRemoveFileSpec(LPTSTR pszPath) { RIPMSG(pszPath && IS_VALID_STRING_PTR(pszPath, -1), "LocalPathRemoveFileSpec: caller passed bad pszPath");
if (pszPath) { LPTSTR pT; LPTSTR pT2 = pszPath;
for (pT = pT2; *pT2; pT2 = CharNext(pT2)) { if (*pT2 == TEXT('\\')) { pT = pT2; // last "\" found, (we will strip here)
} else if (*pT2 == TEXT(':')) // skip ":\" so we don't
{ if (pT2[1] == TEXT('\\')) // strip the "\" from "C:\"
{ pT2++; } pT = pT2 + 1; } }
if (*pT == 0) { // didn't strip anything
return FALSE; } else if (((pT == pszPath) && (*pT == TEXT('\\'))) || // is it the "\foo" case?
((pT == pszPath+1) && (*pT == TEXT('\\') && *pszPath == TEXT('\\')))) // or the "\\bar" case?
{ // Is it just a '\'?
if (*(pT+1) != TEXT('\0')) { // Nope.
*(pT+1) = TEXT('\0'); return TRUE; // stripped something
} else { // Yep.
return FALSE; } } else { *pT = 0; return TRUE; // stripped something
} } return FALSE; }
// stolen from shlwapi\strings.c
LPSTR LocalStrCatBuffA(LPSTR pszDest, LPCSTR pszSrc, int cchDestBuffSize) { if (pszDest && pszSrc) { LPSTR psz = pszDest;
// we walk forward till we find the end of pszDest, subtracting
// from cchDestBuffSize as we go.
while (*psz) { psz++; cchDestBuffSize--; }
if (cchDestBuffSize > 0) { lstrcpyn(psz, pszSrc, cchDestBuffSize); } } return pszDest; }
// a poor man's path append
BOOL LocalPathAppendA(LPTSTR pszPath, LPTSTR pszNew, UINT cchPath) { if ('\\' != pszPath[lstrlen(pszPath) - 1]) { LocalStrCatBuffA(pszPath, TEXT("\\"), cchPath); } LocalStrCatBuffA(pszPath, pszNew, cchPath); return TRUE; }
BOOL SafeExpandEnvStringsA(LPSTR pszSource, LPSTR pszDest, UINT cchDest) { UINT cch = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(pszSource, pszDest, cchDest); return (cch > 0 && cch <= cchDest); }