// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Module Name: ThemeManagerAPIRequest.cpp
// Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
// This file contains a class that implements the work for the theme server.
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// 2000-11-29 vtan moved to separate file
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "StandardHeader.h"
#include "ThemeManagerAPIRequest.h"
#include "ThemeManagerService.h"
#include <LPCThemes.h>
#include <uxthemep.h>
#include <UxThemeServer.h>
#include "RegistryResources.h"
#include "SingleThreadedExecution.h"
#include "StatusCode.h"
#include "TokenInformation.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static member variables.
// History: 2000-11-09 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CDynamicCountedObjectArray* CThemeManagerAPIRequest::s_pSessionData = NULL; CCriticalSection* CThemeManagerAPIRequest::s_pLock = NULL; DWORD CThemeManagerAPIRequest::s_dwServerChangeNumber = 0; const TCHAR CThemeManagerAPIRequest::s_szServerChangeNumberValue[] = TEXT("ServerChangeNumber");
#ifdef DEBUG
#endif DEBUG
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward decls
// History: 2002-02-26 scotthan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline NTSTATUS _CheckTokenPrivilege( HANDLE hToken, DWORD dwPrivilege ) { CTokenInformation tokenInformation(hToken); return tokenInformation.UserHasPrivilege(dwPrivilege) ? STATUS_SUCCESS : STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::CThemeManagerAPIRequest
// Arguments: pAPIDispatcher = CAPIDispatcher that calls this object.
// pAPIConnection = CAPIConnection for access change.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Constructor for the CThemeManagerAPIRequest class. It just passes the
// control to the super class.
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CThemeManagerAPIRequest::CThemeManagerAPIRequest (CAPIDispatcher* pAPIDispatcher) : CAPIRequest(pAPIDispatcher), _hToken(NULL), _pSessionData(NULL)
{ }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::CThemeManagerAPIRequest
// Arguments: pAPIDispatcher = CAPIDispatcher that calls this object.
// pAPIConnection = CAPIConnection for access change.
// portMessage = CPortMessage to copy construct.
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Constructor for the CThemeManagerAPIRequest class. It just
// passes the control to the super class.
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CThemeManagerAPIRequest::CThemeManagerAPIRequest ( CAPIDispatcher* pAPIDispatcher, const CPortMessage& portMessage) : CAPIRequest(pAPIDispatcher, portMessage), _hToken(NULL), _pSessionData(NULL)
{ }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::~CThemeManagerAPIRequest
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: <none>
// Purpose: Destructor for the CThemeManagerAPIRequest class.
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CThemeManagerAPIRequest::~CThemeManagerAPIRequest (void)
{ ASSERTMSG(_hToken == NULL, "Impersonation token not released in CThemeManagerAPIRequest::~CThemeManagerAPIRequest"); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute
// Arguments: pAPIDispatchSync - allows request execution access to various
// service notifications and events
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Execute implementation for theme manager API requests. This
// function dispatches requests based on the API request number.
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// 2002-03-11 scotthan add API_THEMES_PROCESSLOADTHEME,
// 2002-03-24 scotthan add DispatchSync arg
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute (CAPIDispatchSync* pAPIDispatchSync)
{ NTSTATUS status; unsigned long ulAPINumber;
ulAPINumber = reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiGeneric.ulAPINumber & API_GENERIC_NUMBER_MASK;
// First try and get the client session data. If this fails then
// there's no object to execute the request on. Fail it.
// Exception to this is API_THEMES_SESSIONCREATE which creates one.
// Note: GetClientSessionData will store the session data in the
// _pSessionData member variable. While doing so it will increase
// reference count on this so that it doesn't get pulled from the
// array while the API request is being executed. The reference is
// released at the end of this function.
status = GetClientSessionData(); if (NT_SUCCESS(status) || (ulAPINumber == API_THEMES_SESSIONCREATE)) { switch (ulAPINumber) { case API_THEMES_THEMEHOOKSON: status = Execute_ThemeHooksOn(); break; case API_THEMES_THEMEHOOKSOFF: status = Execute_ThemeHooksOff(); break; case API_THEMES_GETSTATUSFLAGS: status = Execute_GetStatusFlags(); break; case API_THEMES_GETCURRENTCHANGENUMBER: status = Execute_GetCurrentChangeNumber(); break; case API_THEMES_GETNEWCHANGENUMBER: status = Execute_GetNewChangeNumber(); break; case API_THEMES_SETGLOBALTHEME: status = Execute_SetGlobalTheme(); break; case API_THEMES_MARKSECTION: status = Execute_MarkSection(); break; case API_THEMES_GETGLOBALTHEME: status = Execute_GetGlobalTheme(); break; case API_THEMES_CHECKTHEMESIGNATURE: status = Execute_CheckThemeSignature(); break; case API_THEMES_LOADTHEME: status = Execute_LoadTheme(); break; case API_THEMES_PROCESSLOADTHEME: status = Execute_ProcessLoadTheme(pAPIDispatchSync); break; case API_THEMES_PROCESSASSIGNSECTION: status = Execute_ProcessAssignSection(); break; case API_THEMES_USERLOGON: status = Execute_UserLogon(); break; case API_THEMES_USERLOGOFF: status = Execute_UserLogoff(); break; case API_THEMES_SESSIONCREATE: status = Execute_SessionCreate(); break; case API_THEMES_SESSIONDESTROY: status = Execute_SessionDestroy(); break; case API_THEMES_PING: status = Execute_Ping(); break; default: DISPLAYMSG("Unknown API request in CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute"); status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; } }
// If the execution function needed to impersonate the client then
// revert here and release the token used.
if (_hToken != NULL) { if (RevertToSelf() == FALSE) { status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); } ReleaseHandle(_hToken); }
// Release the _pSessionData object now. NULL it out to prevent
// accidentally using it after being released.
if (_pSessionData != NULL) { _pSessionData->Release(); _pSessionData = NULL; }
// Return to caller.
TSTATUS(status); return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::SessionDestroy
// Arguments: dwSessionID = Session ID to destroy.
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: External entry point for session client (winlogon) watcher.
// When winlogon dies we clean up the session information for
// that session and release resources.
// History: 2000-12-09 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::SessionDestroy (DWORD dwSessionID)
{ NTSTATUS status; int iIndex; CSingleThreadedExecution lock(*s_pLock);
iIndex = FindIndexSessionData(dwSessionID); if (iIndex >= 0) { status = s_pSessionData->Remove(iIndex); } else { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::InitializeServerChangeNumber
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Initializes the static server change number. Every time the
// service starts up this number is incremented. If the number
// isn't present then 0 is used.
// History: 2000-12-09 vtan created
// 2000-12-09 vtan split from StaticInitialize
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::InitializeServerChangeNumber (void)
{ LONG lErrorCodeOpen, lErrorCodeRead; DWORD dwServerChangeNumber; CRegKey regKey;
dwServerChangeNumber = s_dwServerChangeNumber;
// Initialize the static member variable now in case of failure.
// We ignore failures because at GUI setup the key does NOT exist
// because the server dll hasn't been regsvr'd yet. After GUI setup
// this gets regsvr'd and the key exists and we are happy campers.
lErrorCodeOpen = regKey.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\ThemeManager"), KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lErrorCodeOpen) { lErrorCodeRead = regKey.GetDWORD(s_szServerChangeNumberValue, dwServerChangeNumber); } else { lErrorCodeRead = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } dwServerChangeNumber = static_cast<WORD>(dwServerChangeNumber + 1); if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == lErrorCodeOpen) && (ERROR_SUCCESS == lErrorCodeRead)) { TW32(regKey.SetDWORD(s_szServerChangeNumberValue, dwServerChangeNumber)); } s_dwServerChangeNumber = dwServerChangeNumber; return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::StaticInitialize
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Static initializer for the class.
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::StaticInitialize (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (s_pLock == NULL) { s_pLock = new CCriticalSection; if (s_pLock != NULL) { status = s_pLock->Status(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { delete s_pLock; s_pLock = NULL; } } else { status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } } return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::StaticTerminate
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Static destructor for the class.
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::StaticTerminate (void)
{ if (s_pLock != NULL) { delete s_pLock; s_pLock = NULL; } return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::ArrayInitialize
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Initializes (allocates) the session array.
// History: 2001-01-05 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::ArrayInitialize (void)
{ NTSTATUS status; CSingleThreadedExecution lock(*s_pLock);
status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (s_pSessionData == NULL) { s_pSessionData = new CDynamicCountedObjectArray; if (s_pSessionData == NULL) { status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } } return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::ArrayTerminate
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Releases all objects in the session array (removes the waits)
// and releases the session array object.
// History: 2001-01-05 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::ArrayTerminate (void)
{ CSingleThreadedExecution lock(*s_pLock);
if (s_pSessionData != NULL) { int i, iLimit;
iLimit = s_pSessionData->GetCount(); for (i = iLimit - 1; i >= 0; --i) { TSTATUS(static_cast<CThemeManagerSessionData*>(s_pSessionData->Get(i))->Cleanup()); TSTATUS(s_pSessionData->Remove(i)); } delete s_pSessionData; s_pSessionData = NULL; } return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::ImpersonateClientIfRequired
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Impersonates the client if the client is NOT the SYSTEM.
// There's usually no point impersonating the system unless the
// token is actually a filtered token.
// History: 2000-10-19 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::ImpersonateClientIfRequired (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
status = OpenClientToken(_hToken); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { CTokenInformation tokenInformation(_hToken);
if (tokenInformation.IsUserTheSystem()) { ReleaseHandle(_hToken); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else if (ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(_hToken) != FALSE) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); } } return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::ClientHasTcbPrivilege
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Returns whether the client has the SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE as a
// status code.
// History: 2000-11-09 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::ClientHasTcbPrivilege (void)
{ NTSTATUS status; HANDLE hTokenClient;
if (OpenProcessToken(_pAPIDispatcher->GetClientProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hTokenClient) != FALSE) { status = _CheckTokenPrivilege(hTokenClient, SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE);
TBOOL(CloseHandle(hTokenClient)); } else { status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); } return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::FindIndexSessionData
// Arguments: dwSessionID = Session ID to find.
// Returns: int
// Purpose: Iterates the session data array looking for the sessions that
// matches the given session.
// History: 2000-11-30 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CThemeManagerAPIRequest::FindIndexSessionData (DWORD dwSessionID)
{ int iIndex;
iIndex = -1; if ((s_pLock != NULL) && (s_pSessionData != NULL)) { int i, iLimit;
ASSERTMSG(s_pLock->IsOwned(), "s_pLock must be acquired in CThemeManagerAPIRequest::FindIndexSessionData"); iLimit = s_pSessionData->GetCount(); for (i = 0; (iIndex < 0) && (i < iLimit); ++i) { CThemeManagerSessionData *pSessionData;
pSessionData = static_cast<CThemeManagerSessionData*>(s_pSessionData->Get(i)); if ((pSessionData != NULL) && (pSessionData->EqualSessionID(dwSessionID))) { iIndex = i; } } } return(iIndex); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::GetClientSessionData
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Retrieves the session data associated with the client's
// session ID. This abstracts the information from uxtheme's
// loader code and just passes it an object it knows how to deal
// with.
// History: 2000-11-09 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::GetClientSessionData (void)
{ NTSTATUS status; int iIndex; CSingleThreadedExecution lock(*s_pLock);
status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; iIndex = FindIndexSessionData(_pAPIDispatcher->GetClientSessionID()); if (iIndex >= 0) { _pSessionData = static_cast<CThemeManagerSessionData*>(s_pSessionData->Get(iIndex)); if (_pSessionData != NULL) { _pSessionData->AddRef(); status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } else { _pSessionData = NULL; } return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_ThemeHooksOn
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_ThemeHooksOn (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
status = ImpersonateClientIfRequired(); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { API_THEMES_THEMEHOOKSON_OUT *pAPIOut;
pAPIOut = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiThemeHooksOn.out; pAPIOut->hr = ThemeHooksOn(_pSessionData->GetData()); } SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_ThemeHooksOff
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_ThemeHooksOff (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
status = ImpersonateClientIfRequired(); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { API_THEMES_THEMEHOOKSOFF_OUT *pAPIOut;
pAPIOut = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiThemeHooksOff.out; pAPIOut->hr = ThemeHooksOff(_pSessionData->GetData()); } SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_GetStatusFlags
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_GetStatusFlags (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
status = ImpersonateClientIfRequired(); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DWORD dwFlags; API_THEMES_GETSTATUSFLAGS_OUT *pAPIOut;
pAPIOut = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiGetStatusFlags.out; dwFlags = QTS_AVAILABLE; if (AreThemeHooksActive(_pSessionData->GetData())) { dwFlags |= QTS_RUNNING; } pAPIOut->dwFlags = dwFlags; } SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_GetCurrentChangeNumber
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_GetCurrentChangeNumber (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
status = ImpersonateClientIfRequired(); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { API_THEMES_GETCURRENTCHANGENUMBER_OUT *pAPIOut;
pAPIOut = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiGetCurrentChangeNumber.out; pAPIOut->iChangeNumber = GetCurrentChangeNumber(_pSessionData->GetData()); } SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_GetNewChangeNumber
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_GetNewChangeNumber (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
status = ImpersonateClientIfRequired(); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { API_THEMES_GETNEWCHANGENUMBER_OUT *pAPIOut;
pAPIOut = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiGetNewChangeNumber.out; pAPIOut->iChangeNumber = GetNewChangeNumber(_pSessionData->GetData()); } SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_SetGlobalTheme
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_SetGlobalTheme (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
// Note: we must not impersonate the user here, since we need write access to the section
pAPIIn = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiSetGlobalTheme.in; pAPIOut = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiSetGlobalTheme.out; if (pAPIIn->hSection != NULL) { if (DuplicateHandle(_pAPIDispatcher->GetClientProcess(), pAPIIn->hSection, GetCurrentProcess(), &hSection, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, 0) != FALSE) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); } } else { hSection = NULL; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { pAPIOut->hr = SetGlobalTheme(_pSessionData->GetData(), hSection); if (hSection != NULL) { TBOOL(CloseHandle(hSection)); } } else { pAPIOut->hr = HRESULT_FROM_NT(status); }
SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_MarkSection
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// History: 2001-05-08 lmouton created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_MarkSection (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
// Note: we must not impersonate the user here, since we need write access to the section
pAPIIn = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiMarkSection.in; pAPIOut = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiMarkSection.out; dwAdd = pAPIIn->dwAdd; dwRemove = pAPIIn->dwRemove;
if (pAPIIn->hSection != NULL) { if (DuplicateHandle(_pAPIDispatcher->GetClientProcess(), pAPIIn->hSection, GetCurrentProcess(), &hSection, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, 0) != FALSE) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); DISPLAYMSG("Execute_MarkSection: Can't get a write handle"); } } else { hSection = NULL; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { if (hSection != NULL) { MarkSection(hSection, dwAdd, dwRemove); TBOOL(CloseHandle(hSection)); } }
SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_GetGlobalTheme
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_GetGlobalTheme (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
status = ImpersonateClientIfRequired(); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { HRESULT hr; HANDLE hSection; API_THEMES_GETGLOBALTHEME_OUT *pAPIOut;
pAPIOut = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiGetGlobalTheme.out; hr = GetGlobalTheme(_pSessionData->GetData(), &hSection); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (hSection != NULL)) { if (DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hSection, _pAPIDispatcher->GetClientProcess(), &pAPIOut->hSection, FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, 0) != FALSE) { hr = S_OK; } else { DWORD dwErrorCode;
dwErrorCode = GetLastError(); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErrorCode); } TBOOL(CloseHandle(hSection)); } pAPIOut->hr = hr; } SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LOADTHEME_STRINGS + supporting functions
// Purpose: Manages and validates LoadTheme string parameters
// History: 2002-02-26 scotthan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct { LPWSTR pszFilename; LPWSTR pszColor; LPWSTR pszSize;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void _FreeThemeStrings( IN LOADTHEME_STRINGS* plts ) { if( plts ) { _FreeMappedClientString(plts->pszFilename); _FreeMappedClientString(plts->pszColor); _FreeMappedClientString(plts->pszSize); delete plts; } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS _AllocAndMapThemeStrings( IN HANDLE hProcessClient, IN LPCWSTR pszFilenameIn, IN UINT cchFilenameIn, IN LPCWSTR pszColorIn, IN UINT cchColorIn, IN LPCWSTR pszSizeIn, IN UINT cchSizeIn, OUT LOADTHEME_STRINGS** pplts ) { NTSTATUS status;
ASSERTMSG(pplts != NULL, "_AllocAndMapThemeStrings: NULL outbound parameter, LOADTHEME_STRINGS**."); ASSERTMSG(hProcessClient != NULL, "_AllocAndMapThemeStrings: NULL process handle.");
// note: cchFileNameIn, cchColorIn, cchSizeIn are char counts that include the NULL terminus.
if( pszFilenameIn && pszColorIn && pszSizeIn && cchFilenameIn > 0 && cchColorIn > 0 && cchSizeIn > 0 && cchFilenameIn <= MAX_THEME_STRING && cchColorIn <= MAX_THEME_STRING && cchSizeIn <= MAX_THEME_STRING ) { *pplts = NULL;
if( plts != NULL ) { ZeroMemory(plts, sizeof(*plts));
status = _AllocAndMapClientString(hProcessClient, pszFilenameIn, cchFilenameIn, MAX_THEME_STRING, &plts->pszFilename); if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { status = _AllocAndMapClientString(hProcessClient, pszColorIn, cchColorIn, MAX_THEME_STRING, &plts->pszColor); if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { status = _AllocAndMapClientString(hProcessClient, pszSizeIn, cchSizeIn, MAX_THEME_STRING, &plts->pszSize); if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { *pplts = plts; } } }
if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { _FreeThemeStrings(plts); } } else { status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } } else { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
return status; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_CheckThemeSignature
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_CheckThemeSignature (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
pAPIIn = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiCheckThemeSignature.in; pAPIOut = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiCheckThemeSignature.out;
status = _AllocAndMapClientString(_pAPIDispatcher->GetClientProcess(), pAPIIn->pszName, pAPIIn->cchName, MAX_PATH, &pszThemeFileName); if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { pAPIOut->hr = CheckThemeSignature(pszThemeFileName); status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
_FreeMappedClientString(pszThemeFileName); } } SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_LoadTheme
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Handles API_THEMES_LOADTHEME.
// History: 2000-10-10 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_LoadTheme (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
BOOL fTcb = NT_SUCCESS(ClientHasTcbPrivilege());
status = ImpersonateClientIfRequired();
hProcessClient = _pAPIDispatcher->GetClientProcess(); pAPIIn = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiLoadTheme.in; pAPIOut = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiLoadTheme.out;
status = _AllocAndMapThemeStrings( hProcessClient, pAPIIn->pszName, pAPIIn->cchName, pAPIIn->pszColor, pAPIIn->cchColor, pAPIIn->pszSize, pAPIIn->cchSize, &plts ); if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { HANDLE hSectionIn, hSectionOut;
if (DuplicateHandle(hProcessClient, pAPIIn->hSection, GetCurrentProcess(), &hSectionIn, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, 0) != FALSE) { status = STATUS_SUCCESS;
// Only clients with TCB privilege can load a global theme section.
// We don't want stock object ownership here; let the client clean them up on failure.
DWORD dwLoadFlags = fTcb ? LTF_GLOBALPRIVILEGEDCLIENT : 0; // Warning: this function will revert to self in order to create the section in system context.
// Impersonate the user again after it if needed
pAPIOut->hr = LoadTheme(_pSessionData->GetData(), hSectionIn, &hSectionOut, plts->pszFilename, plts->pszColor, plts->pszSize, dwLoadFlags);
if (SUCCEEDED(pAPIOut->hr)) { // Still running in the system context here
if (DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hSectionOut, hProcessClient, &pAPIOut->hSection, FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, 0) == FALSE) { status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); } TBOOL(CloseHandle(hSectionOut)); } TBOOL(CloseHandle(hSectionIn)); } else { status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); }
_FreeThemeStrings(plts); } }
SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_ProcessLoadTheme
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// History: 2002-02-26 scotthan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_ProcessLoadTheme( CAPIDispatchSync* pAPIDispatchSync)
pAPIIn = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiProcessLoadTheme.in; pAPIOut = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiProcessLoadTheme.out; hProcessClient = _pAPIDispatcher->GetClientProcess();
if( !CAPIDispatchSync::IsServiceStopping(pAPIDispatchSync) ) { status = _pSessionData->GetLoaderProcess(&pLoader);
if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { status = // do we already have a loader?
status = pLoader->IsAlive() ? STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED : STATUS_SUCCESS;
if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { status = ImpersonateClientIfRequired(); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { LOADTHEME_STRINGS* plts;
if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { status = _AllocAndMapThemeStrings( hProcessClient, pAPIIn->pszName, pAPIIn->cchName, pAPIIn->pszColor, pAPIIn->cchColor, pAPIIn->pszSize, pAPIIn->cchSize, &plts ); if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { HANDLE hTokenClient;
if( OpenProcessToken(hProcessClient, TOKEN_ASSIGN_PRIMARY| TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_QUERY, &hTokenClient) ) { // SECURITY: Launch process with client credentials to load the theme.
status = pLoader->Create(_pSessionData->GetData(), hTokenClient, NULL, plts->pszFilename, plts->pszColor, plts->pszSize, &hLoaderProcess); CloseHandle(hTokenClient);
} else { status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); } _FreeThemeStrings(plts); } } } } } } else // !CThemeManagerService::'()
pAPIOut->hSection = NULL; pAPIOut->hr = E_FAIL;
// If we launched a loader process, block until its finished
if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { ASSERTMSG(hLoaderProcess != NULL, "CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_ProcessLoadTheme - NULL loader process.");
HANDLE hStopEvent = CAPIDispatchSync::GetServiceStoppingEvent(pAPIDispatchSync); ASSERTMSG(hStopEvent != NULL, "CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_ProcessLoadTheme - NULL Stop event"); HANDLE rgHandles[2]; rgHandles[0] = hLoaderProcess; rgHandles[1] = hStopEvent;
// paranoia: assign default status in case we fall out
DWORD dwWait = WaitForMultipleObjects(ARRAYSIZE(rgHandles), rgHandles, FALSE, PROCESSLOADERWAIT);
switch(dwWait) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: // hLoaderProcess
status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break;
case WAIT_OBJECT_0+1: // hStopEvent
case WAIT_TIMEOUT: status = STATUS_TIMEOUT; DISPLAYMSG("Execute_ProcessLoadTheme - Timed out waiting for loader process."); break; }
// default the LPC return code to current status code
pAPIOut->hr = HRESULT_FROM_NT(status);
// By the time the process is finished, we'll have a theme memory section
// stored in the loader process object, transacted via API_THEMES_PROCESSASSIGNSECTION.
// Let's fetch it and hand it back to our caller.
NTSTATUS statusLoader = _pSessionData->GetLoaderProcess(&pLoader);
if( NT_SUCCESS(statusLoader) ) { HANDLE hSectionOut = pLoader->GetSectionHandle(TRUE);
// did we unblock from the loader?
if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { pAPIOut->hr = pLoader->GetHResult();
#ifdef DEBUG
if( SUCCEEDED(pAPIOut->hr) ) { ASSERTMSG(hSectionOut != NULL, "CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_ProcessLoadTheme - Success means valid section handle!"); } #endif DEBUG
if( hSectionOut ) { BOOL fDuped = DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hSectionOut, hProcessClient, &pAPIOut->hSection, FILE_MAP_READ, FALSE, 0); // Still running in the system context here
if( !fDuped ) { // couldn't duplicate handle. This means we'll never clean stock objects.
ASSERTMSG(fDuped, "Failed to duplicate theme handle; leaking visual style stock objects");
status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); pAPIOut->hr = HRESULT_FROM_NT(status); } } } else { ASSERTMSG(pAPIOut->hr == HRESULT_FROM_NT(status), "CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_ProcessLoadTheme - failing to preserve proper status errror code.");
if( hSectionOut ) { THR(ServiceClearStockObjects(_pSessionData->GetData(), hSectionOut)); pAPIOut->hSection = NULL; } }
if( hSectionOut ) { CloseHandle(hSectionOut); }
// prepare the loader object for the next request.
pLoader->Clear(_pSessionData->GetData(), TRUE); } else // NT_SUCCESS(_pSessionData->GetLoaderProcess).
{ status = statusLoader; pAPIOut->hr = HRESULT_FROM_NT(status); } s_pLock->Release(); } else { pAPIOut->hr = HRESULT_FROM_NT(status); }
SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_ProcessAssignSection
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// History: 2002-02-26 scotthan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_ProcessAssignSection (void) { // Note: The following must be true for this part of the
// Load/ApplySecureTheme sequence to be truly secure:
// 1. There is a theme service worker thread handling API_THEMES_PROCESSLOADTHEME
// now. That handler launched a secure session loader process,
// 2. The API_THEMES_PROCESSLOADTHEME handler's thread is waiting for
// secure session loader process to terminate.
// 3. The only process that should be sending the API_THEMES_PROCESSASSIGNSECTION request
// is the same secure session loader process.
// _data is a hippo-union; store off in params to init out params
pAPIIn = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiProcessAssignSection.in; HRESULT hrClient = pAPIIn->hrLoad; HANDLE hClientSection = pAPIIn->hSection;
// init out params
pAPIOut = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiProcessAssignSection.out; pAPIOut->hr = E_FAIL;
// all of this takes place under the session data lock.
CLoaderProcess* pLoader = NULL; NTSTATUS status = _pSessionData->GetLoaderProcess(&pLoader);
if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { HANDLE hProcessClient = _pAPIDispatcher->GetClientProcess(); if( pLoader->IsProcessLoader(hProcessClient) ) { // manage errors as nt status codes until the very end.
status = hrClient & ~FACILITY_NT_BIT; // any work to do?
if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { status = ImpersonateClientIfRequired();
if( NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { HANDLE hSectionReadWrite = NULL; // Map the incoming read-write section handle to
// theme service's address space
if (DuplicateHandle(hProcessClient, hClientSection, GetCurrentProcess(), &hSectionReadWrite, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, 0) != FALSE) { // Copy the incoming read-write section to a read-only section, update the theme change count
// Warning: this function will revert to self in order to create the
// section in the system context. Impersonate the user again after it if needed
HANDLE hSectionReadOnly = NULL; status = pLoader->ValidateAndCopySection(_pSessionData->GetData(), hSectionReadWrite, &hSectionReadOnly);
// no longer don't need our dupe of the incoming, read-write section.
CloseHandle(hSectionReadWrite); } else // DuplicateHandle
{ status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); pLoader->SetHResult(HRESULT_FROM_NT(status)); } } else // NT_SUCCESS(ImpersonateClientIfRequired)
{ status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); pLoader->SetHResult(HRESULT_FROM_NT(status)); } } else // SUCCEEDED(hrClient)
{ pLoader->SetHResult(HRESULT_FROM_NT(status)); DISPLAYMSG("CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_ProcessAssignSection: client failed section creation"); } } else // CLoaderProcess::IsProcessLoader
{ status = E_ACCESSDENIED; DISPLAYMSG("CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_ProcessAssignSection::IsProcessLoader failed"); } }
pAPIOut->hr = HRESULT_FROM_NT(status);
s_pLock->Release(); SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_UserLogon
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Handles API_THEMES_USERLOGON. To call this API you must have
// the SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE in your token.
// History: 2000-10-12 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_UserLogon (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
status = ClientHasTcbPrivilege(); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { HANDLE hToken; API_THEMES_USERLOGON_IN *pAPIIn;
pAPIIn = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiUserLogon.in; if (DuplicateHandle(_pAPIDispatcher->GetClientProcess(), pAPIIn->hToken, GetCurrentProcess(), &hToken, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS) != FALSE) { status = _pSessionData->UserLogon(hToken); TBOOL(CloseHandle(hToken)); } else { status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); } } SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_UserLogoff
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Handles API_THEMES_USERLOGOFF. To call this API you must have
// the SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE in your token.
// History: 2000-10-12 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_UserLogoff (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
status = ClientHasTcbPrivilege(); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { status = _pSessionData->UserLogoff(); } SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_SessionCreate
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Handles API_THEMES_SESSIONCREATE. To call this API you must
// have the SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE in your token.
// History: 2000-11-09 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_SessionCreate (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
status = ClientHasTcbPrivilege(); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { HANDLE hProcessClient; CThemeManagerSessionData *pSessionData;
ASSERTMSG(_pSessionData == NULL, "Session data already exists in CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_SessionCreate"); if (DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), _pAPIDispatcher->GetClientProcess(), GetCurrentProcess(), &hProcessClient, PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD | PROCESS_VM_OPERATION | PROCESS_VM_READ | PROCESS_VM_WRITE | PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, FALSE, 0) != FALSE) { DWORD dwSessionID;
dwSessionID = _pAPIDispatcher->GetClientSessionID(); pSessionData = new CThemeManagerSessionData(dwSessionID); if (pSessionData != NULL) { API_THEMES_SESSIONCREATE_IN *pAPIIn;
pAPIIn = &reinterpret_cast<API_THEMES*>(&_data)->apiSpecific.apiSessionCreate.in; status = pSessionData->Allocate(hProcessClient, s_dwServerChangeNumber, pAPIIn->pfnRegister, pAPIIn->pfnUnregister, pAPIIn->pfnClearStockObjects, pAPIIn->dwStackSizeReserve, pAPIIn->dwStackSizeCommit); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { int iIndex; CSingleThreadedExecution lock(*s_pLock);
// Find the session data in the static array. If found
// then remove the entry (don't allow duplicates).
iIndex = FindIndexSessionData(dwSessionID); if (iIndex >= 0) { status = s_pSessionData->Remove(iIndex); }
// If the static array has been destroyed (the service has been
// stopped) then don't do anything - this is not an error.
if (NT_SUCCESS(status) && (s_pSessionData != NULL)) { status = s_pSessionData->Add(pSessionData); } } pSessionData->Release(); } else { status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } TBOOL(CloseHandle(hProcessClient)); } else { status = CStatusCode::StatusCodeOfLastError(); } } SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_SessionDestroy
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Handles API_THEMES_SESSIONDESTROY. To call this API you must
// have the SE_TCB_PRIVILEGE in your token.
// History: 2000-11-09 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_SessionDestroy (void)
{ NTSTATUS status;
status = ClientHasTcbPrivilege(); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { int iIndex; CSingleThreadedExecution lock(*s_pLock);
iIndex = FindIndexSessionData(_pAPIDispatcher->GetClientSessionID()); if (iIndex >= 0) { status = s_pSessionData->Remove(iIndex); } else { status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } } SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(status); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_Ping
// Arguments: <none>
// Returns: NTSTATUS
// Purpose: Handles API_THEMES_PING. Tell the client we're alive.
// History: 2000-11-30 vtan created
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
NTSTATUS CThemeManagerAPIRequest::Execute_Ping (void)
{ SetDataLength(sizeof(API_THEMES)); return(STATUS_SUCCESS); }