/**************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /* MDI Child Window( For Edit) */ /* */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation. */ /**************************************************/
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "eudcedit.h"
#include "editwnd.h"
#include "refrwnd.h"
#include "vdata.h"
#include "extfunc.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "rotatdlg.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
// For mouse
#define NCLICK 0
#define LCLICK 1
#define RCLICK 2
// For selected rectangle
#define LUPPER 0
#define RUPPER 1
#define RLOWER 2
#define LLOWER 3
#define MUPPER 4
#define RMIDLE 5
#define MLOWER 6
#define LMIDLE 7
#define NCHECK 8
// For Rectangular selection and freeform selection
#define BMP 0
#define DSP 1
#define PRV 2
#define VLD 3
#define PIN 4
// max of freeform selection point
#define FREELIAIS 1000
#define MKOUTHDL 2
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// Global parameter
LOGFONT EditLogFont; extern int SelectItems; extern CBitmap DupBmp; extern CRect DupRect; extern CRefrWnd *pRefrChild; extern BOOL g_bKeepEUDCLink;
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Create MDI child window for edit */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CEditWnd::Create( LPCTSTR szTitle, LONG Style, RECT EudcWndRect, CMDIFrameWnd* Parent) { // Load menu as same as MainFrame
if( menu.m_hMenu == NULL) menu.LoadMenu( IDR_MAINFRAME); m_hMenuShared = menu.m_hMenu;
// Register window class of MDI child for edit
const TCHAR *pszEudcWndClass = AfxRegisterWndClass( CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT, NULL, (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1), NULL);
return CMDIChildWnd::Create( pszEudcWndClass, szTitle, Style, EudcWndRect, Parent); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Process before window is created */ /* */ /****************************************/ int CEditWnd::OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if( CMDIChildWnd::OnCreate( lpCreateStruct) == -1) goto ERR;
// If it is mirrored then turn off mirroing.
ModifyStyleEx( WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL, 0);
if( !CreateNewBitmap()) goto ERR; if( !ClipPickValueInit()) goto ERR; if( !InitEditLogfont()) goto ERR;
return 0; ERR: return -1; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Create bitmap, and initialized */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CEditWnd::CreateNewBitmap() { WORD BitSize; HANDLE BitInit; BYTE *BitmapPtr;
CClientDC ChildDC( this);
if( !ImageDC.CreateCompatibleDC( &ChildDC)) return FALSE;
if( !CRTDrawDC.CreateCompatibleDC( &ChildDC)) return FALSE;
BitSize = (WORD)((( BITMAP_WIDTH +15) /16) *2) *(WORD)BITMAP_HEIGHT; if (BitSize == 0) { return (FALSE); } if(( BitInit = LocalAlloc( LMEM_MOVEABLE, BitSize)) == 0) return FALSE;
if(( BitmapPtr = (BYTE *)LocalLock( BitInit)) == NULL){ LocalFree( BitInit); return FALSE; }
// Initialize with white color
memset( BitmapPtr, 0xffff, BitSize); if( !ImageBmp.CreateBitmap( BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT, 1, 1, (LPSTR)BitmapPtr)){ LocalUnlock( BitInit); LocalFree( BitInit); return FALSE; }
// Initialize with white color
if( !CRTDrawBmp.CreateBitmap( BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT, 1, 1, (LPSTR)BitmapPtr)){ LocalUnlock( BitInit); LocalFree( BitInit); return FALSE; } LocalUnlock( BitInit); LocalFree( BitInit); ImageDC.SelectObject( &ImageBmp); CRTDrawDC.SelectObject( &CRTDrawBmp);
return TRUE; } /****************************************/ /* */ /* Registry clipboard format */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CEditWnd::ClipPickValueInit() { // Register "EUDCEDIT" clipboard format
if( !( ClipboardFormat = RegisterClipboardFormat(TEXT("EudcEdit")))) return FALSE;
return TRUE; } /****************************************/ /* */ /* Initialize EditLogFont */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CEditWnd::InitEditLogfont() { CFont cFont;
cFont.CreateStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); #else
cFont.CreateStockObject( SYSTEM_FONT); #endif
cFont.GetObject( sizeof(LOGFONT), &EditLogFont); cFont.DeleteObject();
return TRUE; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Default Constructor */ /* */ /****************************************/ CEditWnd::CEditWnd() { // Initialize static parameter
BitmapDirty = FALSE; GridShow = TRUE; SelectItem = PEN; RectClipFlag = FALSE; CheckNum = NCHECK; ButtonFlag = NCLICK; IsCapture = FALSE; UndoBitmapFlag = FALSE; FlagTmp = FALSE; UpdateCode = 0x0000; Ratio = 3; bFocus = TRUE; } /****************************************/ /* */ /* Destructor */ /* */ /****************************************/ CEditWnd::~CEditWnd() { // Delete CDC and CBitmap object
if( CRTDrawBmp.Detach() != NULL) CRTDrawBmp.DeleteObject(); if( ImageBmp.Detach() != NULL) ImageBmp.DeleteObject(); if( CRTDrawDC.Detach() != NULL) CRTDrawDC.DeleteDC(); if( ImageDC.Detach() != NULL) ImageDC.DeleteDC(); if( UndoImage.Detach() != NULL) UndoImage.DeleteObject(); menu.DestroyMenu(); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* COMMAND "UNDO" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnGaijiUndo() { int wSize; LPBYTE pBuf1, pBuf2;
if( !UndoBitmapFlag) CreateUndoBitmap(); UndoBitmapFlag = TRUE;
if( SelectItem == RECTCLIP || SelectItem == FREEFORM) WriteSelRectBitmap();
wSize = (int)((( BITMAP_WIDTH +15) /16) *2) *(int)BITMAP_HEIGHT; pBuf1 = (LPBYTE)malloc( wSize); pBuf2 = (LPBYTE)malloc( wSize); ImageBmp.GetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf1); UndoImage.GetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf2); ImageBmp.SetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf2); UndoImage.SetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf1); free(pBuf1); free(pBuf2); this->Invalidate(FALSE); this->UpdateWindow(); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* COMMAND "UNDO" (Update) */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnUpdateGaijiUndo( CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { if( BitmapDirty) pCmdUI->Enable(TRUE); else pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* COMMAND "CUT" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnGaijiCut() { UndoImageDraw(); BitmapDirty = TRUE; ClipImageCopy(); ClipImageCut(); this->Invalidate(FALSE); if( RectClipFlag){ ToolTerm(); RectClipFlag = FALSE; } }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* COMMAND "Cut" (Update) */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnUpdateGaijiCut( CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { if (pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable( RectClipFlag); } }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* COMMAND "COPY" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnGaijiCopy() { ClipImageCopy(); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* COMMAND "Copy" (Update) */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnUpdateGaijiCopy( CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { if (pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable( RectClipFlag); } }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* COMMAND "PASTE" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnGaijiPaste() { HBITMAP ClipBmpHandle, hTempBitmap1; CBitmap ClipBmp1, ClipBmp2; HDC hStdDC, hTempDC1; HGDIOBJ hOldSObj, hOldSObj2; BITMAP Bmp; CSize StretchSize; BOOL BitmapFmt, PrivateFmt;
BitmapFmt = FALSE; PrivateFmt = FALSE; UndoImageDraw(); BitmapDirty = TRUE; WriteSelRectBitmap(); this->Invalidate( FALSE); this->UpdateWindow();
if( !this->OpenClipboard()) return;
if(( ClipBmpHandle = (HBITMAP)GetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP)) == NULL){ CloseClipboard(); return; } GetObject(ClipBmpHandle, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPVOID)&Bmp); hStdDC = CreateCompatibleDC( ImageDC.GetSafeHdc()); hOldSObj = SelectObject(hStdDC, ClipBmpHandle);
hTempBitmap1 = CreateBitmap(Bmp.bmWidth, Bmp.bmHeight, 1, 1, NULL); hTempDC1 = CreateCompatibleDC( ImageDC.GetSafeHdc()); hOldSObj2 = SelectObject( hTempDC1, hTempBitmap1); ::BitBlt( hTempDC1, 0, 0, Bmp.bmWidth, Bmp.bmHeight, hStdDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
if( !CloseClipboard()) { SelectObject( hStdDC, hOldSObj); SelectObject( hTempDC1, hOldSObj2); DeleteObject( hTempBitmap1); DeleteDC( hStdDC); DeleteDC( hTempDC1); return; } if( (int)Bmp.bmWidth < BITMAP_WIDTH && (int)Bmp.bmHeight < BITMAP_HEIGHT ){ StretchSize.cx = (int)Bmp.bmWidth; StretchSize.cy = (int)Bmp.bmHeight; ::StretchBlt( CRTDrawDC.GetSafeHdc(), 0, 0, StretchSize.cx, StretchSize.cy, hTempDC1, 0, 0, StretchSize.cx, StretchSize.cy, SRCCOPY); }else if( Bmp.bmWidth < BITMAP_WIDTH){ StretchSize.cx = (int)Bmp.bmWidth; StretchSize.cy = BITMAP_HEIGHT; ::StretchBlt( CRTDrawDC.GetSafeHdc(), 0, 0, StretchSize.cx, StretchSize.cy, hTempDC1, 0, 0, StretchSize.cx, Bmp.bmHeight, SRCCOPY); }else if( Bmp.bmHeight < BITMAP_HEIGHT){ StretchSize.cx = BITMAP_HEIGHT; StretchSize.cy = (int)Bmp.bmHeight; ::StretchBlt( CRTDrawDC.GetSafeHdc(), 0, 0, StretchSize.cx, StretchSize.cy, hTempDC1, 0, 0, Bmp.bmWidth, StretchSize.cy, SRCCOPY); }else{ StretchSize.cx = BITMAP_WIDTH; StretchSize.cy = BITMAP_HEIGHT; ::StretchBlt( CRTDrawDC.GetSafeHdc(), 0, 0, StretchSize.cx, StretchSize.cy, hTempDC1, 0, 0, Bmp.bmWidth, Bmp.bmHeight, SRCCOPY); } ptStart.x = 0; ptStart.y = 0; ptEnd.x = (StretchSize.cx-1) *ZoomRate; ptEnd.y = (StretchSize.cy-1) *ZoomRate; SetMoveRect(); SetValidRect(); SetClickRect(); SetPickRect(); SelectItem = RECTCLIP; RectClipFlag = TRUE; this->InvalidateRect( &ClipRect[VLD], FALSE); this->UpdateWindow();
SelectObject( hStdDC, hOldSObj); SelectObject( hTempDC1, hOldSObj2); DeleteObject( hTempBitmap1); DeleteDC( hStdDC); DeleteDC( hTempDC1);
return; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* COMMAND "PASTE" (Update) */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnUpdateGaijiPaste( CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { UINT ClipFormat; BOOL BitmapFmt; BOOL PrivateFmt;
if (!pCmdUI) { return; } BitmapFmt = FALSE; PrivateFmt = FALSE; if( !::OpenClipboard(this->GetSafeHwnd())) return;
for( ClipFormat = 0;;){ ClipFormat = EnumClipboardFormats( ClipFormat); if( ClipFormat == CF_BITMAP){ BitmapFmt = TRUE; if( PrivateFmt) break; } if( ClipFormat == ClipboardFormat){ PrivateFmt = TRUE; if( BitmapFmt) break; } if( ClipFormat == 0) break; } if( !PrivateFmt){ if( BitmapFmt){ CloseClipboard(); pCmdUI->Enable(TRUE); return; }else{ CloseClipboard(); pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); return; } }else{ if ( !BitmapFmt){ CloseClipboard(); pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); return; } } CloseClipboard(); pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* COMMAND "Delete" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnDeleteEdit() { UndoImageDraw(); BitmapDirty = TRUE; if(( SelectItem == RECTCLIP || SelectItem == FREEFORM) && RectClipFlag){ RectClipFlag = FALSE; ToolTerm(); } this->Invalidate( FALSE); this->UpdateWindow(); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* COMMAND "Delete"(Update)*/ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnUpdateDeleteEdit( CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable( RectClipFlag); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Create bitmap for undo */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CEditWnd::CreateUndoBitmap() { HANDLE BitHandle; BYTE *pBitmap; WORD wSize;
wSize = (WORD)((( BITMAP_WIDTH + 15) /16) *2) *(WORD)BITMAP_HEIGHT; if(( BitHandle = LocalAlloc( LMEM_MOVEABLE, wSize)) == 0) return FALSE;
if(( pBitmap = (BYTE *)LocalLock( BitHandle)) == NULL){ LocalFree( BitHandle); return FALSE; } memset( pBitmap, 0xffff, wSize); if( !UndoImage.CreateBitmap( BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT, 1, 1, (LPSTR)pBitmap)){ LocalFree( BitHandle); return FALSE; } LocalUnlock( BitHandle); LocalFree( BitHandle); return TRUE; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Cut image to clipboard */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CEditWnd::ClipImageCut() { CPen CutPen; CBrush CutBrush;
CutPen.CreateStockObject( NULL_PEN); CPen *OldPen = CRTDrawDC.SelectObject( &CutPen); CutBrush.CreateSolidBrush( COLOR_WHITE ); CBrush *OldBrush = CRTDrawDC.SelectObject( &CutBrush);
ClipRect[BMP].right += 1; ClipRect[BMP].bottom += 1; CRTDrawDC.Rectangle( &ClipRect[BMP]);
CRTDrawDC.SelectObject( OldPen); CRTDrawDC.SelectObject( OldBrush); CutPen.DeleteObject(); CutBrush.DeleteObject(); return TRUE; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Copy image to clipboard */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CEditWnd::ClipImageCopy() { CBitmap ClipBmp; CDC ClipDC; CRect pRect;
pRect.SetRect( ClipRect[DSP].left /ZoomRate, ( ClipRect[DSP].top - CAPTION_HEIGHT) /ZoomRate, ClipRect[DSP].right /ZoomRate, ( ClipRect[DSP].bottom - CAPTION_HEIGHT) /ZoomRate);
ClipDC.CreateCompatibleDC( &ImageDC); ClipBmp.CreateCompatibleBitmap( &ImageDC, pRect.Width(), pRect.Height()); CBitmap *OldClip = ClipDC.SelectObject( &ClipBmp);
ClipDC.PatBlt( 0, 0, pRect.Width(), pRect.Height(), WHITENESS); ClipDC.StretchBlt( 0, 0, pRect.Width(), pRect.Height(), &CRTDrawDC, ClipRect[BMP].left, ClipRect[BMP].top, ClipRect[BMP].Width(), ClipRect[BMP].Height(),SRCCOPY);
if( !this->OpenClipboard()){ ClipDC.SelectObject( OldClip); ClipBmp.DeleteObject(); ClipDC.DeleteDC(); return FALSE; } EmptyClipboard();
if( !SetClipboardData( CF_BITMAP, ClipBmp.Detach())){ ClipDC.SelectObject( OldClip); ClipBmp.DeleteObject(); ClipDC.DeleteDC(); CloseClipboard(); return FALSE; } CloseClipboard(); ClipDC.SelectObject( OldClip); ClipBmp.DeleteObject(); ClipDC.DeleteDC(); return TRUE; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* MESSAGE "WM_PAINT" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnPaint() { CPaintDC dc( this); DWORD OldTextColor;
this->GetClientRect( &EudcWndRect);
// Set textcolor to gray if fitting curve
if( FlagTmp) OldTextColor = dc.SetTextColor( COLOR_FITTING); else OldTextColor = dc.SetTextColor( COLOR_BLACK);
// Put bitmap data on display
ZoomRate = EudcWndRect.right /BITMAP_WIDTH; dc.StretchBlt( 0, CAPTION_HEIGHT, EudcWndRect.right, EudcWndRect.bottom - CAPTION_HEIGHT, &ImageDC, 0, 0, BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT, SRCCOPY);
// Draw selected rectangle if RectClipFlag is build
if( RectClipFlag){ dc.StretchBlt( ClipRect[DSP].left - 1, ClipRect[DSP].top - 1, ClipRect[DSP].Width(), ClipRect[DSP].Height(), &CRTDrawDC, ClipRect[BMP].left, ClipRect[BMP].top, ClipRect[BMP].Width(), ClipRect[BMP].Height(), SRCAND);
DrawMoveRect( &dc); DrawStretchRect( &dc); } dc.SetTextColor( OldTextColor); CaptionDraw();
if( ZoomRate >= 2 && GridShow) DrawGridLine( &dc);
if( FlagTmp) CurveFittingDraw( &dc); } /****************************************/ /* */ /* MESSAGE "WM_LBUTTONDOWN" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnLButtonDown( UINT , CPoint point) { CRect CaptionRect; CPoint ClickPt;
if( ButtonFlag == RCLICK){ this->Invalidate(); ToolTerm(); return; } ClickPt = point; CaptionRect.CopyRect( &EudcWndRect); CaptionRect.top = CAPTION_HEIGHT; if( !CaptionRect.PtInRect( point)) return;
ToolInit(LCLICK); // Modurate coordinate
CorrectMouseDownPoint( point);
// Stretch selected rectangle
if( RectClipFlag){ SetClickRect(); if( ClipRect[PIN].PtInRect( ClickPt) && ( EudcWndRect.Width() > ClipRect[DSP].Width() || EudcWndRect.Height() - CAPTION_HEIGHT > ClipRect[DSP].Height())){ BitmapDirty = TRUE; }else if(( CheckNum = CheckClipRect( ClickPt)) != NCHECK){ BitmapDirty = TRUE; SetValidRect(); RectClipFlag = FALSE; this->InvalidateRect( &ClipRect[VLD], FALSE); this->UpdateWindow(); RectClipFlag = TRUE; CClientDC dc( this); DrawMoveRect( &dc); }else{ RectClipFlag = FALSE; this->InvalidateRect( &ClipRect[VLD], FALSE); this->UpdateWindow(); DrawClipBmp(); SetPickRect(); if( SelectItem == RECTCLIP) DrawRubberBand( TRUE); else{ CPoint Sp;
Sp.x = ptStart.x; Sp.y = ptStart.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT; m_pointArray.RemoveAll(); m_SelectArray.RemoveAll(); m_pointArray.Add( Sp); Sp.x = ptStart.x /ZoomRate; Sp.y = ptStart.y /ZoomRate; m_SelectArray.Add( Sp);
} } }else{ if( SelectItem == PEN || SelectItem == BRUSH ){ UndoImageDraw(); BitmapDirty = TRUE; DrawPoint( ptStart, FALSE); }else if (SelectItem == ERASER){ UndoImageDraw(); BitmapDirty = TRUE; DrawPoint( ptStart, TRUE); }else{ UndoImageDraw(); BitmapDirty = TRUE; if( SelectItem == FREEFORM){ CPoint Sp;
Sp.x = ptStart.x; Sp.y = ptStart.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT; m_pointArray.RemoveAll(); m_SelectArray.RemoveAll(); m_pointArray.Add( Sp); Sp.x = ptStart.x /ZoomRate; Sp.y = ptStart.y /ZoomRate; m_SelectArray.Add( Sp); }else DrawRubberBand( TRUE); } } }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* MESSAGE "WM_MOUSEMOVE" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnMouseMove( UINT , CPoint point) {
if( IsCapture){ // Modurate coordinate
CorrectMouseUpPoint( point); if( ptPrev.x == ptEnd.x && ptPrev.y == ptEnd.y) return;
if( RectClipFlag){ if( CheckNum == NCHECK){ CRect URect, MRect, PRRect;
if( !MoveClipRect()) return; MRect.SetRect( ClipRect[DSP].left - Ratio, ClipRect[DSP].top - Ratio, ClipRect[DSP].right + Ratio, ClipRect[DSP].bottom + Ratio);
PRRect.SetRect( ClipRect[PRV].left - Ratio, ClipRect[PRV].top - Ratio, ClipRect[PRV].right + Ratio, ClipRect[PRV].bottom + Ratio);
URect.UnionRect( &MRect, &PRRect); this->InvalidateRect( &URect, FALSE); this->UpdateWindow();
}else StretchMoveRect(); }else{ if( SelectItem == PEN || SelectItem == BRUSH) DrawToPoint(FALSE); else if (SelectItem == ERASER) DrawToPoint(TRUE); else if( SelectItem == FREEFORM){ DrawFreeForm( FALSE); SelectFreeForm(FALSE); }else DrawRubberBand( FALSE); } } }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* MESSAGE "WM_LBUTTONUP" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnLButtonUp( UINT , CPoint point) { if (!bFocus) { bFocus = TRUE; CaptionDraw();
pRefrChild->bFocus = FALSE; pRefrChild->CaptionDraw();
if( IsCapture){ // Modurate coordinate
CorrectMouseUpPoint( point);
if( SelectItem == PEN || SelectItem == BRUSH ||SelectItem == ERASER){ if( FlagTmp) this->Invalidate(FALSE); ToolTerm(); return; }
// draw a figure on bitmap
if( SelectItem == RECTCLIP && !RectClipFlag){ SetMoveRect(); SetPickRect(); SetValidRect(); SetClickRect(); if(( abs( ptEnd.x - ptStart.x) >= ZoomRate*2) && ( abs( ptEnd.y - ptStart.y) >= ZoomRate*2) ){ CRTDrawDC.BitBlt( ClipRect[BMP].left, ClipRect[BMP].top, ClipRect[BMP].Width(), ClipRect[BMP].Height(), &ImageDC, ClipRect[BMP].left, ClipRect[BMP].top, SRCCOPY);
EraseRectangle(); RectClipFlag = TRUE; } this->InvalidateRect( &ClipRect[VLD], FALSE); this->UpdateWindow(); }else if( SelectItem == FREEFORM && !RectClipFlag){ POINT nArray[FREELIAIS]; POINT pArray[FREELIAIS]; DrawFreeForm( FALSE); SelectFreeForm( FALSE); DrawFreeForm( TRUE); SelectFreeForm( TRUE);
if( m_pointArray.GetSize() >= FREELIAIS || m_SelectArray.GetSize() >= FREELIAIS ){ ToolTerm(); this->Invalidate(FALSE); this->UpdateWindow(); return; } for( int i = 0; i < m_pointArray.GetSize(); i++) nArray[i] = m_pointArray[i]; for( i = 0; i < m_SelectArray.GetSize(); i++) pArray[i] = m_SelectArray[i];
if( FreeRgn.GetSafeHandle() != NULL) FreeRgn.DeleteObject(); if( PickRgn.GetSafeHandle() != NULL) PickRgn.DeleteObject(); FreeRgn.CreatePolygonRgn( nArray, (int)(m_pointArray.GetSize()), ALTERNATE); PickRgn.CreatePolygonRgn( pArray, (int)(m_SelectArray.GetSize()), ALTERNATE);
if( FreeRgn.GetSafeHandle() == NULL || PickRgn.GetSafeHandle() == NULL){ m_pointArray.RemoveAll(); m_SelectArray.RemoveAll(); RectClipFlag = FALSE; }else{ RectClipFlag = TRUE; if( !SetFreeForm()){ RectClipFlag = FALSE; FreeRgn.DeleteObject(); PickRgn.DeleteObject(); SetPickRect(); SetValidRect(); SetClickRect(); ClipRect[PRV].CopyRect( &ClipRect[DSP]); this->InvalidateRect( &ClipRect[VLD], FALSE); this->UpdateWindow(); }else{ EraseFreeForm(); SetPickRect(); SetValidRect(); SetClickRect(); ClipRect[PRV].CopyRect( &ClipRect[DSP]); this->InvalidateRect( &ClipRect[VLD], FALSE); this->UpdateWindow(); } } }else if( RectClipFlag){ if( CheckNum != NCHECK){ DrawStretchClipToDisp(); CheckNum = NCHECK; }else{ if( !MoveClipRect()){ ToolTerm(); return; } } SetValidRect(); SetClickRect();
this->InvalidateRect( &ClipRect[VLD], FALSE); this->UpdateWindow(); }else{ if( SelectItem != SLOPE) IllegalRect( &ptStart, &ptEnd); else{ ptEnd.x = ( ptEnd.x /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate; ptEnd.y = ( ptEnd.y /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate; ptStart.x = ( ptStart.x /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate; ptStart.y = ( ptStart.y /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate; } DrawRectBmp(); if( SelectItem == SLOPE) IllegalRect( &ptStart, &ptEnd); SetMoveRect(); if( FlagTmp) this->Invalidate( FALSE); else if( SelectItem != PEN && SelectItem != BRUSH && SelectItem != ERASER){ this->InvalidateRect( &ClipRect[DSP], FALSE); } } ToolTerm(); } }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* MESSAGE "WM_RBUTTONDOWN" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnRButtonDown( UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CRect CaptionRect;
if( ButtonFlag == LCLICK){ this->Invalidate(); ToolTerm(); return; } if( SelectItem == RECTCLIP || SelectItem == FREEFORM){ ToolTerm(); return; } CaptionRect.CopyRect( &EudcWndRect); CaptionRect.top = CAPTION_HEIGHT; if( !CaptionRect.PtInRect( point)) return; ToolInit(RCLICK);
// Modurate coordinate
CorrectMouseDownPoint( point); UndoImageDraw(); BitmapDirty = TRUE; if( SelectItem == PEN || SelectItem == BRUSH ) DrawPoint( ptStart, FALSE); else if (SelectItem == ERASER) DrawPoint( ptStart, TRUE); else DrawRubberBand( TRUE); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* MESSAGE "WM_RBUTTONUP" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnRButtonUp( UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if( IsCapture){ if( SelectItem == PEN || SelectItem == BRUSH || SelectItem == ERASER || SelectItem == RECTCLIP || SelectItem == FREEFORM){ if( FlagTmp) this->Invalidate( FALSE); ToolTerm(); return; } // Modurate coordinate
CorrectMouseUpPoint( point); DrawRubberBand( TRUE); if( SelectItem != SLOPE) IllegalRect( &ptStart, &ptEnd); else{ ptEnd.x = ( ptEnd.x /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate; ptEnd.y = ( ptEnd.y /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate; ptStart.x = ( ptStart.x /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate; ptStart.y = ( ptStart.y /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate; }
// Draw a figure on bitmap
DrawRectBmp(); if( SelectItem == SLOPE) IllegalRect( &ptStart, &ptEnd); SetMoveRect(); if( FlagTmp) this->Invalidate( FALSE); else this->InvalidateRect( &ClipRect[DSP], FALSE); ToolTerm(); } }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* MESSAGE "WM_SIZE" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnSize( UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { int NewZoomRate;
NewZoomRate = cx / BITMAP_WIDTH; if( RectClipFlag && NewZoomRate > 1){ ClipRect[PRV].left = ( ClipRect[PRV].left /ZoomRate) * NewZoomRate;
ClipRect[PRV].top = ((( ClipRect[PRV].top - CAPTION_HEIGHT) /ZoomRate) * NewZoomRate) + CAPTION_HEIGHT;
ClipRect[PRV].right = ( ClipRect[PRV].right /ZoomRate) * NewZoomRate + 1;
ClipRect[PRV].bottom = ((( ClipRect[PRV].bottom -CAPTION_HEIGHT) / ZoomRate) * NewZoomRate) + CAPTION_HEIGHT + 1;
ClipRect[DSP].left = ( ClipRect[DSP].left /ZoomRate) * NewZoomRate;
ClipRect[DSP].top = ((( ClipRect[DSP].top - CAPTION_HEIGHT) / ZoomRate) * NewZoomRate) + CAPTION_HEIGHT;
ClipRect[DSP].right = ( ClipRect[DSP].right /ZoomRate) * NewZoomRate + 1;
ClipRect[DSP].bottom = ((( ClipRect[DSP].bottom -CAPTION_HEIGHT) / ZoomRate) * NewZoomRate) + CAPTION_HEIGHT + 1;
SetClickRect(); SetValidRect(); }else if( RectClipFlag && NewZoomRate <= 1) WriteSelRectBitmap();
CMDIChildWnd::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
this->Invalidate(FALSE); this->UpdateWindow(); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* MESSAGE "WM_SETCURSOR" */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CEditWnd::OnSetCursor( CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message) { CPoint point; CRect CaptionRect; CRect EditRect; HCURSOR hArrowCur;
GetCursorPos( &point); this->ScreenToClient( &point); this->GetClientRect( &CaptionRect); EditRect.CopyRect( &CaptionRect); CaptionRect.bottom = CAPTION_HEIGHT; EditRect.top = CAPTION_HEIGHT;
if(CaptionRect.PtInRect( point)){ hArrowCur = AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor( IDC_ARROW); ::SetCursor( hArrowCur); }else if( RectClipFlag && !IsCapture && EditRect.PtInRect( point)){ if( PickRect[LUPPER].PtInRect( point) || PickRect[RLOWER].PtInRect( point)){ ::SetCursor((HCURSOR)ArrowCursor[LEFTSLOPE]); }else if( PickRect[RUPPER].PtInRect( point) || PickRect[LLOWER].PtInRect( point)){ ::SetCursor((HCURSOR)ArrowCursor[RIGHTSLOPE]); }else if( PickRect[MUPPER].PtInRect( point) || PickRect[MLOWER].PtInRect( point)){ ::SetCursor((HCURSOR)ArrowCursor[HORIZONTAL]); }else if( PickRect[RMIDLE].PtInRect( point) || PickRect[LMIDLE].PtInRect( point)){ ::SetCursor((HCURSOR)ArrowCursor[VERTICAL]); }else if( ClipRect[DSP].PtInRect( point)){ ::SetCursor((HCURSOR)ArrowCursor[ALLDIRECT]); }else ::SetCursor((HCURSOR)ToolCursor[SelectItem]); }else if( !IsCapture && EditRect.PtInRect( point)) ::SetCursor((HCURSOR)ToolCursor[SelectItem]); else{ hArrowCur = AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor( IDC_ARROW); ::SetCursor( hArrowCur); } return TRUE; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* MESSAGE "WM_MDIACTIVATE"*/ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnMDIActivate( BOOL bActivate, CWnd* pActivateWnd, CWnd* pDeactivateWnd) { if( bActivate == FALSE){ if( SelectItem == RECTCLIP || SelectItem == FREEFORM) WriteSelRectBitmap(); } }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* MESSAGE "WM_KEYDOWN" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::OnKeyDown( UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { if( nChar == VK_ESCAPE) WriteSelRectBitmap(); else CMDIChildWnd::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Draw Caption */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::CaptionDraw() { COLORREF TextColor; CString WndCaption; CRect CaptionRect; CBrush CaptionBrush; CFont *OldFont; int BkMode; CDC dc; dc.Attach( ::GetDC( this->GetSafeHwnd()));
// Get brush with active caption color
CaptionRect.CopyRect( &EudcWndRect); if (bFocus) { CaptionBrush.CreateSolidBrush(::GetSysColor(COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION)); } else { CaptionBrush.CreateSolidBrush(::GetSysColor(COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION)); } CaptionRect.bottom = CAPTION_HEIGHT; dc.FillRect( &CaptionRect, &CaptionBrush); CaptionBrush.DeleteObject();
// Get font to draw caption
OldFont = (CFont *)dc.SelectStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); #else
OldFont = (CFont *)dc.SelectStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT); #endif
BkMode = dc.SetBkMode( TRANSPARENT); if (bFocus) { TextColor = dc.SetTextColor( ::GetSysColor(COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT)); } else { TextColor = dc.SetTextColor( ::GetSysColor(COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT)); } WndCaption.LoadString( IDS_EDIT_STR); dc.TextOut( EudcWndRect.right /2 - 30, 1, WndCaption); dc.SelectObject( OldFont); dc.SetTextColor( TextColor); dc.SetBkMode( BkMode); ::ReleaseDC(NULL, dc.Detach()); } /****************************************/ /* */ /* Draw Grid line */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::DrawGridLine( CDC *dc) { CPen GlyphPen; register int i;
if (!dc) { return; } // Create pen to draw grid
GlyphPen.CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, COLOR_GRID); CPen *OldPen = dc->SelectObject( &GlyphPen);
// Draw grid
for( i = ZoomRate - 1; i < EudcWndRect.right; i += ZoomRate){ dc->MoveTo( i, CAPTION_HEIGHT-1); dc->LineTo( i, EudcWndRect.bottom); } for( i =ZoomRate +CAPTION_HEIGHT -1;i<EudcWndRect.bottom;i += ZoomRate){ dc->MoveTo( 0, i); dc->LineTo( EudcWndRect.right, i); } dc->SelectObject( OldPen); GlyphPen.DeleteObject(); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Draw OutLine */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CEditWnd::CurveFittingDraw( CDC* dc) { struct VHEAD *vhd; struct VDATA *vp; CPen CurvePen; CPoint DrawPt; LPBYTE pBuf; int pcnt, TmpHdl, SetHdl;
if (!dc) { return FALSE; } SetHdl = MKOUTHDL;
DWORD wSize = (WORD)((( BITMAP_WIDTH +15)/16)*2)*(WORD)BITMAP_HEIGHT; pBuf = (LPBYTE)malloc(((( BITMAP_WIDTH +15) /16) *2) *BITMAP_HEIGHT); if( pBuf == NULL){ return FALSE; } ImageBmp.GetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf);
OInit(); VDNew( SetHdl); if(( TmpHdl = OMakeOutline((LPBYTE)pBuf, BITMAP_WIDTH,SMOOTHLVL)) < 0){ free( pBuf); OTerm(); return FALSE; } if( MkPoly( TmpHdl, SetHdl) < 0){ free( pBuf); OTerm(); return FALSE; }
VDGetHead( SetHdl, &vhd); if( VDGetNCont( SetHdl) > 0){ CurvePen.CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, COLOR_CURVE); CPen *OldPen = dc->SelectObject( &CurvePen); CBrush *OldBrush = (CBrush *)dc->SelectStockObject( NULL_BRUSH);
while ( vhd->next != NIL){ vp = vhd->headp; pcnt = vhd->nPoints - 1; ZoomPoint( &DrawPt, vp->vd.x, vp->vd.y); dc->MoveTo( DrawPt.x, DrawPt.y); vp = vp->next; while( pcnt-- > 0){ ZoomPoint( &DrawPt, vp->vd.x, vp->vd.y); dc->LineTo( DrawPt.x, DrawPt.y); vp = vp->next; } vhd = vhd->next; } dc->SelectObject( OldBrush); dc->SelectObject( OldPen); CurvePen.DeleteObject(); } OTerm(); free( pBuf);
return TRUE; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Zoom coordinate of outline */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::ZoomPoint( CPoint *DrawPt, int x, int y) { DWORD px, py;
if (!DrawPt) { return; } px = (DWORD)(x * EudcWndRect.right); py = (DWORD)(y * (EudcWndRect.bottom - CAPTION_HEIGHT)); DrawPt->x = (int)( px/(BITMAP_WIDTH *4)); DrawPt->y = (int)( py/(BITMAP_HEIGHT*4)) + CAPTION_HEIGHT; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Draw MoveRect rectangle */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::DrawMoveRect( CDC *dc) { CPen *OldPen; CBrush *OldBrush;
if (!dc) { return; } OldPen = (CPen *)dc->SelectStockObject( BLACK_PEN); OldBrush = (CBrush *)dc->SelectStockObject( NULL_BRUSH); int OldMode = dc->SetROP2( R2_NOTXORPEN);
dc->Rectangle( &ClipRect[DSP]);
dc->SelectObject( OldPen); dc->SelectObject( OldBrush); dc->SetROP2( OldMode); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Draw clipping rectangle */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::DrawStretchRect( CDC *dc) { CPen *OldPen; CBrush *OldBrush; int Left, Top; int Right, Bottom;
if (!dc) { return; } OldPen = (CPen *)dc->SelectStockObject( BLACK_PEN); OldBrush = (CBrush *)dc->SelectStockObject( BLACK_BRUSH);
for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ // Set left and right side of PickRect[]
if( i == LUPPER || i == LLOWER || i == LMIDLE){ Left = ClipRect[DSP].left - Ratio; Right = ClipRect[DSP].left + Ratio; }else if( i == RUPPER || i == RLOWER || i == RMIDLE){ Left = ClipRect[DSP].right - Ratio; Right = ClipRect[DSP].right + Ratio; }else{ Left = ClipRect[DSP].left + ClipRect[DSP].Width()/2 - Ratio; Right = ClipRect[DSP].left + ClipRect[DSP].Width()/2 + Ratio; }
// Set top and bottom side of PickRect[]
if( i == LUPPER || i == RUPPER || i == MUPPER){ Top = ClipRect[DSP].top - Ratio; Bottom = ClipRect[DSP].top + Ratio; }else if( i == RMIDLE || i == LMIDLE){ Top = ClipRect[DSP].top + ClipRect[DSP].Height()/2 - Ratio; Bottom = ClipRect[DSP].top + ClipRect[DSP].Height()/2 + Ratio; }else{ Top = ClipRect[DSP].bottom - Ratio; Bottom = ClipRect[DSP].bottom + Ratio; } PickRect[i].SetRect( Left, Top, Right, Bottom); dc->InvertRect( &PickRect[i]); } dc->SelectObject( OldPen); dc->SelectObject( OldBrush); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Write Selected Rectangle */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::WriteSelRectBitmap() { if( RectClipFlag){ RectClipFlag = FALSE; DrawClipBmp(); ToolTerm(); } }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Modurate coordinate */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::CorrectMouseDownPoint( CPoint point) { ptStart.x = point.x; ptStart.y = point.y - CAPTION_HEIGHT; if( ptStart.y < 0) ptStart.y = 0;
if( SelectItem == FREEFORM){ ptStart.x = (( ptStart.x + ZoomRate/2) /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate; ptStart.y = (( ptStart.y + ZoomRate/2) /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate; }else if( SelectItem != SLOPE){ ptStart.x = ( ptStart.x /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate; ptStart.y = ( ptStart.y /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate; }else{ ptStart.x = ( ptStart.x /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate +ZoomRate /2; ptStart.y = ( ptStart.y /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate +ZoomRate /2; } if( SelectItem == RECTBAND || SelectItem == RECTFILL || SelectItem == CIRCLE || SelectItem == CIRCLEFILL ){ if( ptStart.x > EudcWndRect.right - ZoomRate) ptStart.x -= ZoomRate; if( ptStart.y > EudcWndRect.bottom - CAPTION_HEIGHT - ZoomRate) ptStart.y -= ZoomRate; ptEnd.x = ptPrev.x = ptStart.x + ZoomRate; ptEnd.y = ptPrev.y = ptStart.y + ZoomRate; }else ptEnd = ptPrev = ptStart; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Modurate coordinate */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::CorrectMouseUpPoint( CPoint point) { ptPrev = ptEnd; ptEnd.x = point.x; ptEnd.y = point.y - CAPTION_HEIGHT;
if( ptEnd.x < 0) ptEnd.x = 0; if( ptEnd.y < 0) ptEnd.y = 0; if( ptEnd.x > EudcWndRect.right){ if( SelectItem == BRUSH) ptEnd.x = EudcWndRect.right - ZoomRate*2; else if( SelectItem == FREEFORM) ptEnd.x = EudcWndRect.right; else ptEnd.x = EudcWndRect.right - ZoomRate; } if( ptEnd.y > EudcWndRect.bottom - CAPTION_HEIGHT){ if( SelectItem == BRUSH) ptEnd.y = EudcWndRect.bottom - CAPTION_HEIGHT - ZoomRate*2; else if( SelectItem == FREEFORM) ptEnd.y = EudcWndRect.bottom - CAPTION_HEIGHT; else ptEnd.y = EudcWndRect.bottom - CAPTION_HEIGHT - ZoomRate; } if( SelectItem == FREEFORM){ ptEnd.x = (( ptEnd.x + ZoomRate/2) /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate ; ptEnd.y = (( ptEnd.y + ZoomRate/2) /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate ; }else if( SelectItem != SLOPE){ ptEnd.x = ( ptEnd.x /ZoomRate)*ZoomRate; ptEnd.y = ( ptEnd.y /ZoomRate)*ZoomRate; }else{ ptEnd.x = ( ptEnd.x /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate + ZoomRate /2; ptEnd.y = ( ptEnd.y /ZoomRate) *ZoomRate + ZoomRate /2; } if( SelectItem == RECTBAND || SelectItem == RECTFILL || SelectItem == CIRCLE || SelectItem == CIRCLEFILL ){ if( ptEnd.x - ptStart.x <= ZoomRate && ptEnd.x - ptStart.x >= 0) ptEnd.x = ptStart.x + ZoomRate; if( ptStart.x - ptEnd.x <= ZoomRate && ptStart.x - ptEnd.x > 0) ptEnd.x = ptStart.x - ZoomRate; if( ptStart.y - ptEnd.y <= ZoomRate && ptStart.y - ptEnd.y > 0) ptEnd.y = ptStart.y - ZoomRate; if( ptEnd.y - ptStart.y <= ZoomRate && ptEnd.y -ptStart.y >= 0) ptEnd.y = ptStart.y + ZoomRate; } }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Move Selected Rectangle */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CEditWnd::MoveClipRect() { int Movex, Movey; int Wid, High; BOOL sts;
sts = TRUE; ClipRect[PRV].CopyRect( &ClipRect[DSP]);
// Boundary condition
Movex = ptEnd.x - ptPrev.x; Movey = ptEnd.y - ptPrev.y; Wid = ClipRect[DSP].Width(); High = ClipRect[DSP].Height(); ClipRect[DSP].OffsetRect( Movex, Movey);
if( ClipRect[DSP].left < 0){ ClipRect[DSP].left = 0; ClipRect[DSP].right = Wid; } if( ClipRect[DSP].right > EudcWndRect.right){ ClipRect[DSP].right = EudcWndRect.right + 1; ClipRect[DSP].left = ClipRect[DSP].right - Wid; } if( ClipRect[DSP].top < CAPTION_HEIGHT){ ClipRect[DSP].top = CAPTION_HEIGHT; ClipRect[DSP].bottom = CAPTION_HEIGHT +High; } if( ClipRect[DSP].bottom > EudcWndRect.bottom){ ClipRect[DSP].bottom = EudcWndRect.bottom +1; ClipRect[DSP].top = ClipRect[DSP].bottom - High; } if( ClipRect[PRV].EqualRect( &ClipRect[DSP])){ sts = FALSE; } return sts; }
/************************************************/ /* */ /* whether point is in rectangle or not */ /* */ /************************************************/ int CEditWnd::CheckClipRect( POINT ClipPoint) { for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ if( PickRect[i].PtInRect( ClipPoint)) return i; } return NCHECK; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Process to stretch rectangle */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CEditWnd::DrawStretchClipToDisp() { CDC SwapDC; CBitmap SwapBmp; CRect SwapRect; CClientDC dc( this);
if( !SwapDC.CreateCompatibleDC( &dc)) return FALSE;
if( !SwapBmp.CreateCompatibleBitmap( &SwapDC, EudcWndRect.Width(), EudcWndRect.Height())) return FALSE; CBitmap *OldBitmap = SwapDC.SelectObject( &SwapBmp);
SwapRect.CopyRect( &ClipRect[DSP]); if( EudcWndRect.right < SwapRect.right) SwapRect.right -= 1; if( EudcWndRect.bottom < SwapRect.bottom) SwapRect.bottom -= 1; SwapDC.StretchBlt( SwapRect.left, SwapRect.top, SwapRect.Width(), SwapRect.Height(), &CRTDrawDC, ClipRect[BMP].left, ClipRect[BMP].top, ClipRect[BMP].Width(), ClipRect[BMP].Height(), SRCCOPY);
SetPickRect(); CRTDrawDC.StretchBlt( ClipRect[BMP].left, ClipRect[BMP].top, ClipRect[BMP].Width(), ClipRect[BMP].Height(), &SwapDC, SwapRect.left, SwapRect.top, SwapRect.Width(), SwapRect.Height(), SRCCOPY);
SwapDC.SelectObject( OldBitmap); SwapBmp.DeleteObject(); SwapDC.DeleteDC();
return TRUE; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Draw select rectangle to bitmap */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::DrawClipBmp() { CRect pRect;
pRect.SetRect(( ClipRect[DSP].left + 1) /ZoomRate, ( ClipRect[DSP].top - CAPTION_HEIGHT + 1) /ZoomRate, ( ClipRect[DSP].right + 1)/ZoomRate, ( ClipRect[DSP].bottom - CAPTION_HEIGHT + 1) /ZoomRate);
ImageDC.StretchBlt( pRect.left, pRect.top, pRect.Width(), pRect.Height(), &CRTDrawDC, ClipRect[BMP].left, ClipRect[BMP].top, ClipRect[BMP].Width(), ClipRect[BMP].Height(), SRCAND); SetValidRect(); this->InvalidateRect( &ClipRect[VLD], FALSE); this->UpdateWindow(); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Set size of clipping rectangle */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::SetPickRect() { ClipRect[BMP].SetRect( ClipRect[DSP].left /ZoomRate, ( ClipRect[DSP].top - CAPTION_HEIGHT) /ZoomRate, ClipRect[DSP].right /ZoomRate, ( ClipRect[DSP].bottom - CAPTION_HEIGHT) /ZoomRate); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Set size of clipping rectangle */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::SetMoveRect() { IllegalRect( &ptStart, &ptEnd);
ClipRect[DSP].SetRect( ptStart.x, ptStart.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT, ptEnd.x + ZoomRate + 1, ptEnd.y + ZoomRate + 1 + CAPTION_HEIGHT); ClipRect[PRV].CopyRect( &ClipRect[DSP]); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Set size of clipping rectangle */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::SetValidRect() { ClipRect[VLD].SetRect( ClipRect[DSP].left - Ratio, ClipRect[DSP].top - Ratio, ClipRect[DSP].right + Ratio, ClipRect[DSP].bottom + Ratio); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Set size of clipping rectangle */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::SetClickRect() { ClipRect[PIN].SetRect( ClipRect[DSP].left + Ratio, ClipRect[DSP].top + Ratio, ClipRect[DSP].right - Ratio, ClipRect[DSP].bottom - Ratio); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Draw a figure to bitmap */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::DrawRectBmp() { CPen *OldPen; CBrush *OldBrush; CRect BRect; CPoint ptLT; CPoint ptRB;
ptLT.x = ptStart.x /ZoomRate; ptLT.y = ptStart.y /ZoomRate; ptRB.x = ptEnd.x /ZoomRate; ptRB.y = ptEnd.y /ZoomRate; if( ButtonFlag == LCLICK) OldPen = (CPen *)ImageDC.SelectStockObject( BLACK_PEN); else OldPen = (CPen *)ImageDC.SelectStockObject( WHITE_PEN);
if( SelectItem == RECTBAND || SelectItem == CIRCLE) OldBrush = (CBrush *)ImageDC.SelectStockObject( NULL_BRUSH); else if( ButtonFlag == LCLICK) OldBrush = (CBrush *)ImageDC.SelectStockObject( BLACK_BRUSH); else OldBrush = (CBrush *)ImageDC.SelectStockObject( WHITE_BRUSH);
BRect.SetRect( ptLT.x, ptLT.y, ptRB.x +1, ptRB.y +1); if( SelectItem == CIRCLE || SelectItem == CIRCLEFILL) ImageDC.Ellipse( &BRect); else if( SelectItem == RECTBAND || SelectItem == RECTFILL) ImageDC.Rectangle( &BRect); else{ ImageDC.MoveTo( ptLT); ImageDC.LineTo( ptRB); if (SelectItem == ERASER) DrawPoint( ptEnd, TRUE); else DrawPoint( ptEnd, FALSE); } ImageDC.SelectObject( OldPen); ImageDC.SelectObject( OldBrush); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Draw 1Point */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::DrawPoint( CPoint Pt, BOOL bErase) { CBrush PointBrush,*OldBrush1, *OldBrush2; CPoint W; int Wstep, i, j; CClientDC dc( this); if( ButtonFlag == LCLICK && !bErase){ if( FlagTmp) PointBrush.CreateSolidBrush( COLOR_FITTING); else PointBrush.CreateSolidBrush( COLOR_BLACK); }else PointBrush.CreateSolidBrush( COLOR_WHITE); OldBrush1 = dc.SelectObject( &PointBrush);
W = Pt; Wstep = ZoomRate; if( ZoomRate > 1 && GridShow) Wstep -= 1; for( i = 0; i < BrushWidth; i++, W.x += ZoomRate){ W.y = Pt.y; for( j = 0; j < BrushWidth; j++ , W.y += ZoomRate) dc.PatBlt( W.x, W.y+CAPTION_HEIGHT,Wstep,Wstep,PATCOPY); } dc.SelectObject( OldBrush1); PointBrush.DeleteObject(); if( ButtonFlag == LCLICK && !bErase) OldBrush2 = (CBrush *)ImageDC.SelectStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); else OldBrush2 = (CBrush *)ImageDC.SelectStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
W.x = Pt.x /ZoomRate; W.y = Pt.y /ZoomRate; if( W.x < BITMAP_WIDTH && W.y < BITMAP_HEIGHT) ImageDC.PatBlt( W.x, W.y, BrushWidth, BrushWidth, PATCOPY); ImageDC.SelectObject( OldBrush2); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Degital differencial analyzer */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::DrawToPoint(BOOL bErase) { CPoint Pt, Start, End, Inc; int Xf, Yf; int Inc1, Inc2; int Dx, Dy, D, Tmp; BOOL Slope;
End.x = Xf = ptEnd.x /ZoomRate; End.y = Yf = ptEnd.y /ZoomRate; Start.x = ptPrev.x /ZoomRate; Start.y = ptPrev.y /ZoomRate;
if( Xf >= Start.x) Inc.x = 1; else Inc.x = -1; if( Yf >= Start.y) Inc.y = 1; else Inc.y = -1;
Dx = ( Xf - Start.x)*Inc.x; Dy = ( Yf - Start.y)*Inc.y; if( !Dx && !Dy) return; if( Dx < Dy){ Tmp = Dy; Dy = Dx; Dx = Tmp; Tmp = Inc.x; Inc.x = Inc.y; Inc.y = Tmp; Slope = TRUE; }else Slope = FALSE;
Inc1 = Dy*2; Inc2 = (Dy - Dx)*2; D = Inc1 - Dx; End.x = Start.x; End.y = Start.y; while(1){ Pt.x = End.x *ZoomRate; Pt.y = End.y *ZoomRate; DrawPoint( Pt, bErase); if( End.x == Xf && End.y == Yf) break; if( Slope){ Tmp = End.x; End.x = End.y; End.y = Tmp; } End.x += Inc.x; if( D < 0) D += Inc1; else{ End.y += Inc.y; D += Inc2; } if( Slope){ Tmp = End.x; End.x = End.y; End.y = Tmp; } } }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Initialize tool width and color */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::ToolInit( int LRButton) { this->SetCapture(); ButtonFlag = LRButton; IsCapture = TRUE; if( SelectItem == PEN || SelectItem == SLOPE) BrushWidth = 1; else if( SelectItem == BRUSH || SelectItem == ERASER) BrushWidth = 2; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Rubberband stretch mode */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::StretchMoveRect() { CPen *OldPen; CBrush *OldBrush; int Left, Top, Right, Bottom;
CClientDC dc( this);
OldPen = (CPen *)dc.SelectStockObject( BLACK_PEN); OldBrush = (CBrush *)dc.SelectStockObject( NULL_BRUSH); int OldMode = dc.SetROP2( R2_NOTXORPEN); dc.Rectangle( &ClipRect[PRV]);
Left = ClipRect[DSP].left; Top = ClipRect[DSP].top; Right = ClipRect[DSP].right; Bottom = ClipRect[DSP].bottom; switch( CheckNum){ case RLOWER: ClipRect[DSP].SetRect( Left, Top, ptEnd.x + ZoomRate + 1, ptEnd.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT + ZoomRate + 1);
if( ClipRect[DSP].Height() < ZoomRate*2) ClipRect[DSP].bottom = ClipRect[DSP].top + ZoomRate*2+1;
if( ClipRect[DSP].Width() < ZoomRate*2) ClipRect[DSP].right = ClipRect[DSP].left + ZoomRate*2+1; break; case RMIDLE: ClipRect[DSP].SetRect( Left, Top, ptEnd.x + ZoomRate + 1, Bottom);
if( ClipRect[DSP].Width() < ZoomRate*2) ClipRect[DSP].right = ClipRect[DSP].left + ZoomRate*2+1; break; case MLOWER: ClipRect[DSP].SetRect( Left, Top, Right, ptEnd.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT + ZoomRate + 1);
if( ClipRect[DSP].Height() < ZoomRate*2) ClipRect[DSP].bottom = ClipRect[DSP].top + ZoomRate*2+1; break; case RUPPER: ClipRect[DSP].SetRect( Left, ptEnd.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT, ptEnd.x + ZoomRate + 1, Bottom);
if( ClipRect[DSP].Height() < ZoomRate*2) ClipRect[DSP].top = ClipRect[DSP].bottom - ZoomRate*2+1; if( ClipRect[DSP].Width() < ZoomRate*2) ClipRect[DSP].right = ClipRect[DSP].left + ZoomRate*2+1; break; case LLOWER: ClipRect[DSP].SetRect( ptEnd.x, Top, Right, ptEnd.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT + ZoomRate + 1);
if( ClipRect[DSP].Width() < ZoomRate*2) ClipRect[DSP].left = ClipRect[DSP].right - ZoomRate*2+1; if( ClipRect[DSP].Height() < ZoomRate*2) ClipRect[DSP].bottom = ClipRect[DSP].top + ZoomRate*2+1; break; case LMIDLE: ClipRect[DSP].SetRect( ptEnd.x, Top, Right, Bottom);
if( ClipRect[DSP].Width() < ZoomRate*2) ClipRect[DSP].left = ClipRect[DSP].right - ZoomRate*2+1; break; case MUPPER: ClipRect[DSP].SetRect( Left, ptEnd.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT, Right, Bottom);
if( ClipRect[DSP].Height() < ZoomRate*2) ClipRect[DSP].top = ClipRect[DSP].bottom - ZoomRate*2+1; break; case LUPPER: ClipRect[DSP].SetRect( ptEnd.x, ptEnd.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT, Right, Bottom);
if( ClipRect[DSP].Height() < ZoomRate*2) ClipRect[DSP].top = ClipRect[DSP].bottom - ZoomRate*2+1; if( ClipRect[DSP].Width() < ZoomRate*2) ClipRect[DSP].left = ClipRect[DSP].right - ZoomRate*2+1; break; default: break; } ClipRect[PRV].CopyRect( &ClipRect[DSP]); dc.Rectangle( &ClipRect[DSP]); dc.SelectObject( OldPen); dc.SelectObject( OldBrush); dc.SetROP2( OldMode); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* FreeForm */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::SelectFreeForm( BOOL MouseSts) { CPoint Ep, Sp, Cp; CPoint Fp, Inc; CPoint Dp, Err; BOOL Slope; int D; int Tmp;
if( !MouseSts){ Sp.x = ptPrev.x /ZoomRate; Sp.y = ptPrev.y /ZoomRate; Ep.x = Fp.x = ptEnd.x /ZoomRate; Ep.y = Fp.y = ptEnd.y /ZoomRate; }else{ Sp.x = ptEnd.x /ZoomRate; Sp.y = ptEnd.y /ZoomRate; Ep.x = Fp.x = ptStart.x /ZoomRate; Ep.y = Fp.y = ptStart.y /ZoomRate; }
if( Fp.x >= Sp.x) Inc.x = 1; else Inc.x = -1; if( Fp.y >= Sp.y) Inc.y = 1; else Inc.y = -1;
Dp.x = ( Fp.x - Sp.x)*Inc.x; Dp.y = ( Fp.y - Sp.y)*Inc.y; if( !Dp.x && !Dp.y) return; if( Dp.x < Dp.y){ Tmp = Dp.y; Dp.y = Dp.x; Dp.x = Tmp; Tmp = Inc.x; Inc.x = Inc.y; Inc.y = Tmp; Slope = TRUE; }else Slope = FALSE;
Err.x = Dp.y * 2; Err.y = ( Dp.y - Dp.x) * 2; D = Err.x - Dp.x; Ep = Sp; while(1){ m_SelectArray.Add( Ep); if( Ep.x == Fp.x && Ep.y == Fp.y) break; if( Slope){ Tmp = Ep.x; Ep.x = Ep.y; Ep.y = Tmp; } Ep.x += Inc.x; if( D < 0) D += Err.x; else{ Ep.y += Inc.y; D += Err.y; } if( Slope){ Tmp = Ep.x; Ep.x = Ep.y; Ep.y = Tmp; } } }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* FreeForm */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::DrawFreeForm( BOOL MouseSts) { CPoint Ep, Sp, Cp; CPoint Fp, Inc; CPoint Dp, Err; CPoint P1, P2; BOOL Slope; int D; int Tmp;
CClientDC dc( this);
CPen *OldPen = (CPen *)dc.SelectStockObject( BLACK_PEN); int OldMode = dc.SetROP2( R2_NOTXORPEN);
if( !MouseSts){ Sp.x = ptPrev.x; Sp.y = ptPrev.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT; Ep.x = Fp.x = ptEnd.x; Ep.y = Fp.y = ptEnd.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT; }else{ Sp.x = ptEnd.x; Sp.y = ptEnd.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT; Ep.x = Fp.x = ptStart.x; Ep.y = Fp.y = ptStart.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT; } if( Fp.x >= Sp.x) Inc.x = ZoomRate; else Inc.x = 0 - ZoomRate; if( Fp.y >= Sp.y) Inc.y = ZoomRate; else Inc.y = 0 - ZoomRate;
Dp.x = ( Fp.x - Sp.x)*Inc.x; Dp.y = ( Fp.y - Sp.y)*Inc.y; if( !Dp.x && !Dp.y) return; if( Dp.x < Dp.y){ Tmp = Dp.y; Dp.y = Dp.x; Dp.x = Tmp; Tmp = Inc.x; Inc.x = Inc.y; Inc.y = Tmp; Slope = TRUE; }else Slope = FALSE;
Err.x = Dp.y * 2; Err.y = ( Dp.y - Dp.x) * 2; D = Err.x - Dp.x; Ep = Sp; dc.MoveTo( Sp); while(1){ if( Sp.x != Ep.x && Sp.y != Ep.y){ if( Sp.y < Ep.y && Sp.x > Ep.x){ Cp.x = Sp.x; Cp.y = Ep.y; }else if( Sp.y < Ep.y && Sp.x < Ep.x){ Cp.x = Sp.x; Cp.y = Ep.y; }else if( Sp.y > Ep.y && Sp.x > Ep.x){ Cp.y = Sp.y; Cp.x = Ep.x; }else{ Cp.y = Sp.y; Cp.x = Ep.x; } dc.LineTo( Cp); dc.LineTo( Ep); P1 = Cp; P2 = Ep; m_pointArray.Add( P1); m_pointArray.Add( P2); }else if( Sp.x != Ep.x || Sp.y != Ep.y){ dc.LineTo( Ep); P1 = Ep; m_pointArray.Add( P1); } Sp.x = Ep.x; Sp.y = Ep.y; if( Ep.x == Fp.x && Ep.y == Fp.y) break; if( Slope){ Tmp = Ep.x; Ep.x = Ep.y; Ep.y = Tmp; } Ep.x += Inc.x; if( D < 0) D += Err.x; else{ Ep.y += Inc.y; D += Err.y; } if( Slope){ Tmp = Ep.x; Ep.x = Ep.y; Ep.y = Tmp; } } dc.SelectObject( OldPen); dc.SetROP2( OldMode); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Rubber Band( rectangle and circle) */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::DrawRubberBand( BOOL StretchFlag) { CRect RubberBandRect; CPoint ptLT, ptRB; int OldMode;
CClientDC dc( this);
CPen *OldPen = (CPen *)dc.SelectStockObject( BLACK_PEN); CBrush *OldBrush = (CBrush *)dc.SelectStockObject( NULL_BRUSH); OldMode = dc.SetROP2( R2_NOTXORPEN);
if( !StretchFlag){ ptLT.x = ptStart.x; ptLT.y = ptStart.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT; ptRB.x = ptPrev.x; ptRB.y = ptPrev.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT; if( SelectItem != SLOPE) IllegalRect( &ptLT, &ptRB); RubberBandRect.SetRect( ptLT.x, ptLT.y, ptRB.x + ZoomRate + 1, ptRB.y + ZoomRate + 1); if( SelectItem == SLOPE){ dc.MoveTo( ptLT); dc.LineTo( ptRB); }else if( SelectItem == CIRCLE || SelectItem == CIRCLEFILL) dc.Ellipse( &RubberBandRect); else dc.Rectangle( &RubberBandRect); } ptLT.x = ptStart.x; ptLT.y = ptStart.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT; ptRB.x = ptEnd.x; ptRB.y = ptEnd.y + CAPTION_HEIGHT; ptPrev = ptRB; if( SelectItem != SLOPE) IllegalRect( &ptLT, &ptRB); RubberBandRect.SetRect( ptLT.x, ptLT.y, ptRB.x + ZoomRate + 1, ptRB.y + ZoomRate + 1); if( SelectItem == SLOPE){ dc.MoveTo( ptLT); dc.LineTo( ptRB); }else if( SelectItem == CIRCLE || SelectItem == CIRCLEFILL) dc.Ellipse( &RubberBandRect); else dc.Rectangle( &RubberBandRect); dc.SelectObject( OldPen); dc.SelectObject( OldBrush); dc.SetROP2( OldMode); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Correct coordinate of rectangle */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::IllegalRect( PPOINT ptTL, PPOINT ptBR) { int Tmp;
if( ptTL->x > ptBR->x){ Tmp = ptTL->x; ptTL->x = ptBR->x; ptBR->x = Tmp; } if( ptTL->y > ptBR->y){ Tmp = ptTL->y; ptTL->y = ptBR->y; ptBR->y = Tmp; } }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Process to term tool */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::ToolTerm() { if( IsCapture){ IsCapture = FALSE; ReleaseCapture(); } ButtonFlag = NCLICK; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Set Freeform selection */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CEditWnd::SetFreeForm() { CBrush EraseBrush; CBrush BlackBrush;
PickRgn.GetRgnBox( &ClipRect[BMP]); if( ClipRect[BMP].Width() < 3 || ClipRect[BMP].Height() < 3){ FreeRgn.GetRgnBox( &ClipRect[DSP]); ClipRect[DSP].right += 1; ClipRect[DSP].bottom += 1; return FALSE; } EraseBrush.CreateStockObject( WHITE_BRUSH); BlackBrush.CreateStockObject( BLACK_BRUSH); CRTDrawDC.FillRect( &ClipRect[BMP], &EraseBrush); CRTDrawDC.FillRgn( &PickRgn, &BlackBrush); EraseBrush.DeleteObject(); BlackBrush.DeleteObject();
CRTDrawDC.BitBlt( ClipRect[BMP].left, ClipRect[BMP].top, ClipRect[BMP].Width(), ClipRect[BMP].Height(), &ImageDC, ClipRect[BMP].left, ClipRect[BMP].top, SRCPAINT);
FreeRgn.GetRgnBox( &ClipRect[DSP]); ClipRect[DSP].right += 1; ClipRect[DSP].bottom += 1;
return TRUE; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Erase Freeform selection area */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::EraseFreeForm() { CBrush CutBrush; CutBrush.CreateSolidBrush( COLOR_WHITE ); ImageDC.FillRgn( &PickRgn, &CutBrush); CutBrush.DeleteObject(); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Erase rectangle selection area */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::EraseRectangle() { CRect pRect; CPen *OldPen; CBrush CutBrush;
OldPen = (CPen *)ImageDC.SelectStockObject( NULL_PEN); CutBrush.CreateSolidBrush( COLOR_WHITE ); CBrush *OldBrush = ImageDC.SelectObject( &CutBrush);
pRect.CopyRect( &ClipRect[BMP]); pRect.right += 1; pRect.bottom += 1; ImageDC.Rectangle( &pRect); ImageDC.SelectObject( OldPen); ImageDC.SelectObject( OldBrush); CutBrush.DeleteObject();
RectClipFlag = FALSE; SetValidRect(); this->InvalidateRect( &ClipRect[VLD], FALSE); this->UpdateWindow(); RectClipFlag = TRUE; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Save character with same code */ /* */ /****************************************/ #define ABORT 1
#define CANCEL 0
int CEditWnd::SaveEUDCCode(UINT msgBoxType) { CClientDC dc(this); CFont cFont, *OldFont; LOGFONT LogFont; DWORD wSize; LPBYTE pBuf=NULL; LPBYTE pBuf2=NULL; TCHAR BMPPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR TTFPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *FilePtr; int FontType, sts=0; //fix for FontIsLinked
BOOL firstTime = false; //
HRESULT hresult;
if( SelectItem == RECTCLIP || SelectItem == FREEFORM) WriteSelRectBitmap();
//*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(TTFPath, SelectEUDC.m_File);
hresult = StringCchCopy(TTFPath , ARRAYLEN(TTFPath), SelectEUDC.m_File); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { goto RET3; } //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(BMPPath,TTFPath);
hresult = StringCchCopy(BMPPath , ARRAYLEN(BMPPath), TTFPath); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { goto RET3; } if(( FilePtr = Mytcsrchr( BMPPath, '.')) != NULL) *FilePtr = '\0'; //*STRSAFE* lstrcat( BMPPath, TEXT(".EUF"));
hresult = StringCchCat(BMPPath , ARRAYLEN(BMPPath), TEXT(".EUF")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { goto RET3; }
DWORD dwStart = GetTickCount();
// Stop if this has taken too long
while (1) { if( GetTickCount() - dwStart >= 1000 ) break; }
if( !EnableEUDC( FALSE)){ MessageBox(TEXT("EnableEUDC() Error"), TEXT("EudcEditor"), MB_OK); return ABORT; }
//fix for FontIsLinked
//create logFont first, then use this font to create new character
OInit(); if( !OExistTTF( TTFPath)){ firstTime = TRUE; memset( &LogFont, 0, sizeof( LogFont)); //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy (LogFont.lfFaceName, CountryInfo.szForceFont);
hresult = StringCchCopy(LogFont.lfFaceName , ARRAYLEN(LogFont.lfFaceName), CountryInfo.szForceFont); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { goto RET; } LogFont.lfHeight = BITMAP_HEIGHT; LogFont.lfWidth = BITMAP_WIDTH; LogFont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS; LogFont.lfCharSet = (BYTE)CountryInfo.CharacterSet; LogFont.lfPitchAndFamily = FF_ROMAN; //| FIXED_PITCH;
if (CountryInfo.LangID == EUDC_JPN) { // JPN platform, use fixed pitch font.
LogFont.lfPitchAndFamily |= FIXED_PITCH; } if( !cFont.CreateFontIndirect( &LogFont)){ OutputMessageBox(this->GetSafeHwnd(), IDS_ASSOCIATE_DLGTITLE, IDS_SELECTFONT_ERROR, TRUE); OTerm(); EnableEUDC(TRUE); return ABORT; } OldFont = dc.SelectObject( &cFont);
FontType = !SelectEUDC.m_FontTypeFlg? 1:0; if( OCreateTTF( dc.GetSafeHdc(), TTFPath, FontType)) { dc.SelectObject(OldFont); cFont.DeleteObject(); OTerm(); EnableEUDC(TRUE); return ABORT; } dc.SelectObject(OldFont); cFont.DeleteObject(); }
wSize = (DWORD)((( BITMAP_WIDTH +15) /16) *2) *(WORD)BITMAP_HEIGHT; pBuf = (LPBYTE)malloc(((( BITMAP_WIDTH +15) /16) *2) *BITMAP_HEIGHT); if( pBuf == NULL){ OTerm(); EnableEUDC(TRUE); return ABORT; } pBuf2 = pBuf; ImageBmp.GetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf2);
if( OMakeOutline( (LPBYTE)pBuf2, BITMAP_WIDTH, SMOOTHLVL) < 0) { free(pBuf); OTerm(); EnableEUDC(TRUE); return ABORT; } sts = OOutTTF( dc.GetSafeHdc(), TTFPath, (unsigned short)UpdateCode, CountryInfo.bUnicodeMode); if (sts == -3) //tte file is being used by another process
{ free(pBuf); OTerm(); EnableEUDC(TRUE);
HINSTANCE hInst = AfxGetInstanceHandle(); TCHAR szMessage[256]; LoadString(hInst, IDS_OVERWRITEFAIL, szMessage, sizeof(szMessage) / sizeof(TCHAR)); TCHAR szTitle[256]; LoadString(hInst, IDS_MAINFRAMETITLE, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) / sizeof(TCHAR)); if (MessageBox( szMessage, szTitle, msgBoxType) == IDCANCEL) return CANCEL; else return ABORT; } else if (sts < 0) { free(pBuf); OTerm(); EnableEUDC(TRUE);
//fix for FontIsLinked
if (firstTime) { if (creatW31JEUDC(BMPPath)) { free(pBuf); OTerm(); EnableEUDC(TRUE); return ABORT; } } //
if( OpenW31JEUDC( BMPPath)){ free(pBuf); OTerm(); EnableEUDC(TRUE); return ABORT; } if( PutW31JEUDCFont((unsigned short)UpdateCode, pBuf2, BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT, CountryInfo.bUnicodeMode)){ CloseW31JEUDC(); free(pBuf); OTerm(); EnableEUDC(TRUE); return ABORT; } CloseW31JEUDC(); BitmapDirty = FALSE; g_bKeepEUDCLink = TRUE;
RET: if (pBuf) { free(pBuf); } OTerm(); EnableEUDC(TRUE); RET3: return ABORT; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* draw image for undo */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::UndoImageDraw() { CDC UndoDC;
if( !UndoBitmapFlag) CreateUndoBitmap();
UndoDC.CreateCompatibleDC( &ImageDC); CBitmap *OldBitmap = UndoDC.SelectObject( &UndoImage);
if( RectClipFlag && (SelectItem == RECTCLIP || SelectItem == FREEFORM)){ CRect pRect;
pRect.SetRect(( ClipRect[DSP].left + 1) /ZoomRate, ( ClipRect[DSP].top - CAPTION_HEIGHT +1) /ZoomRate, ( ClipRect[DSP].right + 1)/ZoomRate, ( ClipRect[DSP].bottom - CAPTION_HEIGHT +1) /ZoomRate);
UndoDC.StretchBlt( pRect.left, pRect.top, pRect.Width(), pRect.Height(), &CRTDrawDC, ClipRect[BMP].left, ClipRect[BMP].top, ClipRect[BMP].Width(), ClipRect[BMP].Height(), SRCAND); } UndoDC.SelectObject( OldBitmap); UndoDC.DeleteDC(); UndoBitmapFlag = TRUE; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* for Update */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CEditWnd::SelectCodes() { int xSize, ySize; int wSize; LPBYTE pBuf=NULL; TCHAR *FilePtr; TCHAR BMPPath[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hresult;
//*STRSAFE* lstrcpy( BMPPath, SelectEUDC.m_File);
hresult = StringCchCopy(BMPPath , ARRAYLEN(BMPPath), SelectEUDC.m_File); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } if(( FilePtr = Mytcsrchr( BMPPath, '.')) != NULL) *FilePtr = '\0'; //*STRSAFE* lstrcat( BMPPath, TEXT(".EUF"));
hresult = StringCchCat(BMPPath , ARRAYLEN(BMPPath), TEXT(".EUF")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; }
wSize = (int)((( BITMAP_WIDTH + 15) /16) *2) *(int)BITMAP_HEIGHT; pBuf = (LPBYTE)malloc( wSize); if( OpenW31JEUDC( BMPPath)){ free( pBuf); return FALSE; } if( GetW31JEUDCFont((unsigned short)UpdateCode, pBuf, wSize, &xSize, &ySize, CountryInfo.bUnicodeMode)){ CloseW31JEUDC(); free( pBuf); return FALSE; }else if( xSize != BITMAP_WIDTH || ySize != BITMAP_HEIGHT){ CloseW31JEUDC(); free( pBuf); return FALSE; } CloseW31JEUDC();
ImageBmp.SetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf); BitmapDirty = FALSE; if (pBuf) { free( pBuf); } this->Invalidate( FALSE); this->UpdateWindow(); return TRUE; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Clear bitmap data */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CEditWnd::UpdateBitmap() { WORD wSize; HANDLE BitHandle; BYTE *pBitmap;
wSize = (WORD)((( BITMAP_WIDTH +15) /16) *2) *(WORD)BITMAP_HEIGHT; if(( BitHandle = LocalAlloc( LMEM_MOVEABLE, wSize)) == 0) return FALSE;
if(( pBitmap = (BYTE *)LocalLock( BitHandle)) == NULL){ LocalFree( BitHandle); return FALSE; } memset( pBitmap, 0xffff, wSize);
ImageBmp.SetBitmapBits((DWORD)wSize, (const void far *)pBitmap); LocalUnlock( BitHandle); LocalFree( BitHandle);
if(( SelectItem == RECTCLIP || SelectItem == FREEFORM) && RectClipFlag){ RectClipFlag = FALSE; ToolTerm(); } this->Invalidate( FALSE); this->UpdateWindow(); BitmapDirty = FALSE;
return TRUE; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Get bitmap dirty flag */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CEditWnd::GetBitmapDirty() { return BitmapDirty; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Get bitmap dirty flag */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL CEditWnd::SetBitmapDirty( BOOL Flg) { BitmapDirty = Flg; return TRUE; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Call Charcter */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::CallCharTextOut() { CFont CallFont; CSize CharSize; BYTE sWork[10]; int Length; int xOffset, yOffset;
EditLogFont.lfHeight = BITMAP_HEIGHT; EditLogFont.lfWeight = 0; EditLogFont.lfQuality = PROOF_QUALITY; if( !CallFont.CreateFontIndirect( &EditLogFont)) return; CFont *OldFont = ImageDC.SelectObject( &CallFont);
if( !CallCode) Length = 0;
else { sWork[0] = LOBYTE(CallCode); sWork[1] = HIBYTE(CallCode); sWork[2] = sWork[3] = 0; Length = 1; } /*
else if( !HIBYTE(CallCode)){ // SBCS
sWork[0] = LOBYTE(CallCode); sWork[1] = (BYTE)'\0'; Length = 1; }else{ // DBCS
sWork[0] = HIBYTE(CallCode); sWork[1] = LOBYTE(CallCode); sWork[2] = (BYTE)'\0'; Length = 2; } */ if( Length){ CRect TextImage; /*
GetTextExtentPoint32A( ImageDC.GetSafeHdc(), (LPCSTR)sWork, Length, &CharSize); */ GetTextExtentPoint32W( ImageDC.GetSafeHdc(), (LPCWSTR)sWork, Length, &CharSize);
TextImage.SetRect( 0, 0, BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT); if( CharSize.cx < BITMAP_WIDTH) xOffset = ( BITMAP_HEIGHT - CharSize.cx) /2; else xOffset = 0;
if( CharSize.cy < BITMAP_HEIGHT) yOffset = ( BITMAP_WIDTH - CharSize.cy) /2; else yOffset = 0;
if( EditLogFont.lfFaceName[0] == '@' && Length == 1) xOffset = yOffset = 0; /*
ExtTextOutA(ImageDC.GetSafeHdc(), xOffset, yOffset, ETO_OPAQUE, &TextImage, (LPCSTR)sWork, Length, NULL); */ ExtTextOutW(ImageDC.GetSafeHdc(), xOffset, yOffset, ETO_OPAQUE, &TextImage, (LPCWSTR)sWork, Length, NULL);
} ImageDC.SelectObject( OldFont); CallFont.DeleteObject(); this->Invalidate( FALSE); this->UpdateWindow(); }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* COMMAND "Flip/Rotate" */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::FlipRotate( int RadioItem) { CDC RotateDC; CBitmap RotateBMP; CBrush wBrush; int wSize; LPBYTE pBuf1 = NULL; LPBYTE pBuf2 = NULL; LPBYTE pPtr1, pPtr2;
UndoImageDraw(); BitmapDirty = TRUE; InitFlipRotate( &RotateDC, &RotateBMP);
switch( RadioItem){ case FLIP_HOR: if( !RectClipFlag){ ImageDC.StretchBlt( BITMAP_WIDTH - 1, 0, 0 - BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT, &CRTDrawDC, 0, 0, BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT, SRCCOPY); }else{ wBrush.CreateStockObject( WHITE_BRUSH); CRTDrawDC.FillRect( &ClipRect[BMP], &wBrush); wBrush.DeleteObject();
CRTDrawDC.StretchBlt( ClipRect[BMP].right - 1, ClipRect[BMP].top, 0 - ClipRect[BMP].Width(), ClipRect[BMP].Height(), &RotateDC, ClipRect[BMP].left, ClipRect[BMP].top, ClipRect[BMP].Width(), ClipRect[BMP].Height(), SRCCOPY); } break;
case FLIP_VER: if( !RectClipFlag){ ImageDC.StretchBlt( 0, BITMAP_HEIGHT - 1, BITMAP_WIDTH, 0 - BITMAP_HEIGHT, &CRTDrawDC, 0, 0, BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT, SRCCOPY); }else{ wBrush.CreateStockObject( WHITE_BRUSH); CRTDrawDC.FillRect( &ClipRect[BMP], &wBrush); wBrush.DeleteObject();
CRTDrawDC.StretchBlt( ClipRect[BMP].left,ClipRect[BMP].bottom - 1, ClipRect[BMP].Width(), 0 - ClipRect[BMP].Height(), &RotateDC, ClipRect[BMP].left, ClipRect[BMP].top, ClipRect[BMP].Width(), ClipRect[BMP].Height(), SRCCOPY); } break;
case ROTATE_9: wSize = (int)((( BITMAP_WIDTH +15) /16) *2)*(int)BITMAP_HEIGHT; pBuf1 = (LPBYTE)malloc( wSize); pBuf2 = (LPBYTE)malloc( wSize); if (pBuf1==NULL || pBuf2==NULL) { goto Exit; } if( !RectClipFlag){ ImageBmp.GetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf1); CRTDrawBmp.GetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf2); pPtr1 = pBuf1; pPtr2 = pBuf2; RotateFigure90(pPtr1,pPtr2,BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT); ImageBmp.SetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf1); CRTDrawBmp.SetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf2);
}else{ CPoint Mid; CRTDrawBmp.GetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf1); RotateBMP.GetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf2); pPtr1 = pBuf1; pPtr2 = pBuf2; RotateFigure90(pPtr1,pPtr2,BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT);
int Lft = ClipRect[BMP].left; int Btm = ClipRect[BMP].bottom; int Wid = ClipRect[BMP].Width(); int Hgt = ClipRect[BMP].Height(); ClipRect[BMP].left = BITMAP_HEIGHT - Btm; ClipRect[BMP].top = Lft; ClipRect[BMP].right = ClipRect[BMP].left + Hgt; ClipRect[BMP].bottom = ClipRect[BMP].top + Wid;
Lft = ClipRect[DSP].left; Btm = ClipRect[DSP].bottom - CAPTION_HEIGHT - 1; Wid = ClipRect[DSP].Width(); Hgt = ClipRect[DSP].Height(); Mid.x = Lft +((ClipRect[DSP].Width()/2)/ZoomRate)*ZoomRate; Mid.y = ClipRect[DSP].top - CAPTION_HEIGHT +((ClipRect[DSP].Height()/2)/ZoomRate)*ZoomRate;
Mid.x -= (((ClipRect[DSP].Height()/2)/ZoomRate)*ZoomRate); Mid.y -= (((ClipRect[DSP].Width()/2)/ZoomRate)*ZoomRate); if( Mid.x < 0) ClipRect[DSP].left = 0; else{ if( ClipRect[DSP].left + Hgt <= EudcWndRect.right){ ClipRect[DSP].left = Mid.x; }else{ ClipRect[DSP].left = Mid.x - ((Mid.x + Hgt - EudcWndRect.right)/ZoomRate)*ZoomRate; } } if( Mid.y < 0) ClipRect[DSP].top = CAPTION_HEIGHT; else{ if( ClipRect[DSP].top + Wid <= EudcWndRect.bottom){ ClipRect[DSP].top = CAPTION_HEIGHT + Mid.y; }else{ ClipRect[DSP].top = CAPTION_HEIGHT + Mid.y - (( CAPTION_HEIGHT + Mid.y + Wid - EudcWndRect.bottom)/ZoomRate)*ZoomRate; } } ClipRect[DSP].right = ClipRect[DSP].left + Hgt; ClipRect[DSP].bottom = ClipRect[DSP].top + Wid; CRTDrawBmp.SetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf1); RotateBMP.SetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf2); } break;
case ROTATE_18: if( !RectClipFlag){ ImageDC.StretchBlt( BITMAP_WIDTH -1, BITMAP_HEIGHT-1, 0-BITMAP_HEIGHT, 0-BITMAP_WIDTH, &CRTDrawDC, 0, 0, BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT, SRCCOPY); }else{ wBrush.CreateStockObject( WHITE_BRUSH); CRTDrawDC.FillRect( &ClipRect[BMP], &wBrush); wBrush.DeleteObject();
CRTDrawDC.StretchBlt( ClipRect[BMP].right-1, ClipRect[BMP].bottom-1, 0 - ClipRect[BMP].Width(), 0 - ClipRect[BMP].Height(), &RotateDC, ClipRect[BMP].left, ClipRect[BMP].top, ClipRect[BMP].Width(), ClipRect[BMP].Height(), SRCCOPY); } break;
case ROTATE_27: wSize = (int)((( BITMAP_WIDTH +15) /16) *2) *(int)BITMAP_HEIGHT; pBuf1 = (LPBYTE)malloc( wSize); pBuf2 = (LPBYTE)malloc( wSize); if (pBuf1==NULL || pBuf2==NULL) { goto Exit; } if( !RectClipFlag){ ImageBmp.GetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf1); CRTDrawBmp.GetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf2); pPtr1 = pBuf1; pPtr2 = pBuf2; RotateFigure270( pPtr1, pPtr2, BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT); ImageBmp.SetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf1); CRTDrawBmp.SetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf2);
}else{ CPoint Mid; CRTDrawBmp.GetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf1); RotateBMP.GetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf2); pPtr1 = pBuf1; pPtr2 = pBuf2; RotateFigure270( pPtr1, pPtr2, BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT);
int Rgt = ClipRect[BMP].right; int Top = ClipRect[BMP].top; int Wid = ClipRect[BMP].Width(); int Hgt = ClipRect[BMP].Height(); ClipRect[BMP].left = Top; ClipRect[BMP].top = BITMAP_WIDTH - Rgt; ClipRect[BMP].right = ClipRect[BMP].left + Hgt; ClipRect[BMP].bottom = ClipRect[BMP].top + Wid;
Rgt = ClipRect[DSP].right - 1; Top = ClipRect[DSP].top - CAPTION_HEIGHT; Wid = ClipRect[DSP].Width(); Hgt = ClipRect[DSP].Height(); Mid.x = ClipRect[DSP].left + ((ClipRect[DSP].Width()/2)/ZoomRate)*ZoomRate; Mid.y = Top + ((ClipRect[DSP].Height()/2)/ZoomRate)*ZoomRate; Mid.x -= (((ClipRect[DSP].Height()/2)/ZoomRate)*ZoomRate); Mid.y -= (((ClipRect[DSP].Width()/2)/ZoomRate)*ZoomRate); if( Mid.x < 0) ClipRect[DSP].left = 0; else{ if( ClipRect[DSP].left + Hgt <= EudcWndRect.right){ ClipRect[DSP].left = Mid.x; }else{ ClipRect[DSP].left = Mid.x - ((Mid.x + Hgt - EudcWndRect.right)/ZoomRate)*ZoomRate; } } if( Mid.y < 0) ClipRect[DSP].top = CAPTION_HEIGHT; else{ if( ClipRect[DSP].top + Wid <= EudcWndRect.bottom){ ClipRect[DSP].top = CAPTION_HEIGHT + Mid.y; }else{ ClipRect[DSP].top = CAPTION_HEIGHT + Mid.y - (( CAPTION_HEIGHT + Mid.y + Wid - EudcWndRect.bottom)/ZoomRate)*ZoomRate; } } ClipRect[DSP].right = ClipRect[DSP].left + Hgt; ClipRect[DSP].bottom = ClipRect[DSP].top + Wid; CRTDrawBmp.SetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf1); RotateBMP.SetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pBuf2); } break;
default: break; } if( RectClipFlag){ if( RotateBMP.Detach() != NULL) RotateBMP.DeleteObject(); if( RotateDC.Detach() != NULL) RotateDC.DeleteDC(); } this->Invalidate(FALSE); this->UpdateWindow();
Exit: if (pBuf1 != NULL) { free(pBuf1); } if (pBuf2 != NULL) { free(pBuf2); } }
/************************************************/ /* */ /* Initialize before flip or rotate */ /* */ /************************************************/ void CEditWnd::InitFlipRotate( CDC* RotateDC, CBitmap *RotateBMP) { WORD BitSize; HANDLE BitInit; BYTE *BitmapPtr;
if( RectClipFlag){ CClientDC dc( this); if( !RotateDC->CreateCompatibleDC( &dc)) return;
BitSize = (WORD)((( BITMAP_WIDTH +15) /16) *2) * (WORD)BITMAP_HEIGHT; if (BitSize == 0) { return; } if(( BitInit = LocalAlloc( LMEM_MOVEABLE, BitSize))==0) return;
if(( BitmapPtr = (BYTE *)LocalLock( BitInit)) == NULL){ LocalFree( BitInit); return; } memset( BitmapPtr, 0xffff, BitSize); if( !RotateBMP->CreateBitmap(BITMAP_WIDTH,BITMAP_HEIGHT, 1, 1, (LPSTR)BitmapPtr)){ LocalUnlock( BitInit); LocalFree( BitInit); return; } LocalUnlock( BitInit); LocalFree( BitInit); RotateDC->SelectObject( RotateBMP);
RotateDC->BitBlt( 0, 0, BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT, &CRTDrawDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); }else{ CRTDrawDC.BitBlt( 0, 0, BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT, &ImageDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } }
#define set_p(a,i) ((a)[(i)>>3] & (0x80>>((i)&7)))
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Rotate 90 */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::RotateFigure90( LPBYTE pBuf1, LPBYTE pBuf2, int bWid, int bHgt) { int i, j, k, l; int wSize, aSize; BYTE Pt, *test;
if ( (!pBuf1) ||(!pBuf2)) { return; } aSize = (int)(((( bWid + 15) /16) *2) *bHgt); wSize = (int)((( bWid + 15) /16) *2); test = pBuf2; for( i = 0; i < wSize; i++){ pBuf2 = test + aSize - wSize + i; for( j = 0; j < 8; j++){ for( k = wSize-1; k >= 0; k--){ memset( &Pt, 0x00, sizeof(BYTE)); for( l = 0; l < 8; l++){ if( set_p(pBuf2, j)) Pt |= (1<<(7-l)); pBuf2 -= wSize; } *pBuf1++ = Pt; } pBuf2 = test + aSize - wSize + i; } } return; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Rotate 270 */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::RotateFigure270( LPBYTE pBuf1, LPBYTE pBuf2, int bWid, int bHgt) { int i, j, k, l; int wSize, aSize; BYTE Pt, *test;
aSize = (int)(((( bWid + 15) /16) *2) *bHgt); wSize = (int)((( bWid + 15) /16) *2); test = pBuf2; for( i = 0; i < wSize; i++){ pBuf2 = test + wSize - 1 - i; for( j = 7; j >= 0; j--){ for( k = wSize-1; k >= 0; k--){ memset( &Pt, 0x00, sizeof(BYTE)); for( l = 0; l < 8; l++){ if( set_p(pBuf2, j)) Pt |= (1<<(7-l)); pBuf2 += wSize; } *pBuf1++ = Pt; } pBuf2 = test + wSize - 1 - i; } } return; }
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Set Duplicate rectangle */ /* */ /****************************************/ void CEditWnd::SetDuplicateRect( RECT *rect, POINT *point) { LPBYTE pDupBmp; int wSize;
UndoImageDraw(); BitmapDirty = TRUE; WriteSelRectBitmap(); this->Invalidate( FALSE); this->UpdateWindow();
wSize = ((( BITMAP_WIDTH +15) /16) *2) *BITMAP_HEIGHT; pDupBmp = (LPBYTE)malloc( wSize); DupBmp.GetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pDupBmp); CRTDrawBmp.SetBitmapBits( wSize, (LPVOID)pDupBmp); free( pDupBmp);
ClipRect[DSP].CopyRect( rect); ClipRect[PRV].CopyRect( rect); SetValidRect(); SetClickRect(); ClipRect[BMP].SetRect( DupRect.left /ZoomRate, ( DupRect.top - CAPTION_HEIGHT) /ZoomRate, DupRect.right /ZoomRate, ( DupRect.bottom - CAPTION_HEIGHT) /ZoomRate); RectClipFlag = TRUE;
this->InvalidateRect( &ClipRect[VLD], FALSE); this->UpdateWindow(); }
void CEditWnd::OnClose() { // Don't allow user to use hot key to close this window