// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Module Name: UserList.cpp
// Copyright (c) 1999-2000, Microsoft Corporation
// Class that implements the user list filtering algorithm shared by winlogon
// calling into msgina and shgina (the logonocx) calling into msgina.
// History: 1999-10-30 vtan created
// 1999-11-26 vtan moved from logonocx
// 2000-01-31 vtan moved from Neptune to Whistler
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "StandardHeader.h"
#include "UserList.h"
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <shlwapip.h>
#include <winsta.h>
#include "RegistryResources.h"
#include "SpecialAccounts.h"
#include "SystemSettings.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUserList::s_SIDAdministrator
// CUserList::s_SIDGuest
// CUserList::s_szAdministratorsGroupName
// CUserList::s_szPowerUsersGroupName
// CUserList::s_szUsersGroupName
// CUserList::s_szGuestsGroupName
// Purpose: Stores the localized name of the well known accounts
// "Administrator" and "Guest". These accounts are determined
// by SID. Also stores the localized name of the local
// "Administrators" group.
// History: 2000-02-15 vtan created
// 2000-03-06 vtan added Administrators group
// 2001-05-10 vtan changed user strings to SID
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned char CUserList::s_SIDAdministrator[256] = { 0 }; unsigned char CUserList::s_SIDGuest[256] = { 0 }; WCHAR CUserList::s_szAdministratorsGroupName[GNLEN + sizeof('\0')] = { L'\0' }; WCHAR CUserList::s_szPowerUsersGroupName[GNLEN + sizeof('\0')] = { L'\0' }; WCHAR CUserList::s_szUsersGroupName[GNLEN + sizeof('\0')] = { L'\0' }; WCHAR CUserList::s_szGuestsGroupName[GNLEN + sizeof('\0')] = { L'\0' };
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUserList::Get
// Arguments: fRemoveGuest = Always remove the "Guest" account.
// pdwReturnEntryCount = Returned number of entries. This
// may be NULL.
// pUserList = Buffer containing user data. This
// may be NULL.
// Returns: LONG
// Purpose: Returns a filtered array of user entries from the given
// server SAM. Filtering is performed here so that a common
// algorithm can be applied to the list of users such that the
// logon UI host can display the correct user information and
// msgina can return the same number of users on the system.
// History: 1999-10-15 vtan created
// 1999-10-30 vtan uses CSpecialAccounts
// 1999-11-26 vtan moved from logonocx
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
LONG CUserList::Get (bool fRemoveGuest, DWORD *pdwReturnedEntryCount, GINA_USER_INFORMATION* *pReturnedUserList)
{ LONG lError; DWORD dwPreferredSize, dwEntryCount, dwEntriesRead; GINA_USER_INFORMATION *pUserList; NET_DISPLAY_USER *pNDU; CSpecialAccounts SpecialAccounts;
pUserList = NULL; dwEntryCount = 0;
// Determine the well known account names.
// Allow a buffer for 100 users including their name, comments and full name.
// This should be sufficient for home consumers. If the need to extend this
// arises make this dynamic!
dwPreferredSize = (sizeof(NET_DISPLAY_USER) + (3 * UNLEN) * s_iMaximumUserCount); pNDU = NULL; lError = NetQueryDisplayInformation(NULL, // NULL means LocalMachine
1, // query User information
0, // starting with the first user
s_iMaximumUserCount, // return a max of 100 users
dwPreferredSize, // preferred buffer size
&dwEntriesRead, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pNDU)); if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == lError) || (ERROR_MORE_DATA == lError)) { bool fHasCreatedAccount, fFound; DWORD dwUsernameSize; int iIndex, iAdministratorIndex; WCHAR wszUsername[UNLEN + sizeof('\0')];
// Get the current user name.
dwUsernameSize = ARRAYSIZE(wszUsername); if (GetUserNameW(wszUsername, &dwUsernameSize) == FALSE) { wszUsername[0] = L'\0'; } fHasCreatedAccount = false; iAdministratorIndex = -1; for (iIndex = static_cast<int>(dwEntriesRead - 1); iIndex >= 0; --iIndex) { PSID pSID;
pSID = ConvertNameToSID(pNDU[iIndex].usri1_name); if (pSID != NULL) {
// Never filter the current user.
if (lstrcmpiW(pNDU[iIndex].usri1_name, wszUsername) == 0) {
// If this is executed in the current user context and
// that user isn't "Administrator", but is a member of
// the local administrators group, then a user created
// administrator account exists even though it isn't
// filtered. The "Administrator" account can be removed.
if ((EqualSid(pSID, s_SIDAdministrator) == FALSE) && IsUserMemberOfLocalAdministrators(pNDU[iIndex].usri1_name)) { fHasCreatedAccount = true; if (iAdministratorIndex >= 0) { DeleteEnumerateUsers(pNDU, dwEntriesRead, iAdministratorIndex); iAdministratorIndex = -1; } } } else {
// If the account is
// 1) disabled
// 2) locked out
// 3) a special account (see CSpecialAccounts)
// 4) "Guest" and fRemoveGuest is true
// 5) "Administrator" and has created another account
// and does not always include "Administrator" and
// "Administrator is not logged on
// Then filter the account out.
if (((pNDU[iIndex].usri1_flags & UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE) != 0) || ((pNDU[iIndex].usri1_flags & UF_LOCKOUT) != 0) || SpecialAccounts.AlwaysExclude(pNDU[iIndex].usri1_name) || (fRemoveGuest && (EqualSid(pSID, s_SIDGuest) != FALSE)) || ((EqualSid(pSID, s_SIDAdministrator) != FALSE) && fHasCreatedAccount && !SpecialAccounts.AlwaysInclude(pNDU[iIndex].usri1_name) && !IsUserLoggedOn(pNDU[iIndex].usri1_name, NULL))) { DeleteEnumerateUsers(pNDU, dwEntriesRead, iIndex);
// Account for indices being changed.
// If this index wasn't set previously it just goes more negative.
// If it was set we know it can never be below zero.
--iAdministratorIndex; }
// If the account should always be included then do it.
// Guest is not a user created account so fHasCreatedAccount
// must not be set if this account is seen.
else if (!SpecialAccounts.AlwaysInclude(pNDU[iIndex].usri1_name)) {
// If safe mode then filter accounts that are not members of the
// local administrators group.
if (CSystemSettings::IsSafeMode()) { if (!IsUserMemberOfLocalAdministrators(pNDU[iIndex].usri1_name)) { DeleteEnumerateUsers(pNDU, dwEntriesRead, iIndex); --iAdministratorIndex; } } else if (EqualSid(pSID, s_SIDAdministrator) != FALSE) { if (!IsUserLoggedOn(pNDU[iIndex].usri1_name, NULL)) {
// Otherwise if the account name is "Administrator" and another
// account has been created then this account needs to be removed
// from the list. If another account has not been seen then
// remember this index so that if another account is seen this
// account can be removed.
if (fHasCreatedAccount) { DeleteEnumerateUsers(pNDU, dwEntriesRead, iIndex); --iAdministratorIndex; } else { iAdministratorIndex = iIndex; } } } else if (EqualSid(pSID, s_SIDGuest) == FALSE) {
// If the account name is NOT "Administrator" then check the
// account group membership. If the account is a member of the
// local administrators group then the "Administrator" account
// can be removed.
if (IsUserMemberOfLocalAdministrators(pNDU[iIndex].usri1_name)) { fHasCreatedAccount = true; if (iAdministratorIndex >= 0) { DeleteEnumerateUsers(pNDU, dwEntriesRead, iAdministratorIndex); iAdministratorIndex = -1; } } if (!IsUserMemberOfLocalKnownGroup(pNDU[iIndex].usri1_name)) { DeleteEnumerateUsers(pNDU, dwEntriesRead, iIndex); --iAdministratorIndex; } } } } (HLOCAL)LocalFree(pSID); } }
if (!ParseDisplayInformation(pNDU, dwEntriesRead, pUserList, dwEntryCount)) { lError = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; pUserList = NULL; dwEntryCount = 0; } (NET_API_STATUS)NetApiBufferFree(pNDU);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lError) {
// Sort the user list. Typically this has come back alphabetized by the
// SAM. However, the SAM sorts by logon name and not by display name.
// This needs to be sorted by display name.
Sort(pUserList, dwEntryCount);
// The guest account should be put at the end of this list. This
// is a simple case of find the guest account (by localized name) and
// sliding all the entries down and inserting the guest at the end.
for (fFound = false, iIndex = 0; !fFound && (iIndex < static_cast<int>(dwEntryCount)); ++iIndex) { PSID pSID;
pSID = ConvertNameToSID(pUserList[iIndex].pszName); if (pSID != NULL) { fFound = (EqualSid(pSID, s_SIDGuest) != FALSE); if (fFound) { GINA_USER_INFORMATION gui;
MoveMemory(&gui, &pUserList[iIndex], sizeof(gui)); MoveMemory(&pUserList[iIndex], &pUserList[iIndex + 1], (dwEntryCount - iIndex - 1) * sizeof(pUserList[0])); MoveMemory(&pUserList[dwEntryCount - 1], &gui, sizeof(gui)); } (HLOCAL)LocalFree(pSID); } } } } if (pReturnedUserList != NULL) { *pReturnedUserList = pUserList; } else { ReleaseMemory(pUserList); } if (pdwReturnedEntryCount != NULL) { *pdwReturnedEntryCount = dwEntryCount; } return(lError); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLogonDialog::IsUserLoggedOn
// Arguments: pszUsername = User name.
// pszDomain = User domain.
// Returns: bool
// Purpose: Use WindowStation APIs in terminal services to determine if
// a given user is logged onto this machine. It will not query
// remote terminal servers.
// Windowstations must be in the active or disconnected state.
// History: 2000-02-28 vtan created
// 2000-05-30 vtan moved from CWLogonDialog.cpp
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CUserList::IsUserLoggedOn (const WCHAR *pszUsername, const WCHAR *pszDomain)
{ bool fResult; WCHAR szDomain[DNLEN + sizeof('\0')];
fResult = false;
// If no domain is supplied then use the computer's name.
if ((pszDomain == NULL) || (pszDomain[0] == L'\0')) { DWORD dwDomainSize;
dwDomainSize = ARRAYSIZE(szDomain); if (GetComputerNameW(szDomain, &dwDomainSize) != FALSE) { pszDomain = szDomain; } }
// If no domain is supplied and the computer's name cannot be determined
// then this API fails. A user name must also be supplied.
if ((pszUsername != NULL) && (pszDomain != NULL)) { HANDLE hServer; PLOGONID pLogonID, pLogonIDs; ULONG ul, ulEntries;
// Open a connection to terminal services and get the number of sessions.
hServer = WinStationOpenServerW(reinterpret_cast<WCHAR*>(SERVERNAME_CURRENT)); if (hServer != NULL) { if (WinStationEnumerate(hServer, &pLogonIDs, &ulEntries) != FALSE) {
// Iterate the sessions looking for active and disconnected sessions only.
// Then match the user name and domain (case INsensitive) for a result.
for (ul = 0, pLogonID = pLogonIDs; !fResult && (ul < ulEntries); ++ul, ++pLogonID) { if ((pLogonID->State == State_Active) || (pLogonID->State == State_Disconnected)) { ULONG ulReturnLength; WINSTATIONINFORMATIONW winStationInformation;
if (WinStationQueryInformationW(hServer, pLogonID->LogonId, WinStationInformation, &winStationInformation, sizeof(winStationInformation), &ulReturnLength) != FALSE) { fResult = ((lstrcmpiW(pszUsername, winStationInformation.UserName) == 0) && (lstrcmpiW(pszDomain, winStationInformation.Domain) == 0)); } } }
// Free any resources used.
(BOOLEAN)WinStationFreeMemory(pLogonIDs); } (BOOLEAN)WinStationCloseServer(hServer); } } return(fResult); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUserList::IsInteractiveLogonAllowed
// Arguments: pszUsername = User name.
// Returns: int
// Purpose: Determines whether the SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight is
// assigned into the given user. Returns -1 if the state cannot
// be determined due to some error. Otherwise returns 0 if the
// the right is assigned and != 0 && != -1 if not.
// One final check is made on personal for a user name that
// History: 2000-08-15 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CUserList::IsInteractiveLogonAllowed (const WCHAR *pszUsername)
{ int iResult; LSA_HANDLE hLSA; UNICODE_STRING strDenyInteractiveLogonRight; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes;
iResult = -1; RtlInitUnicodeString(&strDenyInteractiveLogonRight, SE_DENY_INTERACTIVE_LOGON_NAME); InitializeObjectAttributes(&objectAttributes, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(LsaOpenPolicy(NULL, &objectAttributes, POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES, &hLSA))) { SID_NAME_USE eUse; DWORD dwSIDSize, dwReferencedDomainSize; PSID pSID; WCHAR szReferencedDomain[CNLEN + sizeof('\0')];
dwSIDSize = 0; dwReferencedDomainSize = ARRAYSIZE(szReferencedDomain); (BOOL)LookupAccountNameW(NULL, pszUsername, NULL, &dwSIDSize, szReferencedDomain, &dwReferencedDomainSize, &eUse); pSID = static_cast<PSID>(LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwSIDSize)); if (pSID != NULL) { if (LookupAccountNameW(NULL, pszUsername, pSID, &dwSIDSize, szReferencedDomain, &dwReferencedDomainSize, &eUse) != FALSE) { NTSTATUS status; ULONG ulIndex, ulCountOfRights; PLSA_UNICODE_STRING pUserRights;
status = LsaEnumerateAccountRights(hLSA, pSID, &pUserRights, &ulCountOfRights); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { bool fFound;
for (fFound = false, ulIndex = 0; !fFound && (ulIndex < ulCountOfRights); ++ulIndex) { fFound = (RtlEqualUnicodeString(&strDenyInteractiveLogonRight, pUserRights + ulIndex, TRUE) != FALSE); } iResult = fFound ? 0 : 1; TSTATUS(LsaFreeMemory(pUserRights)); } else if (STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND == status) { iResult = 1; } } (HLOCAL)LocalFree(pSID); } TSTATUS(LsaClose(hLSA)); } if (IsOS(OS_PERSONAL) && !CSystemSettings::IsSafeMode()) { PSID pSID;
pSID = ConvertNameToSID(pszUsername); if (pSID != NULL) { if (EqualSid(pSID, s_SIDAdministrator) != FALSE) { iResult = 0; } (HLOCAL)LocalFree(pSID); } } return(iResult); }
PSID CUserList::ConvertNameToSID (const WCHAR *pszUsername)
{ PSID pSID; DWORD dwSIDSize, dwDomainSize; SID_NAME_USE eUse;
pSID = NULL; dwSIDSize = dwDomainSize = 0; (BOOL)LookupAccountNameW(NULL, pszUsername, NULL, &dwSIDSize, NULL, &dwDomainSize, NULL); if ((dwSIDSize != 0) && (dwDomainSize != 0)) { WCHAR *pszDomain;
pszDomain = static_cast<WCHAR*>(LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwDomainSize * sizeof(WCHAR))); if (pszDomain != NULL) { pSID = static_cast<PSID>(LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwSIDSize)); if (pSID != NULL) { if (LookupAccountName(NULL, pszUsername, pSID, &dwSIDSize, pszDomain, &dwDomainSize, &eUse) == FALSE) { (HLOCAL)LocalFree(pSID); pSID = NULL; } } (HLOCAL)LocalFree(pszDomain); } } return(pSID); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUserList::IsUserMemberOfLocalAdministrators
// Arguments: pszName = User name to test.
// Returns: bool
// Purpose: Returns whether the given user is a member of the local
// Administrators group.
// History: 2000-03-28 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CUserList::IsUserMemberOfLocalAdministrators (const WCHAR *pszName)
{ bool fIsAnAdministrator; DWORD dwGroupEntriesRead, dwGroupTotalEntries; LOCALGROUP_USERS_INFO_0 *pLocalGroupUsersInfo;
fIsAnAdministrator = false; pLocalGroupUsersInfo = NULL; if (NetUserGetLocalGroups(NULL, pszName, 0, LG_INCLUDE_INDIRECT, (LPBYTE*)&pLocalGroupUsersInfo, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, &dwGroupEntriesRead, &dwGroupTotalEntries) == NERR_Success) { int iIndexGroup; LOCALGROUP_USERS_INFO_0 *pLGUI;
for (iIndexGroup = 0, pLGUI = pLocalGroupUsersInfo; !fIsAnAdministrator && (iIndexGroup < static_cast<int>(dwGroupEntriesRead)); ++iIndexGroup, ++pLGUI) { fIsAnAdministrator = (lstrcmpiW(pLGUI->lgrui0_name, s_szAdministratorsGroupName) == 0); } } else { fIsAnAdministrator = true; } if (pLocalGroupUsersInfo != NULL) { TW32(NetApiBufferFree(pLocalGroupUsersInfo)); } return(fIsAnAdministrator); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUserList::IsUserMemberOfLocalKnownGroup
// Arguments: pszName = User name to test.
// Returns: bool
// Purpose: Returns whether the given user is a member of a local known
// group. Membership of a known group returns true. Membership
// of only groups that are not known returns false.
// History: 2000-06-29 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CUserList::IsUserMemberOfLocalKnownGroup (const WCHAR *pszName)
{ bool fIsMember; DWORD dwGroupEntriesRead, dwGroupTotalEntries; LOCALGROUP_USERS_INFO_0 *pLocalGroupUsersInfo;
fIsMember = true; pLocalGroupUsersInfo = NULL; if (NetUserGetLocalGroups(NULL, pszName, 0, LG_INCLUDE_INDIRECT, (LPBYTE*)&pLocalGroupUsersInfo, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, &dwGroupEntriesRead, &dwGroupTotalEntries) == NERR_Success) { int iIndexGroup; LOCALGROUP_USERS_INFO_0 *pLGUI;
// Assume the worst. As soon as a known group is found this will terminate the loop.
fIsMember = false; for (iIndexGroup = 0, pLGUI = pLocalGroupUsersInfo; !fIsMember && (iIndexGroup < static_cast<int>(dwGroupEntriesRead)); ++iIndexGroup, ++pLGUI) { fIsMember = ((lstrcmpiW(pLGUI->lgrui0_name, s_szAdministratorsGroupName) == 0) || (lstrcmpiW(pLGUI->lgrui0_name, s_szPowerUsersGroupName) == 0) || (lstrcmpiW(pLGUI->lgrui0_name, s_szUsersGroupName) == 0) || (lstrcmpiW(pLGUI->lgrui0_name, s_szGuestsGroupName) == 0)); } } if (pLocalGroupUsersInfo != NULL) { TW32(NetApiBufferFree(pLocalGroupUsersInfo)); } return(fIsMember); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUserList::DeleteEnumerateUsers
// Arguments: pNDU = NET_DISPLAY_USER array to delete from.
// dwEntriesRead = Number of entries in the array.
// iIndex = Index to delete.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Deletes the given array index contents from the array by
// sliding down the elements and zeroing the last entry.
// History: 1999-10-16 vtan created
// 1999-11-26 vtan moved from logonocx
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUserList::DeleteEnumerateUsers (NET_DISPLAY_USER *pNDU, DWORD& dwEntriesRead, int iIndex)
{ int iIndiciesToMove;
iIndiciesToMove = static_cast<int>(dwEntriesRead - 1) - iIndex; if (iIndiciesToMove != 0) { MoveMemory(&pNDU[iIndex], &pNDU[iIndex + 1], iIndiciesToMove * sizeof(*pNDU)); } ZeroMemory(&pNDU[--dwEntriesRead], sizeof(*pNDU)); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUserList::DetermineWellKnownAccountNames
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Determines the string for the local Administrator and Guest
// accounts by getting the user list from the local SAM and
// looking up the SID corresponding with the iterated user names
// and checking the SID for the RID that is desired.
// The main loop structure mimics the filter function.
// History: 2000-02-15 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUserList::DetermineWellKnownAccountNames (void)
{ static bool s_fCachedWellKnownAccountNames = false;
// If the well known account names haven't been determined yet
// then do this. But only do this once.
if (!s_fCachedWellKnownAccountNames) { USER_MODALS_INFO_2 *pUMI; PSID pSID; DWORD dwNameSize, dwDomainSize; SID_NAME_USE eUse; WCHAR szDomain[DNLEN + sizeof('\0')];
// Build the SID for the built-in local administrator
// and built-in local guest accounts.
if (NetUserModalsGet(NULL, 2, (LPBYTE*)&pUMI) == NERR_Success) { unsigned char ucSubAuthorityCount;
ucSubAuthorityCount = *GetSidSubAuthorityCount(pUMI->usrmod2_domain_id); if (GetSidLengthRequired(ucSubAuthorityCount + 1) <= sizeof(s_SIDAdministrator)) { if (CopySid(GetSidLengthRequired(ucSubAuthorityCount + 1), s_SIDAdministrator, pUMI->usrmod2_domain_id) != FALSE) { *GetSidSubAuthority(s_SIDAdministrator, ucSubAuthorityCount) = DOMAIN_USER_RID_ADMIN; *GetSidSubAuthorityCount(s_SIDAdministrator) = ucSubAuthorityCount + 1; } } else { ZeroMemory(s_SIDAdministrator, sizeof(s_SIDAdministrator)); } if (GetSidLengthRequired(ucSubAuthorityCount + 1) <= sizeof(s_SIDGuest)) { if (CopySid(GetSidLengthRequired(ucSubAuthorityCount + 1), s_SIDGuest, pUMI->usrmod2_domain_id) != FALSE) { *GetSidSubAuthority(s_SIDGuest, ucSubAuthorityCount) = DOMAIN_USER_RID_GUEST; *GetSidSubAuthorityCount(s_SIDGuest) = ucSubAuthorityCount + 1; } } else { ZeroMemory(s_SIDAdministrator, sizeof(s_SIDAdministrator)); } (NET_API_STATUS)NetApiBufferFree(pUMI); }
// Now determine the local administrators group name.
if (NT_SUCCESS(RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid(&sSystemSidAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSID))) {
dwNameSize = ARRAYSIZE(s_szAdministratorsGroupName); dwDomainSize = ARRAYSIZE(szDomain); TBOOL(LookupAccountSidW(NULL, pSID, s_szAdministratorsGroupName, &dwNameSize, szDomain, &dwDomainSize, &eUse)); (void*)RtlFreeSid(pSID); }
// Power Users
if (NT_SUCCESS(RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid(&sSystemSidAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_POWER_USERS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSID))) { dwNameSize = ARRAYSIZE(s_szPowerUsersGroupName); dwDomainSize = ARRAYSIZE(szDomain); (BOOL)LookupAccountSidW(NULL, pSID, s_szPowerUsersGroupName, &dwNameSize, szDomain, &dwDomainSize, &eUse); (void*)RtlFreeSid(pSID); }
// Users
if (NT_SUCCESS(RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid(&sSystemSidAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_USERS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSID))) { dwNameSize = ARRAYSIZE(s_szUsersGroupName); dwDomainSize = ARRAYSIZE(szDomain); TBOOL(LookupAccountSidW(NULL, pSID, s_szUsersGroupName, &dwNameSize, szDomain, &dwDomainSize, &eUse)); (void*)RtlFreeSid(pSID); }
// Guests
if (NT_SUCCESS(RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid(&sSystemSidAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_GUESTS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSID))) { dwNameSize = ARRAYSIZE(s_szGuestsGroupName); dwDomainSize = ARRAYSIZE(szDomain); TBOOL(LookupAccountSidW(NULL, pSID, s_szGuestsGroupName, &dwNameSize, szDomain, &dwDomainSize, &eUse)); (void*)RtlFreeSid(pSID); }
// Don't do this again.
s_fCachedWellKnownAccountNames = true; } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUserList::ParseDisplayInformation
// Arguments: pNDU = NET_DISPLAY_USER list to parse.
// dwEntriesRead = Number of entries in NDU list.
// pUserList = GINA_USER_INFORMATION pointer returned.
// dwEntryCount = Number of entries in GUI list.
// Returns: bool
// array so that information can be added or removed as desired
// from the final information returned to the caller.
// History: 2000-06-26 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CUserList::ParseDisplayInformation (NET_DISPLAY_USER *pNDU, DWORD dwEntriesRead, GINA_USER_INFORMATION*& pUserList, DWORD& dwEntryCount)
{ bool fResult; DWORD dwBufferSize, dwComputerNameSize; int iIndex; unsigned char *pBuffer; WCHAR *pWC; WCHAR szComputerName[CNLEN + sizeof('\0')];
// Get the local computer name. This is the local domain.
dwComputerNameSize = ARRAYSIZE(szComputerName); if (GetComputerNameW(szComputerName, &dwComputerNameSize) == FALSE) { szComputerName[0] = L'\0'; }
// Calculate the total size of the buffer required based on the number of
// entries and the size of a struct and the length of the strings required.
// Append any additions to the below this loop.
dwBufferSize = 0; for (iIndex = static_cast<int>(dwEntriesRead - 1); iIndex >= 0; --iIndex) { dwBufferSize += sizeof(GINA_USER_INFORMATION); dwBufferSize += (lstrlenW(pNDU[iIndex].usri1_name) + sizeof('\0')) * sizeof(WCHAR); dwBufferSize += (lstrlenW(szComputerName) + sizeof('\0')) * sizeof(WCHAR); dwBufferSize += (lstrlenW(pNDU[iIndex].usri1_full_name) + sizeof('\0')) * sizeof(WCHAR); }
// Allocate the buffer. Start allocating structs from the start of the
// buffer and allocate strings from the end of the buffer. Uses pUserList
// to allocate structs and pWC to allocate strings.
pBuffer = static_cast<unsigned char*>(LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwBufferSize)); pUserList = reinterpret_cast<GINA_USER_INFORMATION*>(pBuffer); pWC = reinterpret_cast<WCHAR*>(pBuffer + dwBufferSize); if (pBuffer != NULL) { int iStringCount;
// Walk thru the NET_DISPLAY_USER array and convert/copy the
// struct and strings to GINA_USER_INFORMATION and allocate the
// space from the buffer we just allocated.
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < static_cast<int>(dwEntriesRead); ++iIndex) { iStringCount = lstrlenW(pNDU[iIndex].usri1_name) + sizeof('\0'); pWC -= iStringCount; CopyMemory(pWC, pNDU[iIndex].usri1_name, iStringCount * sizeof(WCHAR)); pUserList[iIndex].pszName = pWC;
iStringCount = lstrlenW(szComputerName) + sizeof('\0'); pWC -= iStringCount; CopyMemory(pWC, szComputerName, iStringCount * sizeof(WCHAR)); pUserList[iIndex].pszDomain = pWC;
iStringCount = lstrlenW(pNDU[iIndex].usri1_full_name) + sizeof('\0'); pWC -= iStringCount; CopyMemory(pWC, pNDU[iIndex].usri1_full_name, iStringCount * sizeof(WCHAR)); pUserList[iIndex].pszFullName = pWC;
pUserList[iIndex].dwFlags = pNDU[iIndex].usri1_flags; }
// Return the count of entries.
dwEntryCount = dwEntriesRead;
// And a success.
fResult = true; } else { fResult = false; } return(fResult); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CUserList::Sort
// Arguments: pNDU = GINA_USER_INFORMATION list to sort.
// dwEntriesRead = Number of entries in the list.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Sorts the GINA_USER_INFORMATION array by display name NOT
// logon name as the SAM returns the data. This is a lame n^2
// algorithm that won't scale well but it's for a very limited
// usage scenario. If need be this will be revised.
// History: 2000-06-08 vtan created
// 2000-06-26 vtan converted to GINA_USER_INFORMATION
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CUserList::Sort (GINA_USER_INFORMATION *pUserList, DWORD dwEntryCount)
pSortedList = static_cast<GINA_USER_INFORMATION*>(LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwEntryCount * sizeof(GINA_USER_INFORMATION))); if (pSortedList != NULL) { int iOuter;
for (iOuter = 0; iOuter < static_cast<int>(dwEntryCount); ++iOuter) { int iInner, iItem; const WCHAR *pszItem;
for (iItem = -1, pszItem = NULL, iInner = 0; iInner < static_cast<int>(dwEntryCount); ++iInner) { const WCHAR *psz;
psz = pUserList[iInner].pszFullName; if ((psz == NULL) || (psz[0] == L'\0')) { psz = pUserList[iInner].pszName; } if (psz != NULL) { if ((iItem == -1) || (lstrcmpiW(pszItem, psz) > 0)) { iItem = iInner; pszItem = psz; } } } pSortedList[iOuter] = pUserList[iItem]; pUserList[iItem].pszFullName = pUserList[iItem].pszName = NULL; } CopyMemory(pUserList, pSortedList, dwEntryCount * sizeof(GINA_USER_INFORMATION)); ReleaseMemory(pSortedList); } }