#ifndef _LOGO_H
#define _LOGO_H
typedef HRESULT (* LPUPDATEFN)( void *pData, DWORD dwItem, HBITMAP hImage, LPCWSTR pszCache, BOOL fCache );
#define LOGO_HEIGHT 32
#define LOGO_WIDE_WIDTH 194
#define LOGO_WIDTH 80
class CLogoBase { public: CLogoBase( BOOL fWide = FALSE ); ~CLogoBase();
virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void) PURE; virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void) PURE;
static void _Initialize( void ); static void _Cleanup( void ); virtual IShellFolder * GetSF() PURE; virtual HWND GetHWND() PURE;
inline HIMAGELIST GetLogoHIML( void ); // intialisation functions
HRESULT InitLogoView( void ); HRESULT ExitLogoView( void );
int GetLogoIndex( DWORD dwItem, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, IRunnableTask **ppTask, DWORD * pdwPriority, DWORD * pdwFlags ); int GetDefaultLogo( LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, BOOL fQuick );
HRESULT AddTaskToQueue( IRunnableTask *pTask, DWORD dwPriority, DWORD lParam ); // create the default logo for an item....
HRESULT CreateDefaultLogo(int iIcon, int cxLogo, int cyLogo, LPCTSTR pszText, HBITMAP * phBmpLogo);
HRESULT FlushLogoCache( void );
HRESULT AddRefLogoCache( void ); HRESULT ReleaseLogoCache( void );
// get the task ID used with the task scheduler
virtual HRESULT UpdateLogoCallback( DWORD dwItem, int iIcon, HBITMAP hImage, LPCWSTR pszCache, BOOL fCache ) PURE;
HRESULT DitherBitmap( HBITMAP hBmp, HBITMAP * phBmpNew );
int AddIndicesToLogoList( int iIcon, UINT uIndex );
int FindLogoFromIcon( int iIcon, int * piLastLogo ); protected: int GetCachedLogoIndex(DWORD dwItem, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, IRunnableTask **ppTask, DWORD * pdwPriority, DWORD * pdwFlags ); IImageCache * _pLogoCache; // My be NULL in low memory conditions.
IShellTaskScheduler * _pTaskScheduler; HIMAGELIST _himlLogos; SIZEL _rgLogoSize; DWORD _dwClrDepth; HDSA _hdsaLogoIndices;
static CRITICAL_SECTION s_csSharedLogos; static long s_lSharedWideLogosRef; static IImageCache * s_pSharedWideLogoCache; static HDSA s_hdsaWideLogoIndices;
HPALETTE _hpalHalftone; BOOL _fWide; };
inline HIMAGELIST CLogoBase::GetLogoHIML( ) { return _himlLogos; }
struct LogoIndex { int iIcon; int iLogo; };