// File: RWPost.cpp
//#define STRICT
// Include Files
//Modifications :
//MDX1 03/11/99 Suresh
// In SendHTTPData() the MSID will be got from Cookie
// it will no longer be red from the Registry
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "Ithread.h"
#include "icw.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "tcp.h"
#include "rw_common.h"
#include "dconv.h"
#include "RwPost.h"
#include "mcm.h"
#include "ATK_RAS.h"
#include "tcp.h"
#define CONNECTION_TIME_OUT 1000 * 60
static CInternetThread theInternetClass; extern BOOL bOemDllLoaded; extern HANDLE hOemDll; static DWORD dwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED;
extern DWORD InvokePost(HWND hWnd,CInternetThread *p);
void InitializeInetThread(HINSTANCE hIns) { theInternetClass.Initialize(hIns); }
// Returns
// DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED : Use Network for tx
// DIALUP_REQUIRED : Use Dialupo for Tx
DWORD CheckInternetConnectivityExists(HWND hWnd, HINSTANCE hInstance) { static int iAuthRetry =0; // Retry count for the number of times to invoke Proxy Auth Dlg
static CHAR szProxyServer[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szProxySettings[MAX_PATH]; static int iChkInternetConnection = 0; static DWORD sdwConnectionStatus = CONNECTION_CANNOT_BE_ESTABLISHED; BOOL bNeedsReboot; BOOL bRet; DWORD dwPingStatus; DWORD dwError= RWZ_NOERROR; BOOL bProxyExists; MODEMSTATUS mStatus; DWORD dwTimeOut = CONNECTION_TIME_OUT; int iProxyPort; TCHAR szUserName[48] = _T(""), szPassword[48] = _T(""); int iDisableAutoDial;
if( sdwConnectionStatus == DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED ) return DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; if( sdwConnectionStatus == DIALUP_REQUIRED ) return DIALUP_REQUIRED;
// Disable Auto Dial only
// if there are not active Dialup Connection
if( ATK_IsRasDllOk() == RAS_DLL_LOADED ) { if( IsDialupConnectionActive() ) { iDisableAutoDial=0; } } if(iDisableAutoDial) { DisableAutoDial();// Disable the Auto Dial
} // Ping Current Host to check if TCP is
// installed /configured.
// if it is for the first time
// RWZ_PINGSTATUS_NOTCPIP : if no socket library or get hostname fails
// RWZ_PINGSTATUS_SUCCESS : if gethostname and ping is successful
// RWZ_PINGSTATUS_FAIL : if gethostname is succesful and ping via icmp fails
dwPingStatus = PingHost();
RW_DEBUG <<"\n Ping To Host (40: No TCP/IP 41: Success 42: Failure)=: " << dwPingStatus << flush;
if (dwPingStatus == RWZ_PINGSTATUS_NOTCPIP ) { return RWZ_ERROR_NOTCPIP; } if( dwPingStatus == RWZ_PINGSTATUS_SUCCESS ){ bProxyExists = theInternetClass.GetSystemProxyServer(szProxyServer,MAX_PATH, &iProxyPort); if (1 /*bProxyExists*/) { //theInternetClass.GetSystemProxySettings(szProxySettings,MAX_PATH);
theInternetClass.SetSystemProxySettings("itgproxy"); if(1 /*Ping(szProxyServer)*/) { DWORD dwChkSite; int iExit; iExit =0; RW_DEBUG <<"\n Ping Success" << flush; theInternetClass.m_UserName[0] = _T('\0'); theInternetClass.m_Password[0] = _T('\0');
do { dwChkSite = ChkSiteAvailability(hWnd, theInternetClass.m_strIISServer, dwTimeOut, (LPTSTR) theInternetClass.GetProxyServer(), theInternetClass.m_UserName,theInternetClass.m_Password); RW_DEBUG <<"\n After ChkSiteAvailability : " << dwChkSite << flush;
if( dwChkSite == RWZ_SITE_REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION) { if( iAuthRetry++ > MAX_PROXY_AUTH_RETRY) { iExit =1; } // Modified on 2/4/98
// No Need to call our Proxy Auth Dlg insted use
// InternetErrorDlg() to invoke Auth Dlg
// theInternetClass.m_UserName,theInternetClass.m_Password)) {
}else { // Exit because Connectivity is OK
iExit = 1; } }while(!iExit);
if( dwChkSite == RWZ_SITE_CONNECTED) { theInternetClass.m_dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG; // Modified on 2/4/98to use the PRECONFIGIED rather than the PROXY specified by
// the user programatically
// The INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY is changed .....
// This change is done in order for IE Auth Dlg
dwError = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; sdwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; dwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; goto ExitChk; }
} // No Procy so check for connection using existing LAN
// already opened Dialup Connection
// Set to NULL Proxy
theInternetClass.SetProxyServer("",80);// Set it To Null
theInternetClass.m_dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT; if( ATK_IsRasDllOk() == RAS_DLL_LOADED ) { if( IsDialupConnectionActive() ) { // Already Dialup COnnection is Active
dwError = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; sdwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; dwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; goto ExitChk; } }
// Check Lan Connection
bRet = CheckHostName( ConvertToANSIString(theInternetClass.m_strIISServer)); if(bRet) { theInternetClass.m_dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT; if(ChkSiteAvailability(NULL, theInternetClass.m_strIISServer, dwTimeOut, _T(""),szUserName,szPassword)) { dwError = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; sdwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; dwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; goto ExitChk; } }
dwError = DIALUP_REQUIRED; sdwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_REQUIRED; dwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; theInternetClass.m_dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT; RW_DEBUG << "\n Before MDMCHK..." << flush; //MDMCHK:
// Install Modem
/**bNeedsReboot = theInternetClass.InstallModem(hWnd);
if(bNeedsReboot) { // ?????
// This will be abnormally terminating the Registration Wizard,
// So support modem installation in OS which dosent call for a reboot
} **/ mStatus = MSDetectModemTAPI(hInstance); if(mStatus != kMsModemOk ) { dwError = CONNECTION_CANNOT_BE_ESTABLISHED; sdwConnectionStatus = CONNECTION_CANNOT_BE_ESTABLISHED; }
if(dwError == DIALUP_REQUIRED ) { // Load RASPAI32.DLL and Exit if it can not be loaded
if( ATK_IsRasDllOk() != RAS_DLL_LOADED ) { //
RW_DEBUG << "\n RASAPI32.DLL NOT FOUND ..."; #endif
} }
ExitChk: #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG <<"\n Chk Connection ( 1 = via NTWK, 2 = DIalup , 3 = Problem) " << dwError << flush; #endif
theInternetClass.UnLoadInetCfgDll(); return dwError;
// Returns
// DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED : Use Network for tx
// DIALUP_REQUIRED : Use Dialupo for Tx
DWORD CheckInternetConnectivityExistsOldLogic(HWND hWnd, HINSTANCE hInstance) { static int iAuthRetry =0; // Retry count for the number of times to invoke Proxy Auth Dlg
static CHAR szProxyServer[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szProxySettings[MAX_PATH]; static int iChkInternetConnection = 0; static DWORD sdwConnectionStatus = CONNECTION_CANNOT_BE_ESTABLISHED; BOOL bNeedsReboot; BOOL bRet; DWORD dwPingStatus; DWORD dwError= RWZ_NOERROR; BOOL bProxyExists; MODEMSTATUS mStatus; DWORD dwTimeOut = CONNECTION_TIME_OUT; int iProxyPort; TCHAR szUserName[48] = _T(""), szPassword[48] = _T(""); int iDisableAutoDial;
if( sdwConnectionStatus == DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED ) return DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; if( sdwConnectionStatus == DIALUP_REQUIRED ) return DIALUP_REQUIRED;
// Disable Auto Dial only
// if there are not active Dialup Connection
if( ATK_IsRasDllOk() == RAS_DLL_LOADED ) { if( IsDialupConnectionActive() ) { iDisableAutoDial=0; } } if(iDisableAutoDial) { DisableAutoDial();// Disable the Auto Dial
} // Ping Current Host to check if TCP is
// installed /configured.
// if it is for the first time
// RWZ_PINGSTATUS_NOTCPIP : if no socket library or get hostname fails
// RWZ_PINGSTATUS_SUCCESS : if gethostname and ping is successful
// RWZ_PINGSTATUS_FAIL : if gethostname is succesful and ping via icmp fails
dwPingStatus = PingHost();
RW_DEBUG <<"\n Ping To Host (40: No TCP/IP 41: Success 42: Failure)=: " << dwPingStatus << flush;
if (dwPingStatus == RWZ_PINGSTATUS_NOTCPIP ) { return RWZ_ERROR_NOTCPIP; } if( dwPingStatus == RWZ_PINGSTATUS_SUCCESS ){ bProxyExists = theInternetClass.GetSystemProxyServer(szProxyServer,MAX_PATH, &iProxyPort); if (bProxyExists) { theInternetClass.GetSystemProxySettings(szProxySettings,MAX_PATH); theInternetClass.SetSystemProxySettings(szProxySettings); if(Ping(szProxyServer)) { DWORD dwChkSite; int iExit; iExit =0; RW_DEBUG <<"\n Ping Success" << flush; theInternetClass.m_UserName[0] = _T('\0'); theInternetClass.m_Password[0] = _T('\0');
do { dwChkSite = ChkSiteAvailability(hWnd, theInternetClass.m_strIISServer, dwTimeOut, (LPTSTR) theInternetClass.GetProxyServer(), theInternetClass.m_UserName,theInternetClass.m_Password); RW_DEBUG <<"\n After ChkSiteAvailability : " << dwChkSite << flush;
if( dwChkSite == RWZ_SITE_REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION) { if( iAuthRetry++ > MAX_PROXY_AUTH_RETRY) { iExit =1; } // Modified on 2/4/98
// No Need to call our Proxy Auth Dlg insted use
// InternetErrorDlg() to invoke Auth Dlg
// theInternetClass.m_UserName,theInternetClass.m_Password)) {
}else { // Exit because Connectivity is OK
iExit = 1; } }while(!iExit);
if( dwChkSite == RWZ_SITE_CONNECTED) { theInternetClass.m_dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG; // Modified on 2/4/98to use the PRECONFIGIED rather than the PROXY specified by
// the user programatically
// The INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY is changed .....
// This change is done in order for IE Auth Dlg
dwError = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; sdwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; dwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; goto ExitChk; }
} // No Procy so check for connection using existing LAN
// already opened Dialup Connection
// Set to NULL Proxy
theInternetClass.SetProxyServer("",80);// Set it To Null
theInternetClass.m_dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT; if( ATK_IsRasDllOk() == RAS_DLL_LOADED ) { if( IsDialupConnectionActive() ) { // Already Dialup COnnection is Active
dwError = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; sdwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; dwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; goto ExitChk; } }
// Check Lan Connection
bRet = CheckHostName( ConvertToANSIString(theInternetClass.m_strIISServer)); if(bRet) { theInternetClass.m_dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT; if(ChkSiteAvailability(NULL, theInternetClass.m_strIISServer, dwTimeOut, _T(""),szUserName,szPassword)) { dwError = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; sdwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; dwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; goto ExitChk; } }
dwError = DIALUP_REQUIRED; sdwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_REQUIRED; dwConnectionStatus = DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED; theInternetClass.m_dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT; RW_DEBUG << "\n Before MDMCHK..." << flush; //MDMCHK:
// Install Modem
bNeedsReboot = theInternetClass.InstallModem(hWnd); if(bNeedsReboot) { // ?????
// This will be abnormally terminating the Registration Wizard,
// So support modem installation in OS which dosent call for a reboot
mStatus = MSDetectModemTAPI(hInstance); if(mStatus != kMsModemOk ) { dwError = CONNECTION_CANNOT_BE_ESTABLISHED; sdwConnectionStatus = CONNECTION_CANNOT_BE_ESTABLISHED; }
if(dwError == DIALUP_REQUIRED ) { // Load RASPAI32.DLL and Exit if it can not be loaded
if( ATK_IsRasDllOk() != RAS_DLL_LOADED ) { //
RW_DEBUG << "\n RASAPI32.DLL NOT FOUND ..."; #endif
} }
ExitChk: #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG <<"\n Chk Connection ( 1 = via NTWK, 2 = DIalup , 3 = Problem) " << dwError << flush; #endif
theInternetClass.UnLoadInetCfgDll(); return dwError;
DWORD SendHTTPData(HWND hWnd, HINSTANCE hInstance) { char czB [MAX_BUFFER + 1]; // Buffer for Tx
DWORD dwBufSize = MAX_BUFFER; DWORD dwOemBufSize; DWORD dwRet; _TCHAR szValue[256];
// MDX : 03/11/99
// Get MSID From Cookie , No need to check from Registry
#ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n*******Getting Cookie********\n"<< flush; #endif
if(dwConnectionStatus == DIALUP_REQUIRED){ ChkSiteAvailability(hWnd, theInternetClass.m_strIISServer, dwTimeOut, NULL, theInternetClass.m_UserName, theInternetClass.m_Password); } else{ ChkSiteAvailability(hWnd, theInternetClass.m_strIISServer, dwTimeOut, (LPTSTR) theInternetClass.GetProxyServer(), theInternetClass.m_UserName, theInternetClass.m_Password); }
SetMSID(hInstance); dwRet = PrepareRegWizTxbuffer(hInstance, czB, &dwBufSize); dwOemBufSize = MAX_BUFFER - dwBufSize; dwRet = OemTransmitBuffer(hInstance,czB + dwBufSize,&dwOemBufSize); dwBufSize += dwOemBufSize;
switch(dwRet) { case RWZ_NOERROR: theInternetClass.SetBuffer(czB, dwBufSize+1); theInternetClass.SetSSLFlag(TRUE); dwRet = theInternetClass.PostData(hWnd); // dwRet = InvokePost(hWnd, &theInternetClass);
#ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n PostData() returned: "<<dwRet << flush; #endif
if( dwRet == RWZ_POST_FAILURE || dwRet == RWZ_POST_WITH_SSL_FAILURE) { // Try posting without SSL only for the modem
//if(dwConnectionStatus == DIALUP_REQUIRED)
#ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n Posting Failure : Sending Data without SSL" << flush; #endif
theInternetClass.SetSSLFlag(FALSE); dwRet = theInternetClass.PostData(hWnd); //dwRet = InvokePost(hWnd, &theInternetClass);
} #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n Success ... \t" << dwRet << flush; RW_DEBUG <<"\n\n\nBuffer\t\t*[" << czB << "]" << flush; #endif
break; case RWZ_NO_INFO_AVAILABLE : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << _T("\n No Info Available ") << flush; #endif
RW_DEBUG << _T("\n Invalid Info " ) << flush; #endif
RW_DEBUG <<_T("\n Buffer Length In Sufficient ...") << dwRet; RW_DEBUG <<_T("\n\n\nBuffer\t\t") << czB; #endif
break; case RWZ_INTERNAL_ERROR : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << _T("\n Internal Error ....") ; #endif
default: break; } #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << flush; #endif
return dwRet; }
dwRetStatus = CheckWithDisplayInternetConnectivityExists(hInstance,2);
switch (dwRetStatus) { case DIALUP_NOT_REQUIRED : if ((dwRet = PostDataWithWindowMessage(hInstance)) == RWZ_POST_SUCCESS){ ; } else { } break; case DIALUP_REQUIRED : dwRet=DialogBoxParam(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIAL), NULL,FDlgProc, (LPARAM)hInstance); if(dwRet == -1 ) { // Error in creating the Dialogue
} switch ( dwRet) { case RWZ_ERROR_LOCATING_MSN_FILES : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n Signup :Error Locating MSN File " << flush; #endif
RW_DEBUG << "\n Signup :Error Locating DUN File " << flush; #endif
break; case RWZ_ERROR_MODEM_IN_USE : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n Signup :Error Modem Already in use by another Application " << flush; #endif
RW_DEBUG << "\n Signup :Modem Configuration Error " << flush; #endif
RW_DEBUG << "\n Signup :HTTP Post Cancelled by User " << flush; #endif
RW_DEBUG << "\n Signup : System Resource Allocation Error " << flush; #endif
break; case RWZ_ERROR_NODIALTONE : #ifdef _LOG_IN_FILE
RW_DEBUG << "\n Signup : Modem Error No Dialtone " << flush; #endif
break; default : break; }
case CONNECTION_CANNOT_BE_ESTABLISHED : default : // It is unexpected . ? to Do
break; } return dwRet; } **/