//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- import "ocidl.idl"; import "docobj.idl";
#include <olectl.h>
#include "brdispid.h"
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- //+++++ MediaBar binary behavior interfaces: //----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface IMediaBehavior; interface IMediaItem; interface IPlaylistInfo;
// NOTE the mediabar behavior exposes a subset of WMP7 object model // where appropriate, object, property, method and event // identifiers are slightly renamed to avoid name collisions typedef [ helpstring( "State of opening process" ), public ] enum mbOpenState // wmpos { [ helpstring( "Undefined" ) ] mbosUndefined, [ helpstring( "New Playlist is about to be loaded" ) ] mbosPlaylistChanging, [ helpstring( "Locating the playlist" ) ] mbosPlaylistLocating, [ helpstring( "Connecting to the server holding a playlist" ) ] mbosPlaylistConnecting, [ helpstring( "Loading a playlist" ) ] mbosPlaylistLoading, [ helpstring( "Opening a playlist" ) ] mbosPlaylistOpening, [ helpstring( "Playlist is open" ) ] mbosPlaylistOpenNoMedia, [ helpstring( "Playlist has changed" ) ] mbosPlaylistChanged, [ helpstring( "New media is about to be loaded" ) ] mbosMediaChanging, [ helpstring( "Locating the media" ) ] mbosMediaLocating, [ helpstring( "Connecting to the server holding media" ) ] mbosMediaConnecting, [ helpstring( "Loading media" ) ] mbosMediaLoading, [ helpstring( "Opening a media" ) ] mbosMediaOpening, [ helpstring( "Media is open" ) ] mbosMediaOpen, [ helpstring( "Starting codec acquisition" ) ] mbosBeginCodecAcquisition, [ helpstring( "End codec acquisition" ) ] mbosEndCodecAcquisition, [ helpstring( "Starting license acquisition" ) ] mbosBeginLicenseAcquisition, [ helpstring( "End license acquisition" ) ] mbosEndLicenseAcquisition, [ helpstring( "Starting individualization" ) ] mbosBeginIndividualization, [ helpstring( "End individualization" ) ] mbosEndIndividualization, [ helpstring( "Waiting for media" ) ] mbosMediaWaiting, [ helpstring( "Opening an URL whose type is not known" ) ] mbosOpeningUnknownURL, } mbOpenState;
typedef [ helpstring( "State of playback" ), public ] enum mbPlayState { [ helpstring( "State is undefined" ) ] mbpsUndefined, [ helpstring( "Playback is stopped" ) ] mbpsStopped, [ helpstring( "Playback is paused" ) ] mbpsPaused, [ helpstring( "Stream is playing" ) ] mbpsPlaying, [ helpstring( "Stream is Scanning forward" ) ] mbpsScanForward, [ helpstring( "Stream is Scanning in reverse" ) ] mbpsScanReverse, [ helpstring( "Media is being buffered" ) ] mbpsBuffering, [ helpstring( "Waiting for streaming data" ) ] mbpsWaiting, [ helpstring( "End of media reached" ) ] mbpsMediaEnded, [ helpstring( "Preparing new media" ) ] mbpsTransitioning, [ helpstring( "Ready to begin playing" ) ] mbpsReady, } mbPlayState;
[ uuid(BB24BBE0-1EEC-422b-A397-EDBC31FB3A56), helpstring("IMediaBehavior Interface"), dual, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IMediaBehavior : IDispatch { [id (DISPID_MBBEHAVIOR_PLAYURL), helpstring( "load media from URL and start playing" ) ] HRESULT playURL(BSTR bstrURL, BSTR bstrMIME); [id (DISPID_MBBEHAVIOR_STOP), helpstring( "Stops playing current media" ) ] HRESULT stop(); [id (DISPID_MBBEHAVIOR_PLAYNEXT), helpstring( "Starts playing the next media in playlist (if playlist is present)" ) ] HRESULT playNext();
[ id(DISPID_MBBEHAVIOR_CURRENTITEM), propget, helpstring( "Returns the current media item" ) ] HRESULT currentItem( [out, retval] IMediaItem **ppMediaItem); [ id(DISPID_MBBEHAVIOR_NEXTITEM), propget, helpstring( "Returns the next media item in playlist (if any)" ) ] HRESULT nextItem( [out, retval] IMediaItem **ppMediaItem); [ id(DISPID_MBBEHAVIOR_PLAYLISTINFO), propget, helpstring( "Returns the playlist info (if any playlist)" ) ] HRESULT playlistInfo( [out, retval] IPlaylistInfo **ppPlaylistInfo);
[ id(DISPID_MBBEHAVIOR_HASNEXTITEM), propget, helpstring( "Returns whether playlist has a next item." ) ] HRESULT hasNextItem( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pfhasNext ); [ id(DISPID_MBBEHAVIOR_PLAYSTATE), propget, helpstring( "Returns the play state of the player" ) ] HRESULT playState( [out, retval] mbPlayState *pps ); [ id(DISPID_MBBEHAVIOR_OPENSTATE), propget, helpstring( "Returns the open state of the player" ) ] HRESULT openState( [out, retval] mbOpenState *pos ); [ id(DISPID_MBBEHAVIOR_ENABLED), propget, helpstring("Returns a boolen value specifying whether or not the control is enabled")] HRESULT enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbEnabled); [ id(DISPID_MBBEHAVIOR_ENABLED), propput, helpstring("Sets a boolean value specifying whether or not the control is enabled")] HRESULT enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnable); [ id(DISPID_MBBEHAVIOR_DISABLEDUI), propget, helpstring("Returns a boolen value specifying whether or not the mediabar UI is disabled")] HRESULT disabledUI([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbDisabled); [ id(DISPID_MBBEHAVIOR_DISABLEDUI), propput, helpstring("Sets a boolean value specifying whether or not the mediabar UI is disabled")] HRESULT disabledUI([in] VARIANT_BOOL bDisable); };
[ uuid(BB24BBE1-1EEC-422b-A397-EDBC31FB3A56), helpstring("IMediaItem Interface"), dual, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IMediaItem : IDispatch { [ id(DISPID_MBMEDIAITEM_SOURCEURL), propget, helpstring( "Returns the media URL" ) ] HRESULT sourceURL( [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrSourceURL ); [ id(DISPID_MBMEDIAITEM_NAME), propget, helpstring( "Returns the name of the media" ) ] HRESULT name( [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrName); [ id(DISPID_MBMEDIAITEM_DURATION), propget, helpstring( "Returns duration of current media" ) ] HRESULT duration( [out, retval] double * pDuration ); [ id(DISPID_MBMEDIAITEM_ATTRIBUTECOUNT), propget, helpstring( "Returns the count of the attributes associated with this media" ) ] HRESULT attributeCount( [out, retval] long *plCount ); [ id(DISPID_MBMEDIAITEM_GETATTRIBUTENAME), helpstring( "Returns the name of the attribute whose index has been specified" ) ] HRESULT getAttributeName( [in] long lIndex, [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrItemName ); [ id(DISPID_MBMEDIAITEM_GETITEMINFO), helpstring( "Returns the value of specified attribute for this media" ) ] HRESULT getItemInfo( [in] BSTR bstrItemName, [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrVal ); };
[ uuid(BB24BBE2-1EEC-422b-A397-EDBC31FB3A56), helpstring("IPlaylistInfo Interface"), dual, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IPlaylistInfo : IDispatch { [ id(DISPID_MBPLAYLISTINFO_NAME), propget, helpstring( "Returns the name of the playlist" ) ] HRESULT name( [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrName); [ id(DISPID_MBPLAYLISTINFO_ATTRIBUTECOUNT), propget, helpstring( "Returns the count of the attributes associated with this playlist" ) ] HRESULT attributeCount( [out, retval] long *plCount ); [ id(DISPID_MBPLAYLISTINFO_GETATTRIBUTENAME), helpstring( "Returns the name of the attribute whose index has been specified" ) ] HRESULT getAttributeName( [in] long lIndex, [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrItemName ); [ id(DISPID_MBPLAYLISTINFO_GETITEMINFO), helpstring( "Returns the value of specified attribute for this media" ) ] HRESULT getItemInfo( [in] BSTR bstrItemName, [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrVal ); };
// interfaces used to communicate between proxies (custom player in mstime and/or mediabar behavior) and mediabar enum contentProxyEvent { OnOpenStateChange, OnPlayStateChange, OnShow, OnHide, };
[ uuid(EF508010-C806-4356-8492-D15E616F6F37), helpstring("IMediaHost"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IMediaHost : IUnknown { HRESULT getMediaPlayer(IUnknown **ppPlayer); HRESULT playURL(BSTR bstrURL, BSTR bstrMIME); HRESULT addProxy(IUnknown *pProxy); HRESULT removeProxy(IUnknown *pProxy); };
[ uuid(EF508011-C806-4356-8492-D15E616F6F37), helpstring("IContentProxy"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IContentProxy : IUnknown { HRESULT OnCreatedPlayer(); HRESULT fireEvent(enum contentProxyEvent event); HRESULT detachPlayer(); };
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // T Y P E L I B R A R Y // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
[ uuid(B025F75A-CD86-4D11-A0C8-D7644FDBFB5A), version(1.0), lcid(0x0000), helpstring("Microsoft Browser Helpers") ] library BrowseUI { importlib("stdole32.tlb"); importlib("stdole2.tlb");
// interface only documents the custom events the media bar behavior will fire [ uuid(BB24BBEF-1EEC-422b-A397-EDBC31FB3A56), helpstring("Event interface for MediaBar behavior"), hidden ] dispinterface _mbEvents { properties: methods:
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Events //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
[ id(DISPID_MBBEHAVIOREVENT_ONOPENSTATECHANGE), helpstring( "Sent when the mediabar player changes OpenState" ) ] void OnOpenStateChange(); [ id(DISPID_MBBEHAVIOREVENT_ONPLAYSTATECHANGE), helpstring( "Sent when the mediabar player changes PlayState" ) ] void OnPlayStateChange(); [ id(DISPID_MBBEHAVIOREVENT_ONSHOW), helpstring( "Sent when the mediabar player becomes visible" ) ] void OnShow(); [ id(DISPID_MBBEHAVIOREVENT_ONHIDE), helpstring( "Sent when the mediabar player is hidden" ) ] void OnHide(); };
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- //+++++ MediaBar binary Behavior objects: //---------------------------------------------------------------------- [ uuid(BB24BBFF-1EEC-422b-A397-EDBC31FB3A56), helpstring("Media Behavior Class") ] coclass MediaBehavior { [default] interface IMediaBehavior; [default, source] dispinterface _mbEvents;
// communication to and from proxy in content pane to media player [source] interface IMediaHost; interface IContentProxy; };
[ uuid(BB24BBFE-1EEC-422b-A397-EDBC31FB3A56), helpstring("Media Item Class") ] coclass MediaItem { [default] interface IMediaItem; };
[ uuid(BB24BBFD-1EEC-422b-A397-EDBC31FB3A56), helpstring("Playlist Info Class") ] coclass PlaylistInfo { [default] interface IPlaylistInfo; };