package URI::WithBase;
use strict; use vars qw($AUTOLOAD); use URI;
use overload '""' => "as_string", fallback => 1;
sub as_string; # help overload find it
sub new { my($class, $uri, $base) = @_; my $ibase = $base; if ($base && ref($base) && UNIVERSAL::isa($base, "URI::WithBase")) { $base = $base->abs; $ibase = $base->[0]; } bless [URI->new($uri, $ibase), $base], $class; }
sub new_abs { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->new(@_); $self->abs; }
sub _init { my $class = shift; my($str, $scheme) = @_; bless [URI->new($str, $scheme), undef], $class; }
sub eq { my($self, $other) = @_; $other = $other->[0] if UNIVERSAL::isa($other, "URI::WithBase"); $self->[0]->eq($other); }
sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my $method = substr($AUTOLOAD, rindex($AUTOLOAD, '::')+2); return if $method eq "DESTROY"; $self->[0]->$method(@_); }
sub can { # override UNIVERSAL::can my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::can(@_) || ( ref($self) ? $self->[0]->can(@_) : undef ) }
sub base { my $self = shift; my $base = $self->[1];
if (@_) { # set my $new_base = shift; $new_base = $new_base->abs if ref($new_base); # ensure absoluteness $self->[1] = $new_base; } return unless defined wantarray;
# The base attribute supports 'lazy' conversion from URL strings # to URL objects. Strings may be stored but when a string is # fetched it will automatically be converted to a URL object. # The main benefit is to make it much cheaper to say: # URI::WithBase->new($random_url_string, 'http:') if (defined($base) && !ref($base)) { $base = URI->new($base); $self->[1] = $base unless @_; } $base; }
sub clone { my $self = shift; my $base = $self->[1]; $base = $base->clone if ref($base); bless [$self->[0]->clone, $base], ref($self); }
sub abs { my $self = shift; my $base = shift || $self->base || return $self->clone; bless [$self->[0]->abs($base, @_), $base], ref($self); }
sub rel { my $self = shift; my $base = shift || $self->base || return $self->clone; bless [$self->[0]->rel($base, @_), $base], ref($self); }
=head1 NAME
URI::WithBase - URI which remember their base
$u1 = URI::WithBase->new($str, $base); $u2 = $u1->abs;
$base = $u1->base; $u1->base( $new_base )
This module provide the C<URI::WithBase> class. Objects of this class are like C<URI> objects, but can keep their base too.
The methods provided in addition to or modified from those of C<URI> are:
=over 4
=item $uri = URI::WithBase->new($str, [$base])
The constructor takes a an optional base URI as the second argument.
=item $uri->base( [$new_base] )
This method can be used to get or set the value of the base attribute.
=item $uri->abs( [$base_uri] )
The $base_uri argument is now made optional as the object carries it's base with it.
=item $uri->rel( [$base_uri] )
The $base_uri argument is now made optional as the object carries it's base with it.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright 1998-2000 Gisle Aas.