/****************************************************************************/ // jetrpcfn.cpp
// TS Directory Integrity Service Jet RPC server-side implementations.
// Copyright (C) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
#include "dis.h"
#include "tssdshrd.h"
#include "jetrpc.h"
#include "jetsdis.h"
#include "sdevent.h"
#include <Lm.h>
#pragma warning (push, 4)
extern PSID g_pSid; extern DWORD g_dwClusterState; extern WCHAR *g_ClusterNetworkName;
/****************************************************************************/ // MIDL_user_allocate
// MIDL_user_free
// RPC-required allocation functions.
/****************************************************************************/ void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t Size) { return LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, Size); }
void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free(void __RPC_FAR *p) { LocalFree(p); }
/****************************************************************************/ // OutputAllTables (debug only)
// Output all tables to debug output.
/****************************************************************************/ #ifdef DBG
void OutputAllTables() { JET_ERR err; JET_SESID sesid = JET_sesidNil; JET_DBID dbid; JET_TABLEID sessdirtableid; JET_TABLEID servdirtableid; JET_TABLEID clusdirtableid; JET_RETRIEVECOLUMN rcSessDir[NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS]; WCHAR UserNameBuf[256]; WCHAR DomainBuf[127]; WCHAR ApplicationBuf[256]; WCHAR ServerNameBuf[128]; WCHAR ClusterNameBuf[128]; WCHAR ServerDNSNameBuf[SDNAMELENGTH]; unsigned count; long num_vals[NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS]; char state; char SingleSessMode;
CALL(JetBeginSession(g_instance, &sesid, "user", "")); CALL(JetOpenDatabase(sesid, JETDBFILENAME, "", &dbid, 0));
CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "SessionDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ServerDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &servdirtableid)); CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ClusterDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &clusdirtableid)); CALL(JetBeginTransaction(sesid));
TSDISErrorOut(L"SESSION DIRECTORY\n"); err = JetMove(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_MoveFirst, 0);
if (JET_errNoCurrentRecord == err) { TSDISErrorOut(L" (empty database)\n"); }
while (JET_errNoCurrentRecord != err) { // Retrieve all the columns
memset(&rcSessDir[0], 0, sizeof(JET_RETRIEVECOLUMN) * NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS); for (count = 0; count < NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS; count++) { rcSessDir[count].columnid = sesdircolumnid[count]; rcSessDir[count].pvData = &num_vals[count]; rcSessDir[count].cbData = sizeof(long); rcSessDir[count].itagSequence = 1; } // fix up pvData, cbData for non-int fields
rcSessDir[SESSDIR_USERNAME_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = UserNameBuf; rcSessDir[SESSDIR_USERNAME_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = sizeof(UserNameBuf); rcSessDir[SESSDIR_DOMAIN_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = DomainBuf; rcSessDir[SESSDIR_DOMAIN_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = sizeof(DomainBuf); rcSessDir[SESSDIR_APPTYPE_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = ApplicationBuf; rcSessDir[SESSDIR_APPTYPE_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = sizeof(ApplicationBuf); rcSessDir[SESSDIR_STATE_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &state; rcSessDir[SESSDIR_STATE_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = sizeof(state);
CALL(JetRetrieveColumns(sesid, sessdirtableid, &rcSessDir[0], NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS));
TSDISErrorOut(L" %s, %d, %d, %d, %s\n", ApplicationBuf ? L"(no application)" : ApplicationBuf, num_vals[SESSDIR_RESWIDTH_INTERNAL_INDEX], num_vals[SESSDIR_RESHEIGHT_INTERNAL_INDEX], num_vals[SESSDIR_COLORDEPTH_INTERNAL_INDEX], state ? L"disconnected" : L"connected");
err = JetMove(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_MoveNext, 0); }
// Output Server Directory (we are reusing the rcSessDir structure).
TSDISErrorOut(L"SERVER DIRECTORY\n"); err = JetMove(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_MoveFirst, 0); if (JET_errNoCurrentRecord == err) { TSDISErrorOut(L" (empty database)\n"); }
while (JET_errNoCurrentRecord != err) { // Retrieve all the columns.
memset(&rcSessDir[0], 0, sizeof(JET_RETRIEVECOLUMN) * NUM_SERVDIRCOLUMNS); for (count = 0; count < NUM_SERVDIRCOLUMNS; count++) { rcSessDir[count].columnid = servdircolumnid[count]; rcSessDir[count].pvData = &num_vals[count]; rcSessDir[count].cbData = sizeof(long); rcSessDir[count].itagSequence = 1; } rcSessDir[SERVDIR_SERVADDR_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = ServerNameBuf; rcSessDir[SERVDIR_SERVADDR_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = sizeof(ServerNameBuf); rcSessDir[SERVDIR_SERVDNSNAME_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = ServerDNSNameBuf; rcSessDir[SERVDIR_SERVDNSNAME_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = sizeof(ServerDNSNameBuf); rcSessDir[SERVDIR_SINGLESESS_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &SingleSessMode; rcSessDir[SERVDIR_SINGLESESS_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = sizeof(SingleSessMode);
CALL(JetRetrieveColumns(sesid, servdirtableid, &rcSessDir[0], NUM_SERVDIRCOLUMNS));
TSDISErrorOut(L"%d, %s, %d, %d, %d, %d, %s\n", num_vals[ SERVDIR_SERVID_INTERNAL_INDEX], ServerNameBuf, num_vals[ SERVDIR_CLUSID_INTERNAL_INDEX], num_vals[ SERVDIR_AITLOW_INTERNAL_INDEX], num_vals[ SERVDIR_AITHIGH_INTERNAL_INDEX], num_vals[ SERVDIR_NUMFAILPINGS_INTERNAL_INDEX], SingleSessMode ? L"single session mode" : L"multi-session mode");
err = JetMove(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_MoveNext, 0); }
// Output Cluster Directory
err = JetMove(sesid, clusdirtableid, JET_MoveFirst, 0); if (JET_errNoCurrentRecord == err) { TSDISErrorOut(L" (empty database)\n"); }
while (JET_errNoCurrentRecord != err) { memset(&rcSessDir[0], 0, sizeof(JET_RETRIEVECOLUMN) * NUM_CLUSDIRCOLUMNS); for (count = 0; count < NUM_CLUSDIRCOLUMNS; count++) { rcSessDir[count].columnid = clusdircolumnid[count]; rcSessDir[count].pvData = &num_vals[count]; rcSessDir[count].cbData = sizeof(long); rcSessDir[count].itagSequence = 1; } rcSessDir[CLUSDIR_CLUSNAME_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = ClusterNameBuf; rcSessDir[CLUSDIR_CLUSNAME_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = sizeof(ClusterNameBuf); rcSessDir[CLUSDIR_SINGLESESS_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &SingleSessMode; rcSessDir[CLUSDIR_SINGLESESS_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = sizeof(SingleSessMode);
CALL(JetRetrieveColumns(sesid, clusdirtableid, &rcSessDir[0], NUM_CLUSDIRCOLUMNS));
TSDISErrorOut(L"%d, %s, %s\n", num_vals[CLUSDIR_CLUSID_INTERNAL_INDEX], ClusterNameBuf, SingleSessMode ? L"single session mode" : L"multi-session mode");
err = JetMove(sesid, clusdirtableid, JET_MoveNext, 0); }
CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0));
CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, servdirtableid)); CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, clusdirtableid));
CALL(JetCloseDatabase(sesid, dbid, 0));
CALL(JetEndSession(sesid, 0));
HandleError: if (sesid != JET_sesidNil) { // Can't really recover. Just bail out.
(VOID) JetRollback(sesid, JET_bitRollbackAll);
// Force the session closed
(VOID) JetEndSession(sesid, JET_bitForceSessionClosed); } } #endif //DBG
long DeleteExistingServerSession( JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID sessdirtableid, CLIENTINFO *pCI, DWORD SessionID ) /*++
--*/ { JET_ERR err = JET_errSuccess; DWORD dwNumRecordDeleted = 0;
TSDISErrorOut(L"In DeleteExistingServerSession, ServID=%d, " L"SessID=%d\n", *pCI, SessionID);
ASSERT( (sesid != JET_sesidNil), (TB, "Invalid JETBLUE Session...") ); // Delete all sessions in session directory that have this Server ID/Session ID
CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, sessdirtableid, "primaryIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, sessdirtableid, pCI, sizeof(*pCI), JET_bitNewKey)); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, sessdirtableid, &SessionID, sizeof(SessionID), 0));
err = JetSeek(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ | JET_bitSetIndexRange);
while ( JET_errSuccess == err ) {
// TODO - check build, retrieve server id and session Id, assert if not equal to what
// we looking for
CALL(JetDelete(sesid, sessdirtableid)); dwNumRecordDeleted++;
// Move to the next matching record.
err = JetMove(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_MoveNext, 0); }
ASSERT( (dwNumRecordDeleted < 2), (TB, "Delete %d record...", dwNumRecordDeleted) );
TSDISErrorOut(L"Deleted %d for ServID=%d, " L"SessID=%d\n", dwNumRecordDeleted, *pCI, SessionID);
return dwNumRecordDeleted;
// the only way to come here is error in one of Jet call wrap around CALL.
ASSERT( (err == JET_errSuccess), (TB, "Error in DeleteExistingServerSession %d", err) ); return -1; }
/****************************************************************************/ // SDRPCAccessCheck
// Check if this RPC caller havs access right or not
/****************************************************************************/ RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY SDRPCAccessCheck(RPC_IF_HANDLE idIF, void *Binding) { RPC_STATUS rpcStatus, rc; HANDLE hClientToken = NULL; DWORD Error; BOOL AccessStatus = FALSE; RPC_AUTHZ_HANDLE hPrivs; DWORD dwAuthn; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE ServerBinding = 0; WCHAR *StringBinding = NULL; WCHAR *ServerAddress = NULL;
if (RpcBindingServerFromClient(Binding, &ServerBinding) != RPC_S_OK) { TSDISErrorOut(L"In SDRPCAccessCheck: BindingServerFromClient failed!\n"); goto HandleError; } if (RpcBindingToStringBinding(ServerBinding, &StringBinding) != RPC_S_OK) { TSDISErrorOut(L"In SDRPCAccessCheck: BindingToStringBinding failed!\n"); goto HandleError; } if (RpcStringBindingParse(StringBinding, NULL, NULL, &ServerAddress, NULL, NULL) != RPC_S_OK) { TSDISErrorOut(L"In SDRPCAccessCheck: StringBindingParse failed!\n"); goto HandleError; }
// Check if the client uses the protocol sequence we expect
if (!CheckRPCClientProtoSeq(Binding, L"ncacn_ip_tcp")) { TSDISErrorOut(L"In SDRPCAccessCheck: Client doesn't use the tcpip protocol sequence\n"); goto HandleError; }
// Check what security level the client uses
rpcStatus = RpcBindingInqAuthClient(Binding, &hPrivs, NULL, &dwAuthn, NULL, NULL); if (rpcStatus != RPC_S_OK) { TSDISErrorOut(L"In SDRPCAccessCheck: RpcBindingIngAuthClient fails with %u\n", rpcStatus); goto HandleError; } // We request at least privacy-level authentication
if (dwAuthn < RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY) { TSDISErrorOut(L"In SDRPCAccessCheck: Attemp by client to use weak authentication\n"); goto HandleError; } // Check the access right of this rpc call
rpcStatus = RpcImpersonateClient(Binding); if (RPC_S_OK != rpcStatus) { TSDISErrorOut(L"In SDRPCAccessCheck: RpcImpersonateClient fail with %u\n", rpcStatus); goto HandleError; } // get our impersonated token
if (!OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, FALSE, &hClientToken)) { Error = GetLastError(); TSDISErrorOut(L"In SDRPCAccessCheck: OpenThreadToken Error %u\n", Error); RpcRevertToSelf(); goto HandleError; } RpcRevertToSelf(); if (!CheckTokenMembership(hClientToken, g_pSid, &AccessStatus)) { AccessStatus = FALSE; Error = GetLastError(); TSDISErrorOut(L"In SDRPCAccessCheck: CheckTokenMembership fails with %u\n", Error); } HandleError: if (AccessStatus) { rc = RPC_S_OK; } else { if (ServerAddress) { TSDISErrorOut(L"In SDRPCAccessCheck: Unauthorized RPC call from server %s\n", ServerAddress); PostSessDirErrorMsgEvent(EVENT_FAIL_RPC_DENY_ACCESS, ServerAddress, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE); } rc = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; }
if (hClientToken != NULL) { CloseHandle(hClientToken); } if (ServerBinding != NULL) RpcBindingFree(&ServerBinding); if (StringBinding != NULL) RpcStringFree(&StringBinding); if (ServerAddress != NULL) RpcStringFree(&ServerAddress);
return rc; }
/****************************************************************************/ // TSSDRpcServerOnline
// Called for server-active indications on each cluster TS machine.
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD TSSDRpcServerOnline( handle_t Binding, WCHAR __RPC_FAR *ClusterName, /* out */ HCLIENTINFO *hCI, DWORD SrvOnlineFlags, /* in, out */ WCHAR *ComputerName, /* in */ WCHAR *ServerIPAddr) { JET_ERR err; JET_SESID sesid = JET_sesidNil; JET_DBID dbid; JET_TABLEID clusdirtableid; JET_TABLEID servdirtableid; JET_SETCOLUMN scServDir[NUM_SERVDIRCOLUMNS]; WCHAR *StringBinding = NULL; WCHAR *ServerAddress = NULL; RPC_BINDING_HANDLE ServerBinding = 0; unsigned long cbActual; long ClusterID; long ServerID = 0; long zero = 0; // The single session mode of this server.
char SingleSession = (char) SrvOnlineFlags & SINGLE_SESSION_FLAG; char ClusSingleSessionMode; unsigned count; DWORD rc = (DWORD) E_FAIL; DWORD cchBuff; WCHAR ServerDNSName[SDNAMELENGTH];
// "unreferenced" parameter (referenced by RPC)
Binding; ServerIPAddr;
TSDISErrorOut(L"In ServOnline, ClusterName=%s, SrvOnlineFlags=%u\n", ClusterName, SrvOnlineFlags); // Make a copy of TS server DNS server name
wcsncpy(ServerDNSName, ComputerName, SDNAMELENGTH); TSDISErrorOut(L"In ServOnline, the Server Name is %s\n", ServerDNSName); // Determine client address.
if (RpcBindingServerFromClient(Binding, &ServerBinding) != RPC_S_OK) { TSDISErrorOut(L"ServOn: BindingServerFromClient failed!\n"); goto HandleError; } if (RpcBindingToStringBinding(ServerBinding, &StringBinding) != RPC_S_OK) { TSDISErrorOut(L"ServOn: BindingToStringBinding failed!\n"); goto HandleError; } if (RpcStringBindingParse(StringBinding, NULL, NULL, &ServerAddress, NULL, NULL) != RPC_S_OK) { TSDISErrorOut(L"ServOn: StringBindingParse failed!\n"); goto HandleError; }
//TSDISErrorOut(L"In ServOnline, ServerAddress is %s\n",
// ServerAddress);
CALL(JetBeginSession(g_instance, &sesid, "user", ""));
CALL(JetOpenDatabase(sesid, JETDBFILENAME, "", &dbid, 0));
CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ClusterDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &clusdirtableid)); CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ServerDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &servdirtableid));
// This server comes with NO_REPOPULATE_SESSION flag
// We will reuse its info in the database
if (SrvOnlineFlags & NO_REPOPULATE_SESSION) { CALL(JetBeginTransaction(sesid));
CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, servdirtableid, "ServDNSNameIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, servdirtableid, ServerDNSName, (unsigned) (wcslen(ServerDNSName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), JET_bitNewKey)); err = JetSeek(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ); if (JET_errSuccess == err) { CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_SERVID_INTERNAL_INDEX], &ServerID, sizeof(ServerID), &cbActual, 0, NULL)); *hCI = ULongToPtr(ServerID); TSDISErrorOut(L"In ServOnline, ServerID is %d\n", *hCI); } else { // If we can't find this server, fail ServOnline call and server will rejoin SD
TSDISErrorOut(L"ServOn: This server with no-populate flag can't be found\n"); goto HandleError; } CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0));
goto NormalExit; }
// First, delete all entries for this server from the session/server
CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, servdirtableid, "ServDNSNameIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, servdirtableid, ServerDNSName, (unsigned) (wcslen(ServerDNSName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), JET_bitNewKey)); err = JetSeek(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ); if (JET_errSuccess == err) { CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_SERVID_INTERNAL_INDEX], &ServerID, sizeof(ServerID), &cbActual, 0, NULL)); if (TSSDPurgeServer(ServerID) != 0) TSDISErrorOut(L"ServOn: PurgeServer %d failed.\n", ServerID); } else if (JET_errRecordNotFound != err) { CALL(err); } CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0));
// We have to do the add in a loop, because we have to:
// 1) Check if the record is there.
// 2) If it's not, add it. (The next time through the loop, therefore,
// we'll go step 1->3, and we're done.)
// 3) If it is, retrieve the value of clusterID and break out.
// There is an additional complication in that someone else may be in the
// thread simultaneously, doing the same thing. Therefore, someone might
// be in step 2 and try to add a new cluster, but fail because someone
// else added it. So they have to keep trying, because though the other
// thread has added it, it may not have committed the change. To try to
// keep that to a minimum, we sleep a short time before trying again.
for ( ; ; ) { // Now do the actual add.
// Search for the cluster in the cluster directory.
CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, clusdirtableid, "ClusNameIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, clusdirtableid, ClusterName, (unsigned) (wcslen(ClusterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), JET_bitNewKey)); err = JetSeek(sesid, clusdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ);
// If the cluster does not exist, create it.
if (JET_errRecordNotFound == err) { CALL(JetPrepareUpdate(sesid, clusdirtableid, JET_prepInsert));
// ClusterName
CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, clusdirtableid, clusdircolumnid[ CLUSDIR_CLUSNAME_INTERNAL_INDEX], ClusterName, (unsigned) (wcslen(ClusterName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), 0, NULL));
// SingleSessionMode
// Since this is the only server in the cluster, the single session
// mode is simply the mode of this server.
CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, clusdirtableid, clusdircolumnid[ CLUSDIR_SINGLESESS_INTERNAL_INDEX], &SingleSession, sizeof(SingleSession), 0, NULL)); err = JetUpdate(sesid, clusdirtableid, NULL, 0, &cbActual);
// If it's a duplicate key, someone else made the key so we should
// be ok. Yield the processor and try the query again, next time
// through the loop.
if (JET_errKeyDuplicate == err) { CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0)); Sleep(100); } else { CALL(err);
// Now we've succeeded. Just continue through the loop.
// The next time through, we will retrieve the autoincrement
// column we just added and break out.
CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0)); }
} else { CALL(err);
// If the above check makes it here, we have found the row.
// Now retrieve the clusid, commit, and break out of the loop.
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, clusdirtableid, clusdircolumnid[ CLUSDIR_CLUSID_INTERNAL_INDEX], &ClusterID, sizeof(ClusterID), &cbActual, 0, NULL));
CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0)); break; } }
CALL(JetBeginTransaction(sesid)); // Insert the servername, clusterid, 0, 0 into the server directory table
err = JetMove(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_MoveLast, 0);
CALL(JetPrepareUpdate(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_prepInsert));
memset(&scServDir[0], 0, sizeof(JET_SETCOLUMN) * NUM_SERVDIRCOLUMNS); for (count = 0; count < NUM_SERVDIRCOLUMNS; count++) { scServDir[count].columnid = servdircolumnid[count]; scServDir[count].cbData = 4; // most of them, set the rest individually
scServDir[count].itagSequence = 1; } scServDir[SERVDIR_SERVADDR_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = ServerAddress; scServDir[SERVDIR_SERVADDR_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = (unsigned) (wcslen(ServerAddress) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); scServDir[SERVDIR_CLUSID_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &ClusterID; scServDir[SERVDIR_AITLOW_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &zero; scServDir[SERVDIR_AITHIGH_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &zero; scServDir[SERVDIR_NUMFAILPINGS_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &zero; scServDir[SERVDIR_SINGLESESS_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &SingleSession; scServDir[SERVDIR_SINGLESESS_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = sizeof(SingleSession); scServDir[SERVDIR_SERVDNSNAME_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = ServerDNSName; scServDir[SERVDIR_SERVDNSNAME_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = (unsigned) (wcslen(ServerDNSName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Don't set the first column (index 0)--it is autoincrement.
CALL(JetSetColumns(sesid, servdirtableid, &scServDir[ SERVDIR_SERVADDR_INTERNAL_INDEX], NUM_SERVDIRCOLUMNS - 1)); CALL(JetUpdate(sesid, servdirtableid, NULL, 0, &cbActual));
CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, servdirtableid, "ServNameIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, servdirtableid, ServerAddress, (unsigned) (wcslen(ServerAddress) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), JET_bitNewKey)); CALL(JetSeek(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ)); CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_SERVID_INTERNAL_INDEX], &ServerID, sizeof(ServerID), &cbActual, 0, NULL)); *hCI = ULongToPtr(ServerID);
TSDISErrorOut(L"In ServOnline, ServerID is %d\n", *hCI);
// Now that the server is all set up, we have to set the cluster to the
// correct mode. If any server in the cluster is in multisession mode, then
// we stick with multisession. If they are all single session, though, we
// turn on single session in this cluster.
// Check the cluster to see if its single-session mode.
CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, clusdirtableid, "ClusIDIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, clusdirtableid, (const void *)&ClusterID, sizeof(ClusterID), JET_bitNewKey)); CALL(JetSeek(sesid, clusdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ)); CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, clusdirtableid, clusdircolumnid[ CLUSDIR_SINGLESESS_INTERNAL_INDEX], &ClusSingleSessionMode, sizeof( ClusSingleSessionMode), &cbActual, 0, NULL));
// If the new server is multi-session mode and cluster is single-session, change the mode.
if ((SingleSession == 0) && (ClusSingleSessionMode != SingleSession)) { err = JetPrepareUpdate(sesid, clusdirtableid, JET_prepReplace);
if (JET_errWriteConflict == err) { // Another thread is updating this setting, so no need to update
} else { CALL(err);
CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, clusdirtableid, clusdircolumnid[ CLUSDIR_SINGLESESS_INTERNAL_INDEX], &SingleSession, sizeof(SingleSession), 0, NULL)); CALL(JetUpdate(sesid, clusdirtableid, NULL, 0, &cbActual)); } }
CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0));
NormalExit: CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, servdirtableid)); CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, clusdirtableid));
CALL(JetCloseDatabase(sesid, dbid, 0));
CALL(JetEndSession(sesid, 0));
// Get the local computer name
cchBuff = SDNAMELENGTH - 2; if (g_dwClusterState == ClusterStateRunning) { // return ClusterNetworkName as the computer name if it's
// running on fail-over cluster
wcsncpy(ComputerName, g_ClusterNetworkName, cchBuff); } else { if (!GetComputerNameEx(ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS, ComputerName, &cchBuff)) { TSDISErrorOut(L"GetComputerNameEx fails with 0x%x\n", GetLastError()); goto HandleError; } } wcscat(ComputerName, L"$");
if (ServerBinding != NULL) RpcBindingFree(&ServerBinding); if (StringBinding != NULL) RpcStringFree(&StringBinding); if (ServerAddress != NULL) RpcStringFree(&ServerAddress);
return 0;
HandleError: if (sesid != JET_sesidNil) { // Can't really recover. Just bail out.
(VOID) JetRollback(sesid, JET_bitRollbackAll);
// Force the session closed
(VOID) JetEndSession(sesid, JET_bitForceSessionClosed); }
TSDISErrorOut(L"ERROR : ServOnline %s failed with possible error code %d, start TSSDPurgeServer\n", ComputerName, err);
if (ServerBinding != NULL) RpcBindingFree(&ServerBinding); if (StringBinding != NULL) RpcStringFree(&StringBinding); if (ServerAddress != NULL) RpcStringFree(&ServerAddress);
// Just in case we got to commit.
if (ServerID != 0) TSSDPurgeServer(ServerID);
// Close the context handle.
*hCI = NULL; return rc; }
/****************************************************************************/ // TSSDRpcServerOffline
// Called for server-shutdown indications on each cluster TS machine.
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD TSSDRpcServerOffline( handle_t Binding, HCLIENTINFO *hCI) { DWORD retval = 0;
// "unreferenced" parameter (referenced by RPC)
TSDISErrorOut(L"WARNING: In ServOff, hCI = 0x%x\n", *hCI); CLIENTINFO *pCI = (CLIENTINFO *) hCI;
if (pCI != NULL) retval = TSSDPurgeServer(*pCI);
*hCI = NULL;
return retval; }
/****************************************************************************/ // TSSDPurgeServer
// Delete a server and all its sessions from the session directory.
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD TSSDPurgeServer( DWORD ServerID) { JET_SESID sesid = JET_sesidNil; JET_TABLEID sessdirtableid; JET_TABLEID servdirtableid; JET_TABLEID clusdirtableid; JET_DBID dbid; JET_ERR err; long ClusterID; unsigned long cbActual; char MultiSession = 0; char SingleSessionMode; WCHAR Msg[SDNAMELENGTH * 2 + 3], ServerIP[SDNAMELENGTH]; DWORD numSessionDeleted = 0; // number of session deleted for this server
BOOL bLoadServerIPSucceeeded = FALSE; // successful in loading serverip from table
// initialize string for event log
ZeroMemory( Msg, sizeof(Msg) ); ZeroMemory( ServerIP, sizeof(ServerIP) );
TSDISErrorOut(L"WARNING: In PurgeServer, ServerID=%d\n", ServerID);
CALL(JetBeginSession(g_instance, &sesid, "user", ""));
CALL(JetOpenDatabase(sesid, JETDBFILENAME, "", &dbid, 0));
CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "SessionDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ServerDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &servdirtableid)); CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ClusterDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &clusdirtableid));
CALL(JetBeginTransaction(sesid)); // Delete all sessions in session directory that have this serverid
CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, sessdirtableid, "ServerIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, sessdirtableid, &ServerID, sizeof(ServerID), JET_bitNewKey)); err = JetSeek(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ);
while (0 == err) { CALL(JetDelete(sesid, sessdirtableid));
numSessionDeleted++; CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, sessdirtableid, &ServerID, sizeof(ServerID), JET_bitNewKey)); err = JetSeek(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ); }
// Should be err -1601 -- JET_errRecordNotFound
// Delete the server in the server directory with this serverid
CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, servdirtableid, "ServerIDIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, servdirtableid, &ServerID, sizeof(ServerID), JET_bitNewKey)); err = JetSeek(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ); if (JET_errSuccess == err) { CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_CLUSID_INTERNAL_INDEX], &ClusterID, sizeof(ClusterID), &cbActual, 0, NULL)); CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_SINGLESESS_INTERNAL_INDEX], &SingleSessionMode, sizeof(SingleSessionMode), &cbActual, 0, NULL)); // Get the server DNS name and IP
cbActual = SDNAMELENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR); CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_SERVDNSNAME_INTERNAL_INDEX], Msg, cbActual, &cbActual, 0, NULL)); CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_SERVADDR_INTERNAL_INDEX], ServerIP, sizeof(ServerIP), &cbActual, 0, NULL));
bLoadServerIPSucceeeded = TRUE;
CALL(JetDelete(sesid, servdirtableid)); // If the server is the only one in cluster, delete this cluster in cluster directory
CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, servdirtableid, "ClusterIDIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, servdirtableid, &ClusterID, sizeof(ClusterID), JET_bitNewKey)); err = JetSeek(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ); if (JET_errRecordNotFound == err) { // There's no other server in this cluster, delete this cluster
CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, clusdirtableid, "ClusIDIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, clusdirtableid, &ClusterID, sizeof(ClusterID), JET_bitNewKey)); err = JetSeek(sesid, clusdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ); if (JET_errSuccess == err) { CALL(JetDelete(sesid, clusdirtableid)); } } else { CALL(err); // Update the SingleSessionMode of the cluster
// If server removed is SingleSession, the cluster single session mode won't be affected
// otherwise, seach the sever table for server in the cluster with multi-session mode
// if not found, change the cluster single-session mode to single-session, otherwise do nothing
if (SingleSessionMode == 0) { CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, servdirtableid, "SingleSessionIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, servdirtableid, &ClusterID, sizeof(ClusterID), JET_bitNewKey)); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, servdirtableid, &MultiSession, sizeof(MultiSession), 0)); err = JetSeek(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ); if (JET_errRecordNotFound == err) { // Set the cluster single-session mode to True
SingleSessionMode = (char)1; CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, clusdirtableid, "ClusIDIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, clusdirtableid, &ClusterID, sizeof(ClusterID), JET_bitNewKey)); CALL(JetSeek(sesid, clusdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ));
CALL(JetPrepareUpdate(sesid, clusdirtableid, JET_prepReplace)); CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, clusdirtableid, clusdircolumnid[ CLUSDIR_SINGLESESS_INTERNAL_INDEX], &SingleSessionMode, sizeof(SingleSessionMode), 0, NULL)); CALL(JetUpdate(sesid, clusdirtableid, NULL, 0, &cbActual)); } } } }
CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0));
CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, servdirtableid)); CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, sessdirtableid));
CALL(JetCloseDatabase(sesid, dbid, 0));
CALL(JetEndSession(sesid, 0));
// we don't want to log event if we can't load serverIP from table.
if( bLoadServerIPSucceeeded ) { // Construct log msg to record TS leaving SD
wcscat(Msg, L"("); wcsncat(Msg, ServerIP, SDNAMELENGTH); wcscat(Msg, L")"); PostSessDirErrorMsgEvent(EVENT_SUCCESS_LEAVE_SESSIONDIRECTORY, Msg, EVENTLOG_SUCCESS); } else { TSDISErrorOut(L"WARNING: In PurgeServer() deleted %d " L"sessions for ServerID=%d but failed to load IP\n", numSessionDeleted, ServerID); } return 0;
HandleError: if (sesid != JET_sesidNil) { // Can't really recover. Just bail out.
(VOID) JetRollback(sesid, JET_bitRollbackAll);
// Force the session closed
(VOID) JetEndSession(sesid, JET_bitForceSessionClosed); } return (DWORD) E_FAIL; }
/****************************************************************************/ // TSSDRpcGetUserDisconnectedSessions
// Queries disconnected sessions from the session database.
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD TSSDRpcGetUserDisconnectedSessions( handle_t Binding, HCLIENTINFO *hCI, WCHAR __RPC_FAR *UserName, WCHAR __RPC_FAR *Domain, /* out */ DWORD __RPC_FAR *pNumSessions, /* out */ TSSD_DiscSessInfo __RPC_FAR __RPC_FAR **padsi) { JET_ERR err; JET_SESID sesid = JET_sesidNil; JET_DBID dbid; JET_TABLEID sessdirtableid; JET_TABLEID servdirtableid; JET_TABLEID clusdirtableid; *pNumSessions = 0; unsigned i = 0; unsigned j = 0; unsigned long cbActual; DWORD tempClusterID; DWORD CallingServersClusID; long ServerID; CLIENTINFO *pCI = (CLIENTINFO *) hCI; TSSD_DiscSessInfo *adsi = NULL; char one = 1; char bSingleSession = 0;
// "unreferenced" parameter (referenced by RPC)
TSDISErrorOut(L"In GetUserDiscSess: ServID = %d, User: %s, " L"Domain: %s\n", *pCI, UserName, Domain);
*padsi = (TSSD_DiscSessInfo *) MIDL_user_allocate(sizeof(TSSD_DiscSessInfo) * TSSD_MaxDisconnectedSessions);
adsi = *padsi;
if (adsi == NULL) { TSDISErrorOut(L"GetUserDisc: Memory alloc failed!\n"); goto HandleError; } // Set the pointers to 0 to be safe, and so that we can free uninitialized
// ones later without AVing.
for (j = 0; j < TSSD_MaxDisconnectedSessions; j++) { adsi[j].ServerAddress = NULL; adsi[j].AppType = NULL; } CALL(JetBeginSession(g_instance, &sesid, "user", "")); CALL(JetOpenDatabase(sesid, JETDBFILENAME, "", &dbid, 0));
CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "SessionDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ServerDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &servdirtableid)); CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ClusterDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &clusdirtableid));
// Verify that the ServerID passed in was OK.
if (TSSDVerifyServerIDValid(sesid, servdirtableid, PtrToUlong(*hCI)) == FALSE) { TSDISErrorOut(L"Invalid ServerID was passed in\n"); goto HandleError; } // First, get the cluster ID for the server making the query.
CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, servdirtableid, "ServerIDIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, servdirtableid, (const void *)pCI, sizeof(DWORD), JET_bitNewKey)); CALL(JetSeek(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ)); CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_CLUSID_INTERNAL_INDEX], &CallingServersClusID, sizeof( CallingServersClusID), &cbActual, 0, NULL));
// Now that we have the cluster id, check to see whether this cluster
// is in single session mode.
CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, clusdirtableid, "ClusIDIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, clusdirtableid, (const void *)&CallingServersClusID, sizeof(CallingServersClusID), JET_bitNewKey)); CALL(JetSeek(sesid, clusdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ)); CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, clusdirtableid, clusdircolumnid[ CLUSDIR_SINGLESESS_INTERNAL_INDEX], &bSingleSession, sizeof( bSingleSession), &cbActual, 0, NULL));
// Now, get all the disconnected or all sessions for this cluster, depending
// on the single session mode retrieved above.
if (bSingleSession == FALSE) { CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, sessdirtableid, "DiscSessionIndex"));
CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, sessdirtableid, UserName, (unsigned) (wcslen(UserName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), JET_bitNewKey)); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, sessdirtableid, Domain, (unsigned) (wcslen(Domain) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), 0)); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, sessdirtableid, &one, sizeof(one), 0)); } else { CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, sessdirtableid, "AllSessionIndex"));
CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, sessdirtableid, UserName, (unsigned) (wcslen(UserName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), JET_bitNewKey)); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, sessdirtableid, Domain, (unsigned) (wcslen(Domain) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), 0)); }
err = JetSeek(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ | JET_bitSetIndexRange);
while ((i < TSSD_MaxDisconnectedSessions) && (JET_errSuccess == err)) { // Remember the initial retrieval does not have cluster id in the
// index, so filter by cluster id for each one.
// Get the ServerID for this record.
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[ SESSDIR_SERVERID_INTERNAL_INDEX], &ServerID, sizeof(ServerID), &cbActual, 0, NULL));
// Get the clusterID
CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, servdirtableid, "ServerIDIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, servdirtableid, &ServerID, sizeof(ServerID), JET_bitNewKey)); CALL(JetSeek(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ)); CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_CLUSID_INTERNAL_INDEX], &tempClusterID, sizeof(tempClusterID), &cbActual, 0, NULL));
// Compare to the passed-in cluster id.
if (tempClusterID == CallingServersClusID) { // Allocate space.
adsi[i].ServerAddress = (WCHAR *) MIDL_user_allocate(64 * sizeof(WCHAR)); adsi[i].AppType = (WCHAR *) MIDL_user_allocate(256 * sizeof(WCHAR));
if ((adsi[i].ServerAddress == NULL) || (adsi[i].AppType == NULL)) { TSDISErrorOut(L"GetUserDisc: Memory alloc failed!\n"); goto HandleError; } // ServerAddress comes out of the server table
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_SERVADDR_INTERNAL_INDEX], adsi[i].ServerAddress, 128, &cbActual, 0, NULL)); // The rest come out of the session directory
// Session ID
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[SESSDIR_SESSIONID_INTERNAL_INDEX], &(adsi[i].SessionID), sizeof(DWORD), &cbActual, 0, NULL)); // TSProtocol
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[SESSDIR_TSPROTOCOL_INTERNAL_INDEX], &(adsi[i].TSProtocol), sizeof(DWORD), &cbActual, 0, NULL)); // Application Type
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[SESSDIR_APPTYPE_INTERNAL_INDEX], adsi[i].AppType, 512, &cbActual, 0, NULL)); // ResolutionWidth
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[SESSDIR_RESWIDTH_INTERNAL_INDEX], &(adsi[i].ResolutionWidth), sizeof(DWORD), &cbActual, 0, NULL)); // ResolutionHeight
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[SESSDIR_RESHEIGHT_INTERNAL_INDEX], &(adsi[i].ResolutionHeight), sizeof(DWORD), &cbActual, 0, NULL)); // Color Depth
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[SESSDIR_COLORDEPTH_INTERNAL_INDEX], &(adsi[i].ColorDepth), sizeof(DWORD), &cbActual, 0, NULL)); // CreateTimeLow
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[SESSDIR_CTLOW_INTERNAL_INDEX], &(adsi[i].CreateTimeLow), sizeof(DWORD), &cbActual, 0, NULL)); // CreateTimeHigh
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[SESSDIR_CTHIGH_INTERNAL_INDEX], &(adsi[i].CreateTimeHigh), sizeof(DWORD), &cbActual, 0, NULL)); // DisconnectTimeLow
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[SESSDIR_DTLOW_INTERNAL_INDEX], &(adsi[i].DisconnectTimeLow), sizeof(DWORD), &cbActual, 0, NULL)); // DisconnectTimeHigh
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[SESSDIR_DTHIGH_INTERNAL_INDEX], &(adsi[i].DisconnectTimeHigh), sizeof(DWORD), &cbActual, 0, NULL)); // State
// This is retrieving a byte that is 0xff or 0x0 into a DWORD
// pointer.
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[SESSDIR_STATE_INTERNAL_INDEX], &(adsi[i].State), sizeof(BYTE), &cbActual, 0, NULL));
i += 1; }
// Move to the next matching record.
err = JetMove(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_MoveNext, 0); }
*pNumSessions = i; CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0));
CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, servdirtableid)); CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, clusdirtableid));
CALL(JetCloseDatabase(sesid, dbid, 0));
CALL(JetEndSession(sesid, 0));
#ifdef DBG
OutputAllTables(); #endif // DBG
return 0;
HandleError: // Deallocate memory.
if (adsi != NULL) { for (j = 0; j < TSSD_MaxDisconnectedSessions; j++) { if (adsi[j].ServerAddress) MIDL_user_free(adsi[j].ServerAddress); if (adsi[j].AppType) MIDL_user_free(adsi[j].AppType); } } // Can't really recover. Just bail out.
if (sesid != JET_sesidNil) { (VOID) JetRollback(sesid, JET_bitRollbackAll);
// Force the session closed.
(VOID) JetEndSession(sesid, JET_bitForceSessionClosed); }
TSDISErrorOut(L"WARNING: TSSDRpcGetUserDisconnectedSessions() initiate TSSDPurgeServer()\n");
// Delete the server and close the context handle. Their states are bad.
TSSDPurgeServer(PtrToUlong(*hCI)); *hCI = NULL; return (DWORD) E_FAIL; }
/****************************************************************************/ // TSSDRpcCreateSession
// Called on a session logon.
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD TSSDRpcCreateSession( handle_t Binding, HCLIENTINFO *hCI, WCHAR __RPC_FAR *UserName, WCHAR __RPC_FAR *Domain, DWORD SessionID, DWORD TSProtocol, WCHAR __RPC_FAR *AppType, DWORD ResolutionWidth, DWORD ResolutionHeight, DWORD ColorDepth, DWORD CreateTimeLow, DWORD CreateTimeHigh) { JET_ERR err; JET_SESID sesid = JET_sesidNil; JET_DBID dbid; JET_TABLEID sessdirtableid; JET_TABLEID servdirtableid; JET_SETCOLUMN scSessDir[NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS]; CLIENTINFO *pCI = (CLIENTINFO *) hCI; unsigned count; int zero = 0; unsigned long cbActual; char state = 0; long numDeletedSession = 0;
// "unreferenced" parameter (referenced by RPC)
TSDISErrorOut(L"Inside TSSDRpcCreateSession, ServID=%d, " L"UserName=%s, Domain=%s, SessID=%d, TSProt=%d, AppType=%s, " L"ResWidth=%d, ResHeight=%d, ColorDepth=%d\n", *pCI, UserName, Domain, SessionID, TSProtocol, AppType, ResolutionWidth, ResolutionHeight, ColorDepth); TSDISErrorTimeOut(L" CreateTime=%s\n", CreateTimeLow, CreateTimeHigh); memset(&scSessDir[0], 0, sizeof(JET_SETCOLUMN) * NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS);
CALL(JetBeginSession(g_instance, &sesid, "user", "")); CALL(JetOpenDatabase(sesid, JETDBFILENAME, "", &dbid, 0));
CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "SessionDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ServerDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &servdirtableid));
// Verify that the ServerID passed in was OK.
if (TSSDVerifyServerIDValid(sesid, servdirtableid, PtrToUlong(*hCI)) == FALSE) { TSDISErrorOut(L"Invalid ServerID was passed in\n"); goto HandleError; }
numDeletedSession = DeleteExistingServerSession( sesid, sessdirtableid, pCI, SessionID ); if( numDeletedSession < 0 ) { goto HandleError; }
err = JetMove(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_MoveLast, 0);
CALL(JetPrepareUpdate(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_prepInsert));
for (count = 0; count < NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS; count++) { scSessDir[count].columnid = sesdircolumnid[count]; scSessDir[count].cbData = 4; // most of them, set the rest individually
scSessDir[count].itagSequence = 1; } scSessDir[SESSDIR_USERNAME_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = (unsigned) (wcslen(UserName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); scSessDir[SESSDIR_DOMAIN_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = (unsigned) (wcslen(Domain) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); scSessDir[SESSDIR_APPTYPE_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = (unsigned) (wcslen(AppType) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); scSessDir[SESSDIR_STATE_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = sizeof(char);
CALL(JetSetColumns(sesid, sessdirtableid, scSessDir, NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS)); CALL(JetUpdate(sesid, sessdirtableid, NULL, 0, &cbActual)); CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0));
CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, servdirtableid));
CALL(JetCloseDatabase(sesid, dbid, 0));
CALL(JetEndSession(sesid, 0));
return 0;
HandleError: if (sesid != JET_sesidNil) { // Can't really recover. Just bail out.
(VOID) JetRollback(sesid, JET_bitRollbackAll);
// Force the session closed.
(VOID) JetEndSession(sesid, JET_bitForceSessionClosed); }
TSDISErrorOut(L"WARNING: TSSDRpcCreateSession failed, start TSSDPurgeServer()\n");
// Delete the server and close the context handle. Their states are bad.
TSSDPurgeServer(PtrToUlong(*hCI)); *hCI = NULL; return (DWORD) E_FAIL; }
/****************************************************************************/ // TSSDRpcDeleteSession
// Called on a session logoff.
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD TSSDRpcDeleteSession( handle_t Binding, HCLIENTINFO *hCI, DWORD SessionID) { JET_ERR err; JET_SESID sesid = JET_sesidNil; JET_DBID dbid; JET_TABLEID sessdirtableid; JET_TABLEID servdirtableid; CLIENTINFO *pCI = (CLIENTINFO *) hCI;
// "unreferenced" parameter (referenced by RPC)
TSDISErrorOut(L"In DelSession, ServID=%d, " L"SessID=%d\n", *pCI, SessionID);
CALL(JetBeginSession(g_instance, &sesid, "user", "")); CALL(JetOpenDatabase(sesid, JETDBFILENAME, "", &dbid, 0));
CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "SessionDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ServerDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &servdirtableid));
// Verify that the ServerID passed in was OK.
if (TSSDVerifyServerIDValid(sesid, servdirtableid, PtrToUlong(*hCI)) == FALSE) { TSDISErrorOut(L"Invalid ServerID was passed in\n"); goto HandleError; }
// Delete all sessions in session directory that have this serverid
CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, sessdirtableid, "primaryIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, sessdirtableid, pCI, sizeof(*pCI), JET_bitNewKey)); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, sessdirtableid, &SessionID, sizeof(SessionID), 0));
CALL(JetSeek(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ));
CALL(JetDelete(sesid, sessdirtableid));
CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0));
CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, servdirtableid));
CALL(JetCloseDatabase(sesid, dbid, 0));
CALL(JetEndSession(sesid, 0));
return 0;
HandleError: if (sesid != JET_sesidNil) { // Can't really recover. Just bail out.
(VOID) JetRollback(sesid, JET_bitRollbackAll);
// Force the session closed.
(VOID) JetEndSession(sesid, JET_bitForceSessionClosed); }
TSDISErrorOut(L"WARNING: DelSession can't find ServID=%d SessID=%d, start TSSDPurgeServer()\n", *pCI, SessionID);
// Delete the server and close the context handle. Their states are bad.
TSSDPurgeServer(PtrToUlong(*hCI)); *hCI = NULL; return (DWORD) E_FAIL; }
/****************************************************************************/ // TSSDRpcSetSessionDisconnected
// Called on a session disconnection.
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD TSSDRpcSetSessionDisconnected( handle_t Binding, HCLIENTINFO *hCI, DWORD SessionID, DWORD DiscTimeLow, DWORD DiscTimeHigh) { unsigned long cbActual; JET_ERR err; JET_SESID sesid = JET_sesidNil; JET_DBID dbid; JET_TABLEID sessdirtableid; JET_TABLEID servdirtableid; CLIENTINFO *pCI = (CLIENTINFO *) hCI; char one = 1; DWORD rc = (DWORD) E_FAIL;
// "unreferenced" parameter (referenced by RPC)
TSDISErrorOut(L"In SetSessDisc, ServID=%d, SessID=%d\n", *pCI, SessionID); TSDISErrorTimeOut(L" DiscTime=%s\n", DiscTimeLow, DiscTimeHigh);
CALL(JetBeginSession(g_instance, &sesid, "user", "")); CALL(JetOpenDatabase(sesid, JETDBFILENAME, "", &dbid, 0));
CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "SessionDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ServerDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &servdirtableid));
// Verify that the ServerID passed in was OK.
if (TSSDVerifyServerIDValid(sesid, servdirtableid, PtrToUlong(*hCI)) == FALSE) { TSDISErrorOut(L"Invalid ServerID was passed in\n"); goto HandleError; } CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, sessdirtableid, "primaryIndex")); // find the record with the serverid, sessionid we are looking for
CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, sessdirtableid, pCI, sizeof(DWORD), JET_bitNewKey)); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, sessdirtableid, &SessionID, sizeof(DWORD), 0));
CALL(JetSeek(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ));
CALL(JetPrepareUpdate(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_prepReplace)); CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[ SESSDIR_STATE_INTERNAL_INDEX], &one, sizeof(one), 0, NULL)); CALL(JetUpdate(sesid, sessdirtableid, NULL, 0, &cbActual));
CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0));
CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, servdirtableid));
CALL(JetCloseDatabase(sesid, dbid, 0));
CALL(JetEndSession(sesid, 0));
rc = 0; return rc;
HandleError: if (sesid != JET_sesidNil) { // Can't really recover. Just bail out.
(VOID) JetRollback(sesid, JET_bitRollbackAll);
// Force the session closed
(VOID) JetEndSession(sesid, JET_bitForceSessionClosed); }
TSDISErrorOut(L"WARNING: SetSessDisc can't find ServID=%d SessID=%d, start TSSDPurgeServer()\n", *pCI, SessionID);
// Delete the server and close the context handle. Their states are bad.
TSSDPurgeServer(PtrToUlong(*hCI)); *hCI = NULL;
return rc; }
/****************************************************************************/ // TSSDRpcSetSessionReconnected
// Called on a session reconnection.
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD TSSDRpcSetSessionReconnected( handle_t Binding, HCLIENTINFO *hCI, DWORD SessionID, DWORD TSProtocol, DWORD ResWidth, DWORD ResHeight, DWORD ColorDepth) { JET_ERR err; JET_SESID sesid = JET_sesidNil; JET_DBID dbid; JET_TABLEID sessdirtableid; JET_TABLEID servdirtableid; CLIENTINFO *pCI = (CLIENTINFO *) hCI; DWORD rc = (DWORD) E_FAIL;
char zero = 0; unsigned long cbActual;
// "unreferenced" parameter (referenced by RPC)
TSDISErrorOut(L"In SetSessRec, ServID=%d, SessID=%d, TSProt=%d, " L"ResWid=%d, ResHt=%d, ColDepth=%d\n", *pCI, SessionID, TSProtocol, ResWidth, ResHeight, ColorDepth);
CALL(JetBeginSession(g_instance, &sesid, "user", "")); CALL(JetOpenDatabase(sesid, JETDBFILENAME, "", &dbid, 0));
CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "SessionDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ServerDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &servdirtableid)); CALL(JetBeginTransaction(sesid));
// Verify that the ServerID passed in was OK.
if (TSSDVerifyServerIDValid(sesid, servdirtableid, PtrToUlong(*hCI)) == FALSE) { TSDISErrorOut(L"Invalid ServerID was passed in\n"); goto HandleError; }
CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, sessdirtableid, "primaryIndex")); // Find the record with the serverid, sessionid we are looking for.
CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, sessdirtableid, pCI, sizeof(DWORD), JET_bitNewKey)); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, sessdirtableid, &SessionID, sizeof(DWORD), 0));
CALL(JetSeek(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ));
CALL(JetPrepareUpdate(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_prepReplace)); CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[ SESSDIR_TSPROTOCOL_INTERNAL_INDEX], &TSProtocol, sizeof(TSProtocol), 0, NULL)); CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[ SESSDIR_RESWIDTH_INTERNAL_INDEX], &ResWidth, sizeof(ResWidth), 0, NULL)); CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[ SESSDIR_RESHEIGHT_INTERNAL_INDEX], &ResHeight, sizeof(ResHeight), 0, NULL)); CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[ SESSDIR_COLORDEPTH_INTERNAL_INDEX], &ColorDepth, sizeof(ColorDepth), 0, NULL)); CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, sessdirtableid, sesdircolumnid[ SESSDIR_STATE_INTERNAL_INDEX], &zero, sizeof(zero), 0, NULL)); CALL(JetUpdate(sesid, sessdirtableid, NULL, 0, &cbActual)); CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0));
CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, servdirtableid));
CALL(JetCloseDatabase(sesid, dbid, 0));
CALL(JetEndSession(sesid, 0));
rc = 0; return rc;
HandleError: if (sesid != JET_sesidNil) { // Can't really recover. Just bail out.
(VOID) JetRollback(sesid, JET_bitRollbackAll);
// Force the session closed.
(VOID) JetEndSession(sesid, JET_bitForceSessionClosed); }
TSDISErrorOut(L"WARNING: SetSessRec can't find ServID=%d SessID=%d, start TSSDPurgeServer()\n", *pCI, SessionID);
// Delete the server and close the context handle. Their states are bad.
TSSDPurgeServer(PtrToUlong(*hCI)); *hCI = NULL;
return rc; }
DWORD TSSDRpcSetServerReconnectPending( handle_t Binding, WCHAR __RPC_FAR *ServerAddress, DWORD AlmostTimeLow, DWORD AlmostTimeHigh) { // Ignored parameters
Binding; AlmostTimeLow; AlmostTimeHigh;
return TSSDSetServerAITInternal(ServerAddress, FALSE, NULL); }
/****************************************************************************/ // TSSDRpcUpdateConfigurationSetting
// Extensible interface to update a configuration setting.
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD TSSDSetServerAddress(HCLIENTINFO *hCI, WCHAR *ServerName) { JET_ERR err; JET_SESID sesid = JET_sesidNil; JET_DBID dbid; JET_TABLEID servdirtableid; unsigned long cbActual; WCHAR Msg[SDNAMELENGTH * 2 + 3]; DWORD rc = (DWORD) E_FAIL;
TSDISErrorOut(L"INFO: TSSDSetServerAddress ServID=%d, %s\n", *hCI, ServerName);
CALL(JetBeginSession(g_instance, &sesid, "user", ""));
CALL(JetOpenDatabase(sesid, JETDBFILENAME, "", &dbid, 0));
CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ServerDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &servdirtableid));
// Find the server in the server directory
CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, servdirtableid, "ServerIDIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, servdirtableid, (const void *)hCI, sizeof(DWORD), JET_bitNewKey)); CALL(JetSeek(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ));
// Get the server DNS name
cbActual = SDNAMELENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR); CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_SERVDNSNAME_INTERNAL_INDEX], Msg, cbActual, &cbActual, 0, NULL));
// Prepare to update.
CALL(JetPrepareUpdate(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_prepReplace));
// Now set the column to what we want
CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_SERVADDR_INTERNAL_INDEX], (void *) ServerName, (unsigned) (wcslen(ServerName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), 0, NULL));
CALL(JetUpdate(sesid, servdirtableid, NULL, 0, &cbActual));
CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0));
// Clean up.
CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, servdirtableid));
CALL(JetCloseDatabase(sesid, dbid, 0));
CALL(JetEndSession(sesid, 0));
// Construct log msg to record TS joining SD
wcscat(Msg, L"("); wcsncat(Msg, ServerName, SDNAMELENGTH); wcscat(Msg, L")"); PostSessDirErrorMsgEvent(EVENT_SUCCESS_JOIN_SESSIONDIRECTORY, Msg, EVENTLOG_SUCCESS);
rc = 0; return rc;
HandleError: if (sesid != JET_sesidNil) { // Can't really recover. Just bail out.
(VOID) JetRollback(sesid, JET_bitRollbackAll);
// Force the session closed
(VOID) JetEndSession(sesid, JET_bitForceSessionClosed); }
TSDISErrorOut(L"WARNING: TSSDSetServerAddress can't find ServID=%d, start TSSDPurgeServer()\n", *hCI); TSSDPurgeServer(PtrToUlong(*hCI));
// Close the context handle.
*hCI = NULL;
return rc; }
/****************************************************************************/ // TSSDRpcUpdateConfigurationSetting
// Extensible interface to update a configuration setting.
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD TSSDRpcUpdateConfigurationSetting( handle_t Binding, HCLIENTINFO *hCI, DWORD dwSetting, DWORD dwSettingLength, BYTE __RPC_FAR *pbValue) { // Unreferenced parameters.
Binding; hCI; dwSetting; dwSettingLength; pbValue;
if (dwSetting == SDCONFIG_SERVER_ADDRESS) { TSDISErrorOut(L"Server is setting its address as %s\n", (WCHAR *) pbValue); return TSSDSetServerAddress(hCI, (WCHAR *) pbValue); } return (DWORD) E_NOTIMPL; }
/****************************************************************************/ // TSSDSetServerAITInternal
// Called on a client redirection from one server to another, to let the
// integrity service determine how to ping the redirection target machine.
// Args:
// ServerAddress (in) - the server address to set values for
// bResetToZero (in) - whether to reset all AIT values to 0
// FailureCount (in/out) - Pointer to nonzero on entry means increment the
// failure count. Returns the result failure count.
/****************************************************************************/ DWORD TSSDSetServerAITInternal( WCHAR *ServerAddress, DWORD bResetToZero, DWORD *FailureCount) { JET_ERR err; JET_SESID sesid = JET_sesidNil; JET_DBID dbid; JET_TABLEID servdirtableid; DWORD AITFromServDirLow; DWORD AITFromServDirHigh; unsigned long cbActual; DWORD rc = (DWORD) E_FAIL;
TSDISErrorOut(L"SetServAITInternal: ServAddr=%s, bResetToZero=%d, bIncFail" L"=%d\n", ServerAddress, bResetToZero, (FailureCount == NULL) ? 0 : *FailureCount);
CALL(JetBeginSession(g_instance, &sesid, "user", "")); CALL(JetOpenDatabase(sesid, JETDBFILENAME, "", &dbid, 0));
CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ServerDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &servdirtableid));
CALL(JetBeginTransaction(sesid)); CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, servdirtableid, "ServNameIndex"));
CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, servdirtableid, ServerAddress, (unsigned) (wcslen(ServerAddress) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR), JET_bitNewKey));
CALL(JetSeek(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ));
// Algorithm for set reconnect pending:
// 1) If server is not already pending a reconnect,
// 2) Set the AlmostTimeLow and High to locally computed times (using
// the times from the wire is dangerous and requires clocks to be the
// same).
// Retrieve the current values of AlmostInTimeLow and High
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_AITLOW_INTERNAL_INDEX], &AITFromServDirLow, sizeof(AITFromServDirLow), &cbActual, 0, NULL)); CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_AITHIGH_INTERNAL_INDEX], &AITFromServDirHigh, sizeof(AITFromServDirHigh), &cbActual, 0, NULL));
// If it's time to reset, reset to 0.
if (bResetToZero != 0) { DWORD zero = 0; CALL(JetPrepareUpdate(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_prepReplace));
// Set the columns: Low, High, and NumFailedPings.
CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_AITLOW_INTERNAL_INDEX], &zero, sizeof(zero), 0, NULL)); CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_AITHIGH_INTERNAL_INDEX], &zero, sizeof(zero), 0, NULL)); CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_NUMFAILPINGS_INTERNAL_INDEX], &zero, sizeof(zero), 0, NULL));
CALL(JetUpdate(sesid, servdirtableid, NULL, 0, &cbActual)); } // Otherwise, if the server isn't already pending a reconnect,
else if ((AITFromServDirLow == 0) && (AITFromServDirHigh == 0)) { FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME st; // Retrieve the time.
GetSystemTime(&st); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft);
err = JetPrepareUpdate(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_prepReplace);
if (JET_errWriteConflict == err) { // If we are here, it's that more than two threads are updating the time
// field at the same time. Since we only need to update it once, so just
// bail out the other ones, but still return success
rc = 0; goto HandleError; } else { CALL(err); }
// Set the columns.
CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_AITLOW_INTERNAL_INDEX], &(ft.dwLowDateTime), sizeof(ft.dwLowDateTime), 0, NULL)); CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_AITHIGH_INTERNAL_INDEX], &(ft.dwHighDateTime), sizeof(ft.dwHighDateTime), 0, NULL));
CALL(JetUpdate(sesid, servdirtableid, NULL, 0, &cbActual)); } // Else if we were told to increment the failure count
else if (FailureCount != NULL) { if (*FailureCount != 0) { DWORD FailureCountFromServDir;
// Get the current failure count.
CALL(JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_NUMFAILPINGS_INTERNAL_INDEX], &FailureCountFromServDir, sizeof(FailureCountFromServDir), &cbActual, 0, NULL));
// Set return value, also value used for update.
*FailureCount = FailureCountFromServDir + 1;
CALL(JetPrepareUpdate(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_prepReplace)); // Set the column.
CALL(JetSetColumn(sesid, servdirtableid, servdircolumnid[ SERVDIR_NUMFAILPINGS_INTERNAL_INDEX], FailureCount, sizeof(*FailureCount), 0, NULL)); CALL(JetUpdate(sesid, servdirtableid, NULL, 0, &cbActual)); } }
CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0));
CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, servdirtableid));
CALL(JetCloseDatabase(sesid, dbid, 0));
CALL(JetEndSession(sesid, 0));
rc = 0; return rc;
HandleError: if (sesid != JET_sesidNil) { // Can't really recover. Just bail out.
(VOID) JetRollback(sesid, JET_bitRollbackAll);
// Force the session closed
(VOID) JetEndSession(sesid, JET_bitForceSessionClosed); }
return rc; }
DWORD TSSDRpcRepopulateAllSessions( handle_t Binding, HCLIENTINFO *hCI, DWORD NumSessions, TSSD_RepopInfo rpi[]) { JET_ERR err; JET_SESID sesid = JET_sesidNil; JET_DBID dbid; JET_TABLEID sessdirtableid; JET_TABLEID servdirtableid; JET_SETCOLUMN scSessDir[NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS]; CLIENTINFO *pCI = (CLIENTINFO *) hCI; unsigned count; // inside each record
unsigned iCurrSession; unsigned long cbActual; char State; DWORD rc = (DWORD) E_FAIL; long numDeletedSession = 0;
// "unreferenced" parameter (referenced by RPC)
TSDISErrorOut(L"RepopAllSess: ServID = %d, NumSessions = %d, ...\n", *pCI, NumSessions); memset(&scSessDir[0], 0, sizeof(JET_SETCOLUMN) * NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS);
CALL(JetBeginSession(g_instance, &sesid, "user", "")); CALL(JetOpenDatabase(sesid, JETDBFILENAME, "", &dbid, 0));
CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "SessionDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetOpenTable(sesid, dbid, "ServerDirectory", NULL, 0, 0, &servdirtableid));
// Verify that the ServerID passed in was OK.
if (TSSDVerifyServerIDValid(sesid, servdirtableid, PtrToUlong(*hCI)) == FALSE) { TSDISErrorOut(L"Invalid ServerID was passed in\n"); goto HandleError; }
// Set up some constants for all updates.
for (count = 0; count < NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS; count++) { scSessDir[count].columnid = sesdircolumnid[count]; scSessDir[count].cbData = 4; // most of them, set the rest individually
scSessDir[count].itagSequence = 1; } scSessDir[SESSDIR_STATE_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = sizeof(char);
// Now do each update in a loop.
for (iCurrSession = 0; iCurrSession < NumSessions; iCurrSession += 1) { // make sure session does not exist at this point
numDeletedSession = DeleteExistingServerSession( sesid, sessdirtableid, pCI, rpi[iCurrSession].SessionID ); if( numDeletedSession < 0 ) { goto HandleError; }
err = JetMove(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_MoveLast, 0);
CALL(JetPrepareUpdate(sesid, sessdirtableid, JET_prepInsert));
TSDISErrorOut(L"RepopAllSess: ServID = %d, SessionId = %d, %s %s...\n", *pCI, rpi[iCurrSession].SessionID, rpi[iCurrSession].UserName, rpi[iCurrSession].Domain );
ASSERT( (wcslen(rpi[iCurrSession].UserName) > 0), (TB, "NULL User Name...") ); ASSERT( (wcslen(rpi[iCurrSession].Domain) > 0), (TB, "NULL Domain Name...") );
scSessDir[SESSDIR_USERNAME_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = (unsigned) (wcslen(rpi[iCurrSession].UserName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); scSessDir[SESSDIR_DOMAIN_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = (unsigned) (wcslen(rpi[iCurrSession].Domain) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); scSessDir[SESSDIR_APPTYPE_INTERNAL_INDEX].cbData = (unsigned) (wcslen(rpi[iCurrSession].AppType) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
scSessDir[SESSDIR_USERNAME_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = rpi[iCurrSession].UserName; scSessDir[SESSDIR_DOMAIN_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = rpi[iCurrSession].Domain; scSessDir[SESSDIR_SERVERID_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = pCI; scSessDir[SESSDIR_SESSIONID_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &rpi[iCurrSession].SessionID; scSessDir[SESSDIR_TSPROTOCOL_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &rpi[iCurrSession].TSProtocol; scSessDir[SESSDIR_CTLOW_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &rpi[iCurrSession].CreateTimeLow; scSessDir[SESSDIR_CTHIGH_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &rpi[iCurrSession].CreateTimeHigh; scSessDir[SESSDIR_DTLOW_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &rpi[iCurrSession].DisconnectTimeLow; scSessDir[SESSDIR_DTHIGH_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &rpi[iCurrSession].DisconnectTimeHigh; scSessDir[SESSDIR_APPTYPE_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = rpi[iCurrSession].AppType; scSessDir[SESSDIR_RESWIDTH_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &rpi[iCurrSession].ResolutionWidth; scSessDir[SESSDIR_RESHEIGHT_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &rpi[iCurrSession].ResolutionHeight; scSessDir[SESSDIR_COLORDEPTH_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &rpi[iCurrSession].ColorDepth;
State = (char) rpi[iCurrSession].State; scSessDir[SESSDIR_STATE_INTERNAL_INDEX].pvData = &State;
CALL(JetSetColumns(sesid, sessdirtableid, scSessDir, NUM_SESSDIRCOLUMNS)); CALL(JetUpdate(sesid, sessdirtableid, NULL, 0, &cbActual)); }
CALL(JetCommitTransaction(sesid, 0));
CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, sessdirtableid)); CALL(JetCloseTable(sesid, servdirtableid));
CALL(JetCloseDatabase(sesid, dbid, 0));
CALL(JetEndSession(sesid, 0));
rc = 0; return rc;
HandleError: if (sesid != JET_sesidNil) { // Can't really recover. Just bail out.
(VOID) JetRollback(sesid, JET_bitRollbackAll);
// Force the session closed
(VOID) JetEndSession(sesid, JET_bitForceSessionClosed); }
TSDISErrorOut(L"WARNING: TSSDRpcRepopulateAllSessions failed, ServID=%d\n", *pCI); return rc; }
// RPC call that caller uses to see if it have access to Session Directory
DWORD TSSDRpcPingSD(handle_t Binding) { Binding;
// RPC Security check is done at SDRPCAccessCheck() before this
// function is hit, just return RPC_S_OK
TRC1((TB,"Somebody calls pint sd")); return RPC_S_OK; }
// Called to determine whether a ServerID passed in is valid. TRUE if valid,
// FALSE otherwise.
// Must be inside a transaction, and sesid and servdirtableid must be ready to
// go.
BOOL TSSDVerifyServerIDValid(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID servdirtableid, DWORD ServerID) { JET_ERR err; CALL(JetSetCurrentIndex(sesid, servdirtableid, "ServerIDIndex")); CALL(JetMakeKey(sesid, servdirtableid, (const void *) &ServerID, sizeof(DWORD), JET_bitNewKey)); // If the ServerID is there, this will succeed, otherwise it will fail and
// jump to HandleError.
CALL(JetSeek(sesid, servdirtableid, JET_bitSeekEQ));
return TRUE;
HandleError: return FALSE; }
// Rundown procedure for when a CLIENTINFO is destroyed as a result of a
// connection loss or client termination.
TSDISErrorOut(L"WARNING: In HCLIENTINFO_rundown: ServerID=%d\n", CI);
if (CI != NULL) TSSDPurgeServer(CI); hCI = NULL; }
#pragma warning (pop)