// UserDef.c
// MS Office User Defined Property Information
// Notes:
// To make this file useful for OLE objects, define OLE_PROPS.
// The macro lpDocObj must be used for all methods to access the
// object data to ensure that this will compile with OLE_PROPS defined.
// Data structures:
// The dictionary is stored internally as a map, mapping PIDs
// to the string names.
// The properties themselves are stored internally as a linked list
// Change history:
// Date Who What
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 06/27/94 B. Wentz Created file
// 07/03/94 B. Wentz Added Iterator support
// 07/20/94 M. Jansson Updated include statements, due to changes in PDK
// 07/26/94 B. Wentz Changed Load & Save to use Document Summary stream
// 07/08/96 MikeHill Ignore UserDef properties that aren't UDTYPEs.
#include "priv.h"
#pragma hdrstop
static void PASCAL RemoveFromList (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, LPUDPROP lpudprop); static void PASCAL DeallocNode (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, LPUDPROP lpudp);
static void PASCAL VUdpropFreeString (LPUDPROP lpudp, BOOL fName); static BOOL PASCAL FUdpropUpdate (LPUDPROP lpudp, LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, LPTSTR lpszPropName, LPTSTR lpszLinkMonik, LPVOID lpvValue, UDTYPES udtype, BOOL fLink); static BOOL PASCAL FUdpropSetString (LPUDPROP lpudp, LPTSTR lptstr, BOOL fLimitLength, BOOL fName); static BOOL PASCAL FUserDefMakeHidden (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, LPTSTR lpsz); static BOOL PASCAL FUdpropMakeHidden (LPUDPROP lpudprop);
#define lpDocObj (lpUDObj)
#define lpData ((LPUDINFO) lpUDObj->m_lpData)
// OfficeDirtyUDObj
// Purpose:
// Sets object state to dirty or clean.
DLLEXPORT VOID OfficeDirtyUDObj (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, // The object
BOOL fDirty) // Flag indicating if the object is dirty.
{ Assert(lpUDObj != NULL); lpUDObj->m_fObjChanged = fDirty; } // OfficeDirtyUDObj
// FreeUDData
// Purpose:
// Deallocates all the member data for the object
// Note:
// Assumes object is valid.
void PASCAL FreeUDData (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, // Pointer to valid object
BOOL fTmp) // Indicates tmp data should be freed
{ LPUDPROP lpudp; LPUDPROP lpudpT;
lpudp = (fTmp) ? lpData->lpudpTmpHead : lpData->lpudpHead;
while (lpudp != NULL) { lpudpT = lpudp; lpudp = (LPUDPROP) lpudp->llist.lpllistNext; VUdpropFree(&lpudpT); }
if (fTmp) { lpData->lpudpTmpCache = NULL; lpData->lpudpTmpHead = NULL; lpData->dwcTmpProps = 0; lpData->dwcTmpLinks = 0; } else { lpData->lpudpCache = NULL; lpData->lpudpHead = NULL; lpData->dwcProps = 0; lpData->dwcLinks = 0; }
} // FreeUDData
// FUserDefCreate
// Purpose:
// Create a User-defined property exchange object.
BOOL FUserDefCreate (LPUDOBJ FAR *lplpUDObj, // Pointer to pointer to object
void *prglpfn[]) // Pointer to functions
{ LPUDOBJ lpUDObj; // Hack - a temp, must call it "lpUdObj" for macros to work!
if (lplpUDObj == NULL) return(TRUE);
// Make sure we get valid args before we start alloc'ing
if ((prglpfn == NULL) || (prglpfn[ifnCPConvert] == NULL) || ((prglpfn[ifnFSzToNum] == NULL) && (prglpfn[ifnFNumToSz] != NULL)) || ((prglpfn[ifnFSzToNum] != NULL) && (prglpfn[ifnFNumToSz] == NULL)) ) { return FALSE; }
if ((*lplpUDObj = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(USERPROP))) == NULL) { return FALSE; }
lpDocObj = *lplpUDObj;
// If alloc fails, free the original object too.
if ((lpData = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof (UDINFO))) == NULL) { LocalFree(*lplpUDObj); return FALSE; }
// Save the fnc's for code page convert, SzToNum, NumToSz
lpData->lpfnFCPConvert = (BOOL (*)(LPTSTR, DWORD, DWORD, BOOL)) prglpfn[ifnCPConvert]; lpData->lpfnFSzToNum = (BOOL (*)(NUM *, LPTSTR)) prglpfn[ifnFSzToNum]; lpData->lpfnFNumToSz = (BOOL (*)(NUM *, LPTSTR, DWORD)) prglpfn[ifnFNumToSz];
OfficeDirtyUDObj (*lplpUDObj, FALSE); (*lplpUDObj)->m_hPage = NULL;
return TRUE;
} // FUserDefCreate
// FUserDefDestroy
// Purpose:
// Destroy a User-defined property exchange object.
BOOL FUserDefDestroy (LPUDOBJ FAR *lplpUDObj) // Pointer to pointer to object
lpUDData = (LPUDINFO)(((LPUDOBJ) *lplpUDObj)->m_lpData);
if ((lplpUDObj == NULL) || (*lplpUDObj == NULL)) return TRUE;
if (lpUDData != NULL) { FreeUDData (*lplpUDObj, FALSE); FreeUDData (*lplpUDObj, TRUE);
// Invalidate any OLE Automation DocumentProperty objects we might have
InvalidateVBAObjects(NULL, NULL, *lplpUDObj);
LocalFree((*lplpUDObj)->m_lpData); }
LocalFree(*lplpUDObj); *lplpUDObj = NULL; return TRUE;
} // FUserDefDestroy
// FUserDefClear
// Purpose:
// Clears a User-defined property object without destroying it. All stored
// data is lost.
BOOL FUserDefClear(LPUDOBJ lpUDObj) // Pointer to object
{ if ((lpDocObj == NULL) || (lpData == NULL)) return TRUE;
FreeUDData (lpDocObj, FALSE); FreeUDData (lpDocObj, TRUE);
// Invalidate any OLE Automation DocumentProperty objects we might have
InvalidateVBAObjects(NULL, NULL, lpUDObj);
// Clear the data, don't blt over the fn's stored at the end.
ZeroMemory( lpData, sizeof (UDINFO) - ifnUDMax * sizeof(void *) );
OfficeDirtyUDObj (lpUDObj, TRUE); return TRUE;
} // FUserDefClear
// FUserDefShouldSave
// Purpose:
// Indicates if the data has changed, meaning a write is needed.
DLLEXPORT BOOL FUserDefShouldSave (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj) // Pointer to object
{ if (lpUDObj == NULL) return FALSE;
return lpDocObj->m_fObjChanged;
} // FUserDefShouldSave
// UdtypesUserDefType
// Purpose:
// Returns the type of the given Property Value from the string
// Returns wUDInvalid on error
DLLEXPORT UDTYPES UdtypesUserDefType (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, LPTSTR lpsz) { LPUDPROP lpudprop;
if ((lpUDObj == NULL) || (lpData == NULL) || (lpsz == NULL) ) { return wUDinvalid; }
// Find the node that has this name.
lpudprop = LpudpropFindMatchingName (lpUDObj, lpsz); if (lpudprop == NULL || lpudprop->lppropvar == NULL) return wUDinvalid;
// Return the VarType (which is a UDTYPE)
return (lpudprop->lppropvar->vt);
} // UdtypesUserDefType
// LpvoidUserDefGetPropVal
// Purpose:
// This will return the Property Value for the given Property String.
DLLEXPORT LPVOID LpvoidUserDefGetPropVal (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, // Pointer to object
LPTSTR lpszProp, // Property string
DWORD dwMask, // Mask for what value is needed
BOOL *pfLink, // Indicates a link
BOOL *pfLinkInvalid) // Is the link invalid
{ LPUDPROP lpudprop;
if ((lpUDObj == NULL) || (lpData == NULL) || (lpszProp == NULL) || (pfLink == NULL) || (pfLinkInvalid == NULL) ) { return NULL; }
// Find the node that has this name.
lpudprop = LpudpropFindMatchingName (lpUDObj, lpszProp); if (lpudprop == NULL) return NULL; Assert (lpudprop->lppropvar != NULL);
*pfLink = (lpudprop->lpstzLink != NULL);
// Links are always invalid in the shell (there's no app to update the data).
*pfLinkInvalid = lpudprop->fLinkInvalid = TRUE;
// Return based on the type and flags
if (dwMask & UD_LINK) { if (dwMask & UD_PTRWIZARD) { if (lpudprop->lpstzLink != NULL) { return (LPVOID) lpudprop->lpstzLink; }
return(NULL); }
return(NULL); }
if (dwMask & UD_PTRWIZARD) { // If this is a string, return it's pointer from the
// PropVariant. Otherwise, return a pointer into
// the data of the PropVariant.
return (lpudprop->lppropvar->vt == VT_LPTSTR) ? (LPVOID) lpudprop->lppropvar->pszVal : (LPVOID) &lpudprop->lppropvar->lVal; }
// Copy the property from the PropVariant to the caller-provided
// buffer.
return( NULL );
} // LpvoidUserDefGetPropVal
// LppropvarUserDefAddProp
// Purpose:
// This will add a new Property to the set, with the given
// Property string, type, and data.
DLLEXPORT LPPROPVARIANT LppropvarUserDefAddProp (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, // Pointer to object
LPTSTR lpszPropName, // Property string
LPVOID lpvVal, // Property value
UDTYPES udtype, // Property type
LPTSTR lpszLinkMonik, // Link name
BOOL fLink, // Indicates the property is a link
BOOL fHidden) // Indicates the property is hidden
{ LPUDPROP lpudprop; LPUDPROP lpudpropMatch; BOOL fCreated;
if ((lpUDObj == NULL) || (lpData == NULL) || (lpszPropName == NULL) || (*lpszPropName == 0) || (lpvVal == NULL) || (!ISUDTYPE(udtype)) || (fLink && (lpszLinkMonik == NULL)) ) { return FALSE; }
// Create a UDPROP to be added to the linked-list.
lpudprop = LpudpropCreate(); if (lpudprop == NULL) return FALSE;
// Put the data into the UDPROP.
if (!FUdpropUpdate( lpudprop, lpUDObj, lpszPropName, lpszLinkMonik, lpvVal, udtype, fLink) ) { VUdpropFree (&lpudprop); return(FALSE); }
// Find this node
lpudpropMatch = LpudpropFindMatchingName (lpUDObj, lpszPropName); if (lpudpropMatch==NULL) { //
// Create a node and put it in the list
// If a new node was created, it must be added to the list...
if (fLink) lpData->dwcLinks++;
lpData->dwcProps++; AddNodeToList (lpUDObj, lpudprop);
} // if (lpudpropMatch==NULL)
else { // We must replace the existing UDPROP with the new
// value.
// Free any existing property name and link name in this
// UDPROP, and free its value.
VUdpropFreeString (lpudpropMatch, TRUE); VUdpropFreeString (lpudpropMatch, FALSE); PropVariantClear (lpudpropMatch->lppropvar); CoTaskMemFree (lpudpropMatch->lppropvar); lpudpropMatch->lppropvar = NULL;
// Put the linked-list pointer in the existing UDPROP into
// the new UDPROP, then copy the new UDPROP back over
// the matching PROP (this way, we don't have to
// update the UDPROP that points to the match).
lpudprop->llist=lpudpropMatch->llist; CopyMemory(lpudpropMatch, lpudprop, sizeof(UDPROP));
// Clear out the caller-provided UDPROP, free it, but
// then set the pointer to the matching entry and clear
// the match pointer. Thus, after we're done and whether
// there was a match or not, lpudprop will point to the
// correct UDPROP.
ZeroMemory(lpudprop, sizeof(UDPROP)); VUdpropFree (&lpudprop); lpudprop = lpudpropMatch; lpudpropMatch = NULL;
} // if (lpudpropMatch==NULL) ... else
// If the client asked for a hidden property, do it if
// the name was the real name, not a link
if (fHidden && !fLink) { fCreated=FUserDefMakeHidden (lpUDObj, lpszPropName); // Should never return false
Assert(fCreated); }
OfficeDirtyUDObj (lpUDObj, TRUE);
// If successful, return a pointer to the PropVariant with the value.
if (lpudprop) return lpudprop->lppropvar; else return NULL;
} // LppropvarUserDefAddProp
// FUserDefDeleteProp
// Purpose:
// This will delete a Property from the set given a Property string.
DLLEXPORT BOOL FUserDefDeleteProp (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, // Pointer to object
LPTSTR lpsz) // String to delete
{ LPUDPROP lpudprop;
if ((lpUDObj == NULL) || (lpData == NULL) || (lpsz == NULL)) return FALSE;
// Find the node
lpudprop = LpudpropFindMatchingName (lpUDObj, lpsz); if (lpudprop == NULL) return FALSE;
lpData->dwcProps--; if (lpudprop->lpstzLink != NULL) lpData->dwcLinks--;
RemoveFromList (lpUDObj, lpudprop); VUdpropFree (&lpudprop);
OfficeDirtyUDObj (lpUDObj, TRUE); return TRUE;
} // FUserDefDeleteProp
// LpudiUserDefCreateIterator
// Purpose:
// Create a User-defined Properties iterator
DLLEXPORT LPUDITER LpudiUserDefCreateIterator (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj) // Pointer to object
{ LPUDITER lpudi;
if ((lpUDObj == NULL) || (lpData == NULL) || (lpData->lpudpHead == NULL)) // No custom props
return NULL;
// Create & Init the iterator
lpudi = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(UDITER)); if (lpudi == NULL) return(NULL);
lpudi->lpudp = lpData->lpudpHead;
return lpudi;
} // LpudiUserDefCreateIterator
// FUserDefDestroyIterator
// Purpose:
// Destroy a User-defined Properties iterator
DLLEXPORT BOOL FUserDefDestroyIterator (LPUDITER *lplpUDIter) // Pointer to iterator
{ if ((lplpUDIter == NULL) || (*lplpUDIter == NULL)) return TRUE;
LocalFree(*lplpUDIter); *lplpUDIter = NULL;
return TRUE;
} // FUserDefDestroyIterator
// FUserDefIteratorValid
// Purpose:
// Determine if an iterator is still valid
DLLEXPORT BOOL FUserDefIteratorValid (LPUDITER lpUDIter) // Pointer to iterator
{ if (lpUDIter == NULL) return FALSE;
return (lpUDIter->lpudp != NULL);
} // FUserDefIteratorValid
// FUserDefIteratorNext
// Purpose:
// Iterate to the next element
DLLEXPORT BOOL FUserDefIteratorNext (LPUDITER lpUDIter) // Pointer to iterator
{ if (lpUDIter == NULL) return FALSE;
// Move to the next node, if possible.
#ifdef OLD
if (lpUDIter->lpudp != NULL) lpUDIter->lpudp = (LPUDPROP) lpUDIter->lpudp->llist.lpllistNext;
return TRUE; #endif
if (lpUDIter->lpudp == NULL) return FALSE;
lpUDIter->lpudp = (LPUDPROP) lpUDIter->lpudp->llist.lpllistNext;
return(lpUDIter->lpudp != NULL);
} // FUserDefIteratorNext
// FUserDefIteratorIsLink
// Purpose:
// Returns TRUE if the iterator is a link, FALSE otherwise
DLLEXPORT BOOL FUserDefIteratorIsLink (LPUDITER lpUDIter) // Pointer to iterator
{ if ((lpUDIter == NULL) || (lpUDIter->lpudp == NULL)) return FALSE;
return(lpUDIter->lpudp->lpstzLink != NULL);
} // FUserDefIteratorIsLink
// LpszUserDefIteratorName
// Purpose:
// This will return the Property String (name) for the property
DLLEXPORT LPTSTR LpszUserDefIteratorName( LPUDITER lpUDIter // Pointer to iterator
) { if ((lpUDIter == NULL) || (lpUDIter->lpudp == NULL)) { return NULL; }
return (lpUDIter->lpudp->lpstzName);
} // LpszUserDefIteratorName
// FUserDefMakeHidden
// Purpose:
// Hide a Property based on the Property string.
static BOOL PASCAL FUserDefMakeHidden (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, // Pointer to object
LPTSTR lpsz) // String to hide
{ LPUDPROP lpudprop; LPTSTR lpstzT;
if ((lpUDObj == NULL) || (lpData == NULL) || (lpsz == NULL)) return FALSE;
// Find the name
lpudprop = LpudpropFindMatchingName (lpUDObj, lpsz); if (lpudprop == NULL) return FALSE;
if (!FUdpropMakeHidden (lpudprop)) return FALSE;
OfficeDirtyUDObj (lpUDObj, TRUE); return TRUE;
} // FUserDefMakeHidden
// LpudpropFindMatchingName
// Purpose:
// Returns a node with a matching name, NULL otherwise.
LPUDPROP PASCAL LpudpropFindMatchingName (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, // Pointer to object
LPTSTR lpsz) // String to search for
{ LPUDPROP lpudprop; TCHAR sz[256]; BOOL fCopy = FALSE;
if ((lpUDObj == NULL) || (lpData == NULL)) return(NULL);
if (lstrlen(lpsz) > 255) { // Truncate on purpose
StringCchCopy( sz, ARRAYSIZE(sz), lpsz ); sz[255] = 0; fCopy = TRUE; }
// Check the cache first
if (lpData->lpudpCache != NULL) { Assert ((lpData->lpudpCache->lpstzName != NULL));
// lstrcmpi returns 0 if 2 strings are equal.....
if ( !lstrcmpi( fCopy ? sz : lpsz, lpData->lpudpCache->lpstzName )) { return lpData->lpudpCache; } }
lpudprop = lpData->lpudpHead;
while (lpudprop != NULL) { Assert ((lpudprop->lpstzName != NULL));
// lstrcmpi returns 0 if 2 strings are equal.....
if ( !lstrcmpi( fCopy ? sz : lpsz, lpudprop->lpstzName )) { // Set the cache to the last node found
lpData->lpudpCache = lpudprop; return lpudprop; }
lpudprop = (LPUDPROP) lpudprop->llist.lpllistNext;
} // while
return NULL;
} // LpudpropFindMatchingName
// LpudpropFindMatchingPID
// Purpose:
// Searches the linked-list in the caller-provided UDINFO structure
// for a UDPROP with the requested PropID.
// Inputs:
// LPUDOBJ - The UDINFO structure
// PROPID - The PID to search for.
// Output:
// The requested LPUDPROP, or NULL if not found.
LPUDPROP PASCAL LpudpropFindMatchingPID (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, PROPID propid) { // ------
// Locals
// ------
LPUDPROP lpudprop = NULL; BOOL fCopy = FALSE;
// -----
// Begin
// -----
// Validate the inputs.
if ((lpUDObj == NULL) || (lpData == NULL)) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Invalid inputs")); goto Exit; }
// Check the cache first
if (lpData->lpudpCache != NULL && lpData->lpudpCache->propid == propid) { lpudprop = lpData->lpudpCache; goto Exit; }
// Search the linked-list.
lpudprop = lpData->lpudpHead; while (lpudprop != NULL) { if (lpudprop->propid == propid) { lpData->lpudpCache = lpudprop; goto Exit; }
lpudprop = (LPUDPROP) lpudprop->llist.lpllistNext;
// ----
// Exit
// ----
return lpudprop;
} // LpudpropFindMatchingPID
// FAddPropToList
// Purpose:
// Adds the given object to the list. The type and value must
// be filled in before calling this.
// The linked-list we're adding to has one entry for each of
// the user-defined properties. Each entry has the property
// value, it's PID, and it's name. If the property is linked
// to document content, the link name (e.g. a Bookmark name
// in Word) is also in this entry. Note that the property set
// stores the property value as one property, with its name in the
// dictionary, and it stores the link name as a second property.
// Consequently, this routine will be called twice for such
// properties: on the first call we'll create a new entry in the
// linked-list, adding the property ID, name, and value; on the
// second call we'll pull out that entry, and add the link name.
// On success, the input lppropvar & lpstatpropstg are cleared.
// On error, all inputs are left unmodified.
BOOL PASCAL FAddPropToList (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, LPPROPVARIANT lppropvar, STATPROPSTG *lpstatpropstg, LPUDPROP lpudprop) // Property to add
{ // ------
// Locals
// ------
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; LPTSTR lpstz; LPUDPROP lpudpT; BOOL fLink;
Assert(lpUDObj != NULL); Assert(lpudprop != NULL); // Is this a bogus assert?
Assert(lppropvar != NULL && lpstatpropstg != NULL);
// If the PId has one of the special masks, strip it off
// so the PId will match the normal value.
fLink = lpstatpropstg->propid & PID_LINKMASK; lpstatpropstg->propid &= ~PID_LINKMASK;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// See if we can find this property already in the linked-list.
// If we have a name, use that, otherwise use the PID.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if (lpstatpropstg->lpwstrName != NULL) { // Search by name.
// [scotthan] Re: bogus cast to TCHAR in propio.c when this thing
// was read out of the file. If this is an ANSI build, it's going to store
// a TCHAR* value!. So we need to reciprocate the cast...
lpudpT = LpudpropFindMatchingName (lpUDObj, (LPTSTR)lpstatpropstg->lpwstrName ); } else { // Search by PID
lpudpT = LpudpropFindMatchingPID (lpUDObj, lpstatpropstg->propid); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// If this property isn't already in the linked-list, add it now.
// --------------------------------------------------------------
if (lpudpT == NULL) { // This should be a named property. If it's not
// named, then it should be a link, and the property
// it links should have been in the linked-list already
// (i.e., the lpudpT should have been non-NULL).
if (lpstatpropstg->lpwstrName == NULL) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Missing name in User-Defined properties")); goto Exit; }
// Allocate memory for the property value.
lpudprop->lppropvar = CoTaskMemAlloc (sizeof(PROPVARIANT)); if (lpudprop->lppropvar == NULL) { goto Exit; }
// Load the property ID, name, and value.
// Note that if we had an error before here, we left
// the caller's inputs un-touched. Since no more errors
// can occur, we'll never have half-modified data in an
// error case.
lpudprop->propid = lpstatpropstg->propid;
// [scotthan] Re: bogus cast to TCHAR in propio.c when this thing
// was read out of the file. If this is an ANSI build, it's going to store
// a TCHAR* value!. So we need to reciprocate the cast...
lpudprop->lpstzName = (LPTSTR)lpstatpropstg->lpwstrName; lpstatpropstg->lpwstrName = NULL;
*lpudprop->lppropvar = *lppropvar; PropVariantInit (lppropvar);
lpData->dwcProps++; AddNodeToList (lpUDObj, lpudprop);
} // if ((lpudpT = LpudpropFindMatchingName (lpUDInfo, lpstatpropstg->lpwsz)) == NULL)
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Otherwise (this property is already in the linked-list),
// add this new link name or value to the UDPROP.
// --------------------------------------------------------
else { // If this is a link being added, then update the link-name in the
// extant property.
if (fLink) { // lpudpT points to the entry in our linked-list for this
// property. But it shouldn't already have a link-name (there
// can only be one link-name per property).
if (lpudpT->lpstzLink != NULL) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Invalid property set - link name defined twice")); goto Exit; }
// Since this is a link-name, it should be a string.
if (lppropvar->vt != VT_LPTSTR) { AssertSz (0, TEXT("Invalid property set - link name isn't a string")); goto Exit; }
// Point the UDPROP to the link name, and take ownership
// of it by clearing the caller's pointer.
Assert (lppropvar->pszVal != NULL);
lpudpT->lpstzLink = (LPTSTR) lppropvar->pszVal; PropVariantInit (lppropvar);
} // if (fLink)
// Otherwise, this isn't a link name, it's a value. So point the
// UDPROP to it's data.
else { *lpudpT->lppropvar = *lppropvar; PropVariantInit (lppropvar);
} // if (fLink) ... else
} // if ((lpudpT = LpudpropFindMatchingName ... else
fSuccess = TRUE;
// Just in case we were given a name that we didn't
// need, clear it now so that the caller knows that
// on success, they needn't worry about the buffers
// pointed to by lppropvar & lpstatpropstg.
if (fSuccess) { if (lpstatpropstg->lpwstrName != NULL) { CoTaskMemFree (lpstatpropstg->lpwstrName); lpstatpropstg->lpwstrName = NULL; } }
} // FAddPropToList
// AddNodeToList
// Purpose:
// Adds the given node to the list.
void PASCAL AddNodeToList (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, // Pointer to object
LPUDPROP lpudprop) // Node to add
{ // Put the new node at the end
if (lpData->lpudpHead != NULL) { if (lpData->lpudpHead->llist.lpllistPrev != NULL) { ((LPUDPROP) lpData->lpudpHead->llist.lpllistPrev)->llist.lpllistNext = (LPLLIST) lpudprop; lpudprop->llist.lpllistPrev = lpData->lpudpHead->llist.lpllistPrev; } else { lpData->lpudpHead->llist.lpllistNext = (LPLLIST) lpudprop; lpudprop->llist.lpllistPrev = (LPLLIST) lpData->lpudpHead; } lpData->lpudpHead->llist.lpllistPrev = (LPLLIST) lpudprop; } else { lpData->lpudpHead = lpudprop; lpudprop->llist.lpllistPrev = NULL; }
lpudprop->llist.lpllistNext = NULL; lpData->lpudpCache = lpudprop;
} // AddNodeToList
// RemoveFromList
// Purpose:
// Removes the given node from the list
static void PASCAL RemoveFromList (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, // Pointer to object
LPUDPROP lpudprop) // The node itself.
{ AssertSz ((lpData->lpudpHead != NULL), TEXT("List is corrupt"));
// If we're removing the cached node, invalidate the cache
if (lpudprop == lpData->lpudpCache) { lpData->lpudpCache = NULL; }
// Be sure the head gets updated, if the node is at the front
if (lpudprop == lpData->lpudpHead) { lpData->lpudpHead = (LPUDPROP) lpudprop->llist.lpllistNext;
if (lpData->lpudpHead != NULL) { lpData->lpudpHead->llist.lpllistPrev = lpudprop->llist.lpllistPrev; } return; }
// Update the links
if (lpudprop->llist.lpllistNext != NULL) { ((LPUDPROP) lpudprop->llist.lpllistNext)->llist.lpllistPrev = lpudprop->llist.lpllistPrev; }
if (lpudprop->llist.lpllistPrev != NULL) { ((LPUDPROP) lpudprop->llist.lpllistPrev)->llist.lpllistNext = lpudprop->llist.lpllistNext; }
// If it is the last node in the list, be sure the head is updated
if (lpudprop == (LPUDPROP) lpData->lpudpHead->llist.lpllistPrev) { lpData->lpudpHead->llist.lpllistPrev = lpudprop->llist.lpllistPrev; }
} // RemoveFromList
// VUdpropFree
// Purpose:
// Free a UDPROP (which is in a linked-list).
// Inputs:
// LPUDPROP * - A pointer-to-pointer-to a UDPROP object.
// Output:
// None.
VOID VUdpropFree (LPUDPROP *lplpudp) { // Validate the inputs.
if (lplpudp == NULL || *lplpudp == NULL ) goto Exit;
// If this property has a name, free that buffer.
if ((*lplpudp)->lpstzName) { CoTaskMemFree ((*lplpudp)->lpstzName); }
// If this property has a link-name, free it too.
if ((*lplpudp)->lpstzLink) { CoTaskMemFree ((*lplpudp)->lpstzLink); }
// Clear the property value, which will free any associated
// buffer. Then free the PropVariant itself.
PropVariantClear ((*lplpudp)->lppropvar); CoTaskMemFree ((*lplpudp)->lppropvar); CoTaskMemFree (*lplpudp);
*lplpudp = NULL;
} // VUdpropFree
// FUdpropUpdate
// Purpose:
// Updates the given node with the given data
// It's the caller's responsibility to free lpudp if this function
// fails.
// Inputs:
// LPUDPROP - The node in the linked-list for this property.
// LPUDOBJ - All User-Defined data (including the properties)
// LPTSTR - The property name.
// LPTSTR - The link-name
// LPVOID - The new value
// UDTYPES - The type of the value.
// BOOL - TRUE if this is a link.
static BOOL PASCAL FUdpropUpdate (LPUDPROP lpudp, LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, LPTSTR lpszPropName, LPTSTR lpszLinkMonik, LPVOID lpvValue, UDTYPES udtype, BOOL fLink) { // ------
// Locals
// ------
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
// -----
// Begin
// -----
// Validate the inputs.
if ((lpudp == NULL) || (lpszPropName == NULL) || (lpvValue == NULL) || (fLink && (lpszLinkMonik == NULL)) || (!ISUDTYPE(udtype))) { goto Exit; }
// Update the property name
if (!FUdpropSetString (lpudp, lpszPropName, TRUE, TRUE)) goto Exit;
// If necessary, allocate a PropVariant for the UDPROPS
if (lpudp->lppropvar == NULL) { lpudp->lppropvar = CoTaskMemAlloc (sizeof(PROPVARIANT)); if (lpudp->lppropvar == NULL) goto Exit; }
// Put the property value into the PropVariant
PropVariantClear (lpudp->lppropvar); if (!FPropVarLoad (lpudp->lppropvar, (VARTYPE)udtype, lpvValue)) goto Exit;
// Update the link name if this is a link, otherwise
// free any existing link name.
if (fLink) { if(!FUdpropSetString (lpudp, lpszLinkMonik, FALSE, FALSE)) goto Exit; } else { VUdpropFreeString (lpudp, FALSE); lpData->dwcLinks--; }
// ----
// Exit
// ----
fSuccess = TRUE;
} // FUdpropUpdate
// FMakeTmpUDProps
// Purpose:
// Create a temporary copy of the User-Defined property data
BOOL FMakeTmpUDProps (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj) // Pointer to object
{ // ------
// Locals
// ------
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
LPUDPROP lpudpCur; LPUDPROP lpudpTmpCur; DWORD dw; LPVOID lpv;
// -----
// Begin
// -----
// Validate the inputs.
if ( lpUDObj == NULL || lpData == NULL ) goto Exit;
FDeleteTmpUDProps (lpUDObj);
// Move all the original list data to the tmp list
lpData->dwcTmpLinks = lpData->dwcLinks; lpData->dwcTmpProps = lpData->dwcProps; lpData->lpudpTmpHead = lpData->lpudpHead; lpData->lpudpTmpCache = lpData->lpudpCache;
// Reinitialize the object data
lpData->dwcLinks = 0; lpData->dwcProps = 0; lpData->lpudpCache = NULL; lpudpTmpCur = lpData->lpudpHead = NULL;
// Remember that we just put all the original data in the tmp ptrs.
lpudpCur = lpData->lpudpTmpHead;
// Loop through the old data and copy to the temp list
while (lpudpCur != NULL) { // Create a new UDPROP
lpudpTmpCur = LpudpropCreate(); if (lpudpTmpCur == NULL) goto Exit;
// Set the name in the UDPROP
if (!FUdpropSetString (lpudpTmpCur, lpudpCur->lpstzName, FALSE, TRUE)) goto Exit;
// If we have a link-name, set it too in the UDPROP
if (lpudpCur->lpstzLink != NULL) { if (!FUdpropSetString (lpudpTmpCur, lpudpCur->lpstzLink, FALSE, FALSE)) goto Exit;
lpData->dwcLinks++; }
// Allocate a PropVariant to hold the property value.
lpudpTmpCur->lppropvar = CoTaskMemAlloc (sizeof(PROPVARIANT)); if (lpudpTmpCur->lppropvar == NULL) goto Exit;
// Copy the PropVariant into the temporary UDPROP.
PropVariantCopy (lpudpTmpCur->lppropvar, lpudpCur->lppropvar);
// Also show if this is an invalid link or not.
lpudpTmpCur->fLinkInvalid = lpudpCur->fLinkInvalid;
// Add this new temporary UDPROP to the linked-list.
AddNodeToList (lpUDObj, lpudpTmpCur); lpData->dwcProps++;
// Move on to the next property.
lpudpCur = (LPUDPROP) lpudpCur->llist.lpllistNext;
} // while (lpudpCur != NULL)
// ----
// Exit
// ----
fSuccess = TRUE;
// If there was an error, put everything back and deallocate anything we created
if (!fSuccess) { FSwapTmpUDProps (lpUDObj); FDeleteTmpUDProps (lpUDObj); }
return fSuccess;
} // FMakeTmpUDProps
// FSwapTmpUDProps
// Purpose:
// Swap the "temp" copy with the real copy of User-Defined property data
if ( lpUDObj == NULL || lpData == NULL ) return FALSE;
dwT = lpData->dwcLinks; lpData->dwcLinks = lpData->dwcTmpLinks; lpData->dwcTmpLinks = dwT;
dwT = lpData->dwcProps; lpData->dwcProps = lpData->dwcTmpProps; lpData->dwcTmpProps = dwT;
lpudpT = lpData->lpudpHead; lpData->lpudpHead = lpData->lpudpTmpHead; lpData->lpudpTmpHead = lpudpT;
lpudpT = lpData->lpudpCache; lpData->lpudpCache = lpData->lpudpTmpCache; lpData->lpudpTmpCache = lpudpT;
return TRUE;
} // FSwapTmpUDProps
// FDeleteTmpUDProps
// Purpose:
// Delete the "temp" copy of the data
BOOL FDeleteTmpUDProps (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj) { if ((lpUDObj == NULL) || (lpData == NULL)) return FALSE;
FreeUDData (lpUDObj, TRUE);
return TRUE;
} // FDeleteTmpU
// FUdpropMakeHidden
// Purpose:
// Convert a property in a UDPROP so that it is a hidden
// property. Properties are considered hidden if the
// first character in their name is an "_".
// Inputs:
// LPUDPROP - The UDPROP to convert.
// Output:
// TRUE if successful.
static BOOL PASCAL FUdpropMakeHidden (LPUDPROP lpudprop) { // ------
// Locals
// ------
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; ULONG cch; LPTSTR lpstzOld = NULL;
// -----
// Begin
// -----
// Intialize
Assert (lpudprop != NULL);
if (lpudprop->lpstzName == NULL) goto Exit;
// Keep the old name.
lpstzOld = lpudprop->lpstzName;
// How many characters do we need in the new string?
cch = lstrlen(lpstzOld) + 2; // Includes the NULL & prefix
// Allocate the memory.
lpudprop->lpstzName = CoTaskMemAlloc (cch * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (lpudprop->lpstzName == NULL) goto Exit;
// Set the "_" prefix to indicate this is a hidden property.
lpudprop->lpstzName[0] = HIDDENPREFIX;
// Copy the original property name after the prefix in the UDPROP.
StringCchCopy( &lpudprop->lpstzName[1], cch - 1, lpstzOld ); // One chacter less than cch to accout for hidden prefix.
// Free the old buffer
CoTaskMemFree (lpstzOld);
// ----
// Exit
// ----
fSuccess = TRUE;
// If there was an error, ensure that the UDPROP is left as
// we found it.
if (!fSuccess) { if (lpstzOld != NULL) { if (lpudprop->lpstzName != NULL) { CoTaskMemFree (lpudprop->lpstzName); } lpudprop->lpstzName = lpstzOld; } }
return (fSuccess);
} // FUdpropMakeHidden
// FUdpropSetString
// Purpose:
// Set the name or link-name string in a UDPROP.
// If the UDPROP already contains the string, free
// it.
// Inputs:
// LPUDPROP - A UDPROP (a property in the linked-list)
// LPTSTR - The new name or link-name
// BOOL - True => limit the length of the string to BUFMAX characters
// (including the NULL terminator)
// BOOL - True => set the (property) name, False => set the link-name
static BOOL PASCAL FUdpropSetString (LPUDPROP lpudp, LPTSTR lptstr, BOOL fLimitLength, BOOL fName) { // ------
// Locals
// ------
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; // Return value
LPTSTR lptstrNew = NULL; // Pointed to be the UDPROP.
ULONG cch, cb;
// ----------
// Initialize
// ----------
// Validate the inputs.
if (lpudp == NULL || lptstr == NULL) { goto Exit; }
// ----------------
// Set the new name
// ----------------
// Calculate the sizes.
cch = lstrlen(lptstr); if (fLimitLength && cch >= BUFMAX) { cch = BUFMAX - 1; } cb = (cch + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); // Leave room for the NULL.
// Allocate new memory.
lptstrNew = CoTaskMemAlloc (cb); if (lptstrNew == NULL) { goto Exit; }
// Copy the buffer (the buffer size is cch+1 including the NULL)
// Also, terminate the target string, since it may be a truncation
// of the source string.
// Purposely truncate
StringCchCopy( lptstrNew, cch + 1, lptstr ); lptstrNew[cch] = TEXT('\0');
// Put this new buffer in the UDPROP.
if (fName) { lpudp->lpstzName = lptstrNew; } else { lpudp->lpstzLink = lptstrNew; }
lptstrNew = NULL;
// ----
// Exit
// ----
fSuccess = TRUE;
if (lptstrNew != NULL) { CoTaskMemFree (lptstrNew); }
return (fSuccess);
} // FUdpropSetString
// VUdpropFreeString
// Purpose:
// Free one of the two strings in a UDPROP - the
// name string or the link-name string. It is not
// considered an error if either the UDPROP or the
// string doesn't exist.
// Inputs:
// LPUDPROP - The UDPROP containing the strings.
// BOOL - TRUE indicates we should free the
// name, FALSE indicates we should free
// the link name.
// Output:
// None.
static void PASCAL VUdpropFreeString (LPUDPROP lpudp, BOOL fName) {
// Is this really a UDPROP?
if (lpudp != NULL) { // Should we delete the name?
if (fName && lpudp->lpstzName) { CoTaskMemFree (lpudp->lpstzName); lpudp->lpstzName = NULL; }
// Should we delete the link name?
else if (!fName && lpudp->lpstzLink) { CoTaskMemFree (lpudp->lpstzLink); lpudp->lpstzLink = NULL; }
} // if (lpudp != NULL)
} // VUdpropFreeString
// LpudpropCreate
// Purpose:
// Create a new UDPROP structure (an element of a linked-
// list, and holds information about a single property).
// Inputs:
// None
// Output:
// A LPUDPROP if successful, NULL otherwise.
LPUDPROP LpudpropCreate ( void ) { // Create a buffer for the UDPROP
LPUDPROP lpudp = CoTaskMemAlloc (sizeof(UDPROP));
// Zero the buffer.
if (lpudp != NULL) { ZeroMemory(lpudp, sizeof(UDPROP)); }
return (lpudp);
} // LpudpropCreate
// LppropvarUserDefGetPropVal
// Purpose:
// Return a PropVariant pointer for the requested
// property (requested by property name).
// Inputs:
// LPUDOBJ - All UD data (including properties)
// LPTSTR - The name of the desired property
// BOOL * - True if this is a link.
// BOOL * - True if this link is invalid.
// Output:
// An LPPROPVARINT, or NULL if there was an error.
DLLEXPORT LPPROPVARIANT LppropvarUserDefGetPropVal (LPUDOBJ lpUDObj, // Pointer to object
LPTSTR lpszProp, // Property string
BOOL *pfLink, // Indicates a link
BOOL *pfLinkInvalid) // Is the link invalid
{ // ------
// Locals
// ------
LPUDPROP lpudprop; LPPROPVARIANT lppropvar;
// --------------
// Initialization
// --------------
if ((lpUDObj == NULL) || (lpData == NULL) || (lpszProp == NULL)) { return NULL; }
// ---------------------------------
// Find the node that has this name.
// ---------------------------------
lpudprop = LpudpropFindMatchingName (lpUDObj, lpszProp); if (lpudprop == NULL) return NULL;
// Is this a link?
if (pfLink != NULL) { *pfLink = (lpudprop->lpstzLink != NULL); }
// Is this an invalid link? (In the Shell, all properties are
// invalid).
if (pfLinkInvalid != NULL) { *pfLinkInvalid = lpudprop->fLinkInvalid = TRUE; }
// ----
// Exit
// ----
return (lpudprop->lppropvar);
} // LppropvarUserDefGetPropVal
// LppropvarUserDefGetIteratorVal
// Purpose:
// Given an iterator value, get the property value.
// Inputs:
// LPUDITER - The Iterator value.
// BOOL * - Set to True if this value is a link.
// BOLL * - Set to True if this value is invalid link.
// Outputs:
// LPPROPVARIANT of the property value.
DLLEXPORT LPPROPVARIANT LppropvarUserDefGetIteratorVal (LPUDITER lpUDIter, BOOL *pfLink, BOOL *pfLinkInvalid ) { // Validate the inputs
if ((lpUDIter == NULL) || (lpUDIter->lpudp == NULL)) return NULL;
// Is this a Link?
if (pfLink != NULL) { *pfLink = (lpUDIter->lpudp->lpstzLink != NULL); }
// Is this an invalid link?
if (pfLinkInvalid != NULL) { *pfLinkInvalid = lpUDIter->lpudp->fLinkInvalid; }
// Return a pointer to the PropVariant
return (lpUDIter->lpudp->lppropvar);
} // LpvoidUserDefGetIteratorVal