/* File: C:\WACKER\TDLL\XFDSPDLG.C (Created: 10-Jan-1994)
* Created from: * File: C:\HA5G\ha5g\xfdspdlg.c (Created: 9-Oct-1992) * * Copyright 1990 by Hilgraeve Inc. -- Monroe, MI * All rights reserved * * $Revision: 9 $ * $Date: 10/12/01 5:19p $ */ #include <windows.h>
#pragma hdrstop
// #define DEBUGSTR 1
// As of 14-Apr-94 (build 89) still doesn't work
// As of the May Beta, it did work
#define DO_FM 1
#include <term\res.h>
#include <term\xfer_dlg.h>
#include "stdtyp.h"
#include "mc.h"
#include "tdll.h"
#include "htchar.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include <tdll\assert.h>
#include "session.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "xfer_msc.h"
#include "xfer_msc.hh"
#include "vu_meter.h"
#include <xfer\xfer.h>
#include "xfdspdlg.h"
#include "xfdspdlg.hh"
#if !defined(DlgParseCmd)
#define DlgParseCmd(i,n,c,w,l) i=LOWORD(w);n=HIWORD(w);c=(HWND)l;
struct stSaveDlgStuff { /*
* Put in whatever else you might need to access later */ HSESSION hSession; HWND hDlg; /* our window handle */
HBRUSH hBrush; /* background brush */
XD_TYPE *pstD; /* transfer and display data */
INT nIsCancelActive; /* flag for cancel option */ };
typedef struct stSaveDlgStuff SDS;
VOID PASCAL xfrDisplayFunc(SDS *pstL);
* FUNCTION: * XfrDisplayDlg * * DESCRIPTION: * This is the dialog function for the transfer display. It is a little bit * different in that it is a modeless dialog and it hangs around and shows * the status of a ongoing transfer. * * ARGUMENTS: Standard Windows dialog manager * * RETURNS: Standard Windows dialog manager * */ INT_PTR CALLBACK XfrDisplayDlg(HWND hDlg, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wPar, LPARAM lPar) { HWND hwndChild; INT nId; INT nNtfy; SDS *pS;
switch (wMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { LPTSTR acPtrs[3]; TCHAR acProto[64]; TCHAR acFmt[64]; TCHAR acName[128]; TCHAR acBuffer[256];
pS = (SDS *)malloc(sizeof(SDS)); if (pS == (SDS *)0) { /* TODO: decide if we need to display an error here */ EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); }
pS->hSession = (HSESSION)lPar; pS->hDlg = hDlg; pS->hBrush = 0; pS->pstD = (XD_TYPE *)sessQueryXferHdl(pS->hSession); pS->nIsCancelActive = 0;
// Make sure to set the loss of carrier flag to FALSE. REV: 08/23/2001
if (pS->pstD != (XD_TYPE *)0) { pS->pstD->nCarrierLost = FALSE; }
mscCenterWindowOnWindow(hDlg, sessQueryHwnd(pS->hSession));
* We need to set the title on the display */
{ int nIndex; int nState; XFR_PROTOCOL *pX; XFR_PARAMS *pP; /* This section is in braces because it may go into a function later */
pP = (XFR_PARAMS *)0; xfrQueryParameters(sessQueryXferHdl(pS->hSession), (VOID **)&pP); assert(pP);
if (pS->pstD->nDirection == XFER_RECV) nState = pP->nRecProtocol; else nState = pP->nSndProtocol;
pX = (XFR_PROTOCOL *)0; xfrGetProtocols(pS->hSession, &pX); assert(pX);
if (pX != (XFR_PROTOCOL *)0) { for (nIndex = 0; pX[nIndex].nProtocol != 0; nIndex += 1) { if (nState == pX[nIndex].nProtocol) { StrCharCopy(acProto, pX[nIndex].acName); break; } } free(pX); pX = NULL; } }
sessQueryName(pS->hSession, acName, sizeof(acName) / sizeof(TCHAR));
LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), (pS->pstD->nDirection == XFER_RECV) ? IDS_XD_RECV_TITLE : IDS_XD_SEND_TITLE, acFmt, sizeof(acFmt) / sizeof(TCHAR));
acPtrs[0] = acProto; acPtrs[1] = acName; acPtrs[2] = 0; #if defined(DO_FM)
FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, acFmt, 0, /* Message ID, ignored */ 0, /* also ignored */ acBuffer, /* result */ sizeof(acBuffer) / sizeof(TCHAR), (va_list *)&acPtrs[0]); #else
wsprintf(acBuffer, "%s transfer for %s", acPtrs[0], acPtrs[1]); #endif
SetWindowText(hDlg, acBuffer);
SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR)pS); } break;
case WM_CLOSE: { XD_TYPE *pX;
pS = (SDS *)GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER); assert(pS); pX = pS->pstD; assert(pX); if (pX) { pX->nUserCancel = XFER_ABORT; } } break;
case WM_DESTROY: pS = (SDS *)GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER); if (pS) { /* Free the storeage */ free(pS); pS = (SDS *)0; SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR)pS); } break;
case WM_DLG_TO_DISPLAY: // DbgOutStr("WM_DLG_TO_DISPLAY\r\n", 0,0,0,0,0);
switch(wPar) { case XFR_SINGLE_TO_DOUBLE: { HWND hwndOld; XD_TYPE *pX;
// DbgOutStr("XFR_SINGLE_TO_DOUBLE\r\n", 0,0,0,0,0);
pS = (SDS *)GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER); if (pS) { pX = pS->pstD; assert(pX);
if (pX->nExpanded) { break; }
pX->nExpanded = TRUE;
if (pX->nLgSingleTemplate == pX->nLgMultiTemplate) { break; }
/* Must actually need to change */
DbgOutStr("New Display!!!\r\n", 0,0,0,0,0);
hwndOld = pX->hwndXfrDisplay;
pX->hwndXfrDisplay = DoModelessDialog(glblQueryDllHinst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(pX->nLgMultiTemplate), sessQueryHwnd(pS->hSession), XfrDisplayDlg, (LPARAM)pS->hSession); assert(pX->hwndXfrDisplay);
//JMH 03-11-96: Originally PostMessage, but it turns out
// some of the flags could be updated and reset by the old
// progress dialog after they were set below. Changing this
// to SemdMessage forces the old dialog to end immediately.
PostMessage(sessQueryHwnd(pS->hSession), WM_SESS_ENDDLG, 0, (LPARAM)hwndOld);
pX->bChecktype = 1; pX->bErrorCnt = 1; pX->bPcktErrCnt = 1; pX->bLastErrtype = 1; pX->bTotalSoFar = 1; pX->bFileSize = 1; pX->bFileSoFar = 1; pX->bPacketNumber = 1; pX->bTotalCnt = 1; pX->bTotalSize = 1; pX->bFileCnt = 1; pX->bEvent = 1; pX->bStatus = 1; pX->bElapsedTime = 1; pX->bRemainingTime = 1; pX->bThroughput = 1; pX->bProtocol = 1; pX->bMessage = 1; pX->bOurName = 1; pX->bTheirName = 1;
// xfrDisplayFunc(pS);
PostMessage(pX->hwndXfrDisplay, WM_DLG_TO_DISPLAY, XFR_UPDATE_DLG, 0); } } break; case XFR_BUTTON_PUSHED: /* Probably not needed any more */ break; case XFR_UPDATE_DLG: // DbgOutStr("XFR_UPDATE_DLG\r\n", 0,0,0,0,0);
/* Update the display */ pS = (SDS *)GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER);
//assert(pS->pstD->bTheirName == 1);
if (pS) { xfrDisplayFunc(pS); } break; default: break; } break;
* Did we plan to put a macro in here to do the parsing ? */ DlgParseCmd(nId, nNtfy, hwndChild, wPar, lPar);
switch (nId) { case XFR_SHRINK: /* Not a feature in Lower Wacker */ break;
case XFR_SKIP: /* Only for some protocols */ { XD_TYPE *pX;
pS = (SDS *)GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER); assert(pS); pX = pS->pstD; assert(pX); if (pX) { pX->nUserCancel = XFER_SKIP; } } break;
// Added XFR_SHUTDOWN back in to allow the session to cancel
// (abort) the transfer when disconnecting. REV: 02/01/2001
case IDCANCEL: // go together. - mrw
{ XD_TYPE *pX;
pS = (SDS *)GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER); assert(pS); pX = pS->pstD; assert(pX); if (pX) { pX->nUserCancel = XFER_ABORT; } } break;
pS = (SDS *)GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER); assert(pS); if (pS) { pX = pS->pstD; assert(pX); if (pX) { pX->nCarrierLost = TRUE; } } } break;
case XFR_EXPAND: /* Not a feature in Lower Wacker */ break;
case XFR_CBPS: { XD_TYPE *pX;
pS = (SDS *)GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER); assert(pS); pX = pS->pstD; assert(pX); if (pX) { if (pX->nBps) { pX->nBps = FALSE; } else { pX->nBps = TRUE; } } } break;
default: return FALSE; } break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
* FUNCTION: * xfrDisplayFunc * * DESCRIPTION: * Multiplex timer callback routine used for transfer display * * ARGUMENTS: * DWORD dwData - double word data value passed thru timer * ULONG uTime - contains time elapsed. * * RETURNS: * TRUE always * */ VOID PASCAL xfrDisplayFunc(SDS *pstL) { XD_TYPE *pstD; HWND hwnd; UCHAR acBuffer[64];
pstD = pstL->pstD;
//assert(pstD->bTheirName == 1);
if (pstD->bTheirName) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_THEIR_NAME_BOX); if (hwnd) { SetWindowText(hwnd, pstD->acTheirName); pstD->bTheirName = 0; } }
if (pstD->bOurName) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_OUR_NAME_BOX); if (hwnd) { SetWindowText(hwnd, pstD->acOurName); pstD->bOurName = 0; } }
if (pstD->bTotalCnt) { if (pstD->wTotalCnt > 1) { assert(pstD->hwndXfrDisplay); if (pstD->hwndXfrDisplay) { PostMessage(pstD->hwndXfrDisplay, WM_DLG_TO_DISPLAY, XFR_SINGLE_TO_DOUBLE, 0L); pstD->bTotalCnt = 0; return; } } }
if (pstD->bFileCnt) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_FILES_BOX); if (hwnd) { TCHAR acMsg[64]; INT_PTR Args[2];
LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), pstD->wTotalCnt ? IDS_XD_I_OF_I : IDS_XD_ONLY_1, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR));
Args[0] = pstD->wFileCnt; Args[1] = pstD->wTotalCnt;
// Make sure to clear out the buffer.
TCHAR_Fill(acBuffer, TEXT('\0'), sizeof(acBuffer) / sizeof(TCHAR));
FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, acMsg, 0, 0, acBuffer, sizeof(acBuffer) / sizeof(TCHAR), (va_list *)Args);
//wsprintf(acBuffer, acMsg,
// pstD->wFileCnt,
// pstD->wTotalCnt);
if (pstD->wTotalCnt == 0) { wsprintf(acBuffer, "%d", pstD->wFileCnt); } else { wsprintf(acBuffer, "%d of %d", pstD->wFileCnt, pstD->wTotalCnt); } #endif
SetWindowText(hwnd, acBuffer); pstD->bFileCnt = 0; } }
if (pstD->bEvent) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_EVENT_BOX); if (hwnd) { TCHAR acMsg[64];
LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), xfrGetEventBase(sessQueryXferHdl(pstL->hSession)) + pstD->wEvent, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR)); SetWindowText(hwnd, acMsg); pstD->bEvent = 0; } }
if (pstD->bPacketNumber) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_PACKET_BOX); if (hwnd) { TCHAR acMsg[64];
LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_XD_INT, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR));
wsprintf(acBuffer, acMsg, pstD->lPacketNumber); SetWindowText(hwnd, acBuffer); pstD->bPacketNumber = 0; } }
if (pstD->bErrorCnt) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_RETRIES_BOX); if (hwnd) { TCHAR acMsg[64];
LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_XD_INT, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR));
wsprintf(acBuffer, acMsg, pstD->wErrorCnt); SetWindowText(hwnd, acBuffer); pstD->bErrorCnt = 0; } }
if (pstD->bStatus) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_STATUS_BOX); if (hwnd) { TCHAR acMsg[64];
LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), xfrGetStatusBase(sessQueryXferHdl(pstL->hSession)) + pstD->wStatus, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR)); SetWindowText(hwnd, acMsg); pstD->bStatus = 0; } }
if (pstD->bFileSize) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_FILE_METER); if (hwnd) { PostMessage(hwnd, WM_VU_SETMAXRANGE, 0, pstD->lFileSize); PostMessage(hwnd, WM_VU_SETCURVALUE, 0, 0L); } hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_FILE_SIZE_BOX); if (hwnd) { TCHAR acMsg[64];
LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_XD_KILO, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR));
wsprintf(acBuffer, acMsg, (UINT)((pstD->lFileSize + 1023) / 1024) ); SetWindowText(hwnd, acBuffer); } pstD->bFileSize = 0; }
if (pstD->bFileSoFar) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_FILE_METER); if (hwnd) { PostMessage(hwnd, WM_VU_SETCURVALUE, 0, pstD->lFileSoFar); }
hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_FILE_BOX); if (hwnd) { LPTSTR acPtrs[3]; TCHAR acNumF[8]; TCHAR acNum1[32]; TCHAR acNum2[32]; TCHAR acMsg[128]; // DbgOutStr("display filesofar %ld %ld 0x%lx\r\n",
// pstD->lFileSoFar, pstD->lFileSize, pstD, 0,0);
/* Changed to what follows for Internationalization */ LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), pstD->lFileSize ? IDS_XD_K_OF_K : IDS_XD_KILO, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR));
wsprintf(acBuffer, acMsg, (UINT)((pstD->lFileSoFar + 1023) / 1024), (UINT)((pstD->lFileSize + 1023) / 1024)); #endif
if (pstD->lFileSize) { LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_XD_K_OF_K, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_XD_INT, acNumF, sizeof(acNumF) / sizeof(TCHAR)); wsprintf(acNum1, acNumF, ((pstD->lFileSoFar + 1023) / 1024)); wsprintf(acNum2, acNumF, ((pstD->lFileSize + 1023) / 1024)); acPtrs[0] = acNum1; acPtrs[1] = acNum2; acPtrs[2] = NULL; #if defined(DO_FM)
FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, acMsg, 0, /* String ID, ignored */ 0, /* Also ignored */ acBuffer, sizeof(acBuffer) / sizeof(TCHAR), (va_list *)&acPtrs[0] ); #else
wsprintf(acBuffer, "%sK of %sK", acPtrs[0], acPtrs[1]); #endif
} else { LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_XD_KILO, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR));
wsprintf(acBuffer, acMsg, (UINT)((pstD->lFileSoFar + 1023) / 1024), (UINT)((pstD->lFileSize + 1023) / 1024)); } SetWindowText(hwnd, acBuffer); } pstD->bFileSoFar = 0; }
if (pstD->bTotalSoFar) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_TOTAL_METER); // DbgOutStr("TotalSoFar %ld 0x%x\r\n", pstD->lTotalSoFar, hwnd, 0,0,0);
if (hwnd) { PostMessage(hwnd, WM_VU_SETCURVALUE, 0, pstD->lTotalSoFar); }
hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_TOTAL_BOX); if (hwnd) { LPTSTR acPtrs[3]; TCHAR acNumF[8]; TCHAR acNum1[32]; TCHAR acNum2[32]; TCHAR acMsg[128]; // DbgOutStr("display totalsofar %ld %ld 0x%lx\r\n",
// pstD->lTotalSoFar, pstD->lTotalSize, pstD, 0,0);
/* Changed to what follows for Internationalization */ LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), pstD->lTotalSize ? IDS_XD_K_OF_K : IDS_XD_KILO, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR));
wsprintf(acBuffer, acMsg, (UINT)((pstD->lTotalSoFar + 1023) / 1024), (UINT)((pstD->lTotalSize + 1023) / 1024) ); #endif
if (pstD->lFileSize) { LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_XD_K_OF_K, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_XD_INT, acNumF, sizeof(acNumF) / sizeof(TCHAR)); wsprintf(acNum1, acNumF, ((pstD->lTotalSoFar + 1023) / 1024)); wsprintf(acNum2, acNumF, ((pstD->lTotalSize + 1023) / 1024)); acPtrs[0] = acNum1; acPtrs[1] = acNum2; acPtrs[2] = NULL; #if defined(DO_FM)
FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, acMsg, 0, /* String ID, ignored */ 0, /* Also ignored */ acBuffer, sizeof(acBuffer) / sizeof(TCHAR), (va_list *)&acPtrs[0] ); #else
wsprintf(acBuffer, "%sK of %sK", acPtrs[0], acPtrs[1]); #endif
} else { LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_XD_KILO, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR));
wsprintf(acBuffer, acMsg, (UINT)((pstD->lTotalSoFar + 1023) / 1024), (UINT)((pstD->lTotalSize + 1023) / 1024)); } SetWindowText(hwnd, acBuffer); }
if (pstD->lTotalSize != 0) { xfrSetPercentDone(sessQueryXferHdl(pstL->hSession), (int)((pstD->lTotalSoFar * 100L) / pstD->lTotalSize)); }
pstD->bTotalSoFar = 0; }
if (pstD->bTotalSize) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_TOTAL_METER); // DbgOutStr("TotalSize %ld 0x%x\r\n", pstD->lTotalSize, hwnd, 0,0,0);
if (hwnd) { PostMessage(hwnd, WM_VU_SETMAXRANGE, 0, pstD->lTotalSize); PostMessage(hwnd, WM_VU_SETCURVALUE, 0, 0L); pstD->bTotalSize = 0; } }
if (pstD->bElapsedTime) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_ELAPSED_BOX); if (hwnd) { wsprintf(acBuffer, " %02d:%02d:%02d", (USHORT)(pstD->lElapsedTime / 3600), (USHORT)((pstD->lElapsedTime / 60) % 60), (USHORT)(pstD->lElapsedTime % 60) ); SetWindowText(hwnd, acBuffer); pstD->bElapsedTime = 0; } }
if (pstD->bRemainingTime) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_REMAINING_BOX); if (hwnd) { if (pstD->lRemainingTime < 0) pstD->lRemainingTime = 0;
wsprintf(acBuffer, " %02d:%02d:%02d", (USHORT)(pstD->lRemainingTime / 3600), (USHORT)((pstD->lRemainingTime / 60) % 60), (USHORT)(pstD->lRemainingTime % 60) ); SetWindowText(hwnd, acBuffer); pstD->bRemainingTime = 0; } }
if (pstD->bThroughput) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_THRUPUT_BOX); if (hwnd) { int nValue; TCHAR acMsg[64];
LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), xfrGetXferDspBps(sessQueryXferHdl(pstL->hSession)) ? IDS_XD_BPS : IDS_XD_CPS, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR));
nValue = pstD->lThroughput; if (xfrGetXferDspBps(sessQueryXferHdl(pstL->hSession))) nValue *= 10;
wsprintf(acBuffer, acMsg, nValue);
SetWindowText(hwnd, acBuffer); pstD->bThroughput = 0; } }
if (pstD->bLastErrtype) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_LAST_ERROR_BOX); if (hwnd) { TCHAR acMsg[64];
LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), xfrGetStatusBase(sessQueryXferHdl(pstL->hSession)) + pstD->wLastErrtype, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR)); SetWindowText(hwnd, acMsg); pstD->bLastErrtype = 0; } }
if (pstD->bPcktErrCnt) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_PACKET_RETRY_BOX); if (hwnd) { TCHAR acMsg[64];
LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), IDS_XD_INT, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR));
wsprintf(acBuffer, acMsg, pstD->wPcktErrCnt);
SetWindowText(hwnd, acBuffer); pstD->bPcktErrCnt = 0; } }
if (pstD->bChecktype) { int nTag; TCHAR acMsg[64];
hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_ERROR_CHECKING_BOX); if (hwnd) { switch (pstD->wChecktype) { default: case 0: nTag = IDS_XD_CRC; break; case 1: nTag = IDS_XD_CHECK; break; case 2: nTag = IDS_XD_STREAM; break; } LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), nTag, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR));
SetWindowText(hwnd, acMsg); pstD->bChecktype = 0; } }
if (pstD->bProtocol) { int nTag; TCHAR acMsg[64];
hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_PROTOCOL_BOX); if (hwnd) { switch (pstD->uProtocol) { default: case 1: nTag = IDS_XD_CB; break; case 2: nTag = IDS_XD_BP; break; } LoadString(glblQueryDllHinst(), nTag, acMsg, sizeof(acMsg) / sizeof(TCHAR));
SetWindowText(hwnd, acMsg); pstD->bProtocol = 0; } }
if (pstD->bMessage) { hwnd = GetDlgItem(pstL->hDlg, XFR_MESSAGE_BOX); if (hwnd) { SetWindowText(hwnd, pstD->acMessage); pstD->bMessage = 0; } }
if (pstD->nClose) { HWND hWnd;
/* It's time to quit */
xfrSetPercentDone(sessQueryXferHdl(pstL->hSession), 0);
// We decided that the new way might be a bit safer
// EndModelessDialog(pstD->hwndXfrDisplay);
hWnd = pstD->hwndXfrDisplay; pstD->hwndXfrDisplay = (HWND)0;
PostMessage(sessQueryHwnd(pstL->hSession), WM_SESS_ENDDLG, 0, (LPARAM)hWnd); }