// File: \wacker\TDLL\KEY_DLG.C Created: 6/5/98 By: Dwayne M. Newsome
// Copyright 1998 by Hilgraeve Inc. --- Monroe, MI
// All rights reserved
// Description:
// This file is the key dialog. This allows for a key macro to be edited
// or modified.
// $Revision: 6 $
// $Date: 8/15/01 4:50p $
// $Id: key_dlg.c 1.6 1998/09/10 16:10:17 bld Exp $
#include <windows.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "stdtyp.h"
#include "mc.h"
#include <term\res.h>
#include "misc.h"
#include "hlptable.h"
#include "keyutil.h"
#include "errorbox.h"
#include <tdll\assert.h>
#include "globals.h"
#include <emu\emu.h>
#include "session.h"
#include "chars.h"
#if !defined(DlgParseCmd)
#define DlgParseCmd(i,n,c,w,l) i=LOWORD(w);n=HIWORD(w);c=(HWND)l;
#define IDC_ML_KEYS_MACRO 105
BOOL isSystemKey( KEYDEF aKey ); BOOL isAcceleratorKey( KEYDEF aKey, UINT aTableId ); BOOL validateKey( keyMacro * pKeyMacro, HWND hDlg );
// KeyDlg
// This is the dialog proc for the key macro dialog.
// ARGUMENTS: Standard Windows dialog manager
// RETURNS: Standard Windows dialog manager
BOOL CALLBACK KeyDlg(HWND hDlg, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wPar, LPARAM lPar) { HWND hwndChild; HWND keyNameEdit; HWND keyMacroEdit;
INT nId; INT nNtfy; INT keyIndex;
TCHAR keyName[35]; TCHAR keyList[2048];
keyMacro * pKeyMacro; keyMacro * pKeyNameData; keyMacro * pKeyMacroData;
// process messages
switch (wMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: pKeyMacro = (keyMacro *)lPar;
if ( pKeyMacro == 0 ) { EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); }
SetWindowLongPtr( hDlg, DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR)pKeyMacro );
// set up the name edit field
keyNameEdit = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_EF_KEYS_KEYNAME ); pKeyNameData = keysCloneKeyMacro( pKeyMacro );
pKeyNameData->lpWndProc = (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtr( keyNameEdit, GWLP_WNDPROC ); pKeyNameData->keyCount = 1;
SetWindowLongPtr( keyNameEdit, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)keyEditWindowProc ); SetWindowLongPtr( keyNameEdit, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)pKeyNameData );
// set up the name edit field
keyMacroEdit = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_ML_KEYS_MACRO ); pKeyMacroData = keysCloneKeyMacro( pKeyMacro );
pKeyMacroData->lpWndProc = (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtr( keyMacroEdit, GWLP_WNDPROC ); pKeyMacroData->keyCount = KEYS_MAX_KEYS;
SetWindowLongPtr( keyMacroEdit, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)keyEditWindowProc ); SetWindowLongPtr( keyMacroEdit, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)pKeyMacroData );
// set up initial values if we are in edit mode
if ( pKeyMacro->editMode == KEYS_EDIT_MODE_EDIT ) { keysGetDisplayString( &pKeyMacro->keyName, 1, keyName, sizeof(keyName) ); SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_EF_KEYS_KEYNAME, keyName );
keysGetDisplayString( pKeyMacro->keyMacro, pKeyMacro->macroLen, keyList, sizeof(keyList) ); SetDlgItemText( hDlg, IDC_ML_KEYS_MACRO, keyList ); } mscCenterWindowOnWindow(hDlg, GetParent(hDlg));
case WM_DESTROY: keyNameEdit = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_EF_KEYS_KEYNAME ); pKeyNameData = (keyMacro *) GetWindowLongPtr( keyNameEdit, GWLP_USERDATA ); SetWindowLongPtr( keyNameEdit, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)pKeyNameData->lpWndProc ); free( pKeyNameData ); pKeyNameData = 0; keyMacroEdit = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_ML_KEYS_MACRO ); pKeyMacroData = (keyMacro *) GetWindowLongPtr( keyMacroEdit, GWLP_USERDATA ); SetWindowLongPtr( keyMacroEdit, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)pKeyMacroData->lpWndProc ); free( pKeyMacroData ); pKeyMacroData = 0;
case WM_CONTEXTMENU: doContextHelp(aHlpTable, wPar, lPar, TRUE, TRUE); break;
case WM_HELP: doContextHelp(aHlpTable, wPar, lPar, FALSE, FALSE); break;
case WM_COMMAND: DlgParseCmd(nId, nNtfy, hwndChild, wPar, lPar);
switch (nId) { case IDOK: keyNameEdit = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_EF_KEYS_KEYNAME ); pKeyNameData = (keyMacro *) GetWindowLongPtr( keyNameEdit, GWLP_USERDATA ); keyMacroEdit = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_ML_KEYS_MACRO ); pKeyMacroData = (keyMacro *) GetWindowLongPtr( keyMacroEdit, GWLP_USERDATA );
pKeyMacro = (keyMacro *)GetWindowLongPtr( hDlg, DWLP_USER );
// if we are in edit mode then update the previos macro with the
// edited macro
if ( pKeyMacro->editMode == KEYS_EDIT_MODE_EDIT ) { keyIndex = keysFindMacro( pKeyMacro ); assert( keyIndex >= 0 );
if ( pKeyMacro->keyName != pKeyNameData->keyName && validateKey( pKeyNameData, hDlg ) == FALSE ) { SetFocus( keyNameEdit ); break; }
// combine the values from the name and macro edit controls
// and update the previous macro with the new data
pKeyMacro->keyName = pKeyNameData->keyName; pKeyMacro->macroLen = pKeyMacroData->macroLen; if (pKeyMacroData->macroLen) MemCopy( pKeyMacro->keyMacro, pKeyMacroData->keyMacro, pKeyMacroData->macroLen * sizeof(KEYDEF) );
keysUpdateMacro( keyIndex, pKeyMacro ); }
else { if ( validateKey( pKeyNameData, hDlg ) == FALSE ) { SetFocus( keyNameEdit ); break; }
// combine the values from the name and macro edit controls
// and add the new macro
pKeyMacro->keyName = pKeyNameData->keyName; pKeyMacro->macroLen = pKeyMacroData->macroLen; if (pKeyMacroData->macroLen) MemCopy( pKeyMacro->keyMacro, pKeyMacroData->keyMacro, pKeyMacroData->macroLen * sizeof(KEYDEF) );
keysAddMacro( pKeyMacro ); }
EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); break;
case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break;
default: return FALSE; } break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Method:
// isAcceleratorKey
// Description:
// Checks if the key the user wants to define is already defined as a windows
// accelerator key.
// Arguments:
// aKey - The key to check
// aTableId - The id of the accelerator table
// Returns:
// True if the key is defined as an accelerator
// Throws:
// None
// Author: Dwayne M. Newsome, 06/09/1998
BOOL isAcceleratorKey( KEYDEF aKey, UINT aTableId ) { BOOL fIsAccelerator = FALSE; int iIndex; int iAcceleratorEntries; KEYDEF lKeyDef; ACCEL * pAccelerators;
HACCEL hAccel = LoadAccelerators( glblQueryDllHinst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE( aTableId ));
if ( hAccel != NULL ) { iAcceleratorEntries = CopyAcceleratorTable( hAccel, NULL, 0 ); pAccelerators = (ACCEL*)malloc( sizeof(ACCEL) * iAcceleratorEntries);
iAcceleratorEntries = CopyAcceleratorTable( hAccel, pAccelerators, iAcceleratorEntries );
for ( iIndex = 0; iIndex < iAcceleratorEntries; iIndex++ ) { lKeyDef = pAccelerators[iIndex].key;
if ( keysIsKeyHVK( lKeyDef ) ) { lKeyDef |= VIRTUAL_KEY; }
if ( pAccelerators[iIndex].fVirt & FALT ) { lKeyDef |= ALT_KEY; }
if ( pAccelerators[iIndex].fVirt & FCONTROL ) { lKeyDef |= CTRL_KEY; }
if ( pAccelerators[iIndex].fVirt & FSHIFT ) { lKeyDef |= SHIFT_KEY; }
if ( lKeyDef == aKey ) { fIsAccelerator = TRUE; break; } }
free( pAccelerators ); pAccelerators = NULL; }
return fIsAccelerator; }
// Function:
// isSystemKey
// Description:
// Checks if the key the user wants to define is already defined as a windows
// system key. Note I could not find any way to get this information out of
// the WIN32 API hence the hard coded table definition.
// Arguments:
// aKeyDef - The key the user wants to define.
// Returns:
// TRUE if the key is a windows system key.
// Author: Dwayne Newsome 10/08/96
BOOL isSystemKey( KEYDEF aKeyDef ) { int iIndex;
KEYDEF aKeyDefList[2]; BOOL fIsSystemKey = FALSE;
aKeyDefList[0] = VK_F4 | VIRTUAL_KEY | ALT_KEY; aKeyDefList[1] = VK_F4 | VIRTUAL_KEY | CTRL_KEY;
for ( iIndex = 0; iIndex < 2; iIndex++ ) { if ( aKeyDefList[iIndex] == aKeyDef ) { fIsSystemKey = TRUE; break; } }
return fIsSystemKey; }
// Method:
// validateKey
// Description:
// Arguments:
// pKeyMacro - pointer to the key to be validated
// hDlg - Parent dialog used for error messages
// Returns:
// True if the key is valid, false otherwise
// Throws:
// None
// Author: Dwayne M. Newsome, 06/09/1998
BOOL validateKey( keyMacro * pKeyMacro, HWND hDlg ) { TCHAR errorMsg[256]; TCHAR errorMsgFmt[256]; TCHAR msgTitle[100]; TCHAR keyName[35];
int lNameLen = 0;
KEYDEF aUserKey;
HWND keyNameEdit;
HEMU hEmu; HSESSION hSession;
// make sure a key has been entered
keyNameEdit = GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDC_EF_KEYS_KEYNAME ); lNameLen = SendMessage( keyNameEdit, EM_LINELENGTH, 0, 0 ); if ( lNameLen == 0 ) { LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_MISSING_KEY_MACRO, errorMsg, sizeof(errorMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_MB_TITLE_WARN, msgTitle, sizeof(msgTitle) / sizeof(TCHAR));
TimedMessageBox(hDlg, errorMsg, msgTitle, MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, 0);
return FALSE; }
// make sure the key specified is not a duplicate
if ( keysFindMacro( pKeyMacro ) >= 0 ) { LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_DUPLICATE_KEY_MACRO, errorMsgFmt, sizeof(errorMsgFmt) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_MB_TITLE_WARN, msgTitle, sizeof(msgTitle) / sizeof(TCHAR));
keysGetDisplayString( &pKeyMacro->keyName, 1, keyName, sizeof(keyName) ); wsprintf( errorMsg, errorMsgFmt, keyName ); TimedMessageBox(hDlg, errorMsg, msgTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, 0);
return FALSE; }
// warn user if the key specified is in use as a system key, emulator key or
// windows accelerator
hSession = pKeyMacro->hSession; assert(hSession);
hEmu = sessQueryEmuHdl(hSession); assert(hEmu);
aUserKey = pKeyMacro->keyName;
if (( isAcceleratorKey( aUserKey, IDA_WACKER )) || ( isSystemKey( aUserKey )) || ( emuIsEmuKey( hEmu, aUserKey ))) { LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_KEY_MACRO_REDEFINITION, errorMsgFmt, sizeof(errorMsgFmt) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_MB_TITLE_WARN, msgTitle, sizeof(msgTitle) / sizeof(TCHAR));
keysGetDisplayString( &aUserKey, 1, keyName, sizeof(keyName) ); wsprintf( errorMsg, errorMsgFmt, keyName ); if ( TimedMessageBox(hDlg, errorMsg, msgTitle, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, 0) == IDNO ) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }