// CtlView.Cpp
// Copyright 1995-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// implementation of the IViewObjectEx interface, which is a moderately
// non-trivial bunch of code.
#include "IPServer.H"
#include "CtrlObj.H"
#include "Globals.H"
#include "Util.H"
// for ASSERT and FAIL
// local functions we're going to find useful
// COleControl::Draw [IViewObject2]
// Draws a representation of an object onto the specified device context.
// Parameters:
// DWORD - [in] draw aspect
// LONG - [in] part of object to draw [not relevant]
// void * - NULL
// DVTARGETDEVICE * - [in] specifies the target device
// HDC - [in] information context for target device
// HDC - [in] target device context
// LPCRECTL - [in] rectangle in which the object is drawn
// LPCRECTL - [in] window extent and origin for metafiles
// BOOL (*)(DWORD) - [in] callback for continuing or cancelling drawing
// DWORD - [in] parameter to pass to callback.
// Output:
// Notes:
// - we support the following OCX 96 extensions
// a. flicker free drawing [multi-pass drawing]
// b. pvAspect != NULL for optimized DC handling
// c. prcBounds == NULL for windowless inplace active objects
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::Draw ( DWORD dwDrawAspect, LONG lIndex, void *pvAspect, DVTARGETDEVICE *ptd, HDC hicTargetDevice, HDC hdcDraw, LPCRECTL prcBounds, LPCRECTL prcWBounds, BOOL (__stdcall *pfnContinue)(ULONG_PTR dwContinue), ULONG_PTR dwContinue ) { HRESULT hr; RECTL rc; POINT pVp, pW; BOOL fOptimize = FALSE; int iMode; BYTE fMetafile = FALSE; BYTE fDeleteDC = FALSE;
// support the aspects required for multi-pass drawing
switch (dwDrawAspect) { case DVASPECT_CONTENT: case DVASPECT_OPAQUE: case DVASPECT_TRANSPARENT: break; default: return DV_E_DVASPECT; }
// first, have to do a little bit to support printing.
if (GetDeviceCaps(hdcDraw, TECHNOLOGY) == DT_METAFILE) {
// We are dealing with a metafile.
fMetafile = TRUE;
// If attributes DC is NULL, create one, based on ptd.
if (!hicTargetDevice) {
// Does _CreateOleDC have to return an hDC
// or can it be flagged to return an hIC
// for this particular case?
hicTargetDevice = _CreateOleDC(ptd); fDeleteDC = TRUE; } }
// check to see if we have any flags passed in the pvAspect parameter.
if (pvAspect && ((DVASPECTINFO *)pvAspect)->cb == sizeof(DVASPECTINFO)) fOptimize = (((DVASPECTINFO *)pvAspect)->dwFlags & DVASPECTINFOFLAG_CANOPTIMIZE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// if we are windowless, then we just pass this on to the end control code.
if (m_fInPlaceActive) {
// give them a rectangle with which to draw
//ASSERT(!m_fInPlaceActive || !prcBounds, "Inplace active and somebody passed in prcBounds!!!");
if (prcBounds) memcpy(&rc, prcBounds, sizeof(rc)); else memcpy(&rc, &m_rcLocation, sizeof(rc)); } else {
// first -- convert the DC back to MM_TEXT mapping mode so that the
// window proc and OnDraw can share the same painting code. save
// some information on it, so we can restore it later [without using
// a SaveDC/RestoreDC]
rc = *prcBounds;
// Don't do anything to hdcDraw if it's a metafile.
// The control's Draw method must make the appropriate
// accomodations for drawing to a metafile
if (!fMetafile) { LPtoDP(hdcDraw, (POINT *)&rc, 2); SetViewportOrgEx(hdcDraw, 0, 0, &pVp); SetWindowOrgEx(hdcDraw, 0, 0, &pW); iMode = SetMapMode(hdcDraw, MM_TEXT); } }
// prcWBounds is NULL and not used if we are not dealing with a metafile.
// For metafiles, we pass on rc as *prcBounds, we should also include
// prcWBounds
hr = OnDraw(dwDrawAspect, hdcDraw, &rc, prcWBounds, hicTargetDevice, fOptimize);
// clean up the DC when we're done with it, if appropriate.
if (!m_fInPlaceActive) { SetViewportOrgEx(hdcDraw, pVp.x, pVp.y, NULL); SetWindowOrgEx(hdcDraw, pW.x, pW.y, NULL); SetMapMode(hdcDraw, iMode); }
// if we created a dc, blow it away now
if (fDeleteDC && hicTargetDevice) DeleteDC(hicTargetDevice); return hr; }
// COleControl::DoSuperClassPaint
// design time painting of a subclassed control.
// Parameters:
// HDC - [in] dc to work with
// LPCRECTL - [in] rectangle to paint to. should be in pixels
// Output:
// Notes:
HRESULT COleControl::DoSuperClassPaint ( HDC hdc, LPCRECTL prcBounds ) { HWND hwnd; RECT rcClient; int iMapMode; POINT ptWOrg, ptVOrg; SIZE sWOrg, sVOrg;
// make sure we have a window.
hwnd = CreateInPlaceWindow(0,0, FALSE); if (!hwnd) return E_FAIL;
GetClientRect(hwnd, &rcClient);
// set up the DC for painting. this code largely taken from the MFC CDK
// DoSuperClassPaint() fn. doesn't always get things like command
// buttons quite right ...
// NOTE: there is a windows 95 problem in which the font instance manager
// will leak a bunch of bytes in the global GDI pool whenever you
// change your extents and have an active font. this code gets around
// this for on-screen cases, but not for printing [which shouldn't be
// too serious, because you're not often changing your control size and
// printing rapidly in succession]
if ((rcClient.right - rcClient.left != prcBounds->right - prcBounds->left) && (rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top != prcBounds->bottom - prcBounds->top)) {
iMapMode = SetMapMode(hdc, MM_ANISOTROPIC); SetWindowExtEx(hdc, rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom, &sWOrg); SetViewportExtEx(hdc, prcBounds->right - prcBounds->left, prcBounds->bottom - prcBounds->top, &sVOrg); }
SetWindowOrgEx(hdc, 0, 0, &ptWOrg); SetViewportOrgEx(hdc, prcBounds->left, prcBounds->top, &ptVOrg);
CallWindowProc((WNDPROC)SUBCLASSWNDPROCOFCONTROL(m_ObjectType), hwnd, (g_fSysWin95Shell) ? WM_PRINT : WM_PAINT, (WPARAM)hdc, (LPARAM)(g_fSysWin95Shell ? PRF_CHILDREN | PRF_CLIENT : 0)); #else
CallWindowProc((FARPROC)SUBCLASSWNDPROCOFCONTROL(m_ObjectType), hwnd, (g_fSysWin95Shell) ? WM_PRINT : WM_PAINT, (WPARAM)hdc, (LPARAM)(g_fSysWin95Shell ? PRF_CHILDREN | PRF_CLIENT : 0)); #endif // STRICT
return S_OK; }
// COleControl::GetColorSet [IViewObject2]
// Returns the logical palette that the control will use for drawing in its
// IViewObject::Draw method with the corresponding parameters.
// Parameters:
// DWORD - [in] how the object is to be represented
// LONG - [in] part of the object to draw [not relevant]
// void * - NULL
// DVTARGETDEVICE * - [in] specifies the target device
// HDC - [in] information context for the target device
// LOGPALETTE ** - [out] where to put palette
// Output:
// S_OK - Control has a palette, and returned it through the out param.
// S_FALSE - Control does not currently have a palette.
// E_NOTIMPL - Control will never have a palette so optimize handling of this control.
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::GetColorSet ( DWORD dwDrawAspect, LONG lindex, void *IgnoreMe, DVTARGETDEVICE *ptd, HDC hicTargetDevice, LOGPALETTE **ppColorSet ) { if (dwDrawAspect != DVASPECT_CONTENT) return DV_E_DVASPECT;
*ppColorSet = NULL; return (OnGetPalette(hicTargetDevice, ppColorSet)) ? ((*ppColorSet) ? S_OK : S_FALSE) : E_NOTIMPL; }
// COleControl::Freeze [IViewObject2]
// Freezes a certain aspect of the object's presentation so that it does not
// change until the IViewObject::Unfreeze method is called.
// Parameters:
// DWORD - [in] aspect
// LONG - [in] part of object to draw
// void * - NULL
// DWORD * - [out] for Unfreeze
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::Freeze ( DWORD dwDrawAspect, LONG lIndex, void *IgnoreMe, DWORD *pdwFreeze ) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// COleControl::Unfreeze [IVewObject2]
// Releases a previously frozen drawing. The most common use of this method
// is for banded printing.
// Parameters:
// DWORD - [in] cookie from freeze
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::Unfreeze ( DWORD dwFreeze ) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// COleControl::SetAdvise [IViewObject2]
// Sets up a connection between the control and an advise sink so that the
// advise sink can be notified about changes in the control's view.
// Parameters:
// DWORD - [in] aspect
// DWORD - [in] info about the sink
// IAdviseSink * - [in] the sink
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::SetAdvise ( DWORD dwAspects, DWORD dwAdviseFlags, IAdviseSink *pAdviseSink ) { // if it's not a content aspect, we don't support it.
if (!(dwAspects & DVASPECT_CONTENT)) { return DV_E_DVASPECT; }
// set up some flags [we gotta stash for GetAdvise ...]
m_fViewAdvisePrimeFirst = (dwAdviseFlags & ADVF_PRIMEFIRST) ? TRUE : FALSE; m_fViewAdviseOnlyOnce = (dwAdviseFlags & ADVF_ONLYONCE) ? TRUE : FALSE;
RELEASE_OBJECT(m_pViewAdviseSink); m_pViewAdviseSink = pAdviseSink; ADDREF_OBJECT(m_pViewAdviseSink);
// prime them if they want it [we need to store this so they can get flags later]
if (m_fViewAdvisePrimeFirst) ViewChanged();
return S_OK; }
// COleControl::GetAdvise [IViewObject2]
// Retrieves the existing advisory connection on the control if there is one.
// This method simply returns the parameters used in the most recent call to
// the IViewObject::SetAdvise method.
// Parameters:
// DWORD * - [out] aspects
// DWORD * - [out] advise flags
// IAdviseSink ** - [out] the sink
// Output:
// Notes;
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::GetAdvise ( DWORD *pdwAspects, DWORD *pdwAdviseFlags, IAdviseSink **ppAdviseSink ) { // if they want it, give it to them
if (pdwAspects) *pdwAspects = DVASPECT_CONTENT;
if (pdwAdviseFlags) { *pdwAdviseFlags = 0; if (m_fViewAdviseOnlyOnce) *pdwAdviseFlags |= ADVF_ONLYONCE; if (m_fViewAdvisePrimeFirst) *pdwAdviseFlags |= ADVF_PRIMEFIRST; }
if (ppAdviseSink) { *ppAdviseSink = m_pViewAdviseSink; ADDREF_OBJECT(*ppAdviseSink); }
return S_OK; }
// COleControl::GetExtent [IViewObject2]
// Returns the size that the control will be drawn on the
// specified target device.
// Parameters:
// DWORD - [in] draw aspect
// LONG - [in] part of object to draw
// DVTARGETDEVICE * - [in] information about target device
// LPSIZEL - [out] where to put the size
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::GetExtent ( DWORD dwDrawAspect, LONG lindex, DVTARGETDEVICE *ptd, LPSIZEL psizel ) { // we already have an implementation of this [from IOleObject]
return GetExtent(dwDrawAspect, psizel); }
// COleControl::OnGetPalette [overridable]
// called when the host wants palette information. ideally, people should use
// this sparingly and carefully.
// Parameters:
// HDC - [in] HIC for the target device
// LOGPALETTE ** - [out] where to put the palette
// Output:
// BOOL - TRUE means we processed it, false means nope.
// Notes:
BOOL COleControl::OnGetPalette ( HDC hicTargetDevice, LOGPALETTE **ppColorSet ) { return FALSE; }
// COleControl::GetRect [IViewObjectEx]
// returns a rectnagle describing a given drawing aspect
// Parameters:
// DWORD - [in] aspect
// LPRECTL - [out] region rectangle
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::GetRect ( DWORD dvAspect, LPRECTL prcRect ) { RECTL rc; BOOL f;
// call the user routine and let them return the size
f = OnGetRect(dvAspect, &rc); if (!f) return DV_E_DVASPECT;
// transform these dudes.
PixelToHiMetric((LPSIZEL)&rc, (LPSIZEL)prcRect); PixelToHiMetric((LPSIZEL)((LPBYTE)&rc + sizeof(SIZEL)), (LPSIZEL)((LPBYTE)prcRect + sizeof(SIZEL)));
return S_OK; }
// COleControl::GetViewStatus [IViewObjectEx]
// returns information about the opactiy of the object and what drawing
// aspects are supported
// Parameters:
// DWORD * - [out] the status
/// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::GetViewStatus ( DWORD *pdwStatus ) { // depending on the flag in the CONTROLOBJECTINFO structure, indicate our
// transparency vs opacity.
// OVERRIDE: controls that wish to support multi-pass drawing should
// override this routine and return, in addition to the flags indication
// opacity, flags indicating what sort of drawing aspects they support.
*pdwStatus = FCONTROLISOPAQUE(m_ObjectType) ? VIEWSTATUS_OPAQUE : 0; return S_OK; }
// COleControl::QueryHitPoint [IViewObjectEx]
// indicates whether a point is within a given aspect of an object.
// Parameters:
// DWORD - [in] aspect
// LPCRECT - [in] Bounds rectangle
// POINT - [in] hit location client coordinates
// LONG - [in] what the container considers close
// DWORD * - [out] info about the hit
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::QueryHitPoint ( DWORD dvAspect, LPCRECT prcBounds, POINT ptLocation, LONG lCloseHint, DWORD *pdwHitResult ) { // OVERRIDE: override me if you want to provide additional [non-opaque]
// functionality
if (dvAspect != DVASPECT_CONTENT) return DV_E_DVASPECT;
*pdwHitResult = PtInRect(prcBounds, ptLocation) ? HITRESULT_HIT : HITRESULT_OUTSIDE; return S_OK; }
// COleControl::QueryHitRect [IViewObjectEx]
// indicates wheter any point in a rectangle is within a given drawing aspect
// of an object.
// Parameters:
// DWORD - [in] aspect
// LPCRECT - [in] bounds
// LPCRECT - [in] location
// LONG - [in] what host considers close
// DWORD * - [out] hit result
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::QueryHitRect ( DWORD dvAspect, LPCRECT prcBounds, LPCRECT prcLocation, LONG lCloseHint, DWORD *pdwHitResult ) { RECT rc;
// OVERRIDE: override this for additional behaviour
if (dvAspect != DVASPECT_CONTENT) return DV_E_DVASPECT;
*pdwHitResult = IntersectRect(&rc, prcBounds, prcLocation) ? HITRESULT_HIT : HITRESULT_OUTSIDE; return S_OK; }
// COleControl::GetNaturalExtent [IViewObjectEx]
// supports two types of control sizing, content and integral.
// Parameters:
// DWORD - [in] aspect
// LONG - [in] index
// DVTARGETDEVICE * - [in] target device information
// HDC - [in] HIC
// DVEXTENTINFO * - [in] sizing data
// LPSIZEL - [out] sizing data retunred by control
// Output:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP COleControl::GetNaturalExtent ( DWORD dvAspect, LONG lIndex, DVTARGETDEVICE *ptd, HDC hicTargetDevice, DVEXTENTINFO *pExtentInfo, LPSIZEL pSizel ) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// COleControl::OnGetRect [overridable
// returns our rectangle
// Parameters:
// DWORD - [in] aspect they want the rect for
// RECTL * - [out] the rectangle that matches this aspect
// Output:
// BOOL - false means we don't like the aspect
// Notes:
BOOL COleControl::OnGetRect ( DWORD dvAspect, RECTL *pRect ) { // by default, we only support content drawing.
if (dvAspect != DVASPECT_CONTENT) return FALSE;
// just give them our bounding rectangle
*((LPRECT)pRect) = m_rcLocation; return TRUE; }
// _CreateOleDC
// creates an HDC given a DVTARGETDEVICE structure.
// Parameters:
// DVTARGETDEVICE * - [in] duh.
// Output:
// HDC
// Notes:
HDC _CreateOleDC ( DVTARGETDEVICE *ptd ) { LPDEVMODEW pDevModeW; DEVMODEA DevModeA, *pDevModeA; LPOLESTR lpwszDriverName; LPOLESTR lpwszDeviceName; LPOLESTR lpwszPortName; HDC hdc;
// return screen DC for NULL target device
if (!ptd) return CreateDC("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (ptd->tdExtDevmodeOffset == 0) pDevModeW = NULL; else pDevModeW = (LPDEVMODEW)((LPSTR)ptd + ptd->tdExtDevmodeOffset);
lpwszDriverName = (LPOLESTR)((BYTE*)ptd + ptd->tdDriverNameOffset); lpwszDeviceName = (LPOLESTR)((BYTE*)ptd + ptd->tdDeviceNameOffset); lpwszPortName = (LPOLESTR)((BYTE*)ptd + ptd->tdPortNameOffset);
MAKE_ANSIPTR_FROMWIDE(pszDriverName, lpwszDriverName); MAKE_ANSIPTR_FROMWIDE(pszDeviceName, lpwszDeviceName); MAKE_ANSIPTR_FROMWIDE(pszPortName, lpwszPortName);
if (pDevModeW) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pDevModeW->dmDeviceName, -1, (LPSTR)DevModeA.dmDeviceName, CCHDEVICENAME, NULL, NULL); memcpy(&DevModeA.dmSpecVersion, &pDevModeW->dmSpecVersion, offsetof(DEVMODEA, dmFormName) - offsetof(DEVMODEA, dmSpecVersion)); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pDevModeW->dmFormName, -1, (LPSTR)DevModeA.dmFormName, CCHFORMNAME, NULL, NULL); memcpy(&DevModeA.dmLogPixels, &pDevModeW->dmLogPixels, sizeof(DEVMODEA) - offsetof(DEVMODEA, dmLogPixels)); if (pDevModeW->dmDriverExtra) { pDevModeA = (DEVMODEA *)HeapAlloc(g_hHeap, 0, sizeof(DEVMODEA) + pDevModeW->dmDriverExtra); if (!pDevModeA) return NULL; memcpy(pDevModeA, &DevModeA, sizeof(DEVMODEA)); memcpy(pDevModeA + 1, pDevModeW + 1, pDevModeW->dmDriverExtra); } else pDevModeA = &DevModeA;
DevModeA.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODEA); } else pDevModeA = NULL;
hdc = CreateDC(pszDriverName, pszDeviceName, pszPortName, pDevModeA); if ((pDevModeA != &DevModeA) && pDevModeA) HeapFree(g_hHeap, 0, pDevModeA); return hdc; }