Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. @ECHO off
  2. if defined _echo echo on
  3. if defined verbose echo on
  5. REM raise the remote if not a tsclient
  6. call %computername%.ini.cmd
  7. if not defined default_temp set default_temp=c:\temp
  8. if not defined __NTDRIVE set __NTDRIVE=d:
  9. set platform=
  10. set frechk=
  11. :Start
  13. call :Free free
  14. call :RemoteCreator nt MainRelease %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%
  15. call :RemoteCreator nti IntlRelease %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%
  16. for %%a in (%ntroots%) do (
  17. for %%b in (%platforms%) do (
  18. call :Win64 %%b
  19. for %%c in (%frechks%) do (
  20. call :Free %%c
  21. for %%d in (%consoles%) do (
  22. call :RemoteCreator %%a %%a_%%b_%%c_%%d %%b %%c
  23. )
  24. )
  25. )
  26. )
  27. goto end
  28. :RemoteCreator
  29. set consoleexist=
  30. set __NTROOT=%1
  31. set __ConsoleName=%2
  32. set __Platform=%3
  33. set __PerlPath=%__NTDRIVE%\%__NTROOT%\tools\perl\bin\perl.exe
  34. set __RemotePath=%__NTDRIVE%\%__NTROOT%\tools\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\remote.exe
  35. call :CheckConsole %__PerlPath% %__ConsoleName%
  36. if not defined consoleexist (
  37. if /i "%tmp%"=="%default_temp%" (
  38. start /I /min %__RemotePath% /s "cmd /k %__NTDRIVE%\%__NTROOT%\tools\razzle.cmd !platform! !frechk! binaries_dir=d:\%__NTROOT%.binaries postbld_dir=d:\%__NTROOT%.relbins no_title ^&^& title %__ConsoleName% - Remote /c %computername% %__ConsoleName% ^&^& cd /d d:\%__NTROOT%\tools\postbuildscripts" %__ConsoleName% /V /F lyellow /B cyan
  39. ) else (
  40. start /I /min %__RemotePath% /c %computername% %__ConsoleName% /F lyellow /B cyan
  41. sleep 10
  42. )
  43. )
  44. goto :EOF
  45. :Win64
  46. if /i "%1"=="ia64" (
  47. set platform=Win64
  48. ) else if /i "%1"=="amd64" (
  49. set platfrom=Win64
  50. ) else (
  51. set platform=
  52. )
  53. goto :EOF
  54. :Free
  55. if /i "%1"=="fre" (
  56. set frechk=free
  57. ) else (
  58. set frechk=
  59. )
  60. goto :EOF
  61. :CheckConsole
  62. set PERL=%1
  63. set ConsoleName=%2
  64. %perl% -e "map({/$ARGV[0]/?exit(1):()} `tlist`)" %ConsoleName%
  65. if errorlevel 1 (
  66. set consoleexist=1
  67. ) else (
  68. set consoleexist=
  69. )
  70. goto :EOF
  71. :end