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Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file defines the CCompStrFactory Class.
Revision History:
#ifndef _COMPSTR_H_
#define _COMPSTR_H_
#include "cime.h"
#include "template.h"
#include "ctxtcomp.h"
class CCompStrFactory : public IMCCLock<COMPOSITIONSTRING_AIMM12> { public: CCompStrFactory(HIMCC hCompStr) : IMCCLock<COMPOSITIONSTRING_AIMM12>(hCompStr) { m_pEndOfData = NULL; }
HIMCC GetHandle() { return m_himcc; }
HRESULT CreateCompositionString(CWCompString* CompStr, CWCompAttribute* CompAttr, CWCompClause* CompClause, CWCompTfGuidAtom* CompGuid, CWCompString* CompReadStr, CWCompAttribute* CompReadAttr, CWCompClause* CompReadClause, CWCompString* ResultStr, CWCompClause* ResultClause, CWCompString* ResultReadStr, CWCompClause* ResultReadClause );
HRESULT CreateCompositionString(CWInterimString* InterimStr);
template<class CONTEXT_SRC, class ARG_TYPE> HRESULT WriteData(CONTEXT_SRC& context_src, DWORD* context_dest_len, DWORD* context_dest_off ) { DWORD dwLen = (DWORD)context_src.GetSize(); DWORD dwRemainBufferSize = GetRemainBufferSize();
if (dwLen > dwRemainBufferSize) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
*context_dest_len = dwLen; *context_dest_off = (DWORD)(m_pEndOfData - (BYTE*)m_pcomp);
context_src.ReadCompData((ARG_TYPE*)m_pEndOfData, dwRemainBufferSize); m_pEndOfData += Align(dwLen * sizeof(ARG_TYPE));
return S_OK; }
private: HRESULT _CreateCompositionString(DWORD dwCompSize);
DWORD GetRemainBufferSize() { if (m_pEndOfData == NULL) return 0;
return (DWORD)(m_pcomp->CompStr.dwSize > (DWORD)(m_pEndOfData - (BYTE*)m_pcomp) ? m_pcomp->CompStr.dwSize - (m_pEndOfData - (BYTE*)m_pcomp) : 0); }
size_t Align(size_t a) { return (size_t) ((a + (sizeof(PVOID)-1)) & ~(sizeof(PVOID)-1)); }
BYTE* m_pEndOfData; };
#endif // _COMPSTR_H_