// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: msgpopup.cpp
// This file contains MessageBox helper functions.
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
NAME: MsgPopup
SYNOPSIS: Displays a message to the user
ENTRY: hwnd - Owner window handle pszMsgFmt - Main message text pszTitle - MessageBox title uType - MessageBox flags hInstance - Module to load strings from. Only required if pszMsgFmt or pszTitle is a string resource ID. Optional format insert parameters.
RETURNS: MessageBox result
NOTES: Either of the string parameters may be string resource ID's.
HISTORY: JeffreyS 11-Jun-1997 Created
int WINAPIV MsgPopup(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR pszMsgFmt, LPCTSTR pszTitle, UINT uType, HINSTANCE hInstance, ...) { int nResult; LPTSTR szMsg = NULL; LPTSTR szTitle = NULL; DWORD dwFormatResult; va_list args;
if (pszMsgFmt == NULL) return -1;
// Insert arguments into the format string
va_start(args, hInstance); if (IS_INTRESOURCE(pszMsgFmt)) dwFormatResult = vFormatStringID(&szMsg, hInstance, (UINT)((ULONG_PTR)pszMsgFmt), &args); else dwFormatResult = vFormatString(&szMsg, pszMsgFmt, &args); va_end(args);
if (!dwFormatResult) return -1;
// Load the caption if necessary
if (pszTitle && IS_INTRESOURCE(pszTitle)) { if (LoadStringAlloc(&szTitle, hInstance, (UINT)((ULONG_PTR)pszTitle))) pszTitle = szTitle; else pszTitle = NULL; }
// Display message box
nResult = MessageBox(hwnd, szMsg, pszTitle, uType);
LocalFreeString(&szMsg); LocalFreeString(&szTitle);
return nResult; }
NAME: SysMsgPopup
SYNOPSIS: Displays a message to the user using a system error message as an insert.
ENTRY: hwnd - Owner window handle pszMsg - Main message text pszTitle - MessageBox title uType - MessageBox flags hInstance - Module to load strings from. Only required if pszMsg or pszTitle is a string resource ID. dwErrorID - System defined error code (Insert 1) pszInsert2 - Optional string to be inserted into pszMsg
RETURNS: MessageBox result
NOTES: Any of the string parameters may be string resource ID's.
HISTORY: JeffreyS 11-Jun-1997 Created
int WINAPI SysMsgPopup(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR pszMsg, LPCTSTR pszTitle, UINT uType, HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwErrorID, LPCTSTR pszInsert2) { int nResult; LPTSTR szInsert2 = NULL; LPTSTR szErrorText = NULL;
// Load the 2nd insert string if necessary
if (pszInsert2 && IS_INTRESOURCE(pszInsert2)) { if (LoadStringAlloc(&szInsert2, hInstance, (UINT)((ULONG_PTR)pszInsert2))) pszInsert2 = szInsert2; else pszInsert2 = NULL; }
// Get the error message string
if (dwErrorID) { GetSystemErrorText(&szErrorText, dwErrorID); }
nResult = MsgPopup(hwnd, pszMsg, pszTitle, uType, hInstance, szErrorText, pszInsert2);
LocalFreeString(&szInsert2); LocalFreeString(&szErrorText);
return nResult; }