// This module provides the following functions:
// CvtDlgToDlgEx - Converts a DLGTEMPLATE to a DLGTEMPLATEEX
#include "ctlspriv.h"
#include "dlgcvt.h"
// Define the amount (bytes) the stream buffer grows when required.
// It will grow enough to satisfy the required write PLUS this
// amount.
#ifdef DEBUG
# define STREAM_GROW_BYTES 32 // Exercise stream growth.
# define STREAM_GROW_BYTES 512
// Simple MIN/MAX inline helpers.
template <class T> inline const T& MIN(const T& a, const T& b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
template <class T> inline const T& MAX(const T& a, const T& b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
// This class implements a simple dynamic stream that grows as you
// add data to it. It's modeled after the strstream class provided
// by the C++ std lib. Unlike the std lib implementation, this one
// doesn't require C++ EH to be enabled. If comctl32 compiled with
// C++ EH enabled, I would have used strstream instead.
// [brianau - 10/5/98]
class CByteStream { public: explicit CByteStream(int cbDefGrow = 512); ~CByteStream(void);
// Used as argument to AlignXXXX member functions.
enum AlignType { eAlignWrite, eAlignRead }; //
// Basic read/write functions.
int Read(LPVOID pb, int cb); int Write(const VOID *pb, int cb); //
// Determine if there was an error when reading or
// writing to the stream.
bool ReadError(void) const { return m_bReadErr; }
bool WriteError(void) const { return m_bWriteErr; } //
// Reset the stream read or write pointer.
void ResetRead(void) { m_pbRead = m_pbBuf; m_bReadErr = false; }
void ResetWrite(void) { m_pbWrite = m_pbBuf; m_bWriteErr = false; } //
// Reset the stream.
void Reset(void); //
// These functions align the read and write stream pointers.
void AlignReadWord(void) { Align(eAlignRead, sizeof(WORD)); }
void AlignReadDword(void) { Align(eAlignRead, sizeof(DWORD)); }
void AlignReadQword(void) { Align(eAlignRead, sizeof(ULONGLONG)); }
void AlignWriteWord(void) { Align(eAlignWrite, sizeof(WORD)); }
void AlignWriteDword(void) { Align(eAlignWrite, sizeof(DWORD)); }
void AlignWriteQword(void) { Align(eAlignWrite, sizeof(ULONGLONG)); }
// GetBuffer returns the address of the stream buffer in memory.
// The buffer is "frozen" so it will not be released if the stream
// object is destroyed. At this point, you own the buffer.
// If bPermanent is false, you can call ReleaseBuffer to return
// control of the buffer to the stream object.
LPBYTE GetBuffer(bool bPermanent = false); //
// ReleaseBuffer returns control of the buffer obtained with GetBuffer
// to the stream object.
bool ReleaseBuffer(LPBYTE pbBuf); //
// Overload the insertion and extraction operators so we can
// work like a normal std lib stream class.
template <class T> CByteStream& operator >> (T& x) { Read(&x, sizeof(x)); return *this; }
template <class T> CByteStream& operator << (const T& x) { Write(&x, sizeof(x)); return *this; }
private: int m_cbDefGrow; // Default amount (bytes) to grow when expanding buffer.
LPBYTE m_pbBuf; // Addr of allocated buffer.
LPBYTE m_pbRead; // Addr for next read.
LPBYTE m_pbWrite; // Addr for next write.
LPBYTE m_pbEnd; // Addr of byte following last byte in buffer.
bool m_bWriteErr; // Any read errors?
bool m_bReadErr; // Any write errors?
bool m_bOwnsBuf; // true == delete buffer in dtor.
// Expand the buffer as needed.
bool GrowBuffer(int cb = 0); //
// Align the read or write buffer pointer.
// Used internally by the AlignXXXXX member functions.
void Align(AlignType a, size_t n); //
// Internal consistency checks for debug builds.
void Validate(void) const; //
// Prevent copy.
CByteStream(const CByteStream& rhs); CByteStream& operator = (const CByteStream& rhs); };
// Class for converting in-memory dialog templates between the two
// Currently, the object only converts from DLGTEMPLATE -> DLGTEMPLATEEX.
// It would be simple to create the code for the inverse conversion. However,
// it's currently not needed so I didn't create it.
class CDlgTemplateConverter { public: explicit CDlgTemplateConverter(int iCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET) : m_iCharset(iCharSet), m_stm(STREAM_GROW_BYTES) { }
~CDlgTemplateConverter(void) { }
private: int m_iCharset; CByteStream m_stm; // For converted template.
HRESULT DlgHdrToDlgEx(CByteStream& s, LPWORD *ppw); HRESULT DlgItemToDlgEx(CByteStream& s, LPWORD *ppw);
HRESULT DlgExHdrToDlg(CByteStream& s, LPWORD *ppw) { return E_NOTIMPL; } HRESULT DlgExItemToDlg(CByteStream& s, LPWORD *ppw) { return E_NOTIMPL; } //
// Copy a string from pszW into a CByteStream object.
// Copies at most cch chars. If cch is -1, assumes the string is
// nul-terminated and will copy all chars in string including
// terminating NULL.
int CopyStringW(CByteStream& stm, LPWSTR pszW, int cch = -1); //
// Prevent copy.
CDlgTemplateConverter(const CDlgTemplateConverter& rhs); CDlgTemplateConverter& operator = (const CDlgTemplateConverter& rhs); };
// Generic alignment function.
// Give it an address and an alignment size and it returns
// the address adjusted for the requested alignment.
// n : 2 = 16-bit
// 4 = 32-bit
// 8 = 64-bit
LPVOID Align(LPVOID pv, size_t n) { const ULONG_PTR x = static_cast<ULONG_PTR>(n) - 1; return reinterpret_cast<LPVOID>((reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR>(pv) + x) & ~x); }
inline LPVOID AlignWord(LPVOID pv) { return ::Align(pv, sizeof(WORD)); }
inline LPVOID AlignDWord(LPVOID pv) { return ::Align(pv, sizeof(DWORD)); }
inline LPVOID AlignQWord(LPVOID pv) { return ::Align(pv, sizeof(ULONGLONG)); }
CByteStream::CByteStream( int cbDefGrow ) : m_cbDefGrow(MAX(cbDefGrow, 1)), m_pbBuf(NULL), m_pbRead(NULL), m_pbWrite(NULL), m_pbEnd(NULL), m_bWriteErr(false), m_bReadErr(false), m_bOwnsBuf(true) {
CByteStream::~CByteStream( void ) { if (m_bOwnsBuf && NULL != m_pbBuf) { LocalFree(m_pbBuf); } }
// Simple checks to validate stream state.
// In non-debug builds, this will be a no-op.
void CByteStream::Validate( void ) const { ASSERT(m_pbEnd >= m_pbBuf); ASSERT(m_pbWrite >= m_pbBuf); ASSERT(m_pbRead >= m_pbBuf); ASSERT(m_pbWrite <= m_pbEnd); ASSERT(m_pbRead <= m_pbEnd); }
#ifdef DEBUG
# define ASSERT_VALIDSTREAM(ps) ps->Validate()
// Read "cb" bytes from the stream and write them to
// the location specified in "pb". Return number
// of bytes read. Note that if we don't "own" the
// buffer (i.e. the client has called GetBuffer but
// not ReleaseBuffer), no read will occur.
int CByteStream::Read( LPVOID pb, int cb ) { ASSERT_VALIDSTREAM(this);
int cbRead = 0; if (m_bOwnsBuf) { cbRead = MIN(static_cast<int>(m_pbEnd - m_pbRead), cb); CopyMemory(pb, m_pbRead, cbRead); m_pbRead += cbRead; if (cb != cbRead) m_bReadErr = true; }
return cbRead; }
// Write "cb" bytes from location "pb" into the stream.
// Return number of bytes written. Note that if we don't "own" the
// buffer (i.e. the client has called GetBuffer but
// not ReleaseBuffer), no write will occur.
int CByteStream::Write( const VOID *pb, int cb ) { ASSERT_VALIDSTREAM(this);
int cbWritten = 0; if (m_bOwnsBuf) { if (m_pbWrite + cb < m_pbEnd || GrowBuffer(static_cast<int>(m_pbEnd - m_pbBuf) + cb + m_cbDefGrow)) { CopyMemory(m_pbWrite, pb, cb); m_pbWrite += cb; cbWritten = cb; } else m_bWriteErr = true; }
return cbWritten; }
// Reallocate the buffer by cb or m_cbDefGrow.
// Copy existing contents to new buffer. All internal
// pointers are updated.
bool CByteStream::GrowBuffer( int cb // optional. Default is 0 causing us to use m_cbDefGrow.
) { bool bResult = false; int cbGrow = 0 < cb ? cb : m_cbDefGrow; ULONG_PTR ulReadOfs = m_pbRead - m_pbBuf; ULONG_PTR ulWriteOfs = m_pbWrite - m_pbBuf; ULONG_PTR cbAlloc = m_pbEnd - m_pbBuf; LPBYTE pNew = static_cast<LPBYTE>(LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbAlloc + cbGrow)); if (NULL != pNew) { if (NULL != m_pbBuf) { CopyMemory(pNew, m_pbBuf, cbAlloc); LocalFree(m_pbBuf); } m_pbBuf = pNew; m_pbRead = m_pbBuf + ulReadOfs; m_pbWrite = m_pbBuf + ulWriteOfs; m_pbEnd = m_pbBuf + cbAlloc + cbGrow; bResult = true; }
ASSERT_VALIDSTREAM(this); return bResult; }
// Align the read or write pointer on the stream.
// The write pointer is aligned by padding skipped bytes with 0.
void CByteStream::Align( CByteStream::AlignType a, size_t n ) { static const BYTE fill[8] = {0}; if (m_bOwnsBuf) { switch(a) { case eAlignWrite: Write(fill, static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(::Align(m_pbWrite, n)) - m_pbWrite)); break;
case eAlignRead: m_pbRead = reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(::Align(m_pbRead, n)); if (m_pbRead >= m_pbEnd) m_bReadErr = true; break;
default: break; } } ASSERT_VALIDSTREAM(this); }
// Caller takes ownership of the buffer.
LPBYTE CByteStream::GetBuffer( bool bPermanent // optional. Default is false.
) { LPBYTE pbRet = m_pbBuf; if (bPermanent) { //
// Caller now permanently owns the buffer.
// Can't return it through ReleaseBuffer().
// Reset the internal stream control values.
m_pbBuf = m_pbWrite = m_pbRead = m_pbEnd = NULL; m_bWriteErr = m_bReadErr = false; m_bOwnsBuf = true; } else { //
// Caller now owns the buffer but it can be returned
// through ReleaseBuffer().
m_bOwnsBuf = false; } return pbRet; }
// Take back ownership of the buffer.
// Returns:
// true = CByteStream object took back ownership.
// false = CByteStream object couldn't take ownership.
bool CByteStream::ReleaseBuffer( LPBYTE pbBuf ) { if (pbBuf == m_pbBuf) { m_bOwnsBuf = true; return true; } return false; }
// Reset the stream.
void CByteStream::Reset( void ) { if (NULL != m_pbBuf) { LocalFree(m_pbBuf); } m_pbBuf = m_pbWrite = m_pbRead = m_pbEnd = NULL; m_bWriteErr = m_bReadErr = false; m_bOwnsBuf = true; }
// Copy one or more WORDs from the location provided in "pszW" into
// the stream. If cch is -1, it's assumed that the string is nul-terminated.
// Returns the number of WCHARs written.
int CDlgTemplateConverter::CopyStringW( CByteStream& stm, LPWSTR pszW, int cch ) { if (-1 == cch) cch = lstrlenW(pszW) + 1; return stm.Write(pszW, cch * sizeof(WCHAR)) / sizeof(WCHAR); }
// Convert a DLGTEMPLATE structure to a DLGTEMPLATEEX structure.
// pti is the address of the DLGTEMPLATE to be converted.
// ppto points to a LPDLGTEMPLATEEX ptr to receive the address of the
// converted template structure. Caller is responsible for freeing
// this buffer with LocalFree.
HRESULT CDlgTemplateConverter::DlgToDlgEx( LPDLGTEMPLATE pti, LPDLGTEMPLATEEX *ppto ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPWORD pw = reinterpret_cast<LPWORD>(pti);
*ppto = NULL;
// Reset the stream.
m_stm.Reset(); //
hr = DlgHdrToDlgEx(m_stm, &pw); //
for (int i = 0; i < pti->cdit && SUCCEEDED(hr); i++) { pw = reinterpret_cast<LPWORD>(::AlignDWord(pw)); m_stm.AlignWriteDword(); hr = DlgItemToDlgEx(m_stm, &pw); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Return the buffer to the caller. Buffer is permanently
// detached from the stream object so the stream's dtor
// won't free it.
*ppto = reinterpret_cast<LPDLGTEMPLATEEX>(m_stm.GetBuffer(true)); } return hr; };
// s = Stream to hold converted template.
// ppw = Address of current read pointer into the template being converted.
// On exit, the referenced pointer is updated with the current read location.
HRESULT CDlgTemplateConverter::DlgHdrToDlgEx( CByteStream& s, LPWORD *ppw ) { LPWORD pw = *ppw; LPDLGTEMPLATE pt = reinterpret_cast<LPDLGTEMPLATE>(pw);
// Convert the fixed-length stuff.
s << static_cast<WORD>(1) // wDlgVer
<< static_cast<WORD>(0xFFFF) // wSignature
<< static_cast<DWORD>(0) // dwHelpID
<< static_cast<DWORD>(pt->dwExtendedStyle) << static_cast<DWORD>(pt->style) << static_cast<WORD>(pt->cdit) << static_cast<short>(pt->x) << static_cast<short>(pt->y) << static_cast<short>(pt->cx) << static_cast<short>(pt->cy);
// Arrays are always WORD aligned.
pw = reinterpret_cast<LPWORD>(::AlignWord(reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(pw) + sizeof(DLGTEMPLATE))); s.AlignWriteWord();
// Copy the menu array.
switch(*pw) { case 0xFFFF: s << *pw++; //
// Fall through...
case 0x0000: s << *pw++; break; default: pw += CopyStringW(s, (LPWSTR)pw); break; }; //
// Copy the class array.
switch(*pw) { case 0xFFFF: s << *pw++; //
// Fall through...
case 0x0000: s << *pw++; break; default: pw += CopyStringW(s, (LPWSTR)pw); break; }; //
// Copy the title array.
switch(*pw) { case 0x0000: s << *pw++; break;
default: pw += CopyStringW(s, (LPWSTR)pw); break; }; //
// Copy font information if it's present.
if (DS_SETFONT & pt->style) { s << *pw++; // pt size
s << static_cast<WORD>(FW_NORMAL); // weight (default, not in DLGTEMPLATE)
s << static_cast<BYTE>(FALSE); // italic (default, not in DLGTEMPLATE)
s << static_cast<BYTE>(m_iCharset); // charset (default if not given,
// not in DLGTEMPLATE)
pw += CopyStringW(s, (LPWSTR)pw); }
*ppw = pw;
return s.WriteError() ? E_OUTOFMEMORY : NOERROR; }
// s = Stream to hold converted template.
// ppw = Address of current read pointer into the template being converted.
// On exit, the referenced pointer is updated with the current read location.
HRESULT CDlgTemplateConverter::DlgItemToDlgEx( CByteStream& s, LPWORD *ppw ) { LPWORD pw = *ppw; LPDLGITEMTEMPLATE pit = reinterpret_cast<LPDLGITEMTEMPLATE>(pw);
// Convert the fixed-length stuff.
s << static_cast<DWORD>(0) // dwHelpID
<< static_cast<DWORD>(pit->dwExtendedStyle) << static_cast<DWORD>(pit->style) << static_cast<short>(pit->x) << static_cast<short>(pit->y) << static_cast<short>(pit->cx) << static_cast<short>(pit->cy) << static_cast<DWORD>(pit->id);
// Arrays are always word aligned.
pw = reinterpret_cast<LPWORD>(::AlignWord(reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(pw) + sizeof(DLGITEMTEMPLATE))); s.AlignWriteWord(); //
// Copy the class array.
switch(*pw) { case 0xFFFF: s << *pw++; s << *pw++; // Class code.
break; default: pw += CopyStringW(s, (LPWSTR)pw); break; }; //
// Copy the title array.
switch(*pw) { case 0xFFFF: s << *pw++; s << *pw++; // Resource ordinal value.
break; default: pw += CopyStringW(s, (LPWSTR)pw); break; }; //
// Copy the creation data.
// *pw is either 0 or the number of bytes of creation data,
// including *pw.
switch(*pw) { case 0x0000: s << *pw++; break;
default: pw += s.Write(pw, *pw) / sizeof(WORD); break; };
*ppw = pw;
return s.WriteError() ? E_OUTOFMEMORY : NOERROR; }
// This is the public function for converting a DLGTEMPLATE to
HRESULT CvtDlgToDlgEx( LPDLGTEMPLATE pTemplate, LPDLGTEMPLATEEX *ppTemplateExOut, int iCharset ) { CDlgTemplateConverter dtc(iCharset); return dtc.DlgToDlgEx(pTemplate, ppTemplateExOut); }