// large icon view stuff
#include "ctlspriv.h"
#include "listview.h"
static TCHAR const szIMECompPos[]=TEXT("IMECompPos");
__inline int ICONCXLABEL(LV *plv, LISTITEM *pitem) { if (plv->ci.style & LVS_NOLABELWRAP) { ASSERT(pitem->cxSingleLabel == pitem->cxMultiLabel); } return pitem->cxMultiLabel; }
int LV_GetNewColWidth(LV* plv, int iFirst, int iLast); void LV_AdjustViewRectOnMove(LV* plv, LISTITEM *pitem, int x, int y); void ListView_RecalcRegion(LV *plv, BOOL fForce, BOOL fRedraw); void ListView_ArrangeOrSnapToGrid(LV *plv); extern BOOL g_fSlowMachine;
void _GetCurrentItemSize(LV* plv, int * pcx, int *pcy) { if (ListView_IsSmallView(plv)) { *pcx = plv->cxItem; *pcy = plv->cyItem; } else if (ListView_IsTileView(plv)) { *pcx = plv->sizeTile.cx; *pcy = plv->sizeTile.cy; } else { *pcx = plv->cxIconSpacing; *pcy = plv->cyIconSpacing; } }
BOOL ListView_IDrawItem(PLVDRAWITEM plvdi) { RECT rcIcon; RECT rcLabel; RECT rcBounds; RECT rcBiasedBounds; RECT rcT; TCHAR ach[CCHLABELMAX]; LV_ITEM item; int i = (int) plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec; LV* plv = plvdi->plv; LISTITEM* pitem; BOOL fUnfolded;
if (ListView_IsOwnerData(plv)) { LISTITEM litem; // moved here to reduce call backs in OWNERDATA case
item.iItem = i; item.iSubItem = 0; item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_STATE | LVIF_IMAGE; item.stateMask = LVIS_ALL; item.pszText = ach; item.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(ach); ListView_OnGetItem(plv, &item);
litem.pszText = item.pszText; ListView_GetRectsOwnerData(plv, i, &rcIcon, &rcLabel, &rcBounds, NULL, &litem); pitem = NULL; } else { pitem = ListView_GetItemPtr(plv, i); // NOTE this will do a GetItem LVIF_TEXT iff needed
ListView_GetRects(plv, i, QUERY_DEFAULT, &rcIcon, &rcLabel, &rcBounds, NULL); }
fUnfolded = FALSE; if ( (plvdi->flags & LVDI_UNFOLDED) || ListView_IsItemUnfolded(plv, i)) { ListView_UnfoldRects(plv, i, &rcIcon, &rcLabel, &rcBounds, NULL ); fUnfolded = TRUE; }
rcBiasedBounds = rcBounds; if (ListView_IsBorderSelect(plv)) InflateRect(&rcBiasedBounds, BORDERSELECT_THICKNESS, BORDERSELECT_THICKNESS);
if (!plvdi->prcClip || IntersectRect(&rcT, &rcBiasedBounds, plvdi->prcClip)) { RECT rcIconReal; UINT fText; COLORREF clrIconBk = plv->clrBk; if (!ListView_IsOwnerData(plv)) { item.iItem = i; item.iSubItem = 0; item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_STATE | LVIF_IMAGE; item.stateMask = LVIS_ALL; item.pszText = ach; item.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(ach); ListView_OnGetItem(plv, &item); // Make sure the listview hasn't been altered during
// the callback to get the item info
if (pitem != ListView_GetItemPtr(plv, i)) return FALSE; }
if (plvdi->lpptOrg) { OffsetRect(&rcIcon, plvdi->lpptOrg->x - rcBounds.left, plvdi->lpptOrg->y - rcBounds.top); OffsetRect(&rcLabel, plvdi->lpptOrg->x - rcBounds.left, plvdi->lpptOrg->y - rcBounds.top); OffsetRect(&rcBounds, plvdi->lpptOrg->x - rcBounds.left, plvdi->lpptOrg->y - rcBounds.top); }
fText = ListView_GetTextSelectionFlags(plv, &item, plvdi->flags);
if (ListView_IsIconView(plv)) { rcIcon.left += ListView_GetIconBufferX(plv); rcIcon.top += ListView_GetIconBufferY(plv);
fText = ListView_DrawImageEx(plv, &item, plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, rcIcon.left, rcIcon.top, clrIconBk, plvdi->flags, -1);
SetRect(&rcIconReal, rcIcon.left, rcIcon.top, rcIcon.left + plv->cxIcon, rcIcon.top + plv->cyIcon);
if (ListView_IsBorderSelect(plv)) { int cp = 1; COLORREF clrOutline = plv->clrOutline; if (fText & SHDT_SELECTED || fText & SHDT_SELECTNOFOCUS) { clrOutline = (fText & SHDT_SELECTED)?g_clrHighlight:g_clrBtnFace; cp = BORDERSELECT_THICKNESS; InflateRect(&rcIconReal, cp, cp); } SHOutlineRectThickness(plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, &rcIconReal, clrOutline, g_clrBtnFace, cp); }
// If linebreaking needs to happen, then use SHDT_DRAWTEXT.
// Otherwise, use our (hopefully faster) internal SHDT_ELLIPSES
if (rcLabel.bottom - rcLabel.top > plv->cyLabelChar) fText |= SHDT_DRAWTEXT; else fText |= SHDT_ELLIPSES;
// We only use DT_NOFULLWIDTHCHARBREAK on Korean(949) Memphis and NT5
if (949 == g_uiACP) fText |= SHDT_NODBCSBREAK;
} else { SetRect(&rcIconReal, rcIcon.left, rcIcon.top, rcIcon.left + plv->cxIcon, rcIcon.top + plv->cyIcon); fText = ListView_DrawImageEx(plv, &item, plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, rcIcon.left, rcIcon.top, clrIconBk, plvdi->flags, -1); }
if (ListView_HideLabels(plv) && (plvdi->flags & LVDI_FOCUS) && (item.state & LVIS_FOCUSED) && !(CCGetUIState(&(plvdi->plv->ci)) & UISF_HIDEFOCUS)) { DrawFocusRect(plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, &rcIconReal); }
// Don't draw label if it's being edited...
// or if it is hidden due to the HideLabels style.
if ((plv->iEdit != i) && !ListView_HideLabels(plv)) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; COLORREF clrTextBk = plvdi->nmcd.clrTextBk; // If multiline label, then we need to use DrawText
if (rcLabel.bottom - rcLabel.top > plv->cyLabelChar) { fText |= SHDT_DRAWTEXT;
// If the text is folded, we need to clip and add ellipses
if (!fUnfolded) fText |= SHDT_CLIPPED | SHDT_DTELLIPSIS;
if ( ListView_IsOwnerData(plv) ) { // If owner data, we have no z-order and if long names they will over lap each
// other, better to truncate for now...
if (ListView_IsSmallView(plv)) fText |= SHDT_ELLIPSES; }
} else fText |= SHDT_ELLIPSES;
if (plvdi->flags & LVDI_TRANSTEXT) fText |= SHDT_TRANSPARENT;
if ((fText & SHDT_SELECTED) && (plvdi->flags & LVDI_HOTSELECTED)) fText |= SHDT_HOTSELECTED;
if (item.pszText && (*item.pszText)) { if (plv->pImgCtx || ListView_IsWatermarked(plv)) clrTextBk = CLR_NONE;
if(plv->dwExStyle & WS_EX_RTLREADING) fText |= SHDT_RTLREADING;
if ((plv->clrBk == CLR_NONE) && !(fText & (SHDT_SELECTED | SHDT_HOTSELECTED | SHDT_SELECTNOFOCUS)) && // And we're not selected
!(plv->flags & LVF_DRAGIMAGE) && // And this is not during dragdrop.
!(plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_REGIONAL) && // No need for regional.
plv->fListviewShadowText) // and enabled
SHDrawText(plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, item.pszText, &rcLabel, LVCFMT_LEFT, fText, plv->cyLabelChar, plv->cxEllipses, plvdi->nmcd.clrText, clrTextBk);
if ((plvdi->flags & LVDI_FOCUS) && (item.state & LVIS_FOCUSED) && !(CCGetUIState(&(plvdi->plv->ci)) & UISF_HIDEFOCUS)) { rcLabel.top -= g_cyCompensateInternalLeading; DrawFocusRect(plvdi->nmcd.nmcd.hdc, &rcLabel); } } } } return TRUE; }
void ListView_RefoldLabelRect(LV* plv, RECT *prcLabel, LISTITEM *pitem) { int bottom = pitem->cyUnfoldedLabel; bottom = min(bottom, pitem->cyFoldedLabel); bottom = min(bottom, CLIP_HEIGHT); prcLabel->bottom = prcLabel->top + bottom; }
ULONGLONG _GetDistanceToRect(LV* plv, RECT *prcSlot, int x, int y) { int xSlotCenter = prcSlot->left + RECTWIDTH(*prcSlot) / 2; int ySlotCenter = prcSlot->top + RECTHEIGHT(*prcSlot) / 2; LONGLONG dx = (LONGLONG)(x - xSlotCenter); LONGLONG dy = (LONGLONG)(y - ySlotCenter);
return (ULONGLONG)(dx * dx) + (ULONGLONG)(dy * dy); }
// prcSlot returned in Listview Coordinates
void ListView_CalcItemSlotAndRect(LV* plv, LISTITEM* pitem, int* piSlot, RECT* prcSlot) { int cxScreen, cyScreen, cSlots, iHit; POINT pt;
// Determine which slot this item is in by calculating the hit slot for the
// item's x,y position.
short iWorkArea = (plv->nWorkAreas > 0) ? pitem->iWorkArea : -1;
cSlots = ListView_GetSlotCountEx(plv, TRUE, iWorkArea, &cxScreen, &cyScreen);
// Adjust point by current workarea location.
if (iWorkArea >= 0) { pt.x = pitem->pt.x - plv->prcWorkAreas[iWorkArea].left; pt.y = pitem->pt.y - plv->prcWorkAreas[iWorkArea].top; } else { pt = pitem->pt; }
iHit = ListView_CalcHitSlot(plv, pt, cSlots, cxScreen, cyScreen);
if (piSlot) *piSlot = iHit;
if (prcSlot) ListView_CalcSlotRect(plv, pitem, iHit, cSlots, FALSE, cxScreen, cyScreen, prcSlot); }
int ListView_FindItemInSlot(LV* plv, short iWorkArea, int iSlotToFind) { int iItemFound = -1; int cItems;
cItems = ListView_Count(plv); if (cItems == 0 || !ListView_IsRearrangeableView(plv) || plv->hdpaZOrder == NULL || ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { // nothing to check
} else { int i;
for (i = 0; i < cItems; i++) { LISTITEM* pitem = ListView_GetItemPtr(plv, i); // Only consider items in this workarea.
if (pitem && ((iWorkArea == -1) || (pitem->iWorkArea == iWorkArea))) { int iSlot; ListView_CalcItemSlotAndRect(plv, pitem, &iSlot, NULL);
if (iSlot == iSlotToFind) { iItemFound = i; break; } } } }
return iItemFound; }
BOOL ListView_OnInsertMarkHitTest(LV* plv, int x, int y, LPLVINSERTMARK plvim) { POINT pt = {x + plv->ptOrigin.x, y + plv->ptOrigin.y}; short iWorkArea = -1; int cItems;
if (plvim->cbSize != sizeof(LVINSERTMARK)) return FALSE;
if (plv->nWorkAreas) { ListView_FindWorkArea(plv, pt, &iWorkArea); }
cItems = ListView_Count(plv); if (cItems == 0 || !ListView_IsRearrangeableView(plv) || plv->hdpaZOrder == NULL || ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { plvim->dwFlags = 0; plvim->iItem = -1; } else { ULONGLONG uClosestDistance = (ULONGLONG)-1; // MAX INT
LISTITEM* pClosestItem = NULL; int iClosestItem = -1; int iClosestSlot = -1; RECT rcClosestSlot; int i;
for (i = 0; i < cItems; i++) { // Only consider items in this workarea.
LISTITEM* pitem = ListView_GetItemPtr(plv, i); if (pitem && ((iWorkArea == -1) || (pitem->iWorkArea == iWorkArea))) { int iSlot; RECT rcSlot; ListView_CalcItemSlotAndRect(plv, pitem, &iSlot, &rcSlot);
if (PtInRect(&rcSlot, pt)) { // Hit it. This is as close as we can get.
pClosestItem = pitem; iClosestItem = i; iClosestSlot = iSlot; rcClosestSlot = rcSlot; break; } else { // Keep track of closest item in this workarea, in case none are hit.
ULONGLONG uDistance = _GetDistanceToRect(plv, &rcSlot, pt.x, pt.y); if (uDistance < uClosestDistance) { pClosestItem = pitem; iClosestItem = i; iClosestSlot = iSlot; rcClosestSlot = rcSlot; uClosestDistance = uDistance; } } } }
if (pClosestItem) { BOOL fVert = !((plv->ci.style & LVS_ALIGNMASK) == LVS_ALIGNTOP); // what about lvs_alignbottom?
int iDragSlot = -1;
// For the drag source case, we need the drag slot to compare against
if (-1 != plv->iDrag) { LISTITEM* pitemDrag = ListView_GetItemPtr(plv, plv->iDrag); if (pitemDrag) ListView_CalcItemSlotAndRect(plv, pitemDrag, &iDragSlot, NULL); }
// Now that we have the item, calculate before/after
if (fVert) plvim->dwFlags = (pt.y > (rcClosestSlot.top + (RECTHEIGHT(rcClosestSlot))/2)) ? LVIM_AFTER : 0; else plvim->dwFlags = (pt.x > (rcClosestSlot.left + (RECTWIDTH(rcClosestSlot))/2)) ? LVIM_AFTER : 0;
plvim->iItem = iClosestItem;
// If this is the drag source (or right next to it) then ignore the hit.
if (-1 != iDragSlot && ((iDragSlot==iClosestSlot) || (iDragSlot==(iClosestSlot-1) && !(plvim->dwFlags & LVIM_AFTER)) || (iDragSlot==(iClosestSlot+1) && (plvim->dwFlags & LVIM_AFTER)))) { plvim->dwFlags = 0; plvim->iItem = -1; } else if ((plv->ci.style & LVS_AUTOARRANGE) && !(plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_SINGLEROW) && !fVert) // auto arrange needs to tweak some beginning/end-of-line cases
{ RECT rcViewWorkArea; if (-1 != iWorkArea) { rcViewWorkArea = plv->prcWorkAreas[iWorkArea]; } else { if (plv->rcView.left == RECOMPUTE) ListView_Recompute(plv); rcViewWorkArea = plv->rcView; }
if ((-1 != iDragSlot) && (iClosestSlot > iDragSlot) && !(plvim->dwFlags & LVIM_AFTER)) { // We're after our drag source, if we're at the beginning of a line
// then the insert mark is actually at the end of the previous line.
if (rcClosestSlot.left - RECTWIDTH(rcClosestSlot)/2 < rcViewWorkArea.left) { int iItemPrev = ListView_FindItemInSlot(plv, iWorkArea, iClosestSlot-1); if (-1 != iItemPrev) { plvim->dwFlags = LVIM_AFTER; plvim->iItem = iItemPrev; } } } else if (((-1 == iDragSlot) || (iClosestSlot < iDragSlot)) && (plvim->dwFlags & LVIM_AFTER)) { // We're before our drag source (or there is no drag source), if we're at end of a line
// then the insert mark is actually at the beginning of the next line.
if (rcClosestSlot.right + RECTWIDTH(rcClosestSlot)/2 > rcViewWorkArea.right) { int iItemNext = ListView_FindItemInSlot(plv, iWorkArea, iClosestSlot+1); if (-1 != iItemNext) { plvim->dwFlags = 0; plvim->iItem = iItemNext; } } } } } else { // No insert mark.
plvim->dwFlags = 0; plvim->iItem = -1; } } return TRUE; }
int ListView_IItemHitTest(LV* plv, int x, int y, UINT* pflags, int *piSubItem) { int iHit; UINT flags; POINT pt; RECT rcLabel = {0}; RECT rcIcon = {0}; RECT rcState = {0}; if (piSubItem) *piSubItem = 0;
// Map window-relative coordinates to view-relative coords...
pt.x = x + plv->ptOrigin.x; pt.y = y + plv->ptOrigin.y;
// If there are any uncomputed items, recompute them now.
if (plv->rcView.left == RECOMPUTE) ListView_Recompute(plv);
flags = 0;
if (ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { int cSlots; POINT ptWnd; LISTITEM item; int iWidth = 0, iHeight = 0;
cSlots = ListView_GetSlotCount( plv, TRUE, &iWidth, &iHeight ); iHit = ListView_CalcHitSlot( plv, pt, cSlots, iWidth, iHeight ); if (iHit < ListView_Count(plv)) { ListView_IGetRectsOwnerData( plv, iHit, &rcIcon, &rcLabel, &item, FALSE ); ptWnd.x = x; ptWnd.y = y; if (PtInRect(&rcIcon, ptWnd)) { flags = LVHT_ONITEMICON; } else if (PtInRect(&rcLabel, ptWnd) && !ListView_HideLabels(plv)) { flags = LVHT_ONITEMLABEL; } } } else { for (iHit = 0; (iHit < ListView_Count(plv)); iHit++) { LISTITEM* pitem = ListView_FastGetZItemPtr(plv, iHit); POINT ptItem; RECT rcBounds; // Only used if ListView_IsBorderSelect
ptItem.x = pitem->pt.x; ptItem.y = pitem->pt.y;
rcIcon.top = ptItem.y - g_cyIconMargin;
rcLabel.top = ptItem.y + plv->cyIcon + g_cyLabelSpace; rcLabel.bottom = rcLabel.top + pitem->cyUnfoldedLabel;
if ( !ListView_IsItemUnfoldedPtr(plv, pitem) ) ListView_RefoldLabelRect(plv, &rcLabel, pitem);
// Quick, easy rejection test...
if (pt.y < rcIcon.top || pt.y >= rcLabel.bottom) continue; rcIcon.left = ptItem.x - g_cxIconMargin; rcIcon.right = ptItem.x + plv->cxIcon + g_cxIconMargin; // We need to make sure there is no gap between the icon and label
rcIcon.bottom = rcLabel.top;
if (ListView_IsSimpleSelect(plv) && (ListView_IsIconView(plv) || ListView_IsTileView(plv))) { rcState.top = rcIcon.top; rcState.right = rcIcon.right - ((RECTWIDTH(rcIcon) -plv->cxIcon) / 2); rcState.left = rcState.right - plv->cxState; rcState.bottom = rcState.top + plv->cyState; } else { rcState.bottom = ptItem.y + plv->cyIcon; rcState.right = ptItem.x; rcState.top = rcState.bottom - plv->cyState; rcState.left = rcState.right - plv->cxState; }
if (ListView_HideLabels(plv)) { CopyRect(&rcBounds, &rcIcon); } else { rcLabel.left = ptItem.x + (plv->cxIcon / 2) - (ICONCXLABEL(plv, pitem) / 2); rcLabel.right = rcLabel.left + ICONCXLABEL(plv, pitem); }
if (plv->cxState && PtInRect(&rcState, pt)) { flags = LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON; } else if (PtInRect(&rcIcon, pt)) { flags = LVHT_ONITEMICON;
if (pt.x < rcIcon.left + RECTWIDTH(rcIcon)/10) flags |= LVHT_ONLEFTSIDEOFICON; else if (pt.x >= rcIcon.right - RECTWIDTH(rcIcon)/10) flags |= LVHT_ONRIGHTSIDEOFICON; } else if (PtInRect(&rcLabel, pt)) { flags = LVHT_ONITEMLABEL; } else if (ListView_IsBorderSelect(plv) && (pitem->state & LVIS_SELECTED) && PtInRect(&rcBounds, pt)) { flags = LVHT_ONITEMICON;
if (pt.x < rcBounds.left + RECTWIDTH(rcBounds)/10) flags |= LVHT_ONLEFTSIDEOFICON; else if (pt.x >= rcBounds.right - RECTWIDTH(rcBounds)/10) flags |= LVHT_ONRIGHTSIDEOFICON; }
if (flags) break; } }
if (flags == 0) { flags = LVHT_NOWHERE; iHit = -1; } else { if (!ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { iHit = DPA_GetPtrIndex(plv->hdpa, ListView_FastGetZItemPtr(plv, iHit)); } } *pflags = flags; return iHit; }
// REARCHITECT raymondc
// need to pass HDC here isnce it's sometimes called from the paint loop
// This returns rects in Window Coordinates
void ListView_IGetRectsOwnerData( LV* plv, int iItem, RECT* prcIcon, RECT* prcLabel, LISTITEM* pitem, BOOL fUsepitem ) { int itemIconXLabel; int cxIconMargin; int cSlots;
// calculate x, y from iItem
cSlots = ListView_GetSlotCount( plv, TRUE, NULL, NULL ); pitem->iWorkArea = 0; // OwnerData doesn't support workareas
ListView_SetIconPos( plv, pitem, iItem, cSlots );
// calculate lable sizes from iItem
ListView_IRecomputeLabelSize( plv, pitem, iItem, NULL, fUsepitem);
if (plv->ci.style & LVS_NOLABELWRAP) { // use single label
itemIconXLabel = pitem->cxSingleLabel; } else { // use multilabel
itemIconXLabel = pitem->cxMultiLabel; }
cxIconMargin = ListView_GetIconBufferX(plv);
prcIcon->left = pitem->pt.x - cxIconMargin - plv->ptOrigin.x; prcIcon->right = prcIcon->left + plv->cxIcon + 2 * cxIconMargin; prcIcon->top = pitem->pt.y - g_cyIconMargin - plv->ptOrigin.y; prcIcon->bottom = prcIcon->top + plv->cyIcon + 2 * g_cyIconMargin;
prcLabel->left = pitem->pt.x + (plv->cxIcon / 2) - (itemIconXLabel / 2) - plv->ptOrigin.x; prcLabel->right = prcLabel->left + itemIconXLabel; prcLabel->top = pitem->pt.y + plv->cyIcon + g_cyLabelSpace - plv->ptOrigin.y; prcLabel->bottom = prcLabel->top + pitem->cyUnfoldedLabel;
if ( !ListView_IsItemUnfolded(plv, iItem) ) ListView_RefoldLabelRect(plv, prcLabel, pitem); }
// out:
// prcIcon icon bounds including icon margin area
// This returns rects in Window Coordinates
void ListView_IGetRects(LV* plv, LISTITEM* pitem, UINT fQueryLabelRects, RECT* prcIcon, RECT* prcLabel, LPRECT prcBounds) { int cxIconMargin;
ASSERT( !ListView_IsOwnerData( plv ) );
if (pitem->pt.x == RECOMPUTE) { ListView_Recompute(plv); }
if (pitem->pt.x == RECOMPUTE) { RECT rcZero = {0}; *prcIcon = *prcLabel = rcZero; return; }
cxIconMargin = ListView_GetIconBufferX(plv);
prcIcon->left = pitem->pt.x - cxIconMargin - plv->ptOrigin.x; prcIcon->right = prcIcon->left + plv->cxIcon + 2 * cxIconMargin; prcIcon->top = pitem->pt.y - g_cyIconMargin - plv->ptOrigin.y; prcIcon->bottom = prcIcon->top + plv->cyIcon + 2 * g_cyIconMargin;
prcLabel->left = pitem->pt.x + (plv->cxIcon / 2) - (ICONCXLABEL(plv, pitem) / 2) - plv->ptOrigin.x; prcLabel->right = prcLabel->left + ICONCXLABEL(plv, pitem); prcLabel->top = pitem->pt.y + plv->cyIcon + g_cyLabelSpace - plv->ptOrigin.y; prcLabel->bottom = prcLabel->top + pitem->cyUnfoldedLabel;
if (IsQueryFolded(fQueryLabelRects) || (!ListView_IsItemUnfoldedPtr(plv, pitem) && !IsQueryUnfolded(fQueryLabelRects))) { ListView_RefoldLabelRect(plv, prcLabel, pitem); } }
// fWithoutScrollbars==FALSE means that we assume more items are on the screen than will fit, so we'll have a scrollbar.
int ListView_GetSlotCountEx(LV* plv, BOOL fWithoutScrollbars, int iWorkArea, int *piWidth, int *piHeight) { int cxScreen; int cyScreen; int dxItem; int dyItem; int iSlots; int iSlotsX; int iSlotsY;
// film strip mode
if (ListView_SingleRow(plv)) { if(piWidth) *piWidth = plv->sizeClient.cx; if(piHeight) *piHeight = plv->sizeClient.cy; return MAXINT; }
// Always assume we have a scrollbar when in group view,
// since our iTotalSlots calculation at the bottom will be wrong in this mode...
if (plv->fGroupView) fWithoutScrollbars = FALSE;
// Always use the current client window size to determine
if ((iWorkArea >= 0 ) && (plv->nWorkAreas > 0)) { ASSERT(iWorkArea < plv->nWorkAreas); cxScreen = RECTWIDTH(plv->prcWorkAreas[iWorkArea]); cyScreen = RECTHEIGHT(plv->prcWorkAreas[iWorkArea]); } else { if (plv->fGroupView) { cxScreen = plv->sizeClient.cx - plv->rcBorder.left - plv->rcBorder.right - plv->paddingRight - plv->paddingLeft; cyScreen = plv->sizeClient.cy - plv->rcBorder.bottom - plv->rcBorder.top - plv->paddingBottom - plv->paddingTop; } else { RECT rcClientNoScrollBars; ListView_GetClientRect(plv, &rcClientNoScrollBars, FALSE, NULL); cxScreen = RECTWIDTH(rcClientNoScrollBars); cyScreen = RECTHEIGHT(rcClientNoScrollBars);
if (ListView_IsIScrollView(plv) && !(plv->ci.style & LVS_NOSCROLL)) { cxScreen = cxScreen - plv->rcViewMargin.left - plv->rcViewMargin.right; cyScreen = cyScreen - plv->rcViewMargin.top - plv->rcViewMargin.bottom; } }
if (cxScreen < 0) cxScreen = 0; if (cyScreen < 0) cyScreen = 0; }
// If we're assuming the scrollbars are there, shrink width/height as appropriate
if (!fWithoutScrollbars && !(plv->ci.style & LVS_NOSCROLL)) { switch (plv->ci.style & LVS_ALIGNMASK) { case LVS_ALIGNBOTTOM: case LVS_ALIGNTOP: cxScreen -= ListView_GetCxScrollbar(plv); break;
case LVS_ALIGNRIGHT: default: case LVS_ALIGNLEFT: cyScreen -= ListView_GetCyScrollbar(plv); break; } }
_GetCurrentItemSize(plv, &dxItem, &dyItem);
if (!dxItem) dxItem = 1; if (!dyItem) dyItem = 1;
iSlotsX = max(1, (cxScreen) / dxItem); iSlotsY = max(1, (cyScreen) / dyItem);
// Lets see which direction the view states
switch (plv->ci.style & LVS_ALIGNMASK) { case LVS_ALIGNBOTTOM: //The number of slots are the same as ALIGNTOP;
//So, intentional fall through...
case LVS_ALIGNTOP: iSlots = iSlotsX; break;
case LVS_ALIGNRIGHT: // The number of slots are the same as ALIGNLEFT;
// So, intentional fall through...
default: case LVS_ALIGNLEFT: iSlots = iSlotsY; break; }
if(piWidth) *piWidth = cxScreen; if(piHeight) *piHeight = cyScreen; // if we don't have enough slots total on the screen, we're going to have
// a scrollbar, so recompute with the scrollbars on
if (fWithoutScrollbars) { int iTotalSlots = (iSlotsX * iSlotsY); if (iTotalSlots < ListView_Count(plv)) { iSlots = ListView_GetSlotCountEx(plv, FALSE, iWorkArea, piWidth, piHeight); } }
return iSlots; }
int ListView_GetSlotCount(LV* plv, BOOL fWithoutScrollbars, int *piWidth, int *piHeight) { // Make sure this function does exactly the same thing as when
// we had no workareas
return ListView_GetSlotCountEx(plv, fWithoutScrollbars, -1, piWidth, piHeight); }
// get the pixel row (or col in left align) of pitem
int LV_GetItemPixelRow(LV* plv, LISTITEM* pitem) { DWORD dwAlignment = plv->ci.style & LVS_ALIGNMASK;
if((dwAlignment == LVS_ALIGNLEFT) || (dwAlignment == LVS_ALIGNRIGHT)) return pitem->pt.x; else return pitem->pt.y; }
// get the pixel row (or col in left align) of the lowest item
int LV_GetMaxPlacedItem(LV* plv) { int i; int iMaxPlacedItem = 0; for (i = 0; i < ListView_Count(plv); i++) { LISTITEM* pitem = ListView_FastGetItemPtr(plv, i); if (pitem->pt.y != RECOMPUTE) { int iRow = LV_GetItemPixelRow(plv, pitem); // if the current item is "below" (on right if it's left aligned)
// the lowest placed item, we can start appending
if (!i || iRow > iMaxPlacedItem) iMaxPlacedItem = iRow; } } return iMaxPlacedItem;; }
// Get the buffer around an item for rcView calculations and slot offsets
int ListView_GetIconBufferX(LV* plv) { if (ListView_IsIconView(plv)) { return (plv->cxIconSpacing - plv->cxIcon) / 2; } else if (ListView_IsTileView(plv)) return g_cxLabelMargin; else return 0; }
int ListView_GetIconBufferY(LV* plv) { if (ListView_IsIconView(plv)) return g_cyIconOffset; else if (ListView_IsTileView(plv)) return g_cyIconMargin; else return 0; }
void ListView_AddViewRectBuffer(LV* plv, RECT* prcView) { if (ListView_IsIconView(plv)) { // we now grow the label size a bit, so we already have the g_cxEdge added/removed
} else { prcView->right += g_cxEdge; prcView->bottom += g_cyEdge; } }
// Calculate rcView, returned in Listview Coordinates
// Returns FALSE if rcView is not calculatable and fNoRecalc is specified
BOOL ListView_ICalcViewRect(LV* plv, BOOL fNoRecalc, RECT* prcView) { int i;
ASSERT(ListView_IsIScrollView(plv) && !ListView_IsOwnerData(plv) && !(plv->fGroupView && plv->hdpaGroups));
for (i = 0; i < ListView_Count(plv); i++) { RECT rcIcon; RECT rcLabel; RECT rcItem;
if (fNoRecalc) { LISTITEM *pitem = ListView_FastGetItemPtr(plv, i); if (pitem->pt.x == RECOMPUTE) { return FALSE; } }
ListView_GetRects(plv, i, QUERY_RCVIEW|QUERY_UNFOLDED, &rcIcon, &rcLabel, &rcItem, NULL); UnionRect(prcView, prcView, &rcItem); }
if (!IsRectEmpty(prcView)) { // Convert to listview coordinates
OffsetRect(prcView, plv->ptOrigin.x, plv->ptOrigin.y);
// Grow it a bit
ListView_AddViewRectBuffer(plv, prcView); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL ListView_FixIScrollPositions(LV* plv, BOOL fNoScrollbarUpdate, RECT* prcClient) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
// it's possible for the below ListView_GetClientRect() to force a recalc of rcView
// which can come back to this function. Nothing bad happens, but there's no
// need to do fix the scroll positions until we unwind.
if (!plv->fInFixIScrollPositions) { plv->fInFixIScrollPositions = TRUE;
// First, where rcClient is smaller than rcView:
// * rcView.left <= ptOrigin.x <= ptOrigin.x+rcClient.right <= rcView.right
// Second, where rcClient is larger than rcView (no scrollbars visible):
// * ptOrigin.x <= rcView.left <= rcView.right <= ptOrigin.x+rcClient.right
if (!(plv->ci.style & LVS_NOSCROLL)) { POINT pt = plv->ptOrigin; RECT rcClient; if (prcClient) rcClient = *prcClient; // can be passed in to avoid calling the below function a second time
else ListView_GetClientRect(plv, &rcClient, TRUE, FALSE);
ASSERT(plv->rcView.left != RECOMPUTE);
if (RECTWIDTH(rcClient) < RECTWIDTH(plv->rcView)) { if (plv->ptOrigin.x < plv->rcView.left) plv->ptOrigin.x = plv->rcView.left; else if (plv->ptOrigin.x > plv->rcView.right - RECTWIDTH(rcClient)) plv->ptOrigin.x = plv->rcView.right - RECTWIDTH(rcClient); } else { if (plv->rcView.left < plv->ptOrigin.x) plv->ptOrigin.x = plv->rcView.left; else if (plv->rcView.right - RECTWIDTH(rcClient) > plv->ptOrigin.x) plv->ptOrigin.x = plv->rcView.right - RECTWIDTH(rcClient); } if (RECTHEIGHT(rcClient) < RECTHEIGHT(plv->rcView)) { if (plv->ptOrigin.y < plv->rcView.top) plv->ptOrigin.y = plv->rcView.top; else if (plv->ptOrigin.y > plv->rcView.bottom - RECTHEIGHT(rcClient)) plv->ptOrigin.y = plv->rcView.bottom - RECTHEIGHT(rcClient); } else { if (plv->rcView.top < plv->ptOrigin.y) plv->ptOrigin.y = plv->rcView.top; else if (plv->rcView.bottom - RECTHEIGHT(rcClient) > plv->ptOrigin.y) plv->ptOrigin.y = plv->rcView.bottom - RECTHEIGHT(rcClient); }
fRet = (pt.x != plv->ptOrigin.x) || (pt.y != plv->ptOrigin.y); }
plv->fInFixIScrollPositions = FALSE;
if (fRet) { // Something moved, we need to invalidate
ListView_InvalidateWindow(plv); if (!fNoScrollbarUpdate) ListView_UpdateScrollBars(plv); } }
return fRet; }
// Go through and recompute any icon positions and optionally
// icon label dimensions.
// This function also recomputes the view bounds rectangle.
// The algorithm is to simply search the list for any items needing
// recomputation. For icon positions, we scan possible icon slots
// and check to see if any already-positioned icon intersects the slot.
// If not, the slot is free. As an optimization, we start scanning
// icon slots from the previous slot we found.
BOOL ListView_IRecomputeEx(LV* plv, HDPA hdpaSort, int iFrom, BOOL fForce) { int i; int cGroups = 0; int cWorkAreaSlots[LV_MAX_WORKAREAS]; BOOL fUpdateSB; // if all the items are unplaced, we can just keep appending
BOOL fAppendAtEnd = (((UINT)ListView_Count(plv)) == plv->uUnplaced); int iFree; int iWidestGroup = 0; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if (hdpaSort == NULL) hdpaSort = plv->hdpa;
plv->uUnplaced = 0;
if (!ListView_IsSlotView(plv)) return FALSE;
if (plv->flags & LVF_INRECOMPUTE) { return FALSE; } plv->flags |= LVF_INRECOMPUTE;
plv->cSlots = ListView_GetSlotCount(plv, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
if (plv->nWorkAreas > 0) for (i = 0; i < plv->nWorkAreas; i++) cWorkAreaSlots[i] = ListView_GetSlotCountEx(plv, FALSE, i, NULL, NULL);
// Scan all items for RECOMPUTE, and recompute slot if needed.
fUpdateSB = (plv->rcView.left == RECOMPUTE);
if (!ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { LVFAKEDRAW lvfd; // in case client uses customdraw
LV_ITEM item; // in case client uses customdraw
int iMaxPlacedItem = RECOMPUTE;
item.mask = LVIF_PARAM; item.iSubItem = 0;
ListView_BeginFakeCustomDraw(plv, &lvfd, &item);
if (!fAppendAtEnd) iMaxPlacedItem = LV_GetMaxPlacedItem(plv);
if (plv->fGroupView && plv->hdpaGroups) { int iAccumulatedHeight = 0; int cItems = ListView_Count(plv); int iGroupItem; LISTITEM* pitem;
for (iGroupItem = 0; iGroupItem < cItems; iGroupItem++) { pitem = ListView_FastGetItemPtr(plv, iGroupItem); if (!pitem) break; if (pitem->cyFoldedLabel == SRECOMPUTE || fForce) { // Get the item lParam only if we need it for customdraw
item.iItem = iGroupItem; item.lParam = pitem->lParam;
if (!LISTITEM_HASASKEDFORGROUP(pitem)) { item.mask = LVIF_GROUPID; ListView_OnGetItem(plv, &item); }
_ListView_RecomputeLabelSize(plv, pitem, iGroupItem, NULL, FALSE); } }
if (iFrom > 0) { LISTGROUP* pgrpPrev = DPA_FastGetPtr(plv->hdpaGroups, iFrom - 1); iAccumulatedHeight = pgrpPrev->rc.bottom + plv->paddingBottom; }
cGroups = DPA_GetPtrCount(plv->hdpaGroups); for (i = iFrom; i < cGroups; i++) { LISTGROUP* pgrp = DPA_FastGetPtr(plv->hdpaGroups, i); if (!pgrp) // Huh?
cItems = DPA_GetPtrCount(pgrp->hdpa);
if (cItems == 0) { SetRect(&pgrp->rc, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { RECT rcBoundsPrev = {0}; iFree = 0;
if (pgrp->pszHeader && (pgrp->cyTitle == 0 || fForce)) { RECT rc = {0, 0, 1000, 0}; HDC hdc = GetDC(plv->ci.hwnd); HFONT hfontOld = SelectObject(hdc, plv->hfontGroup);
DrawText(hdc, pgrp->pszHeader, -1, &rc, DT_LV | DT_CALCRECT);
SelectObject(hdc, hfontOld); ReleaseDC(plv->ci.hwnd, hdc);
pgrp->cyTitle = RECTHEIGHT(rc); }
iAccumulatedHeight += LISTGROUP_HEIGHT(plv, pgrp);
SetRect(&pgrp->rc, plv->rcBorder.left + plv->paddingLeft, iAccumulatedHeight, plv->sizeClient.cx - plv->rcBorder.right - plv->paddingRight, 0);
for (iGroupItem = 0; iGroupItem < cItems; iGroupItem++) { pitem = DPA_FastGetPtr(pgrp->hdpa, iGroupItem); if (!pitem) break;
if (iGroupItem > 0) { RECT rcBounds; ListView_SetIconPos(plv, pitem, iFree, plv->cSlots); _ListView_GetRectsFromItem(plv, ListView_IsSmallView(plv), pitem, QUERY_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, &rcBounds, NULL);
if (IntersectRect(&rcBounds, &rcBounds, &rcBoundsPrev)) iFree++; }
if (ListView_SetIconPos(plv, pitem, iFree, plv->cSlots)) fRet = TRUE;
if (!fUpdateSB && LV_IsItemOnViewEdge(plv, pitem)) fUpdateSB = TRUE; if (iFree == 0) { int cx, cy; _GetCurrentItemSize(plv, &cx, &cy); iAccumulatedHeight += cy; iWidestGroup = max(iWidestGroup, cx); } else if (iFree % plv->cSlots == 0) { int cx, cy; _GetCurrentItemSize(plv, &cx, &cy); iAccumulatedHeight += cy; iWidestGroup = max(iWidestGroup, plv->cSlots * cx); }
_ListView_GetRectsFromItem(plv, ListView_IsSmallView(plv), pitem, QUERY_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, &rcBoundsPrev, NULL); iFree++; }
pgrp->rc.bottom = iAccumulatedHeight; iAccumulatedHeight += plv->rcBorder.bottom + plv->paddingBottom; } }
// Now iterate through the items and Reset the position of items that aren't associated with a group
for (i = 0; i < ListView_Count(plv); i++) { LISTITEM* pitem = ListView_FastGetItemPtr(plv, i);
if (pitem->pGroup == NULL) { pitem->pt.x = 0; pitem->pt.y = 0; } }
} else { // Must keep in local variable because ListView_SetIconPos will keep
// invalidating the iFreeSlot cache while we're looping
if (fForce) plv->iFreeSlot = -1; iFree = plv->iFreeSlot; for (i = 0; i < ListView_Count(plv); i++) { int cRealSlots; LISTITEM* pitem = ListView_FastGetItemPtr(plv, i); BOOL fRedraw = FALSE;
cRealSlots = (plv->nWorkAreas > 0) ? cWorkAreaSlots[pitem->iWorkArea] : plv->cSlots; if (pitem->pt.y == RECOMPUTE || fForce) { if (pitem->cyFoldedLabel == SRECOMPUTE || fForce) { // Get the item lParam only if we need it for customdraw
item.iItem = i; item.lParam = pitem->lParam;
_ListView_RecomputeLabelSize(plv, pitem, i, NULL, FALSE); }
if (i < ListView_Count(plv)) // Recompute could have nuked some items.
{ if (!fForce) { // (dli) This function gets a new icon postion and then goes
// through the whole set of items to see if that position is occupied
// should let it know in the multi-workarea case, it only needs to go
// through those who are in the same workarea.
// This is okay for now because we cannot have too many items on the
// desktop.
if (lvfd.nmcd.nmcd.hdc) { int iWidth = 0, iHeight = 0; DWORD dwAlignment = (plv->ci.style & LVS_ALIGNMASK);
// If we are right or bottom aligned, then..
// ....we want to get the width and height to be passed to FindFreeSlot.
if ((dwAlignment == LVS_ALIGNRIGHT) || (dwAlignment == LVS_ALIGNBOTTOM)) ListView_GetSlotCountEx(plv, FALSE, pitem->iWorkArea, &iWidth, &iHeight);
iFree = ListView_FindFreeSlot(plv, i, iFree + 1, cRealSlots, QUERY_FOLDED, &fUpdateSB, &fAppendAtEnd, lvfd.nmcd.nmcd.hdc, iWidth, iHeight); } } else { iFree++; }
// If this slot is frozen, then move this item to the next slot!
if ((plv->iFrozenSlot != -1) && (plv->iFrozenSlot == iFree)) { iFree++; // Skip the frozen slot!
if (ListView_SetIconPos(plv, pitem, iFree, cRealSlots)) fRet = TRUE;
if (!fAppendAtEnd) { //// optimization. each time we calc a new free slot, we iterate through all the items to see
// if any of the freely placed items collide with this.
// fAppendAtEnd indicates that iFree is beyond any freely placed item
// if the current item is "below" (on right if it's left aligned)
// the lowest placed item, we can start appending
if (LV_GetItemPixelRow(plv, pitem) > iMaxPlacedItem) fAppendAtEnd = TRUE; } if (!fUpdateSB && LV_IsItemOnViewEdge(plv, pitem)) fUpdateSB = TRUE;
fRedraw = TRUE; } }
if (fRedraw) { ListView_InvalidateItem(plv, i, FALSE, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE); }
// If the item that we just positioned is marked a frozen item...
if ((pitem == plv->pFrozenItem) && (iFree >= 0)) { //... then we need to ignore that in free slot calculations.
iFree--; } } plv->iFreeSlot = iFree; } ListView_EndFakeCustomDraw(&lvfd);
} // If we changed something, recompute the view rectangle
// and then update the scroll bars.
if (fUpdateSB || plv->rcView.left == RECOMPUTE || fForce) { // NOTE: No infinite recursion results because we're setting
// plv->rcView.left != RECOMPUTE
if (plv->fGroupView && plv->hdpaGroups && !ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { LISTGROUP* pgrp; int iGroup; // Find the first group with an item in it...
for (iGroup = 0; iGroup < cGroups; iGroup++) { pgrp = DPA_FastGetPtr(plv->hdpaGroups, iGroup); if (DPA_GetPtrCount(pgrp->hdpa) > 0) { plv->rcView.top = pgrp->rc.top - max(plv->rcBorder.top, pgrp->cyTitle + 6) - plv->paddingTop; plv->rcView.left = pgrp->rc.left - plv->rcBorder.left - plv->paddingLeft; break; } } // ...and the last group with an item in it
for (iGroup = cGroups - 1; iGroup >= 0; iGroup--) { pgrp = DPA_FastGetPtr(plv->hdpaGroups, iGroup); if (DPA_GetPtrCount(pgrp->hdpa)) { plv->rcView.bottom = pgrp->rc.bottom + plv->rcBorder.bottom + plv->paddingBottom; break; } } plv->rcView.right = iWidestGroup; } else { if (ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "************ LV: Expensive update! ******* "); if (ListView_Count( plv ) > 0) { RECT rcLast; RECT rcItem; int iSlots; int iItem = ListView_Count( plv ) - 1;
ListView_GetRects( plv, 0, QUERY_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, &plv->rcView, NULL ); ListView_GetRects( plv, iItem, QUERY_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, &rcLast, NULL ); plv->rcView.right = rcLast.right; plv->rcView.bottom = rcLast.bottom;
// calc how far back in the list to check
iSlots = plv->cSlots + 2;
// REVIEW: This cache hint notification causes a spurious
// hint, since this happens often but is always the last items
// available. Should this hint be done at all and this information
// be cached local to the control?
ListView_NotifyCacheHint( plv, max( 0, iItem - iSlots), iItem );
// move backwards from last item until either rc.right or
// rc.left is greater than the last, then use that value.
// Note: This code makes very little assumptions about the ordering
// done. We should be careful as multiple line text fields could
// mess us up.
for( iItem--; (iSlots > 0) && (iItem >= 0); iSlots--, iItem--) { RECT rcIcon; RECT rcLabel;
ListView_GetRects( plv, iItem, QUERY_RCVIEW|QUERY_UNFOLDED, &rcIcon, &rcLabel, &rcItem, NULL ); if (rcItem.right > rcLast.right) { plv->rcView.right = rcItem.right; } if (rcItem.bottom > rcLast.bottom) { plv->rcView.bottom = rcItem.bottom; } }
// The above calculations were done in Window coordinates, convert to Listview coordinates
OffsetRect(&plv->rcView, plv->ptOrigin.x, plv->ptOrigin.y); } } else { ListView_ICalcViewRect(plv, FALSE, &plv->rcView); } }
//TraceMsg(DM_TRACE, "RECOMPUTE: rcView %x %x %x %x", plv->rcView.left, plv->rcView.top, plv->rcView.right, plv->rcView.bottom);
//TraceMsg(DM_TRACE, "Origin %x %x", plv->ptOrigin.x, plv->ptOrigin.y);
ListView_UpdateScrollBars(plv); } ListView_RecalcRegion(plv, FALSE, TRUE); // Now state we are out of the recompute...
plv->flags &= ~LVF_INRECOMPUTE;
ASSERT(ListView_ValidatercView(plv, &plv->rcView, TRUE)); ASSERT(ListView_ValidateScrollPositions(plv, NULL));
return fRet; }
//This function finds out the nearest work area where the given item must fall.
int NearestWorkArea(LV *plv, int x, int y, int cxItem, int cyItem, int iCurrentWorkArea) { int iIndex = 0; POINT ptItemCenter = {x + (cxItem/2), y + (cyItem/2)}; //Get the center of the item.
if(plv->nWorkAreas <= 0) //If this is a single monitor system...
return -1; //... then return -1 to indicate that.
if(plv->nWorkAreas == 1) return 0; //There is only one workarea; so, return it's index.
//Find the work-area where the center of the icon falls.
iIndex = iCurrentWorkArea; // This point is most likely to be in the current work area.
do // So, start with that work area.
{ if(PtInRect(&plv->prcWorkAreas[iIndex], ptItemCenter)) return iIndex; if(++iIndex == plv->nWorkAreas) //If we have reached the end,...
iIndex = 0; // ...start from the begining.
// If we have completed looking at all workareas...
// ....quit the loop!
} while (iIndex != iCurrentWorkArea);
return iCurrentWorkArea; //If it does not fall into any of the work areas, then use the current one.
// This function modifies *px, *py to to be in slot-like position -- it doesn't actually gurantee it's in a real slot
// (NOTE: I tried to assert that this way of calculating slots matched with ListView_CalcSlotRect, but the latter
// function guarantee's it's in a real slot and this can not. That assert flushed out real bugs in callers of listview,
// but it unfortunately hits valid cases as well.)
void NearestSlot(LV *plv, LISTITEM* pitem, int *px, int *py, int cxItem, int cyItem, LPRECT prcWork) { DWORD dwAlignment = plv->ci.style & LVS_ALIGNMASK; int iWidth = 0; int iHeight = 0; int x = *px; int y = *py; if (prcWork != NULL) { x = x - prcWork->left; y = y - prcWork->top; }
//Get the x with respect to the top right corner.
if (dwAlignment == LVS_ALIGNRIGHT) { x = (iWidth = (prcWork? RECTWIDTH(*prcWork) : plv->sizeClient.cx)) - x - cxItem; } else if (dwAlignment == LVS_ALIGNBOTTOM) //Get y with respect to the bottom left corner.
{ y = (iHeight = (prcWork? RECTHEIGHT(*prcWork) : plv->sizeClient.cy)) - y - cyItem; }
// Calculate the center point
if (x < 0) { x -= cxItem/2; } else { x += cxItem/2; }
if (y < 0) { y -= cyItem/2; } else { y += cyItem/2; }
// Find the new x,y point
x = x - (x % cxItem); y = y - (y % cyItem);
// Get x and y with respect to the top left corner again.
if (dwAlignment == LVS_ALIGNRIGHT) x = iWidth - x - cxItem; else if (dwAlignment == LVS_ALIGNBOTTOM) y = iHeight - y - cyItem; if (prcWork != NULL) { x = x + prcWork->left; y = y + prcWork->top; }
*px = x; *py = y; }
void ListView_CalcMinMaxIndex( LV* plv, PRECT prcBounding, int* iMin, int* iMax ) { POINT pt; int cSlots; int iWidth = 0, iHeight = 0;
cSlots = ListView_GetSlotCount( plv, TRUE, &iWidth, &iHeight );
pt.x = prcBounding->left + plv->ptOrigin.x; pt.y = prcBounding->top + plv->ptOrigin.y; *iMin = ListView_CalcHitSlot( plv, pt, cSlots, iWidth, iHeight );
pt.x = prcBounding->right + plv->ptOrigin.x; pt.y = prcBounding->bottom + plv->ptOrigin.y; *iMax = ListView_CalcHitSlot( plv, pt, cSlots, iWidth, iHeight ) + 1; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: ListView_CalcHitSlot
// Summary: Given a point (relative to complete icon view), calculate
// which slot that point is closest to.
// Arguments:
// plv [in] - List view to work with
// pt [in] - location to check with
// cslot [in] - number of slots wide the current view is
// Notes: This does not guarentee that the point is hitting the item
// located at that slot. That should be checked by comparing rects.
// History:
// Nov-1-1994 MikeMi Added to improve Ownerdata hit testing
// July-11-2000 Sankar Added iWidth and iHeight parameters to support Right alignment.
int ListView_CalcHitSlot( LV* plv, POINT pt, int cSlot, int iWidth, int iHeight) { int cxItem; int cyItem; int iSlot = 0;
if (cSlot < 1) cSlot = 1;
_GetCurrentItemSize(plv, &cxItem, &cyItem);
// Lets see which direction the view states
switch (plv->ci.style & LVS_ALIGNMASK) { case LVS_ALIGNBOTTOM: iSlot = min (pt.x / cxItem, cSlot - 1) + ((iHeight - pt.y) / cyItem) * cSlot; break;
case LVS_ALIGNTOP: iSlot = min (pt.x / cxItem, cSlot - 1) + (pt.y / cyItem) * cSlot; break;
case LVS_ALIGNLEFT: iSlot = (pt.x / cxItem) * cSlot + min (pt.y / cyItem, cSlot - 1); break;
case LVS_ALIGNRIGHT: iSlot = ((iWidth - pt.x) / cxItem) * cSlot + min (pt.y / cyItem, cSlot - 1); break; }
return( iSlot ); }
DWORD ListView_IApproximateViewRect(LV* plv, int iCount, int iWidth, int iHeight) { int cxSave = plv->sizeClient.cx; int cySave = plv->sizeClient.cy; int cxItem; int cyItem; int cCols; int cRows;
plv->sizeClient.cx = iWidth; plv->sizeClient.cy = iHeight; cCols = ListView_GetSlotCount(plv, TRUE, NULL, NULL);
plv->sizeClient.cx = cxSave; plv->sizeClient.cy = cySave;
cCols = min(cCols, iCount); if (cCols == 0) cCols = 1; cRows = (iCount + cCols - 1) / cCols;
if (plv->ci.style & (LVS_ALIGNLEFT | LVS_ALIGNRIGHT)) { int c;
c = cCols; cCols = cRows; cRows = c; }
_GetCurrentItemSize(plv, &cxItem, &cyItem);
iWidth = cCols * cxItem; iHeight = cRows * cyItem;
return MAKELONG(iWidth + g_cxEdge, iHeight + g_cyEdge); }
// if fBias is specified, slot rect is returned in Window Coordinates
// otherwise, slot rect is returned in Listview Coordinates
void ListView_CalcSlotRect(LV* plv, LISTITEM *pItem, int iSlot, int cSlot, BOOL fBias, int iWidth, int iHeight, LPRECT lprc) { int cxItem, cyItem;
if (cSlot < 1) cSlot = 1;
_GetCurrentItemSize(plv, &cxItem, &cyItem);
// Lets see which direction the view states
switch (plv->ci.style & LVS_ALIGNMASK) { case LVS_ALIGNBOTTOM: lprc->left = (iSlot % cSlot) * cxItem; lprc->top = iHeight - ((iSlot / cSlot)+1) * cyItem; break;
case LVS_ALIGNTOP: lprc->left = (iSlot % cSlot) * cxItem; lprc->top = (iSlot / cSlot) * cyItem; break;
case LVS_ALIGNRIGHT: lprc->top = (iSlot % cSlot) * cyItem; lprc->left = iWidth - (((iSlot / cSlot)+1) * cxItem); break;
case LVS_ALIGNLEFT: lprc->top = (iSlot % cSlot) * cyItem; lprc->left = (iSlot / cSlot) * cxItem; break;
if (fBias) { lprc->left -= plv->ptOrigin.x; lprc->top -= plv->ptOrigin.y; } lprc->bottom = lprc->top + cyItem; lprc->right = lprc->left + cxItem; // Multi-Workarea case offset from the workarea coordinate to the whole
// listview coordinate.
if (plv->nWorkAreas > 0) { ASSERT(pItem); ASSERT(pItem->iWorkArea < plv->nWorkAreas); OffsetRect(lprc, plv->prcWorkAreas[pItem->iWorkArea].left, plv->prcWorkAreas[pItem->iWorkArea].top); }
if (plv->fGroupView) { if (pItem && LISTITEM_HASGROUP(pItem)) { OffsetRect(lprc, pItem->pGroup->rc.left, pItem->pGroup->rc.top); } } }
// Intersect this rectangle with all items in this listview except myself,
// this will determine if this rectangle overlays any icons.
BOOL ListView_IsCleanRect(LV * plv, RECT * prc, int iExcept, UINT fQueryLabelRects, BOOL * pfUpdate, HDC hdc) { int j; RECT rc; int cItems = ListView_Count(plv); for (j = cItems; j-- > 0; ) { if (j == iExcept) continue; else { LISTITEM* pitem = ListView_FastGetItemPtr(plv, j); if (pitem->pt.y != RECOMPUTE) { // If the dimensions aren't computed, then do it now.
if (pitem->cyFoldedLabel == SRECOMPUTE) { _ListView_RecomputeLabelSize(plv, pitem, j, hdc, FALSE); // Ensure that the item gets redrawn...
ListView_InvalidateItem(plv, j, FALSE, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE); // Set flag indicating that scroll bars need to be
// adjusted.
if (LV_IsItemOnViewEdge(plv, pitem)) *pfUpdate = TRUE; } ListView_GetRects(plv, j, fQueryLabelRects, NULL, NULL, &rc, NULL); if (IntersectRect(&rc, &rc, prc)) return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; }
// Find an icon slot that doesn't intersect an icon.
// Start search for free slot from slot i.
int ListView_FindFreeSlot(LV* plv, int iItem, int i, int cSlot, UINT fQueryLabelRects, BOOL* pfUpdate, BOOL *pfAppend, HDC hdc, int iWidth, int iHeight) { RECT rcSlot; RECT rcItem; RECT rc; LISTITEM * pItemLooking = ListView_FastGetItemPtr(plv, iItem);
ASSERT(!ListView_IsOwnerData( plv ));
// Horrible N-squared algorithm:
// enumerate each slot and see if any items intersect it.
// REVIEW: This is really slow with long lists (e.g., 1000)
// If the Append at end is set, we should be able to simply get the
// rectangle of the i-1 element and check against it instead of
// looking at every other item...
if (*pfAppend) { int iPrev = iItem - 1; // Be careful about going off the end of the list. (i is a slot
// number not an item index).
if (plv->nWorkAreas > 0) { while (iPrev >= 0) { LISTITEM * pPrev = ListView_FastGetItemPtr(plv, iPrev); if ((pPrev->iWorkArea == pItemLooking->iWorkArea) && (plv->pFrozenItem != pPrev)) break; iPrev--; } } else { while (iPrev >= 0) { LISTITEM * pPrev = ListView_FastGetItemPtr(plv, iPrev); if (plv->pFrozenItem != pPrev) break; iPrev--; } } if (iPrev >= 0) ListView_GetRects(plv, iPrev, fQueryLabelRects, NULL, NULL, &rcItem, NULL); else SetRect(&rcItem, 0, 0, 0, 0); }
for ( ; ; i++) { // Compute view-relative slot rectangle...
ListView_CalcSlotRect(plv, pItemLooking, i, cSlot, TRUE, iWidth, iHeight, &rcSlot);
if (*pfAppend) { if (!IntersectRect(&rc, &rcItem, &rcSlot)) { return i; // Found a free slot...
} } if (ListView_IsCleanRect(plv, &rcSlot, iItem, fQueryLabelRects, pfUpdate, hdc)) break; }
return i; }
// Recompute an item's label size (cxLabel/cyLabel). For speed, this function
// is passed a DC to use for text measurement.
// If hdc is NULL, then this function will create and initialize a temporary
// DC, then destroy it. If hdc is non-NULL, then it is assumed to have
// the correct font already selected into it.
// fUsepitem means not to use the text of the item. Instead, use the text
// pointed to by the pitem structure. This is used in two cases.
// - Ownerdata, because we don't have a real pitem.
// - Regulardata, where we already found the pitem text (as an optimizatin)
void ListView_IRecomputeLabelSize(LV* plv, LISTITEM* pitem, int i, HDC hdc, BOOL fUsepitem) { TCHAR szLabel[CCHLABELMAX + 4]; TCHAR szLabelFolded[ARRAYSIZE(szLabel) + CCHELLIPSES + CCHELLIPSES]; int cchLabel; RECT rcSingle = {0}; RECT rcFolded = {0}; RECT rcUnfolded = {0}; LVFAKEDRAW lvfd; LV_ITEM item;
// the following will use the passed in pitem text instead of calling
// GetItem. This would be two consecutive calls otherwise, in some cases.
if (fUsepitem && (pitem->pszText != LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK)) { Str_GetPtr0(pitem->pszText, szLabel, ARRAYSIZE(szLabel)); item.lParam = pitem->lParam; } else { item.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = i; item.iSubItem = 0; item.pszText = szLabel; item.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(szLabel); item.stateMask = 0; szLabel[0] = TEXT('\0'); // In case the OnGetItem fails
ListView_OnGetItem(plv, &item);
if (!item.pszText) { SetRectEmpty(&rcSingle); rcFolded = rcSingle; rcUnfolded = rcSingle; goto Exit; }
if (item.pszText != szLabel) { StringCchCopy(szLabel, ARRAYSIZE(szLabel), item.pszText); } }
cchLabel = lstrlen(szLabel);
rcUnfolded.left = rcUnfolded.top = rcUnfolded.bottom = 0; rcUnfolded.right = plv->cxIconSpacing - g_cxLabelMargin * 2; rcSingle = rcUnfolded; rcFolded = rcUnfolded;
if (cchLabel > 0) { UINT flags;
lvfd.nmcd.nmcd.hdc = NULL;
if (!hdc) { // Set up fake customdraw
ListView_BeginFakeCustomDraw(plv, &lvfd, &item); ListView_BeginFakeItemDraw(&lvfd); } else { lvfd.nmcd.nmcd.hdc = hdc; // Use the one the app gave us
if (lvfd.nmcd.nmcd.hdc != NULL) { int align; if (plv->dwExStyle & WS_EX_RTLREADING) { align = GetTextAlign(lvfd.nmcd.nmcd.hdc); SetTextAlign(lvfd.nmcd.nmcd.hdc, align | TA_RTLREADING); }
DrawText(lvfd.nmcd.nmcd.hdc, szLabel, cchLabel, &rcSingle, (DT_LV | DT_CALCRECT));
if (plv->ci.style & LVS_NOLABELWRAP) { flags = DT_LV | DT_CALCRECT; } else { flags = DT_LVWRAP | DT_CALCRECT; // We only use DT_NOFULLWIDTHCHARBREAK on Korean(949) Memphis and NT5
if (949 == g_uiACP) flags |= DT_NOFULLWIDTHCHARBREAK; }
DrawText(lvfd.nmcd.nmcd.hdc, szLabel, cchLabel, &rcUnfolded, flags);
// DrawText with DT_MODIFYSTRING is quirky when you enable
// word ellipses. Once it finds anything that requires ellipses,
// it stops and doesn't return anything else (even if those other
// things got displayed).
StringCchCopy(szLabelFolded, ARRAYSIZE(szLabelFolded), szLabel); DrawText(lvfd.nmcd.nmcd.hdc, szLabelFolded, cchLabel, &rcFolded, flags | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS | DT_MODIFYSTRING);
// If we had to ellipsify, but you can't tell from looking at the
// rcFolded.bottom and rcUnfolded.bottom, then tweak rcFolded.bottom
// so the unfoldifier knows that unfolding is worthwhile.
if (rcFolded.bottom == rcUnfolded.bottom && lstrcmp(szLabel, szLabelFolded)) { // The actual value isn't important, as long as it's greater
// than rcUnfolded.bottom and CLIP_HEIGHT. We take advantage
// of the fact that CLIP_HEIGHT is only two lines, so the only
// problem case is where you have a two-line item and only the
// first line is ellipsified.
rcFolded.bottom++; }
if (plv->dwExStyle & WS_EX_RTLREADING) { SetTextAlign(lvfd.nmcd.nmcd.hdc, align); }
if (!hdc) { // Clean up fake customdraw
ListView_EndFakeItemDraw(&lvfd); ListView_EndFakeCustomDraw(&lvfd); }
} } else { rcFolded.bottom = rcUnfolded.bottom = rcUnfolded.top + plv->cyLabelChar; }
if (pitem) { int cyEdge; pitem->cxSingleLabel = (short)((rcSingle.right - rcSingle.left) + 2 * g_cxLabelMargin); pitem->cxMultiLabel = (short)((rcUnfolded.right - rcUnfolded.left) + 2 * g_cxLabelMargin);
cyEdge = (plv->ci.style & LVS_NOLABELWRAP) ? 0 : g_cyEdge;
pitem->cyFoldedLabel = (short)((rcFolded.bottom - rcFolded.top) + cyEdge); pitem->cyUnfoldedLabel = (short)((rcUnfolded.bottom - rcUnfolded.top) + cyEdge); }
// Set up an icon slot position. Returns FALSE if position didn't change.
BOOL ListView_SetIconPos(LV* plv, LISTITEM* pitem, int iSlot, int cSlot) { RECT rc; int iWidth = 0, iHeight = 0; DWORD dwAlignment;
// We need to compute iWidth and iHeight only if right or bottom aligned.
dwAlignment = (plv->ci.style & LVS_ALIGNMASK); if ((dwAlignment == LVS_ALIGNRIGHT) || (dwAlignment == LVS_ALIGNBOTTOM)) ListView_GetSlotCountEx(plv, FALSE, pitem->iWorkArea, &iWidth, &iHeight);
ListView_CalcSlotRect(plv, pitem, iSlot, cSlot, FALSE, iWidth, iHeight, &rc);
// Offset into the slot so the item will draw at the right place
rc.left += ListView_GetIconBufferX(plv); rc.top += ListView_GetIconBufferY(plv); if (rc.left != pitem->pt.x || rc.top != pitem->pt.y) { LV_AdjustViewRectOnMove(plv, pitem, rc.left, rc.top);
return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// returns rcView in window coordinates
void ListView_GetViewRect2(LV* plv, RECT* prcView, int cx, int cy) { if (plv->rcView.left == RECOMPUTE) ListView_Recompute(plv);
*prcView = plv->rcView;
// Offsets for scrolling.
if (ListView_IsReportView(plv)) { OffsetRect(prcView, -plv->ptlRptOrigin.x, -plv->ptlRptOrigin.y); } else { OffsetRect(prcView, -plv->ptOrigin.x, -plv->ptOrigin.y); }
// desktop's snaptogrid code and defview's "position in lower right corner"
// assume rcView includes the entire rcClient... The below violates the
// scrolling rules, so only do this for noscroll listview.
if (ListView_IsSlotView(plv) && (plv->ci.style & LVS_NOSCROLL)) { RECT rc;
rc.left = 0; rc.top = 0; rc.right = cx; rc.bottom = cy; UnionRect(prcView, prcView, &rc); } }
BOOL ListView_OnGetViewRect(LV* plv, RECT* prcView) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if (prcView) { ListView_GetViewRect2(plv, prcView, plv->sizeClient.cx, plv->sizeClient.cy); fRet = TRUE; }
return fRet; }
// RECTs returned in window coordinates
DWORD ListView_GetStyleAndClientRectGivenViewRect(LV* plv, RECT *prcViewRect, RECT* prcClient) { RECT rcClient; DWORD style;
// do this instead of the #else below because
// in new versus old apps, you may need to add in g_c?Border because of
// the one pixel overlap...
GetWindowRect(plv->ci.hwnd, &rcClient); if (GetWindowLong(plv->ci.hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & (WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE | WS_EX_STATICEDGE | WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE)) { rcClient.right -= 2 * g_cxEdge; rcClient.bottom -= 2 * g_cyEdge; } rcClient.right -= rcClient.left; rcClient.bottom -= rcClient.top; if (rcClient.right < 0) rcClient.right = 0; if (rcClient.bottom < 0) rcClient.bottom = 0; rcClient.top = rcClient.left = 0;
style = 0L; if (prcViewRect) { ASSERT(!ListView_IsIScrollView(plv) || ListView_ValidatercView(plv, &plv->rcView, FALSE));
if ((rcClient.left < rcClient.right) && (rcClient.top < rcClient.bottom)) { RECT rcView = *prcViewRect; // IScrollViews ensure scrollpositions based on rectwidth/height,
// so we can use this current-scroll-position-independant method:
if (ListView_IsIScrollView(plv)) { do { if (!(style & WS_HSCROLL) && (RECTWIDTH(rcClient) < RECTWIDTH(rcView))) { style |= WS_HSCROLL; rcClient.bottom -= ListView_GetCyScrollbar(plv); } if (!(style & WS_VSCROLL) && (RECTHEIGHT(rcClient) < RECTHEIGHT(rcView))) { style |= WS_VSCROLL; rcClient.right -= ListView_GetCxScrollbar(plv); } } while (!(style & WS_HSCROLL) && (RECTWIDTH(rcClient) < RECTWIDTH(rcView))); } else { do { if (!(style & WS_HSCROLL) && (rcView.left < rcClient.left || rcView.right > rcClient.right)) { style |= WS_HSCROLL; rcClient.bottom -= ListView_GetCyScrollbar(plv); } if (!(style & WS_VSCROLL) && (rcView.top < rcClient.top || rcView.bottom > rcClient.bottom)) { style |= WS_VSCROLL; rcClient.right -= ListView_GetCxScrollbar(plv); } } while (!(style & WS_HSCROLL) && rcView.right > rcClient.right); } } }
*prcClient = rcClient; return style; }
// prcViewRect used only if fSubScroll is TRUE
// RECTs returned in window coordinates
DWORD ListView_GetClientRect(LV* plv, RECT* prcClient, BOOL fSubScroll, RECT *prcViewRect) { RECT rcView;
if (fSubScroll) { ListView_GetViewRect2(plv, &rcView, 0, 0);
if (prcViewRect) *prcViewRect = rcView; else prcViewRect = &rcView; } else { prcViewRect = NULL; }
return ListView_GetStyleAndClientRectGivenViewRect(plv, prcViewRect, prcClient); }
// Note: pitem->iWorkArea must be properly set when calling this. It gets set
// in LV_AdjustViewRectOnMove().
int CALLBACK ArrangeIconCompare(LISTITEM* pitem1, LISTITEM* pitem2, LPARAM lParam) { int v1, v2; int iDirection = 1; //Assume "normal" direction
POINT pt1 = {pitem1->pt.x, pitem1->pt.y}; POINT pt2 = {pitem2->pt.x, pitem2->pt.y}; // REVIEW: lParam can be 0 and we fault ... bug in caller, but we might want to be robust here.
LV* plv = (LV*)lParam; int cx, cy;
// Are these guys in the same workarea? Normalize with respect to topleft of workarea
if (plv->nWorkAreas) { if (pitem1->iWorkArea == pitem2->iWorkArea) { RECT *prcWorkArea = &plv->prcWorkAreas[pitem1->iWorkArea]; pt1.x -= prcWorkArea->left; pt2.x -= prcWorkArea->left; pt1.y -= prcWorkArea->top; pt2.y -= prcWorkArea->top; } }
_GetCurrentItemSize(plv, &cx, &cy);
switch((WORD)(plv->ci.style & LVS_ALIGNMASK)) { case LVS_ALIGNRIGHT: iDirection = -1; //Right alignment results in abonormal direction.
//Intentional fall through....
case LVS_ALIGNLEFT: // Vertical arrangement
v1 = pt1.x / cx; v2 = pt2.x / cx;
if (v1 > v2) return iDirection; else if (v1 < v2) return -iDirection; else { if (pt1.y > pt2.y) return 1; else if (pt1.y < pt2.y) return -1; } break;
case LVS_ALIGNBOTTOM: iDirection = -1; //Bottom alignment results in abnormal direction.
//Intentional fall through....
case LVS_ALIGNTOP: v1 = pt1.y / cy; v2 = pt2.y / cy;
if (v1 > v2) return iDirection; else if (v1 < v2) return -iDirection; else { if (pt1.x > pt2.x) return 1; else if (pt1.x < pt2.x) return -1; } break; } return 0; }
void ListView_CalcBounds(LV* plv, UINT fQueryLabelRects, RECT *prcIcon, RECT *prcLabel, RECT *prcBounds) { if ( ListView_HideLabels(plv) ) { *prcBounds = *prcIcon; } else { UnionRect(prcBounds, prcIcon, prcLabel);
if (IsQueryrcView(fQueryLabelRects)) { if (ListView_IsIScrollView(plv)) { RECT rcLabel = *prcLabel;
prcBounds->left -= plv->rcViewMargin.left; prcBounds->top -= plv->rcViewMargin.top; prcBounds->right += plv->rcViewMargin.right; prcBounds->bottom += plv->rcViewMargin.bottom;
// If no rcViewMargin is set, then we should make sure the label text
// doesn't actually hit the edge of the screen...
InflateRect(&rcLabel, g_cxEdge, g_cyEdge); UnionRect(prcBounds, prcBounds, &rcLabel); } } } }
// This returns rects in Window Coordinates
// fQueryLabelRects determins how prcBounds and prcLabel are returned
void _ListView_GetRectsFromItem(LV* plv, BOOL bSmallIconView, LISTITEM *pitem, UINT fQueryLabelRects, LPRECT prcIcon, LPRECT prcLabel, LPRECT prcBounds, LPRECT prcSelectBounds) { RECT rcIcon; RECT rcLabel;
if (!prcIcon) prcIcon = &rcIcon; if (!prcLabel) prcLabel = &rcLabel;
// Test for NULL item passed in
if (pitem) { // This routine is called during ListView_Recompute(), while
// plv->rcView.left may still be == RECOMPUTE. So, we can't
// test that to see if recomputation is needed.
if (pitem->pt.y == RECOMPUTE || pitem->cyFoldedLabel == SRECOMPUTE) { ListView_Recompute(plv); }
if (bSmallIconView) { ListView_SGetRects(plv, pitem, prcIcon, prcLabel, prcBounds); } else if (ListView_IsTileView(plv)) { ListView_TGetRects(plv, pitem, prcIcon, prcLabel, prcBounds); } else { ListView_IGetRects(plv, pitem, fQueryLabelRects, prcIcon, prcLabel, prcBounds); }
if (prcBounds) { ListView_CalcBounds(plv, fQueryLabelRects, prcIcon, prcLabel, prcBounds);
if (!(ListView_IsSimpleSelect(plv) && (ListView_IsIconView(plv) || ListView_IsTileView(plv))) && plv->himlState && (LV_StateImageValue(pitem))) { prcBounds->left -= plv->cxState + LV_ICONTOSTATECX; } }
} else { SetRectEmpty(prcIcon); *prcLabel = *prcIcon; if (prcBounds) *prcBounds = *prcIcon; }
if (prcSelectBounds) { if ( ListView_HideLabels(plv) ) *prcSelectBounds = *prcIcon; else UnionRect(prcSelectBounds, prcIcon, prcLabel);
if (!(ListView_IsSimpleSelect(plv) && (ListView_IsIconView(plv) || ListView_IsTileView(plv))) && plv->himlState && (LV_StateImageValue(pitem))) { prcSelectBounds->left -= plv->cxState + LV_ICONTOSTATECX; } } }
void _ListView_InvalidateItemPtr(LV* plv, BOOL bSmallIcon, LISTITEM *pitem, UINT fRedraw) { RECT rcBounds;
ASSERT( !ListView_IsOwnerData( plv ));
_ListView_GetRectsFromItem(plv, bSmallIcon, pitem, QUERY_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, &rcBounds, NULL); ListView_DebugDrawInvalidRegion(plv, &rcBounds, NULL); RedrawWindow(plv->ci.hwnd, &rcBounds, NULL, fRedraw); }
// return TRUE if things still overlap
// this only happens if we tried to unstack things, and there was NOSCROLL set and
// items tried to go off the deep end
// NOTE: This function is written such that the order of icons in hdpaSort is still valid
// even after unstacking some icons. This is very important because this function gets
// called twice (one for each direction) and we need to make sure the sort order does not
// change between those two calls.
BOOL ListView_IUnstackOverlaps(LV* plv, HDPA hdpaSort, int iDirection, int xMargin, int yMargin, BOOL *pfIconsUnstacked) { int i; int iCount; BOOL bSmallIconView = ListView_IsSmallView(plv); RECT rcItem, rcItem2, rcTemp; int cxItem, cyItem; LISTITEM* pitem; LISTITEM* pitem2; int iStartIndex, iEndIndex; BOOL fAdjustY; int iNextPrevCol = 1; int iNextPrevRow = 1; int iSlots; int iCurWorkArea; RECT rcCurWorkArea; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
ASSERT( !ListView_IsOwnerData( plv ) );
_GetCurrentItemSize(plv, &cxItem, &cyItem); iCount = ListView_Count(plv);
// Get the direction in which we need to move the icons.
if(iDirection == 1) { iStartIndex = 0; //We are starting with icon "0"...
iEndIndex = iCount - 1; //...and moving towards the last icon.
} else { ASSERT(iDirection == -1); iStartIndex = iCount - 1; //We are starting with the last icon...
iEndIndex = 0; //..and moving towards the "0"th icon.
// Look at the alignment of the icons to decide if we need to move them up/down or
// left/right.
switch (plv->ci.style & LVS_ALIGNMASK) { case LVS_ALIGNBOTTOM: iNextPrevRow = -1; //Intentional fall-through!
case LVS_ALIGNTOP: fAdjustY = FALSE; break;
case LVS_ALIGNRIGHT: iNextPrevCol = -1; //Intentional fall-through!
case LVS_ALIGNLEFT: default: fAdjustY = TRUE; break; }
*pfIconsUnstacked = FALSE;
// Give an unusual value to iCurWorkArea so that we will be forced to compute the
// rcCurWorkArea when we go through the loop the first time.
iCurWorkArea = -2; // finally, unstack any overlaps
for (i = iStartIndex ; i != (iEndIndex + iDirection) ; i += iDirection) { int j; pitem = DPA_GetPtr(hdpaSort, i);
if (bSmallIconView) { _ListView_GetRectsFromItem(plv, bSmallIconView, pitem, QUERY_FOLDED, NULL, NULL, &rcItem, NULL); }
// move all the items that overlap with pitem
for (j = i+iDirection ; j != (iEndIndex + iDirection); j += iDirection) { POINT ptOldPos;
pitem2 = DPA_GetPtr(hdpaSort, j); ptOldPos = pitem2->pt;
//If an item is being newly added, ignore that item from participating
//in the Unstacking. Otherwise, it results in all items being shuffled
//around un-necessarrily!
if((pitem2->pt.x == RECOMPUTE) || (pitem2->pt.y == RECOMPUTE)) break; //break out of the loop!
//Check if pitem and pitem2 overlap; If so, move pitem2 to the next position.
if (bSmallIconView) { // for small icons, we need to do an intersect rect
_ListView_GetRectsFromItem(plv, bSmallIconView, pitem2, QUERY_FOLDED, NULL, NULL, &rcItem2, NULL);
if (IntersectRect(&rcTemp, &rcItem, &rcItem2)) { // yes, it intersects. move it out
*pfIconsUnstacked = TRUE; _ListView_InvalidateItemPtr(plv, bSmallIconView, pitem2, RDW_INVALIDATE| RDW_ERASE); do { if(fAdjustY) pitem2->pt.y += (cyItem * iDirection); else pitem2->pt.x += (cxItem * iDirection); } while (PtInRect(&rcItem, pitem2->pt)); } else { // pitem and pitem2 do not overlap...!
break; //...break out of the loop!
} else { // for large icons, just find the ones that share the x,y;
if (pitem2->pt.x == pitem->pt.x && pitem2->pt.y == pitem->pt.y) { *pfIconsUnstacked = TRUE; _ListView_InvalidateItemPtr(plv, bSmallIconView, pitem2, RDW_INVALIDATE| RDW_ERASE); if(fAdjustY) pitem2->pt.y += (cyItem * iDirection); else pitem2->pt.x += (cxItem * iDirection); } else { // pitem and pitem2 do not overlap...!
break; //...break out of the loop!
} }
// Now we know that pitem2 overlapped with pitem and therefore pitem2 had been
// moved to the "next" possible slot!
// If scrolling is possible, then we don't have to do anything else. But, if
// NOSCROLL style is there, we need to check if the icon falls outside the
// client area and if so move it within.
if (plv->ci.style & LVS_NOSCROLL) { //Since our list of icons are sorted based on their positions, the work
//area change occurs only infrequently.
if(iCurWorkArea != pitem2->iWorkArea) { iCurWorkArea = pitem2->iWorkArea; if((iCurWorkArea == -1) || (plv->prcWorkAreas == NULL) || (plv->nWorkAreas < 1)) { rcCurWorkArea.left = rcCurWorkArea.top = 0; rcCurWorkArea.right = plv->sizeClient.cx; rcCurWorkArea.bottom = plv->sizeClient.cy; } else { ASSERT(plv->nWorkAreas >= 1); rcCurWorkArea = plv->prcWorkAreas[iCurWorkArea]; } //Get the number of slots per row/column based on the alignment style!
iSlots = ListView_GetSlotCountEx(plv, TRUE, iCurWorkArea, NULL, NULL); } //No scrolling possible. So, check if the icon lies outside the client area.
if(fAdjustY) { if(iDirection == 1) { //Has it moved below the bottom edge?
if(pitem2->pt.y > (rcCurWorkArea.bottom - (cyItem/2))) { //Then, move the item to the next/prev column.
pitem2->pt.x += iNextPrevCol*cxItem; pitem2->pt.y = rcCurWorkArea.top + yMargin;
*pfIconsUnstacked = TRUE; // while not "unstacked", they did move
} } else { ASSERT(iDirection == -1); //Has it moved above the top edge?
if(pitem2->pt.y < rcCurWorkArea.top) { //Then, move it to the next/prev column.
pitem2->pt.x -= iNextPrevCol*cxItem; pitem2->pt.y = rcCurWorkArea.top + yMargin + (iSlots - 1)*cyItem;
*pfIconsUnstacked = TRUE; // while not "unstacked", they did move
} } } else { if(iDirection == 1) { //Has it been moved to the right of the right-edge?
if(pitem2->pt.x > (rcCurWorkArea.right - (cxItem/2))) { //Then move the item to the next/prev row.
pitem2->pt.x = rcCurWorkArea.left + xMargin; pitem2->pt.y += iNextPrevRow*cyItem;
*pfIconsUnstacked = TRUE; // while not "unstacked", they did move
} } else { ASSERT(iDirection == -1); //Has is moved to the left of the left-edge?
if(pitem2->pt.x < rcCurWorkArea.left) { //Then move the item to the prev/next row.
pitem2->pt.x = rcCurWorkArea.left + xMargin + (iSlots - 1)*cxItem; pitem2->pt.y -= iNextPrevRow*cyItem;
*pfIconsUnstacked = TRUE; // while not "unstacked", they did move
} } } // Inspite of all the above adjustments, if it still falls outside the
// client, then move it back to where it was!
if (pitem2->pt.x < rcCurWorkArea.left || pitem2->pt.y < rcCurWorkArea.top || pitem2->pt.x > (rcCurWorkArea.right - (cxItem/2))|| pitem2->pt.y > (rcCurWorkArea.bottom - (cyItem/2))) { pitem2->pt = ptOldPos; fRet = TRUE; // TRUE = >Icons are still overlapped at the corner.
//When this happens, we have reached the top-left corner or
//the bottom-right corner of one work area (depending on the direction
//and alignment)
//Once we reach a corner, we can't return immediately because there
//could be icons in other work-areas that need to be unstacked.
//So, return only if we are working with a single work area.
if(plv->nWorkAreas <= 1) { if (*pfIconsUnstacked) plv->rcView.left = RECOMPUTE;
return(fRet); } } } // invalidate the new position as well
_ListView_InvalidateItemPtr(plv, bSmallIconView, pitem2, RDW_INVALIDATE| RDW_ERASE); } }
// NOTE: the above code should call LV_AdjustViewRectOnMove instead
// of modifying item's points directly, but this is the easier fix. This is
// also not a perf hit, since it's uncommon for items to be stacked.
if (*pfIconsUnstacked) plv->rcView.left = RECOMPUTE;
return fRet; }
BOOL ListView_SnapToGrid(LV* plv, HDPA hdpaSort) { // this algorithm can't fit in the structure of the other
// arrange loop without becoming n^2 or worse.
// this algorithm is order n.
// iterate through and snap to the nearest grid.
// iterate through and push aside overlaps.
int i; int iCount; int x,y; LISTITEM* pitem; int cxItem, cyItem; RECT rcClient = {0, 0, plv->sizeClient.cx, plv->sizeClient.cy}; int xMargin; int yMargin; BOOL fIconsMoved = FALSE; //Has any icon moved to goto the nearest slot?
BOOL fIconsUnstacked = FALSE; //Did we unstack any icons?
ASSERT( !ListView_IsOwnerData( plv ) );
_GetCurrentItemSize(plv, &cxItem, &cyItem);
xMargin = ListView_GetIconBufferX(plv); yMargin = ListView_GetIconBufferY(plv);
iCount = ListView_Count(plv);
// first snap to nearest grid
for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { int iWorkArea = 0; LPRECT prcCurWorkArea; pitem = DPA_GetPtr(hdpaSort, i);
x = pitem->pt.x; y = pitem->pt.y;
//If an item is being newly added, ignore that item from participating
//in the snap-to-grid. Otherwise, it results in all items being shuffled
//around un-necessarrily!
if ((x == RECOMPUTE) || (y == RECOMPUTE)) continue; x -= xMargin; y -= yMargin; //Let's find the nearest work area (where this icon should fall)
iWorkArea = NearestWorkArea(plv, x, y, cxItem, cyItem, pitem->iWorkArea); if(iWorkArea == -1) { prcCurWorkArea = &rcClient; } else { prcCurWorkArea = &plv->prcWorkAreas[iWorkArea]; pitem->iWorkArea = (short)iWorkArea; } NearestSlot(plv, pitem, &x,&y, cxItem, cyItem, prcCurWorkArea);
x += xMargin; y += yMargin;
if (x != pitem->pt.x || y != pitem->pt.y) { fIconsMoved = TRUE; _ListView_InvalidateItemPtr(plv, ListView_IsSmallView(plv), pitem, RDW_INVALIDATE| RDW_ERASE); if (plv->ci.style & LVS_NOSCROLL) { // if it's marked noscroll, make sure it's still on the client region
while (x > (prcCurWorkArea->right - cxItem + xMargin)) x -= cxItem;
while (x < 0) x += cxItem;
while (y > (prcCurWorkArea->bottom - cyItem + yMargin)) y -= cyItem;
while (y < 0) y += cyItem; }
LV_AdjustViewRectOnMove(plv, pitem, x, y);
_ListView_InvalidateItemPtr(plv, ListView_IsSmallView(plv), pitem, RDW_INVALIDATE| RDW_ERASE); } }
// now resort the dpa
if (!DPA_Sort(hdpaSort, ArrangeIconCompare, (LPARAM)plv)) return FALSE;
// go in one direction, if there are still overlaps, go in the other
// direction as well
if (ListView_IUnstackOverlaps(plv, hdpaSort, 1, xMargin, yMargin, &fIconsUnstacked)) { //The sorting already done by DPA_Sort is still valid!
BOOL fIconsUnstackedSecondTime = FALSE; ListView_IUnstackOverlaps(plv, hdpaSort, -1, xMargin, yMargin, &fIconsUnstackedSecondTime); fIconsUnstacked |= fIconsUnstackedSecondTime; }
// If something moved, make sure the scrollbars are correct
if ((fIconsMoved || fIconsUnstacked)) { ListView_UpdateScrollBars(plv); } return FALSE; }
BOOL ListView_OnArrange(LV* plv, UINT style) { HDPA hdpaSort = NULL;
if (!ListView_IsAutoArrangeView(plv)) { return FALSE; }
if (ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { if ( style & (LVA_SNAPTOGRID | LVA_SORTASCENDING | LVA_SORTDESCENDING) ) { RIPMSG(0, "LVM_ARRANGE: Cannot combine LVA_SNAPTOGRID or LVA_SORTxxx with owner-data"); return( FALSE ); } }
if (!ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { // we clone plv->hdpa so we don't blow away indices that
// apps have saved away.
// we sort here to make the nested for loop below more bearable.
hdpaSort = DPA_Clone(plv->hdpa, NULL);
if (!hdpaSort) return FALSE; }
// Give every item a new position...
if (ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { ListView_CommonArrange(plv, style, NULL); } else { if (!DPA_Sort(hdpaSort, ArrangeIconCompare, (LPARAM)plv)) return FALSE;
ListView_CommonArrange(plv, style, hdpaSort);
DPA_Destroy(hdpaSort); }
NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_REORDER, plv->ci.hwnd, OBJID_CLIENT, 0);
return TRUE; }
BOOL ListView_CommonArrangeGroup(LV* plv, int cSlots, HDPA hdpa, int iWorkArea, int cWorkAreaSlots[]) { int iItem; BOOL fItemMoved = FALSE; int iSlot = 0;
// For each group, we start as slot zero.
for (iItem = 0; iItem < DPA_GetPtrCount(hdpa); iItem++) { int cRealSlots; LISTITEM* pitem = DPA_GetPtr(hdpa, iItem);
// In the multi-workarea case, if this item is not in our workarea, skip it.
if (pitem->iWorkArea != iWorkArea) continue;
// Ignore frozen items.
if (pitem == plv->pFrozenItem) continue;
cRealSlots = (plv->nWorkAreas > 0) ? cWorkAreaSlots[pitem->iWorkArea] : cSlots;
fItemMoved |= ListView_SetIconPos(plv, pitem, iSlot++, cRealSlots); }
return fItemMoved; }
void ListView_InvalidateWindow(LV* plv) { if (ListView_RedrawEnabled(plv)) RedrawWindow(plv->ci.hwnd, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE); else { ListView_DeleteHrgnInval(plv); plv->hrgnInval = (HRGN)ENTIRE_REGION; plv->flags |= LVF_ERASE; } }
// Arrange the icons given a sorted hdpa, and arrange them in the sub workareas
BOOL ListView_CommonArrangeEx(LV* plv, UINT style, HDPA hdpaSort, int iWorkArea) { if (!ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { BOOL fItemMoved = FALSE; BOOL fScrolled = FALSE;
// We're going to call FixIScrollPositions at the end of this, so turn off
// scroll-validation while we re-arrange the world
ASSERT(!plv->fInFixIScrollPositions); plv->fInFixIScrollPositions = TRUE;
if (style == LVA_SNAPTOGRID && !plv->fGroupView) { // ListView_SnapToGrid() has been made multi-mon aware. This needs to be called
// just once and it snaps to grid all icons in ALL work areas. Since
// ListView_CommonArrangeEx() gets called for every work area, we want to avoid
// un-necessary calls to ListView_SnapToGrid(). So, we call it just once for
// the first work area.
if (iWorkArea < 1) // For iWorkArea = 0 or -1.
{ fItemMoved |= ListView_SnapToGrid(plv, hdpaSort); } } else { int cSlots; int cWorkAreaSlots[LV_MAX_WORKAREAS];
if (plv->nWorkAreas > 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < plv->nWorkAreas; i++) cWorkAreaSlots[i] = ListView_GetSlotCountEx(plv, TRUE, i, NULL, NULL); } else cSlots = ListView_GetSlotCount(plv, TRUE, NULL, NULL);
if (plv->fGroupView && plv->hdpaGroups) { int iGroup; int cGroups = DPA_GetPtrCount(plv->hdpaGroups); for (iGroup = 0; iGroup < cGroups; iGroup++) { LISTGROUP* pgrp = DPA_FastGetPtr(plv->hdpaGroups, iGroup);
fItemMoved |= ListView_CommonArrangeGroup(plv, cSlots, pgrp->hdpa, iWorkArea, cWorkAreaSlots); }
if (fItemMoved) { ListView_IRecomputeEx(plv, NULL, 0, FALSE); } } else { fItemMoved |= ListView_CommonArrangeGroup(plv, cSlots, hdpaSort, iWorkArea, cWorkAreaSlots); } }
plv->fInFixIScrollPositions = FALSE;
// We might have to adjust the scroll positions to match the new rcView
if (ListView_IsIScrollView(plv) && !(plv->ci.style & LVS_NOSCROLL)) { RECT rcClient; POINT pt;
fScrolled |= ListView_FixIScrollPositions(plv, FALSE, NULL);
// Find the auto arrange origin
ListView_GetClientRect(plv, &rcClient, TRUE, FALSE); if ((plv->ci.style & LVS_ALIGNMASK) == LVS_ALIGNRIGHT) pt.x = plv->rcView.right - RECTWIDTH(rcClient); else pt.x = plv->rcView.left; if ((plv->ci.style & LVS_ALIGNMASK) == LVS_ALIGNBOTTOM) pt.y = plv->rcView.bottom - RECTHEIGHT(rcClient); else pt.y = plv->rcView.top;
// If rcView is smaller than rcClient, peg it to the correct side
if (RECTWIDTH(rcClient) > RECTWIDTH(plv->rcView)) { if (plv->ptOrigin.x != pt.x) { plv->ptOrigin.x = pt.x; fScrolled = TRUE; } } if (RECTHEIGHT(rcClient) > RECTHEIGHT(plv->rcView)) { if (plv->ptOrigin.y != pt.y) { plv->ptOrigin.y = pt.y; fScrolled = TRUE; } } ASSERT(ListView_ValidateScrollPositions(plv, &rcClient)); }
if (fItemMoved || fScrolled) { int iItem;
// We might as well invalidate the entire window to make sure...
// ensure important items are visible
iItem = (plv->iFocus >= 0) ? plv->iFocus : ListView_OnGetNextItem(plv, -1, LVNI_SELECTED);
if (ListView_RedrawEnabled(plv)) ListView_UpdateScrollBars(plv);
if (iItem >= 0) ListView_OnEnsureVisible(plv, iItem, FALSE); } }
return TRUE; }
// this arranges the icon given a sorted hdpa.
// Arrange the workareas one by one in the multi-workarea case.
BOOL ListView_CommonArrange(LV* plv, UINT style, HDPA hdpaSort) { if (plv->nWorkAreas < 1) { if (plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_MULTIWORKAREAS) return TRUE; else return ListView_CommonArrangeEx(plv, style, hdpaSort, 0); } else { int i; for (i = 0; i < plv->nWorkAreas; i++) ListView_CommonArrangeEx(plv, style, hdpaSort, i); return TRUE; } }
void ListView_IUpdateScrollBars(LV* plv) { // nothing to update if we're in the middle of fixing them up...
if (!plv->fInFixIScrollPositions) { RECT rcClient; RECT rcView; DWORD style; DWORD styleOld; SCROLLINFO si;
styleOld = ListView_GetWindowStyle(plv);
style = ListView_GetClientRect(plv, &rcClient, TRUE, &rcView); if (ListView_FixIScrollPositions(plv, TRUE, &rcClient)) { RECT rcClient2, rcView2; DWORD style2 = ListView_GetClientRect(plv, &rcClient2, TRUE, &rcView2);
#ifdef DEBUG
// Now that ListView_GetClientRect is scroll-position-independent, fixing the scroll
// positions should have no effect on the size of rcClient and it's style
ASSERT(style2 == style); ASSERT(RECTWIDTH(rcClient)==RECTWIDTH(rcClient2) && RECTHEIGHT(rcClient)==RECTHEIGHT(rcClient2)); ASSERT(RECTWIDTH(rcView)==RECTWIDTH(rcView2) && RECTHEIGHT(rcView)==RECTHEIGHT(rcView2)); #endif
rcClient = rcClient2; rcView = rcView2; }
si.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO);
if (style & WS_HSCROLL) { si.fMask = SIF_PAGE | SIF_RANGE | SIF_POS; si.nMin = 0; si.nMax = rcView.right - rcView.left - 1;
si.nPage = rcClient.right - rcClient.left;
si.nPos = rcClient.left - rcView.left;
// ListView_FixIScrollPositions() ensures that our scroll positions are correct:
ASSERT(si.nMax >= (int)si.nPage); // otherwise why is WS_HSCROLL set?
ASSERT(si.nPos >= 0); // rcClient.left isn't left of rcView.left
ASSERT(si.nPos + (int)si.nPage <= si.nMax + 1); // rcClient.right isn't right of rcView.right
ListView_SetScrollInfo(plv, SB_HORZ, &si, TRUE); } else if (styleOld & WS_HSCROLL) { ListView_SetScrollRange(plv, SB_HORZ, 0, 0, TRUE); }
if (style & WS_VSCROLL) { si.fMask = SIF_PAGE | SIF_RANGE | SIF_POS; si.nMin = 0; si.nMax = rcView.bottom - rcView.top - 1;
si.nPage = rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top;
si.nPos = rcClient.top - rcView.top;
// ListView_FixIScrollPositions() ensures that our scroll positions are correct:
ASSERT(si.nMax >= (int)si.nPage); // otherwise why is WS_VSCROLL set?
ASSERT(si.nPos >= 0); // rcClient.top isn't above rcView.top
ASSERT(si.nPos + (int)si.nPage <= si.nMax + 1); // rcClient.bottom isn't below of rcView.bottom
ListView_SetScrollInfo(plv, SB_VERT, &si, TRUE); } else if (styleOld & WS_VSCROLL) { ListView_SetScrollRange(plv, SB_VERT, 0, 0, TRUE); } } }
void ListView_ComOnScroll(LV* plv, UINT code, int posNew, int sb, int cLine, int cPage) { int pos; SCROLLINFO si; BOOL fVert = (sb == SB_VERT); UINT uSmooth = SSW_EX_UPDATEATEACHSTEP;
si.cbSize = sizeof(SCROLLINFO); si.fMask = SIF_PAGE | SIF_RANGE | SIF_POS;
if (!ListView_GetScrollInfo(plv, sb, &si)) { return; }
if (cPage != -1) si.nPage = cPage;
if (si.nPage) si.nMax -= (si.nPage - 1);
ASSERT(si.nMax >= si.nMin); if (si.nMax < si.nMin) si.nMax = si.nMin;
pos = (int)si.nPos; // current position
switch (code) { case SB_LEFT: si.nPos = si.nMin; break; case SB_RIGHT: si.nPos = si.nMax; break; case SB_PAGELEFT: si.nPos = max(si.nMin, si.nPos - (int)si.nPage); break; case SB_LINELEFT: si.nPos = max(si.nMin, si.nPos - cLine); break; case SB_PAGERIGHT: si.nPos = min(si.nMax, si.nPos + (int)si.nPage); break; case SB_LINERIGHT: si.nPos = min(si.nMax, si.nPos + cLine); break;
case SB_THUMBTRACK: si.nPos = posNew; uSmooth = SSW_EX_IMMEDIATE; break;
case SB_ENDSCROLL: // When scroll bar tracking is over, ensure scroll bars
// are properly updated...
ListView_UpdateScrollBars(plv); return;
default: return; }
if (plv->iScrollCount >= SMOOTHSCROLLLIMIT) uSmooth = SSW_EX_IMMEDIATE;
si.fMask = SIF_POS; si.nPos = ListView_SetScrollInfo(plv, sb, &si, TRUE);
if (pos != si.nPos) { int delta = (int)si.nPos - pos; int dx = 0, dy = 0; if (fVert) dy = delta; else dx = delta; ListView_SendScrollNotify(plv, TRUE, dx, dy); _ListView_Scroll2(plv, dx, dy, uSmooth); ListView_SendScrollNotify(plv, FALSE, dx, dy); UpdateWindow(plv->ci.hwnd); } }
// We need a smoothscroll callback so our background image draws
// at the correct origin. If we don't have a background image,
// then this work is superfluous but not harmful either.
int CALLBACK ListView_IScroll2_SmoothScroll( HWND hwnd, int dx, int dy, CONST RECT *prcScroll, CONST RECT *prcClip , HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT prcUpdate, UINT flags) { LV* plv = ListView_GetPtr(hwnd); if (plv) { plv->ptOrigin.x -= dx; plv->ptOrigin.y -= dy; }
// Now do what SmoothScrollWindow would've done if we weren't
// a callback
if (ListView_IsWatermarkedBackground(plv) || ListView_IsWatermarked(plv)) { InvalidateRect(plv->ci.hwnd, NULL, TRUE); return TRUE; } else return ScrollWindowEx(hwnd, dx, dy, prcScroll, prcClip, hrgnUpdate, prcUpdate, flags); }
void ListView_IScroll2(LV* plv, int dx, int dy, UINT uSmooth) { if (dx | dy) { if ((plv->clrBk == CLR_NONE) && (plv->pImgCtx == NULL)) { plv->ptOrigin.x += dx; plv->ptOrigin.y += dy; LVSeeThruScroll(plv, NULL); } else { SMOOTHSCROLLINFO si; si.cbSize = sizeof(si); si.fMask = SSIF_SCROLLPROC; si.hwnd = plv->ci.hwnd; si.dx = -dx; si.dy = -dy; si.lprcSrc = NULL; si.lprcClip = NULL; si.hrgnUpdate = NULL; si.lprcUpdate = NULL; si.fuScroll = uSmooth | SW_INVALIDATE | SW_ERASE | SSW_EX_UPDATEATEACHSTEP; si.pfnScrollProc = ListView_IScroll2_SmoothScroll; SmoothScrollWindow(&si); } } }
void ListView_IOnScroll(LV* plv, UINT code, int posNew, UINT sb) { int cLine;
if (sb == SB_VERT) { cLine = plv->cyIconSpacing / 2; } else { cLine = plv->cxIconSpacing / 2; }
ListView_ComOnScroll(plv, code, posNew, sb, cLine, -1); }
int ListView_IGetScrollUnitsPerLine(LV* plv, UINT sb) { int cLine;
if (sb == SB_VERT) { cLine = plv->cyIconSpacing / 2; } else { cLine = plv->cxIconSpacing / 2; }
return cLine; }
// NOTE: there is very similar code in the treeview
// Totally disgusting hack in order to catch VK_RETURN
// before edit control gets it.
LRESULT CALLBACK ListView_EditWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LV* plv = ListView_GetPtr(GetParent(hwnd)); LRESULT lret;
if ( (g_fDBCSInputEnabled) && LOWORD(GetKeyboardLayout(0L)) == 0x0411 ) { // The following code adds IME awareness to the
// listview's label editing. Currently just for Japanese.
DWORD dwGcs; if (msg==WM_SIZE) { // If it's given the size, tell it to an IME.
ListView_SizeIME(hwnd); } else if (msg == EM_SETLIMITTEXT ) { if (wParam < 13) plv->flags |= LVF_DONTDRAWCOMP; else plv->flags &= ~LVF_DONTDRAWCOMP; } // Give up to draw IME composition by ourselves in case
// we're working on SFN. Win95d-5709
else if (!(plv->flags & LVF_DONTDRAWCOMP )) { switch (msg) {
// If lParam has no data available bit, it implies
// canceling composition.
// ListView_InsertComposition() tries to get composition
// string w/ GCS_COMPSTR then remove it from edit control if
// nothing is available.
if ( !lParam ) dwGcs = GCS_COMPSTR; else dwGcs = (DWORD) lParam;
ListView_InsertComposition(hwnd, wParam, dwGcs, plv); return 0L; case WM_PAINT: lret=CallWindowProc(plv->pfnEditWndProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); ListView_PaintComposition(hwnd,plv); return lret; case WM_IME_SETCONTEXT:
// We draw composition string.
default: // the other messages should simply be processed
// in this subclass procedure.
break; } } }
switch (msg) { case WM_SETTEXT: SetWindowID(hwnd, 1); break;
case WM_KEYDOWN: switch (wParam) { case VK_RETURN: ListView_DismissEdit(plv, FALSE); return 0L;
case VK_ESCAPE: ListView_DismissEdit(plv, TRUE); return 0L; } break;
case WM_CHAR: switch (wParam) { case VK_RETURN: // Eat the character, so edit control wont beep!
return 0L; } break;
case WM_GETDLGCODE: return DLGC_WANTALLKEYS | DLGC_HASSETSEL; /* editing name, no dialog handling right now */ }
return CallWindowProc(plv->pfnEditWndProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); }
// Helper routine for SetEditSize
void ListView_ChangeEditRectForRegion(LV* plv, LPRECT lprc) { LISTITEM* pitem = ListView_GetItemPtr(plv, plv->iEdit);
ASSERT(!ListView_IsOwnerData(plv)); ASSERT(ListView_IsIconView(plv));
if (!EqualRect((CONST RECT *)&pitem->rcTextRgn, (CONST RECT *)lprc)) { // RecalcRegion knows to use rcTextRgn in the case where iEdit != -1,
// so set it up before calling through.
CopyRect(&pitem->rcTextRgn, (CONST RECT *)lprc); ListView_RecalcRegion(plv, TRUE, TRUE);
// Invalidate the entire Edit and force a repaint from the listview
// on down to make sure we don't leave turds...
InvalidateRect(plv->hwndEdit, NULL, TRUE); UpdateWindow(plv->ci.hwnd); } }
void ListView_SetEditSize(LV* plv) { RECT rcLabel; UINT seips;
if (!((plv->iEdit >= 0) && (plv->iEdit < ListView_Count(plv)))) { ListView_DismissEdit(plv, TRUE); // cancel edits
return; }
ListView_GetRects(plv, plv->iEdit, QUERY_DEFAULT, NULL, &rcLabel, NULL, NULL);
// OffsetRect(&rc, rcLabel.left + g_cxLabelMargin + g_cxBorder,
// (rcLabel.bottom + rcLabel.top - rc.bottom) / 2 + g_cyBorder);
// OffsetRect(&rc, rcLabel.left + g_cxLabelMargin , rcLabel.top);
// get the text bounding rect
if (ListView_IsIconView(plv)) { // We should not adjust y-positoin in case of the icon view.
InflateRect(&rcLabel, -g_cxLabelMargin, -g_cyBorder); } else { // Special case for single-line & centered
InflateRect(&rcLabel, -g_cxLabelMargin - g_cxBorder, (-(rcLabel.bottom - rcLabel.top - plv->cyLabelChar) / 2) - g_cyBorder); }
seips = 0; if (ListView_IsIconView(plv) && !(plv->ci.style & LVS_NOLABELWRAP)) seips |= SEIPS_WRAP; #ifdef DEBUG
if (plv->ci.style & LVS_NOSCROLL) seips |= SEIPS_NOSCROLL; #endif
SetEditInPlaceSize(plv->hwndEdit, &rcLabel, plv->hfontLabel, seips);
if (plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_REGIONAL) ListView_ChangeEditRectForRegion(plv, &rcLabel); }
// to avoid eating too much stack
void ListView_DoOnEditLabel(LV *plv, int i, LPTSTR pszInitial) { TCHAR szLabel[CCHLABELMAX]; LV_ITEM item;
item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = i; item.iSubItem = 0; item.pszText = szLabel; item.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(szLabel); ListView_OnGetItem(plv, &item);
if (!item.pszText) return;
// Make sure the edited item has the focus.
if (plv->iFocus != i) ListView_SetFocusSel(plv, i, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
// Make sure the item is fully visible
ListView_OnEnsureVisible(plv, i, FALSE); // fPartialOK == FALSE
// Must subtract one from ARRAYSIZE(szLabel) because Edit_LimitText doesn't include
// the terminating NULL
plv->hwndEdit = CreateEditInPlaceWindow(plv->ci.hwnd, pszInitial? pszInitial : item.pszText, ARRAYSIZE(szLabel) - 1, ListView_IsIconView(plv) ? (WS_BORDER | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CHILD | ES_CENTER | ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOVSCROLL | ES_AUTOHSCROLL) : (WS_BORDER | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CHILD | ES_LEFT | ES_AUTOHSCROLL), plv->hfontLabel); if (plv->hwndEdit) { LISTITEM* pitem; LV_DISPINFO nm;
// We create the edit window but have not shown it. Ask the owner
// if they are interested or not.
// If we passed in initial text set the ID to be dirty...
if (pszInitial) SetWindowID(plv->hwndEdit, 1);
nm.item.mask = LVIF_PARAM; nm.item.iItem = i; nm.item.iSubItem = 0;
if (!ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { if (!(pitem = ListView_GetItemPtr(plv, i))) { DestroyWindow(plv->hwndEdit); plv->hwndEdit = NULL; return; } nm.item.lParam = pitem->lParam; } else nm.item.lParam = (LPARAM)0;
plv->iEdit = i;
// if they have LVS_EDITLABELS but return non-FALSE here, stop!
if ((BOOL)CCSendNotify(&plv->ci, LVN_BEGINLABELEDIT, &nm.hdr)) { plv->iEdit = -1; DestroyWindow(plv->hwndEdit); plv->hwndEdit = NULL; } } }
void RescrollEditWindow(HWND hwndEdit) { Edit_SetSel(hwndEdit, -1, -1); // move to the end
Edit_SetSel(hwndEdit, 0, -1); // select all text
HWND ListView_OnEditLabel(LV* plv, int i, LPTSTR pszInitialText) {
// this eats stack
ListView_DismissEdit(plv, FALSE);
if (!(plv->ci.style & LVS_EDITLABELS) || (GetFocus() != plv->ci.hwnd) || (i == -1)) return(NULL); // Does not support this.
ListView_DoOnEditLabel(plv, i, pszInitialText);
if (plv->hwndEdit) { plv->pfnEditWndProc = SubclassWindow(plv->hwndEdit, ListView_EditWndProc);
if (g_fDBCSInputEnabled) { if (SendMessage(plv->hwndEdit, EM_GETLIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0)<13) { plv->flags |= LVF_DONTDRAWCOMP; } }
// Show the window and set focus to it. Do this after setting the
// size so we don't get flicker.
SetFocus(plv->hwndEdit); ShowWindow(plv->hwndEdit, SW_SHOW); ListView_InvalidateItem(plv, i, TRUE, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE);
/* Due to a bizzare twist of fate, a certain mix of resolution / font size / icon
/ spacing results in being able to see the previous label behind the edit control / we have just created. Therefore to overcome this problem we ensure that this / label is erased. / / As the label is not painted when we have an edit control we just invalidate the / area and the background will be painted. As the window is a child of the list view / we should not see any flicker within it. */
if ( ListView_IsIconView( plv ) && !ListView_HideLabels(plv)) { RECT rcLabel; ListView_GetRects( plv, i, QUERY_UNFOLDED, NULL, &rcLabel, NULL, NULL );
InvalidateRect( plv->ci.hwnd, &rcLabel, TRUE ); UpdateWindow( plv->ci.hwnd ); } }
return plv->hwndEdit; }
BOOL ListView_DismissEdit(LV* plv, BOOL fCancel) { LISTITEM* pitem = NULL; BOOL fOkToContinue = TRUE; HWND hwndEdit = plv->hwndEdit; HWND hwnd = plv->ci.hwnd; int iEdit; LV_DISPINFO nm; TCHAR szLabel[CCHLABELMAX]; HIMC himc;
if (plv->fNoDismissEdit) return FALSE;
if (!hwndEdit) { // Also make sure there are no pending edits...
ListView_CancelPendingEdit(plv); return TRUE; // It is OK to process as normal...
// If the window is not visible, we are probably in the process
// of being destroyed, so assume that we are being destroyed
if (!IsWindowVisible(plv->ci.hwnd)) fCancel = TRUE;
// We are using the Window ID of the control as a BOOL to
// state if it is dirty or not.
switch (GetWindowID(hwndEdit)) { case 0: // The edit control is not dirty so act like cancel.
fCancel = TRUE; // Fall through to set window so we will not recurse!
case 1: // The edit control is dirty so continue.
SetWindowID(hwndEdit, 2); // Don't recurse
break; case 2: // We are in the process of processing an update now, bail out
return TRUE; }
// Bug#94345: this will fail if the program deleted the items out
// from underneath us (while we are waiting for the edit timer).
// make delete item invalidate our edit item
// We uncouple the edit control and hwnd out from under this as
// to allow code that process the LVN_ENDLABELEDIT to reenter
// editing mode if an error happens.
iEdit = plv->iEdit;
do { if (ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { if (!((iEdit >= 0) && (iEdit < plv->cTotalItems))) { break; } nm.item.lParam = 0; } else {
pitem = ListView_GetItemPtr(plv, iEdit); ASSERT(pitem); if (pitem == NULL) { break; } nm.item.lParam = pitem->lParam; }
nm.item.iItem = iEdit; nm.item.iSubItem = 0; nm.item.cchTextMax = 0; nm.item.mask = 0;
if (fCancel) nm.item.pszText = NULL; else { Edit_GetText(hwndEdit, szLabel, ARRAYSIZE(szLabel)); nm.item.pszText = szLabel; nm.item.mask |= LVIF_TEXT; nm.item.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(szLabel); }
// Notify the parent that we the label editing has completed.
// We will use the LV_DISPINFO structure to return the new
// label in. The parent still has the old text available by
// calling the GetItemText function.
fOkToContinue = (BOOL)CCSendNotify(&plv->ci, LVN_ENDLABELEDIT, &nm.hdr); if (!IsWindow(hwnd)) { return FALSE; } if (fOkToContinue && !fCancel) { //
// If the item has the text set as CALLBACK, we will let the
// ower know that they are supposed to set the item text in
// their own data structures. Else we will simply update the
// text in the actual view.
if (!ListView_IsOwnerData( plv ) && (pitem->pszText != LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK)) { // Set the item text (everything's set up in nm.item)
nm.item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; ListView_OnSetItem(plv, &nm.item); } else { CCSendNotify(&plv->ci, LVN_SETDISPINFO, &nm.hdr);
// Also we will assume that our cached size is invalid...
plv->rcView.left = RECOMPUTE; if (!ListView_IsOwnerData( plv )) { ListView_SetSRecompute(pitem); } } }
if (g_fDBCSInputEnabled) { if (LOWORD(GetKeyboardLayout(0L)) == 0x0411 && (himc = ImmGetContext(hwndEdit))) { ImmNotifyIME(himc, NI_COMPOSITIONSTR, CPS_COMPLETE, 0L); ImmReleaseContext(hwndEdit, himc); } }
// redraw
ListView_InvalidateItem(plv, iEdit, FALSE, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE); } while (FALSE);
// If the hwnedit is still us clear out the variables
if (hwndEdit == plv->hwndEdit) { plv->iEdit = -1; plv->hwndEdit = NULL; // avoid being reentered
} DestroyWindow(hwndEdit);
// We've to recalc the region because the edit in place window has
// added stuff to the region that we don't know how to remove
// safely.
ListView_RecalcRegion(plv, TRUE, TRUE);
return fOkToContinue; }
HWND CreateEditInPlaceWindow(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR lpText, int cbText, LONG style, HFONT hFont) { HWND hwndEdit;
// Create the window with some nonzero size so margins work properly
// The caller will do a SetEditInPlaceSize to set the real size
// But make sure the width is huge so when an app calls SetWindowText,
// USER won't try to scroll the window.
hwndEdit = CreateWindowEx(GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) & WS_EX_RTLREADING, TEXT("EDIT"), lpText, style, 0, 0, 16384, 20, hwnd, NULL, HINST_THISDLL, NULL);
if (hwndEdit) {
Edit_LimitText(hwndEdit, cbText);
Edit_SetSel(hwndEdit, 0, 0); // move to the beginning
FORWARD_WM_SETFONT(hwndEdit, hFont, FALSE, SendMessage);
return hwndEdit; }
// in:
// hwndEdit edit control to position in client coords of parent window
// prc bonding rect of the text, used to position everthing
// hFont font being used
// flags
// SEIPS_WRAP if this is a wrapped type (multiline) edit
// SEIPS_NOSCROLL if the parent control does not have scrollbars
// The SEIPS_NOSCROLL flag is used only in DEBUG. Normally, the item
// being edited should have been scrolled into view, but if the parent
// doesn't have scrollbars, then clearly that's not possible, so we
// shouldn't ASSERT in that case.
// Notes:
// The top-left corner of the bouding rectangle must be the position
// the client uses to draw text. We adjust the edit field rectangle
// appropriately.
void SetEditInPlaceSize(HWND hwndEdit, RECT *prc, HFONT hFont, UINT seips) { RECT rc, rcClient, rcFormat; TCHAR szLabel[CCHLABELMAX + 1]; int cchLabel, cxIconTextWidth; HDC hdc; HWND hwndParent = GetParent(hwndEdit); UINT flags;
cchLabel = Edit_GetText(hwndEdit, szLabel, ARRAYSIZE(szLabel)); if (szLabel[0] == 0) { StringCchCopy(szLabel, ARRAYSIZE(szLabel), c_szSpace); cchLabel = 1; }
hdc = GetDC(hwndParent);
SelectFont(hdc, hFont);
cxIconTextWidth = g_cxIconSpacing - g_cxLabelMargin * 2; rc.left = rc.top = rc.bottom = 0; rc.right = cxIconTextWidth; // for DT_LVWRAP
// REVIEW: we might want to include DT_EDITCONTROL in our DT_LVWRAP
if (seips & SEIPS_WRAP) { flags = DT_LVWRAP | DT_CALCRECT; // We only use DT_NOFULLWIDTHCHARBREAK on Korean(949) Memphis and NT5
if (949 == g_uiACP) flags |= DT_NOFULLWIDTHCHARBREAK; } else flags = DT_LV | DT_CALCRECT; // If the string is NULL display a rectangle that is visible.
DrawText(hdc, szLabel, cchLabel, &rc, flags);
// Minimum text box size is 1/4 icon spacing size
if (rc.right < g_cxIconSpacing / 4) rc.right = g_cxIconSpacing / 4;
// position the text rect based on the text rect passed in
// if wrapping, center the edit control around the text mid point
OffsetRect(&rc, (seips & SEIPS_WRAP) ? prc->left + ((prc->right - prc->left) - (rc.right - rc.left)) / 2 : prc->left, (seips & SEIPS_WRAP) ? prc->top : prc->top + ((prc->bottom - prc->top) - (rc.bottom - rc.top)) / 2 );
// give a little space to ease the editing of this thing
if (!(seips & SEIPS_WRAP)) rc.right += g_cxLabelMargin * 4; rc.right += g_cyEdge; // try to leave a little more for dual blanks
ReleaseDC(hwndParent, hdc);
GetClientRect(hwndParent, &rcClient); IntersectRect(&rc, &rc, &rcClient);
// Inflate it after the clipping, because it's ok to hide border.
// EM_GETRECT already takes EM_GETMARGINS into account, so don't use both.
SendMessage(hwndEdit, EM_GETRECT, 0, (LPARAM)(LPRECT)&rcFormat);
// Turn the margins inside-out so we can AdjustWindowRect on them.
rcFormat.top = -rcFormat.top; rcFormat.left = -rcFormat.left; AdjustWindowRectEx(&rcFormat, GetWindowStyle(hwndEdit), FALSE, GetWindowExStyle(hwndEdit));
InflateRect(&rc, -rcFormat.left, -rcFormat.top);
SetWindowPos(hwndEdit, NULL, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOCOPYBITS);
CopyRect(prc, (CONST RECT *)&rc);
InvalidateRect(hwndEdit, NULL, TRUE);
ShowCaret(hwndEdit); }
UINT ListView_GetTextSelectionFlags(LV* plv, LV_ITEM *pitem, UINT fDraw) { UINT fText = SHDT_DESELECTED; // the item can have one of 4 states, for 3 looks:
// normal simple drawing
// selected, no focus light image highlight, no text hi
// selected w/ focus highlight image & text
// drop highlighting highlight image & text
if ((pitem->state & LVIS_DROPHILITED) || (fDraw & LVDI_SELECTED && (pitem->state & LVIS_SELECTED)) ) { fText = SHDT_SELECTED; }
if (fDraw & LVDI_SELECTNOFOCUS && (pitem->state & LVIS_SELECTED)) { fText = SHDT_SELECTNOFOCUS; }
return fText; }
// If xMax >= 0, then the image will not be drawn past the x-coordinate
// specified by xMax. This is used only during report view drawing, where
// we have to clip against our column width.
UINT ListView_DrawImageEx2(LV* plv, LV_ITEM* pitem, HDC hdc, int x, int y, COLORREF crBk, UINT fDraw, int xMax, int iIconEffect, int iFrame) { BOOL fBorderSel = ListView_IsBorderSelect(plv); UINT fImage; COLORREF clr = 0; HIMAGELIST himl; int cxIcon; UINT fText = ListView_GetTextSelectionFlags(plv, pitem, fDraw); DWORD fState = iIconEffect;
fImage = (pitem->state & LVIS_OVERLAYMASK); if (plv->flags & LVF_DRAGIMAGE) { fImage |= ILD_PRESERVEALPHA; }
if (ListView_IsIconView(plv) || ListView_IsTileView(plv)) { himl = plv->himl; cxIcon = plv->cxIcon; } else { himl = plv->himlSmall; cxIcon = plv->cxSmIcon; }
if (!(plv->flags & LVF_DRAGIMAGE)) { // the item can have one of 4 states, for 3 looks:
// normal simple drawing
// selected, no focus light image highlight, no text hi
// selected w/ focus highlight image & text
// drop highlighting highlight image & text
if ((pitem->state & LVIS_DROPHILITED) || ((fDraw & LVDI_SELECTED) && (pitem->state & LVIS_SELECTED))) { fText = SHDT_SELECTED; if (!fBorderSel) // do not effect color of icon on borderselect.
{ fImage |= ILD_BLEND50; clr = CLR_HILIGHT; } }
if (pitem->state & LVIS_CUT) { fImage |= ILD_BLEND50; clr = plv->clrBk; }
// Affects only allowed if double buffering
if (ListView_IsDoubleBuffer(plv)) { if ((pitem->state & LVIS_GLOW || (fDraw & LVDI_GLOW)) && !(fDraw & LVDI_NOEFFECTS)) { crBk = CLR_NONE; fState |= ILS_GLOW; }
if (fDraw & LVDI_SHADOW && !(fDraw & LVDI_NOEFFECTS)) { crBk = CLR_NONE; fState |= ILS_SHADOW; } } }
if (!(fDraw & LVDI_NOIMAGE)) { if (himl) { if (plv->pImgCtx || ListView_IsWatermarked(plv) || ((plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_REGIONAL) && !g_fSlowMachine)) { crBk = CLR_NONE; }
if (xMax >= 0) cxIcon = min(cxIcon, xMax - x);
if (cxIcon > 0) { IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS imldp; DWORD dwFrame = iFrame;
imldp.cbSize = sizeof(imldp); imldp.himl = himl; imldp.i = pitem->iImage; imldp.hdcDst = hdc; imldp.x = x; imldp.y = y; imldp.cx = CCIsHighDPI()?0:cxIcon; imldp.cy = 0; imldp.xBitmap= 0; imldp.yBitmap= 0; imldp.rgbBk = crBk; imldp.rgbFg = clr; imldp.fStyle = fImage; imldp.fState = fState; imldp.Frame = dwFrame;
if (ListView_IsDPIScaled(plv)) imldp.fStyle |= ILD_DPISCALE;
ImageList_DrawIndirect(&imldp); } }
if (plv->himlState) { if (LV_StateImageValue(pitem) && (pitem->iSubItem == 0 || plv->exStyle & LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES) ) { int iState = LV_StateImageIndex(pitem); int dyImage = 0; int xDraw = x - plv->cxState - LV_ICONTOSTATECX;
// if we are not rendering checks boxes with toggle select
// then lets render the state image the old way.
if (ListView_IsSimpleSelect(plv) && (ListView_IsIconView(plv) || ListView_IsTileView(plv))) { xDraw = x+cxIcon -plv->cxState; // align top right
dyImage = 0; } else { if (himl) { if (ListView_IsIconView(plv)) dyImage = plv->cyIcon - plv->cyState; else if (ListView_IsTileView(plv)) dyImage = (plv->sizeTile.cy - plv->cyState) / 2; //Center vertically
else // assume small icon
dyImage = plv->cySmIcon - plv->cyState; } }
cxIcon = plv->cxState; if (xMax >= 0) { cxIcon = min(cxIcon, xMax - xDraw); }
if (cxIcon > 0) { IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS imldp;
imldp.cbSize = sizeof(imldp); imldp.himl = plv->himlState; imldp.i = iState; imldp.hdcDst = hdc; imldp.x = xDraw; imldp.y = y + dyImage; imldp.cx = CCIsHighDPI()?0:cxIcon; imldp.cy = 0; imldp.xBitmap= 0; imldp.yBitmap= 0; imldp.rgbBk = crBk; imldp.rgbFg = clr; imldp.fStyle = fImage; imldp.fState = fState; imldp.Frame = 0;
if (ListView_IsDPIScaled(plv)) imldp.fStyle |= ILD_DPISCALE;
ImageList_DrawIndirect(&imldp); } } } }
return fText; }
UINT ListView_DrawImageEx(LV* plv, LV_ITEM* pitem, HDC hdc, int x, int y, COLORREF crBk, UINT fDraw, int xMax) { return ListView_DrawImageEx2(plv, pitem, hdc, x, y, crBk, fDraw, xMax, ILD_NORMAL, 0); }
void ListView_SizeIME(HWND hwnd) { HIMC himc; CANDIDATEFORM candf; RECT rc;
// If this subclass procedure is being called with WM_SIZE,
// This routine sets the rectangle to an IME.
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc);
// Candidate stuff
candf.dwIndex = 0; // Bogus assumption for Japanese IME.
candf.dwStyle = CFS_EXCLUDE; candf.ptCurrentPos.x = rc.left; candf.ptCurrentPos.y = rc.bottom; candf.rcArea = rc;
if (himc=ImmGetContext(hwnd)) { ImmSetCandidateWindow(himc, &candf); ImmReleaseContext(hwnd, himc); } }
void DrawCompositionLine(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, HFONT hfont, LPTSTR lpszComp, LPBYTE lpszAttr, int ichCompStart, int ichCompEnd, int ichStart) { PTSTR pszCompStr; int ichSt,ichEnd; DWORD dwPos; BYTE bAttr; HFONT hfontOld;
int fnPen; HPEN hPen; COLORREF crDrawText; COLORREF crDrawBack; COLORREF crOldText; COLORREF crOldBk;
while (ichCompStart < ichCompEnd) {
// Get the fragment to draw
// ichCompStart,ichCompEnd -- index at Edit Control
// ichSt,ichEnd -- index at lpszComp
ichEnd = ichSt = ichCompStart - ichStart; bAttr = lpszAttr[ichSt];
while (ichEnd < ichCompEnd - ichStart) { if (bAttr == lpszAttr[ichEnd]) ichEnd++; else break; }
pszCompStr = (PTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(TCHAR)*(ichEnd - ichSt + 1 + 1) ); // 1 for NULL.
if (pszCompStr) { StringCchCopy(pszCompStr, ichEnd-ichSt+1, &lpszComp[ichSt]); pszCompStr[ichEnd-ichSt] = '\0'; }
// Attribute stuff
switch (bAttr) { case ATTR_INPUT: fnPen = PS_DOT; crDrawText = g_clrWindowText; crDrawBack = g_clrWindow; break; case ATTR_TARGET_CONVERTED: case ATTR_TARGET_NOTCONVERTED: fnPen = PS_DOT; crDrawText = g_clrHighlightText; crDrawBack = g_clrHighlight; break; case ATTR_CONVERTED: fnPen = PS_SOLID; crDrawText = g_clrWindowText; crDrawBack = g_clrWindow; break; } crOldText = SetTextColor(hdc, crDrawText); crOldBk = SetBkColor(hdc, crDrawBack);
hfontOld= SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
// Get the start position of composition
dwPos = (DWORD) SendMessage(hwnd, EM_POSFROMCHAR, ichCompStart, 0);
// Draw it.
TextOut(hdc, GET_X_LPARAM(dwPos), GET_Y_LPARAM(dwPos), pszCompStr, ichEnd-ichSt); #ifndef DONT_UNDERLINE
// Underline
hPen = CreatePen(fnPen, 1, crDrawText); if( hPen ) {
HPEN hpenOld = SelectObject( hdc, hPen ); int iOldBk = SetBkMode( hdc, TRANSPARENT ); SIZE size;
GetTextExtentPoint(hdc, pszCompStr, ichEnd-ichSt, &size);
MoveToEx( hdc, GET_X_LPARAM(dwPos), size.cy + GET_Y_LPARAM(dwPos)-1, NULL);
LineTo( hdc, size.cx + GET_X_LPARAM(dwPos), size.cy + GET_Y_LPARAM(dwPos)-1 );
SetBkMode( hdc, iOldBk );
if( hpenOld ) SelectObject( hdc, hpenOld );
DeleteObject( hPen ); } #endif
if (hfontOld) SelectObject(hdc, hfontOld);
SetTextColor(hdc, crOldText); SetBkColor(hdc, crOldBk);
//Next fragment
ichCompStart += ichEnd-ichSt; } }
void ListView_InsertComposition(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LV *plv) { PSTR pszCompStr;
int cbComp = 0; int cbCompNew; int cchMax; int cchText; DWORD dwSel; HIMC himc = (HIMC)0;
// To prevent recursion..
if (plv->flags & LVF_INSERTINGCOMP) { return; } plv->flags |= LVF_INSERTINGCOMP;
// Don't want to redraw edit during inserting.
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)FALSE, 0);
// If we have RESULT STR, put it to EC first.
if (himc = ImmGetContext(hwnd)) { if (!(dwSel = PtrToUlong(GetProp(hwnd, szIMECompPos)))) dwSel = Edit_GetSel(hwnd);
// Becaues we don't setsel after inserting composition
// in win32 case.
Edit_SetSel(hwnd, GET_X_LPARAM(dwSel), GET_Y_LPARAM(dwSel)); if (lParam&GCS_RESULTSTR) { // ImmGetCompositionString() returns length of buffer in bytes,
// not in # of character
cbComp = (int)ImmGetCompositionString(himc, GCS_RESULTSTR, NULL, 0); pszCompStr = (PSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbComp + sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pszCompStr) { ImmGetCompositionString(himc, GCS_RESULTSTR, (PSTR)pszCompStr, cbComp+sizeof(TCHAR)); // With ImmGetCompositionStringW, cbComp is # of bytes copied
// character position must be calculated by cbComp / sizeof(TCHAR)
*(TCHAR *)(&pszCompStr[cbComp]) = TEXT('\0'); Edit_ReplaceSel(hwnd, (LPTSTR)pszCompStr); LocalFree((HLOCAL)pszCompStr); }
// There's no longer selection
RemoveProp(hwnd, szIMECompPos);
// Get current cursor pos so that the subsequent composition
// handling will do the right thing.
dwSel = Edit_GetSel(hwnd); }
if (lParam & GCS_COMPSTR) { // ImmGetCompositionString() returns length of buffer in bytes,
// not in # of character
cbComp = (int)ImmGetCompositionString(himc, GCS_COMPSTR, NULL, 0); pszCompStr = (PSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbComp + sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pszCompStr) { ImmGetCompositionString(himc, GCS_COMPSTR, pszCompStr, cbComp+sizeof(TCHAR));
// Get position of the current selection
cchMax = (int)SendMessage(hwnd, EM_GETLIMITTEXT, 0, 0); cchText = Edit_GetTextLength(hwnd);
// Cut the composition string if it exceeds limit.
cbCompNew = min((UINT)cbComp, sizeof(TCHAR)*(cchMax-(cchText-(HIWORD(dwSel)-LOWORD(dwSel)))));
// wrap up the DBCS at the end of string
if (cbCompNew < cbComp) { *(TCHAR *)(&pszCompStr[cbCompNew]) = TEXT('\0');
// Reset composition string if we cut it.
ImmSetCompositionString(himc, SCS_SETSTR, pszCompStr, cbCompNew, NULL, 0); cbComp = cbCompNew; } *(TCHAR *)(&pszCompStr[cbComp]) = TEXT('\0');
// Replace the current selection with composition string.
Edit_ReplaceSel(hwnd, (LPTSTR)pszCompStr);
LocalFree((HLOCAL)pszCompStr); }
// Mark the composition string so that we can replace it again
// for the next time.
// Don't setsel to avoid flicking
if (cbComp) { dwSel = MAKELONG(LOWORD(dwSel),LOWORD(dwSel)+cbComp/sizeof(TCHAR)); SetProp(hwnd, szIMECompPos, IntToPtr(dwSel)); } else RemoveProp(hwnd, szIMECompPos);
ImmReleaseContext(hwnd, himc); }
SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)TRUE, 0); //
// We want to update the size of label edit just once at
// each WM_IME_COMPOSITION processing. ReplaceSel causes several EN_UPDATE
// and it causes ugly flicking too.
RedrawWindow(hwnd, NULL, NULL, RDW_INTERNALPAINT|RDW_INVALIDATE); SetWindowID(plv->hwndEdit, 1); ListView_SetEditSize(plv);
plv->flags &= ~LVF_INSERTINGCOMP; }
void ListView_PaintComposition(HWND hwnd, LV * plv) { BYTE szCompStr[CCHLABELMAX + 1]; BYTE szCompAttr[CCHLABELMAX + 1];
int cchLine, ichLineStart; int cbComp = 0; int cchComp; int nLine; int ichCompStart, ichCompEnd; DWORD dwSel; int cchMax, cchText; HIMC himc = (HIMC)0; HDC hdc;
if (plv->flags & LVF_INSERTINGCOMP) { // This is the case that ImmSetCompositionString() generates
// WM_IME_COMPOSITION. We're not ready to paint composition here.
return; }
if (himc = ImmGetContext(hwnd)) {
cbComp=(UINT)ImmGetCompositionString(himc, GCS_COMPSTR, szCompStr, sizeof(szCompStr));
ImmGetCompositionString(himc, GCS_COMPATTR, szCompAttr, sizeof(szCompStr)); ImmReleaseContext(hwnd, himc); }
if (cbComp) {
// Get the position of current selection
if (!(dwSel = PtrToUlong(GetProp(hwnd, szIMECompPos)))) dwSel = 0L; cchMax = (int)SendMessage(hwnd, EM_GETLIMITTEXT, 0, 0); cchText = Edit_GetTextLength(hwnd); cbComp = min((UINT)cbComp, sizeof(TCHAR)*(cchMax-(cchText-(HIWORD(dwSel)-LOWORD(dwSel))))); *(TCHAR *)(&szCompStr[cbComp]) = TEXT('\0');
// //
// Draw composition string over the sel string.//
// //
hdc = GetDC(hwnd);
ichCompStart = LOWORD(dwSel);
cchComp = cbComp/sizeof(TCHAR); while (ichCompStart < (int)LOWORD(dwSel) + cchComp) { // Get line from each start pos.
nLine = Edit_LineFromChar(hwnd, ichCompStart); ichLineStart = Edit_LineIndex(hwnd, nLine); cchLine= Edit_LineLength(hwnd, ichLineStart);
// See if composition string is longer than this line.
if(ichLineStart+cchLine > (int)LOWORD(dwSel)+cchComp) ichCompEnd = LOWORD(dwSel)+cchComp; else { // Yes, the composition string is longer.
// Take the begining of the next line as next start.
if (ichLineStart+cchLine > ichCompStart) ichCompEnd = ichLineStart+cchLine; else { // If the starting position is not proceeding,
// let's get out of here.
break; } }
// Draw the line
DrawCompositionLine(hwnd, hdc, plv->hfontLabel, (LPTSTR)szCompStr, szCompAttr, ichCompStart, ichCompEnd, LOWORD(dwSel));
ichCompStart = ichCompEnd; }
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); // We don't want to repaint the window.
ValidateRect(hwnd, NULL); } }