#include "shellprv.h"
#pragma hdrstop
UINT _StringListLenW(PCWSTR pszList) { // this is a double NULL terminated list
// we want to make sure that we get the size
// including the NULL term
PCWSTR pszLast = pszList; while (*pszLast || (*(pszLast + 1))) { pszLast++; } ASSERT(!pszLast[0] && !pszLast[1]); // add 2 for the double term
return (UINT)(pszLast - pszList) + 2; }
UINT _StringListLenA(PCSTR pszList) { // this is a double NULL terminated list
// we want to make sure that we get the size
// including the NULL term
PCSTR pszLast = pszList; while (*pszLast || (*(pszLast + 1))) { pszLast++; } ASSERT(!pszLast[0] && !pszLast[1]); // add 2 for the double term
return (UINT)(pszLast - pszList) + 2; }
// warning: this will fail given a UNICODE hDrop on an ANSI build and
// the DRAGINFO is esentially a TCHAR struct with no A/W versions exported
// in:
// hDrop drop handle
// out:
// a bunch of info about the hdrop
// (mostly the pointer to the double NULL file name list in TCHAR format)
// returns:
// TRUE the DRAGINFO struct was filled in
// FALSE the hDrop was bad
STDAPI_(BOOL) DragQueryInfo(HDROP hDrop, DRAGINFO *pdi) { if (hDrop && (pdi->uSize == sizeof(DRAGINFO))) { LPDROPFILES lpdfx = (LPDROPFILES)GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)hDrop); pdi->lpFileList = NULL; if (lpdfx) { LPTSTR lpOldFileList; if (LOWORD(lpdfx->pFiles) == sizeof(DROPFILES16)) { //
// This is Win31-stye HDROP
LPDROPFILES16 pdf16 = (LPDROPFILES16)lpdfx; pdi->pt.x = pdf16->pt.x; pdi->pt.y = pdf16->pt.y; pdi->fNC = pdf16->fNC; pdi->grfKeyState = 0; lpOldFileList = (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)pdf16 + pdf16->pFiles); } else { //
// This is a new (NT-compatible) HDROP.
pdi->pt.x = lpdfx->pt.x; pdi->pt.y = lpdfx->pt.y; pdi->fNC = lpdfx->fNC; pdi->grfKeyState = 0; lpOldFileList = (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)lpdfx + lpdfx->pFiles); // there could be other data in there, but all
// the HDROPs we build should be this size
ASSERT(lpdfx->pFiles == sizeof(DROPFILES)); } { BOOL fIsAnsi = ((LOWORD(lpdfx->pFiles) == sizeof(DROPFILES16)) || lpdfx->fWide == FALSE); if (!fIsAnsi) { UINT cchListW = _StringListLenW(lpOldFileList); LPTSTR pszListW = (LPTSTR) SHAlloc(CbFromCchW(cchListW)); if (pszListW) { // Copy strings to new buffer and set LPDROPINFO filelist
// pointer to point to this new buffer
CopyMemory(pszListW, lpOldFileList, CbFromCchW(cchListW)); pdi->lpFileList = pszListW; } } else { PCSTR pszListA = (LPSTR)lpOldFileList; UINT cchListA = _StringListLenA(pszListA); UINT cchListW = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszListA, cchListA, NULL, 0); if (cchListW) { PWSTR pszListW = (LPWSTR) SHAlloc(CbFromCchW(cchListW)); if (pszListW) { // reuse cchListA for debug purposes
cchListA = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszListA, cchListA, pszListW, cchListW); ASSERT(cchListA == cchListW); pdi->lpFileList = pszListW; } } } } GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL)hDrop); return pdi->lpFileList != NULL; } } return FALSE; }
// 3.1 API
STDAPI_(BOOL) DragQueryPoint(HDROP hDrop, POINT *ppt) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; LPDROPFILES lpdfs = (LPDROPFILES)GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)hDrop); if (lpdfs) { if (LOWORD(lpdfs->pFiles) == sizeof(DROPFILES16)) { //
// This is Win31-stye HDROP
LPDROPFILES16 pdf16 = (LPDROPFILES16)lpdfs; ppt->x = pdf16->pt.x; ppt->y = pdf16->pt.y; fRet = !pdf16->fNC; } else { //
// This is a new (NT-compatible) HDROP
ppt->x = (UINT)lpdfs->pt.x; ppt->y = (UINT)lpdfs->pt.y; fRet = !lpdfs->fNC;
// there could be other data in there, but all
// the HDROPs we build should be this size
ASSERT(lpdfs->pFiles == sizeof(DROPFILES)); } GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL)hDrop); }
return fRet; }
// Unfortunately we need it split out this way because WOW needs to
// able to call a function named DragQueryFileAorW (so it can shorten them)
STDAPI_(UINT) DragQueryFileAorW(HDROP hDrop, UINT iFile, void *lpFile, UINT cb, BOOL fNeedAnsi, BOOL fShorten) { UINT i; LPDROPFILESTRUCT lpdfs = (LPDROPFILESTRUCT)GlobalLock(hDrop); if (lpdfs) { // see if it is the new format
BOOL fWide = LOWORD(lpdfs->pFiles) == sizeof(DROPFILES) && lpdfs->fWide; if (fWide) { LPWSTR lpList; WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH];
lpList = (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)lpdfs + lpdfs->pFiles);
// find either the number of files or the start of the file
// we're looking for
for (i = 0; (iFile == (UINT)-1 || i != iFile) && *lpList; i++) { while (*lpList++) ; }
if (iFile == (UINT)-1) goto Exit;
iFile = i = lstrlenW(lpList); if (fShorten && iFile < MAX_PATH) { StringCchCopy(szPath, ARRAYSIZE(szPath), lpList); SheShortenPathW(szPath, TRUE); lpList = szPath; iFile = i = lstrlenW(lpList); }
if (fNeedAnsi) { // Do not assume that a count of characters == a count of bytes
i = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpList, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); iFile = i ? --i : i; }
if (!i || !cb || !lpFile) goto Exit;
if (fNeedAnsi) { SHUnicodeToAnsi(lpList, (LPSTR)lpFile, cb); } else { cb--; if (cb < i) i = cb; lstrcpynW((LPWSTR)lpFile, lpList, i + 1); } } else { LPSTR lpList; CHAR szPath[MAX_PATH];
// This is Win31-style HDROP or an ANSI NT Style HDROP
lpList = (LPSTR)((LPBYTE)lpdfs + lpdfs->pFiles);
// find either the number of files or the start of the file
// we're looking for
for (i = 0; (iFile == (UINT)-1 || i != iFile) && *lpList; i++) { while (*lpList++) ; }
if (iFile == (UINT)-1) goto Exit;
iFile = i = lstrlenA(lpList); if (fShorten && iFile < MAX_PATH) { StringCchCopyA(szPath, ARRAYSIZE(szPath), lpList); SheShortenPathA(szPath, TRUE); lpList = szPath; iFile = i = lstrlenA(lpList); }
if (!fNeedAnsi) { i = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpList, -1, NULL, 0); iFile = i ? --i : i; }
if (!i || !cb || !lpFile) goto Exit;
if (fNeedAnsi) { cb--; if (cb < i) i = cb; lstrcpynA((LPSTR)lpFile, lpList, i + 1); } else { SHAnsiToUnicode(lpList, (LPWSTR)lpFile, cb); } } }
i = iFile;
Exit: GlobalUnlock(hDrop);
return i; }
STDAPI_(UINT) DragQueryFileW(HDROP hDrop, UINT wFile, LPWSTR lpFile, UINT cb) { return DragQueryFileAorW(hDrop, wFile, lpFile, cb, FALSE, FALSE); }
STDAPI_(UINT) DragQueryFileA(HDROP hDrop, UINT wFile, LPSTR lpFile, UINT cb) { return DragQueryFileAorW(hDrop, wFile, lpFile, cb, TRUE, FALSE); }
STDAPI_(void) DragFinish(HDROP hDrop) { GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)hDrop); }
STDAPI_(void) DragAcceptFiles(HWND hwnd, BOOL fAccept) { long exstyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); if (fAccept) exstyle |= WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES; else exstyle &= (~WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES); SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, exstyle); }