Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Include Files.
#ifndef UTIL_H
#define UTIL_H
BOOL CLSIDToStringA( REFGUID refGUID, char *pchA);
DWORD TransNum( LPTSTR lpsz);
BOOL IsOSPlatform( DWORD dwOS);
void MirrorBitmapInDC( HDC hdc, HBITMAP hbmOrig);
BOOL IsSetupMode(); BOOL IsAdminPrivilegeUser(); BOOL IsInteractiveUserLogon();
BOOL IsValidLayout( DWORD dwLayout);
void SetLangBarOption( DWORD dwShowStatus, BOOL bDefUser);
BOOL GetLangBarOption( DWORD *dwShowStatus, BOOL bDefUser);
void CheckInternatModule(); DWORD MigrateCtfmonFromWin9x(LPCTSTR pszUserKey); void ResetImm32AndCtfImeFlag();
BOOL IsDisableCtfmon();
void SetDisalbeCtfmon( DWORD dwDisableCtfmon);
BOOL IsDisableCTFIME(); BOOL IsDisableCUAS();
void SetDisableCUAS( BOOL bDisableCUAS);
BOOL SetLanguageBandMenu( BOOL bLoad);
BOOL RunCtfmonProcess();
UINT GetCtfmonPath( LPTSTR szCtfmonPath, UINT uBuffLen);
BOOL IsInstalledEALangPack(); BOOL IsTipInstalled();
HMODULE LoadSystemLibrary( LPCTSTR lpModuleName);
HMODULE LoadSystemLibraryEx( LPCTSTR lpModuleName, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags);
#endif // UTIL_H