/* Copyright 1996 Microsoft */
#include <priv.h>
#include "sccls.h"
#include "aclhist.h"
static const TCHAR c_szSlashSlash[] = TEXT("//"); static const TCHAR c_szEmpty[] = TEXT(""); static const TCHAR c_szFile[] = TEXT("file://");
#define SZ_REGKEY_URLPrefixesKeyA "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\URL\\Prefixes"
const TCHAR c_szDefaultURLPrefixKey[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\URL\\DefaultPrefix");
/* IUnknown methods */
HRESULT CACLHistory::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObj) { static const QITAB qit[] = { QITABENT(CACLHistory, IEnumString), QITABENT(CACLHistory, IEnumACString), { 0 }, }; return QISearch(this, qit, riid, ppvObj); }
ULONG CACLHistory::AddRef(void) { _cRef++; return _cRef; }
ULONG CACLHistory::Release(void) { ASSERT(_cRef > 0);
_cRef--; if (_cRef > 0) { return _cRef; }
delete this; return 0; }
/* IEnumString methods */
STDAPI PrepareURLForDisplayUTF8W(LPCWSTR pwz, LPWSTR pwzOut, DWORD * pcbOut, BOOL fUTF8Enabled);
HRESULT CACLHistory::_Next(LPOLESTR* ppsz, ULONG cch, FILETIME* pftLastVisited) { ASSERT(ppsz);
if (_pwszAlternate) { //
// There is an alternate version of the string we produced last time.
// Hand them the alternate string now.
if (cch == 0) { // Return the allocated memory
*ppsz = _pwszAlternate; } else { // Copy into the caller's buffer
StringCchCopy(*ppsz, cch, _pwszAlternate); CoTaskMemFree(_pwszAlternate); } _pwszAlternate = NULL; hr = S_OK; }
else if (NULL != _pesu) { STATURL rsu[1] = { { SIZEOF(STATURL) } }; ULONG celtFetched; while (SUCCEEDED(_pesu->Next(1, rsu, &celtFetched)) && celtFetched) { ASSERT(IS_VALID_STRING_PTRW(rsu[0].pwcsUrl, -1));
// We didn't ask for the title!
ASSERT(NULL == rsu[0].pwcsTitle);
// Ignore if a frame or an error URL
if (!(rsu[0].dwFlags & STATURLFLAG_ISTOPLEVEL) || IsErrorUrl(rsu[0].pwcsUrl)) { CoTaskMemFree(rsu[0].pwcsUrl); rsu[0].pwcsUrl = NULL; continue; }
// WARNING (IE #54924): It would look pretty to
// unescape the URL but that would incure data-loss
// so don't do it!!! This breaks more things that
// you could imagine. -BryanSt
// Unescape the URL (people don't like to type %F1, etc).
// Unescaping is definitely a problem for ftp, but it should be
// safe for http and https (stevepro).
hr = S_OK; // we're done already, unless we have to muck around with UTF8 decoding
if (StrChr(rsu[0].pwcsUrl, L'%')) { DWORD dwScheme = GetUrlScheme(rsu[0].pwcsUrl); if ((dwScheme == URL_SCHEME_HTTP) || (dwScheme == URL_SCHEME_HTTPS)) { WCHAR szBuf[MAX_URL_STRING]; DWORD cchBuf = ARRAYSIZE(szBuf);
HRESULT hr2 = PrepareURLForDisplayUTF8W(rsu[0].pwcsUrl, szBuf, &cchBuf, TRUE);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr2)) { // normally StringCchCopy's cch limit should be the size of the destination
// buffer, but in this case, we know that the number of characters that
// were written into szBuf is <= the number of characters in
// rsu[0].pwcsUrl since if anything changes, it is the reduction of
// URL escaped sequences into single characters, and the reduction of
// UTF8 character sequences into single unicode characters.
ASSERT(cchBuf <= (DWORD)lstrlenW(rsu[0].pwcsUrl)); StringCchCopy(rsu[0].pwcsUrl, cchBuf+1, szBuf); } } }
if (cch == 0) { // Return the allocated memory
*ppsz = rsu[0].pwcsUrl; } else { // Copy into the caller's buffer
StringCchCopy(*ppsz, cch, rsu[0].pwcsUrl); CoTaskMemFree(rsu[0].pwcsUrl); }
// Save the time in case an alternate form is needed
_ftAlternate = rsu[0].ftLastVisited; break; } }
// Provide alternate forms of the same url
if ((_dwOptions & ACEO_ALTERNATEFORMS) && hr == S_OK) { USES_CONVERSION; _CreateAlternateItem(*ppsz); }
if (pftLastVisited) { *pftLastVisited = _ftAlternate; }
return hr; }
HRESULT CACLHistory::Next(ULONG celt, LPOLESTR *rgelt, ULONG *pceltFetched) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE;
*pceltFetched = 0;
if (!celt) { return S_OK; }
if (!rgelt) { return E_FAIL; }
hr = _Next(&rgelt[0], 0, NULL); if (S_OK == hr) { *pceltFetched = 1; } return hr; }
HRESULT CACLHistory::Skip(ULONG celt) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
HRESULT CACLHistory::Reset(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Since Reset() is always called before Next() we will
// delay opening the History folder until that last
// moment.
if (!_puhs) { hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CUrlHistory, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARG(IUrlHistoryStg, &_puhs)); }
if ((SUCCEEDED(hr)) && (_puhs) && (!_pesu)) { hr = _puhs->EnumUrls(&_pesu); }
if ((SUCCEEDED(hr)) && (_puhs) && (_pesu)) { hr = _pesu->Reset();
// We only want top-level pages
if (_pwszAlternate) { CoTaskMemFree(_pwszAlternate); _pwszAlternate = NULL; }
return hr; }
DESCRIPTION: This function will clone the current enumerator.
WARNING: This function will not implement the full functionality of Clone(). It will not create an enumerator that is pointing to the same location in the list as the original enumerator. \****************************************************************/ HRESULT CACLHistory::Clone(IEnumString **ppenum) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; *ppenum = NULL; CACLHistory * p = new CACLHistory();
if (p) { hr = p->Reset(); if (FAILED(hr)) p->Release(); else *ppenum = SAFECAST(p, IEnumString *); }
return hr; }
// *** IEnumACString ***
HRESULT CACLHistory::NextItem(LPOLESTR pszUrl, ULONG cchMax, ULONG* pulSortIndex) { if (NULL == pszUrl || cchMax == 0 || NULL == pulSortIndex) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
*pulSortIndex = 0;
FILETIME ftLastVisited; HRESULT hr = _Next(&pszUrl, cchMax, &ftLastVisited);
// See if we want the results sorted by most recently used first
if (S_OK == hr && (_dwOptions & ACEO_MOSTRECENTFIRST)) { // Get the current system time
FILETIME ftTimeNow; CoFileTimeNow(&ftTimeNow);
ULONGLONG t1=0,t2=0,t3;
// Put the current time into 64-bit
t1 = ((ULONGLONG)ftTimeNow.dwHighDateTime << 32); t1 += ftTimeNow.dwLowDateTime;
// Ditto for the last visited time
t2 = ((ULONGLONG)ftLastVisited.dwHighDateTime << 32); t2 += ftLastVisited.dwLowDateTime;
// Take the difference and convert into seconds
t3 = (t1-t2) / 10000000;
// If t3 overflows, then set the low byte to the highest possible value
*pulSortIndex = (ULONG)t3; } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CACLHistory::SetEnumOptions(DWORD dwOptions) { _dwOptions = dwOptions; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CACLHistory::GetEnumOptions(DWORD *pdwOptions) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; if (pdwOptions) { *pdwOptions = _dwOptions; hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
/* Constructor / Destructor / CreateInstance */
CACLHistory::CACLHistory() { DllAddRef(); ASSERT(_puhs == 0); ASSERT(_pesu == 0); _cRef = 1; _dwOptions = ACEO_ALTERNATEFORMS; }
CACLHistory::~CACLHistory() { if (_pesu) { _pesu->Release(); _pesu = NULL; }
if (_puhs) { _puhs->Release(); _puhs = NULL; }
if (_hdsaAlternateData) { DSA_DestroyCallback(_hdsaAlternateData, _FreeAlternateDataItem, 0); _hdsaAlternateData = NULL; }
DllRelease(); }
HRESULT CACLHistory_CreateInstance(IUnknown *punkOuter, IUnknown **ppunk, LPCOBJECTINFO poi) { // aggregation checking is handled in class factory
*ppunk = NULL; CACLHistory * p = new CACLHistory(); if (p) { *ppunk = SAFECAST(p, IEnumString *); return NOERROR; } return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
/* Private functions */
typedef struct _tagAlternateData { LPTSTR pszProtocol; int cchProtocol; LPTSTR pszDomain; int cchDomain; } ALTERNATEDATA;
// Add one protocol/domain combination to the HDSA.
// Information is stored in the registry as
// Protocol="ftp://" and Domain="ftp." but we want to
// store it as Protocol="ftp:" and Domain="//ftp."
// when fMoveSlashes is TRUE.
void CACLHistory::_AddAlternateDataItem(LPCTSTR pszProtocol, LPCTSTR pszDomain, BOOL fMoveSlashes) { ALTERNATEDATA ad;
ZeroMemory(&ad, SIZEOF(ad));
ad.cchProtocol = lstrlen(pszProtocol); ad.cchDomain = lstrlen(pszDomain);
if (fMoveSlashes) { //
// Validate that there are slashes to move.
if (ad.cchProtocol > 2 && pszProtocol[ad.cchProtocol - 2] == TEXT('/') && pszProtocol[ad.cchProtocol - 1] == TEXT('/')) { ad.cchProtocol -= 2; ad.cchDomain += 2; } else { fMoveSlashes = FALSE; } }
ad.pszProtocol = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (ad.cchProtocol + 1) * SIZEOF(TCHAR)); ad.pszDomain = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (ad.cchDomain + 1) * SIZEOF(TCHAR));
if (ad.pszProtocol && ad.pszDomain) { StringCchCopy(ad.pszProtocol, ad.cchProtocol + 1, pszProtocol);
if (fMoveSlashes) { StringCchCopy(ad.pszDomain, ad.cchDomain + 1, c_szSlashSlash); StringCchCopy(ad.pszDomain + 2, ad.cchDomain - 1, pszDomain); } else { StringCchCopy(ad.pszDomain, ad.cchDomain + 1, pszDomain); }
DSA_AppendItem(_hdsaAlternateData, &ad); } else { _FreeAlternateDataItem(&ad, 0); } }
// This fills in the HDSA from the registry.
void CACLHistory::_CreateAlternateData(void) { HKEY hkey; DWORD cbProtocol; TCHAR szProtocol[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cchDomain; TCHAR szDomain[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwType;
ASSERT(_hdsaAlternateData == NULL);
_hdsaAlternateData = DSA_Create(SIZEOF(ALTERNATEDATA), 10); if (!_hdsaAlternateData) { return; }
// Add default protocol.
cbProtocol = SIZEOF(szProtocol); if (SHGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szDefaultURLPrefixKey, NULL, NULL, (void *)szProtocol, (DWORD *)&cbProtocol) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { _AddAlternateDataItem(szProtocol, c_szEmpty, TRUE); }
// Add "file://" prefix. Since "file://foo.txt" doesn't navigate to
// the same place as "//foo.txt" we have to pass in FALSE to fMoveSlashes.
_AddAlternateDataItem(c_szFile, c_szEmpty, FALSE);
// Add all registered prefixes.
if (RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SZ_REGKEY_URLPrefixesKeyA, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cchDomain = ARRAYSIZE(szDomain); cbProtocol = SIZEOF(szProtocol);
for (int i=0; SHEnumValue(hkey, i, szDomain, &cchDomain, &dwType, (PBYTE)szProtocol, &cbProtocol) == ERROR_SUCCESS; i++) { _AddAlternateDataItem(szProtocol, szDomain, TRUE);
cchDomain = ARRAYSIZE(szDomain); cbProtocol = SIZEOF(szProtocol); }
RegCloseKey(hkey); } }
// Given a pszUrl, attempts to create an alternate URL
// and store it into _pwszAlternate.
// URL Alternate
// ================= ========================
// http://one.com //one.com
// //one.com one.com
// one.com (no alternate available)
// ftp://ftp.two.com //ftp.two.com
// //ftp.two.com ftp.two.com
// ftp.two.com (no alternate available)
// ftp://three.com (no alternate available)
// file://four.txt four.txt
// four.txt (no alternate available)
// In a sense, this is the opposite of IURLQualify().
void CACLHistory::_CreateAlternateItem(LPCTSTR pszUrl) { ASSERT(_pwszAlternate == NULL);
// If an URL begins with "//" we can always remove it.
if (pszUrl[0] == TEXT('/') && pszUrl[1] == TEXT('/')) { _SetAlternateItem(pszUrl + 2); return; }
// Create the HDSA if necessary.
if (!_hdsaAlternateData) { _CreateAlternateData();
if (!_hdsaAlternateData) { return; } }
// Look for matches in the HDSA.
// For instance, if pszProtocol="ftp:" and pszDomain="//ftp."
// and the given url is of the format "ftp://ftp.{other stuff}"
// then we strip off the pszProtocol and offer "//ftp.{other stuff}"
// as the alternate.
for (int i=0; i<DSA_GetItemCount(_hdsaAlternateData); i++) { ALTERNATEDATA ad;
if (DSA_GetItem(_hdsaAlternateData, i, &ad) != -1) { if ((StrCmpNI(ad.pszProtocol, pszUrl, ad.cchProtocol) == 0) && (StrCmpNI(ad.pszDomain, pszUrl + ad.cchProtocol, ad.cchDomain) == 0)) { _SetAlternateItem(pszUrl + ad.cchProtocol); return; } } } }
// Given an URL, set _pwszAlternate. This takes care
// of all ANSI/UNICODE issues and allocates memory for
// _pwszAlternate via CoTaskMemAlloc.
void CACLHistory::_SetAlternateItem(LPCTSTR pszUrl) { ASSERT(_pwszAlternate == NULL);
int cch;
#ifdef UNICODE
cch = lstrlen(pszUrl) + 1; #else
cch = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszUrl, -1, NULL, 0); #endif
_pwszAlternate = (LPOLESTR)CoTaskMemAlloc(cch * SIZEOF(WCHAR)); if (_pwszAlternate) { #ifdef UNICODE
StringCchCopy(_pwszAlternate, cch, pszUrl); #else
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszUrl, -1, _pwszAlternate, cch); #endif
} }
// Handy routine for calling directly or via DSA callback.
int CACLHistory::_FreeAlternateDataItem(void * p, void * d) { ALTERNATEDATA *pad = (ALTERNATEDATA *)p;
if (pad->pszProtocol) { LocalFree((HANDLE)pad->pszProtocol); } if(pad->pszDomain) { LocalFree((HANDLE)pad->pszDomain); }
return 1; }