/**************************************************/ /* */ /* */ /* Setting code range */ /* */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation. */ /**************************************************/
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "eudcedit.h"
#include "registry.h"
#include "extfunc.h"
#endif // BUILD_ON_WINNT
#include "util.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
#define S_UNICODE 0xE000
#define E_UNICODE 0xE0ff
BOOL SetCountryInfo( UINT LocalCP); int SetLeadByteRange(TCHAR * CodeRange,int nCode); void SetTrailByteRange(); #ifdef BUILD_ON_WINNT
void CorrectTrailByteRange(int nIndex); #endif // BUILD_ON_WINNT
/****************************************/ /* */ /* Set Country Infomation */ /* */ /****************************************/ BOOL SetCountryInfo( UINT LocalCP) { TCHAR CodePage[10], szUnicode[] = TEXT("Unicode"); TCHAR Coderange[50]; int nCode = 0; HRESULT hresult;
SetTrailByteRange(LocalCP); if (!CountryInfo.bOnlyUnicode){
/* Read EUDC Coderange from Registry */ #ifndef NEWREG
/* Old Version */ TCHAR CodeTmp[10]; //*STRSAFE* wsprintf( CodeTmp, TEXT("%d"), LocalCP);
hresult = StringCchPrintf(CodeTmp , ARRAYLEN(CodeTmp), TEXT("%d"), LocalCP); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } if( lstrlen( CodeTmp) == 3){ //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(CodePage, TEXT("CP00"));
hresult = StringCchCopy(CodePage , ARRAYLEN(CodePage), TEXT("CP00")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } }else{ //*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(CodePage, TEXT("CP0"));
hresult = StringCchCopy(CodePage , ARRAYLEN(CodePage), TEXT("CP0")); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } } //*STRSAFE* lstrcat(CodePage, CodeTmp);
hresult = StringCchCat(CodePage , ARRAYLEN(CodePage), CodeTmp); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } #else
/* New Version */ //*STRSAFE* wsprintf( CodePage, TEXT("%d"), LocalCP);
hresult = StringCchPrintf(CodePage , ARRAYLEN(CodePage), TEXT("%d"), LocalCP); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } #endif
if( !InqCodeRange(CodePage, (BYTE *)Coderange, 50)) return FALSE; if ((nCode = SetLeadByteRange ( Coderange, 0)) == -1) return FALSE; } //!CountryInfo.bOnlyUnicode
#ifdef UNICODE
// unicode range will always be the last one.
//*STRSAFE* lstrcpy(CodePage, szUnicode);
hresult = StringCchCopy(CodePage , ARRAYLEN(CodePage), szUnicode); if (!SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { return FALSE; } if( !InqCodeRange(CodePage, (BYTE *)Coderange, 50)) return FALSE;
if (SetLeadByteRange (Coderange, nCode) == -1) return FALSE; #else
// Ansi version, we have to set end Unicode
// code point to the last ansi range.
WCHAR RangeTmp[2]; CHAR AnsiRange[2]; CountryInfo.nRange = nCode+1; CountryInfo.nLeadByte = nCode+1; CountryInfo.sRange[nCode] = S_UNICODE; AnsiRange[0] = HIBYTE(CountryInfo.eRange[nCode-1]); AnsiRange[1] = LOBYTE(CountryInfo.eRange[nCode-1]); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, AnsiRange,2,RangeTmp, 1); CountryInfo.eRange[nCode] = RangeTmp[0]; CountryInfo.sLeadByte[nCode] = HIBYTE(CountryInfo.sRange[nCode]); CountryInfo.eLeadByte[nCode] = HIBYTE(CountryInfo.eRange[nCode]); #endif
return TRUE;
void SetTrailByteRange( UINT LocalCP) { WORD UCode[MAX_CODE]; BYTE SCode[MAX_CODE], sTral, cTral; int nTral = 0; if (!CountryInfo.bUnicodeMode){ // calculate trailbyte range.
UCode[0] = S_UNICODE; UCode[1] = '\0'; WideCharToMultiByte( LocalCP, 0L, (const unsigned short *)UCode, -1, (char *)SCode, sizeof(SCode), NULL, NULL); sTral = cTral = SCode[1]; CountryInfo.sTralByte[nTral] = sTral;
for( WORD Cnt = S_UNICODE + 1; Cnt <= E_UNICODE; Cnt++){ UCode[0] = Cnt; UCode[1] = '\0';
WideCharToMultiByte( LocalCP, 0L, (const unsigned short *)UCode, -1, (char *)SCode, sizeof(SCode), NULL, NULL);
if( cTral + 1 != SCode[1]){ CountryInfo.eTralByte[nTral] = cTral; nTral++; if( sTral != SCode[1]){ CountryInfo.sTralByte[nTral] = SCode[1]; } } cTral = SCode[1]; if( sTral == cTral) break; } CountryInfo.nTralByte = nTral;
/* For Extend Wansung (test) */ if( CountryInfo.LangID == EUDC_KRW){ CountryInfo.nTralByte = 3; CountryInfo.sTralByte[0] = 0x41; CountryInfo.eTralByte[0] = 0x5a; CountryInfo.sTralByte[1] = 0x61; CountryInfo.eTralByte[1] = 0x7a; CountryInfo.sTralByte[2] = 0x81; CountryInfo.eTralByte[2] = 0xfe; }
/* For CHS we have to remember the original trail byte range and calculate
trail byte range dynamically */ if( CountryInfo.LangID == EUDC_CHS){ CountryInfo.nOrigTralByte = 2; CountryInfo.sOrigTralByte[0] = 0x40; CountryInfo.eOrigTralByte[0] = 0x7e; CountryInfo.sOrigTralByte[1] = 0x80; CountryInfo.eOrigTralByte[1] = 0xfe;
//To start with, calculate trailbyte range for the default EUDC selection range.
}else{ CountryInfo.nOrigTralByte = 0; }
}else { //!CountryInfo.bUnicodeMode
CountryInfo.nTralByte = 1; CountryInfo.sTralByte[0] = 0x00; CountryInfo.eTralByte[0] = 0xff; } //!CountryInfo.bUnicodeMode
int SetLeadByteRange( TCHAR * Coderange, int nCode) { // Calculate LeadByte Range
TCHAR *pStr1, *pStr2; WORD wLow, wHigh; if (!Coderange) { return -1; } pStr1 = pStr2 = Coderange; while(1){ if(( pStr2 = Mytcschr( pStr1, '-')) != NULL){ *pStr2 = '\0'; wLow = (WORD)Mytcstol( pStr1, (TCHAR **)0, 16); CountryInfo.sRange[nCode] = wLow; CountryInfo.sLeadByte[nCode] = HIBYTE( wLow); pStr2++; pStr1 = pStr2; }else return -1;
if(( pStr2 = Mytcschr( pStr1, ',')) != NULL){ *pStr2 = '\0'; wHigh = (WORD)Mytcstol( pStr1, (TCHAR **)0, 16); CountryInfo.eRange[nCode] = (unsigned short)wHigh; CountryInfo.eLeadByte[nCode] = HIBYTE( wHigh); pStr2++; pStr1 = pStr2; }else{ wHigh = (WORD)Mytcstol( pStr1, (TCHAR **)0, 16); CountryInfo.eRange[nCode] = (unsigned short)wHigh; CountryInfo.eLeadByte[nCode] = HIBYTE( wHigh); break; } nCode++; }
CountryInfo.nLeadByte = ++nCode; CountryInfo.nRange = nCode; return nCode; }
* CorrectTralByteRange * * Correct trailbyte range of EUDC range with each of original trail byte * * ranges. It is used by countries where EUDC trail byte range changes * * with selection of different EUDC range, for example CHS. * \**************************************************************************/ void CorrectTrailByteRange( int nIndex) { COUNTRYINFO *Info; int i, Unique=0; if (CountryInfo.bUnicodeMode) return;
Info=&CountryInfo; for (i=0; i< Info->nOrigTralByte; i++){ //take the smaller of the two ranges.
Info->sTralByte[Unique] = max(LOBYTE(Info->sRange[nIndex]), Info->sOrigTralByte[i]); Info->eTralByte[Unique] = min(LOBYTE(Info->eRange[nIndex]), Info->eOrigTralByte[i]);
//we keep valid ranges and overwrite invalid one with next loop
if (Info->eTralByte[Unique] >= Info->sTralByte[Unique]) Unique +=1; } Info->nTralByte=Unique; } #endif // BUILD_ON_WINNT