Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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97 lines
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  1. @echo off
  2. setlocal
  3. :top
  4. REM Sleep 15 minutes
  5. sleep 900
  6. REM See if there's a build.err. If not, retry.
  7. if "%_BuildBranch%" == "Lab01_N" goto Lab01_SpecialWork
  8. :CheckForBuildErrors
  9. if NOT exist %_ntbindir%\build.err goto top
  10. for %%a in (%_ntbindir%\build.err) do if %%~za EQU 0 goto top
  11. REM Is there a build.fixed-err? If not, page 'em.
  12. if NOT exist %_ntbindir%\build.fixed-err goto PageBuildBreak
  13. REM Are the build break fixed? If not, page 'em.
  14. set ERRORS=1
  15. for /f "delims=" %%i in ('fc %_ntbindir%\build.err %_ntbindir%\build.fixed-err') do (
  16. if "%%i" == "FC: no differences encountered" set ERRORS=0
  17. )
  18. if "%ERRORS%" == "0" goto top
  19. :PageBuildBreak
  20. REM First, make sure there's a remote available
  21. set RemoteRunning=FALSE
  22. for /f "tokens=1,5" %%i in ('tlist remote') do (
  23. if "%%i" == "CmdLine:" (
  24. if "%%j" == "build" set RemoteRunning=TRUE
  25. )
  26. )
  27. )
  28. if "%RemoteRunning%" == "FALSE" start /min remote /s cmd build
  29. if NOT "%_BuildBranch%" == "Lab01_N" goto MainLabSettings
  30. set Pager=[email protected]
  31. set Message=%DATE%:%TIME%
  32. goto SendMsg
  33. :MainLabSettings
  34. set Pager=[email protected]
  35. set Message=remote /c %computername% admin
  36. :SendMsg
  37. set Sender=%_BuildBranch%_%computername%@microsoft.com
  38. set Title=Build Break
  39. perl -e "require '%RazzleToolPath%\sendmsg.pl';sendmsg('-v','-m','%Sender%','%Title%','%Message%','%Pager%');"
  40. goto top
  41. :Lab01_SpecialWork
  42. if "%_BuildArch%" == "x86" goto Lab01_X86Machines
  43. if "%_BuildArch%" == "amd64" goto Lab01_AMD64Machines
  44. if "%_BuildArch%" == "ia64" goto Lab01_IA64Machines
  45. goto Lab01_Done
  46. :Lab01_X86Machines
  47. if "%_BuildType%" == "fre" goto Lab01_X86Fre
  48. set BVTFile=\\bvtlab01\release\latest_tested_x86CHK.txt
  49. goto Lab01_CheckLatest
  50. :Lab01_X86Fre
  51. set BVTFile=\\bvtlab01\release\latest_tested_x86FRE.txt
  52. goto Lab01_CheckLatest
  53. :Lab01_AMD64Machines
  54. if "%_BuildType%" == "fre" goto Lab01_AMD64Fre
  55. set BVTFile=\\bvtlab01\release\latest_tested_amd64CHK.txt
  56. goto Lab01_CheckLatest
  57. :Lab01_AMD64Fre
  58. set BVTFile=\\bvtlab01\release\latest_tested_amd64FRE.txt
  59. goto Lab01_CheckLatest
  60. :Lab01_IA64Machines
  61. if "%_BuildType%" == "fre" goto Lab01_IA64Fre
  62. set BVTFile=\\bvtlab01\release\latest_tested_ia64CHK.txt
  63. goto Lab01_CheckLatest
  64. :Lab01_IA64Fre
  65. set BVTFile=\\bvtlab01\release\latest_tested_ia64FRE.txt
  66. goto Lab01_CheckLatest
  67. :Lab01_CheckLatest
  68. if NOT exist %BVTFile% goto Lab01_Done
  69. for /f %%i in (z:\release\latest_tested_build.txt) do del z:\release\%%i\build_logs\sav.qly
  70. copy /y %BVTFile% z:\release\latest_tested_build.txt
  71. for /f %%i in (z:\release\latest_tested_build.txt) do (
  72. copy z:\release\latest_tested_build.txt z:\release\%%i\__tested_build.txt
  73. echo save> z:\release\%%i\build_logs\sav.qly
  74. )
  75. :Lab01_Done
  76. goto CheckForBuildErrors