Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. @echo off
  2. if defined _echo echo on
  3. if defined verbose echo on
  5. REM This script is used for emergencies when a build lab
  6. REM needs to quickly index a file on the symbol server
  7. if not defined OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE goto :EOF
  8. REM Check the command line for /? -? or ?
  9. for %%a in (./ .- .) do if ".%1." == "%%a?." goto Usage
  10. if "%1" == "" goto Usage
  11. if "%2" == "" goto Usage
  12. if "%3" == "" goto Usage
  13. if "%4" == "" goto Usage
  14. set BuildNum=%1
  15. set RelPath=%2
  16. set Binary=%3
  17. set Symbol=%4
  18. if not exist %2\%1\%3 (
  19. echo %2\%1\%3 does not exist
  20. goto Usage
  21. )
  22. if not exist %2\%1\%4 (
  23. echo %2\%1\%4 does not exist
  24. goto Usage
  25. )
  26. echo Indexing %2\%1\%3 ...
  27. symstore.exe add /p /f %2\%1\%3 /g %2\%1 /x %tmp%\%1.%3.bin > nul
  28. echo Indexing %2\%1\%4 ...
  29. symstore.exe add /a /p /f %2\%1\%4 /g %2\%1 /x %tmp%\%1.%3.bin > nul
  30. echo %2\%1 > %tmp%\%1.%3.bin.loc
  31. echo Copying %tmp%\%1.%3.bin to \\symbols\build$\add_requests
  32. copy %tmp%\%1.%3.bin \\symbols\build$\add_requests
  33. echo Copying %tmp%\%1.%3.bin.loc to \\symbols\build$\add_requests
  34. copy %tmp%\%1.%3.bin.loc \\symbols\build$\add_requests
  35. goto :EOF
  36. :Usage
  37. echo quickindex build_num release_path binary symbol_file
  38. echo.
  39. echo Example: 2465.ia64fre.Lab01_N.010412-2000 \\robsvbl3\release dbghelp.dll symbols.pri\retail\dll\dbghelp.pdb
  40. endlocal
  41. goto :EOF