#include "priv.h"
#include "infotip.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include <mluisupp.h>
HRESULT ReadProp(IPropertyStorage *ppropstg, PROPID propid, PROPVARIANT *ppropvar) { PROPSPEC prspec = { PRSPEC_PROPID, propid };
return ppropstg->ReadMultiple(1, &prspec, ppropvar); }
STDAPI GetStringProp(IPropertyStorage *ppropstg, PROPID propid, LPTSTR pszBuf, DWORD cchBuf) { PROPVARIANT propvar;
*pszBuf = 0;
if (S_OK == ReadProp(ppropstg, propid, &propvar)) { if (VT_LPWSTR == propvar.vt) { SHUnicodeToTChar(propvar.pwszVal, pszBuf, cchBuf); } else if (VT_LPSTR == propvar.vt) { SHAnsiToTChar(propvar.pszVal, pszBuf, cchBuf); } PropVariantClear(&propvar); }
return *pszBuf ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
DWORD AppendTipText(LPTSTR pszBuf, int cchBuf, UINT ids, ...) { DWORD dwRet; TCHAR szFmt[64]; va_list ArgList;
if (ids == 0 || 0 == MLLoadString(ids, szFmt, SIZECHARS(szFmt))) { StringCchCopy(szFmt, ARRAYSIZE(szFmt), TEXT("%s%s")); }
va_start(ArgList, ids); dwRet = wvnsprintf(pszBuf, cchBuf, szFmt, ArgList); va_end(ArgList);
return dwRet; }
STDAPI GetInfoTipFromStorage(IPropertySetStorage *ppropsetstg, const ITEM_PROP *pip, WCHAR **ppszTip) { TCHAR szTip[2048]; LPTSTR psz = szTip; LPCTSTR pszCRLF = TEXT(""); UINT cch, cchMac = SIZECHARS(szTip); const GUID *pfmtIdLast = NULL; IPropertyStorage *ppropstg = NULL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
*ppszTip = NULL;
for (; pip->pfmtid; pip++) { // cache the last FMTID and reuse it if the next FMTID is the same
if (!ppropstg || !IsEqualGUID(*pfmtIdLast, *pip->pfmtid)) { if (ppropstg) { ppropstg->Release(); ppropstg = NULL; }
pfmtIdLast = pip->pfmtid; ppropsetstg->Open(*pip->pfmtid, STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, &ppropstg); }
if (ppropstg) { TCHAR szT[256];
hr = pip->pfnRead(ppropstg, pip->idProp, szT, SIZECHARS(szT)); if (S_OK == hr) { cch = AppendTipText(psz, cchMac, pip->idFmtString, pszCRLF, szT); psz += cch; cchMac -= cch; pszCRLF = TEXT("\r\n"); } else if (hr != S_FALSE) { break; // error, exit for loop
} } }
if (ppropstg) ppropstg->Release();
hr = S_FALSE; // assume no tooltip
if (psz != szTip) { hr = SHStrDup(szTip, ppszTip); }
return hr; }