#include "stdafx.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "pbrush.h"
#include "sprite.h"
#include "tracker.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#include "memtrace.h"
// FUTURE: Make these static to CTracker!
CBitmap NEAR g_bmapDragHandle; // Handle for the drag handle bitmap.
CBitmap NEAR g_bmapDragHandle2; // Handle for hollow drag handle bitmap.
// These are the bitmaps arrays used for tracker borders and the dotted
// drag rectangles.
static unsigned short bmapHorizBorder[] = { 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xF0 };
static unsigned short bmapVertBorder [] = { 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA };
static CBrush NEAR brushHorizBorder; static CBrush NEAR brushVertBorder; static CBitmap NEAR bitmapHorizBorder; static CBitmap NEAR bitmapVertBorder;
static HCURSOR hcurArrow = NULL; // System "Select Arrow" cursor.
static HCURSOR hcurMove = NULL; // System "Move" cursor.
static HCURSOR hcurSizeNESW = NULL; // System sizing "NESW" cursor.
static HCURSOR hcurSizeNS = NULL; // System sizing "NS" cursor.
static HCURSOR hcurSizeNWSE = NULL; // System sizing "NWSE" cursor.
static HCURSOR hcurSizeWE = NULL; // System sizing "WE" cursor.
static HCURSOR hcurDragTool;
// This array of hCursors is used to map tracker states (see the definition
// of CTracker in editor.hxx) to the appropriate mouse cursor bitmaps.
static HCURSOR* mapTrackerStateToPHCursor[] = { &hcurArrow, // nil
&hcurArrow, // predrag
&hcurMove, // moving
&hcurSizeNS, // resizingTop
&hcurSizeWE, // resizingLeft
&hcurSizeWE, // resizingRight
&hcurSizeNS, // resizingBottom
&hcurSizeNWSE, // resizingTopLeft
&hcurSizeNESW, // resizingTopRight
&hcurSizeNESW, // resizingBottomLeft
&hcurSizeNWSE, // resizingBottomRight
HCURSOR HCursorFromTrackerState( int m ) { ASSERT(m >= 0 && m < sizeof (mapTrackerStateToPHCursor) / sizeof (HCURSOR*)); return (*(mapTrackerStateToPHCursor[m])); }
/* RVUV2
* * This code needs to be called, just once, before we begin to use * trackers. In lieu of a standard initialization function into which * I can put this code, I am using a moduleInit variable as a kludge. */
BOOL moduleInit = FALSE; /** RVUV2 temporary! **/
BOOL InitTrackers() { /*
* Initialize the brushes and bitmaps needed to do repaints */
if (! bitmapHorizBorder.CreateBitmap( 8, 8, 1, 1, (LPSTR)bmapHorizBorder ) || ! bitmapVertBorder.CreateBitmap ( 8, 8, 1, 1, (LPSTR)bmapVertBorder ) || ! brushHorizBorder.CreatePatternBrush( &bitmapHorizBorder ) || ! brushVertBorder.CreatePatternBrush ( &bitmapVertBorder ) || ! g_bmapDragHandle.LoadBitmap ( IDBM_DRAGHANDLE ) || ! g_bmapDragHandle2.LoadBitmap( IDBM_DRAGHANDLE2 )) { // Future: Failure here should cause error in opening dialog resource!
theApp.SetMemoryEmergency( FALSE ); return FALSE; }
hcurArrow = theApp.LoadStandardCursor( IDC_ARROW ); hcurMove = theApp.LoadCursor( IDCUR_MOVE ); hcurSizeNESW = theApp.LoadCursor( IDCUR_SIZENESW ); hcurSizeNS = theApp.LoadCursor( IDCUR_SIZENS ); hcurSizeNWSE = theApp.LoadCursor( IDCUR_SIZENWSE ); hcurSizeWE = theApp.LoadCursor( IDCUR_SIZEWE );
hcurDragTool = ::LoadCursor( AfxGetInstanceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDC_DRAGTOOL ));
moduleInit = TRUE;
return TRUE; }
void CTracker::CleanUpTracker() { brushHorizBorder.DeleteObject(); brushVertBorder.DeleteObject();
bitmapHorizBorder.DeleteObject(); bitmapVertBorder.DeleteObject();
g_bmapDragHandle.DeleteObject(); g_bmapDragHandle2.DeleteObject(); }
/***************************************************************************/ // NOTE: The rect passed in here is the inner-most rect of the tracker!
CTracker::STATE CTracker::HitTest( const CRect& rc, CPoint pt, STATE defaultState ) { /*
* Compute position of edge (non-corner) handles */ int xMid = ((rc.right + rc.left) / 2) - (HANDLE_SIZE / 2); int yMid = ((rc.top + rc.bottom) / 2) - (HANDLE_SIZE / 2);
* Now we do the actual hit-testing for each resizing handle */ if ((pt.x < rc.left) && (pt.x > rc.left - HANDLE_SIZE)) { if ((pt.y < rc.top) && (pt.y > rc.top - HANDLE_SIZE)) return(resizingTopLeft); else if ((pt.y >= rc.bottom) && (pt.y < rc.bottom + HANDLE_SIZE)) return(resizingBottomLeft); else if ( (pt.y >= yMid) && (pt.y < yMid + HANDLE_SIZE) ) return(resizingLeft); } else if ((pt.x >= rc.right) && (pt.x < rc.right + HANDLE_SIZE)) { if ((pt.y < rc.top) && (pt.y > rc.top - HANDLE_SIZE)) return(resizingTopRight); else if ((pt.y >= rc.bottom) && (pt.y < rc.bottom + HANDLE_SIZE)) return(resizingBottomRight); else if ((pt.y >= yMid) && (pt.y < yMid + HANDLE_SIZE)) return(resizingRight); } else if ( (pt.x >= xMid) && (pt.x < xMid + HANDLE_SIZE) ) { if ((pt.y < rc.top) && (pt.y > rc.top - HANDLE_SIZE)) return(resizingTop); else if ((pt.y >= rc.bottom) && (pt.y < rc.bottom + HANDLE_SIZE)) return(resizingBottom); }
return (defaultState); }
void CTracker::DrawBorder( CDC* dc, const CRect& trackerRect, EDGES edges ) { if (! moduleInit) InitTrackers(); // RVUV2
// Some precalculation for drawing the fuzzy borders
int width = trackerRect.Width(); int height = trackerRect.Height(); int borderWidth = HANDLE_SIZE; int xLength = width - HANDLE_SIZE * 2; int xHeight = height - HANDLE_SIZE * 2; int xRight = trackerRect.left + width - HANDLE_SIZE; int yBottom = trackerRect.top + height - HANDLE_SIZE; int iOffset = 1;
// Draw the fuzzy borders. Note that we have different bitmaps for
// the vertical and horizontal borders.
COLORREF windowColor = GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ); COLORREF highlightColor = GetSysColor( COLOR_HIGHLIGHT );
dc->SetTextColor( windowColor ); // colors reversed to adjust for
dc->SetBkColor ( highlightColor ); // patblt's reversed world view.
CBrush* oldBrush = dc->SelectObject( &brushHorizBorder );
if (! (edges & top)) { dc->SelectObject( GetSysBrush( COLOR_APPWORKSPACE ) ); iOffset = 0; }
dc->PatBlt( trackerRect.left + HANDLE_SIZE, trackerRect.top + iOffset, xLength, borderWidth - 2 * iOffset, PATCOPY ); dc->PatBlt( trackerRect.left + HANDLE_SIZE, yBottom + iOffset, xLength, borderWidth - 2 * iOffset, PATCOPY );
iOffset = 1;
// dc->SelectObject( &brushVertBorder );
if (! (edges & left)) { dc->SelectObject( GetSysBrush( COLOR_APPWORKSPACE ) ); iOffset = 0; }
dc->PatBlt( xRight + iOffset, trackerRect.top + HANDLE_SIZE, borderWidth - 2 * iOffset, xHeight, PATCOPY ); dc->PatBlt( trackerRect.left + iOffset, trackerRect.top + HANDLE_SIZE, borderWidth - 2 * iOffset, xHeight, PATCOPY );
dc->SelectObject( oldBrush ); // clean up
void CTracker::DrawHandles( CDC* dc, const CRect& rect, EDGES edges ) { /*
* Some precalculation for tracker handles. The bitmaps are colored, * but the function that loads them adds the windowColor and * selectionColor. */ int x = rect.left + rect.Width() - HANDLE_SIZE; int y = rect.top + rect.Height() - HANDLE_SIZE; int xMid = rect.left + (((rect.Width() + 1) / 2) - (HANDLE_SIZE / 2)); int yMid = rect.top + (((rect.Height() + 1) / 2) - (HANDLE_SIZE / 2));
BOOL bTopLeft = (edges & top ) && (edges & left ); BOOL bTopRight = (edges & top ) && (edges & right); BOOL bBottomLeft = (edges & bottom) && (edges & left ); BOOL bBottomRight = (edges & bottom) && (edges & right); /*
* Choose a solid resizing handle if this is the currently selected * control, otherwise choose a hollow tracker handle. */ CDC tempDC;
if (!tempDC.CreateCompatibleDC(dc)) { theApp.SetGdiEmergency(); return; } /*
* Draw the eight resizing handles. */ dc->SetTextColor( GetSysColor( COLOR_HIGHLIGHT ) ); dc->SetBkColor ( GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ) );
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i += 1) { CBitmap* pOldBitmap = tempDC.SelectObject( i? &g_bmapDragHandle2 : &g_bmapDragHandle ); if (bTopLeft) dc->BitBlt(rect.left, rect.top, HANDLE_SIZE, HANDLE_SIZE, &tempDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); if (edges & top) dc->BitBlt(xMid, rect.top, HANDLE_SIZE, HANDLE_SIZE, &tempDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); if (bTopRight) dc->BitBlt(x, rect.top, HANDLE_SIZE, HANDLE_SIZE, &tempDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); if (edges & right) dc->BitBlt(x, yMid, HANDLE_SIZE, HANDLE_SIZE, &tempDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); if (bBottomRight) dc->BitBlt(x, y, HANDLE_SIZE, HANDLE_SIZE, &tempDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); if (edges & bottom) dc->BitBlt(xMid, y, HANDLE_SIZE, HANDLE_SIZE, &tempDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); if (bBottomLeft) dc->BitBlt(rect.left, y, HANDLE_SIZE, HANDLE_SIZE, &tempDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); if (edges & left) dc->BitBlt(rect.left, yMid, HANDLE_SIZE, HANDLE_SIZE, &tempDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
edges = (EDGES)~(int)edges; bTopLeft = !bTopLeft; bTopRight = !bTopRight; bBottomLeft = !bBottomLeft; bBottomRight = !bBottomRight;
tempDC.SelectObject(pOldBitmap); } }
void CTracker::DrawBorderRgn( CDC* pdc, const CRect& trackerRect, CRgn *pcRgnPoly) { int ixOffset, iyOffset;
if (! moduleInit) { InitTrackers(); // RVUV2
COLORREF windowColor = GetSysColor( COLOR_WINDOW ); COLORREF highlightColor = GetSysColor( COLOR_HIGHLIGHT );
pdc->SetTextColor( windowColor ); // colors reversed to adjust for
pdc->SetBkColor ( highlightColor ); // patblt's reversed world view.
ixOffset = trackerRect.left + CTracker::HANDLE_SIZE + 1; iyOffset = trackerRect.top + CTracker::HANDLE_SIZE + 1;
// offset bitmap in the imgwnd from selection boundary
if (pcRgnPoly != NULL && pcRgnPoly->GetSafeHandle() != NULL) { pcRgnPoly->OffsetRgn( ixOffset, iyOffset );
pdc->FrameRgn( pcRgnPoly, &brushVertBorder, 1, 1 );
pcRgnPoly->OffsetRgn( -ixOffset, -iyOffset ); } }
void CTracker::DrawHandlesRgn( CDC* dc, const CRect& rect, EDGES edges, CRgn *pcRgnPoly) { /*
* Some precalculation for tracker handles. The bitmaps are colored, * but the function that loads them adds the windowColor and * selectionColor. */ }
CTracker::STATE CTracker::HitTestRgn( const CRect& rc, CPoint pt, STATE defaultState, CRgn *pcRgnPoly) { // if (pcRgnPoly->PtInRegion(pt) != FALSE)
return (defaultState); }