///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #include "windows.h" #include "commctrl.h" #include "deskid.h" #include "desk.h"
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Icon //
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Bitmap //
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Dialog // DLG_BACKGROUND DIALOGEX DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 252, 218 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME|(DS_SETFONT|DS_FIXEDSYS) | DS_NOIDLEMSG | DS_3DLOOK | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Background" FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN GROUPBOX "&Pattern",IDC_NO_HELP_1,7,118,115,92 LISTBOX IDC_PATLIST,13,130,103,42,LBS_SORT | LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP PUSHBUTTON "&Edit Pattern...",IDC_EDITPAT,55,175,61,14 GROUPBOX "&Wallpaper",IDC_NO_HELP_2,129,118,115,92 LISTBOX IDC_WALLLIST,135,130,103,42,LBS_SORT | LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | WS_VSCROLL | WS_TABSTOP PUSHBUTTON "&Browse...",IDC_BROWSEWALL,177,175,61,14 LTEXT "&Display:",IDC_TXT_DISPLAY,135,196,26,8 RADIOBUTTON "&Tile",IDC_TILE,170,196,27,8,WS_GROUP RADIOBUTTON "&Center",IDC_CENTER,205,196,34,8 CONTROL "",IDC_BACKPREV,"BackgroundPreview",WS_GROUP,63,4,125,107 END
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_NAME "Display" IDS_INFO "Change the appearance of your desktop, such as the background, screen saver, colors, font sizes, and screen resolution." END
STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DISPLAY_TITLE "Display" IDS_DISPLAY_DISABLED "Your system administrator disabled the Display control panel." END
STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_NONE "(None)" IDS_UNLISTEDPAT "Unlisted Pattern" IDS_BITMAPOPENERR "Bitmap Open Error" IDS_DIB_NOOPEN "Unable to open the file %s." //unused IDS_BROWSETITLE "Browsing for wallpaper" IDS_BROWSEFILTER "Bitmaps|*.bmp;*.dib|" END
STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DIB_INVALID "The file %s is not a valid bitmap file." //unused IDS_BADWALLPAPER "Windows cannot display the wallpaper you selected. Choose different wallpaper." END
// setupact.log messages
STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_000, "desk.cpl: " IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_004, "Setting DeviceDesc to %s" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_006, "Setting MFG to %s" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_008, "Disabling the following service: %s" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_009, "Removing a devnode without a service" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_010, "Removing the following devnode: %s" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_011, "Could not remove the devnode itself, %d" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_012, "Could not remove the devnode itself (2), %d" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_013, "Disabled %d legacy devices in %d tries" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_014, "No drivers list, allow upgrade" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_015, "No drivers list, fail upgrade" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_016, "Using DriverList %s" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_017, "No DriversList entries, allow upgrade" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_018, "No DriversList entries, fail upgrade" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_019, "Could not open any devices of the display class, allow upgrade" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_020, "Could not open any devices of the display class, fail upgrade" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_021, "Found %d legacy devices" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_022, "Made a match, fail upgrade" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_023, "Made a match, allow upgrade" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_024, "No match found in DriversList %s, allow upgrade" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_025, "No match found in DriversList %s, fail upgrade" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_031, "CheckDatabase called on marked devnode, succeeding" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_032, "Could not find any hardware or compatible IDs for video device" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_033, "Could not open upgrade database" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_034, "No entries in %s" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_035, "Found a match of %s in the upgrade database" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_039, "Allowing install of video device" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_040, "Not allowing install of video device" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_041, "%s is not an NT compatible inf file" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_046, "Database did not allow upgrade" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_047, "SetupDiEnumDriverInfo (compat) didn't find any devices" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_048, "Devnode does not exist yet" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_057, "Returning 0x%08lx for function 0x%x" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_060, "Could not read XResolution value" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_062, "Could not read YResolution value (%s)" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_064, "Could not read VRefresh value (%s)" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_065, "Display unattended value named %s is unsupported" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_067, "Using an XResolution of %d and a YResolution of %d because either one or both were either missing or 0" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_068, "Using a VRefresh of %d because VRefresh was 0 or missing in the unattended file" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_069, "Using a BitsPerPel of %d because BitsPerPel was 0 or missing in the unattended file" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_075, "Could not open settings reg key" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_076, "Did not allow upgrade of video driver, not performing reg upgrade" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_096, "Could not read BitsPerPel value (%s)" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_097, "Could not remove all applet extensions" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_098, "Applet extension removed: %s" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_099, "Devnode is marked to be deleted. Do not allow install." IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_100, "OcManager: wrong version." IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_101, "OcManager: could not get the list of video devices." IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_102, "OcManager: could not delete VideoUpgradeDisplaySettings key." IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_103, "OcManager: could not create the device interface." IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_104, "OcManager: could not create the device interface registry key." IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_105, "OcManager: could not create the device interface registry subkey: %d" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_106, "OcManager: unattended BitsPerPel: %d" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_107, "OcManager: unattended XResolution: %d" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_108, "OcManager: unattended YResolution: %d" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_109, "OcManager: unattended VRefresh: %d" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_110, "OcManager: Could not get the count of physical devices" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_111, "OcManager: Could not open the physical device key" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_112, "OcManager: Could not get the count of logical devices" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_113, "OcManager: Could not find the device with the same bus location" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_114, "OcManager: Legacy migration could not be completed as there are at least 2 video devices in the system." IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_115, "OcManager: Legacy migration could not be completed as no video device could be enumerated." IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_116, "OcManager: Could not open the logical device key" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_117, "OcManager: AttachedToDesktop: %d" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_118, "OcManager: RelativeX: %d" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_119, "OcManager: RelativeY: %d" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_120, "OcManager: BitsPerPel: %d" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_121, "OcManager: XResolution: %d" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_122, "OcManager: YResolution: %d" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_123, "OcManager: VRefresh: %d" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_124, "OcManager: Flags: %d" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_125, "Returning 0x%08lx for function 0x%x and device %s" IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_126 "%s failed with error 0x%08lx." IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_127 "%s failed." IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_128 "Could not create the video device registry key because %s failed." IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_129, "OcManager: Use the preferred mode instead of the unattended settings." IDS_SETUPLOG_MSG_130, "OcManager: Use the preferred mode instead of the old settings."
// // HACK to work around versionning issues with IE files. // #undef NASHVILLE
#include <ntverp.h>
#include <common.ver>