package Win32::NetResource;
require Exporter; require DynaLoader; require AutoLoader;
$VERSION = '0.052';
@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader); # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead. # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants. @EXPORT = qw(
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
GetSharedResources AddConnection CancelConnection WNetGetLastError GetError GetUNCName NetShareAdd NetShareCheck NetShareDel NetShareGetInfo NetShareSetInfo );
=head1 NAME
Win32::NetResource - manage network resources in perl
use Win32::NetResource;
$ShareInfo = { 'path' => "C:\\MyShareDir", 'netname' => "MyShare", 'remark' => "It is good to share", 'passwd' => "", 'current-users' =>0, 'permissions' => 0, 'maxusers' => -1, 'type' => 0, }; Win32::NetResource::NetShareAdd( $ShareInfo,$parm ) or die "unable to add share";
This module offers control over the network resources of Win32.Disks, printers etc can be shared over a network.
There are two main data types required to control network resources. In Perl these are represented by hash types.
=over 10
KEY VALUE 'Scope' => Scope of an Enumeration RESOURCE_CONNECTED, RESOURCE_GLOBALNET, RESOURCE_REMEMBERED. 'Type' => The type of resource to Enum RESOURCETYPE_ANY All resources RESOURCETYPE_DISK Disk resources RESOURCETYPE_PRINT Print resources 'DisplayType' => The way the resource should be displayed. RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_DOMAIN The object should be displayed as a domain. RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_GENERIC The method used to display the object does not matter. RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER The object should be displayed as a server. RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE The object should be displayed as a sharepoint. 'Usage' => Specifies the Resources usage: RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER. 'LocalName' => Name of the local device the resource is connected to. 'RemoteName' => The network name of the resource. 'Comment' => A string comment. 'Provider' => Name of the provider of the resource.
This hash represents the SHARE_INFO_502 struct.
=over 10
KEY VALUE 'netname' => Name of the share. 'type' => type of share. 'remark' => A string comment. 'permissions' => Permissions value 'maxusers' => the max # of users. 'current-users' => the current # of users. 'path' => The path of the share. 'passwd' => A password if one is req'd
=head2 NOTE
All of the functions return false if they fail.
=over 10
=item GetSharedResources(\@Resources,dwType,\%NetResource = NULL)
Creates a list in @Resources of %NETRESOURCE hash references.
The return value indicates whether there was an error in accessing any of the shared resources. All the shared resources that were encountered (until the point of an error, if any) are pushed into @Resources as references to %NETRESOURCE hashes. See example below. The \%NetResource argument is optional. If it is not supplied, the root (that is, the topmost container) of the network is assumed, and all network resources available from the toplevel container will be enumerated.
=item AddConnection(\%NETRESOURCE,$Password,$UserName,$Connection)
Makes a connection to a network resource specified by %NETRESOURCE
=item CancelConnection($Name,$Connection,$Force)
Cancels a connection to a network resource connected to local device $name.$Connection is either 1 - persistent connection or 0, non-persistent.
=item WNetGetLastError($ErrorCode,$Description,$Name)
Gets the Extended Network Error.
=item GetError( $ErrorCode )
Gets the last Error for a Win32::NetResource call.
=item GetUNCName( $UNCName, $LocalPath );
Returns the UNC name of the disk share connected to $LocalPath in $UNCName.
=head2 NOTE
$servername is optional for all the calls below. (if not given the local machine is assumed.)
=item NetShareAdd(\%SHARE,$parm_err,$servername = NULL )
Add a share for sharing.
=item NetShareCheck($device,$type,$servername = NULL )
Check if a share is available for connection.
=item NetShareDel( $netname, $servername = NULL )
Remove a share from a machines list of shares.
=item NetShareGetInfo( $netname, \%SHARE,$servername=NULL )
Get the %SHARE_INFO information about the share $netname on the server $servername.
=item NetShareSetInfo( $netname,\%SHARE,$parm_err,$servername=NULL)
Set the information for share $netname.
=head1 EXAMPLE
# # This example displays all the share points in the entire # visible part of the network. #
use strict; use Win32::NetResource qw(:DEFAULT GetSharedResources GetError); my $resources = []; unless(GetSharedResources($resources, RESOURCETYPE_ANY)) { my $err = undef; GetError($err); warn Win32::FormatMessage($err); }
foreach my $href (@$resources) { next if ($$href{DisplayType} != RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE); print "-----\n"; foreach( keys %$href){ print "$_: $href->{$_}\n"; } }
=head1 AUTHOR
Jesse Dougherty for Hip Communications.
Additional general cleanups and bug fixes by Gurusamy Sarathy <[email protected]>.
sub AUTOLOAD { # This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant() # XS function. If a constant is not found then control is passed # to the AUTOLOAD in AutoLoader.
my($constname); ($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://; #reset $! to zero to reset any current errors. $!=0; my $val = constant($constname, @_ ? $_[0] : 0); if ($! != 0) { if ($! =~ /Invalid/) { $AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = $AUTOLOAD; goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD; } else { ($pack,$file,$line) = caller; die "Your vendor has not defined Win32::NetResource macro $constname, used at $file line $line. "; } } eval "sub $AUTOLOAD { $val }"; goto &$AUTOLOAD; }
sub AddConnection { my $h = $_[0]; die "AddConnection: HASH reference required" unless ref($h) eq "HASH";
# # The last four items *must* not be deallocated until the # _AddConnection() completes (since the packed structure is # pointing into these values. # my $netres = pack( 'i4 p4', $h->{Scope}, $h->{Type}, $h->{DisplayType}, $h->{Usage}, $h->{LocalName}, $h->{RemoteName}, $h->{Comment}, $h->{Provider}); _AddConnection($netres,$_[1],$_[2],$_[3]); }
#use Data::Dumper;
sub GetSharedResources { die "GetSharedResources: ARRAY reference required" unless ref($_[0]) eq "ARRAY";
my $aref = [];
# Get the shared resources.
my $ret;
if (@_ > 2 and $_[2]) { my $netres = pack('i4 p4', @{$_[2]}{qw(Scope
Type DisplayType Usage LocalName RemoteName Comment Provider)}); $ret = _GetSharedResources( $aref , $_[1], $netres ); } else { $ret = _GetSharedResources( $aref , $_[1] ); } # build the array of hashes in $_[0] # print Dumper($aref); foreach ( @$aref ) { my %hash; @hash{'Scope', 'Type', 'DisplayType', 'Usage', 'LocalName', 'RemoteName', 'Comment', 'Provider'} = split /\001/, $_; push @{$_[0]}, \%hash; }
$ret; }
sub NetShareAdd { my $shareinfo = _hash2SHARE( $_[0] ); _NetShareAdd($shareinfo,$_[1], $_[2] || ""); }
sub NetShareGetInfo { my ($netinfo,$val); $val = _NetShareGetInfo( $_[0],$netinfo,$_[2] || ""); %{$_[1]} = %{_SHARE2hash( $netinfo )}; $val; }
sub NetShareSetInfo { my $shareinfo = _hash2SHARE( $_[1] ); _NetShareSetInfo( $_[0],$shareinfo,$_[2],$_[3] || ""); }
# These are private functions to work with the ShareInfo structure. # please note that the implementation of these calls requires the # SHARE_INFO_502 level of information.
sub _SHARE2hash { my %hash = (); @hash{'type', 'permissions', 'maxusers', 'current-users', 'remark', 'netname', 'path', 'passwd'} = unpack('i4 A257 A81 A257 A257',$_[0]);
return \%hash; }
sub _hash2SHARE { my $h = $_[0]; die "Argument must be a HASH reference" unless ref($h) eq "HASH";
return pack 'i4 a257 a81 a257 a257', @$h{'type', 'permissions', 'maxusers', 'current-users', 'remark', 'netname', 'path', 'passwd'}; }
bootstrap Win32::NetResource;
1; __END__