// Include Files.
#include "input.h"
#include <regstr.h>
#include <shlapip.h>
#include "external.h"
#include "inputdlg.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "msctf.h"
// TM_LANGUAGEBAND is defined in "shell\inc\trayp.h"
static const char c_szTF_InvalidAssemblyListCahgeIdExist[] = "TF_InvalidAssemblyListCacheIfExist"; void InvalidAssemblyListCacheIfExist() { HINSTANCE hModCtf = LoadSystemLibrary(TEXT("msctf.dll")); PFNINVALIDASMCACHE pfn; if (!hModCtf) return;
pfn = (PFNINVALIDASMCACHE)GetProcAddress(hModCtf, c_szTF_InvalidAssemblyListCahgeIdExist); if (pfn) pfn();
FreeLibrary(hModCtf); }
// LoadCtfmon
void LoadCtfmon( BOOL bLoad, LCID SysLocale, BOOL bDefUser) { HWND hwndCTFMon; HKEY hkeyCtfmon;
BOOL bMinLangBar = TRUE;
// Get default system locale
if (!SysLocale) SysLocale = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
if ((SysLocale == 0x0404) || (SysLocale == 0x0411) || (SysLocale == 0x0412) || (SysLocale == 0x0804)) { //
// Show language bar in case of FE system as a default
bMinLangBar = FALSE; }
// Find language tool bar module(CTFMON.EXE)
hwndCTFMon = FindWindow(c_szCTFMonClass, NULL);
if (!bDefUser) { if (RegCreateKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REGSTR_PATH_RUN, &hkeyCtfmon ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hkeyCtfmon = NULL; } } else { if (RegCreateKey( HKEY_USERS, c_szRunPath_DefUser, &hkeyCtfmon ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hkeyCtfmon = NULL; } }
// Update language band menu item to Taskbar
if (bLoad) { BOOL bOSNT51 = IsOSPlatform(OS_NT51);
if (IsSetupMode() || bDefUser) { DWORD dwShowStatus;
if (!GetLangBarOption(&dwShowStatus, bDefUser)) { if (bMinLangBar) { if (bOSNT51) SetLangBarOption(REG_LANGBAR_DESKBAND, bDefUser); else SetLangBarOption(REG_LANGBAR_MINIMIZED, bDefUser); } else { SetLangBarOption(REG_LANGBAR_SHOWNORMAL, bDefUser); } } }
if (!IsSetupMode() && IsInteractiveUserLogon() && !bDefUser) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwTBFlag = 0; ITfLangBarMgr *pLangBar = NULL;
// Minimize language bar as a default setting.
hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_TF_LangBarMgr, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_ITfLangBarMgr, (LPVOID *) &pLangBar);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pLangBar->lpVtbl->GetShowFloatingStatus(pLangBar, &dwTBFlag);
// Bug#519662 - Tablet PC set Language Bar UI as hidden status with
// running ctfmon.exe module. So we want to show Language Bar UI again
// if the current show status is hidden.
if (!IsWindow(hwndCTFMon) || (dwTBFlag & TF_SFT_HIDDEN)) { if (bMinLangBar) { if (bOSNT51) pLangBar->lpVtbl->ShowFloating(pLangBar, TF_SFT_DESKBAND); else pLangBar->lpVtbl->ShowFloating(pLangBar, TF_SFT_MINIMIZED); } else { pLangBar->lpVtbl->ShowFloating(pLangBar, TF_SFT_SHOWNORMAL); } } else if (dwTBFlag & TF_SFT_DESKBAND) { pLangBar->lpVtbl->ShowFloating(pLangBar, dwTBFlag); } }
if (pLangBar) pLangBar->lpVtbl->Release(pLangBar);
// Invalid Assembly Cahce before starting ctfmon.exe
// Run ctfmon.exe process
if (hkeyCtfmon) { TCHAR szCTFMonPath[MAX_PATH];
GetCtfmonPath((LPTSTR) szCTFMonPath, ARRAYSIZE(szCTFMonPath));
RegSetValueEx(hkeyCtfmon, c_szCTFMon, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szCTFMonPath, (lstrlen(szCTFMonPath) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
// Clean up the registry for internat.
RegDeleteValue(hkeyCtfmon, c_szInternat); } } else { if (!bDefUser) { HRESULT hr; DWORD dwTBFlag = 0; ITfLangBarMgr *pLangBar = NULL;
// Minimize language bar as a default setting.
hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_TF_LangBarMgr, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_ITfLangBarMgr, (LPVOID *) &pLangBar);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pLangBar->lpVtbl->GetShowFloatingStatus(pLangBar, &dwTBFlag);
if (dwTBFlag & TF_SFT_DESKBAND) { #if 0
HWND hwndTray = NULL;
// Notify to shell to remove the language band from taskbar.
if (hwndTray) { DWORD_PTR dwResult; LRESULT lResult = (LRESULT)0;
lResult = SendMessageTimeout(hwndTray, TM_LANGUAGEBAND, 0, 0, // Remove band
SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG | SMTO_BLOCK, 5000, &dwResult); } #else
pLangBar->lpVtbl->ShowFloating(pLangBar, TF_SFT_SHOWNORMAL);
// Change back DeskBand setting into the registry
SetLangBarOption(REG_LANGBAR_DESKBAND, bDefUser); #endif
} }
if (pLangBar) pLangBar->lpVtbl->Release(pLangBar);
if (hwndCTFMon && IsWindow(hwndCTFMon)) { //
// It's on, turn off the language tool bar.
PostMessage(hwndCTFMon, WM_CLOSE, 0L, 0L); } }
if (hkeyCtfmon) RegDeleteValue(hkeyCtfmon, c_szCTFMon); }
if (hkeyCtfmon) { RegCloseKey(hkeyCtfmon); } }
// UpdateDefaultHotkey
void UpdateDefaultHotkey( LCID SysLocale, BOOL bThai, BOOL bDefaultUserCase) { HKEY hKey; TCHAR szData[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbData; BOOL bHotKey = FALSE; BOOL bChinese = FALSE; BOOL bMe = FALSE; DWORD dwPrimLangID;
if (PRIMARYLANGID(dwPrimLangID) == LANG_CHINESE) { bChinese = TRUE; } else if (dwPrimLangID == LANG_ARABIC || dwPrimLangID == LANG_HEBREW) { bMe = TRUE; }
// Try to open the registry key
if (!bDefaultUserCase) { if (RegOpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szKbdToggleKey, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bHotKey = TRUE; } } else { if (RegOpenKey( HKEY_USERS, c_szKbdToggleKey_DefUser, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bHotKey = TRUE; } }
// If there is no hotkey switch, set it to Ctrl+Shift. Otherwise, the
// user cannot switch to an IME without setting the value first.
szData[0] = TEXT('\0'); if (bHotKey) { cbData = sizeof(szData); RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Hotkey"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData );
switch (szData[0]) { case TEXT('1'): { //
// Currently ALT/SHIFT or CTRL/SHIFT. Do not change.
break; } case TEXT('2'): { //
// Change to 1 if Chinese.
if (bChinese) { szData[0] = TEXT('1'); szData[1] = TEXT('\0'); RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Hotkey"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szData, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szData) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); } break; } case TEXT('3'): { //
// Default hotkey for FE locale switch.
szData[0] = bThai ? TEXT('4') : TEXT('1'); szData[1] = TEXT('\0'); RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Hotkey"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szData, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szData) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); break; } case TEXT('4'): { //
// Currently Grave. Change to 1 if not Thai.
if (!bThai) { szData[0] = TEXT('1'); szData[1] = TEXT('\0');
RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Hotkey"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szData, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szData) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); } break; } }
// Get updated hotkey value and copy the value to language hotkey
szData[0] = TEXT('\0'); cbData = sizeof(szData); RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Hotkey"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData );
if (szData[0]) { RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Language Hotkey"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szData, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szData) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
// Set Layout Hotkey
switch (szData[0]) { case TEXT('1'): case TEXT('4'): { szData[0] = bMe ? TEXT('3') : TEXT('2'); szData[1] = TEXT('\0'); break; } case TEXT('2'): { szData[0] = TEXT('1'); szData[1] = TEXT('\0'); break; } case TEXT('3'): { szData[0] = TEXT('3'); szData[1] = TEXT('\0'); break; } } RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Layout Hotkey"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szData, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szData) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
RegCloseKey(hKey); } else { BOOL bKeyCreated = FALSE;
// Create the registry key
if (!bDefaultUserCase) { if (RegCreateKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szKbdToggleKey, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bKeyCreated = TRUE; } } else { if (RegCreateKey( HKEY_USERS, c_szKbdToggleKey_DefUser, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bKeyCreated = TRUE; } }
// We don't have a Toggle key yet. Create one and set the
// correct value.
if (bKeyCreated) { szData[0] = bThai ? TEXT('4') : TEXT('1'); szData[1] = 0; RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Hotkey"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szData, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szData) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Language Hotkey"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szData, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szData) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
szData[0] = bMe ? TEXT('3') : TEXT('2'); szData[1] = 0; RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Layout Hotkey"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szData, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szData) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
RegFlushKey(hKey); RegCloseKey(hKey); } } }
// ClearHotkey
void ClearHotKey( BOOL bDefaultUserCase) { HKEY hKey; DWORD cbData; TCHAR szData[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bKeyCreated = FALSE;
// Create the registry key
if (!bDefaultUserCase) { if (RegCreateKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szKbdToggleKey, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bKeyCreated = TRUE; } } else { if (RegCreateKey( HKEY_USERS, c_szKbdToggleKey_DefUser, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bKeyCreated = TRUE; } }
if (bKeyCreated) { szData[0] = TEXT('3'); szData[1] = 0;
RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Hotkey"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szData, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szData) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Language Hotkey"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szData, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szData) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Layout Hotkey"), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szData, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szData) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
RegFlushKey(hKey); RegCloseKey(hKey); } }
// ActivateDefaultKeyboardLayout
// Sets the default input layout on the system, and broadcast to all
// running apps about this change.
BOOL ActivateDefaultKeyboardLayout( DWORD dwLocale, DWORD dwLayout, HKL hkl) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (hkl) { if (SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SETDEFAULTINPUTLANG, 0, (LPVOID)((LPDWORD) &hkl), 0 )) { DWORD dwRecipients = BSM_APPLICATIONS | BSM_ALLDESKTOPS; BroadcastSystemMessage( BSF_POSTMESSAGE, &dwRecipients, WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST, 1, (LPARAM) hkl ); bRet = TRUE; } }
return bRet; }
// SetSystemDefautLayout
BOOL SetSystemDefautLayout( LCID Locale, DWORD dwLayout, HKL hklDefault, BOOL bDefaultUserCase ) { LONG rc; int iPreloadInx; BOOL bRet = FALSE; HKEY hKeyPreload,hKeySubst; TCHAR szSubValue[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szSubData[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szPreload[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szPreloadInx[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwLocale, dwIndex, cchSubValue, cbData;
dwLocale = Locale;
if (dwLayout == 0) { return (FALSE); }
// Open the HKCU\Keyboard Layout\Preload key.
if (!bDefaultUserCase) { if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szKbdPreloadKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyPreload) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return (FALSE); } } else { if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_USERS, c_szKbdPreloadKey_DefUser, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyPreload) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return (FALSE); } }
// Open the HKCU\Keyboard Layout\Substitutes key.
if (!bDefaultUserCase) { if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szKbdSubstKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeySubst) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKeyPreload); return (FALSE); } } else { if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_USERS, c_szKbdSubstKey_DefUser, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeySubst) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKeyPreload); return (FALSE); } }
// Enumerate the values in the Preload key.
dwIndex = 0; cchSubValue = sizeof(szSubValue) / sizeof(TCHAR); cbData = sizeof(szSubData); rc = RegEnumValue( hKeySubst, dwIndex, szSubValue, &cchSubValue, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szSubData, &cbData );
while (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwSubLayout;
dwSubLayout = TransNum(szSubData);
if (dwLayout == dwSubLayout) { dwLayout = TransNum(szSubValue); break; }
// Get the next enum value.
dwIndex++; cchSubValue = sizeof(szSubValue) / sizeof(TCHAR); cbData = sizeof(szSubData); rc = RegEnumValue( hKeySubst, dwIndex, szSubValue, &cchSubValue, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szSubData, &cbData );
// Set default layout into preload section
iPreloadInx = 1; while(1) { DWORD dwCurLayout; DWORD dwFirstLayout;
// See if there is a substitute value.
StringCchPrintf(szPreloadInx, ARRAYSIZE(szPreloadInx), TEXT("%d"), iPreloadInx);
cbData = sizeof(szPreload); if (RegQueryValueEx(hKeyPreload, szPreloadInx, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szPreload, &cbData ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwCurLayout = TransNum(szPreload); } else { break; }
if (!dwCurLayout) break;
if (iPreloadInx == 1) dwFirstLayout = dwCurLayout;
if (dwCurLayout == dwLayout) { bRet = TRUE; if (iPreloadInx != 1) { //
// Set new default keyboard layout
StringCchPrintf(szPreloadInx, ARRAYSIZE(szPreloadInx), TEXT("%d"), 1); StringCchPrintf(szPreload, ARRAYSIZE(szPreload), TEXT("%08x"), dwCurLayout); RegSetValueEx( hKeyPreload, szPreloadInx, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szPreload, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szPreload) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
// Set old default keyboard layout
StringCchPrintf(szPreloadInx, ARRAYSIZE(szPreloadInx), TEXT("%d"), iPreloadInx); StringCchPrintf(szPreload, ARRAYSIZE(szPreload), TEXT("%08x"), dwFirstLayout); RegSetValueEx( hKeyPreload, szPreloadInx, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szPreload, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szPreload) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
// Activate new default keyboard layout
ActivateDefaultKeyboardLayout(dwLocale, dwLayout, hklDefault); break; }
iPreloadInx++; }
// Refresh Preload section and close key.
RegFlushKey(hKeyPreload); RegCloseKey(hKeyPreload); RegCloseKey(hKeySubst);
// Return success.
return (bRet); }
// SetFETipStatus
BOOL SetFETipStatus( DWORD dwLayout, BOOL bEnable) { HRESULT hr; BOOL bReturn = FALSE; BOOL bFound = FALSE; IEnumTfLanguageProfiles *pEnum; ITfInputProcessorProfiles *pProfiles = NULL;
// load Assembly list
hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_TF_InputProcessorProfiles, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_ITfInputProcessorProfiles, (LPVOID *) &pProfiles);
if (FAILED(hr)) return bReturn;
// Enum all available languages
if (SUCCEEDED(pProfiles->lpVtbl->EnumLanguageProfiles(pProfiles, 0, &pEnum))) { TF_LANGUAGEPROFILE tflp;
while (pEnum->lpVtbl->Next(pEnum, 1, &tflp, NULL) == S_OK) { HKL hklSub;
if (!IsEqualGUID(&tflp.catid, &GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD)) { continue; }
hklSub = GetSubstituteHKL(&tflp.clsid, tflp.langid, &tflp.guidProfile);
if (hklSub == IntToPtr(dwLayout)) { hr = pProfiles->lpVtbl->EnableLanguageProfile( pProfiles, &tflp.clsid, tflp.langid, &tflp.guidProfile, bEnable); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit;
bFound = TRUE; }
if (bFound) bReturn = TRUE;
Exit: pEnum->lpVtbl->Release(pEnum); }
if (pProfiles) pProfiles->lpVtbl->Release(pProfiles);
return bReturn;
// InstallInputLayout
BOOL InstallInputLayout( LCID lcid, DWORD dwLayout, BOOL bDefLayout, HKL hklDefault, BOOL bDefUser, BOOL bSysLocale) { LONG rc; LCID SysLocale; HKEY hKeySubst; HKEY hKeyPreload; BOOL bRet = FALSE; BOOL bThai = FALSE; BOOL bHasIME = FALSE; DWORD dwPreloadNum = 0; TCHAR szValue[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szData[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szData2[MAX_PATH]; LPLAYOUTLIST pLayoutList = NULL; DWORD dwIndex, cchValue, cbData, cbData2; DWORD dwValue, dwData, dwData2, dwCtr, dwCtr2; DWORD dwNum = 1; // Only support 1 layout installing
HKL hklNew = 0;
// Create the array to store the list of input locales.
pLayoutList = (LPLAYOUTLIST)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(LAYOUTLIST) * dwNum + 1);
if (pLayoutList == NULL) { goto Exit; }
// Currently support only one install layout list
pLayoutList[0].dwLocale = lcid; pLayoutList[0].dwLayout = dwLayout;
if ((HIWORD(pLayoutList[0].dwLayout) & 0xf000) == 0xe000) { pLayoutList[0].bIME = TRUE; }
// Open the HKCU\Keyboard Layout\Preload key.
if (!bDefUser) { if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szKbdPreloadKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyPreload ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Exit; } } else { if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_USERS, c_szKbdPreloadKey_DefUser, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyPreload ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Exit; } }
// Open the HKCU\Keyboard Layout\Substitutes key.
if (!bDefUser) { if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szKbdSubstKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeySubst ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKeyPreload); goto Exit; } } else { if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_USERS, c_szKbdSubstKey_DefUser, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeySubst ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKeyPreload); goto Exit; } }
// Enumerate the values in the Preload key.
dwIndex = 0; cchValue = sizeof(szValue) / sizeof(TCHAR); cbData = sizeof(szData); rc = RegEnumValue( hKeyPreload, dwIndex, szValue, &cchValue, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData );
while (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Save the preload number if it's higher than the highest one
// found so far.
dwValue = TransNum(szValue); if (dwValue > dwPreloadNum) { dwPreloadNum = dwValue; }
// Save the preload data - input locale.
dwValue = TransNum(szData);
if (PRIMARYLANGID(LOWORD(dwValue)) == LANG_THAI) { bThai = TRUE; }
// See if there is a substitute value.
dwData = 0; cbData2 = sizeof(szData2); if (RegQueryValueEx( hKeySubst, szData, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szData2, &cbData2 ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwData = TransNum(szData2); }
// Go through each of the requested input locales and make sure
// they don't already exist.
for (dwCtr = 0; dwCtr < dwNum; dwCtr++) { if (LOWORD(pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwLocale) == LOWORD(dwValue)) { if (dwData) { if (pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwLayout == dwData) { pLayoutList[dwCtr].bLoaded = TRUE; } } else if (pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwLayout == dwValue) { pLayoutList[dwCtr].bLoaded = TRUE; }
// Save the highest 0xd000 value for this input locale.
if (pLayoutList[dwCtr].bIME == FALSE) { dwData2 = (DWORD)(HIWORD(dwValue)); if (((dwData2 & 0xf000) != 0xe000) && (pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwSubst <= dwData2)) { if (dwData2 == 0) { pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwSubst = 0xd000; } else if ((dwData2 & 0xf000) == 0xd000) { pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwSubst = dwData2 + 1; } } } } }
// Get the next enum value.
dwIndex++; cchValue = sizeof(szValue) / sizeof(TCHAR); szValue[0] = TEXT('\0'); cbData = sizeof(szData); szData[0] = TEXT('\0'); rc = RegEnumValue( hKeyPreload, dwIndex, szValue, &cchValue, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szData, &cbData ); }
// Increase the maximum preload value by one so that it represents the
// next available value to use.
// Go through the list of layouts and add them.
for (dwCtr = 0; dwCtr < dwNum; dwCtr++) { if ((pLayoutList[dwCtr].bLoaded == FALSE) && (IsValidLocale(pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwLocale, LCID_INSTALLED)) && (IsValidLayout(pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwLayout))) { //
// Save the preload number as a string so that it can be
// written into the registry.
StringCchPrintf(szValue, ARRAYSIZE(szValue), TEXT("%d"), dwPreloadNum);
if (PRIMARYLANGID(LOWORD(pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwLocale)) == LANG_THAI) { bThai = TRUE; }
// Save the locale id as a string so that it can be written
// into the registry.
if (pLayoutList[dwCtr].bIME == TRUE) { StringCchPrintf(szData, ARRAYSIZE(szData), TEXT("%08x"), pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwLayout); bHasIME = TRUE; } else { //
// Get the 0xd000 value, if necessary.
if (dwCtr != 0) { dwCtr2 = dwCtr; do { dwCtr2--; if ((pLayoutList[dwCtr2].bLoaded == FALSE) && (pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwLocale == pLayoutList[dwCtr2].dwLocale) && (pLayoutList[dwCtr2].bIME == FALSE)) { dwData2 = pLayoutList[dwCtr2].dwSubst; if (dwData2 == 0) { pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwSubst = 0xd000; } else { pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwSubst = dwData2 + 1; } break; } } while (dwCtr2 != 0); }
// Save the locale id as a string.
dwData2 = pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwLocale; dwData2 |= (DWORD)(pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwSubst << 16); StringCchPrintf(szData, ARRAYSIZE(szData), TEXT("%08x"), dwData2); }
// Set the value in the Preload section of the registry.
RegSetValueEx( hKeyPreload, szValue, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szData, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szData) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
// Increment the preload value.
// See if we need to add a substitute for this input locale.
if (((pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwLocale != pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwLayout) || (pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwSubst != 0)) && (pLayoutList[dwCtr].bIME == FALSE)) { StringCchPrintf(szData2, ARRAYSIZE(szData2), TEXT("%08x"), pLayoutList[dwCtr].dwLayout); RegSetValueEx( hKeySubst, szData, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szData2, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szData) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); }
// Make sure all of the changes are written to disk.
RegFlushKey(hKeySubst); RegFlushKey(hKeyPreload);
// Load the keyboard layout.
// If it fails, there isn't much we can do at this point.
hklNew = LoadKeyboardLayout(szData, KLF_SUBSTITUTE_OK | KLF_NOTELLSHELL); } }
// Add FE TIPs if the current requested keyboard layout is the substitute
// keyboard layout of TIP.
if (((HIWORD(dwLayout) & 0xf000) == 0xe000) && (PRIMARYLANGID(LOWORD(dwLayout)) != LANG_CHINESE)) { BOOL bEnable = TRUE;
SetFETipStatus(dwLayout, bEnable); }
// Get default system locale
if (bSysLocale) SysLocale = lcid; else SysLocale = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
// If there is an IME and there is no hotkey switch, set it to
// Ctrl+Shift. Otherwise, the user cannot switch to an IME without
// setting the value first.
if (bHasIME || (dwPreloadNum > 2)) { UpdateDefaultHotkey( SysLocale, (PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(SysLocale)) == LANG_THAI) && bThai, bDefUser); }
// Update the taskbar indicator.
if (!IsDisableCtfmon() && dwPreloadNum > 2) { LoadCtfmon(TRUE, SysLocale, bDefUser); }
// Close the registry keys.
RegCloseKey(hKeyPreload); RegCloseKey(hKeySubst);
bRet = TRUE;
// Update preload section with new default keyboard layout
if (bDefLayout) { TCHAR szDefLayout[MAX_PATH];
StringCchPrintf(szDefLayout, ARRAYSIZE(szDefLayout), TEXT("%08x"), dwLayout); hklNew = LoadKeyboardLayout(szDefLayout, KLF_SUBSTITUTE_OK | KLF_REPLACELANG | KLF_NOTELLSHELL);
if (hklNew) bRet = SetSystemDefautLayout(lcid, dwLayout, hklNew, bDefUser); }
Exit: if (pLayoutList) LocalFree(pLayoutList);
return bRet; }
// UnInstallInputLayout
BOOL UnInstallInputLayout( LCID lcid, DWORD dwLayout, BOOL bDefUser) { LCID SysLocale; HKEY hKeySubst; HKEY hKeyPreload; BOOL bHasSubst; DWORD cbData; DWORD dwCurLayout; UINT uMatch = 0; UINT uPreloadNum; UINT uPreloadInx = 1; BOOL bRet = FALSE; BOOL fReset = FALSE; BOOL bRemoveAllLang = FALSE; TCHAR szSubst[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szPreload[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szPreloadInx[MAX_PATH];
// Remove all language layouts from system
if (lcid && dwLayout == 0) { bRemoveAllLang = TRUE; dwLayout = PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(lcid)); }
// Open the HKCU\Keyboard Layout\Preload key.
if (!bDefUser) { if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szKbdPreloadKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyPreload ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Exit; } } else { if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_USERS, c_szKbdPreloadKey_DefUser, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyPreload ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto Exit; } }
// Open the HKCU\Keyboard Layout\Substitutes key.
if (!bDefUser) { if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szKbdSubstKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeySubst ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKeyPreload); goto Exit; } } else { if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_USERS, c_szKbdSubstKey_DefUser, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeySubst ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey(hKeyPreload); goto Exit; } }
uPreloadInx = 1;
// See if there is a substitute value.
StringCchPrintf(szPreloadInx, ARRAYSIZE(szPreloadInx), TEXT("%d"), uPreloadInx);
cbData = sizeof(szPreload); while (RegQueryValueEx(hKeyPreload, szPreloadInx, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szPreload, &cbData ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwCurLayout = TransNum(szPreload);
// See if there is a substitute value.
bHasSubst = FALSE; cbData = sizeof(szSubst); if (RegQueryValueEx(hKeySubst, szPreload, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)szSubst, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwCurLayout = TransNum(szSubst); bHasSubst = TRUE; }
if ((dwCurLayout == dwLayout) || (bRemoveAllLang && (PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(dwCurLayout)) == dwLayout))) { uPreloadInx++; StringCchPrintf(szPreloadInx, ARRAYSIZE(szPreloadInx), TEXT("%d"), uPreloadInx);
uMatch++; fReset = TRUE;
if (bHasSubst) { RegDeleteValue(hKeySubst, szPreload); }
continue; }
if (fReset && uMatch) { if (uPreloadInx <= uMatch) { goto Exit; }
// Reordering the preload keyboard layouts
StringCchPrintf(szPreloadInx, ARRAYSIZE(szPreloadInx), TEXT("%d"), uPreloadInx - uMatch); StringCchPrintf(szPreload, ARRAYSIZE(szPreload), TEXT("%08x"), dwCurLayout);
RegSetValueEx(hKeyPreload, szPreloadInx, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szPreload, (DWORD)(lstrlen(szPreload) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
uPreloadInx++; StringCchPrintf(szPreloadInx, ARRAYSIZE(szPreloadInx), TEXT("%d"), uPreloadInx);
uPreloadNum = uPreloadInx - uMatch;
while (fReset && uMatch && uPreloadInx) { if (uPreloadInx <= uMatch || (uPreloadInx - uMatch) <= 1) goto Exit;
// Uninstall the specified keyboard layout
StringCchPrintf(szPreloadInx, ARRAYSIZE(szPreloadInx), TEXT("%d"), uPreloadInx - uMatch);
RegDeleteValue(hKeyPreload, szPreloadInx);
uMatch--; }
// Close the registry keys.
RegCloseKey(hKeyPreload); RegCloseKey(hKeySubst);
#if 0
if (hklUnload) { //
// Get the active keyboard layout list from the system.
if (!SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETDEFAULTINPUTLANG, 0, &hklDefault, 0 )) { hklDefault = GetKeyboardLayout(0); }
if (hklUnload == hklDefault) { if (!SystemParametersInfo( SPI_SETDEFAULTINPUTLANG, 0, (LPVOID)((LPDWORD)&hklNewDefault), 0 )) { goto Exit; } else { DWORD dwRecipients = BSM_APPLICATIONS | BSM_ALLDESKTOPS; BroadcastSystemMessage( BSF_POSTMESSAGE, &dwRecipients, WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST, 1, (LPARAM)hklNewDefault ); } }
UnloadKeyboardLayout(hklUnload); } #endif
// Add FE TIPs if the current requested keyboard layout is the substitute
// keyboard layout of TIP.
if (((HIWORD(dwLayout) & 0xf000) == 0xe000) && (PRIMARYLANGID(LOWORD(dwLayout)) != LANG_CHINESE)) { BOOL bEnable = FALSE;
SetFETipStatus(dwLayout, bEnable); }
// Get default system locale
SysLocale = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
// Update the taskbar indicator.
if (uPreloadNum <= 2) { LoadCtfmon(FALSE, SysLocale, bDefUser); ClearHotKey(bDefUser); }
bRet = TRUE;
Exit: return bRet; }