Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of MAP<> template based on STL's map<>
HueiWang 2/17/2000
--*/ #ifndef __MAP_H__
#define __MAP_H__
#include "tsstl.h"
#include "locks.h"
class CMAPException { public:
DWORD m_ErrorCode;
CMAPException(DWORD errorCode = 0) : m_ErrorCode(errorCode) {} };
template<class T> class MAPAllocator : public allocator<T> {
MAPAllocator() : allocator<T>() {}
pointer allocate(size_type n, const void *hint) { T* ptr;
ptr = (T *)operator new( (size_t)n * sizeof(T)); if( NULL == ptr ) { throw CMAPException(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
return ptr; }
char * _Charalloc(size_type sz) {
return (char *)allocate( sz, NULL ); }
// No need to overload construct(),
// void construct(pointer p, const T& val);
// The member function constructs an object of type T at p by evaluating
// the placement new expression new ((void *)p) T(val).
template<class KEY, class T, class Pred = less<KEY>, class A = MAPAllocator<T> > class MAP : public map<KEY, T, Pred, A> { private:
// Difference between this MAP<> and STL's map<> is that this
// template protect data via critical section, refer to STL's map<>
// for detail of member function.
// critical section to lock the tree.
CCriticalSection m_CriticalSection;
//map<KEY, T, Pred, A>::iterator m_it;
// LOCK_ITERATOR, derive from STL's map<>::iterator
typedef typename map<KEY, T, Pred, A>::iterator Iter_base;
struct __Iterator : Iter_base { CCriticalSection& lock;
__Iterator( const __Iterator& it ) : lock(it.lock) /*++
--*/ { lock.Lock(); *this = it; }
__Iterator( CCriticalSection& m, iterator it ) : lock(m) { lock.Lock(); *(map<KEY, T, Pred, A>::iterator *)this = it; }
~__Iterator() { lock.UnLock(); }
__Iterator& operator=(const __Iterator& it ) { if( this != &it ) { // No additional Lock() here since
// our constructor already holding a lock
*(map<KEY, T, Pred, A>::iterator *)this = (map<KEY, T, Pred, A>::iterator)it; }
return *this; }
}; typedef __Iterator LOCK_ITERATOR;
LOCK_ITERATOR begin() /*++
overload map<>::begin()
--*/ { // Double lock is necessary, caller could do
// <...>::LOCK_ITERATOR it = <>.find();
// and before LOCK_ITERATOR destructor got call, call might do
// it = <>.find() again, that will increase lock count by 1 and
// no way to release it.
CCriticalSectionLocker lock( m_CriticalSection ); return LOCK_ITERATOR(m_CriticalSection, map<KEY, T, Pred, A>::begin()); }
explicit MAP( const Pred& comp = Pred(), const A& al = A() ) : map<KEY, T, Pred, A>( comp, al ) /*++
--*/ { //m_it = end();
MAP(const map& x) : map(x) { m_it = end(); } MAP( const value_type *first, const value_type *last, const Pred& comp = Pred(), const A& al = A() ) : map( first, last, comp, al ) { //m_it = end();
//virtual ~MAP()
// map<KEY, T, Pred, A>::~map();
void Cleanup() { erase_all(); }
void Lock() /*++
Explicity lock the data tree
--*/ { m_CriticalSection.Lock(); }
void Unlock() /*++
lock lock the data tree
--*/ { m_CriticalSection.UnLock(); }
bool TryLock() /*++
Try locking the tree, same as Win32's TryEnterCriticalSection().
--*/ { return m_CriticalSection.TryLock(); }
typename A::reference operator[]( const KEY& key ) /*++
Overload map<>::operator[] to lock tree.
--*/ { CCriticalSectionLocker lock( m_CriticalSection ); return map<KEY, T, Pred, A>::operator[](key); }
pair<iterator, bool> insert(iterator it, const value_type& x) /*++
overload map<>;;insert()
--*/ { CCriticalSectionLocker lock( m_CriticalSection ); return map<KEY, T, Pred, A>::insert(Key); }
void insert( const value_type* first, const value_type* last ) /*++
overload map<>::insert().
--*/ { CCriticalSectionLocker lock( m_CriticalSection ); map<KEY, T, Pred, A>::insert(first, lase); }
LOCK_ITERATOR erase( iterator it ) /*++
overload map<>::erase()
--*/ { CCriticalSectionLocker lock( m_CriticalSection ); return LOCK_ITERATOR(m_CriticalSection, map<KEY, T, Pred, A>::erase(it)); }
void erase_all() /*++
delete all data in the tree
--*/ { CCriticalSectionLocker lock( m_CriticalSection ); erase( map<KEY, T, Pred, A>::begin(), end() ); return; } //---------------------------------------------------------
LOCK_ITERATOR erase( iterator first, iterator last ) /*++
Overload map<>::erase()
--*/ { CCriticalSectionLocker lock( m_CriticalSection ); return LOCK_ITERATOR(m_CriticalSection, map<KEY, T, Pred, A>::erase(first, last)); }
size_type erase( const KEY& key ) /*++
overload map<>::erase()
--*/ { CCriticalSectionLocker lock( m_CriticalSection ); return map<KEY, T, Pred, A>::erase(key); }
LOCK_ITERATOR find( const KEY& key ) /*++
overload map<>::find()
--*/ { CCriticalSectionLocker lock( m_CriticalSection ); return LOCK_ITERATOR( m_CriticalSection, map<KEY, T, Pred, A>::find(key) ); } };