// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Module Name: TurnOffDialog.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
// Class that implements presentation of the Turn Off Computer dialog.
// History: 2000-04-18 vtan created
// 2000-05-17 vtan updated with new dialog
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "StandardHeader.h"
#include "TurnOffDialog.h"
#include <ginarcid.h>
#include <msginaexports.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shlobjp.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include "DimmedWindow.h"
#include "PrivilegeEnable.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::CTurnOffDialog
// Arguments: hInstance = HINSTANCE of hosting process/DLL.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Constructor for CTurnOffDialog. This initializes member
// variables and loads resources used by the dialog.
// History: 2000-05-17 vtan created
// 2001-01-18 vtan update with new visuals
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CTurnOffDialog::CTurnOffDialog (HINSTANCE hInstance) : _hInstance(hInstance), _hbmBackground(NULL), _hbmFlag(NULL), _hbmButtons(NULL), _hfntTitle(NULL), _hfntButton(NULL), _hpltShell(NULL), _lButtonHeight(0), _hwndDialog(NULL), _uiHoverID(0), _uiFocusID(0), _iStandByButtonResult(SHTDN_NONE), _fSuccessfulInitialization(false), _fSupportsStandBy(false), _fSupportsHibernate(false), _fShiftKeyDown(false), _fDialogEnded(false), _pTooltip(NULL)
{ bool fUse8BitDepth; HDC hdcScreen; LOGFONT logFont; char szPixelSize[10]; BITMAP bitmap;
TBOOL(SetRect(&_rcBackground, 0, 0, 0, 0)); TBOOL(SetRect(&_rcFlag, 0, 0, 0, 0)); TBOOL(SetRect(&_rcButtons, 0, 0, 0, 0));
hdcScreen = GetDC(NULL);
// 8-bit color?
fUse8BitDepth = (GetDeviceCaps(hdcScreen, BITSPIXEL) <= 8);
// Load the bitmaps.
_hbmBackground = static_cast<HBITMAP>(LoadImage(_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(fUse8BitDepth ? IDB_BACKGROUND_8 : IDB_BACKGROUND_24), IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION)); if ((_hbmBackground != NULL) && (GetObject(_hbmBackground, sizeof(bitmap), &bitmap) >= sizeof(bitmap))) { TBOOL(SetRect(&_rcBackground, 0, 0, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight)); } _hbmFlag = static_cast<HBITMAP>(LoadImage(_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(fUse8BitDepth ? IDB_FLAG_8 : IDB_FLAG_24), IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION)); if ((_hbmFlag != NULL) && (GetObject(_hbmFlag, sizeof(bitmap), &bitmap) >= sizeof(bitmap))) { TBOOL(SetRect(&_rcFlag, 0, 0, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight)); } _hbmButtons = static_cast<HBITMAP>(LoadImage(_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BUTTONS), IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION)); if ((_hbmButtons != NULL) && (GetObject(_hbmButtons, sizeof(bitmap), &bitmap) >= sizeof(bitmap))) { TBOOL(SetRect(&_rcButtons, 0, 0, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight)); _lButtonHeight = bitmap.bmHeight / ((BUTTON_GROUP_MAX * BUTTON_STATE_MAX) + 1); }
// Create fonts. Load the font name and size from resources.
ZeroMemory(&logFont, sizeof(logFont)); if (LoadStringA(_hInstance, IDS_TURNOFF_TITLE_FACESIZE, szPixelSize, ARRAYSIZE(szPixelSize)) != 0) { logFont.lfHeight = -MulDiv(atoi(szPixelSize), GetDeviceCaps(hdcScreen, LOGPIXELSY), 72); if (LoadString(_hInstance, IDS_TURNOFF_TITLE_FACENAME, logFont.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE) != 0) { logFont.lfWeight = FW_MEDIUM; logFont.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; _hfntTitle = CreateFontIndirect(&logFont); } } ZeroMemory(&logFont, sizeof(logFont)); if (LoadStringA(_hInstance, IDS_TURNOFF_BUTTON_FACESIZE, szPixelSize, ARRAYSIZE(szPixelSize)) != 0) { logFont.lfHeight = -MulDiv(atoi(szPixelSize), GetDeviceCaps(hdcScreen, LOGPIXELSY), 72); if (LoadString(_hInstance, IDS_TURNOFF_BUTTON_FACENAME, logFont.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE) != 0) { logFont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; logFont.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; _hfntButton = CreateFontIndirect(&logFont); } }
// Load the shell palette.
_hpltShell = SHCreateShellPalette(hdcScreen);
TBOOL(ReleaseDC(NULL, hdcScreen));
// Check for presence of all required resources.
_fSuccessfulInitialization = ((_hfntTitle != NULL) && (_hfntButton != NULL) && (_hpltShell != NULL) && (_hbmButtons != NULL) && (_hbmFlag != NULL) && (_hbmBackground != NULL)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::~CTurnOffDialog
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Destructor for CTurnOffDialog. Release used resources and
// unregister the window class.
// History: 2000-05-17 vtan created
// 2001-01-18 vtan update with new visuals
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CTurnOffDialog::~CTurnOffDialog (void)
{ ASSERTMSG(_pTooltip == NULL, "_pTooltip not released in CTurnOffDialog::~CTurnOffDialog");
// Release everything we allocated/loaded.
ReleaseGDIObject(_hpltShell); ReleaseGDIObject(_hfntButton); ReleaseGDIObject(_hfntTitle); ReleaseGDIObject(_hbmButtons); ReleaseGDIObject(_hbmFlag); ReleaseGDIObject(_hbmBackground); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::Show
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: Presents the "Turn Off Computer" dialog to the user and
// returns the result of the dialog back to the caller.
// History: 2000-05-17 vtan created
// 2001-01-18 vtan update with new visuals
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CTurnOffDialog::Show (HWND hwndParent)
{ INT_PTR iResult;
if (_fSuccessfulInitialization) { CDimmedWindow *pDimmedWindow;
// If no parent was given the create our own dimmed window.
if (hwndParent == NULL) { pDimmedWindow = new CDimmedWindow(_hInstance); if (pDimmedWindow != NULL) { hwndParent = pDimmedWindow->Create(); } else { hwndParent = NULL; } } else { pDimmedWindow = NULL; }
// Show the dialog and get a result.
iResult = DialogBoxParam(_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_TURNOFFCOMPUTER), hwndParent, CB_DialogProc, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(this)); if (pDimmedWindow != NULL) { pDimmedWindow->Release(); } } else { iResult = SHTDN_NONE; } return(static_cast<DWORD>(iResult)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::Destroy
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Force destroys the Turn Off Computer dialog. This is done in
// cases such as a screen saver is becoming active.
// History: 2000-06-06 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::Destroy (void)
{ if (_hwndDialog != NULL) { EndDialog(_hwndDialog, SHTDN_NONE); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::ShellCodeToGinaCode
// Arguments: dwShellCode = SHTDN_xxx result code.
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: Converts SHTDN_xxx dialog result code back to a GINA
// MSGINA_DLG_xxx code so that it's consistent for both the
// classic UI and friendly UI functionality.
// History: 2000-06-05 vtan created
// 2001-04-10 vtan moved from CPowerButton
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CTurnOffDialog::ShellCodeToGinaCode (DWORD dwShellCode)
{ DWORD dwGinaCode = 0;
switch (dwShellCode) { case SHTDN_NONE: dwGinaCode = MSGINA_DLG_FAILURE; break; case SHTDN_LOGOFF: dwGinaCode = MSGINA_DLG_USER_LOGOFF; break; case SHTDN_SHUTDOWN: { SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES spc;
CPrivilegeEnable privilege(SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME);
(NTSTATUS)NtPowerInformation(SystemPowerCapabilities, NULL, 0, &spc, sizeof(spc)); dwGinaCode = MSGINA_DLG_SHUTDOWN | (spc.SystemS5 ? MSGINA_DLG_POWEROFF_FLAG : MSGINA_DLG_SHUTDOWN_FLAG); break; } case SHTDN_RESTART: dwGinaCode = MSGINA_DLG_SHUTDOWN | MSGINA_DLG_REBOOT_FLAG; break; case SHTDN_SLEEP: dwGinaCode = MSGINA_DLG_SHUTDOWN | MSGINA_DLG_SLEEP_FLAG; break; case SHTDN_HIBERNATE: dwGinaCode = MSGINA_DLG_SHUTDOWN | MSGINA_DLG_HIBERNATE_FLAG; break; case SHTDN_DISCONNECT: dwGinaCode = MSGINA_DLG_DISCONNECT; break; default: WARNINGMSG("Unexpected (ignored) shell code passed to CTurnOffDialog::ShellCodeToGinaCode"); dwGinaCode = MSGINA_DLG_FAILURE; break; } return(dwGinaCode); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::GinaCodeToExitWindowsFlags
// Arguments: dwGinaCode = GINA dialog return code.
// Returns: DWORD
// Purpose: Converts internal MSGINA dialog return code to standard
// ExitWindowsEx flags.
// History: 2001-05-23 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
DWORD CTurnOffDialog::GinaCodeToExitWindowsFlags (DWORD dwGinaCode)
{ DWORD dwResult;
dwResult = 0; if ((dwGinaCode & ~MSGINA_DLG_FLAG_MASK) == MSGINA_DLG_SHUTDOWN) { switch (dwGinaCode & MSGINA_DLG_FLAG_MASK) { case MSGINA_DLG_REBOOT_FLAG: dwResult = EWX_REBOOT; break; case MSGINA_DLG_POWEROFF_FLAG: dwResult = EWX_POWEROFF; break; case MSGINA_DLG_SHUTDOWN_FLAG: dwResult = EWX_SHUTDOWN; break; default: break; } } return(dwResult); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::IsShiftKeyDown
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: bool
// Purpose: Returns whether the shift key is down for input on this
// thread.
// History: 2001-01-20 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CTurnOffDialog::IsShiftKeyDown (void) const
{ return((GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) != 0); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::PaintBitmap
// Arguments: hdcDestination = HDC to paint into.
// prcDestination = RECT in HDC to paint into.
// hbmSource = HBITMAP to paint.
// prcSource = RECT from HBITMAP to paint from.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Wraps blitting a bitmap.
// History: 2001-01-19 vtan created
// 2001-03-17 vtan added source RECT for strip blitting
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::PaintBitmap (HDC hdcDestination, const RECT *prcDestination, HBITMAP hbmSource, const RECT *prcSource)
{ HDC hdcBitmap;
hdcBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); if (hdcBitmap != NULL) { bool fEqualWidthAndHeight; int iWidthSource, iHeightSource, iWidthDestination, iHeightDestination; int iStretchBltMode; DWORD dwLayout; HBITMAP hbmSelected; RECT rcSource; BITMAP bitmap;
if (prcSource == NULL) { if (GetObject(hbmSource, sizeof(bitmap), &bitmap) == 0) { bitmap.bmWidth = prcDestination->right - prcDestination->left; bitmap.bmHeight = prcDestination->bottom - prcDestination->top; } TBOOL(SetRect(&rcSource, 0, 0, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight)); prcSource = &rcSource; } hbmSelected = static_cast<HBITMAP>(SelectObject(hdcBitmap, hbmSource)); iWidthSource = prcSource->right - prcSource->left; iHeightSource = prcSource->bottom - prcSource->top; iWidthDestination = prcDestination->right - prcDestination->left; iHeightDestination = prcDestination->bottom - prcDestination->top; fEqualWidthAndHeight = (iWidthSource == iWidthDestination) && (iHeightSource == iHeightDestination); if (!fEqualWidthAndHeight) { iStretchBltMode = SetStretchBltMode(hdcDestination, HALFTONE); } else { iStretchBltMode = 0; } dwLayout = SetLayout(hdcDestination, LAYOUT_BITMAPORIENTATIONPRESERVED); TBOOL(TransparentBlt(hdcDestination, prcDestination->left, prcDestination->top, iWidthDestination, iHeightDestination, hdcBitmap, prcSource->left, prcSource->top, iWidthSource, iHeightSource, RGB(255, 0, 255))); (DWORD)SetLayout(hdcDestination, dwLayout); if (!fEqualWidthAndHeight) { (int)SetStretchBltMode(hdcDestination, iStretchBltMode); } (HGDIOBJ)SelectObject(hdcBitmap, hbmSelected); TBOOL(DeleteDC(hdcBitmap)); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::IsStandByButtonEnabled
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: bool
// Purpose: Returns whether the Stand By button is enabled.
// History: 2001-01-20 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CTurnOffDialog::IsStandByButtonEnabled (void) const
{ return(_iStandByButtonResult != SHTDN_NONE); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::RemoveTooltip
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Removes the tooltip if present. This can be accessed from two
// different threads so make sure that it's serialized.
// History: 2001-01-20 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::RemoveTooltip (void)
{ CTooltip *pTooltip;
pTooltip = static_cast<CTooltip*>(InterlockedExchangePointer(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&_pTooltip), NULL)); if (pTooltip != NULL) { pTooltip->Release(); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::FilterMetaCharacters
// Arguments: pszText = String to filter.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Filters meta-characters from the given string.
// History: 2000-06-13 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::FilterMetaCharacters (TCHAR *pszText)
pTC = pszText; while (*pTC != TEXT('\0')) { if (*pTC == TEXT('&')) { (TCHAR*)lstrcpy(pTC, pTC + 1); } else { ++pTC; } } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::EndDialog
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND of dialog.
// iResult = Result to end dialog with.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Removes the tool tip if present. Ends the dialog.
// History: 2001-01-20 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::EndDialog (HWND hwnd, INT_PTR iResult)
{ RemoveTooltip();
// Set the dialog end member variable here. This will cause the WM_ACTIVATE
// handler to ignore the deactivation associated with ending the dialog. If
// it doesn't ignore it then it thinks the dialog is being deactivated
// because another dialog is activating and ends the dialog with SHTDN_NONE.
_fDialogEnded = true; TBOOL(::EndDialog(hwnd, iResult)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::Handle_BN_CLICKED
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND of dialog.
// wID = ID of control.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Handles clicks in the bitmap buttons and sets the return
// result according to the button pressed.
// History: 2000-05-17 vtan created
// 2001-01-18 vtan update with new visuals
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::Handle_BN_CLICKED (HWND hwnd, WORD wID)
{ switch (wID) { case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hwnd, SHTDN_NONE); break; case IDC_BUTTON_TURNOFF: EndDialog(hwnd, SHTDN_SHUTDOWN); break; case IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY:
// IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY is the visual button. Return whatever the current
// result is back (this could be SHTDN_SLEEP or SHTDN_HIBERNATE.
ASSERTMSG(_iStandByButtonResult != SHTDN_NONE, "No result for Stand By button in CTurnOffDialog::Handle_BN_CLICKED"); EndDialog(hwnd, _iStandByButtonResult); break; case IDC_BUTTON_RESTART: EndDialog(hwnd, SHTDN_RESTART); break; case IDC_BUTTON_HIBERNATE:
// IDC_BUTTON_HIBERNATE is the regular button that is 30000+ pixels to
// the right of the dialog and not visible. It's present to allow the
// "&Hibernate" accelerator to work when hibernate is supported.
EndDialog(hwnd, SHTDN_HIBERNATE); break; default: break; } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_INITDIALOG
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND of this window.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Handles WM_INITDIALOG message. Centre the dialog on the main
// monitor. Subclass the buttons so that we can get hover state
// correctly implemented. Correctly set up whether the Stand By
// button is allowed and what the action of the button is.
// If the machine supports S1-S3 then S1 is the default action.
// Holding down the shift key will convert this to S4. If the
// machine does not support S1-S3 but supports S4 then S4 is the
// default action and the shift key feature is disabled.
// Otherwise the machine doesn't support any lower power state
// at which case we disable the button entirely.
// History: 2000-05-17 vtan created
// 2001-01-18 vtan update with new visuals
// 2001-01-19 vtan rework for shift behavior
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_INITDIALOG (HWND hwnd)
{ HWND hwndButtonStandBy, hwndButtonHibernate; RECT rc;
_hwndDialog = hwnd;
// Center the dialog on the main monitor.
TBOOL(GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc)); TBOOL(SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_TOP, (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - (rc.right - rc.left)) / 2, (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - (rc.bottom - rc.top)) / 3, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE));
// Subclass buttons for tooltips and cursor control.
TBOOL(SetWindowSubclass(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BUTTON_TURNOFF), ButtonSubClassProc, IDC_BUTTON_TURNOFF, reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(this))); TBOOL(SetWindowSubclass(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY), ButtonSubClassProc, IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY, reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(this))); TBOOL(SetWindowSubclass(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BUTTON_RESTART), ButtonSubClassProc, IDC_BUTTON_RESTART, reinterpret_cast<DWORD_PTR>(this)));
// What does this machine support?
CPrivilegeEnable privilege(SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME);
(NTSTATUS)NtPowerInformation(SystemPowerCapabilities, NULL, 0, &spc, sizeof(spc)); _fSupportsHibernate = (spc.SystemS4 && spc.HiberFilePresent); _fSupportsStandBy = (spc.SystemS1 || spc.SystemS2 || spc.SystemS3); }
hwndButtonStandBy = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY); hwndButtonHibernate = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BUTTON_HIBERNATE); if (_fSupportsStandBy) { _iStandByButtonResult = SHTDN_SLEEP; if (_fSupportsHibernate) {
// Machine supports Stand By AND Hibernate.
_fShiftKeyDown = false; _uiTimerID = static_cast<UINT>(SetTimer(hwnd, MAGIC_NUMBER, 50, NULL)); } else {
// Machine supports Stand By ONLY.
(BOOL)EnableWindow(hwndButtonHibernate, FALSE); } } else if (_fSupportsHibernate) { int iCaptionLength; TCHAR *pszCaption;
// Machine supports Hibernate ONLY.
_iStandByButtonResult = SHTDN_HIBERNATE;
// Replace the text on IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY with the text from
// IDC_BUTTON_HIBERNATE. This will allow the dialog to keep
// the visual button enabled and behave just like the button
// should in the Stand By case but results in hibernate.
// Once the text has been transferred disable IDC_BUTTON_HIBERNATE.
iCaptionLength = GetWindowTextLength(hwndButtonHibernate) + sizeof('\0'); pszCaption = static_cast<TCHAR*>(LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, iCaptionLength * sizeof(TCHAR))); if (pszCaption != NULL) { if (GetWindowText(hwndButtonHibernate, pszCaption, iCaptionLength) != 0) { TBOOL(SetWindowText(hwndButtonStandBy, pszCaption)); (BOOL)EnableWindow(hwndButtonHibernate, FALSE); } (HLOCAL)LocalFree(pszCaption); } } else {
// Machine does NOT support Stand By NOR Hibernate.
(BOOL)EnableWindow(hwndButtonStandBy, FALSE); (BOOL)EnableWindow(hwndButtonHibernate, FALSE); _iStandByButtonResult = SHTDN_NONE; } if (_fSupportsStandBy || _fSupportsHibernate) {
// Set the focus to the "Stand By" button.
(HWND)SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY)); _uiFocusID = IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY; } else {
// If that button isn' available set to "Turn Off" button.
(HWND)SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BUTTON_TURNOFF)); _uiFocusID = IDC_BUTTON_TURNOFF; } (LRESULT)SendMessage(hwnd, DM_SETDEFID, _uiFocusID, 0); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_DESTROY
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND of the dialog.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Removes the subclassing of the button windows and can do any
// other clean up required in WM_DESTROY.
// History: 2000-05-18 vtan created
// 2001-01-18 vtan update with new visuals
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_DESTROY (HWND hwnd)
{ TBOOL(RemoveWindowSubclass(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BUTTON_RESTART), ButtonSubClassProc, IDC_BUTTON_RESTART)); TBOOL(RemoveWindowSubclass(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY), ButtonSubClassProc, IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY)); TBOOL(RemoveWindowSubclass(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_BUTTON_TURNOFF), ButtonSubClassProc, IDC_BUTTON_TURNOFF)); _hwndDialog = NULL; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_ERASEBKGND
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND to erase.
// hdcErase = HDC to paint.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Erases the background.
// History: 2001-01-19 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_ERASEBKGND (HWND hwnd, HDC hdcErase)
{ RECT rc;
TBOOL(GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc)); PaintBitmap(hdcErase, &rc, _hbmBackground, &_rcBackground); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_PRINTCLIENT
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND to erase.
// hdcErase = HDC to paint.
// dwOptions = Options for drawing.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Handles painting the client area for WM_PRINTCLIENT.
// History: 2001-01-20 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_PRINTCLIENT (HWND hwnd, HDC hdcPrint, DWORD dwOptions)
{ if ((dwOptions & (PRF_ERASEBKGND | PRF_CLIENT)) != 0) { Handle_WM_ERASEBKGND(hwnd, hdcPrint); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_ACTIVATE
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND to erase.
// dwState = Activate state.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Detects if this window is becoming inactive. In this case
// end the dialog.
// History: 2001-01-20 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_ACTIVATE (HWND hwnd, DWORD dwState)
{ if ((WA_INACTIVE == dwState) && !_fDialogEnded) { EndDialog(hwnd, SHTDN_NONE); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_DRAWITEM
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND of the parent window.
// pDIS = DRAWITEMSTRUCT defining what to draw.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Draws several aspects of the turn off dialog. It handles the
// title text, the owner draw bitmap buttons, the text for the
// bitmap buttons and the separator line.
// History: 2000-05-17 vtan created
// 2001-01-18 vtan update with new visuals
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_DRAWITEM (HWND hwnd, const DRAWITEMSTRUCT *pDIS)
{ HPALETTE hPaletteOld; HFONT hfntSelected; int iBkMode; COLORREF colorText; RECT rc; SIZE size; TCHAR szText[256];
hPaletteOld = SelectPalette(pDIS->hDC, _hpltShell, FALSE); (UINT)RealizePalette(pDIS->hDC); switch (pDIS->CtlID) { case IDC_BUTTON_TURNOFF: case IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY: case IDC_BUTTON_RESTART: { int iState, iGroup;
// Select the correct state index to use. Check for ODS_SELECTED first.
// Then check for hover or ODS_FOCUS. Otherwise use the rest state.
if ((pDIS->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) != 0) { iState = BUTTON_STATE_DOWN; } else if ((_uiHoverID == pDIS->CtlID) || ((pDIS->itemState & ODS_FOCUS) != 0)) { iState = BUTTON_STATE_HOVER; } else { iState = BUTTON_STATE_REST; }
// Now select the correct bitmap based on the state index. Special case
// IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY because if it's disabled then select the special
// disabled button.
switch (pDIS->CtlID) { case IDC_BUTTON_TURNOFF: iGroup = BUTTON_GROUP_TURNOFF; break; case IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY: if (IsStandByButtonEnabled()) { iGroup = BUTTON_GROUP_STANDBY; } else { iGroup = BUTTON_GROUP_MAX; iState = 0; } break; case IDC_BUTTON_RESTART: iGroup = BUTTON_GROUP_RESTART; break; default: iGroup = -1; DISPLAYMSG("This should never be executed"); break; } if (iGroup >= 0) { RECT rc;
// Calculate which part of the background to blit into the DC.
// Only blit the amount that's necessary to avoid excessive
// blitting. Once blitted then blit the button BMP. The blit
// uses msimg32!TransparentBlt with the magical magenta color.
TBOOL(CopyRect(&rc, &_rcBackground)); (int)MapWindowPoints(pDIS->hwndItem, hwnd, reinterpret_cast<POINT*>(&rc), sizeof(RECT) / sizeof(POINT)); rc.right = rc.left + (_rcButtons.right - _rcButtons.left); rc.bottom = rc.top + _lButtonHeight; PaintBitmap(pDIS->hDC, &pDIS->rcItem, _hbmBackground, &rc); TBOOL(CopyRect(&rc, &_rcButtons)); rc.top = ((iGroup * BUTTON_STATE_MAX) + iState) * _lButtonHeight; rc.bottom = rc.top + _lButtonHeight; PaintBitmap(pDIS->hDC, &pDIS->rcItem, _hbmButtons, &rc); } break; } case IDC_TITLE_FLAG: { BITMAP bitmap;
GetClientRect(pDIS->hwndItem, &rc); if (GetObject(_hbmFlag, sizeof(bitmap), &bitmap) != 0) { rc.left += ((rc.right - rc.left) - bitmap.bmWidth) / 2; rc.right = rc.left + bitmap.bmWidth; rc.top += ((rc.bottom - rc.top) - bitmap.bmHeight) / 2; rc.bottom = rc.top + bitmap.bmHeight; } PaintBitmap(pDIS->hDC, &rc, _hbmFlag, &_rcFlag); break; } case IDC_TITLE_TURNOFF: {
// Draw the title of the dialog "Turn Off Computer".
hfntSelected = static_cast<HFONT>(SelectObject(pDIS->hDC, _hfntTitle)); colorText = SetTextColor(pDIS->hDC, 0x00FFFFFF); iBkMode = SetBkMode(pDIS->hDC, TRANSPARENT); (int)GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, pDIS->CtlID), szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)); TBOOL(GetTextExtentPoint(pDIS->hDC, szText, lstrlen(szText), &size)); TBOOL(CopyRect(&rc, &pDIS->rcItem)); TBOOL(InflateRect(&rc, 0, -((rc.bottom - rc.top - size.cy) / 2))); (int)DrawText(pDIS->hDC, szText, -1, &rc, 0); (int)SetBkMode(pDIS->hDC, iBkMode); (COLORREF)SetTextColor(pDIS->hDC, colorText); (HGDIOBJ)SelectObject(pDIS->hDC, hfntSelected); break; } case IDC_TEXT_TURNOFF: case IDC_TEXT_STANDBY: case IDC_TEXT_RESTART: { int iPixelHeight, iButtonID; COLORREF colorButtonText; RECT rcText;
// The text to display is based on the button title. Map the static
// text ID to a "parent" button ID. Special case IDC_TEXT_STANDBY.
switch (pDIS->CtlID) { case IDC_TEXT_TURNOFF: iButtonID = IDC_BUTTON_TURNOFF; break; case IDC_TEXT_STANDBY:
// For Stand By base it on the button result.
switch (_iStandByButtonResult) { case SHTDN_HIBERNATE: iButtonID = IDC_BUTTON_HIBERNATE; break; case SHTDN_SLEEP: default: iButtonID = IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY; break; } break; case IDC_TEXT_RESTART: iButtonID = IDC_BUTTON_RESTART; break; default: iButtonID = 0; DISPLAYMSG("This should never be executed"); break; } hfntSelected = static_cast<HFONT>(SelectObject(pDIS->hDC, _hfntButton));
// If the text field is not Stand By or supports S1-S3 or supports S4
// use the regular text color. Otherwise the button is disabled.
if ((pDIS->CtlID != IDC_TEXT_STANDBY) || _fSupportsStandBy || _fSupportsHibernate) { colorButtonText = RGB(255, 255, 255); } else { colorButtonText = RGB(160, 160, 160); } colorText = SetTextColor(pDIS->hDC, colorButtonText); iBkMode = SetBkMode(pDIS->hDC, TRANSPARENT); (int)GetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, iButtonID), szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)); TBOOL(CopyRect(&rcText, &pDIS->rcItem)); iPixelHeight = DrawText(pDIS->hDC, szText, -1, &rcText, DT_CALCRECT); TBOOL(CopyRect(&rc, &pDIS->rcItem)); TBOOL(InflateRect(&rc, -((rc.right - rc.left - (rcText.right - rcText.left)) / 2), -((rc.bottom - rc.top - iPixelHeight) / 2))); (int)DrawText(pDIS->hDC, szText, -1, &rc, ((pDIS->itemState & ODS_NOACCEL ) != 0) ? DT_HIDEPREFIX : 0); (int)SetBkMode(pDIS->hDC, iBkMode); (COLORREF)SetTextColor(pDIS->hDC, colorText); (HGDIOBJ)SelectObject(pDIS->hDC, hfntSelected); break; } default: { DISPLAYMSG("Unknown control ID passed to CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_DRAWITEM"); break; } } (HGDIOBJ)SelectPalette(pDIS->hDC, hPaletteOld, FALSE); (UINT)RealizePalette(pDIS->hDC); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_COMMAND
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND of dialog.
// wParam = WPARAM (see platform SDK under WM_COMMAND).
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Handles clicks in the bitmap buttons and sets the return
// result according to the button pressed.
// History: 2000-05-17 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_COMMAND (HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam)
{ switch (HIWORD(wParam)) { case BN_CLICKED: Handle_BN_CLICKED(hwnd, LOWORD(wParam)); break; default: break; } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_TIMER
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND of the dialog.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Handles WM_TIMER. This periodically checks for the state of
// shift key. The dialog manager doesn't give the DialogProc
// events for the shift key. This appears to be the only way to
// accomplish this for Win32 dialogs.
// History: 2001-01-20 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_TIMER (HWND hwnd)
{ bool fShiftKeyDown;
fShiftKeyDown = IsShiftKeyDown();
// Has the shift key state changed since the last time?
if (_fShiftKeyDown != fShiftKeyDown) { HWND hwndText; RECT rc;
// Save the shift key state.
_fShiftKeyDown = fShiftKeyDown;
// Toggle the result.
switch (_iStandByButtonResult) { case SHTDN_SLEEP: _iStandByButtonResult = SHTDN_HIBERNATE; break; case SHTDN_HIBERNATE: _iStandByButtonResult = SHTDN_SLEEP; break; default: DISPLAYMSG("Unexpect _iStandByButtonResult in CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_TIMER"); break; }
// Get the client rectangle of the text for the button (IDC_TEXT_STANDBY).
// Map the rectangle to co-ordinates in the parent HWND. Invalidate that
// rectangle for the parent HWND. It's important to invalidate the parent
// so that the background for the text is also drawn by sending a
// WM_ERASEBKGND to the parent of the button.
hwndText = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_TEXT_STANDBY); TBOOL(GetClientRect(hwndText, &rc)); (int)MapWindowPoints(hwndText, hwnd, reinterpret_cast<POINT*>(&rc), sizeof(rc) / sizeof(POINT)); TBOOL(InvalidateRect(hwnd, &rc, TRUE));
// If there was a tooltip for the Stand By button then
// remove it and reshow it. Only do this for Stand By.
if ((_pTooltip != NULL) && (_uiHoverID == IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY)) { RemoveTooltip(); _uiHoverID = 0; } } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_MOUSEMOVE
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND of the control.
// uiID = ID of the control.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Sets the cursor to a hand and tracks mouse movement in the
// control. Refresh the control to show the hover state.
// History: 2000-06-09 vtan created
// 2001-01-18 vtan update with new visuals
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_MOUSEMOVE (HWND hwnd, UINT uiID)
{ (HCURSOR)SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_HAND)); if (uiID != _uiHoverID) { TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme;
_uiHoverID = uiID; tme.cbSize = sizeof(tme); tme.dwFlags = TME_HOVER | TME_LEAVE; tme.hwndTrack = hwnd; tme.dwHoverTime = HOVER_DEFAULT; TBOOL(TrackMouseEvent(&tme)); TBOOL(InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE)); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_MOUSEHOVER
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND of the control.
// uiID = ID of the control.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Handles hovering over the control. Determine which tooltip to
// bring up and show it.
// History: 2000-06-09 vtan created
// 2001-01-18 vtan update with new visuals
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_MOUSEHOVER (HWND hwnd, UINT uiID)
{ int iTextID; HWND hwndCaption;
hwndCaption = hwnd;
// The tooltip is based on the button being hovered over. Special case
// IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY. Based on the intended result if clicked bring
// up the appropriate tooltip text. This will be one of three states:
// 1) Stand By (with shift key toggling).
// 2) Stand By (shift key is disabled - nothing extra).
// 3) Hibernate.
// In the case of hibernate make sure to use IDC_BUTTON_HIBERNATE as the
// button for the tooltip caption. In the case of hibernate only even
// though the button is disabled the text is still correct.
switch (uiID) { case IDC_BUTTON_TURNOFF: iTextID = IDS_TURNOFF_TOOLTIP_TEXT_TURNOFF; break; case IDC_BUTTON_STANDBY: switch (_iStandByButtonResult) { case SHTDN_SLEEP: if (_fSupportsHibernate) { iTextID = IDS_TURNOFF_TOOLTIP_TEXT_STANDBY_HIBERNATE; } else { iTextID = IDS_TURNOFF_TOOLTIP_TEXT_STANDBY; } break; case SHTDN_HIBERNATE: hwndCaption = GetDlgItem(GetParent(hwnd), IDC_BUTTON_HIBERNATE); iTextID = IDS_TURNOFF_TOOLTIP_TEXT_HIBERNATE; break; default: iTextID = 0; DISPLAYMSG("Unexpected _iStandByButtonResult in CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_MOUSEHOVER"); break; } break; case IDC_BUTTON_RESTART: iTextID = IDS_TURNOFF_TOOLTIP_TEXT_RESTART; break; default: iTextID = 0; break; }
// Construct the tooltip and show it.
if (iTextID != 0) { int iCaptionLength; TCHAR *pszCaption;
iCaptionLength = GetWindowTextLength(hwndCaption) + sizeof('\0'); pszCaption = static_cast<TCHAR*>(LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, iCaptionLength * sizeof(TCHAR))); if (pszCaption != NULL) { if (GetWindowText(hwndCaption, pszCaption, iCaptionLength) != 0) { _pTooltip = new CTooltip(_hInstance, hwnd); if (_pTooltip != NULL) { TCHAR szText[256];
if (LoadString(_hInstance, iTextID, szText + sizeof('\r') + sizeof('\n'), ARRAYSIZE(szText) - sizeof('\r') - sizeof('\n')) != 0) { FilterMetaCharacters(pszCaption); szText[0] = TEXT('\r'); szText[1] = TEXT('\n'); _pTooltip->SetPosition(); _pTooltip->SetCaption(0, pszCaption); _pTooltip->SetText(szText); _pTooltip->Show(); } } } (HLOCAL)LocalFree(pszCaption); } } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_MOUSELEAVE
// Arguments: hwnd = HWND of the control.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Removes the tooltip and clears the hover ID.
// History: 2000-06-09 vtan created
// 2001-01-18 vtan update with new visuals
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTurnOffDialog::Handle_WM_MOUSELEAVE (HWND hwnd)
{ RemoveTooltip(); _uiHoverID = 0; TBOOL(InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::CB_DialogProc
// Arguments: See the platform SDK under DialogProc.
// Returns: See the platform SDK under DialogProc.
// Purpose: Main DialogProc dispatch entry point for the turn off dialog.
// To keep this simple it calls member functions.
// History: 2000-05-17 vtan created
// 2001-01-18 vtan update with new visuals
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
INT_PTR CALLBACK CTurnOffDialog::CB_DialogProc (HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
{ INT_PTR iResult; CTurnOffDialog *pThis;
pThis = reinterpret_cast<CTurnOffDialog*>(GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA)); switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: pThis = reinterpret_cast<CTurnOffDialog*>(lParam); (LONG_PTR)SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(pThis)); pThis->Handle_WM_INITDIALOG(hwnd); iResult = FALSE; break; case WM_DESTROY: pThis->Handle_WM_DESTROY(hwnd); iResult = 0; break; case WM_ERASEBKGND: pThis->Handle_WM_ERASEBKGND(hwnd, reinterpret_cast<HDC>(wParam)); iResult = 1; break; case WM_PRINTCLIENT: pThis->Handle_WM_PRINTCLIENT(hwnd, reinterpret_cast<HDC>(wParam), static_cast<DWORD>(lParam)); iResult = 1; // This tells the button that it was handled.
break; case WM_ACTIVATE: pThis->Handle_WM_ACTIVATE(hwnd, static_cast<DWORD>(wParam)); iResult = 1; break; case WM_DRAWITEM: pThis->Handle_WM_DRAWITEM(hwnd, reinterpret_cast<DRAWITEMSTRUCT*>(lParam)); iResult = TRUE; break; case WM_COMMAND: pThis->Handle_WM_COMMAND(hwnd, wParam); iResult = 0; break; case WM_TIMER: ASSERTMSG(static_cast<UINT>(wParam) == pThis->_uiTimerID, "Unexpected timer ID mismatch in CTurnOffDialog::CB_DialogProc"); pThis->Handle_WM_TIMER(hwnd); iResult = 0; break; default: iResult = 0; break; } return(iResult); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTurnOffDialog::ButtonSubClassProc
// Arguments: hwnd = See the platform SDK under WindowProc.
// uMsg = See the platform SDK under WindowProc.
// wParam = See the platform SDK under WindowProc.
// lParam = See the platform SDK under WindowProc.
// uiID = ID assigned at subclass time.
// dwRefData = reference data assigned at subclass time.
// Returns: LRESULT
// Purpose: comctl32 subclass callback function. This allows the bitmap
// buttons to hover and track accordingly. This also allows our
// BS_OWNERDRAW buttons to be pushed when the keyboard is used.
// History: 2000-05-17 vtan created
// 2001-01-18 vtan update with new visuals
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
LRESULT CALLBACK CTurnOffDialog::ButtonSubClassProc (HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT_PTR uiID, DWORD_PTR dwRefData)
{ LRESULT lResult; CTurnOffDialog *pThis;
pThis = reinterpret_cast<CTurnOffDialog*>(dwRefData); switch (uMsg) {
// Do NOT allow BM_SETSTYLE to go thru to the default handler. This is
// because DLGC_UNDEFPUSHBUTTON is returned for WM_GETDLGCODE. When the
// dialog manager sees this it tries to set the focus style on the button.
// Even though it's owner drawn the button window proc still draws the
// focus state (because we returned DLGC_UNDEFPUSHBUTTON). Therefore to
// ensure the bitmap isn't over-painted by the button window proc blow off
// the BM_SETSTYLE and don't let it get to the button window proc.
case BM_SETSTYLE: if (wParam == BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) { pThis->_uiFocusID = static_cast<UINT>(uiID); } if (uiID != IDCANCEL) { lResult = 0; break; } // Fall thru
// Otherwise in the default case let the default handler at the message
// first. This implements tail-patching.
lResult = DefSubclassProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); switch (uMsg) { case DM_GETDEFID: lResult = (DC_HASDEFID << 16) | static_cast<WORD>(pThis->_uiFocusID); break; case WM_GETDLGCODE: if (uiID == pThis->_uiFocusID) { lResult |= DLGC_DEFPUSHBUTTON; } else { lResult |= DLGC_UNDEFPUSHBUTTON; } break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: pThis->Handle_WM_MOUSEMOVE(hwnd, static_cast<UINT>(uiID)); break; case WM_MOUSEHOVER: pThis->Handle_WM_MOUSEHOVER(hwnd, static_cast<UINT>(uiID)); break; case WM_MOUSELEAVE: pThis->Handle_WM_MOUSELEAVE(hwnd); break; default: break; } } return(lResult); }