#include "ctlspriv.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "usrctl32.h"
#include "combo.h"
#define RECALC_CYDROP -1
VOID ComboBox_CalcControlRects(PCBOX pcbox, LPRECT lprcList) { CONST TCHAR szOneChar[] = TEXT("0");
HDC hdc; HANDLE hOldFont = NULL; int dyEdit, dxEdit; MEASUREITEMSTRUCT mis; SIZE size; HWND hwnd = pcbox->hwnd;
// Determine height of the edit control. We can use this info to center
// the button with recpect to the edit/static text window. For example
// this will be useful if owner draw and this window is tall.
hdc = GetDC(hwnd); if (pcbox->hFont) { hOldFont = SelectObject(hdc, pcbox->hFont); }
// Add on CYEDGE just for some extra space in the edit field/static item.
// It's really only for static text items, but we want static & editable
// controls to be the same height.
GetTextExtentPoint(hdc, szOneChar, 1, &size); dyEdit = size.cy + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE);
if (hOldFont) { SelectObject(hdc, hOldFont); }
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
if (pcbox->OwnerDraw) { //
// This is an ownerdraw combo. Have the owner tell us how tall this
// item is.
int iOwnerDrawHeight;
iOwnerDrawHeight = pcbox->editrc.bottom - pcbox->editrc.top; if (iOwnerDrawHeight) { dyEdit = iOwnerDrawHeight; } else { //
// No height has been defined yet for the static text window. Send
// a measure item message to the parent
mis.CtlType = ODT_COMBOBOX; mis.CtlID = GetWindowID(pcbox->hwnd); mis.itemID = (UINT)-1; mis.itemHeight = dyEdit; mis.itemData = 0;
SendMessage(pcbox->hwndParent, WM_MEASUREITEM, mis.CtlID, (LPARAM)&mis);
dyEdit = mis.itemHeight; } }
// Set the initial width to be the combo box rect. Later we will shorten it
// if there is a dropdown button.
pcbox->cyCombo = 2*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFIXEDFRAME) + dyEdit; dxEdit = pcbox->cxCombo - (2 * GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFIXEDFRAME));
if (pcbox->cyDrop == RECALC_CYDROP) { RECT rcWindow;
// recompute the max height of the dropdown listbox -- full window
// size MINUS edit/static height
GetWindowRect(pcbox->hwnd, &rcWindow); pcbox->cyDrop = max((rcWindow.bottom - rcWindow.top) - pcbox->cyCombo, 0);
if (!TESTFLAG(GET_STATE2(pcbox), WS_S2_WIN40COMPAT) && (pcbox->cyDrop == 23)) { //
// This is VC++ 2.1's debug/release dropdown that they made super
// small -- let's make 'em a wee bit bigger so the world can
// continue to spin -- jeffbog -- 4/19/95 -- B#10029
pcbox->cyDrop = 28; } }
// Determine the rectangles for each of the windows... 1. Pop down button 2.
// Edit control or generic window for static text or ownerdraw... 3. List
// box
// Is there a button?
if (pcbox->CBoxStyle & SDROPPABLE) { INT cxBorder, cyBorder;
// Determine button's rectangle.
if (pcbox->hTheme && SUCCEEDED(GetThemeInt(pcbox->hTheme, 0, CBXS_NORMAL, TMT_BORDERSIZE, &cxBorder))) { cyBorder = cxBorder; } else { cxBorder = g_cxEdge; cyBorder = g_cyEdge; }
pcbox->buttonrc.top = cyBorder; pcbox->buttonrc.bottom = pcbox->cyCombo - cyBorder;
if (pcbox->fRightAlign) { pcbox->buttonrc.left = cxBorder; pcbox->buttonrc.right = pcbox->buttonrc.left + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); } else { pcbox->buttonrc.right = pcbox->cxCombo - cxBorder; pcbox->buttonrc.left = pcbox->buttonrc.right - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); }
// Reduce the width of the edittext window to make room for the button.
dxEdit = max(dxEdit - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL), 0);
} else { //
// No button so make the rectangle 0 so that a point in rect will always
// return false.
SetRectEmpty(&pcbox->buttonrc); }
// So now, the edit rect is really the item area.
pcbox->editrc.left = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFIXEDFRAME); pcbox->editrc.right = pcbox->editrc.left + dxEdit; pcbox->editrc.top = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFIXEDFRAME); pcbox->editrc.bottom = pcbox->editrc.top + dyEdit;
// Is there a right-aligned button?
if ((pcbox->CBoxStyle & SDROPPABLE) && (pcbox->fRightAlign)) { pcbox->editrc.right = pcbox->cxCombo - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE); pcbox->editrc.left = pcbox->editrc.right - dxEdit; }
lprcList->left = 0; lprcList->top = pcbox->cyCombo; lprcList->right = max(pcbox->cxDrop, pcbox->cxCombo); lprcList->bottom = pcbox->cyCombo + pcbox->cyDrop; }
// ComboBox_SetDroppedSize()
// Compute the drop down window's width and max height
VOID ComboBox_SetDroppedSize(PCBOX pcbox, LPRECT lprc) { pcbox->fLBoxVisible = TRUE; ComboBox_HideListBoxWindow(pcbox, FALSE, FALSE);
MoveWindow(pcbox->hwndList, lprc->left, lprc->top, lprc->right - lprc->left, lprc->bottom - lprc->top, FALSE); }
// ComboBox_NcCreateHandler
// Allocates space for the CBOX structure and sets the window to point to it.
LONG ComboBox_NcCreateHandler(PCBOX pcbox, HWND hwnd) { ULONG ulStyle; ULONG ulExStyle; ULONG ulMask;
pcbox->hwnd = hwnd; pcbox->pww = (PWW)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_WOWWORDS);
ulStyle = GET_STYLE(pcbox); ulExStyle = GET_EXSTYLE(pcbox);
// Save the style bits so that we have them when we create the client area
// of the combo box window.
pcbox->styleSave = ulStyle & (WS_VSCROLL|WS_HSCROLL);
// Add in CBS_HASSTRINGS if the style is implied...
SetWindowState(hwnd, CBS_HASSTRINGS); }
// If the window is 4.0 compatible or has a CLIENTEDGE, draw the combo
// in 3D. Otherwise, use a flat border.
if (TESTFLAG(GET_STATE2(pcbox), WS_S2_WIN40COMPAT) || TESTFLAG(ulExStyle, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)) { pcbox->f3DCombo = TRUE; }
ulMask = WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE | WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; if ( (ulExStyle & ulMask) != 0 ) { SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, ulExStyle & (~ ulMask)); }
return (LONG)TRUE; }
// ComboBox_CreateHandler
// Creates all the child controls within the combo box
// Returns -1 if error
LRESULT ComboBox_CreateHandler(PCBOX pcbox, HWND hwnd) { RECT rcList; RECT rcWindow;
HWND hwndList; HWND hwndEdit;
ULONG ulStyle; ULONG ulExStyle; ULONG ulStyleT;
pcbox->hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd); pcbox->hTheme = OpenThemeData(pcbox->hwnd, L"Combobox");
// Break out the style bits so that we will be able to create the listbox
// and editcontrol windows.
ulStyle = GET_STYLE(pcbox); if ((ulStyle & CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) == CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) { pcbox->CBoxStyle = SDROPDOWNLIST; pcbox->fNoEdit = TRUE; } else if ((ulStyle & CBS_DROPDOWN) == CBS_DROPDOWN) { pcbox->CBoxStyle = SDROPDOWN; } else { pcbox->CBoxStyle = SSIMPLE; }
pcbox->fRtoLReading = TESTFLAG(GET_EXSTYLE(pcbox), WS_EX_RTLREADING); pcbox->fRightAlign = TESTFLAG(GET_EXSTYLE(pcbox), WS_EX_RIGHT);
if (ulStyle & CBS_UPPERCASE) { pcbox->fCase = UPPERCASE; } else if (ulStyle & CBS_LOWERCASE) { pcbox->fCase = LOWERCASE; } else { pcbox->fCase = 0; }
// Listbox item flags.
if (ulStyle & CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE) { pcbox->OwnerDraw = OWNERDRAWVAR; }
if (ulStyle & CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED) { pcbox->OwnerDraw = OWNERDRAWFIXED; }
// Get the size of the combo box rectangle.
// Get control sizes.
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rcWindow); pcbox->cxCombo = rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left; pcbox->cyDrop = RECALC_CYDROP; pcbox->cxDrop = 0; ComboBox_CalcControlRects(pcbox, &rcList);
// We need to do this because listboxes, as of VER40, have stopped
// reinflating themselves by CXBORDER and CYBORDER.
if (!TESTFLAG(GET_STATE2(pcbox), WS_S2_WIN40COMPAT)) { InflateRect(&rcList, -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER), -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER)); }
// Note that we have to create the listbox before the editcontrol since the
// editcontrol code looks for and saves away the listbox pwnd and the
// listbox pwnd will be NULL if we don't create it first. Also, hack in
// some special +/- values for the listbox size due to the way we create
// listboxes with borders.
ulStyleT = pcbox->styleSave;
if (ulStyle & WS_DISABLED) { ulStyleT |= WS_DISABLED; }
if (ulStyle & CBS_SORT) { ulStyleT |= LBS_SORT; }
if (ulStyle & CBS_HASSTRINGS) { ulStyleT |= LBS_HASSTRINGS; }
if (pcbox->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR) { ulStyleT |= LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE; } else if (pcbox->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWFIXED) { ulStyleT |= LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED; }
if (pcbox->CBoxStyle & SDROPPABLE) { ulStyleT |= WS_BORDER; }
hwndList = CreateWindowEx( ulExStyle | ((pcbox->CBoxStyle & SDROPPABLE) ? WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW : WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE), WC_COMBOLBOX, NULL, ulStyleT, rcList.left, rcList.top, rcList.right - rcList.left, rcList.bottom - rcList.top, hwnd, (HMENU)CBLISTBOXID, GetWindowInstance(hwnd), NULL);
pcbox->hwndList = hwndList;
if (!pcbox->hwndList) { return -1; }
// Override the listbox's theme with combobox
SetWindowTheme(pcbox->hwndList, L"Combobox", NULL);
// Create either the edit control or the static text rectangle.
if (pcbox->fNoEdit) { //
// No editcontrol so we will draw text directly into the combo box
// window.
// Don't lock the combobox window: this would prevent WM_FINALDESTROY
// being sent to it, so pwnd and pcbox wouldn't get freed (zombies)
// until thread cleanup. (IanJa) LATER: change name from spwnd to pwnd.
// Lock(&(pcbox->spwndEdit), pcbox->spwnd); - caused a 'catch-22'
pcbox->hwndEdit = pcbox->hwnd; } else { ulStyleT = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | ES_COMBOBOX | ES_NOHIDESEL;
if (ulStyle & WS_DISABLED) { ulStyleT |= WS_DISABLED; }
if (ulStyle & CBS_AUTOHSCROLL) { ulStyleT |= ES_AUTOHSCROLL; }
if (ulStyle & CBS_OEMCONVERT) { ulStyleT |= ES_OEMCONVERT; }
if (pcbox->fCase) { ulStyleT |= (pcbox->fCase & UPPERCASE) ? ES_UPPERCASE : ES_LOWERCASE; }
// Edit control need to know whether original CreateWindow*() call
// was ANSI or Unicode.
if (ulExStyle & WS_EX_RIGHT) { ulStyleT |= ES_RIGHT; }
hwndEdit = CreateWindowEx( ulExStyle, WC_EDIT, NULL, ulStyleT, pcbox->editrc.left, pcbox->editrc.top, pcbox->editrc.right - pcbox->editrc.left, pcbox->editrc.bottom - pcbox->editrc.top, hwnd, (HMENU)CBEDITID, GetWindowInstance(hwnd), NULL);
pcbox->hwndEdit = hwndEdit;
// Override the edit's theme with combobox
SetWindowTheme(pcbox->hwndEdit, L"Combobox", NULL);
if (!pcbox->hwndEdit) { return -1L; }
pcbox->iMinVisible = DEFAULT_MINVISIBLE;
if (pcbox->CBoxStyle & SDROPPABLE) { ShowWindow(hwndList, SW_HIDE); SetParent(hwndList, NULL);
// We need to do this so dropped size works right
if (!TESTFLAG(GET_STATE2(pcbox), WS_S2_WIN40COMPAT)) { InflateRect(&rcList, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER)); }
ComboBox_SetDroppedSize(pcbox, &rcList); }
// return anything as long as it's not -1L (-1L == error)
return (LRESULT)hwnd; }
// ComboBox_NcDestroyHandler
// Destroys the combobox and frees up all memory used by it
VOID ComboBox_NcDestroyHandler(HWND hwnd, PCBOX pcbox) { //
// If there is no pcbox, there is nothing to clean up.
if (pcbox != NULL) { //
// Destroy the list box here so that it'll send WM_DELETEITEM messages
// before the combo box turns into a zombie.
if (pcbox->hwndList != NULL) { DestroyWindow(pcbox->hwndList); pcbox->hwndList = NULL; }
pcbox->hwnd = NULL; pcbox->hwndParent = NULL;
// If there is no editcontrol, spwndEdit is the combobox window which
// isn't locked (that would have caused a 'catch-22').
if (hwnd != pcbox->hwndEdit) { pcbox->hwndEdit = NULL; }
if (pcbox->hTheme != NULL) { CloseThemeData(pcbox->hTheme); }
// free the combobox instance structure
UserLocalFree(pcbox); }
TraceMsg(TF_STANDARD, "COMBOBOX: Clearing combobox instance pointer."); ComboBox_SetPtr(hwnd, NULL); }
VOID ComboBox_SetFontHandler(PCBOX pcbox, HANDLE hFont, BOOL fRedraw) { pcbox->hFont = hFont;
if (!pcbox->fNoEdit && pcbox->hwndEdit) { SendMessage(pcbox->hwndEdit, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hFont, FALSE); }
SendMessage(pcbox->hwndList, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hFont, FALSE);
// Recalculate the layout of controls. This will hide the listbox also.
if (fRedraw) { InvalidateRect(pcbox->hwnd, NULL, TRUE); } }
// ComboBox_SetEditItemHeight
// Sets the height of the edit/static item of a combo box.
LONG ComboBox_SetEditItemHeight(PCBOX pcbox, int dyEdit) { if (dyEdit > 255) { TraceMsg(TF_STANDARD, "CCCombobox: CBSetEditItmeHeight: Invalid Parameter dwEdit = %d", dyEdit); return CB_ERR; }
pcbox->editrc.bottom = pcbox->editrc.top + dyEdit; pcbox->cyCombo = pcbox->editrc.bottom + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFIXEDFRAME);
if (pcbox->CBoxStyle & SDROPPABLE) { int cyBorder = g_cyEdge;
if ( pcbox->hTheme ) { GetThemeInt(pcbox->hTheme, 0, CBXS_NORMAL, TMT_BORDERSIZE, &cyBorder); }
pcbox->buttonrc.bottom = pcbox->cyCombo - cyBorder; }
// Reposition the editfield.
// Don't let spwndEdit or List of NULL go through; if someone adjusts
// the height on a NCCREATE; same as not having
// HW instead of HWq but we don't go to the kernel.
if (!pcbox->fNoEdit && pcbox->hwndEdit) { MoveWindow(pcbox->hwndEdit, pcbox->editrc.left, pcbox->editrc.top, pcbox->editrc.right-pcbox->editrc.left, dyEdit, TRUE); }
// Reposition the list and combobox windows.
if (pcbox->CBoxStyle == SSIMPLE) { if (pcbox->hwndList != 0) { RECT rcList;
MoveWindow(pcbox->hwndList, 0, pcbox->cyCombo, pcbox->cxCombo, pcbox->cyDrop, FALSE);
GetWindowRect(pcbox->hwndList, &rcList); SetWindowPos(pcbox->hwnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, pcbox->cxCombo, pcbox->cyCombo + rcList.bottom - rcList.top, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } } else { RECT rcWindow;
GetWindowRect(pcbox->hwnd, &rcWindow); if (pcbox->hwndList != NULL) { MoveWindow(pcbox->hwndList, rcWindow.left, rcWindow.top + pcbox->cyCombo, max(pcbox->cxDrop, pcbox->cxCombo), pcbox->cyDrop, FALSE); }
SetWindowPos(pcbox->hwnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, pcbox->cxCombo, pcbox->cyCombo, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); }
return CB_OKAY; }
// ComboBox_SizeHandler
// Recalculates the sizes of the internal controls in response to a
// resizing of the combo box window. The app must size the combo box to its
// maximum open/dropped down size.
VOID ComboBox_SizeHandler(PCBOX pcbox) { RECT rcWindow;
// Assume listbox is visible since the app should size it to its maximum
// visible size.
GetWindowRect(pcbox->hwnd, &rcWindow); pcbox->cxCombo = RECTWIDTH(rcWindow);
if (RECTHEIGHT(rcWindow) > pcbox->cyCombo) { pcbox->cyDrop = RECALC_CYDROP; }
// Reposition everything.
ComboBox_Position(pcbox); }
// ComboBox_Position()
// Repositions components of edit control.
VOID ComboBox_Position(PCBOX pcbox) { RECT rcList;
// Calculate placement of components--button, item, list
ComboBox_CalcControlRects(pcbox, &rcList);
if (!pcbox->fNoEdit && pcbox->hwndEdit) { MoveWindow(pcbox->hwndEdit, pcbox->editrc.left, pcbox->editrc.top, pcbox->editrc.right - pcbox->editrc.left, pcbox->editrc.bottom - pcbox->editrc.top, TRUE); }
// Recalculate drop height & width
ComboBox_SetDroppedSize(pcbox, &rcList); }