// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1995.
// File: cache.cxx
// Contents: Functions to manage a cache of shares
// History: 11-Apr-95 BruceFo Created
// 21-Aug-95 BruceFo Created CShareCache class to clean up
// resource usage of resources protected
// by critical section.
#include "headers.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "critsec.hxx"
#include "cache.hxx"
#include "dllmain.hxx"
#include "shrinfo.hxx"
#include "strhash.hxx"
#include "util.hxx"
#if DBG == 1
VOID DumpNetEnum( IN LPVOID pBufShares, IN ULONG entriesRead ); #endif // DBG == 1
CShareCache g_ShareCache; // the main share cache
// Member: CShareCache::CShareCache
// Synopsis: Constructor.
// History: 21-Aug-95 BruceFo Created
CShareCache::CShareCache( VOID ) : m_cShares(0), m_pBufShares(NULL), m_pHash(NULL) { InitializeCriticalSection(&m_csBuf); }
// Member: CShareCache::~CShareCache
// Synopsis: Destructor
// History: 21-Aug-95 BruceFo Created
CShareCache::~CShareCache() { Delete(); DeleteCriticalSection(&m_csBuf); }
// Member: CShareCache::Delete
// Synopsis: Gets rid of cached memory.
// History: 21-Aug-95 BruceFo Created
VOID CShareCache::Delete( VOID ) { CTakeCriticalSection t(&m_csBuf); if (NULL != m_pBufShares) { NetApiBufferFree(m_pBufShares); } m_pBufShares = NULL; delete m_pHash; m_pHash = NULL; m_cShares = 0; }
// Member: CShareCache::IsPathShared
// Synopsis: See ::IsPathShared.
// History: 21-Aug-95 BruceFo Created
BOOL CShareCache::IsPathShared( LPCTSTR lpPath, BOOL fRefresh ) { BOOL bOldSharingEnabled = g_fSharingEnabled; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
{ // scope the critical section taking
CTakeCriticalSection t(&m_csBuf);
// For plug and play: if the server service starts
// or stops, we get a refresh call. If sharing is not currently
// enabled but a refresh is request, see if sharing has just become
// available.
if (fRefresh) { appDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "Forced cache refresh!\n"));
RefreshNoCritSec(); }
if (CacheOK()) { appAssert(NULL != m_pHash); bRet = m_pHash->IsMember(lpPath); } else { // the server doesn't seem to be running...
bRet = FALSE; } }
if (bOldSharingEnabled != g_fSharingEnabled) { // The server either came up or went down, and we refreshed based on
// that fact. Force the shell/explorer to redraw *all* views.
appDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "Forcing the shell to redraw *all* views!\n"));
return bRet; }
// Member: CShareCache::Refresh
// Synopsis: Refreshes the cache of shares
// History: 21-Aug-95 BruceFo Created
// Note: Sets g_fSharingEnabled
VOID CShareCache::Refresh( VOID ) { CTakeCriticalSection t(&m_csBuf); RefreshNoCritSec(); }
// in:
// pShare share to inspect
// bIncludeHidden -> admin shares (X$, ADMIN$) will not be skipped
// otherwise they are included
BOOL ShouldSkipShare(SHARE_INFO_502* pShare, BOOL bIncludeHidden) { // needs to have an associated path
// needs to be STYPE_DISK (to skip IPC$)
// STYPE_SPECIAL indicates hidden admin share
return (pShare->shi502_path == NULL) || (pShare->shi502_path[0] == 0) || ((pShare->shi502_type & ~STYPE_SPECIAL) != STYPE_DISKTREE) || (bIncludeHidden ? FALSE : (pShare->shi502_type & STYPE_SPECIAL)); }
// Member: CShareCache::RefreshNoCritSec
// Synopsis: Refreshes the cache of shares: the critical section must
// already taken!
// History: 18-Aug-95 BruceFo Created
// Note: Sets g_fSharingEnabled
VOID CShareCache::RefreshNoCritSec( VOID ) { Delete();
DWORD entriesRead, totalEntries; DWORD err = ::NetShareEnum( NULL, // local computer
502, &m_pBufShares, 0xffffffff, // no buffer limit; get them all!
&entriesRead, &totalEntries, NULL); // no resume handle 'cause we're getting all
if (err != NERR_Success) { appDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "Error enumerating shares: 0x%08lx\n", err));
m_pBufShares = NULL; // just in case NetShareEnum munged it
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-585661-2002/03/19 JonN redundant call to Delete()
Delete(); } else { // NTRAID#NTBUG9-585715-2002/03/19 JonN It is entirely possible to not read
// read all of the shares if there are many of them. Ideally we should
// keep reading (is resume handle supported?), but for now the assertion
// can simply be removed.
appAssert(entriesRead == totalEntries); m_cShares = entriesRead; }
// ISSUE-2002/03/19-JonN We consider "no shares" to be the same as
// "sharing disabled". Creating/deleting the first share will
// generate SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED. The problem is unlikely since
// there is usually a $ share.
if (m_cShares > 0) { //
// Now, create a hash table and put all the shares into it (strings are
// cached; don't copy any data)
m_pHash = new CStrHashTable(m_cShares * 2 - 1); if ((NULL == m_pHash) || FAILED(m_pHash->QueryError())) { // out of memory; delete everything
Delete(); } else { SHARE_INFO_502* pShareBase = (SHARE_INFO_502 *)m_pBufShares;
for (UINT iShare = 0; iShare < m_cShares; iShare++) { SHARE_INFO_502* pShare = &pShareBase[iShare];
if (ShouldSkipShare(pShare, FALSE)) // don't include hidden
HRESULT hr = m_pHash->Insert(pShare->shi502_path); if (FAILED(hr)) { // out of memory; delete everything
Delete(); break; } } }
#if DBG == 1
if (NULL != m_pHash) { // if everything hasn't been deleted because of a memory problem...
m_pHash->Print(); } #endif // DBG == 1
g_fSharingEnabled = CacheOK(); }
// Member: CShareCache::IsShareNameUsed
// Synopsis: Returns TRUE if the share name in question is already used
// History: 4-Apr-95 BruceFo Created
BOOL CShareCache::IsShareNameUsed( IN PWSTR pszShareName ) { CTakeCriticalSection t(&m_csBuf);
if (!CacheOK()) { return FALSE; }
SHARE_INFO_502* pShareBase = (SHARE_INFO_502 *)m_pBufShares;
for (UINT iShare = 0; iShare < m_cShares; iShare++) { SHARE_INFO_502* pShare = &pShareBase[iShare]; // 585678-2002/03/19 JonN check for NULL
if ( NULL != pShare->shi502_netname && 0 == _wcsicmp(pszShareName, pShare->shi502_netname)) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
// Member: CShareCache::IsExistingShare
// Synopsis: Finds out if a share name is already in use with a different
// path.
// Arguments: [pszShareName] - name of share being replaced
// [pszPath] - path to compare against
// [pszOldPath] - If not null, filled with path of the share,
// if found
// Returns: Returns TRUE if found and the paths are different,
// FALSE otherwise
// History: 4-May-95 BruceFo Stolen
// ISSUE-2002/04/12-JonN should combine this function with previous function
BOOL CShareCache::IsExistingShare( IN PCWSTR pszShareName, IN PCWSTR pszPath, OUT PWSTR pszOldPath, IN INT cchOldPathBuf // 585682-2002/04/12-JonN
) { appAssert(NULL != pszShareName);
CTakeCriticalSection t(&m_csBuf);
if (!CacheOK()) { return FALSE; }
SHARE_INFO_502* pShareBase = (SHARE_INFO_502 *)m_pBufShares;
for (UINT iShare = 0; iShare < m_cShares; iShare++) { SHARE_INFO_502* pShare = &pShareBase[iShare]; if ( NULL != pShare->shi502_netname && 0 == _wcsicmp(pszShareName, pShare->shi502_netname)) { if (pszOldPath != NULL) { // 585682-2002/03/19 JonN
wcsncpy(pszOldPath, pShare->shi502_path, cchOldPathBuf); pszOldPath[cchOldPathBuf-1] = L'\0'; }
return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
// Member: CShareCache::ConstructList
// Synopsis: Construct a list of shares for a particular path
// Arguments:
// Returns: hresult
// History: 21-Aug-95 BruceFo Created
HRESULT CShareCache::ConstructList( IN PCWSTR pszPath, IN OUT CShareInfo* pShareList, OUT ULONG* pcShares ) { CTakeCriticalSection t(&m_csBuf);
SHARE_INFO_502* pShareBase = (SHARE_INFO_502 *)m_pBufShares;
HRESULT hr; ULONG cShares = 0;
for (UINT iShare = 0; iShare < m_cShares; iShare++) { SHARE_INFO_502* pShare = &pShareBase[iShare];
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-585678-2002/03/19 JonN check for NULL
if (0 == _wcsicmp(pszPath, pShare->shi502_path)) { if (ShouldSkipShare(pShare, TRUE)) // include hidden
continue; //
// We found one!
appDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "ConstructList: adding %ws\n", pShare->shi502_netname));
CShareInfo* pNewInfo = new CShareInfo(); if (NULL == pNewInfo) { // ISSUE-2002/04/17-JonN We should delete the partial list
hr = pNewInfo->InitInstance(); if (FAILED(hr)) { // ISSUE-2002/04/17-JonN We should delete the partial list
delete pNewInfo; return hr; }
// We can't point into the data protected by a critical section,
// so we must copy it.
hr = pNewInfo->Copy(pShare); if (FAILED(hr)) { // ISSUE-2002/04/17-JonN We should delete the partial list
delete pNewInfo; return hr; }
// 585723-2002/03/19 JonN
// This could happen due to API failure. This used to cause us
// to fail out of the loop. Instead, we now just fail through
// and let the caching display be wrong.
NET_API_STATUS ret = pNewInfo->ReadCacheFlags (); appAssert( NERR_Success == ret ); /*
if ( NERR_Success != ret ) { // ISSUE-2002/04/17-JonN We should delete the partial list
delete pNewInfo; return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (ret); } */
pNewInfo->InsertBefore(pShareList); // add to end of list
++cShares; } }
*pcShares = cShares; return S_OK; }
// Member: CShareCache::ConstructParentWarnList
// Synopsis: Construct a new list of shares that are children or descendants
// of the path passed in.
// Arguments: [pszPath] - the prefix path to check for
// [ppShareList] - new share list, if success. Caller must delete
// it using 'delete' on each element. This list is
// doubly-linked with a dummy head node. NOTE: As an
// optimization, this is set to NULL if there is no share.
// This avoids allocating and deleting memory unless there
// is something to warn the user about.
// Returns: hresult
// History: 21-Aug-95 BruceFo Created
HRESULT CShareCache::ConstructParentWarnList( IN PCWSTR pszPath, OUT CShareInfo** ppShareList ) { CTakeCriticalSection t(&m_csBuf);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CShareInfo* pShareList = NULL; SHARE_INFO_502* pShareBase = (SHARE_INFO_502 *)m_pBufShares; INT cchPath = wcslen(pszPath);
for (UINT iShare = 0; iShare < m_cShares; iShare++) { SHARE_INFO_502* pShare = &pShareBase[iShare];
PWSTR pszSharePath = pShare->shi502_path; INT cchSharePath = wcslen(pszSharePath);
if (cchSharePath >= cchPath) { // WARNING - the following won't work with LFN/shortname differences
// PERF: we're doing a prefix match of the current directory
// name on the set of share names. This could be expensive with
// a linear search!
if (0 == _wcsnicmp(pszSharePath, pszPath, cchPath) && ( *(pszSharePath + cchPath) == TEXT('\\') || *(pszSharePath + cchPath) == TEXT('\0') ) ) { appDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "ConstructParentWarnList, share %ws, file %ws. Found a prefix!\n", pszSharePath, pszPath));
if (NULL == pShareList) { // do the lazy dummy head node creation if this is the
// first prefix match
pShareList = new CShareInfo(); // dummy head node
if (NULL == pShareList) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
CShareInfo* pNewInfo = new CShareInfo(); if (NULL == pNewInfo) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { hr = pNewInfo->InitInstance(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // We can't point into the data protected by a
// critical section, so we must copy it.
hr = pNewInfo->Copy(pShare); if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) { // NTRAID#NTBUG9-603727-2002/04/15 JonN
// There is no point in calling ReadCacheFlags,
// since the caller won't use that field.
// It matters because the API could fail
// and cause ConstructParentWarnList to fail.
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-589996-2002/04/15 JonN
// fixed memory leak.
NET_API_STATUS ret = pNewInfo->ReadCacheFlags (); appAssert( NERR_Success == ret ); /*
if ( NERR_Success != ret ) { delete pNewInfo; return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (ret); } */ } } }
if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pNewInfo; DeleteShareInfoList(pShareList, TRUE);
return hr; }
pNewInfo->InsertBefore(pShareList); // add to end of list
} } }
*ppShareList = pShareList; return S_OK; }
// Member: CShareCache::CacheOK
// Synopsis: Returns TRUE if the cache contains valid data.
// History: 24-Sep-95 BruceFo Created
// Note: The critical section must be held when calling this function
BOOL CShareCache::CacheOK( VOID ) { // either both are valid or both are invalid
appAssert( ((NULL != m_pHash) && (NULL != m_pBufShares)) || ((NULL == m_pHash) && (NULL == m_pBufShares)) );
return (NULL != m_pHash); }
#if DBG == 1
// Function: DumpNetEnum
// Synopsis: Dumps an array of SHARE_INFO_502 structures.
// History: 4-Apr-95 BruceFo Created
VOID DumpNetEnum( IN LPVOID pBufShares, IN ULONG entriesRead ) { SHARE_INFO_502* pBase = (SHARE_INFO_502*) pBufShares;
appDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "DumpNetEnum: %d entries\n", entriesRead));
for (ULONG i = 0; i < entriesRead; i++) { SHARE_INFO_502* p = &(pBase[i]);
appDebugOut((DEB_TRACE | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "\t Share name: %ws\n" "\t Type: %d (0x%08lx)\n" "\t Comment: %ws\n" "\tPermissions: %d (0x%08lx)\n" "\t Max uses: %d\n" "\t Path: %ws\n" "\t Password: %ws\n" "\t Reserved: %d\n" "\t Security? %ws\n" "\n" , p->shi502_netname, p->shi502_type, p->shi502_type, p->shi502_remark, p->shi502_permissions, p->shi502_permissions, p->shi502_max_uses, p->shi502_path, (NULL == p->shi502_passwd) ? L"none" : p->shi502_passwd, p->shi502_reserved, (NULL == p->shi502_security_descriptor) ? L"No" : L"Yes" ));
} }
#endif // DBG == 1