Copyright (c) 1994-1998, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This module implements the textual representations of Day Month Year : Hours Min Seconds for the Date/Time applet.
Revision History:
// Include Files.
#include "timedate.h"
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <prsht.h>
#include <regstr.h>
#include <imm.h>
#include "clock.h"
#include "mapctl.h"
#include "inettime.h"
#include "rc.h"
#include <help.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
// Constant Declarations.
#define TZNAME_SIZE 128
#define TZDISPLAYZ 128
#define BIAS_ONE_HOUR (-60L)
#define ZONE_IMAGE_SCALE (356)
#define ZONE_BIAS_SCALE (-1440)
#define ZONE_IMAGE_LEFT (120)
#define ZONE_IMAGE_WIDTH (80)
#define BIAS_PLUS_12 (12L * BIAS_ONE_HOUR)
#define BIAS_MINUS_12 (- BIAS_PLUS_12)
#define TZ_HIT_NONE (0)
#define TZ_HIT_BASE (1)
#define TZ_HIT_PARTIAL (2)
#define TZ_HIT_EXACT (3)
// Global Variables.
TCHAR const szIntl[] = TEXT("intl");
// Default used if none could be found.
INTLSTRUCT IntlDef = { TEXT("Other Country"), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, TEXT("AM"), TEXT("PM"), TEXT("$"), TEXT(","), TEXT("."), TEXT("/"), TEXT(":"), TEXT(","), TEXT("dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy"), TEXT("M/d/yyyy"), TEXT("USA"), 1, 0, 1, 0, 0x0409, TEXT("hh:mm:ss tt"), 0, 1, TEXT(","), TEXT(".") };
BOOL g_bFirstBoot = FALSE; // for first boot during setup
int g_Time[3]; // time the user currently has set
int g_LastTime[3]; // last displayed time - to stop flicker
short wDateTime[7]; // values for first 7 date/time items
short wPrevDateTime[7]; // only repaint fields if necessary
BOOL fDateDirty;
// Formatting strings for AM and PM
TCHAR sz1159[12]; TCHAR sz2359[12];
// Are we in 24 hour time. If not, is it AM or PM.
BOOL g_b24HR; BOOL g_bPM;
// This flag indicates if the user has tried to change the time.
// If so, then we stop providing the system time and use the
// time that we store internally. We send the clock control our
// TimeProvider function.
WORD g_Modified = 0; WORD g_WasModified = 0;
// Which of the HMS MDY have leading zeros.
// Ranges of HMS MDY
struct { int nMax; int nMin; } g_sDateInfo[] = { 23, 0, 59, 0, 59, 0, 12, 1, 31, 1, 2099, 1980, };
// Time Zone info globals.
int g_nTimeZones = 0; TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION g_tziCurrent, *g_ptziCurrent = NULL;
// Registry location for Time Zone information.
TCHAR c_szTimeZones[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Time Zones");
// Time Zone data value keys.
TCHAR c_szTZDisplayName[] = TEXT("Display"); TCHAR c_szTZStandardName[] = TEXT("Std"); TCHAR c_szTZDaylightName[] = TEXT("Dlt"); TCHAR c_szTZI[] = TEXT("TZI"); TCHAR c_szTZMapInfo[] = TEXT("MapID");
// IME globals.
HIMC g_PrevIMCForDateField;
// Context Help Ids.
0, 0 };
// Typedef Declarations.
// Registry info goes in this structure.
typedef struct tagTZINFO { struct tagTZINFO *next; TCHAR szDisplayName[TZDISPLAYZ]; TCHAR szStandardName[TZNAME_SIZE]; TCHAR szDaylightName[TZNAME_SIZE]; int ComboIndex; int SeaIndex; int LandIndex; int MapLeft; int MapWidth; LONG Bias; LONG StandardBias; LONG DaylightBias; SYSTEMTIME StandardDate; SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate;
// State info for the time zone page.
typedef struct { PTZINFO zone; BOOL initializing; PTZINFO lookup[MAPCTL_MAX_INDICES];
DWORD GetTextExtent( HDC hdc, LPCTSTR lpsz, int cb);
//for TS time zone redirection
extern BOOL g_bShowOnlyTimeZone;
// ParseDateElement
// Assumes that the character pointed to by pszElement is a
// 'M', 'd', or 'y', and checks if the string indicates a leading zero
// or century. The return value is a pointer to the next character,
// which should be a separator or NULL. A return value of NULL indicates
// an error.
LPTSTR ParseDateElement( LPTSTR pszElement, BOOL *pbLZero) { //
// Check for valid character.
switch (*pszElement) { case ( TEXT('y') ) : case ( TEXT('M') ) : case ( TEXT('d') ) : { break; } default: { return (NULL); } }
if (*pszElement != *(pszElement - 1)) { *pbLZero = 0; } else { *pbLZero = 1;
if (*pszElement++ == TEXT('y')) { if (!(*pszElement == TEXT('y'))) { *pbLZero = 0; } else { if (!(*++pszElement == TEXT('y'))) { //
// Found 3 y's, invalid format.
return (NULL); } else { ++pszElement; } } } }
return (pszElement); }
// AdjustAMPMPosition
void AdjustAMPMPosition(HWND hwnd) { TCHAR szTimePrefix[5]; static BOOL fMoved = FALSE;
if (!fMoved && szTimePrefix[0] == TEXT('1')) { RECT rLeftCtl, rAMPMCtl, rCurrCtl; HWND hwndAMPM, hwndCurr; int i, width; POINT pt;
fMoved = TRUE; //Get rect of left most control (hours)
GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd, DATETIME_HOUR), &rLeftCtl); //Get rect of AM PM control
hwndAMPM = GetDlgItem(hwnd, DATETIME_AMPM); GetWindowRect(hwndAMPM, &rAMPMCtl); width = rAMPMCtl.right - rAMPMCtl.left; //Shift all controls right by the AM PM control width
for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(rgMoveTimeControls); i++) { hwndCurr = GetDlgItem(hwnd, rgMoveTimeControls[i]); GetWindowRect(hwndCurr, &rCurrCtl); pt.x = rCurrCtl.left; pt.y = rCurrCtl.top; ScreenToClient(hwnd, &pt);
MoveWindow(hwndCurr, pt.x + width, pt.y, rCurrCtl.right - rCurrCtl.left, rCurrCtl.bottom - rCurrCtl.top, TRUE); } //Move AM PM control left to where the hours were.
pt.x = rLeftCtl.left; pt.y = rAMPMCtl.top; ScreenToClient(hwnd, &pt); MoveWindow(hwndAMPM, pt.x, pt.y, rAMPMCtl.right - rAMPMCtl.left, rAMPMCtl.bottom - rAMPMCtl.top, TRUE); } }
// MonthUpperBound
int _fastcall MonthUpperBound( int nMonth, int nYear) { switch (nMonth) { case ( 2 ) : { //
// A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4 and is not
// a century year (multiple of 100) or if it is divisible by
// 400.
return ( ((nYear % 4 == 0) && ((nYear % 100 != 0) || (nYear % 400 == 0))) ? 29 : 28 ); } case ( 4 ) : case ( 6 ) : case ( 9 ) : case ( 11 ) : { return (30); } }
return (31); }
// True if PM.
BOOL IsAMPM( int iHour) { return ((iHour >= 12) ? 1 : 0); }
// GetDateTime
void GetDateTime() { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
wDateTime[HOUR] = SystemTime.wHour; wDateTime[MINUTE] = SystemTime.wMinute; wDateTime[SECOND] = SystemTime.wSecond; wDateTime[MONTH] = SystemTime.wMonth; wDateTime[DAY] = SystemTime.wDay; wDateTime[YEAR] = SystemTime.wYear; wDateTime[WEEKDAY] = SystemTime.wDayOfWeek; }
// GetTime
void GetTime() { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
wDateTime[HOUR] = SystemTime.wHour; wDateTime[MINUTE] = SystemTime.wMinute; wDateTime[SECOND] = SystemTime.wSecond; }
// GetDate
void GetDate() { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
wDateTime[MONTH] = SystemTime.wMonth; wDateTime[DAY] = SystemTime.wDay; wDateTime[YEAR] = SystemTime.wYear; wDateTime[WEEKDAY] = SystemTime.wDayOfWeek; fDateDirty = FALSE; }
// SetTime
void SetTime() { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
SystemTime.wHour = wDateTime[HOUR]; SystemTime.wMinute = wDateTime[MINUTE]; SystemTime.wSecond = wDateTime[SECOND];
SystemTime.wMilliseconds = 0;
SystemTime.wMonth = wDateTime[MONTH]; SystemTime.wDay = wDateTime[DAY]; SystemTime.wYear = wDateTime[YEAR];
SetLocalTime(&SystemTime); SetLocalTime(&SystemTime); fDateDirty = FALSE; }
// SetDate
void SetDate() { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
SystemTime.wHour = wDateTime[HOUR]; SystemTime.wMinute = wDateTime[MINUTE]; SystemTime.wSecond = wDateTime[SECOND];
SystemTime.wMilliseconds = 0;
SystemTime.wMonth = wDateTime[MONTH]; SystemTime.wDay = wDateTime[DAY]; SystemTime.wYear = wDateTime[YEAR];
SetLocalTime(&SystemTime); SetLocalTime(&SystemTime); fDateDirty = FALSE; }
// AdjustDelta
// Alters the variables in wDeltaDateTime, allowing a CANCEL button
// to perform its job by resetting the time as if it had never been
// touched. GetTime() & GetDate() should already have been called.
void AdjustDelta( HWND hDlg, int nIndex) { int nDelta;
// We dont do time this way any more.
if (nIndex <= SECOND && nIndex >= HOUR) { return; }
// Get position of the buddy from either the date or the time.
nDelta = (int)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, nIndex <= SECOND ? DATETIME_TARROW : DATETIME_YARROW, UDM_GETPOS, 0, 0L );
if ((nIndex == YEAR) && !g_bLZero[YEAR]) { //
// Years before 80 are 2080.
// Range is 1980...2079.
if (nDelta < 80) { nDelta += 2000; } else { nDelta += 1900; } }
// If our current recording of the time/date is not what we have
// now, do deltas.
if (wDateTime[nIndex] != nDelta) { //
// Previous value is current user's settings.
wPrevDateTime[nIndex] = wDateTime[nIndex] = (WORD)nDelta; fDateDirty = TRUE; //
// If we are changing HMS, update the time.
if (nIndex <= SECOND) { nIndex = 0; } } }
// AdjustDeltaMonth
// Change the month part of wDateTime
extern int GetDaysOfTheMonth(int iMonth);
void AdjustDeltaMonth( int iMonth) { GetTime();
if (wDateTime[MONTH] != iMonth) { //
// Make sure the current day is valid in the new month.
if (wDateTime[DAY] > (WORD)GetDaysOfTheMonth(iMonth)) { wDateTime[DAY] = (WORD)GetDaysOfTheMonth(iMonth); }
wPrevDateTime[MONTH] = wDateTime[MONTH] = (WORD)iMonth; fDateDirty = TRUE;
g_sDateInfo[DAY].nMax = MonthUpperBound( wDateTime[MONTH], wDateTime[YEAR] ); } }
// ReadShortDate
// Verify that pszDate is one of MDY, DMY, or YMD.
int ReadShortDate( LPTSTR pszDate, BOOL *pbMonth, BOOL *pbDay, BOOL *pbYear) { int i, nOrder; BOOL *pbOrder[3]; TCHAR cHope[3];
// nOrder : 0 = MDY
// 1 = DMY
// 2 = YMD
switch (cHope[0] = *pszDate) { case ( TEXT('M') ) : { nOrder = 0; pbOrder[0] = pbMonth; break; } case ( TEXT('d') ) : { nOrder = 1; pbOrder[0] = pbDay; break; } case ( TEXT('y') ) : { nOrder = 2; pbOrder[0] = pbYear; break; } default : { return (FALSE); } }
// Sets element 1.
if (nOrder) // 1 2
{ cHope[1] = TEXT('M'); pbOrder[1] = pbMonth; } else // 0
{ cHope[1] = TEXT('d'); pbOrder[1] = pbDay; }
// Sets element 2.
if (nOrder == 2) // 2
{ cHope[2] = TEXT('d'); pbOrder[2] = pbDay; } else // 0 1
{ cHope[2] = TEXT('y'); pbOrder[2] = pbYear; }
// Verifies that pszDate is of the form MDY DMY YMD.
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++, pszDate++) { if (*pszDate != cHope[i]) { return (-1 - nOrder); }
if (!(pszDate = ParseDateElement(pszDate, pbOrder[i]))) { return (-1 - nOrder); } }
// Success. Return MDY, DMY or YMD index.
return (nOrder); }
// GetMaxCharWidth
// Determine the widest digit (safety against variable pitch fonts).
int GetMaxCharWidth( HDC hDC) { UINT nNumWidth[10]; UINT i, nMaxNumWidth;
GetCharWidth32(hDC, TEXT('0'), TEXT('9'), nNumWidth);
for (nMaxNumWidth = 0, i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (nNumWidth[i] > nMaxNumWidth) { nMaxNumWidth = nNumWidth[i]; } }
return (nMaxNumWidth); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// GetMaxSubstitutedCharWidth
// Determine the widest digit (safety against variable pitch fonts), but
// do it using strings so that if number substitution is on, we will get
// the width of the number based on what will actually be displayed
int GetMaxSubstitutedCharWidth( HDC hDC) { char sz[2] = "0"; TCHAR szAMPM[12]; LONG i, nMaxNumWidth; DWORD dwWidth; SIZE size; for (nMaxNumWidth = 0, i = 0; i < 10; (*sz)++, i++) { if (GetTextExtentPoint32A(hDC, sz, 1, &size) && size.cx > nMaxNumWidth) nMaxNumWidth = size.cx; }
if (nMaxNumWidth <= 8) { GetProfileString(szIntl, TEXT("s1159"), IntlDef.s1159, szAMPM, ARRAYSIZE(szAMPM)); dwWidth = LOWORD(GetTextExtent(hDC, szAMPM, lstrlen(szAMPM))); if (dwWidth > 22) { nMaxNumWidth = 10; }
GetProfileString(szIntl, TEXT("s2359"), IntlDef.s2359, szAMPM, ARRAYSIZE(szAMPM)); dwWidth = LOWORD(GetTextExtent(hDC, szAMPM, lstrlen(szAMPM))); if (dwWidth > 22) { nMaxNumWidth = 10; } } return (nMaxNumWidth); }
// ReflectAMPM
// Sets the global g_bPM and updates the control to display AM or PM.
void ReflectAMPM( HWND hDlg, int nNum) { HWND hCtl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_AMPM);
ListBox_SetTopIndex(hCtl, g_bPM); ListBox_SetCurSel(hCtl, (GetFocus() == hCtl) ? g_bPM : -1); }
// GetTextExtent
#ifdef WIN32
DWORD GetTextExtent( HDC hdc, LPCTSTR lpsz, int cb) { SIZE sz; BOOL bSuccess = GetTextExtentPoint(hdc, lpsz, cb, &sz); if ( !bSuccess ) { ZeroMemory( &sz, sizeof(sz) ); }
return ( MAKELONG((WORD)sz.cx, (WORD)sz.cy) ); } #endif
// DateTimeInit
// Determine the widest digit (safety against variable pitch fonts).
void DateTimeInit( HWND hDlg, WORD nBaseID, WORD nSepID, LPTSTR pszSep, int nMaxDigitWidth, BOOL bDate) { HWND hAMPMList; HWND hDay, hMonth, hYear; // also used as hHour, hMinute, & hSecond
HWND hOrder[5]; HDC hDC; int nWidth, nHeight, X; DWORD dwSepExt; RECT Rect; int i; int nAMPMlength;
hMonth = GetDlgItem(hDlg, nBaseID); hDay = GetDlgItem(hDlg, nBaseID + 1); hYear = GetDlgItem(hDlg, nBaseID + 2); hOrder[1] = GetDlgItem(hDlg, nSepID); hOrder[3] = GetDlgItem(hDlg, nSepID + 1);
if (bDate) { i = GetProfileInt(szIntl, TEXT("iDate"), 0); } else { if (g_b24HR = ( 0 != GetProfileInt(szIntl, TEXT("iTime"), 0) )) { g_sDateInfo[HOUR].nMin = 0; g_sDateInfo[HOUR].nMax = 23; } else { g_sDateInfo[HOUR].nMin = 1; g_sDateInfo[HOUR].nMax = 12;
GetProfileString(szIntl, TEXT("s1159"), IntlDef.s1159, sz1159, ARRAYSIZE(sz1159)); GetProfileString(szIntl, TEXT("s2359"), IntlDef.s2359, sz2359, ARRAYSIZE(sz2359)); } i = 0; }
switch (i) { case ( 1 ) : { hOrder[0] = hDay; hOrder[2] = hMonth; hOrder[4] = hYear; break; } case ( 2 ) : { hOrder[0] = hYear; hOrder[2] = hMonth; hOrder[4] = hDay; break; } case ( 0 ) : default : { hOrder[0] = hMonth; hOrder[2] = hDay; hOrder[4] = hYear; break; } }
hDC = GetDC(hDlg);
if (!bDate) { dwSepExt = GetTextExtent(hDC, sz1159, lstrlen(sz1159)); nAMPMlength = LOWORD(GetTextExtent(hDC, sz2359, lstrlen(sz2359))); if (nAMPMlength < (int)LOWORD(dwSepExt)) { nAMPMlength = (int)LOWORD(dwSepExt); } }
dwSepExt = GetTextExtent(hDC, pszSep, lstrlen(pszSep)); ReleaseDC(hDlg, hDC);
GetWindowRect(hYear, (LPRECT)&Rect); ScreenToClient(hDlg, (LPPOINT)&Rect.left); ScreenToClient(hDlg, (LPPOINT)&Rect.right);
nHeight = Rect.bottom - Rect.top; nWidth = Rect.top;
GetWindowRect( GetDlgItem( hDlg, bDate ? DATETIME_CALENDAR : DATETIME_CLOCK ), (LPRECT)&Rect ); ScreenToClient(hDlg, (LPPOINT)&Rect.left); ScreenToClient(hDlg, (LPPOINT)&Rect.right);
Rect.top = nWidth; X = (Rect.left + Rect.right - (6 * nMaxDigitWidth) - (2 * LOWORD(dwSepExt))) / 2;
if (bDate) { if (g_bLZero[YEAR]) { X -= nMaxDigitWidth; } } else if (!g_b24HR) { X -= nAMPMlength / 2; }
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { nWidth = (i % 2) ? LOWORD(dwSepExt) : 2 * nMaxDigitWidth;
if ((hOrder[i] == hYear) && bDate && g_bLZero[YEAR]) { nWidth *= 2; }
// Allow for centering in edit control.
nWidth += 2;
// MoveWindow(hOrder[i], X, Rect.top, nWidth, nHeight, FALSE);
X += nWidth; }
hAMPMList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_AMPM); ListBox_ResetContent(hAMPMList);
if (!bDate && !g_b24HR) { ListBox_InsertString(hAMPMList, 0, sz1159); ListBox_InsertString(hAMPMList, 1, sz2359); }
EnableWindow(hAMPMList, !g_b24HR);
Edit_LimitText(hYear, (bDate && g_bLZero[YEAR]) ? 4 : 2); Edit_LimitText(hMonth, 2); Edit_LimitText(hDay, 2);
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, nSepID, pszSep); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, nSepID + 1, pszSep); }
// myitoa
void myitoa( int intValue, LPTSTR lpStr) { LPTSTR lpString; TCHAR c;
// lpString points to 1st char.
lpString = lpStr;
do { *lpStr++ = (TCHAR)(intValue % 10 + TEXT('0')); } while ((intValue /= 10) > 0);
// lpStr points to last char.
*lpStr-- = TEXT('\0');
// Now reverse the string.
while (lpString < lpStr) { c = *lpString; *(lpString++) = *lpStr; *(lpStr--) = c; } }
// UpdateItem
// This displays the information in the control from the array
// of global values. Also selects the control. Also adds leading 0's
// as well as rounding years to 2 digits and 24 or AM/PM hours.
void UpdateItem( HWND hDlg, int i) { TCHAR szNum[5]; int nNum = g_Modified ? wPrevDateTime[i] : wDateTime[i];
// Use internal time.
if (i <= SECOND && i >= HOUR) { nNum = g_Time[i];
// Do not paint un-necessarily.
if ((nNum == g_LastTime[i]) && (nNum >= 10)) { return; }
g_LastTime[i] = nNum;
if (i == HOUR) { if (IsAMPM(nNum)) { g_bPM = TRUE; } ReflectAMPM(hDlg, nNum); } }
if (i == YEAR) { //
// Round the years to last 2 digits.
if (!g_bLZero[i]) { nNum %= 100; } } else if ((i == HOUR) && !g_b24HR) { //
// nNum came from our internal date time.
// Remove 12 hours if not 24hour.
if (g_bPM) { nNum %= 12; }
// 00 hours is actually 12AM.
if (!nNum) { nNum = 12; } }
// See if we need leading zeros.
// We only deal with 2 character numbers MAX.
if ((nNum < 10) && (g_bLZero[i] || (i == YEAR))) { szNum[0] = TEXT('0'); szNum[1] = (TCHAR)(TEXT('0') + nNum); szNum[2] = TEXT('\0'); } else { myitoa(nNum, szNum); }
// Reflect the value in the appropriate control.
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, DATETIME_HOUR + i, szNum);
// Select the field too.
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, DATETIME_HOUR + i, EM_SETSEL, 0, MAKELONG(0, 32767));
// If we changed year or month, then we may have altered the leap year
// state.
if (i == MONTH || i == YEAR) { g_sDateInfo[DAY].nMax = MonthUpperBound( wDateTime[MONTH], wDateTime[YEAR] ); } }
// _ShowTZ
TCHAR c_szFirstBootTZ[] = TEXT("!!!First Boot!!!");
void _ShowTZ( HWND hDlg) { HWND ctl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_CURTZ); TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION info; TCHAR final[64 + TZNAME_SIZE]; TCHAR name[TZNAME_SIZE]; DWORD TimeZoneId;
if (g_bFirstBoot) { ShowWindow(ctl, SW_HIDE); } else { TimeZoneId = GetTimeZoneInformation(&info); if ( TimeZoneId == TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD ) { StringCchCopy( name, ARRAYSIZE(name), info.StandardName ); } else { StringCchCopy( name, ARRAYSIZE(name), info.DaylightName ); }
// Display nothing if it is our special 1st boot marker.
if (*name && (lstrcmpi(name, c_szFirstBootTZ) != 0)) { static TCHAR format[128] = TEXT("");
if (!*format) { GetWindowText( ctl, format, ARRAYSIZE(format) ); }
StringCchPrintf( final, ARRAYSIZE(final), format, name ); } else { *final = 0; }
SetWindowText(ctl, final); } }
// UnhookTime
// To stop the clock calling us back all the time (around exit).
void UnhookTimer( HWND hDlg) { SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, DATETIME_CLOCK, CLM_TIMEHWND, CLF_SETHWND, 0); }
// TimeProvider
// Called by the clock to find out what time it is.
void TimeProvider( LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime, HWND hDlg) { short wTemp[7];
// If the user has modified the time, the clock should
// display the edit controls, otherwise its just the SystemTime.
if (g_Modified) { lpSystemTime->wHour = (WORD)g_Time[HOUR]; lpSystemTime->wMinute = (WORD)g_Time[MINUTE]; lpSystemTime->wSecond = (WORD)g_Time[SECOND]; } else { #ifdef WIN32
GetLocalTime(lpSystemTime); #else
GetTime(); if (wDateTime[HOUR] >= 0 && wDateTime[HOUR] <= 24) { lpSystemTime->wHour = wDateTime[HOUR]; } lpSystemTime->wMinute = wDateTime[MINUTE]; lpSystemTime->wSecond = wDateTime[SECOND];
// Copy the time and display it for us too.
g_bPM = IsAMPM(lpSystemTime->wHour); g_Time[HOUR] = lpSystemTime->wHour; g_Time[MINUTE] = lpSystemTime->wMinute; g_Time[SECOND] = lpSystemTime->wSecond;
// Check for date rollover.
if (!fDateDirty) { wTemp[DAY] = wDateTime[DAY]; wTemp[MONTH] = wDateTime[MONTH]; wTemp[YEAR] = wDateTime[YEAR];
if ((wDateTime[DAY] != wTemp[DAY]) || (wDateTime[MONTH] != wTemp[MONTH]) || (wDateTime[YEAR] != wTemp[YEAR])) { InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_CALENDAR), NULL, TRUE);
if (wDateTime[MONTH] != wTemp[MONTH]) { ComboBox_SetCurSel( GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_MONTHNAME), wDateTime[MONTH] - 1 ); }
if (wDateTime[YEAR] != wTemp[YEAR]) { UpdateItem(hDlg, YEAR); }
_ShowTZ(hDlg); } } UpdateItem(hDlg, HOUR); UpdateItem(hDlg, MINUTE); UpdateItem(hDlg, SECOND); ReflectAMPM(hDlg, g_Time[HOUR]); } }
// bSupportedCalendar
// Returns True if the current calendar is not Hijri nor Hebrew
// Otherwise it returns FALSE.
BOOL bSupportedCalendar() { TCHAR tchCalendar[32]; CALTYPE defCalendar = CAL_GREGORIAN;
if (GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE, tchCalendar, ARRAYSIZE(tchCalendar))) { defCalendar = StrToInt(tchCalendar); }
return (!(defCalendar == CAL_HIJRI || defCalendar == CAL_HEBREW)); }
// InitDateTimeDlg
// Called to init the dialog.
void InitDateTimeDlg( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int nMaxDigitWidth; int i; TCHAR szNum[5]; TCHAR szMonth[64]; TCHAR szShortDate[12]; HDC hDC; HFONT hFont; HWND hwndCB; CALID calId; static int nInc[] = { 1, 5, 5, 1, 1, 5 };
HWND hwndScroll; UDACCEL udAccel[2]; HWND hwndTBorder;
HCURSOR oldcursor = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
// Sets the Leading zero status of the 6 controls.
g_bLZero[HOUR] = g_bLZero[MONTH] = g_bLZero[DAY] = FALSE; g_bLZero[MINUTE] = g_bLZero[SECOND] = g_bLZero[YEAR] = TRUE;
hDC = GetDC(hDlg);
if (hFont = (HFONT)SendMessage(hDlg, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0L)) { hFont = SelectObject( hDC, hFont ); }
if (hFont) { SelectObject(hDC, hFont); }
nMaxDigitWidth = GetMaxCharWidth(hDC); ReleaseDC(hDlg, hDC);
g_bLZero[HOUR] = GetProfileInt(szIntl, TEXT("iTLZero"), 0); //
// Initialize szShortDate in case GetProfileString fails.
StringCchCopy( szShortDate, ARRAYSIZE(szShortDate), IntlDef.sShortDate ); GetProfileString(szIntl, TEXT("sShortDate"), IntlDef.sShortDate, szShortDate, ARRAYSIZE(szShortDate)); ReadShortDate(szShortDate, g_bLZero + MONTH, g_bLZero + DAY, g_bLZero + YEAR);
g_bLZero[YEAR] = TRUE; //we always want the year to be 4 digits (this will be bad in late 9999)
// Setup the TIME stuff.
g_Time[HOUR] = wDateTime[HOUR]; g_Time[MINUTE] = wDateTime[MINUTE]; g_Time[SECOND] = wDateTime[SECOND];
GetProfileString(szIntl, TEXT("sTime"), IntlDef.sTime, szNum, 3); DateTimeInit(hDlg, DATETIME_HOUR, DATETIME_TSEP1, szNum, nMaxDigitWidth, FALSE);
// Force all entries to be re-drawn,
g_LastTime[HOUR] = g_LastTime[MINUTE] = g_LastTime[SECOND] = -1; UpdateItem(hDlg, HOUR); UpdateItem(hDlg, MINUTE); UpdateItem(hDlg, SECOND); ReflectAMPM(hDlg, wDateTime[HOUR]);
// Setup the Date stuff.
g_sDateInfo[DAY].nMax = MonthUpperBound(wDateTime[MONTH], wDateTime[YEAR]);
if (!g_bLZero[YEAR]) { wDateTime[YEAR] %= 100; g_sDateInfo[YEAR].nMax = 99; g_sDateInfo[YEAR].nMin = 0; } else { g_sDateInfo[YEAR].nMax = 2099; g_sDateInfo[YEAR].nMin = 1980; }
for (i = MONTH; i <= YEAR; i++) { wPrevDateTime[i] = -1; }
// Get the month names. And select this month.
hwndCB = GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_MONTHNAME); ComboBox_ResetContent(hwndCB); //
// If the current calendar is Hijri or Hebrew then use the Gregorian one.
GetLocaleInfo(lcid, LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE, szMonth, ARRAYSIZE(szMonth)); calId = (CALID)StrToInt(szMonth);
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { GetCalendarInfo(lcid, calId, CAL_SMONTHNAME1 + i, szMonth, ARRAYSIZE(szMonth), NULL); ComboBox_AddString(hwndCB, szMonth); }
ComboBox_SetCurSel(hwndCB, wDateTime[MONTH] - 1);
// Set the default modifier for the Year Updown arrows.
wParam -= DATETIME_HOUR; hwndScroll = GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_YARROW); SendMessage( hwndScroll, UDM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(g_sDateInfo[YEAR].nMax, g_sDateInfo[YEAR].nMin) );
udAccel[0].nSec = 0; udAccel[0].nInc = 1; udAccel[1].nSec = 2; udAccel[1].nInc = nInc[YEAR];
SendMessage(hwndScroll, UDM_SETACCEL, 2, (LPARAM)(LPUDACCEL)udAccel); SendMessage(hwndScroll, UDM_SETBUDDY, (WPARAM)GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_YEAR), 0L);
// Set the default modifier for the time arrows.
// It should control the HOURS by default as per joelgros
hwndScroll = GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_TARROW); SendMessage( hwndScroll, UDM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM( g_sDateInfo[HOUR].nMax, g_sDateInfo[HOUR].nMin) ); udAccel[0].nSec = 0; udAccel[0].nInc = 1; udAccel[1].nSec = 2; udAccel[1].nInc = nInc[HOUR]; SendMessage( hwndScroll, UDM_SETACCEL, 2, (LPARAM)(LPUDACCEL)udAccel ); SendMessage( hwndScroll, UDM_SETBUDDY, (WPARAM)GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_HOUR), 0L );
// Make the 'well' for the digits appear.
hwndTBorder = GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_TBORDER); SetWindowLong( hwndTBorder, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(hwndTBorder, GWL_EXSTYLE) | WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE );
// Display the border right now.
SetWindowPos( hwndTBorder, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_DRAWFRAME | SWP_SHOWWINDOW );
// Display month->year.
for (i = MONTH; i <= YEAR; i++) { if ((wDateTime[i] != wPrevDateTime[i]) && (GetFocus() != GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_HOUR + i))) { //
// Update previous date-time.
wPrevDateTime[i] = wDateTime[i];
if (i == YEAR) { UpdateItem(hDlg, i); } } }
g_Modified = FALSE;
// Tell the clock that we have a time provider - must be done last.
SetCursor(oldcursor); }
// CheckNum
LRESULT CheckNum( HWND hDlg, UINT nScrollID, HWND hCtl) { static int cReenter = 0;
// If this is an illegal value, (but not blank), then kill the last char
// that was entered.
lRet = SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, nScrollID, UDM_GETPOS, 0, 0L);
// Guard against re-entrance.
if (cReenter <= 4) { SendMessage( hCtl, HIWORD(lRet) && GetWindowTextLength(hCtl) ? EM_UNDO : EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER, 0, 0L ); }
return (lRet); }
// DateTimeDlgProc
// Main dialog proc.
INT_PTR CALLBACK DateTimeDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int i;
switch (uMsg) { case (WM_INITDIALOG): { AddInternetPageAsync(GetParent(hDlg), hDlg);
InitDateTimeDlg(hDlg, uMsg, wParam, lParam); g_PrevIMCForDateField = ImmAssociateContext(GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_YEAR), 0); break; } case ( WM_DESTROY ) : { if (g_PrevIMCForDateField) { ImmAssociateContext( GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_YEAR), g_PrevIMCForDateField ); } UnhookTimer(hDlg); break; } #ifdef WIN32
case ( WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC ) : #endif
case ( WM_CTLCOLOR ) : { //
// Set the background color of the time controls to the the
// color of the edit controls.
if ((GET_WM_CTLCOLOR_HWND(wParam, lParam, uMsg) == GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_TSEP1)) || (GET_WM_CTLCOLOR_HWND(wParam, lParam, uMsg) == GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_TSEP2)) || (GET_WM_CTLCOLOR_HWND(wParam, lParam, uMsg) == GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_TBORDER))) { #ifndef WIN32
// Make the statics the color of the edits.
return ((INT_PTR)DefWindowProc(hDlg, uMsg, wParam, lParam)); #else
return ((INT_PTR)DefWindowProc(hDlg, WM_CTLCOLOREDIT, wParam, lParam)); #endif
} return (0); break; } case ( WM_NOTIFY ) : { //
// Property sheet handler stuff.
switch (((NMHDR *)lParam)->code) { case ( PSN_SETACTIVE ) : { _ShowTZ(hDlg); break; } case ( PSN_RESET ) : { UnhookTimer(hDlg);
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg, (int)wParam));
GetDate(); GetTime(); break; } case ( PSN_APPLY ) : { wDateTime[MINUTE] = (WORD)g_Time[MINUTE]; wDateTime[SECOND] = (WORD)g_Time[SECOND];
if (g_b24HR) { wDateTime[HOUR] = (WORD)g_Time[HOUR]; } else { wDateTime[HOUR] = g_Time[HOUR] % 12;
if (g_bPM) { wDateTime[HOUR] += 12; } } g_WasModified = g_Modified; SetTime();
g_LastTime[HOUR] = g_LastTime[MINUTE] = g_LastTime[SECOND] = -1;
for (i = MONTH; i <= YEAR; i++) { wPrevDateTime[i] = -1; }
g_Modified = FALSE;
wPrevDateTime[HOUR] = wDateTime[HOUR]; wPrevDateTime[MINUTE] = wDateTime[MINUTE]; wPrevDateTime[SECOND] = wDateTime[SECOND]; wPrevDateTime[MONTH] = wDateTime[MONTH]; wPrevDateTime[DAY] = wDateTime[DAY]; wPrevDateTime[YEAR] = wDateTime[YEAR]; wPrevDateTime[WEEKDAY] = wDateTime[WEEKDAY];
// We handled it - no repaint.
return (TRUE); } } break; } case ( WM_VSCROLL ) : { switch (GET_WM_VSCROLL_CODE(wParam, lParam)) { case ( SB_THUMBPOSITION ) : { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; HWND hBuddy = (HWND)SendMessage( GET_WM_VSCROLL_HWND(wParam, lParam), UDM_GETBUDDY, 0, 0L );
if (hBuddy == GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_HOUR)) { g_Time[HOUR] = GET_WM_VSCROLL_POS(wParam, lParam); } else if (hBuddy == GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_MINUTE)) { g_Time[MINUTE] = GET_WM_VSCROLL_POS(wParam, lParam); } else if (hBuddy == GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_SECOND)) { g_Time[SECOND] = GET_WM_VSCROLL_POS(wParam, lParam); } // else if (hBuddy == GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_AMPM))
if (hBuddy != GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_YEAR)) g_Modified = TRUE;
// Light the apply now button.
PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hDlg), hDlg);
// Force the clock to reflect this setting.
TimeProvider(&SystemTime, hDlg);
// Fall thru to update the year...
} case ( SB_ENDSCROLL ) : { //
// If this is the year, have the calendar repaint.
if ((HWND)SendMessage( GET_WM_VSCROLL_HWND(wParam, lParam), UDM_GETBUDDY, 0, 0L ) == GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_YEAR)) { //
// Have it update the information.
GetTime(); AdjustDelta(hDlg, YEAR); UpdateItem(hDlg, YEAR);
InvalidateRect( GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_CALENDAR), NULL, TRUE ); }
break; } } break; } case ( CLM_UPDATETIME ) : { //
// The clock updating/reflecting the time.
switch (wParam) { case ( CLF_SETTIME ) : { //
// Clock telling us what the time is.
g_Modified = TRUE; g_Time[HOUR] = ((LPSYSTEMTIME)lParam)->wHour; g_Time[MINUTE] = ((LPSYSTEMTIME)lParam)->wMinute; g_Time[SECOND] = ((LPSYSTEMTIME)lParam)->wSecond; g_bPM = IsAMPM(g_Time[HOUR]); break; } case ( CLF_GETTIME ) : { //
// We tell the clock what time it is.
TimeProvider((LPSYSTEMTIME)lParam, hDlg); break; } } break; } case ( WM_COMMAND ) : { //
// Command processing.
switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case ( DATETIME_AMPM ) : { //
// Deals with the AMPM control.
UDACCEL udAccel; HWND hwndScroll = GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_TARROW); HWND hwndThisCtl = GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wParam, lParam);
// We only care if we get/loose the focus.
switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case ( LBN_SETFOCUS ) : { //
// If we get the focus, then the UD control
// should deal with the AMPM.
// Select the visible entry.
ReflectAMPM(hDlg, wDateTime[HOUR]);
// if it has a buddy, remove it...
if ((HWND)SendMessage( hwndScroll, UDM_GETBUDDY, 0, 0 ) != NULL) { SendMessage(hwndScroll, UDM_SETBUDDY, 0, 0); } //
// Tell the UD control how to manipulate AM/PM.
SendMessage( hwndScroll, UDM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(1, 0) ); udAccel.nSec = 0; udAccel.nInc = 1; SendMessage( hwndScroll, UDM_SETACCEL, 1, (LPARAM)(LPUDACCEL)&udAccel ); SendMessage( hwndScroll, UDM_SETBUDDY, (WPARAM)hwndThisCtl, 0 ); break; } case ( LBN_KILLFOCUS ) : { //
// When we loose focus, the g_bPM flag is updated.
// Remove selection from the AM/PM.
ListBox_SetCurSel(hwndThisCtl, -1);
if ((HWND)SendMessage( hwndScroll, UDM_GETBUDDY, 0, 0 ) == hwndThisCtl) { SendMessage(hwndScroll, UDM_SETBUDDY, 0, 0); }
break; } case ( LBN_SELCHANGE ) : { if ((g_Modified == FALSE) && (g_bPM == (BOOL)ListBox_GetTopIndex(hwndThisCtl))) { break; }
// Find the visible entry.
g_Modified = TRUE;
// Light the apply now button.
PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hDlg), hDlg); g_bPM = (BOOL)ListBox_GetTopIndex(hwndThisCtl); break; } } break; } case ( DATETIME_HOUR ) : case ( DATETIME_MINUTE ) : case ( DATETIME_SECOND ) : { switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case ( EN_CHANGE ) : { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
g_Modified = TRUE;
// Light the apply now button.
PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hDlg), hDlg);
// Work out what the change was too.
g_Time[GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam) - DATETIME_HOUR] = (int)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, DATETIME_TARROW, UDM_GETPOS, 0, 0 );
// Force the clock to reflect this setting.
TimeProvider(&SystemTime, hDlg); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, DATETIME_CLOCK, CLM_UPDATETIME, 0, (LPARAM)(LPSYSTEMTIME)&SystemTime ); break; } }
// fall thru...
} case ( DATETIME_MONTH ) : case ( DATETIME_YEAR ) : case ( DATETIME_DAY ) : { switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam)) { case ( EN_CHANGE ) : { CheckNum( hDlg, GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam) <= DATETIME_SECOND ? DATETIME_TARROW : DATETIME_YARROW, GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wParam, lParam) );
// Changing the year may alter the number of days in February.
// Yes this is a hack, but this entire applet is a giant
// broken hack and I want to change it as little as possible.
if (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam) == DATETIME_YEAR && wDateTime[MONTH] == 2) { g_sDateInfo[DAY].nMax = MonthUpperBound( wDateTime[MONTH], wDateTime[YEAR] ); if (wDateTime[DAY] > g_sDateInfo[DAY].nMax) { wDateTime[DAY] = (WORD)g_sDateInfo[DAY].nMax; fDateDirty = TRUE; } InvalidateRect( GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_CALENDAR), NULL, TRUE ); } break; } case ( EN_SETFOCUS ) : { UINT id = GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam) - DATETIME_HOUR;
if (id <= SECOND) { UDACCEL udAccel[2]; static int nInc[] = { 1, 5, 5, 1, 1, 5 }; HWND hwndScroll = GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_TARROW);
// if it has a buddy, remove it...
if ((HWND)SendMessage( hwndScroll, UDM_GETBUDDY, 0, 0 ) != NULL) { SendMessage(hwndScroll, UDM_SETBUDDY, 0, 0); }
// now set the new one
SendMessage( hwndScroll, UDM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM( g_sDateInfo[id].nMax, g_sDateInfo[id].nMin) ); udAccel[0].nSec = 0; udAccel[0].nInc = 1; udAccel[1].nSec = 2; udAccel[1].nInc = nInc[id]; SendMessage( hwndScroll, UDM_SETACCEL, 2, (LPARAM)(LPUDACCEL)udAccel );
// Set the UD to update this control.
SendMessage( hwndScroll, UDM_SETBUDDY, (WPARAM)GET_WM_COMMAND_HWND(wParam, lParam), 0 ); } break; } case ( EN_KILLFOCUS ) : { //
// Gets in range HMS MDY.
AdjustDelta(hDlg, id); UpdateItem(hDlg, id);
// If control is YEAR.
if (id == (DATETIME_YEAR - DATETIME_HOUR)) { InvalidateRect( GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_CALENDAR), NULL, TRUE ); }
break; } default : { break; } } break; } case ( DATETIME_MONTHNAME ) : { if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == CBN_SELCHANGE) { int nIndex = 1 + (int)ComboBox_GetCurSel( GetDlgItem( hDlg, DATETIME_MONTHNAME ));
if (wDateTime[MONTH] != nIndex) { AdjustDeltaMonth(nIndex); InvalidateRect( GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_CALENDAR), NULL, TRUE ); PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hDlg), hDlg); } } break; } case ( DATETIME_CALENDAR ) : { //
// If the calendar sent us a change, we will assume
// that it is to allow the apply now to work.
PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hDlg), hDlg); break; } } break; } case ( WM_WININICHANGE ) : { //
// Reinitialize if there is a time format change.
InitDateTimeDlg(hDlg, uMsg, wParam, lParam); InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hDlg, DATETIME_CALENDAR), NULL, TRUE); break; } case ( WM_TIMECHANGE ) : { //
// Forward time change messages to the clock control.
SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, DATETIME_CLOCK, WM_TIMECHANGE, wParam, lParam );
break; }
case ( WMUSER_ADDINTERNETTAB ) : { AddInternetTab(hDlg); break; }
case ( WM_HELP ) : // F1
{ WinHelp( (HWND)((LPHELPINFO)lParam)->hItemHandle, NULL, HELP_WM_HELP, (DWORD_PTR)(LPTSTR)aDateTimeHelpIds ); break; } case ( WM_CONTEXTMENU ) : // right mouse click
{ WinHelp( (HWND)wParam, NULL, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (DWORD_PTR)(LPTSTR)aDateTimeHelpIds ); break; } default : { return (FALSE); } } return (TRUE); }
// SetZoneState
// Sets the display state of a time zone in the map control.
void SetZoneState( HWND map, PTZINFO zone, BOOL highlight) { if (zone) { if (zone->SeaIndex >= 0) { MapControlSetSeaRegionHighlight( map, zone->SeaIndex, highlight, zone->MapLeft, zone->MapWidth ); }
if (zone->LandIndex >= 0) { MapControlSetLandRegionHighlight( map, zone->LandIndex, highlight, zone->MapLeft, zone->MapWidth ); } } }
// SetZoneFamilyState
// Sets the display state of a time zone family in the map control.
void SetZoneFamilyState( HWND map, PTZINFO family, BOOL highlight) { if (family) { PTZINFO zone = family;
do { SetZoneState(map, zone, highlight); zone = zone->next; } while(zone && (zone != family)); } }
// ParseMapInfo
// Parses the color table information about the world bitmap we display.
// Expected format: "sea,land"
// where sea and land are color table indices or -1.
void ParseMapInfo( PTZINFO zone, const TCHAR *text) { const TCHAR *p = text;
zone->SeaIndex = zone->LandIndex = -1;
if (*p) { if (*p != TEXT('-')) { zone->SeaIndex = 0;
while (*p && (*p != TEXT(','))) { zone->SeaIndex = (10 * zone->SeaIndex) + (*p - TEXT('0')); p++; } } else { do { p++; } while (*p && (*p != TEXT(','))); }
if (*p == TEXT(',')) { p++; }
if (*p) { if (*p != TEXT('-')) { zone->LandIndex = 0;
while (*p) { zone->LandIndex = (10 * zone->LandIndex) + (*p - TEXT('0')); p++; } } } } }
// ReadZoneData
// Reads the data for a time zone from the registry.
BOOL ReadZoneData( PTZINFO zone, HKEY key, LPCTSTR keyname) { TCHAR mapinfo[16]; DWORD len; DWORD lenRet;
lenRet = sizeof(zone->szDisplayName);
if (RegQueryValueEx( key, c_szTZDisplayName, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)zone->szDisplayName, &lenRet ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return (FALSE); } else { zone->szDisplayName[ ARRAYSIZE(zone->szDisplayName) - 1 ] = L'\0'; // make sure it is terminated
// Under NT, the keyname is the "Standard" name. Values stored
// under the keyname contain the other strings and binary info
// related to the time zone. Every time zone must have a standard
// name, therefore, we save registry space by using the Standard
// name as the subkey name under the "Time Zones" key.
lenRet = sizeof(zone->szStandardName);
if (RegQueryValueEx( key, c_szTZStandardName, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)zone->szStandardName, &lenRet ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Use keyname if can't get StandardName value.
StringCchCopy( zone->szStandardName, ARRAYSIZE(zone->szStandardName), keyname ); } else { zone->szStandardName[ ARRAYSIZE(zone->szStandardName) - 1 ] = L'\0'; // make sure it is terminated
lenRet = sizeof(zone->szDaylightName);
if (RegQueryValueEx( key, c_szTZDaylightName, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)zone->szDaylightName, &lenRet ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return (FALSE); } else { zone->szDaylightName[ ARRAYSIZE(zone->szDaylightName) - 1 ] = L'\0'; // make sure it is terminated
lenRet = len = sizeof(zone->Bias) + sizeof(zone->StandardBias) + sizeof(zone->DaylightBias) + sizeof(zone->StandardDate) + sizeof(zone->DaylightDate);
if (RegQueryValueEx( key, c_szTZI, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)&zone->Bias, &lenRet ) != ERROR_SUCCESS || lenRet != len ) { return (FALSE); }
len = sizeof(mapinfo);
if (RegQueryValueEx( key, c_szTZMapInfo, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)mapinfo, &len ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { mapinfo[0] = TEXT('\0'); } else { mapinfo[ARRAYSIZE(mapinfo) - 1 ] = L'\0'; }
ParseMapInfo(zone, mapinfo);
// Generate phony MapLeft and MapRight until they show up in the
// registry.
zone->MapLeft = ((zone->Bias * ZONE_IMAGE_SCALE) / ZONE_BIAS_SCALE) + ZONE_IMAGE_LEFT;
zone->MapWidth = ZONE_IMAGE_WIDTH;
return (TRUE); }
// AddZoneToList
// Inserts a new time zone into a list, sorted by bias and then name.
void AddZoneToList( PTZINFO *list, PTZINFO zone) { if (*list) { PTZINFO curr = NULL; PTZINFO next = *list;
while (next && zone->Bias <= next->Bias) { if (zone->Bias == next->Bias) { if (CompareString( GetUserDefaultLCID(), 0, zone->szDisplayName, -1, next->szDisplayName, -1 ) == CSTR_LESS_THAN) { break; } } curr = next; next = curr->next; }
zone->next = next;
if (curr) { curr->next = zone; } else { *list = zone; } } else { *list = zone; } }
// FreeTimezoneList
// Frees all time zones in the passed list, setting the head to NULL.
void FreeTimezoneList( PTZINFO *list) { while (*list) { PTZINFO next = (*list)->next;
*list = next; } }
// ReadTimezones
// Reads the time zone information from the registry.
// Returns num read, -1 on failure.
int ReadTimezones( PTZINFO *list) { HKEY key = NULL; int count = -1;
*list = NULL;
if (RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szTimeZones, &key ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR name[TZNAME_SIZE]; PTZINFO zone = NULL; int i;
count = 0;
for (i = 0; RegEnumKey(key, i, name, TZNAME_SIZE) == ERROR_SUCCESS; i++) { HKEY subkey = NULL;
if (!zone && ((zone = (PTZINFO)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(TZINFO))) == NULL)) { zone = *list; *list = NULL; count = -1; break; }
zone->next = NULL;
if (RegOpenKey(key, name, &subkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Each sub key name under the Time Zones key is the
// "Standard" name for the Time Zone.
StringCchCopy( zone->szStandardName, ARRAYSIZE(zone->szStandardName), name );
if (ReadZoneData(zone, subkey, name)) { AddZoneToList(list, zone); zone = NULL; count++; }
RegCloseKey(subkey); } }
FreeTimezoneList(&zone); RegCloseKey(key); }
return (count); }
// InitZoneMapping
// Initializes map and map lookup for a specific time zone.
void InitZoneMapping( PTZINFO *lookup, PTZINFO list, HWND map) { PTZINFO zone = list; // not needed but more readable
while (zone) { if (zone->SeaIndex >= 0) { lookup[zone->SeaIndex] = zone; }
if (zone->LandIndex >= 0) { lookup[zone->LandIndex] = zone; }
SetZoneState(map, zone, FALSE); zone = zone->next; } }
// BreakZonesIntoFamilies
// Breaks the passed list into many circular lists.
// Each list consists of all time zones with a particular bias.
// Assumes the passed list is sorted by bias.
void BreakZonesIntoFamilies( PTZINFO head) { PTZINFO subhead = NULL; PTZINFO last = NULL; PTZINFO zone = head;
while (zone) { subhead = zone;
do { last = zone; zone = zone->next; } while (zone && (zone->Bias == subhead->Bias));
last->next = subhead; }
// Merge -12 and +12 zones into a single group.
// Assumes populated registry and depends on sort order.
if ((subhead) && (subhead->Bias == BIAS_PLUS_12) && (head->Bias == BIAS_MINUS_12)) { PTZINFO next = head;
do { zone = next; next = zone->next; } while (next != head);
zone->next = subhead; last->next = head; } }
// InitTimezones
// Initializes time zone stuff, UI and otherwise.
BOOL InitTimezones( HWND page, PTZINFO *lookup) { PTZINFO list = NULL;
if ((g_nTimeZones = ReadTimezones(&list)) >= 0) { HWND combo = GetDlgItem(page, IDD_TIMEZONES); PTZINFO zone = list;
SetWindowRedraw(combo, FALSE);
while (zone) { int index = ComboBox_AddString(combo, zone->szDisplayName);
if (index < 0) { break; } zone->ComboIndex = index; ComboBox_SetItemData(combo, index, (LPARAM)zone); zone = zone->next; }
SetWindowRedraw(combo, TRUE);
if (!zone) { InitZoneMapping(lookup, list, GetDlgItem(page, IDD_TIMEMAP)); BreakZonesIntoFamilies(list); return (TRUE); }
FreeTimezoneList(&list); ComboBox_ResetContent(combo); }
return (FALSE); }
// ChangeZone
// Updates the current zone, making sure new zone's family is highlighted.
void ChangeZone( HWND page, TZPAGE_STATE *state, PTZINFO zone) { if (zone || state->zone) { BOOL newfamily = (!zone || !state->zone || (zone->Bias != state->zone->Bias)); HWND map = GetDlgItem(page, IDD_TIMEMAP); BOOL dayval = (zone && (zone->StandardDate.wMonth != 0));
if (newfamily && state->zone) { SetZoneFamilyState(map, state->zone, FALSE); }
state->zone = zone;
if (newfamily && state->zone) { SetZoneFamilyState(map, state->zone, TRUE); }
if (newfamily) { MapControlInvalidateDirtyRegions(map); }
ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(page, IDD_AUTOMAGIC), (dayval != 0 ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE));
if (!state->initializing) { PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(page), page); } } }
// HotTrackZone
// Updates the map highlighting and combo selection for a given map index.
// Expects to be called with dups.
void HotTrackZone( HWND page, TZPAGE_STATE *state, int index) { PTZINFO zone = state->lookup[index];
if (zone && (zone != state->zone)) { ComboBox_SetCurSel( GetDlgItem(page, IDD_TIMEZONES), (zone ? zone->ComboIndex : -1) ); ChangeZone(page, state, zone); } }
// CenterZone
// Updates the map highlighting and combo selection for a given map index.
// Expects to be called with dups.
void CenterZone( HWND page, TZPAGE_STATE *state, BOOL animate) { PTZINFO zone = state->zone;
if (zone) { HWND map = GetDlgItem(page, IDD_TIMEMAP);
MapControlRotateTo(map, zone->MapLeft + zone->MapWidth / 2, animate); } }
// GetPTZ
// Returns the pointer for the iItem time zone.
// If iItem is -1 on entry, use the currently selected time zone.
PTZINFO GetPTZ( HWND hDlg, int iItem) { HWND hCtl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_TIMEZONES);
if (iItem == -1) { iItem = (int)ComboBox_GetCurSel(hCtl); }
if (iItem < 0) { return (NULL); }
return ((PTZINFO)ComboBox_GetItemData(hCtl, iItem)); }
// GetAllowLocalTimeChange
BOOL GetAllowLocalTimeChange() { //
// Assume allowed until we see a disallow flag.
BOOL result = TRUE; HKEY key;
if (RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRegPathTZControl, &key ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Assume no disallow flag until we see one.
DWORD value = 0; long len = sizeof(value); DWORD type;
if ((RegQueryValueEx( key, c_szRegValDisableTZUpdate, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&value, &len ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && ((type == REG_DWORD) || (type == REG_BINARY)) && (len == sizeof(value)) && value) { //
// Okay, we have a nonzero value, it is either:
// 1) 0xFFFFFFFF
// this is set in an inf file for first boot to prevent
// the base from performing any cutovers during setup.
// 2) some other value
// this signifies that the user actualy disabled cutovers
// *return that local time changes are disabled
if (value != 0xFFFFFFFF) { result = FALSE; } }
RegCloseKey(key); }
return (result); }
// SetAllowLocalTimeChange
void SetAllowLocalTimeChange( BOOL fAllow) { HKEY key = NULL;
if (fAllow) { //
// Remove the disallow flag from the registry if it exists.
if (RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRegPathTZControl, &key ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegDeleteValue(key, c_szRegValDisableTZUpdate); } } else { //
// Add/set the nonzero disallow flag.
if (RegCreateKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRegPathTZControl, &key ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD value = 1;
RegSetValueEx( key, (LPCTSTR)c_szRegValDisableTZUpdate, 0UL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&value, sizeof(value) ); } }
if (key) { RegCloseKey(key); } }
// InitTimeZonePage
// This function initializes everything to do with the Time Zones.
BOOL InitTimeZonePage( HWND hDlg, TZPAGE_STATE *state) { TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tziCurrent; DWORD dwTZID; PTZINFO ptzi; int j ,iCurrentTZ; BOOL fForceSelection = FALSE; TCHAR temp[TZNAME_SIZE]; TCHAR oldTzMapName[TZNAME_SIZE], newTzMapName[TZNAME_SIZE];
// Get the current time zone information.
dwTZID = GetTimeZoneInformation(&tziCurrent);
LoadString(g_hInst, IDS_ISRAELTIMEZONE, oldTzMapName, TZNAME_SIZE); LoadString(g_hInst, IDS_JERUSALEMTIMEZONE, newTzMapName, TZNAME_SIZE); // this is a hack for Win95 or WinNT 4 to Win98/Win2k migration. "Israel" became "Jerusalem"
if (!lstrcmpi(oldTzMapName, tziCurrent.StandardName)) { StringCchCopy( tziCurrent.StandardName, ARRAYSIZE(tziCurrent.StandardName), newTzMapName ); fForceSelection = TRUE; }
// Check for bogus time zone info.
// Copy the name out so we can check for first boot.
StringCchCopy( temp, ARRAYSIZE(temp), tziCurrent.StandardName ); } else { //
// Treat bogus time zones like first boot.
StringCchCopy( temp, ARRAYSIZE(temp), c_szFirstBootTZ ); }
if (lstrcmpi(temp, c_szFirstBootTZ) == 0) { //
// The 'default' value of the time zone key specifies the
// default zone.
TCHAR szDefaultName[TZNAME_SIZE]; LONG len = sizeof(szDefaultName);
if (RegQueryValue( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szTimeZones, szDefaultName, &len ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { StringCchCopy( tziCurrent.StandardName, ARRAYSIZE(tziCurrent.StandardName), szDefaultName ); } else { tziCurrent.StandardName[0] = L'\0'; }
// If we can't find it by name, use GMT.
tziCurrent.StandardBias = tziCurrent.DaylightBias = tziCurrent.Bias = 0;
// Force the user to make a valid choice before quitting.
fForceSelection = TRUE; }
// Get the Time Zones from the registry.
InitTimezones(hDlg, state->lookup);
// Try to select the 'current' one or some equivalent.
// Start with an invalid index.
iCurrentTZ = g_nTimeZones;
// Try to find by name.
for (j = 0; j < g_nTimeZones; j++) { ptzi = GetPTZ(hDlg, j);
if (!lstrcmpi(ptzi->szStandardName, tziCurrent.StandardName)) { iCurrentTZ = j; break; } }
// If it hasn't been found yet, try to find a nearby zone using biases.
if (iCurrentTZ == g_nTimeZones) { int nBestHitCount = TZ_HIT_NONE;
for (j = 0; j < g_nTimeZones; j++) { ptzi = GetPTZ(hDlg, j);
if (ptzi->Bias == tziCurrent.Bias) { int nHitCount = TZ_HIT_BASE + ((ptzi->StandardBias == tziCurrent.StandardBias) + (ptzi->DaylightBias == tziCurrent.DaylightBias));
if (nHitCount > nBestHitCount) { nBestHitCount = nHitCount; iCurrentTZ = j;
if (nHitCount >= TZ_HIT_EXACT) { break; } } } } }
// Still didn't find it?
if (iCurrentTZ == g_nTimeZones) { //
// Punt.
iCurrentTZ = 0;
fForceSelection = TRUE; }
// Set up the dialog using this time zone's info.
// If wMonth is 0, then this Time Zone does not support DST.
if ((tziCurrent.StandardDate.wMonth == 0) || (tziCurrent.DaylightDate.wMonth == 0)) { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_AUTOMAGIC), SW_HIDE); }
// Always get "allow DLT" flag even if this zone is disabled.
CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDD_AUTOMAGIC, GetAllowLocalTimeChange());
ComboBox_SetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_TIMEZONES), iCurrentTZ);
ChangeZone(hDlg, state, GetPTZ(hDlg, -1)); CenterZone(hDlg, state, FALSE);
if (fForceSelection || g_bFirstBoot) { PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hDlg), hDlg); PropSheet_CancelToClose(GetParent(hDlg)); }
return (TRUE); }
// SetTheTimezone
// Apply the User's time zone selection.
void SetTheTimezone( BOOL bAutoMagicTimeChange, BOOL bAutoMagicEnabled, PTZINFO ptzi) { TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzi; HCURSOR hCurOld;
if (!ptzi) { return; }
tzi.Bias = ptzi->Bias;
if ((bAutoMagicTimeChange == 0) || (ptzi->StandardDate.wMonth == 0)) { //
// Standard Only.
tzi.StandardBias = ptzi->StandardBias; tzi.DaylightBias = ptzi->StandardBias; tzi.StandardDate = ptzi->StandardDate; tzi.DaylightDate = ptzi->StandardDate;
StringCchCopy( tzi.StandardName, ARRAYSIZE(tzi.StandardName), ptzi->szStandardName ); StringCchCopy( tzi.DaylightName, ARRAYSIZE(tzi.DaylightName), ptzi->szStandardName ); } else { //
// Automatically adjust for Daylight Saving Time.
tzi.StandardBias = ptzi->StandardBias; tzi.DaylightBias = ptzi->DaylightBias; tzi.StandardDate = ptzi->StandardDate; tzi.DaylightDate = ptzi->DaylightDate;
StringCchCopy( tzi.StandardName, ARRAYSIZE(tzi.StandardName), ptzi->szStandardName ); StringCchCopy( tzi.DaylightName, ARRAYSIZE(tzi.DaylightName), ptzi->szDaylightName ); }
SetTimeZoneInformation(&tzi); hCurOld = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
SetCursor(hCurOld); }
// TimeZoneDlgProc
INT_PTR CALLBACK TimeZoneDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TZPAGE_STATE *state = (TZPAGE_STATE *)GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER);
int i;
switch (uMsg) { case ( WM_INITDIALOG ) : { state = (TZPAGE_STATE *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(TZPAGE_STATE));
SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR)state);
if (!state) { EndDialog(hDlg, -1); break; }
state->initializing = TRUE; InitTimeZonePage(hDlg, state); state->initializing = FALSE;
break; } case ( WM_DESTROY ) : { for (i = 0; i < g_nTimeZones; i++) { LocalFree((HLOCAL)GetPTZ(hDlg, i)); }
if (state) { LocalFree((HANDLE)state); SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER, 0L); } break; } case ( WM_NOTIFY ) : { switch (((NMHDR *)lParam)->idFrom) { case ( 0 ) : { switch (((NMHDR *)lParam)->code) { case ( PSN_APPLY ) : { g_ptziCurrent = NULL;
// Find out which listbox item was selected.
SetTheTimezone( IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, IDD_AUTOMAGIC), IsWindowVisible(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDD_AUTOMAGIC)), GetPTZ(hDlg, -1) );
// if the user had modified the time as well as the timezone,
// then we should honor the time that they gave us since they
// explicitly said this was the time. If we don't then the
// time they entered will be offset by the timezone change
if (g_WasModified) { g_WasModified = FALSE; SetTime(); } break; } } break; } case ( IDD_TIMEMAP ) : { NFYMAPEVENT *event = (NFYMAPEVENT *)lParam;
switch (event->hdr.code) { case ( MAPN_TOUCH ) : { HotTrackZone(hDlg, state, event->index); break; } case ( MAPN_SELECT ) : { CenterZone(hDlg, state, TRUE); break; } } break; } } break; } case ( WM_COMMAND ) : { switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case ( IDD_TIMEZONES ) : // combo box
{ if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == CBN_SELCHANGE) { ChangeZone(hDlg, state, GetPTZ(hDlg, -1)); CenterZone(hDlg, state, TRUE); } break; } case ( IDD_AUTOMAGIC ) : // check box
{ if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == BN_CLICKED) { PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hDlg), hDlg); } break; } } break; } case ( WM_HELP ) : // F1
{ WinHelp( (HWND)((LPHELPINFO)lParam)->hItemHandle, NULL, HELP_WM_HELP, (DWORD_PTR)(LPTSTR)aDateTimeHelpIds ); break; } case ( WM_CONTEXTMENU ) : // right mouse click
{ WinHelp( (HWND)wParam, NULL, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (DWORD_PTR)(LPTSTR)aDateTimeHelpIds ); break; } default : { return (FALSE); } }
return (TRUE); }
// GetClInt
// Steal an int from the command line.
static int GetClInt( const TCHAR *p) { BOOL neg = FALSE; int v = 0;
// Skip spaces.
while (*p == TEXT(' ')) { p++; }
// See if it's negative.
if (*p == TEXT('-')) { //
// It's negative. Remember that it's negative and skip the
// '-' char.
neg = TRUE; p++; }
// Parse the absolute portion. Digits only.
while ((*p >= TEXT('0')) && (*p <= TEXT('9'))) { //
// Accumulate the value.
v = v * 10 + *p++ - TEXT('0'); }
// Return the result.
return (neg ? -v : v); }
// SelectZoneByName
BOOL SelectZoneByName( LPCTSTR cmdline) { BOOL result = FALSE; HKEY key = NULL;
while (*cmdline == TEXT(' ')) { cmdline++; }
if (!*cmdline) { return (FALSE); }
if (RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szTimeZones, &key ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR name[TZNAME_SIZE]; HKEY subkey = NULL; TZINFO zone;
// User can pass key name.
if (RegOpenKey(key, cmdline, &subkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (ReadZoneData(&zone, subkey, cmdline)) { result = TRUE; } } else { //
// User can also pass display name.
int i; int CmdLen = lstrlen(cmdline);
for (i = 0; RegEnumKey(key, i, name, TZNAME_SIZE) == ERROR_SUCCESS; i++) { if (RegOpenKey(key, name, &subkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LONG len = sizeof(zone.szDisplayName);
LRESULT lr = RegQueryValueEx( subkey , c_szTZDisplayName , 0 , NULL , (LPBYTE) &zone.szDisplayName , &len ); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lr ) { zone.szDisplayName[ ARRAYSIZE(zone.szDisplayName) - 1 ] = L'\0'; // make sure it is terminated.
if ( CompareString( GetUserDefaultLCID() , NORM_IGNORECASE | NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE | NORM_IGNOREWIDTH | NORM_IGNORENONSPACE , zone.szDisplayName , (CmdLen < 15) ? -1 : min(lstrlen(zone.szDisplayName), CmdLen) , cmdline , -1 ) == CSTR_EQUAL) { if (ReadZoneData(&zone, subkey, name)) { result = TRUE; } } }
RegCloseKey(subkey); }
if (result) { break; } } }
if (result) { SetTheTimezone(1, 1, &zone); } }
return (result); }
// OpenDateTimePropertySheet
// Opens a DateTime property sheet.
// Set the page for the property sheet.
BOOL OpenDateTimePropertySheet( HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR cmdline) { // Make this an array for multiple pages.
PROPSHEETPAGE apsp[3]; PROPSHEETHEADER psh; HDC hDC; HFONT hFont; int wMaxDigitWidth; BOOL fReturn; HRESULT hrOle;
hDC = GetDC(hwnd);
wMaxDigitWidth = GetMaxSubstitutedCharWidth(hDC); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hDC);
psh.nStartPage = (UINT)-1;
if (cmdline && *cmdline) { if (*cmdline == TEXT('/')) { BOOL fAutoSet = FALSE;
// Legend:
// zZ: first boot batch mode setup "/z pacific" etc
// fF: regular first boot
// mM: time zone change forced local time change message
switch (*++cmdline) { case ( TEXT('z') ) : case ( TEXT('Z') ) : { fAutoSet = TRUE;
// Fall thru...
} case ( TEXT('f') ) : case ( TEXT('F') ) : { g_bFirstBoot = TRUE;
if (fAutoSet && SelectZoneByName(cmdline + 1)) { return (TRUE); }
// Start on time zone page.
psh.nStartPage = 1; break; } case ( TEXT('m') ) : case ( TEXT('M') ) : { MSGBOXPARAMS params = { sizeof(params), hwnd, g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_WARNAUTOTIMECHANGE), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_WATC_CAPTION), MB_OK | MB_USERICON, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_TIMEDATE), 0, NULL, 0 };
// Show time/date page for user to verify.
psh.nStartPage = 0;
break; } default : { //
// Fall out, maybe it's a number...
break; } } } }
if (psh.nStartPage == (UINT)-1) { if (cmdline && (*cmdline >= TEXT('0')) && (*cmdline <= TEXT('9'))) { psh.nStartPage = GetClInt(cmdline); } else { psh.nStartPage = 0; } }
// Register our classes.
ClockInit(g_hInst); CalendarInit(g_hInst); RegisterMapControlStuff(g_hInst);
psh.dwSize = sizeof(psh); if (g_bFirstBoot) { //
// Disable Apply button for first boot.
psh.dwFlags = PSH_PROPTITLE | PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE | PSH_NOAPPLYNOW; } else { psh.dwFlags = PSH_PROPTITLE | PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE; } psh.hwndParent = hwnd; psh.hInstance = g_hInst; psh.pszIcon = NULL;
// psh.nStartPage is set above.
if(g_bShowOnlyTimeZone) { psh.pszCaption = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_TIMEDATE); psh.nPages = 1; psh.ppsp = apsp;
apsp[0].dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); apsp[0].dwFlags = PSP_DEFAULT; apsp[0].hInstance = g_hInst; apsp[0].pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_TIMEZONE); apsp[0].pfnDlgProc = TimeZoneDlgProc; apsp[0].lParam = 0; } else { psh.pszCaption = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_TIMEDATE); psh.nPages = 2; psh.ppsp = apsp;
apsp[0].dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); apsp[0].dwFlags = PSP_DEFAULT; apsp[0].hInstance = g_hInst; apsp[0].pszTemplate = wMaxDigitWidth > 8 ? MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_DATETIMEWIDE) : MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_DATETIME); apsp[0].pfnDlgProc = DateTimeDlgProc; apsp[0].lParam = 0;
apsp[1].dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); apsp[1].dwFlags = PSP_DEFAULT; apsp[1].hInstance = g_hInst; apsp[1].pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_TIMEZONE); apsp[1].pfnDlgProc = TimeZoneDlgProc; apsp[1].lParam = 0; }
if (psh.nStartPage >= psh.nPages) { psh.nStartPage = 0; }
// We use the HyperLink control and that requires OLE (for IAccessible)
hrOle = CoInitialize(0);
fReturn = (BOOL)PropertySheet(&psh); if (SUCCEEDED(hrOle)) { CoUninitialize(); }
return fReturn; }