// saveimag.cpp
// implementation of saving a file to disk via an installed graphic filter
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "pbrush.h"
#include "pbrusdoc.h"
#include "bmobject.h"
#include "imgwnd.h"
#include "imgsuprt.h"
#include "loadimag.h"
#include "saveimag.h"
#include "bmpstrm.h"
#include "imaging.h"
#include <atlbase.h>
#ifdef _X86_
#define _USE_IFL_API
extern BOOL GetHandlerForFile(BOOL bImport,LPCSTR szFile, LPSTR szHandler, UINT cb); // defined in loadimag.cpp
inline RGBTRIPLE GetPalEntry(LPVOID lpPal3, BYTE index) { RGBTRIPLE rgb;
rgb.rgbtRed = ((RGBTRIPLE *)lpPal3 + index)->rgbtRed; rgb.rgbtGreen = ((RGBTRIPLE *)lpPal3 + index)->rgbtGreen; rgb.rgbtBlue = ((RGBTRIPLE *)lpPal3 + index)->rgbtBlue;
return rgb; }
inline void ConvertPalette(int bitCount, LPBYTE lpBuf, int width) { int j;
switch (bitCount) { case 4: for (j=0; j<width; j++) { *(lpBuf+(width-1-j)*2+1) = (*(lpBuf+width-1-j) & 0x0f); *(lpBuf+(width-1-j)*2) = (*(lpBuf+width-1-j) & 0xf0) >> 4; } break;
case 1: for (j=0; j<width; j++) { *(lpBuf+(width-1-j)*8+7) = (*(lpBuf+width-1-j) & 0x1); *(lpBuf+(width-1-j)*8+6) = (*(lpBuf+width-1-j) & 0x2) >> 1; *(lpBuf+(width-1-j)*8+5) = (*(lpBuf+width-1-j) & 0x4) >> 2; *(lpBuf+(width-1-j)*8+4) = (*(lpBuf+width-1-j) & 0x8) >> 3; *(lpBuf+(width-1-j)*8+3) = (*(lpBuf+width-1-j) & 0x10) >> 4; *(lpBuf+(width-1-j)*8+2) = (*(lpBuf+width-1-j) & 0x20) >> 5; *(lpBuf+(width-1-j)*8+1) = (*(lpBuf+width-1-j) & 0x40) >> 6; *(lpBuf+(width-1-j)*8) = (*(lpBuf+width-1-j) & 0x80) >> 7; } break;
default: // impossible!!!
break; } }
inline BYTE SearchPalette(COLORREF crColor, LPVOID lpPal3) { BYTE byRed = GetRValue( crTrans ); BYTE byGreen = GetGValue( crTrans ); BYTE byBlue = GetBValue( crTrans );
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PALETTE_COLORS; i++) { // note that we have to switch the colors back before
// attempting to compare them!!
if (byRed == ((RGBTRIPLE *)lpPal3 + i)->rgbtBlue && byGreen == ((RGBTRIPLE *)lpPal3 + i)->rgbtGreen && byBlue == ((RGBTRIPLE *)lpPal3 + i)->rgbtRed) return (BYTE)i; }
// shouldn't reach here!!
// (the color being searched must be in the palette)
return 0; }
BOOL SaveDIBToFileA( LPCSTR szFileName, REFGUID guidFormatID, CBitmapObj* pBitmap ) { IFLTYPE iflType;
if (guidFormatID == WiaImgFmt_GIF) { iflType = IFLT_GIF; } else if (guidFormatID == WiaImgFmt_BMP) { iflType = IFLT_BMP; } else if (guidFormatID == WiaImgFmt_JPEG) { iflType = IFLT_JPEG; } else if (guidFormatID == WiaImgFmt_TIFF) { iflType = IFLT_TIFF; } else if (guidFormatID == WiaImgFmt_PNG) { iflType = IFLT_PNG; } else if (guidFormatID == WiaImgFmt_PHOTOCD) { iflType = IFLT_PCD; } else { return FALSE; }
#ifdef _USE_IFL_API
IFLCLASS iflClass = (lpDib->biBitCount == 24) ? IFLCL_RGB : IFLCL_PALETTE; int iBPS = 8; // bits per sample
if (iflType == IFLT_JPEG) // force it to be RGB type, otherwise the JPEG filter won't take it
iflClass = IFLCL_RGB;
if (iflType == IFLT_GIF && iflClass == IFLCL_RGB) { GlobalUnlock(pBitmap->m_hThing);
// force it to be PALETTE type, otherwise the GIF filter won't take it
// Now convert the image from RGB to palette-based. Note that
// the call to DibFromBitmap() will allocate new memory!!
DWORD dwSize; lpDib = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) DibFromBitmap( pBitmap->m_pImg->hBitmap, BI_RGB, (WORD) iBPS, pBitmap->m_pImg->m_pPalette, NULL, dwSize, pBitmap->m_pImg->cXPelsPerMeter, pBitmap->m_pImg->cYPelsPerMeter);
if (lpDib == NULL) return FALSE; // memory allocation failed
// now replace the original
pBitmap->Free(); pBitmap->m_hThing = lpDib; pBitmap->m_lMemSize = dwSize; lpDib = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER) GlobalLock(pBitmap->m_hThing); }
IFLHANDLE iflHandle = iflCreateWriteHandle(lpDib->biWidth, lpDib->biHeight, iflClass, iBPS, iflCompression, iflType);
if (iflHandle == NULL) { GlobalUnlock(pBitmap->m_hThing); return FALSE; }
IFLERROR iflErr = iflOpen(iflHandle, (LPSTR)szFileName, IFLM_WRITE); if (iflErr != IFLERR_NONE) { iflFreeHandle(iflHandle); GlobalUnlock(pBitmap->m_hThing); return FALSE; }
DWORD dwHdrLen = lpHdr->biSize + PaletteSize((LPSTR)lpHdr);
LPBYTE hp = ((LPBYTE)lpDib) + dwHdrLen;
int iOutWidth = (lpDib->biBitCount == 24) ? lpDib->biWidth*3 : lpDib->biWidth*24/lpDib->biBitCount;
LPBYTE lpBuf = new BYTE[iOutWidth];
int i, j, k; BYTE byTemp; BOOL fFound;
// convert from pixels to bytes after rounding it up first
DWORD dwWidthInBytes = ((lpDib->biWidth * lpDib->biBitCount + 31) &~31) /8; if (iflClass == IFLCL_RGB) { // set the transparent color on demand and only if it's been set
if (g_bUseTrans && crTrans != TRANS_COLOR_NONE) // not default
{ IFLCOLOR iflTransColor;
iflTransColor.wRed = GetRValue( crTrans ); iflTransColor.wGreen = GetGValue( crTrans ); iflTransColor.wBlue = GetBValue( crTrans );
// ignore any error return (if a format doesn't support
// transparent color, so be it)
iflControl(iflHandle, IFLCMD_TRANS_RGB, 0, 0, &iflTransColor); }
if (lpDib->biBitCount == 24) { // we already have a RGB image, so just copy it out
LPBYTE lpBMP = hp + lpDib->biSizeImage - dwWidthInBytes;
for (i = 0; i < abs(lpDib->biHeight); lpBMP-=dwWidthInBytes, i++) { memcpy(lpBuf, lpBMP, iOutWidth);
// need to swap RED with BLUE for export
for (j = 0; j < iOutWidth; j+=3) { byTemp = *(lpBuf+j); *(lpBuf+j) = *(lpBuf+j+2); *(lpBuf+j+2) = byTemp; }
// write out one line at a time
iflWrite(iflHandle, lpBuf, 1); } } else { // need to convert from palatte color
LPRGBQUAD lpPal4 = (LPRGBQUAD)((LPBYTE)lpDib + lpDib->biSize); for (i = 0; i < MAX_PALETTE_COLORS; i++) { Pal3[i].rgbtRed = (lpPal4+i)->rgbBlue; Pal3[i].rgbtGreen = (lpPal4+i)->rgbGreen; Pal3[i].rgbtBlue = (lpPal4+i)->rgbRed; }
LPBYTE lpBMP = hp + lpDib->biSizeImage - dwWidthInBytes;
for (i = 0; i < abs(lpDib->biHeight); lpBMP-=dwWidthInBytes, i++) { memcpy(lpBuf, lpBMP, lpDib->biWidth);
if (lpDib->biBitCount != 8) ConvertPalette(lpDib->biBitCount, lpBuf, lpDib->biWidth);
for (j = 0; j < lpDib->biWidth; j++) { ((RGBTRIPLE *)(lpBuf+(lpDib->biWidth-j-1)*3))->rgbtRed = GetPalEntry(&Pal3, *(lpBuf+lpDib->biWidth-j-1)).rgbtRed; ((RGBTRIPLE *)(lpBuf+(lpDib->biWidth-j-1)*3))->rgbtGreen = GetPalEntry(&Pal3, *(lpBuf+lpDib->biWidth-j-1)).rgbtGreen; ((RGBTRIPLE *)(lpBuf+(lpDib->biWidth-j-1)*3))->rgbtBlue = GetPalEntry(&Pal3, *(lpBuf+lpDib->biWidth-j-1)).rgbtBlue; }
// write out one line at a time
iflWrite(iflHandle, lpBuf, 1); } } } else if (iflClass == IFLCL_PALETTE) { // first, get the color palette straight...
if (PaletteSize((LPSTR)lpDib) != 0) { // we have one available, so just copy it out...
// but not before we swap the RGB values first
LPRGBQUAD lpPal4 = (LPRGBQUAD)((LPBYTE)lpDib + lpDib->biSize); for (i = 0; i < MAX_PALETTE_COLORS; i++) { Pal3[i].rgbtRed = (lpPal4+i)->rgbBlue; Pal3[i].rgbtGreen = (lpPal4+i)->rgbGreen; Pal3[i].rgbtBlue = (lpPal4+i)->rgbRed; } iflControl(iflHandle, IFLCMD_PALETTE, 0, 0, &Pal3);
if (g_bUseTrans) { BYTE byTransIdx = SearchPalette(crTrans, &Pal3); iflControl(iflHandle, IFLCMD_TRANS_IDX, 0, 0, &byTransIdx); }
LPBYTE lpBMP = hp + lpDib->biSizeImage - dwWidthInBytes;
for (i = 0; i < abs(lpDib->biHeight); lpBMP-=dwWidthInBytes, i++) { memcpy(lpBuf, lpBMP, lpDib->biWidth);
if (lpDib->biBitCount != 8) ConvertPalette(lpDib->biBitCount, lpBuf, lpDib->biWidth);
// write out one line at a time
iflWrite(iflHandle, lpBuf, 1); } } else { // we have to create our own palette...
for (i = 0, k = 0; i < (int)lpDib->biSizeImage; i+=3) { fFound = FALSE; for (j = 0; j < MAX_PALETTE_COLORS; j++) if (Pal3[j].rgbtRed == ((RGBTRIPLE *)(hp+i))->rgbtRed && Pal3[j].rgbtGreen == ((RGBTRIPLE *)(hp+i))->rgbtGreen && Pal3[j].rgbtBlue == ((RGBTRIPLE *)(hp+i))->rgbtBlue) { fFound = TRUE; break; }
if (!fFound && k < MAX_PALETTE_COLORS) { Pal3[k].rgbtRed = ((RGBTRIPLE *)(hp+i))->rgbtRed; Pal3[k].rgbtGreen = ((RGBTRIPLE *)(hp+i))->rgbtGreen; Pal3[k].rgbtBlue = ((RGBTRIPLE *)(hp+i))->rgbtBlue; k++; }
if (k >= MAX_PALETTE_COLORS) // we have already filled every palette entry
break; } iflControl(iflHandle, IFLCMD_PALETTE, 0, 0, &Pal3);
LPBYTE lpBMP = hp + lpDib->biSizeImage - dwWidthInBytes; for (i = 0; i < abs(lpDib->biHeight); lpBMP-=dwWidthInBytes, i++) { memcpy(lpBuf, lpBMP, lpDib->biWidth);
for (j = 0; j < lpDib->biWidth; j+=3) { fFound = FALSE; for (k = 0; k < MAX_PALETTE_COLORS; k++) { if (*(lpBuf+j) == Pal3[k].rgbtRed && *(lpBuf+j+1) == Pal3[k].rgbtGreen && *(lpBuf+j+2) == Pal3[k].rgbtBlue) { fFound = TRUE; *(lpBuf+j/3) = (BYTE) k; break; } }
// if (!fFound)
// *(lpBuf+j/3) = 255;
// write out one line at a time
iflWrite(iflHandle, lpBuf, 1); } } } else ; // currently not supported
delete [] lpBuf;
iflClose(iflHandle); iflFreeHandle(iflHandle);
// now update the image by loading the file just exported
HGLOBAL hNewDib = LoadDIBFromFile(A2CT(szFileName), &theApp.m_guidFltTypeUsed); pBitmap->ReadResource(hNewDib);
theApp.m_sCurFile = szFileName; return TRUE; #endif // _USE_IFL_API
return FALSE; }
BOOL SaveDIBGdiplus(LPCTSTR szFileName, REFGUID guidFormatID, CBitmapObj* pBitmap) { // find a suitable export filter
CLSID ClsidEncoder;
if (GetClsidOfEncoder(guidFormatID, &ClsidEncoder)) { // create a stream that emulates a bmp file
CComPtr<CBmpStream> pStream; if (CBmpStream::Create(&pStream) == S_OK) { pStream->SetBuffer(pBitmap->m_hThing, pBitmap->m_lMemSize, pBitmap->m_dwOffBits);
// create the GDI+ object
Gdiplus::Bitmap image(pStream);
if (image.GetLastStatus() == Gdiplus::Ok) { // let GDI+ export the file
if (image.Save(T2CW(szFileName), &ClsidEncoder, 0) == Gdiplus::Ok) { // now update the image by loading the file just exported
HGLOBAL hNewDib = LoadDIBFromFile(szFileName, &theApp.m_guidFltTypeUsed);
theApp.m_sCurFile = szFileName;
return TRUE; } } } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL SaveDIBToFile(LPCTSTR szFileName, REFGUID guidFormatID, CBitmapObj* pBitmap) { // Try GDI+ filters first. If it fails to convert the image or
// if it's not available, try the old method
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
if (theApp.GdiplusInit.StartupStatus == Gdiplus::Ok) { __try { bResult = SaveDIBGdiplus(szFileName, guidFormatID, pBitmap); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } }
if (!bResult) { USES_CONVERSION;
bResult = SaveDIBToFileA(T2CA(szFileName), guidFormatID, pBitmap); }
return bResult; }