// srvritem.cpp : implementation of the CPBSrvrItem class
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "pbrush.h"
#include "pbrusdoc.h"
#include "pbrusfrm.h"
#include "pbrusvw.h"
#include "srvritem.h"
#include "bmobject.h"
#include "docking.h"
#include "minifwnd.h"
#include "imgwnd.h"
#include "imgsuprt.h"
#include "imgcolor.h"
#include "tracker.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static CHAR BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#include "memtrace.h"
/***************************************************************************/ // CPBSrvrItem implementation
CPBSrvrItem::CPBSrvrItem( CPBDoc* pContainerDoc, CBitmapObj* pBM ) : COleServerItem( pContainerDoc, TRUE ) { if (pBM) { m_pBitmapObj = pBM; } else { pBM = pContainerDoc->m_pBitmapObj;
m_pBitmapObj = NULL; }
if (pBM && pBM->m_pImg) { COleDataSource* oleDataSrc = GetDataSource();
// support CF_DIB format
oleDataSrc->DelayRenderFileData( CF_DIB ); oleDataSrc->DelayRenderData( CF_BITMAP );
if (pBM->m_pImg->m_pPalette != NULL) { oleDataSrc->DelayRenderData( CF_PALETTE ); } } }
CPBSrvrItem::~CPBSrvrItem() { // TODO: add cleanup code here
if (m_pBitmapObj) { delete m_pBitmapObj; } }
void CPBSrvrItem::Serialize(CArchive& ar) { // CPBSrvrItem::Serialize will be called by the framework if
// the item is copied to the clipboard. This can happen automatically
// through the OLE callback OnGetClipboardData. A good default for
// the embedded item is simply to delegate to the document's Serialize
// function. If you support links, then you will want to serialize
// just a portion of the document.
// IsLinkedItem always returns TRUE even though we don't support links,
// so I am just removing the check
// if (! IsLinkedItem())
{ CPBDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc);
CBitmapObj* pBMCur = m_pBitmapObj ? m_pBitmapObj : pDoc->m_pBitmapObj; CBitmapObj* pBMNew = m_pBitmapObj ? m_pBitmapObj : pDoc->m_pBitmapObjNew;
pDoc->SerializeBitmap( ar, pBMCur, pBMNew, TRUE ); } }
BOOL CPBSrvrItem::OnGetExtent(DVASPECT dwDrawAspect, CSize& rSize) { // Most applications, like this one, only handle drawing the content
// aspect of the item. If you wish to support other aspects, such
// as DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL (by overriding OnDrawEx), then this
// implementation of OnGetExtent should be modified to handle the
// additional aspect(s).
if (dwDrawAspect != DVASPECT_CONTENT) return COleServerItem::OnGetExtent(dwDrawAspect, rSize);
// CPBSrvrItem::OnGetExtent is called to get the extent in
// HIMETRIC units of the entire item. The default implementation
// here simply returns a hard-coded number of units.
CPBDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
CBitmapObj* pBM = m_pBitmapObj ? m_pBitmapObj : pDoc->m_pBitmapObj;
if (pBM != NULL && pBM->m_pImg != NULL) { //
// What was the padding for?
rSize.cx = pBM->m_pImg->cxWidth ;// + GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXBORDER ) + CTracker::HANDLE_SIZE * 2;
rSize.cy = pBM->m_pImg->cyHeight;// + GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYBORDER ) + CTracker::HANDLE_SIZE * 2;
CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle( pBM->m_pImg->hDC );
if (pDC != NULL) { pDC->DPtoHIMETRIC( &rSize ); } else /* punt */ { rSize.cx = (int)(((long)rSize.cx * 10000L) / (long)theApp.ScreenDeviceInfo.ixPelsPerDM); rSize.cy = (int)(((long)rSize.cy * 10000L) / (long)theApp.ScreenDeviceInfo.iyPelsPerDM); } } else rSize = CSize( 3000, 3000 );
return TRUE; }
BOOL CPBSrvrItem::OnSetExtent( DVASPECT nDrawAspect, const CSize& size ) { TRACE( TEXT("MSPaint OnSetExtent %d %d\n"), size.cx, size.cy );
return COleServerItem::OnSetExtent( nDrawAspect, size ); }
void CPBSrvrItem::OnOpen() { CPBDoc* pDoc = (CPBDoc*)GetDocument();
if (theApp.m_bLinked) { theApp.m_bHidden = FALSE;
if (g_pDragBrushWnd != NULL) HideBrush();
g_pDragBrushWnd = NULL; g_pMouseImgWnd = NULL; fDraggingBrush = FALSE;
POSITION pos = pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition(); CPBView* pView = (CPBView*)(pDoc->GetNextView( pos ));
if (pView != NULL) { pView->SetTools(); } } COleServerItem::OnOpen(); }
void CPBSrvrItem::OnShow() { theApp.m_bHidden = FALSE;
COleServerItem::OnShow(); }
void CPBSrvrItem::OnHide() { theApp.m_bHidden = TRUE;
g_pMouseImgWnd = NULL;
if (g_pDragBrushWnd != NULL) HideBrush();
COleServerItem::OnHide(); }
BOOL CPBSrvrItem::OnDraw(CDC* pDC, CSize& rSize) { CPBDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
CBitmapObj* pBM = m_pBitmapObj ? m_pBitmapObj : pDoc->m_pBitmapObj;
if (pBM != NULL) { CDC* pDCBitmap = CDC::FromHandle( pBM->m_pImg->hDC );
if (pDCBitmap != NULL) { CSize size( pBM->m_pImg->cxWidth, pBM->m_pImg->cyHeight );
size.cy = -size.cy;
pDC->SetMapMode ( MM_ANISOTROPIC ); pDC->SetWindowExt( size ); pDC->SetWindowOrg( 0, 0 );
CPalette* ppalOld = NULL;
if (pBM->m_pImg->m_pPalette != NULL) { ppalOld = pDC->SelectPalette( pBM->m_pImg->m_pPalette, FALSE ); // Background ??
pDC->RealizePalette(); }
pDC->StretchBlt( 0, 0, size.cx, size.cy, pDCBitmap, 0, 0, pBM->m_pImg->cxWidth, pBM->m_pImg->cyHeight, SRCCOPY );
if (pBM->m_pImg->m_pPalette != NULL) pDC->SelectPalette( ppalOld, FALSE ); // Background ??
} } return TRUE; }
COleDataSource* CPBSrvrItem::OnGetClipboardData( BOOL bIncludeLink, CPoint* pptOffset, CSize *pSize ) { ASSERT_VALID( this );
COleDataSource* pDataSource = new COleDataSource;
TRY { GetClipboardData( pDataSource, bIncludeLink, pptOffset, pSize ); } CATCH_ALL( e ) { delete pDataSource;
ASSERT_VALID( pDataSource );
return pDataSource; }
BOOL CPBSrvrItem::OnRenderGlobalData( LPFORMATETC lpFormatEtc, HGLOBAL* phGlobal ) { ASSERT( lpFormatEtc != NULL );
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
CPBDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
CBitmapObj* pBM = m_pBitmapObj ? m_pBitmapObj : pDoc->m_pBitmapObj;
if ((lpFormatEtc->cfFormat == CF_BITMAP || lpFormatEtc->cfFormat == CF_PALETTE) && pBM != NULL) { if (lpFormatEtc->cfFormat == CF_BITMAP) { } else // CF_PALETTE
{ } } else bResult = COleServerItem::OnRenderGlobalData( lpFormatEtc, phGlobal );
return bResult; }
BOOL CPBSrvrItem::OnRenderFileData( LPFORMATETC lpFormatEtc, CFile* pFile ) { ASSERT( lpFormatEtc != NULL );
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
CPBDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
CBitmapObj* pBM = m_pBitmapObj ? m_pBitmapObj : pDoc->m_pBitmapObj;
if (lpFormatEtc->cfFormat == CF_DIB && pBM != NULL) { TRY { // save as dib
pBM->SaveResource( FALSE ); pBM->WriteResource( pFile, CBitmapObj::rtDIB ); bResult = TRUE; } CATCH( CFileException, ex ) { theApp.SetFileError( IDS_ERROR_SAVE, ex->m_cause ); return FALSE; } END_CATCH } else bResult = COleServerItem::OnRenderFileData( lpFormatEtc, pFile );
return bResult; }
/***************************************************************************/ // CPBSrvrItem diagnostics
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CPBSrvrItem::AssertValid() const { COleServerItem::AssertValid(); }
void CPBSrvrItem::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { COleServerItem::Dump(dc); } #endif