// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: sharecnx.cpp
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "sharecnx.h"
// This class is a simple cache of net share names and some status flags.
// Initially, the only status maintained is to remember if there's an
// an open net connection for the share.
// The motivation for the cache is to avoid expensive net calls while
// we're cruising through lists of files (i.e. deleting files from the
// cache). After we delete a file from the cache, it is effectively
// unpinned. Therefore, we like to notify the shell so it can remove
// the "pinned" icon overlay from the affected file(s). However,
// we don't want to hit the net with a change notify if there
// isn't an open connection to a file's parent share. Before we issue
// a change notify, we just query this cache for a file using
// IsOpenConnectionPathUNC(). If there's no entry for the file's share,
// one is added and the connection status is obtained. If there's
// already an entry, then we just return the status. The public APIs
// support a "refresh" flag if refresh is desired.
// Additional status information could easily be added for each entry
// if it's needed later.
// [brianau - 12/12/98]
// CShareCnxStatusCache member functions.
CShareCnxStatusCache::CShareCnxStatusCache( void ) : m_hdpa(NULL) { }
CShareCnxStatusCache::~CShareCnxStatusCache( void ) { if (NULL != m_hdpa) { //
// Delete all the entries then destroy the DPA.
int cEntries = Count(); for (int i = 0; i < cEntries; i++) { delete GetEntry(i); } DPA_Destroy(m_hdpa); } }
// Returns address of entry or NULL if not found.
CShareCnxStatusCache::Entry * CShareCnxStatusCache::FindEntry( LPCTSTR pszShare ) const { if (NULL != m_hdpa) { int cEntries = Count(); for (int i = 0; i < cEntries; i++) { Entry *pEntry = GetEntry(i); if (NULL != pEntry && NULL != pEntry->Share()) { if (0 == lstrcmpi(pszShare, pEntry->Share())) { //
// Aha, we found a match.
return pEntry; } } } } return NULL; }
// Creates a new entry and adds it to the DPA of entries.
// If successful, returns address of new entry.
// Does not check for duplicate entry before adding new one.
CShareCnxStatusCache::Entry * CShareCnxStatusCache::AddEntry( LPCTSTR pszShare, DWORD dwStatus ) { Entry *pEntry = NULL;
if (NULL == m_hdpa) { //
// Must be first addition. Create the DPA.
m_hdpa = DPA_Create(8); }
if (NULL != m_hdpa) { int iEntry = -1; pEntry = new Entry(pszShare, dwStatus); if (NULL != pEntry && pEntry->IsValid()) { //
// We have a valid entry. Add it to the DPA.
iEntry = DPA_AppendPtr(m_hdpa, pEntry); } if (-1 == iEntry) { //
// One of the following bad things happened:
// 1. Entry creation failed. Most likely couldn't alloc string.
// 2. Failed to add entry to DPA (out of memory).
// Either way, destroy the entry and set the entry ptr so we
// return NULL.
delete pEntry; pEntry = NULL; } } return pEntry; }
// Determine if the net share associated with a UNC path (file or folder)
// has an open connection on this machine.
// Returns:
// S_OK = Open connection.
// S_FALSE = No open connection.
HRESULT CShareCnxStatusCache::IsOpenConnectionPathUNC( LPCTSTR pszPathUNC, bool bRefresh // [optional]. Default = false.
) { //
// Trim the path back to just the UNC share name.
// Call IsOpenConnectionShare() to do the actual work.
TCHAR szShare[MAX_PATH]; StringCchCopy(szShare, ARRAYSIZE(szShare), pszPathUNC); PathStripToRoot(szShare); return IsOpenConnectionShare(szShare, bRefresh); }
// Determine if the net share has an open connection on this machine.
// Returns:
// S_OK = Open connection.
// S_FALSE = No open connection.
HRESULT CShareCnxStatusCache::IsOpenConnectionShare( LPCTSTR pszShare, bool bRefresh // [optional]. Default = false.
) { DWORD dwStatus = 0; HRESULT hr = GetShareStatus(pszShare, &dwStatus, bRefresh); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (0 != (dwStatus & Entry::StatusOpenCnx)) hr = S_OK; else hr = S_FALSE; } return hr; }
// Returns:
// E_INVALIDARG = Path was not a UNC share.
// S_OK = Status is valid.
HRESULT CShareCnxStatusCache::GetShareStatus( LPCTSTR pszShare, DWORD *pdwStatus, bool bRefresh // [optional]. Default = false.
) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; // Assume share name isn't UNC.
*pdwStatus = 0;
if (PathIsUNCServerShare(pszShare)) { //
// We have a valid UNC "\\server\share" name string.
Entry *pEntry = FindEntry(pszShare); if (NULL == pEntry) { //
// Cache miss. Get the system status for the share and try to
// cache it.
hr = Entry::QueryShareStatus(pszShare, pdwStatus); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Note that we don't return any errors from the cache attempt.
// The only problem of not caching the entry is that the next
// call to this function will need to re-query the system for
// the information. This makes the cache meaningless but it's
// not worth failing the information request. Just slows things
// down a bit.
AddEntry(pszShare, *pdwStatus); } } else { //
// Cache hit.
hr = S_OK; if (bRefresh) { //
// Caller want's fresh info.
hr = pEntry->Refresh(); } *pdwStatus = pEntry->Status(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = pEntry->LastResult(); } } return hr; }
// Returns number of entries in the cache.
int CShareCnxStatusCache::Count( void ) const { return (NULL != m_hdpa) ? DPA_GetPtrCount(m_hdpa) : 0; }
// CShareCnxStatusCache::Entry member functions.
CShareCnxStatusCache::Entry::Entry( LPCTSTR pszShare, DWORD dwStatus ) : m_pszShare(StrDup(pszShare)), m_dwStatus(dwStatus), m_hrLastResult(NOERROR) { if (NULL == m_pszShare) { m_hrLastResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
CShareCnxStatusCache::Entry::~Entry( void ) { if (NULL != m_pszShare) { LocalFree(m_pszShare); } }
// Obtain new status info for the entry.
// Returns true if no errors obtaining info, false if there were errors.
HRESULT CShareCnxStatusCache::Entry::Refresh( void ) { m_dwStatus = 0; m_hrLastResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (NULL != m_pszShare) m_hrLastResult = QueryShareStatus(m_pszShare, &m_dwStatus);
return m_hrLastResult; }
// Static function for obtaining entry status info from the
// system. Made this a static function so the cache object
// can obtain information before creating the entry. In case
// entry creation fails, we still want to be able to return
// valid status info.
HRESULT CShareCnxStatusCache::Entry::QueryShareStatus( LPCTSTR pszShare, DWORD *pdwStatus ) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; *pdwStatus = 0;
// Check the open connection status for this share.
hr = ::IsOpenConnectionShare(pszShare); switch(hr) { case S_OK: //
// Open connection found.
*pdwStatus |= StatusOpenCnx; break;
case S_FALSE: hr = S_OK; break;
default: break; }
// If any other status information is required in the future,
// here's where you collect it from the system.
return hr; }