#include "private.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "dispattr.h"
#include "proputil.h"
#include "catutil.h"
#include "ctffunc.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include "ciccs.h"
extern CCicCriticalSectionStatic g_cs; CDispAttrPropCache *g_pPropCache = NULL;
// GetDAMLib
ITfDisplayAttributeMgr *GetDAMLib(LIBTHREAD *plt) { return plt->_pDAM; }
// InitDisplayAttributeLib
HRESULT InitDisplayAttrbuteLib(LIBTHREAD *plt) { IEnumGUID *pEnumProp = NULL;
if ( plt == NULL ) return E_FAIL;
if (plt->_pDAM) plt->_pDAM->Release();
plt->_pDAM = NULL;
if (FAILED(g_pfnCoCreate(CLSID_TF_DisplayAttributeMgr, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ITfDisplayAttributeMgr, (void**)&plt->_pDAM))) { return E_FAIL; }
EnterCriticalSection(g_cs); //
// make a database for Display Attribute Properties.
if (pEnumProp && !g_pPropCache) { GUID guidProp; g_pPropCache = new CDispAttrPropCache;
if (!g_pPropCache) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
// add System Display Attribute first.
// so no other Display Attribute property overwrite it.
g_pPropCache->Add(GUID_PROP_ATTRIBUTE); while(pEnumProp->Next(1, &guidProp, NULL) == S_OK) { if (!IsEqualGUID(guidProp, GUID_PROP_ATTRIBUTE)) g_pPropCache->Add(guidProp); } }
hr = S_OK;
Exit: LeaveCriticalSection(g_cs);
SafeRelease(pEnumProp); return hr; }
// UninitDisplayAttributeLib
HRESULT UninitDisplayAttrbuteLib(LIBTHREAD *plt) { Assert(plt); if ( plt == NULL ) return E_FAIL;
if (plt->_pDAM) plt->_pDAM->Release();
plt->_pDAM = NULL;
// if (plt->_fDAMCoInit)
// CoUninitialize();
// plt->_fDAMCoInit = FALSE;
return S_OK; }
// GetDisplayAttributeTrackPropertyRange
HRESULT GetDisplayAttributeTrackPropertyRange(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic, ITfRange *pRange, ITfReadOnlyProperty **ppProp, IEnumTfRanges **ppEnum, ULONG *pulNumProp)
{ ITfReadOnlyProperty *pProp = NULL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; GUID *pguidProp = NULL; const GUID **ppguidProp; ULONG ulNumProp = 0; ULONG i;
if (!g_pPropCache) goto Exit; pguidProp = g_pPropCache->GetPropTable(); if (!pguidProp) goto Exit;
ulNumProp = g_pPropCache->Count(); if (!ulNumProp) goto Exit;
// TrackProperties wants an array of GUID *'s
if ((ppguidProp = (const GUID **)cicMemAlloc(sizeof(GUID *)*ulNumProp)) == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
for (i=0; i<ulNumProp; i++) { ppguidProp[i] = pguidProp++; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pic->TrackProperties(ppguidProp, ulNumProp, 0, NULL, &pProp))) { hr = pProp->EnumRanges(ec, ppEnum, pRange); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *ppProp = pProp; pProp->AddRef(); } pProp->Release(); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *pulNumProp = ulNumProp; Exit: LeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); return hr; }
// GetDisplayAttributeData
HRESULT GetDisplayAttributeData(LIBTHREAD *plt, TfEditCookie ec, ITfReadOnlyProperty *pProp, ITfRange *pRange, TF_DISPLAYATTRIBUTE *pda, TfGuidAtom *pguid, ULONG ulNumProp) { VARIANT var; IEnumTfPropertyValue *pEnumPropertyVal; TF_PROPERTYVAL tfPropVal; GUID guid; TfGuidAtom gaVal; ITfDisplayAttributeInfo *pDAI;
if (SUCCEEDED(pProp->GetValue(ec, pRange, &var))) { Assert(var.vt == VT_UNKNOWN);
if (SUCCEEDED(var.punkVal->QueryInterface(IID_IEnumTfPropertyValue, (void **)&pEnumPropertyVal))) { while (pEnumPropertyVal->Next(1, &tfPropVal, NULL) == S_OK) { if (tfPropVal.varValue.vt == VT_EMPTY) continue; // prop has no value over this span
Assert(tfPropVal.varValue.vt == VT_I4); // expecting GUIDATOMs
gaVal = (TfGuidAtom)tfPropVal.varValue.lVal;
GetGUIDFromGUIDATOM(plt, gaVal, &guid);
if ((plt != NULL) && SUCCEEDED(plt->_pDAM->GetDisplayAttributeInfo(guid, &pDAI, NULL))) { //
// Issue: for simple apps.
// Small apps can not show multi underline. So
// this helper function returns only one
if (pda) { pDAI->GetAttributeInfo(pda); }
if (pguid) { *pguid = gaVal; }
pDAI->Release(); hr = S_OK; break; } } pEnumPropertyVal->Release(); } VariantClear(&var); } return hr; }
// GetAttributeColor
HRESULT GetAttributeColor(TF_DA_COLOR *pdac, COLORREF *pcr) { switch (pdac->type) { case TF_CT_NONE: return S_FALSE;
case TF_CT_SYSCOLOR: *pcr = GetSysColor(pdac->nIndex); break;
case TF_CT_COLORREF: *pcr = pdac->cr; break; } return S_OK; }
// SetAttributeColor
HRESULT SetAttributeColor(TF_DA_COLOR *pdac, COLORREF cr) { pdac->type = TF_CT_COLORREF; pdac->cr = cr; return S_OK; }
// SetAttributeSysColor
HRESULT SetAttributeSysColor(TF_DA_COLOR *pdac, int nIndex) { pdac->type = TF_CT_SYSCOLOR; pdac->nIndex = nIndex; return S_OK; }
// ClearAttributeColor
HRESULT ClearAttributeColor(TF_DA_COLOR *pdac) { pdac->type = TF_CT_NONE; pdac->nIndex = 0; return S_OK; }
// GetReconversionFromDisplayAttribute
HRESULT GetReconversionFromDisplayAttribute(LIBTHREAD *plt, TfEditCookie ec, ITfThreadMgr *ptim, ITfContext *pic, ITfRange *pRange, ITfFnReconversion **ppReconv, ITfDisplayAttributeMgr *pDAM) { IEnumTfRanges *epr = NULL; ITfReadOnlyProperty *pProp; ITfRange *proprange; ULONG ulNumProp; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
// get an enumorator
if (FAILED(GetDisplayAttributeTrackPropertyRange(ec, pic, pRange, &pProp, &epr, &ulNumProp))) goto Exit;
// Get display attribute of the first proprange.
if (epr->Next(1, &proprange, NULL) == S_OK) { ITfRange *rangeTmp = NULL; TfGuidAtom guidatom; if (SUCCEEDED(GetDisplayAttributeData(plt, ec, pProp, proprange, NULL, &guidatom, ulNumProp))) { CLSID clsid; GUID guid; if (GetGUIDFromGUIDATOM(plt, guidatom, &guid) && SUCCEEDED(pDAM->GetDisplayAttributeInfo(guid, NULL, &clsid))) { ITfFunctionProvider *pFuncPrv; if (SUCCEEDED(ptim->GetFunctionProvider(clsid, &pFuncPrv))) { hr = pFuncPrv->GetFunction(GUID_NULL, IID_ITfFnReconversion, (IUnknown **)ppReconv); pFuncPrv->Release(); } } } proprange->Release(); } epr->Release();
Exit: return hr; }