// mediautil.cpp: media bar utility routines
#include "stock.h"
#include "browseui.h"
#include "mediautil.h"
#define WZ_SMIE_MEDIA TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Media")
#define WZ_SMIE_MEDIA_MIME TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Media\\MimeTypes")
#define WZ_AUTOPLAY TEXT("Autoplay")
#define WZ_AUTOPLAYPROMPT TEXT("AutoplayPrompt")
#define MAX_MIME_LENGTH 256
static LPTSTR rgszMimeTypes[] = { TEXT("video/avi"), TEXT("video/mpeg"), TEXT("video/msvideo"), TEXT("video/x-ivf"), TEXT("video/x-mpeg"), TEXT("video/x-mpeg2a"), TEXT("video/x-ms-asf"), TEXT("video/x-msvideo"), TEXT("video/x-ms-wm"), TEXT("video/x-ms-wmv"), TEXT("video/x-ms-wvx"), TEXT("video/x-ms-wmx"), TEXT("video/x-ms-wmp"), TEXT("audio/mp3"), TEXT("audio/aiff"), TEXT("audio/basic"), TEXT("audio/mid"), TEXT("audio/midi"), TEXT("audio/mpeg"), TEXT("audio/mpegurl"), TEXT("audio/wav"), TEXT("audio/x-aiff"), TEXT("audio/x-mid"), TEXT("audio/x-midi"), TEXT("audio/x-mpegurl"), TEXT("audio/x-ms-wax"), TEXT("audio/x-ms-wma"), TEXT("audio/x-background"), TEXT("audio/x-wav"), TEXT("midi/mid"), TEXT("application/x-ms-wmd") };
// CMediaBarUtil Methods
HUSKEY CMediaBarUtil::GetMediaRegKey() { return OpenRegKey(WZ_SMIE_MEDIA); }
HUSKEY CMediaBarUtil::OpenRegKey(TCHAR * pchName) { HUSKEY hUSKey = NULL;
if (pchName) { LONG lRet = SHRegCreateUSKey( pchName, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hUSKey, SHREGSET_HKCU);
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) || (NULL == hUSKey)) { hUSKey = NULL; ASSERT(FALSE && L"couldn't open Key for registry settings"); } }
return hUSKey; }
HRESULT CMediaBarUtil::CloseRegKey(HUSKEY hUSKey) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (hUSKey) { DWORD dwRet = SHRegCloseUSKey(hUSKey); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRet) { ASSERT(FALSE && L"couldn't close Reg Key"); hr = E_FAIL; } }
return hr; }
// Member: IsRegValueTrue
// Overview: Check if given value is true
// Arguments: [hUSKey] Key to read from
// [pchName] name of the value to read out
// [pfValue] out param (true/false Reg value)
// Returns: S_FALSE if Value does not exist
// S_OK otherwise
if (!hUSKey || !pfValue || !pchName) { ASSERT(FALSE); hr = E_FAIL; goto done; }
lRet = SHRegQueryUSValue(hUSKey, pchName, &dwType, bDataBuf, &dwSize, FALSE, NULL, 0); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet) { hr = S_FALSE; goto done; }
if (REG_DWORD == dwType) { bRet = (*(DWORD*)bDataBuf != 0); } else if (REG_SZ == dwType) { TCHAR ch = (TCHAR)(*bDataBuf);
if (TEXT('1') == ch || TEXT('y') == ch || TEXT('Y') == ch) { bRet = TRUE; } else { bRet = FALSE; } } else if (REG_BINARY == dwType) { bRet = (*(BYTE*)bDataBuf != 0); } hr = S_OK; done: if (pfValue) *pfValue = bRet; return hr; }
// Value is implicity TRUE, unless it exists and is set to FALSE
BOOL CMediaBarUtil::GetImplicitMediaRegValue(TCHAR * pchName) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; if (pchName) { HUSKEY hMediaKey = GetMediaRegKey(); if (hMediaKey) { BOOL fVal = FALSE; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
hr = IsRegValueTrue(hMediaKey, pchName, &fVal);
if ((S_OK == hr) && (FALSE == fVal)) { fRet = FALSE; } else { // true if key is not present or explicitly set to true
fRet = TRUE; }
CloseRegKey(hMediaKey); } }
return fRet; }
BOOL CMediaBarUtil::GetAutoplay() { return GetImplicitMediaRegValue(WZ_AUTOPLAY); }
HRESULT CMediaBarUtil::SetMediaRegValue(LPWSTR pstrName, DWORD dwRegDataType, void * pvData, DWORD cbData, BOOL fMime /* = FALSE */) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if (pstrName && pvData && (cbData > 0)) { HUSKEY hMediaKey = (fMime == TRUE) ? GetMimeRegKey() : GetMediaRegKey();
if (hMediaKey) { LONG lRet = SHRegWriteUSValue(hMediaKey, pstrName, dwRegDataType, pvData, cbData, SHREGSET_FORCE_HKCU); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRet) { hr = S_OK; } else { ASSERT(FALSE && L"couldn't write reg value"); }
CloseRegKey(hMediaKey); } }
return hr; }
HUSKEY CMediaBarUtil::GetMimeRegKey() { return OpenRegKey(WZ_SMIE_MEDIA_MIME); }
BOOL CMediaBarUtil::GetAutoplayPrompt() { return GetImplicitMediaRegValue(WZ_AUTOPLAYPROMPT); }
HRESULT CMediaBarUtil::ToggleAutoplayPrompting(BOOL fOn) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DWORD dwData = 0; dwData = (TRUE == fOn ? 0x1 : 0x0);
hr = SetMediaRegValue(WZ_AUTOPLAYPROMPT, REG_BINARY, (void*) &dwData, (DWORD) 1);
return hr; }
HRESULT CMediaBarUtil::ToggleAutoplay(BOOL fOn) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DWORD dwData = 0; dwData = (TRUE == fOn ? 0x1 : 0x0);
hr = SetMediaRegValue(WZ_AUTOPLAY, REG_BINARY, (void*) &dwData, (DWORD) 1);
return hr; }
BOOL CMediaBarUtil::IsRecognizedMime(TCHAR * szMime) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if (!szMime || !(*szMime)) goto done;
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(rgszMimeTypes); i++) { if (0 == StrCmpI(rgszMimeTypes[i], szMime)) { fRet = TRUE; goto done; } } done: return fRet; }
// this function checks if the media bar should play this mime type
HRESULT CMediaBarUtil::ShouldPlay(TCHAR * szMime, BOOL * pfShouldPlay) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
HUSKEY hKeyMime = GetMimeRegKey(); if (!hKeyMime) goto done;
// Bail if Autoplay is disabled
if (FALSE == GetAutoplay()) { goto done; }
// bail if this is not a recognized mime type
if (FALSE == IsRecognizedMime(szMime)) goto done;
// check if the user wants us to play everything
if (FALSE == GetAutoplayPrompt()) { fRet = TRUE; hr = S_OK; goto done; }
// see if user wants us to play this mime type
hr = IsRegValueTrue(hKeyMime, szMime, &fRet); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
if (S_FALSE == hr) { // S_FALSE means we have not asked the user about this mime type.
// Which means the media bar should get a crack at this file
// and ask the user if it should play this file.
fRet = TRUE; }
done: *pfShouldPlay = fRet;
if (hKeyMime) CloseRegKey(hKeyMime);
return hr; }
BOOL CMediaBarUtil::IsWMP7OrGreaterInstalled() { TCHAR szPath[50]; szPath[0] = 0; DWORD dwType, cb = sizeof(szPath), dwInstalled=0, cb2=sizeof(dwInstalled); return ((ERROR_SUCCESS==SHGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_WMP8_STR, TEXT("version"), &dwType, szPath, &cb)) && ((DWORD)(*szPath-TEXT('0'))>=7) && (ERROR_SUCCESS==SHGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_WMP8_STR, TEXT("IsInstalled"), &dwType, &dwInstalled, &cb2)) && (dwInstalled==1)); }
typedef UINT (WINAPI *GetSystemWow64DirectoryPtr) (PSTR pszBuffer, UINT uSize); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *IsNTAdmin) (DWORD, DWORD*);
BOOL CMediaBarUtil::IsWMP7OrGreaterCapable() { static BOOL fInitialized = FALSE; static BOOL fCapable = TRUE; if (!fInitialized) { // WMP isn't supported on NT4, IA64, or DataCenter.
// If WMP isn't already installed, and we're not running with admin privileges, we might as well fail
// since we need WMP to function.
fCapable = IsOS(OS_WIN2000ORGREATER); if (!fCapable) { fCapable = IsOS(OS_WIN98ORGREATER); } else { CHAR szPath[MAX_PATH];
HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("kernel32.dll")); if (hModule) { GetSystemWow64DirectoryPtr func = (GetSystemWow64DirectoryPtr)GetProcAddress(hModule, "GetSystemWow64DirectoryA"); fCapable = !(func && func(szPath, ARRAYSIZE(szPath))); } if (fCapable && !IsWMP7OrGreaterInstalled()) { HMODULE hModule = LoadLibrary(TEXT("advpack.dll")); if (hModule) { IsNTAdmin func = (IsNTAdmin)GetProcAddress(hModule, "IsNTAdmin"); fCapable = func && func(0, NULL); FreeLibrary(hModule); } } } if (IsOS(OS_DATACENTER)) { fCapable = FALSE; } fInitialized = TRUE; } return fCapable; }