FILE: passwordapi.cpp
DESCRIPTION: We want to store FTP passwords in a secure API. We will use the PStore APIs on WinNT and the PWL APIs on Win9x. This code was taken from wininet.
BryanSt (Bryan Starbuck) - Created BryanSt (Bryan Starbuck) - Updated to support DP API for Win2k
Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation \*****************************************************************************/
#include "priv.h"
#include <pstore.h>
#include <wincrypt.h> // Defines DATA_BLOB
#include <passwordapi.h>
// Globals
#define SIZE_MAX_KEY_SIZE 2048 // For lookup key (In our case, URL w/user name & server, without password & path)
#define SIZE_MAX_VALUE_SIZE 2048 // For stored value (In our case the password)
// MPR.DLL exports used by top level API.
// PWL related variables.
static HMODULE MhmodWNET = NULL; static PFWNETGETCACHEDPASSWORD g_pfWNetGetCachedPassword = NULL; static PFWNETCACHEPASSWORD g_pfWNetCachePassword = NULL; static PFWNETREMOVECACHEDPASSWORD g_pfWNetRemoveCachedPassword = NULL;
// Pstore related variables.
static PFNPSTORECREATEINSTANCE s_pPStoreCreateInstance = NULL;
#define PSTORE_MODULE TEXT("pstorec.dll")
#define WNETDLL_MODULE TEXT("mpr.dll")
#define WNETGETCACHEDPASS "WNetGetCachedPassword"
#define WNETCACHEPASS "WNetCachePassword"
#define WNETREMOVECACHEDPASS "WNetRemoveCachedPassword"
// PWL related defines.
// Password-cache-entry, this should be in PCACHE.
#define PCE_WWW_BASIC 0x13
// NOTE: We would logically like to unload the dll of the API we use (s_pPStoreCreateInstance) via FreeLibrary(PSTORE_MODULE),
// but we would need to do that when we unload our DLL. We can't do that because it leads to crashing
// and badness.
// Wininet uses this GUID for pstore:
// {5E7E8100-9138-11d1-945A-00C04FC308FF}
static const GUID GUID_PStoreType = { 0x5e7e8100, 0x9138, 0x11d1, { 0x94, 0x5a, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xc3, 0x8, 0xff } };
// Private function prototypes.
// PWL private function prototypes.
DWORD PWLSetCachedCredentials(LPCSTR pszKey, DWORD cbKey, LPCSTR pszCred, DWORD cbCred); DWORD PWLGetCachedCredentials(LPCSTR pszKey, DWORD cbKey, LPSTR cbCred, LPDWORD pcbCred); DWORD PWLRemoveCachedCredentials(LPCSTR pszKey, DWORD cbKey);
// PStore private function prototypes.
DWORD PStoreSetCachedCredentials(LPCWSTR pszKey, LPCWSTR pszCred, DWORD cbCred, BOOL fRemove=FALSE); DWORD PStoreGetCachedCredentials(LPCWSTR pszKey, LPWSTR pszCred, LPDWORD pcbCred); DWORD PStoreRemoveCachedCredentials(LPCWSTR pszKey);
HRESULT CreatePStore(IPStore **ppIPStore); STDAPI ReleasePStore(IPStore *pIPStore);
// The DPAPI is an improved version of PStore that started shipping in Win2k. This
// has better security and should be used when it is available. Pete Skelly informed
// me of this. CliffV also has a password credentials manager, but that probably wouldn't
// be applicable for FTP.
HRESULT DPAPISetCachedCredentials(IN LPCWSTR pszKey, IN LPCWSTR pszValue, IN OPTIONAL LPCWSTR pszDescription); HRESULT DPAPIGetCachedCredentials(IN LPCWSTR pszKey, IN LPWSTR pszValue, IN int cchSize); HRESULT DPAPIRemoveCachedCredentials(IN LPCWSTR pszKey);
// *--------------------------- Top Level APIs ---------------------------------*
FUNCTION: InitCredentialPersist
DESCRIPTION: Try to init the cache.
PARAMETERS: Return Value: S_OK if it will work correctly. S_FASE if turned off by admin. HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PRODUCT_UNINSTALLED) if the password caching APIs aren't installed on NT. \****************************************************/ HRESULT InitCredentialPersist(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwDisable; DWORD cbSize = sizeof(dwDisable);
// First check to see if persistence is disabled via registry.
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == SHGetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SZ_REGKEY_INTERNET_SETTINGS, SZ_REGVALUE_DISABLE_PASSWORD_CACHE, NULL, (void *)&dwDisable, &cbSize)) && (dwDisable == DISABLE_PASSWORD_CACHE)) { // Persistence disabled via registry.
hr = S_FALSE; }
if (S_OK == hr) { // We use PWL for Win95; this should be available.
if (!IsOS(OS_NT)) { // hr already equals S_OK and no more work is needed.
} else { HINSTANCE hInstPStoreC = 0;
// If is WinNT, check if PStore is installed.
hInstPStoreC = LoadLibrary(PSTORE_MODULE); if (!hInstPStoreC) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PRODUCT_UNINSTALLED); else { // Get CreatePStoreInstance function pointer.
s_pPStoreCreateInstance = (PFNPSTORECREATEINSTANCE) GetProcAddress(hInstPStoreC, "PStoreCreateInstance");
if (!s_pPStoreCreateInstance) hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PRODUCT_UNINSTALLED); else { IPStore * pIPStore = NULL;
// Create an IPStore.
hr = CreatePStore(&pIPStore);
// We just did this to see if it worked, so
// the hr was set correctly.
if (pIPStore) ReleasePStore(pIPStore); } } } }
return hr; }
FUNCTION: SetCachedCredentials
PARAMETERS: \****************************************************/ HRESULT SetCachedCredentials(LPCWSTR pwzKey, LPCWSTR pwzValue) { // Check if credential persistence is available.
HRESULT hr = InitCredentialPersist();
if (S_OK == hr) { // Store credentials.
if (!IsOS(OS_NT)) { // Use the PWL (Password List) API on Win9x
ASSERT(lstrlenW(pwzKey) < ARRAYSIZE(szKey)); ASSERT(lstrlenW(pwzValue) < ARRAYSIZE(szValue)); SHUnicodeToAnsi(pwzKey, szKey, ARRAYSIZE(szKey)); SHUnicodeToAnsi(pwzValue, szValue, ARRAYSIZE(szValue)); DWORD cbKey = ((lstrlenA(szKey) + 1) * sizeof(szKey[0])); DWORD cbCred = ((lstrlenA(szValue) + 1) * sizeof(szValue[0]));
// Store credentials using PWL.
DWORD dwError = PWLSetCachedCredentials(szKey, cbKey, szValue, cbCred); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); } else { hr = E_FAIL;
if (5 <= GetOSVer()) { // Use the DPAPI (Data Protection) API on Win2k and later.
// This has the latest and greatest in protection.
WCHAR wzDescription[MAX_URL_STRING];
wnsprintfW(wzDescription, ARRAYSIZE(wzDescription), L"FTP password for: %ls", pwzKey); hr = DPAPISetCachedCredentials(pwzKey, pwzValue, wzDescription); } #endif // FEATURE_USE_DPAPI
if (FAILED(hr)) // Fall back to PStore in case DP is won't work unless we do UI.
{ // Use the PStore API on pre-Win2k.
DWORD cbCred = ((lstrlenW(pwzValue) + 1) * sizeof(pwzValue[0]));
// Store credentials using PStore.
DWORD dwError = PStoreSetCachedCredentials(pwzKey, pwzValue, cbCred); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); } } }
return hr; }
FUNCTION: GetCachedCredentials
PARAMETERS: \****************************************************/ HRESULT GetCachedCredentials(LPCWSTR pwzKey, LPWSTR pwzValue, DWORD cchSize) { // Check if credential persistence is available.
HRESULT hr = InitCredentialPersist();
if (S_OK == hr) { // Store credentials.
if (!IsOS(OS_NT)) { // Use the PWL (Password List) API on Win9x
ASSERT(lstrlenW(pwzKey) < ARRAYSIZE(szKey)); ASSERT(cchSize < ARRAYSIZE(szValue)); SHUnicodeToAnsi(pwzKey, szKey, ARRAYSIZE(szKey)); DWORD cbKey = ((lstrlenA(szKey) + 1) * sizeof(szKey[0]));
szValue[0] = 0; // Store credentials using PWL.
DWORD dwError = PWLGetCachedCredentials(szKey, cbKey, szValue, &cchTempSize); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); SHAnsiToUnicode(szValue, pwzValue, cchSize); } else { hr = E_FAIL;
if (5 <= GetOSVer()) { // Use the DPAPI (Data Protection) API on Win2k and later.
// This has the latest and greatest in protection.
hr = DPAPIGetCachedCredentials(pwzKey, pwzValue, cchSize); } #endif // FEATURE_USE_DPAPI
if (FAILED(hr)) // Fall back to PStore in case DP is won't work unless we do UI.
{ // Use the PStore API on pre-Win2k.
cchSize++; // Include terminator.
cchSize *= sizeof(pwzValue[0]);
pwzValue[0] = 0; // Store credentials using PStore.
DWORD dwError = PStoreGetCachedCredentials(pwzKey, pwzValue, &cchSize); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); } }
return hr; }
FUNCTION: RemoveCachedCredentials
PARAMETERS: \****************************************************/ HRESULT RemoveCachedCredentials(LPCWSTR pwzKey) { // Check if credential persistence is available.
HRESULT hr = InitCredentialPersist();
if (S_OK == hr) { // Store credentials.
if (!IsOS(OS_NT)) { // Use the PWL (Password List) API on Win9x
CHAR szKey[SIZE_MAX_KEY_SIZE]; ASSERT(lstrlenW(pwzKey) < ARRAYSIZE(szKey)); SHUnicodeToAnsi(pwzKey, szKey, ARRAYSIZE(szKey)); DWORD cbKey = (lstrlenA(szKey) * sizeof(szKey[0]));
// Remove credentials from PWL.
DWORD dwError = PWLRemoveCachedCredentials(szKey, cbKey); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); } else { hr = E_FAIL;
if (5 <= GetOSVer()) { // Use the DPAPI (Data Protection) API on Win2k and later.
// This has the latest and greatest in protection.
hr = DPAPIRemoveCachedCredentials(pwzKey); } #endif // FEATURE_USE_DPAPI
if (FAILED(hr)) // Fall back to PStore in case DP is won't work unless we do UI.
{ // Remove credentials from PStore.
DWORD dwError = PStoreRemoveCachedCredentials(pwzKey); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); } }
return hr; }
/*--------------------------- PWL Functions ---------------------------------*/
PWLSetCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD PWLSetCachedCredentials(LPCSTR pszKey, DWORD cbKey, LPCSTR pszCred, DWORD cbCred) { DWORD dwError;
// Load WNet.
if (!LoadWNet()) return ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR; // Store credentials.
dwError = (*g_pfWNetCachePassword) (pszKey, (WORD) cbKey, pszCred, (WORD) cbCred, PCE_WWW_BASIC, 0);
return dwError; }
PWLGetCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD PWLGetCachedCredentials (LPCSTR pszKey, DWORD cbKey, LPSTR pszCred, LPDWORD pcbCred) { DWORD dwError;
// Load WNet.
// Retrieve credentials.
dwError = (*g_pfWNetGetCachedPassword) (pszKey, (WORD) cbKey, pszCred, (LPWORD) pcbCred, PCE_WWW_BASIC); return dwError; }
PWLRemoveCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD PWLRemoveCachedCredentials (LPCSTR pszKey, DWORD cbKey) { DWORD dwError;
// Load WNet.
dwError = (*g_pfWNetRemoveCachedPassword) (pszKey, (WORD) cbKey, PCE_WWW_BASIC);
return dwError; }
// PWL utility functions.
LoadWNet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL LoadWNet(VOID) { BOOL fReturn; // MPR.DLL already loaded.
if (MhmodWNET) { fReturn = TRUE; goto quit; }
// Load MPR.DLL
MhmodWNET = LoadLibrary(WNETDLL_MODULE); // Fail if not loaded.
if (MhmodWNET) { fReturn = TRUE; } else { fReturn = FALSE; goto quit; }
// Ensure we have all function pointers.
if (!(g_pfWNetGetCachedPassword && g_pfWNetCachePassword && g_pfWNetRemoveCachedPassword)) { fReturn = FALSE; }
quit: return fReturn; }
/*------------------------- PStore Functions -------------------------------*/
PStoreSetCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD PStoreSetCachedCredentials(LPCWSTR pszKey, LPCWSTR pszCred, DWORD cbCred, BOOL fRemove) { ASSERT(s_pPStoreCreateInstance);
HRESULT hr; DWORD dwError; PST_TYPEINFO typeInfo; PST_PROMPTINFO promptInfo = {0};
GUID itemType = GUID_PStoreType; GUID itemSubtype = GUID_NULL;
IPStore * pStore = NULL; // PST_TYPEINFO data.
typeInfo.cbSize = sizeof(typeInfo); typeInfo.szDisplayName = STR_FTP_CACHE_CREDENTIALS;
// PST_PROMPTINFO data (no prompting desired).
promptInfo.cbSize = sizeof(promptInfo); promptInfo.dwPromptFlags = 0; promptInfo.hwndApp = NULL; promptInfo.szPrompt = NULL;
// Create a PStore interface.
hr = CreatePStore(&pStore); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) goto quit;
ASSERT(pStore != NULL); // Create a type in HKCU.
hr = pStore->CreateType(PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER, &itemType, &typeInfo, 0); if (!((SUCCEEDED(hr)) || (hr == PST_E_TYPE_EXISTS))) goto quit;
// Create subtype.
hr = pStore->CreateSubtype(PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER, &itemType, &itemSubtype, &typeInfo, NULL, 0);
if (!((SUCCEEDED(hr)) || (hr == PST_E_TYPE_EXISTS))) goto quit; // Valid credentials are written; No credentials imples
// that the key and credentials are to be deleted.
if (pszCred && cbCred && !fRemove) { // Write key and credentials to PStore.
hr = pStore->WriteItem(PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER, &itemType, &itemSubtype, pszKey, cbCred, (LPBYTE) pszCred, &promptInfo, PST_CF_NONE, 0); } else { // Delete key and credentials from PStore.
hr = pStore->DeleteItem(PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER, &itemType, &itemSubtype, pszKey, &promptInfo, 0);
// Release the interface, convert error and return.
ReleasePStore(pStore); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; else dwError = ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR;
return dwError; }
PStoreGetCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD PStoreGetCachedCredentials(LPCWSTR pszKey, LPWSTR pszCred, LPDWORD pcbCred) { ASSERT(s_pPStoreCreateInstance);
HRESULT hr ; DWORD dwError; LPBYTE pbData;
PST_PROMPTINFO promptInfo = {0};
GUID itemType = GUID_PStoreType; GUID itemSubtype = GUID_NULL;
IPStore* pStore = NULL; // PST_PROMPTINFO data (no prompting desired).
promptInfo.cbSize = sizeof(promptInfo); promptInfo.dwPromptFlags = 0; promptInfo.hwndApp = NULL; promptInfo.szPrompt = NULL;
// Create a PStore interface.
hr = CreatePStore(&pStore); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) goto quit;
ASSERT(pStore != NULL);
// Read the credentials from PStore.
hr = pStore->ReadItem(PST_KEY_CURRENT_USER, &itemType, &itemSubtype, pszKey, pcbCred, (LPBYTE*) &pbData, &promptInfo, 0);
// Copy credentials and free buffer allocated by ReadItem.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { memcpy(pszCred, pbData, *pcbCred); CoTaskMemFree(pbData); //hr = S_OK;
// Release the interface, convert error and return.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; else dwError = ERROR_INTERNET_INTERNAL_ERROR; return dwError; }
PStoreRemoveCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD PStoreRemoveCachedCredentials(LPCWSTR pszKey) { // Pass in TRUE to remove credentials.
return PStoreSetCachedCredentials(pszKey, NULL, 0, TRUE); }
// PStore utility functions
CreatePStore ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT CreatePStore(IPStore **ppIPStore) { return s_pPStoreCreateInstance (ppIPStore, NULL, NULL, 0); }
ReleasePStore ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ STDAPI ReleasePStore(IPStore *pIPStore) { HRESULT hr;
if (pIPStore) { pIPStore->Release(); hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_POINTER; }
return hr; }
/*--------------------------- DP (Data Protection) Functions ---------------------------------*/ void ClearDataBlob(DATA_BLOB * pdbBlobToFree) { if (pdbBlobToFree && pdbBlobToFree->pbData) { LocalFree(pdbBlobToFree->pbData); } }
PWLSetCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT DPAPISetCachedCredentials(IN LPCWSTR pszKey, IN LPCWSTR pszValue, IN OPTIONAL LPCWSTR pszDescription) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DATA_BLOB dbEncrypted = {0}; DATA_BLOB dbUnencrypted;
dbUnencrypted.pbData = (unsigned char *) pszValue; dbUnencrypted.cbData = ((lstrlenW(pszValue) + 1) * sizeof(pszValue[0]));
if (!_CryptProtectData(&dbUnencrypted, pszDescription, NULL, NULL, NULL, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, &dbEncrypted)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); // It failed, so get the real err value.
wnsprintfW(wzDPKey, ARRAYSIZE(wzDPKey), L"DPAPI: %ls", pszKey);
AssertMsg((NULL != dbEncrypted.pbData), TEXT("If the API succeeded but they didn't give us the encrypted version. -BryanSt")); // Use the PStore to actually store the data, but we use a different key.
DWORD dwError = PStoreSetCachedCredentials(wzDPKey, (LPCWSTR)dbEncrypted.pbData, dbEncrypted.cbData); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); }
ClearDataBlob(&dbEncrypted); return hr; }
#define MAX_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD_SIZE 20*1024 // The DP API should be able to store our tiny encrypted password into 20k.
PWLGetCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT DPAPIGetCachedCredentials(IN LPCWSTR pszKey, IN LPWSTR pszValue, IN int cchSize) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; DATA_BLOB dbEncrypted = {0}; dbEncrypted.pbData = (unsigned char *) LocalAlloc(LPTR, MAX_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD_SIZE); dbEncrypted.cbData = MAX_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD_SIZE;
StrCpyNW(pszValue, L"", cchSize); // Init the buffer in case of an error.
if (dbEncrypted.pbData) { WCHAR wzDPKey[MAX_URL_STRING+MAX_PATH];
// Use the PStore to actually store the data, but we use a different key.
wnsprintfW(wzDPKey, ARRAYSIZE(wzDPKey), L"DPAPI: %ls", pszKey); DWORD dwError = PStoreGetCachedCredentials(wzDPKey, (LPWSTR)dbEncrypted.pbData, &dbEncrypted.cbData); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DATA_BLOB dbUnencrypted = {0};
if (_CryptUnprotectData(&dbEncrypted, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, &dbUnencrypted)) { StrCpyNW(pszValue, (LPCWSTR)dbUnencrypted.pbData, cchSize); // Init the buffer in case of an error.
ClearDataBlob(&dbUnencrypted); } else { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); // It failed, so get the real err value.
} }
LocalFree(dbEncrypted.pbData); }
return hr; }
PWLRemoveCachedCredentials ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT DPAPIRemoveCachedCredentials(IN LPCWSTR pszKey) { WCHAR wzDPKey[MAX_URL_STRING+MAX_PATH];
wnsprintfW(wzDPKey, ARRAYSIZE(wzDPKey), L"DPAPI: %ls", pszKey); DWORD dwError = PStoreRemoveCachedCredentials(wzDPKey); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); }