#include "ctlspriv.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "usrctl32.h"
#include "listbox.h"
// Number of list box items we allocated whenever we grow the list box
// structures.
#define CITEMSALLOC 32
// Forwards
INT ListBox_BinarySearchString(PLBIV plb,LPWSTR lpstr);
// Routine Description:
// This functions determines how many bytes would be needed to represent
// the specified Unicode source string as an ANSI string (not counting the
// null terminator)
BOOL UnicodeToMultiByteSize( OUT PULONG BytesInMultiByteString, IN PWCH UnicodeString, IN ULONG BytesInUnicodeString) { //
//This should just tell us how much buffer is needed
ULONG cbSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_THREAD_ACP, WC_SEPCHARS, UnicodeString, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if(cbSize) { *BytesInMultiByteString = cbSize; return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// ListBox_SetScrollParms()
// Sets the scroll range, page, and position
int ListBox_SetScrollParms(PLBIV plb, int nCtl) { int iPos; int cItems; UINT iPage; SCROLLINFO si; BOOL fNoScroll = FALSE; PSCROLLPOS psp; BOOL fCacheInitialized; int iReturn;
if (nCtl == SB_VERT) { iPos = plb->iTop; cItems = plb->cMac; iPage = plb->cItemFullMax;
if (!plb->fVertBar) { fNoScroll = TRUE; }
psp = &plb->VPos;
fCacheInitialized = plb->fVertInitialized; } else { if (plb->fMultiColumn) { iPos = plb->iTop / plb->itemsPerColumn; cItems = plb->cMac ? ((plb->cMac - 1) / plb->itemsPerColumn) + 1 : 0; iPage = plb->numberOfColumns;
if (plb->fRightAlign && cItems) { iPos = cItems - iPos - 1; } } else { RECT r = {0}; GetClientRect(plb->hwnd, &r); iPos = plb->xOrigin; cItems = plb->maxWidth; iPage = RECTWIDTH(r); }
if (!plb->fHorzBar) { fNoScroll = TRUE; }
psp = &plb->HPos;
fCacheInitialized = plb->fHorzInitialized; }
if (cItems) { cItems--; }
if (fNoScroll) { //
// Limit page to 0, posMax + 1
iPage = max(min((int)iPage, cItems + 1), 0);
// Limit pos to 0, posMax - (page - 1).
return max(min(iPos, cItems - ((iPage) ? (int)(iPage - 1) : 0)), 0); } else { si.fMask = SIF_ALL;
if (plb->fDisableNoScroll) { si.fMask |= SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL; }
// If the scrollbar is already where we want it, do nothing.
if (fCacheInitialized) { if (psp->fMask == si.fMask && psp->cItems == cItems && psp->iPage == iPage && psp->iPos == iPos) { return psp->iReturn; } } else if (nCtl == SB_VERT) { plb->fVertInitialized = TRUE; } else { plb->fHorzInitialized = TRUE; }
si.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO); si.nMin = 0; si.nMax = cItems; si.nPage = iPage;
if (plb->fMultiColumn && plb->fRightAlign) { si.nPos = (iPos+1) > (int)iPage ? iPos - iPage + 1 : 0; } else { si.nPos = iPos; }
iReturn = SetScrollInfo(plb->hwnd, nCtl, &si, plb->fRedraw);
if (plb->fMultiColumn && plb->fRightAlign) { iReturn = cItems - (iReturn + iPage - 1); }
// Update the position cache
psp->fMask = si.fMask; psp->cItems = cItems; psp->iPage = iPage; psp->iPos = iPos; psp->iReturn = iReturn;
return iReturn; } }
void ListBox_ShowHideScrollBars(PLBIV plb) { BOOL fVertDone = FALSE; BOOL fHorzDone = FALSE;
// Don't do anything if there are no scrollbars or if parents
// are invisible.
if ((!plb->fHorzBar && !plb->fVertBar) || !plb->fRedraw) { return; }
// Adjust iTop if necessary but DO NOT REDRAW PERIOD. We never did
// in 3.1. There's a potential bug:
// If someone doesn't have redraw off and inserts an item in the
// same position as the caret, we'll tell them to draw before they may
// have called LB_SETITEMDATA for their item. This is because we turn
// the caret off & on inside of ListBox_NewITop(), even if the item isn't
// changing.
// So we just want to reflect the position/scroll changes.
// ListBox_CheckRedraw() will _really_ redraw the visual changes later if
// redraw isn't off.
if (!plb->fFromInsert) { ListBox_NewITop(plb, plb->iTop); fVertDone = TRUE; }
if (!plb->fMultiColumn) { if (!plb->fFromInsert) { fHorzDone = TRUE; ListBox_HScroll(plb, SB_THUMBPOSITION, plb->xOrigin); }
if (!fVertDone) { ListBox_SetScrollParms(plb, SB_VERT); } }
if (!fHorzDone) { ListBox_SetScrollParms(plb, SB_HORZ); } }
// ListBox_GetItemDataHandler
// returns the long value associated with listbox items. -1 if error
LONG_PTR ListBox_GetItemDataHandler(PLBIV plb, INT sItem) { LONG_PTR buffer; LPBYTE lpItem;
if (sItem < 0 || sItem >= plb->cMac) { TraceMsg(TF_STANDARD, "Invalid index");
return LB_ERR; }
// No-data listboxes always return 0L
if (!plb->fHasData) { return 0L; }
lpItem = (plb->rgpch + (sItem * (plb->fHasStrings ? sizeof(LBItem) : sizeof(LBODItem)))); buffer = (plb->fHasStrings ? ((lpLBItem)lpItem)->itemData : ((lpLBODItem)lpItem)->itemData);
return buffer; }
// ListBox_GetTextHandler
// Copies the text associated with index to lpbuffer and returns its length.
// If fLengthOnly, just return the length of the text without doing a copy.
// Waring: for size only querries lpbuffer is the count of ANSI characters
// Returns count of chars
INT ListBox_GetTextHandler(PLBIV plb, BOOL fLengthOnly, BOOL fAnsi, INT index, LPWSTR lpbuffer) { LPWSTR lpItemText; INT cchText;
if (index < 0 || index >= plb->cMac) { TraceMsg(TF_STANDARD, "Invalid index"); return LB_ERR; }
if (!plb->fHasStrings && plb->OwnerDraw) { //
// Owner draw without strings so we must copy the app supplied DWORD
// value.
cchText = sizeof(ULONG_PTR);
if (!fLengthOnly) { LONG_PTR UNALIGNED *p = (LONG_PTR UNALIGNED *)lpbuffer; *p = ListBox_GetItemDataHandler(plb, index); } } else { lpItemText = GetLpszItem(plb, index);
if (!lpItemText) { return LB_ERR; }
// These are strings so we are copying the text and we must include
// the terminating 0 when doing the RtlMoveMemory.
cchText = wcslen(lpItemText);
if (fLengthOnly) { if (fAnsi) { UnicodeToMultiByteSize(&cchText, lpItemText, cchText*sizeof(WCHAR)); } } else { if (fAnsi) {
#ifdef FE_SB // ListBox_GetTextHandler()
cchText = WCSToMB(lpItemText, cchText+1, &((LPSTR)lpbuffer), (cchText+1)*sizeof(WORD), FALSE);
// Here.. cchText contains null-terminate char, subtract it... Because, we pass cchText+1 to
// above Unicode->Ansi convertsion to make sure the string is terminated with null.
cchText--; #else
WCSToMB(lpItemText, cchText+1, &((LPSTR)lpbuffer), cchText+1, FALSE); #endif // FE_SB
} else { CopyMemory(lpbuffer, lpItemText, (cchText+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); } }
return cchText; }
BOOL ListBox_GromMem(PLBIV plb, INT numItems)
{ LONG cb; HANDLE hMem;
// Allocate memory for pointers to the strings.
cb = (plb->cMax + numItems) * (plb->fHasStrings ? sizeof(LBItem) : (plb->fHasData ? sizeof(LBODItem) : 0));
// If multiple selection list box (MULTIPLESEL or EXTENDEDSEL), then
// allocate an extra byte per item to keep track of it's selection state.
if (plb->wMultiple != SINGLESEL) { cb += (plb->cMax + numItems); }
// Extra bytes for each item so that we can store its height.
if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR) { cb += (plb->cMax + numItems); }
// Don't allocate more than 2G of memory
if (cb > MAXLONG) { return FALSE; }
if (plb->rgpch == NULL) { plb->rgpch = ControlAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), (LONG)cb); if ( plb->rgpch == NULL) { return FALSE; } } else { hMem = ControlReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), plb->rgpch, (LONG)cb); if ( hMem == NULL) { return FALSE; }
plb->rgpch = hMem; }
plb->cMax += numItems;
return TRUE; }
LONG ListBox_InitStorage(PLBIV plb, BOOL fAnsi, INT cItems, INT cb) { HANDLE hMem; INT cbChunk;
// if the app is talking ANSI, then adjust for the worst case in unicode
// where each single ansi byte translates to one 16 bit unicode value
if (fAnsi) { cb *= sizeof(WCHAR); }
// Fail if either of the parameters look bad.
if ((cItems < 0) || (cb < 0)) { ListBox_NotifyOwner(plb, LBN_ERRSPACE); return LB_ERRSPACE; }
// try to grow the pointer array (if necessary) accounting for the free space
// already available.
cItems -= plb->cMax - plb->cMac; if ((cItems > 0) && !ListBox_GromMem(plb, cItems)) { ListBox_NotifyOwner(plb, LBN_ERRSPACE); return LB_ERRSPACE; }
// now grow the string space if necessary
if (plb->fHasStrings) { cbChunk = (plb->ichAlloc + cb); if (cbChunk > plb->cchStrings) { //
// Round up to the nearest 256 byte chunk.
cbChunk = (cbChunk & ~0xff) + 0x100;
hMem = ControlReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), plb->hStrings, (LONG)cbChunk); if (!hMem) { ListBox_NotifyOwner(plb, LBN_ERRSPACE);
return LB_ERRSPACE; }
plb->hStrings = hMem; plb->cchStrings = cbChunk; } }
// return the number of items that can be stored
return plb->cMax; }
// ListBox_InsertItem
// Insert an item at a specified position.
// For owner draw listboxes without LBS_HASSTRINGS style, lpsz
// is a 4 byte value we will store for the app.
INT ListBox_InsertItem(PLBIV plb, LPWSTR lpsz, INT index, UINT wFlags) { INT cbString; INT cbChunk; PBYTE lp; PBYTE lpT; PBYTE lpHeightStart; LONG cbItem; // sizeof the Item in rgpch
HANDLE hMem; HDC hdc;
if (wFlags & LBI_ADD) { index = (plb->fSort) ? ListBox_BinarySearchString(plb, lpsz) : -1; }
if (!plb->rgpch) { if (index != 0 && index != -1) { TraceMsg(TF_STANDARD, "Invalid index");
return LB_ERR; }
plb->iSel = -1; plb->iSelBase = 0; plb->cMax = 0; plb->cMac = 0; plb->iTop = 0; plb->rgpch = ControlAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0L);
if (!plb->rgpch) { return LB_ERR; } }
if (index == -1) { index = plb->cMac; }
if (index > plb->cMac || plb->cMac >= MAXLONG) { TraceMsg(TF_STANDARD, "Invalid index"); return LB_ERR; }
if (plb->fHasStrings) { //
// we must store the string in the hStrings memory block.
cbString = (wcslen(lpsz) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR);
cbChunk = (plb->ichAlloc + cbString); if ( cbChunk > plb->cchStrings) { //
// Round up to the nearest 256 byte chunk.
cbChunk = (cbChunk & ~0xff) + 0x100;
hMem = ControlReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), plb->hStrings, (LONG)cbChunk); if (!hMem) { ListBox_NotifyOwner(plb, LBN_ERRSPACE);
return LB_ERRSPACE; }
plb->hStrings = hMem; plb->cchStrings = cbChunk; }
// Note difference between Win 95 code with placement of new string
if (wFlags & UPPERCASE) { CharUpperBuffW((LPWSTR)lpsz, cbString / sizeof(WCHAR)); } else if (wFlags & LOWERCASE) { CharLowerBuffW((LPWSTR)lpsz, cbString / sizeof(WCHAR)); }
lp = (PBYTE)(plb->hStrings);
MoveMemory(lp + plb->ichAlloc, lpsz, cbString); }
// Now expand the pointer array.
if (plb->cMac >= plb->cMax) { if (!ListBox_GromMem(plb, CITEMSALLOC)) { ListBox_NotifyOwner(plb, LBN_ERRSPACE);
return LB_ERRSPACE; } }
lpHeightStart = lpT = lp = plb->rgpch;
// Now calculate how much room we must make for the string pointer (lpsz).
// If we are ownerdraw without LBS_HASSTRINGS, then a single DWORD
// (LBODItem.itemData) stored for each item, but if we have strings with
// each item then a LONG string offset (LBItem.offsz) is also stored.
cbItem = (plb->fHasStrings ? sizeof(LBItem) : (plb->fHasData ? sizeof(LBODItem):0)); cbChunk = (plb->cMac - index) * cbItem;
if (plb->wMultiple != SINGLESEL) { //
// Extra bytes were allocated for selection flag for each item
cbChunk += plb->cMac; }
if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR) { //
// Extra bytes were allocated for each item's height
cbChunk += plb->cMac; }
// First, make room for the 2 byte pointer to the string or the 4 byte app
// supplied value.
lpT += (index * cbItem); MoveMemory(lpT + cbItem, lpT, cbChunk); if (!plb->fHasStrings && plb->OwnerDraw) { if (plb->fHasData) { //
// Ownerdraw so just save the DWORD value
lpLBODItem p = (lpLBODItem)lpT; p->itemData = (ULONG_PTR)lpsz; } } else { lpLBItem p = ((lpLBItem)lpT);
// Save the start of the string. Let the item data field be 0
p->offsz = (LONG)(plb->ichAlloc); p->itemData = 0; plb->ichAlloc += cbString; }
// Now if Multiple Selection lbox, we have to insert a selection status
// byte. If var height ownerdraw, then we also have to move up the height
// bytes.
if (plb->wMultiple != SINGLESEL) { lpT = lp + ((plb->cMac + 1) * cbItem) + index; MoveMemory(lpT + 1, lpT, plb->cMac - index + (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR ? plb->cMac : 0));
*lpT = 0; // fSelected = FALSE
// Increment count of items in the listbox now before we send a message to
// the app.
// If varheight ownerdraw, we much insert an extra byte for the item's
// height.
if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR) { MEASUREITEMSTRUCT measureItemStruct;
// Variable height owner draw so we need to get the height of each item.
lpHeightStart += (plb->cMac * cbItem) + index + (plb->wMultiple ? plb->cMac : 0);
MoveMemory(lpHeightStart + 1, lpHeightStart, plb->cMac - 1 - index);
// Query for item height only if we are var height owner draw.
measureItemStruct.CtlType = ODT_LISTBOX; measureItemStruct.CtlID = GetDlgCtrlID(plb->hwnd); measureItemStruct.itemID = index;
// System font height is default height
measureItemStruct.itemHeight = SYSFONT_CYCHAR;
hdc = GetDC(plb->hwnd); if (hdc) { SIZE size = {0}; GetCharDimensions(hdc, &size); ReleaseDC(plb->hwnd, hdc);
if(size.cy) { measureItemStruct.itemHeight = (UINT)size.cy; } else { ASSERT(0);//GetCharDimensions
} }
measureItemStruct.itemData = (ULONG_PTR)lpsz;
// If "has strings" then add the special thunk bit so the client data
// will be thunked to a client side address. LB_DIR sends a string
// even if the listbox is not HASSTRINGS so we need to special
// thunk this case. HP Dashboard for windows send LB_DIR to a non
// HASSTRINGS listbox needs the server string converted to client.
// WOW needs to know about this situation as well so we mark the
// previously uninitialized itemWidth as FLAT.
SendMessage(plb->hwndParent, WM_MEASUREITEM, measureItemStruct.CtlID, (LPARAM)&measureItemStruct);
*lpHeightStart = (BYTE)measureItemStruct.itemHeight; }
// If the item was inserted above the current selection then move
// the selection down one as well.
if ((plb->wMultiple == SINGLESEL) && (plb->iSel >= index)) { plb->iSel++; }
if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR) { ListBox_SetCItemFullMax(plb); }
// Check if scroll bars need to be shown/hidden
plb->fFromInsert = TRUE; ListBox_ShowHideScrollBars(plb);
if (plb->fHorzBar && plb->fRightAlign && !(plb->fMultiColumn || plb->OwnerDraw)) { //
// origin to right
ListBox_HScroll(plb, SB_BOTTOM, 0); }
plb->fFromInsert = FALSE;
ListBox_CheckRedraw(plb, TRUE, index);
ListBox_Event(plb, EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE, index);
return index; }
// ListBox_lstrcmpi
// This is a version of lstrcmpi() specifically used for listboxes
// This gives more weight to '[' characters than alpha-numerics;
// The US version of lstrcmpi() and lstrcmp() are similar as far as
// non-alphanumerals are concerned; All non-alphanumerals get sorted
// before alphanumerals; This means that subdirectory strings that start
// with '[' will get sorted before; But we don't want that; So, this
// function takes care of it;
INT ListBox_lstrcmpi(LPWSTR lpStr1, LPWSTR lpStr2, DWORD dwLocaleId) {
// NOTE: This function is written so as to reduce the number of calls
// made to the costly IsCharAlphaNumeric() function because that might
// load a language module; It 'traps' the most frequently occurring cases
// like both strings starting with '[' or both strings NOT starting with '['
// first and only in abosolutely necessary cases calls IsCharAlphaNumeric();
if (*lpStr1 == TEXT('[')) { if (*lpStr2 == TEXT('[')) { goto LBL_End; }
if (IsCharAlphaNumeric(*lpStr2)) { return 1; } }
if ((*lpStr2 == TEXT('[')) && IsCharAlphaNumeric(*lpStr1)) { return -1; }
LBL_End: return (INT)CompareStringW((LCID)dwLocaleId, NORM_IGNORECASE, lpStr1, -1, lpStr2, -1 ) - 2; }
// ListBox_BinarySearchString
// Does a binary search of the items in the SORTED listbox to find
// out where this item should be inserted. Handles both HasStrings and item
// long WM_COMPAREITEM cases.
INT ListBox_BinarySearchString(PLBIV plb, LPWSTR lpstr) { BYTE **lprgpch; INT sortResult; COMPAREITEMSTRUCT cis; LPWSTR pszLBBase; LPWSTR pszLB; INT itemhigh; INT itemnew = 0; INT itemlow = 0;
if (!plb->cMac) { return 0; }
lprgpch = (BYTE **)(plb->rgpch); if (plb->fHasStrings) { pszLBBase = plb->hStrings; }
itemhigh = plb->cMac - 1; while (itemlow <= itemhigh) { itemnew = (itemhigh + itemlow) / 2;
if (plb->fHasStrings) {
// Searching for string matches.
pszLB = (LPWSTR)((LPSTR)pszLBBase + ((lpLBItem)lprgpch)[itemnew].offsz); sortResult = ListBox_lstrcmpi(pszLB, lpstr, plb->dwLocaleId); } else { //
// Send compare item messages to the parent for sorting
cis.CtlType = ODT_LISTBOX; cis.CtlID = GetDlgCtrlID(plb->hwnd); cis.hwndItem = plb->hwnd; cis.itemID1 = itemnew; cis.itemData1 = ((lpLBODItem)lprgpch)[itemnew].itemData; cis.itemID2 = (UINT)-1; cis.itemData2 = (ULONG_PTR)lpstr; cis.dwLocaleId = plb->dwLocaleId; sortResult = (INT)SendMessage(plb->hwndParent, WM_COMPAREITEM, cis.CtlID, (LPARAM)&cis); }
if (sortResult < 0) { itemlow = itemnew + 1; } else if (sortResult > 0) { itemhigh = itemnew - 1; } else { itemlow = itemnew; goto FoundIt; } }
return max(0, itemlow); }
BOOL ListBox_ResetContentHandler(PLBIV plb) { if (!plb->cMac) { return TRUE; }
if (plb->rgpch != NULL) { ControlFree(GetProcessHeap(), plb->rgpch); plb->rgpch = NULL; }
if (plb->hStrings != NULL) { ControlFree(GetProcessHeap(), plb->hStrings); plb->hStrings = NULL; }
if (TESTFLAG(GET_STATE2(plb), WS_S2_WIN31COMPAT)) { ListBox_CheckRedraw(plb, FALSE, 0); } else if (IsWindowVisible(plb->hwnd)) { InvalidateRect(plb->hwnd, NULL, TRUE); }
plb->iSelBase = 0; plb->iTop = 0; plb->cMac = 0; plb->cMax = 0; plb->xOrigin = 0; plb->iLastSelection = 0; plb->iSel = -1;
return TRUE; }
INT ListBox_DeleteStringHandler(PLBIV plb, INT sItem) { LONG cb; LPBYTE lp; LPBYTE lpT; RECT rc; int cbItem; LPWSTR lpString; PBYTE pbStrings; INT cbStringLen; LPBYTE itemNumbers; INT sTmp;
if (sItem < 0 || sItem >= plb->cMac) { TraceMsg(TF_STANDARD, "Invalid index");
return LB_ERR; }
ListBox_Event(plb, EVENT_OBJECT_DESTROY, sItem);
if (plb->cMac == 1) { //
// When the item count is 0, we send a resetcontent message so that we
// can reclaim our string space this way.
SendMessageW(plb->hwnd, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
goto FinishUpDelete; }
// Get the rectangle associated with the last item in the listbox. If it is
// visible, we need to invalidate it. When we delete an item, everything
// scrolls up to replace the item deleted so we must make sure we erase the
// old image of the last item in the listbox.
if (ListBox_GetItemRectHandler(plb, (INT)(plb->cMac - 1), &rc)) { ListBox_InvalidateRect(plb, &rc, TRUE); }
// 3.1 and earlier used to only send WM_DELETEITEMs if it was an ownerdraw
// listbox. 4.0 and above will send WM_DELETEITEMs for every item that has
// nonzero item data.
if (TESTFLAG(GET_STATE2(plb), WS_S2_WIN40COMPAT) || (plb->OwnerDraw && plb->fHasData)) { ListBox_DeleteItem(plb, sItem); }
cbItem = (plb->fHasStrings ? sizeof(LBItem) : (plb->fHasData ? sizeof(LBODItem): 0)); cb = ((plb->cMac - sItem) * cbItem);
// Byte for the selection status of the item.
if (plb->wMultiple != SINGLESEL) { cb += (plb->cMac + 1); }
if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR) { //
// One byte for the height of the item.
cb += (plb->cMac + 1); }
// Might be nodata and singlesel, for instance.
// but what out for the case where cItem == cMac (and cb == 0).
if ((cb != 0) || plb->fHasStrings) { lp = plb->rgpch;
lpT = (lp + (sItem * cbItem));
if (plb->fHasStrings) { //
// If we has strings with each item, then we want to compact the string
// heap so that we can recover the space occupied by the string of the
// deleted item.
// Get the string which we will be deleting
pbStrings = (PBYTE)(plb->hStrings); lpString = (LPTSTR)(pbStrings + ((lpLBItem)lpT)->offsz); cbStringLen = (wcslen(lpString) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Now compact the string array
plb->ichAlloc = plb->ichAlloc - cbStringLen;
MoveMemory(lpString, (PBYTE)lpString + cbStringLen, plb->ichAlloc + (pbStrings - (LPBYTE)lpString));
// We have to update the string pointers in plb->rgpch since all the
// string after the deleted string have been moved down stringLength
// bytes. Note that we have to explicitly check all items in the list
// box if the string was allocated after the deleted item since the
// LB_SORT style allows a lower item number to have a string allocated
// at the end of the string heap for example.
itemNumbers = lp; for (sTmp = 0; sTmp <= plb->cMac; sTmp++) { lpLBItem p =(lpLBItem)itemNumbers; if ( (LPTSTR)(p->offsz + pbStrings) > lpString ) { p->offsz -= cbStringLen; }
p++; itemNumbers=(LPBYTE)p; } }
// Now compact the pointers to the strings (or the long app supplied values
// if ownerdraw without strings).
MoveMemory(lpT, lpT + cbItem, cb);
// Compress the multiselection bytes
if (plb->wMultiple != SINGLESEL) { lpT = (lp + (plb->cMac * cbItem) + sItem); MoveMemory(lpT, lpT + 1, plb->cMac - sItem + (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR ? plb->cMac + 1 : 0)); }
if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR) { //
// Compress the height bytes
lpT = (lp + (plb->cMac * cbItem) + (plb->wMultiple ? plb->cMac : 0) + sItem); MoveMemory(lpT, lpT + 1, plb->cMac - sItem); }
if (plb->wMultiple == SINGLESEL) { if (plb->iSel == sItem) { plb->iSel = -1;
if (plb->pcbox != NULL) { ComboBox_InternalUpdateEditWindow(plb->pcbox, NULL); } } else if (plb->iSel > sItem) { plb->iSel--; } }
if ((plb->iMouseDown != -1) && (sItem <= plb->iMouseDown)) { plb->iMouseDown = -1; }
if (plb->iSelBase && sItem == plb->iSelBase) { plb->iSelBase--; }
if (plb->cMac) { plb->iSelBase = min(plb->iSelBase, plb->cMac - 1); } else { plb->iSelBase = 0; }
if ((plb->wMultiple == EXTENDEDSEL) && (plb->iSel == -1)) { plb->iSel = plb->iSelBase; }
if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR) { ListBox_SetCItemFullMax(plb); }
// We always set a new iTop. The iTop won't change if it doesn't need to
// but it will change if: 1. The iTop was deleted or 2. We need to change
// the iTop so that we fill the listbox.
ListBox_InsureVisible(plb, plb->iTop, FALSE);
// Check if scroll bars need to be shown/hidden
plb->fFromInsert = TRUE; ListBox_ShowHideScrollBars(plb); plb->fFromInsert = FALSE;
ListBox_CheckRedraw(plb, TRUE, sItem); ListBox_InsureVisible(plb, plb->iSelBase, FALSE);
return plb->cMac; }
// ListBox_DeleteItem
// Sends a WM_DELETEITEM message to the owner of an ownerdraw listbox
void ListBox_DeleteItem(PLBIV plb, INT sItem) { DELETEITEMSTRUCT dis; HWND hwndParent;
if (plb->hwnd == NULL) { return; }
hwndParent = plb->hwndParent;
// No need to send message if no data!
if (!plb->fHasData) { return; }
dis.CtlType = ODT_LISTBOX; dis.CtlID = GetDlgCtrlID(plb->hwnd); dis.itemID = sItem; dis.hwndItem = plb->hwnd;
// Bug 262122 - joejo
// Fixed in 93 so that ItemData was passed. For some reason, not
// merged in.
dis.itemData = ListBox_GetItemDataHandler(plb, sItem);
if (hwndParent != NULL) { SendMessage(hwndParent, WM_DELETEITEM, dis.CtlID, (LPARAM)&dis); } }
// ListBox_CalcAllocNeeded
// Calculate the number of bytes needed in rgpch to accommodate a given
// number of items.
UINT ListBox_CalcAllocNeeded(PLBIV plb, INT cItems) { UINT cb;
// Allocate memory for pointers to the strings.
cb = cItems * (plb->fHasStrings ? sizeof(LBItem) : (plb->fHasData ? sizeof(LBODItem) : 0));
// If multiple selection list box (MULTIPLESEL or EXTENDEDSEL), then
// allocate an extra byte per item to keep track of it's selection state.
if (plb->wMultiple != SINGLESEL) { cb += cItems; }
// Extra bytes for each item so that we can store its height.
if (plb->OwnerDraw == OWNERDRAWVAR) { cb += cItems; }
return cb; }
// ListBox_SetCount
// Sets the number of items in a lazy-eval (fNoData) listbox.
// Calling SetCount scorches any existing selection state. To preserve
// selection state, call Insert/DeleteItem instead.
INT ListBox_SetCount(PLBIV plb, INT cItems) { UINT cbRequired; BOOL fRedraw;
// SetCount is only valid on lazy-eval ("nodata") listboxes.
// All other lboxen must add their items one at a time, although
// they may SetCount(0) via RESETCONTENT.
if (plb->fHasStrings || plb->fHasData) { return LB_ERR; }
if (cItems == 0) { SendMessage(plb->hwnd, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
return 0; }
// If redraw isn't turned off, turn it off now
if (fRedraw = plb->fRedraw) { ListBox_SetRedraw(plb, FALSE); }
cbRequired = ListBox_CalcAllocNeeded(plb, cItems);
// Reset selection and position
plb->iSelBase = 0; plb->iTop = 0; plb->cMax = 0; plb->xOrigin = 0; plb->iLastSelection = 0; plb->iSel = -1;
if (cbRequired != 0) { //
// Only if record instance data required
// If listbox was previously empty, prepare for the
// realloc-based alloc strategy ahead.
if (plb->rgpch == NULL) { plb->rgpch = ControlAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0L); plb->cMax = 0;
if (plb->rgpch == NULL) { ListBox_NotifyOwner(plb, LBN_ERRSPACE);
return LB_ERRSPACE; } }
// rgpch might not have enough room for the new record instance
// data, so check and realloc as necessary.
if (cItems >= plb->cMax) { INT cMaxNew; UINT cbNew; HANDLE hmemNew;
// Since ListBox_GromMem presumes a one-item-at-a-time add schema,
// SetCount can't use it. Too bad.
cMaxNew = cItems+CITEMSALLOC; cbNew = ListBox_CalcAllocNeeded(plb, cMaxNew); hmemNew = ControlReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), plb->rgpch, cbNew);
if (hmemNew == NULL) { ListBox_NotifyOwner(plb, LBN_ERRSPACE);
return LB_ERRSPACE; }
plb->rgpch = hmemNew; plb->cMax = cMaxNew; }
// Reset the item instance data (multisel annotations)
ZeroMemory(plb->rgpch, cbRequired); }
plb->cMac = cItems;
// Turn redraw back on
if (fRedraw) { ListBox_SetRedraw(plb, TRUE); }
ListBox_InvalidateRect(plb, NULL, TRUE); ListBox_ShowHideScrollBars(plb); // takes care of fRedraw
return 0; }