Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
#ifndef UNIX <HTML id=dlgError STYLE="font-family:ms sans serif; font-size:8pt; width:41.0025em; height:13.7em;"> #else <HTML id=dlgError STYLE="font-family:ms sans serif; font-size:8pt; width:43.0025em; height:14.7em;"> #endif <HEAD> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="MSThemeCompatible" CONTENT="Yes"> <TITLE id=dialogTitle> Internet Explorer </TITLE> <style type="text/css"> p,td,input,button { font:8pt MS Shell Dlg; cursor:default} body { font:8pt MS Shell Dlg; color: windowtext; background:menu;} </style> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" defer>
window.onerror = HandleError document.ondragstart = NoDragging
function NoDragging() { window.event.returnValue = false; }
var g_errList; var g_detailsPaneOpen;
//+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Synopsis: Turns off error messages in dialogs // // Arguments: none // // returns: true (tells browser not to handle message) // //--------------------------------------------------------------------
function HandleError(message, url, line) { var L_Dialog_ErrorMessage = "An error has occurred in this dialog."; var L_ErrorNumber_Text = "Error: ";
var str = L_Dialog_ErrorMessage + "\n\n" + L_ErrorNumber_Text + line + "\n" + message;
alert (str); window.close();
return true; }
//+---------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Synopsis: Binds events to controls and do some last minute // dialog formatting // // Arguments: none. // // Returns: nothing. // //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
function updateTabIndices() { if (g_detailsPaneOpen) { var nextIndex = 3;
if (!btnPrevErr.disabled) { btnPrevErr.tabindex = nextIndex++; }
if (!btnNextErr.disabled) { btnNextErr.tabindex = nextIndex++; }
chkAlwaysShowErrs.tabindex = nextIndex; } else { btnPrevErr.tabindex = -1; btnNextErr.tabindex = -1; chkAlwaysShowErrs.tabindex = 3; } }
function loadBdy() { g_errList = window.dialogArguments; chkAlwaysShowErrs.checked = g_errList.getPerErrorDisplay();
// if the key didn't exist we got a default. if we took a // default, it needs to become a real setting (non-default) // because the nonexistence of the key indicates to us that // we need to display the dialog but default to having // "never show me again" checked. obviously we only want // this behavioral exception to happen once. to make it // become a non-default value, just write it out...
// if the IEAK has locked the advanced options settings, // then disable the checkbox so that people can't change // the "Always present script error notifications" setting // via the checkbox
chkAlwaysShowErrs.disabled = g_errList.getAlwaysShowLockState();
// // set the details pane to be open or closed // the easiest way to make sure all controls // are set to their proper state is to just // call the click function //
g_detailsPaneOpen = g_errList.getDetailsPaneOpen(); assureControlState();
// // Bind event to controls //
btnOK.onclick = new Function("btnOKClick()"); btnOK.onkeydown = new Function("SwitchFocus()"); btnDetails.onclick = new Function("btnDetailsClick()"); btnDetails.onkeydown = new Function("SwitchFocus()");
btnNextErr.onclick = new Function("btnNextErrClick()"); btnNextErr.onkeydown = new Function("SwitchFocus()"); btnPrevErr.onclick = new Function("btnPrevErrClick()"); btnPrevErr.onkeydown = new Function("SwitchFocus()");
// // Fill the dialog with error information //
// // set prev and next button's disabled state //
if (!g_errList.canRetreatError()) { btnPrevErr.disabled = true; } if (!g_errList.canAdvanceError()) { btnNextErr.disabled = true; }
btnOK.focus(); } // loadBdy
//+----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Sysopsis: sets all the error specific controls to be in sync with // the current error index // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //------------------------------------------------------------------------
function updateErrorInfo() { spnLine.innerText = g_errList.getErrorLine(); spnCharacter.innerText = g_errList.getErrorChar(); spnCode.innerText = g_errList.getErrorCode(); divError.innerText = g_errList.getErrorMsg(); divURL.innerText = g_errList.getErrorUrl(); }
//+----------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Synopsis: Handles keyboard-related shifting of focus among the // varioud dialog controls. // // Notes: We're trying to pretend to be just like a normal dialog. // Therefore, we need tab groups within which up/left // shifts focus in the shift-tab diection, and right/down // shifts focus in the tab direction. And we need a global // tab order for tab and shift-tab to follow. // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //------------------------------------------------------------------------
function SwitchFocus() { var HTML_KEY_ARROWLEFT = 37; var HTML_KEY_ARROWUP = 38; var HTML_KEY_ARROWRIGHT = 39; var HTML_KEY_ARROWDOWN = 40;
var iCode = event.keyCode; var strSourceID = event.srcElement.id; var fTabForward;
if (iCode < HTML_KEY_ARROWLEFT || iCode > HTML_KEY_ARROWDOWN) { return; }
var fTabForward = iCode == HTML_KEY_ARROWRIGHT || iCode == HTML_KEY_ARROWDOWN;
if (g_detailsPaneOpen) { // arrow keys move back and forth between: // 1) ok - details // 2) previous - next
if (fTabForward) { if (strSourceID == "btnPrevErr") { if (!btnNextErr.disabled) { btnNextErr.focus(); } } else if (strSourceID == "btnOK") { btnDetails.focus(); } else if (strSourceID == "chkAlwaysShowErrs") { btnOK.focus(); } } else { if (strSourceID == "btnNextErr") { if (!btnPrevErr.disabled) { btnPrevErr.focus(); } } else if (strSourceID == "btnDetails") { btnOK.focus(); } else if (strSourceID == "btnOK") { chkAlwaysShowErrs.focus(); } } } }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Synopsis: Closes the dialog // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //---------------------------------------------------------------------
function btnOKClick() { g_errList.setPerErrorDisplay(chkAlwaysShowErrs.checked); g_errList.setDetailsPaneOpen(g_detailsPaneOpen); window.close(); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Synopsis: make sure things which are affected by the state // of the details pane are in sync with the current // state of the details pane // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //--------------------------------------------------------------------
function assureControlState() { #ifndef UNIX var L_DetailsExpand_Text = "Show <u>D</u>etails >>"; var L_DetailsCollapse_Text = "Hide <u>D</u>etails <<"; #else var L_DetailsExpand_Text = "Show <u>D</u>etails"; var L_DetailsCollapse_Text = "Hide <u>D</u>etails"; #endif
if (g_detailsPaneOpen) { // update the button text btnDetails.innerHTML = L_DetailsCollapse_Text;
// enlarge the window to show the error info window.dialogHeight = 27.2;
// assure details info is visible divDetails.style.display = ""; divButtons2.style.display = ""; trHR.style.display = ""; } else { // update the button text btnDetails.innerHTML = L_DetailsExpand_Text;
// assure details info is hidden divDetails.style.display = "none"; divButtons2.style.display = "none"; trHR.style.display = "none";
// shrink the window to hide the error info window.dialogHeight = 13.7; } }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Synopsis: provides user with details about accumulated script // errors // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //--------------------------------------------------------------------
function btnDetailsClick() { g_detailsPaneOpen = !g_detailsPaneOpen;
if (g_detailsPaneOpen) { // give focus to the "next" button if possible, // otherwise try "previous", finally "ok" if (!btnNextErr.disabled) { btnNextErr.focus(); } else if (!btnPrevErr.disabled) { btnPrevErr.focus(); } else { btnOK.focus(); } } else { // give focus to the "details" button btnDetails.focus(); }
updateTabIndices(); }
//+------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Synopsis: updates error info to correspond to the next error // // Arguments: none // // Returns: nothing // //--------------------------------------------------------------------
function btnNextErrClick() { g_errList.advanceError(); updateErrorInfo();
if (btnPrevErr.disabled) { // no longer at beginning of error list btnPrevErr.disabled = false; }
if (!g_errList.canAdvanceError()) { // at end of error list btnNextErr.disabled = true; btnPrevErr.focus(); }
updateTabIndices(); }
function btnPrevErrClick() { g_errList.retreatError(); updateErrorInfo();
if (btnNextErr.disabled) { // no longer at end of error list btnNextErr.disabled = false; }
if (!g_errList.canRetreatError()) { // at beginning of error list btnPrevErr.disabled = true; btnNextErr.focus(); }
updateTabIndices(); }
function BodyOnKeyPress(nCode) { if (nCode == 27) //ESC { window.close(); return; } }
</HEAD> <BODY ID=bdy style="background: threedface" onLoad=loadBdy() onkeydown=BodyOnKeyPress(event.keyCode) onkeypress=BodyOnKeyPress(event.keyCode) topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 rightmargin=0 bottommargin=0>
<table id=tblMain tabindex=-1 cellspacing=0 border=0 style="background:buttonface; border-collapse:collapse; width:26.1em;"> <TR>
<!-- Icon image --> <TD id=tdIcon valign=top style="padding-left:0.9625em; padding-top:0.9295em; padding-right:0.385em;"> <img id=imgIcon src=warning.gif> </TD>
<TD style="padding-top:0.5577em;"> <!-- Inner table start --> <table tabindex=-1 cellspacing=0 border=0 style="background:buttonface; border-collapse:collapse">
<!-- Error message dialog --> <TR> <TD id=tdMsg style="padding-left:0.48125em; padding-right:0em"> Problems with this Web page might prevent it from being displayed properly or functioning properly. In the future, you can display this message by double-clicking the warning icon displayed in the status bar. </TD> </TR>
<!-- Checkbox --> <TR> <TD style="padding-top:0.46475em;"> <input id=chkAlwaysShowErrs tabindex=5 accesskey=a type=checkbox> <label for=chkAlwaysShowErrs id=labelChk> <u>A</u>lways display this message when a page contains errors. </label> </TD> </TR>
<!-- OK button --> <TR> <TD id=Buttons align=right style="padding-top:1.20835em;"> <table id=tblMain tabindex=-1 cellspacing=0 border=0 style="background:buttonface; border-collapse:collapse;"> <tr> <td style="padding-right:0.385em; padding-left:0em"> <button id=btnOK tabindex=1 style="width:8em; height:2.2em;" type=submit> OK </button> </td> <td> <button id=btnDetails tabindex=2 style="width:8em; height:2.2em;" accesskey=d> Show <u>D</u>etails >> </button> </td> </tr> </table> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <!-- Inner table end -->
</TD> </TR>
<!-- HR --> <TR id=trHR style="display:none;"> <TD colspan=2 style="padding-left:1.155em; padding-top:0.09295em; padding-right:0.28875em;"> <hr> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>
#ifndef UNIX <DIV id=divDetails tabindex=-1 style="border:inset; overflow:auto; position:absolute; background:threedface; font-family:ms sans serif; font-size:8pt; top:12.4553em; width:37.9225em; height:8.1796em; margin-left:1.155em; margin-right: 0em; display:none"> #else <DIV id=divDetails tabindex=-1 style="border:inset; overflow:auto; position:absolute; background:threedface; font-family:ms sans serif; font-size:8pt; top:14.4553em; width:40.9225em; height:9.1796em; margin-left:1.155em; margin-right:0em"> #endif <TABLE id=tbl2 tabindex=-1 cellspacing=0 border=0 style="border-collapse:collapse; background:buttonface; font-family:ms sans serif; font-size:8pt;"> <TBODY> <TR valign=top> <TD id=tdLine nowrap style="padding-top:0.3718em; padding-left:0.48125em; padding-right:0em"> Line: </TD> <TD id=tdSpanLine style="padding-top:0.46475em;"> <SPAN id=spnLine></SPAN> </TD> </TR> <TR valign=top> <TD id=tdChar nowrap style="padding-left:0.48125em; padding-right:0em"> Char: </TD> <TD id=tdSpanCharacter> <SPAN id=spnCharacter></SPAN> </TD> </TR> <TR valign=top> <TD id=tdError nowrap style="padding-left:0.48125em; padding-right:0em"> Error: </TD> <TD id=tdSpanError> <DIV id=divError tabindex=-1 style="background: threedface; font-family: ms sans serif; font-size:8pt; width:32.1475em;"></DIV> </TD> </TR> <TR valign=top> <TD id=tdCode nowrap style="padding-left:0.48125em; padding-right:0em"> Code: </TD> <TD id=tdSpanCode> <SPAN id=spnCode></SPAN> </TD> </TR> <TR valign=top> <TD id=tdURL nowrap style="padding-left:0.48125em; padding-right:0em; padding-bottom:0.09295em;"> URL: </TD> <TD id=tdSpanURL> <DIV id=divURL tabindex=-1 style="background:threedface; font-family:ms sans serif; font-size:8pt; width:32.1475em;"></DIV> </TEXTAREA> </TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> </DIV>
#ifndef UNIX <DIV id=divButtons2 tabindex=-1 align=right style="background:buttonface; position:absolute; font-family:ms sans serif; font-size:8pt; top:21.1926em; width:38.01875em; margin-left:1.155em; margin-right:0em; display:none"> #else <DIV id=divButtons2 tabindex=-1 align=right style="background:buttonface; position:absolute; font-family:ms sans serif; font-size:8pt; top:24.1926em; width:41.01875em; margin-left:1.155em; margin-right:0em"> #endif <table id=tblMain tabindex=-1 cellspacing=0 border=0 style="background:buttonface; border-collapse:collapse;"> <tr> <td style="padding-right:0.385em; padding-left:0em"> <button id=btnPrevErr tabindex=3 type=reset accesskey=p style="font-family: ms sans serif; font-size:8pt; width:8em; height:2.2em;"> <u>P</u>revious </button> </td> <td> <button id=btnNextErr tabindex=4 type=reset accesskey=n style="font-family: ms sans serif; font-size:8pt; width:8em; height:2.2em;"> <u>N</u>ext </button> </td> </tr> </table> </DIV>