#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include "verpriv.h"
#include "wchar.h"
/* Determine if a file is in use by Windows
*/ BOOL FileInUse(LPWSTR lpszFilePath, LPWSTR lpszFileName) { HANDLE hFile; BOOL bResult = FALSE;
// Attempt to open the file exclusively.
// If the last error is access denied,
// then the file is in use by someone
// else. Return TRUE in this case.
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) bResult = TRUE;
} else {
// CreateFile successfully opened the file.
// Close the handle and return FALSE.
CloseHandle(hFile); }
return bResult; }
/* Take a Dir and Filename and make a full path from them
*/ DWORD MakeFileName(LPWSTR lpDst, LPWSTR lpDir, LPWSTR lpFile, int cchDst) { DWORD wDirLen; WCHAR cTemp;
wcsncpy(lpDst, lpDir, cchDst); lpDst[cchDst-1] = TEXT('\0'); wDirLen=wcslen(lpDst);
if ( wDirLen && (cTemp=*(lpDst+wDirLen-1))!=TEXT('\\') && cTemp!=TEXT(':')) lpDst[wDirLen++] = TEXT('\\');
wcsncpy(lpDst+wDirLen, lpFile, cchDst - wDirLen); lpDst[cchDst-1] = TEXT('\0');
return(wDirLen); }
/* Given a filename and a list of directories, find the first directory
* that contains the file, and copy it into the buffer. Note that in the * library version, you can give an environment style path, but not in the * DLL version. */ INT GetDirOfFile(LPWSTR lpszFileName, LPWSTR lpszPathName, DWORD wSize, LPWSTR *lplpszDirs) { WCHAR szFileName[_MAX_PATH+1]; HANDLE hfRes; INT nFileLen = 0; INT nPathLen = 0; BOOL bDoDefaultOpen = TRUE; LPWSTR *lplpFirstDir; LPWSTR lpszDir;
nFileLen = wcslen(lpszFileName);
for (lplpFirstDir=lplpszDirs; *lplpFirstDir && bDoDefaultOpen; ++lplpFirstDir) { lpszDir = *lplpFirstDir;
if (nFileLen+wcslen(lpszDir) >= _MAX_PATH-1) continue; MakeFileName(szFileName, lpszDir, lpszFileName, ARRAYSIZE(szFileName));
TryOpen: nPathLen = 0; // Re-init for this path.
if ((hfRes = CreateFile(szFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL)) != (HANDLE)-1) { CloseHandle(hfRes); for (lpszDir=szFileName; *lpszDir; lpszDir++) if (*lpszDir == TEXT('\\')) nPathLen = (INT)(lpszDir - (LPWSTR)szFileName);
/* This gets rid of the '\' if this is not the root of a drive
*/ if (nPathLen <= 3) ++nPathLen;
/* Account for the terminating NULL, and make sure wSize is in bounds
* then NULL terminate the string in the appropriate place so that * we can just do an wcscpy. */ --wSize; szFileName[(int)wSize<nPathLen ? wSize : nPathLen] = 0; wcscpy(lpszPathName, szFileName);
return(nPathLen); } }
if (bDoDefaultOpen) { bDoDefaultOpen = FALSE; wcscpy(szFileName, lpszFileName); goto TryOpen; }
return(0); }
#define GetWindowsDir(x,y,z) GetWindowsDirectory(y,z)
#define GetSystemDir(x,y,z) GetSystemDirectory(y,z)
DWORD APIENTRY VerFindFileW( DWORD wFlags, LPWSTR lpszFileName, LPWSTR lpszWinDir, LPWSTR lpszAppDir, LPWSTR lpszCurDir, PUINT puCurDirLen, LPWSTR lpszDestDir, PUINT puDestDirLen ) { static WORD wSharedDirLen = 0; static WCHAR gszSharedDir[_MAX_PATH+1];
WCHAR szSysDir[_MAX_PATH+1], cTemp; WCHAR szWinDir[_MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szCurDir[_MAX_PATH+1]; LPWSTR lpszDir, lpszDirs[4]; WORD wDestLen, wWinLen, wRetVal = 0, wTemp; int nRet;
#ifdef WX86
// Save a copy of the 'from Wx86' flag and clear it.
BOOLEAN UseKnownWx86Dll = NtCurrentTeb()->Wx86Thread.UseKnownWx86Dll; NtCurrentTeb()->Wx86Thread.UseKnownWx86Dll = FALSE; #endif
/* We want to really look in the Windows directory; we don't trust the app
*/ GetWindowsDir(lpszWinDir ? lpszWinDir : "", szWinDir, _MAX_PATH); lpszWinDir = szWinDir;
#ifdef WX86
NtCurrentTeb()->Wx86Thread.UseKnownWx86Dll = UseKnownWx86Dll; #endif
if(!GetSystemDir( lpszWinDir, szSysDir, _MAX_PATH)) wcscpy(szSysDir, lpszWinDir);
#ifdef WX86
NtCurrentTeb()->Wx86Thread.UseKnownWx86Dll = FALSE; #endif
if (wFlags & VFFF_ISSHAREDFILE) { lpszDirs[0] = lpszWinDir; lpszDirs[1] = szSysDir; lpszDirs[2] = lpszAppDir; } else { lpszDirs[0] = lpszAppDir; lpszDirs[1] = lpszWinDir; lpszDirs[2] = szSysDir; }
lpszDirs[3] = NULL;
if (!(wTemp=(WORD)GetDirOfFile(lpszFileName, szCurDir, _MAX_PATH, lpszDirs))) *szCurDir = 0; if (*puCurDirLen > wTemp) wcscpy(lpszCurDir, szCurDir); else wRetVal |= VFF_BUFFTOOSMALL; *puCurDirLen = wTemp + 1;
if (lpszDestDir) { if (wFlags & VFFF_ISSHAREDFILE) { if (!wSharedDirLen) { if ((wWinLen = (WORD)wcslen(lpszWinDir)) && *(lpszWinDir-1)==TEXT('\\')) { if (szSysDir[wWinLen-1] == TEXT('\\')) goto doCompare; } else if (szSysDir[wWinLen] == TEXT('\\')) { doCompare: cTemp = szSysDir[wWinLen]; szSysDir[wWinLen] = 0; nRet = _wcsicmp(lpszWinDir, szSysDir); szSysDir[wWinLen] = cTemp; if(nRet) goto doCopyWinDir; wcscpy(gszSharedDir, szSysDir); } else { doCopyWinDir: wcscpy(gszSharedDir, lpszWinDir); } wSharedDirLen = (WORD)wcslen(gszSharedDir); }
wDestLen = wSharedDirLen; lpszDir = gszSharedDir; } else { wDestLen = (WORD)wcslen(lpszAppDir); lpszDir = lpszAppDir; }
if (*puDestDirLen > wDestLen) { wcscpy(lpszDestDir, lpszDir);
if ((wWinLen = (WORD)wcslen(lpszDestDir)) && *(lpszDestDir-1)==TEXT('\\')) lpszDestDir[wWinLen-1] = 0;
if (_wcsicmp(lpszCurDir, lpszDestDir)) wRetVal |= VFF_CURNEDEST; } else wRetVal |= VFF_BUFFTOOSMALL; *puDestDirLen = wDestLen + 1; }
if (*szCurDir) { MakeFileName(szSysDir, szCurDir, lpszFileName, ARRAYSIZE(szSysDir)); if (FileInUse(szSysDir, lpszFileName)) wRetVal |= VFF_FILEINUSE; }
return(wRetVal); }
* DWORD * APIENTRY * VerLanguageNameW( * DWORD wLang, * LPWSTR szLang, * DWORD wSize) * * This routine was moved to NLSLIB.LIB so that it uses the WINNLS.RC file. * NLSLIB.LIB is part of KERNEL32.DLL. */